rosysdreamjournal · 8 days
dream about wasps
i dreamed that there were very rare bugs called "toxic rain" that were bright red wasp-looking things with fork shaped heads and bright highlighter yellow antennae that were very poisonous. however, there was a lady who had been smashing bugs since she was 17 named bruggs smasher. people paid her in chocolate pies to smash toxic rain for them.
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rosysdreamjournal · 6 months
dream about ghost girl
i dreamed that i was being chased by a girl who had gone insane and died. apparently, she lived in a time where apple seeds were very abundant, so much so that that was all anyone ate. she ate so much that she started to go mad. she started seeing things and feeling awful, and all any doctor would tell her is that she was an "apple addict", but she knew that it was more than that. anyway, she went insane and started chasing after me. i was in a maze that was a giant house. there were two stories and lots of dead ends. there was one safe room where, as long as you stood in it, the ghost girl would start roaming the rest of the house, so i stood there and waited for the sounds of her walking to grow quiet before i left again. as soon as i left the same room though, i could hear the ghost girl's footsteps as she stopped and turned around and started following me as if she knew exactly where i was. the goal of this game was to walk through every inch of the house, even the dead ends. i didn't have a map or anything i could use to know where i had been or where i needed to go, so it was very hard. i also knew that i should've been searching the carpet for hidden objects as i went, but i was too scared to do so. so, i decided that i would leave the object hunting for a later level. eventually i had gone everywhere and won, and that's when i woke up.
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rosysdreamjournal · 9 months
dream about vampire daughter
i dreamed that i had a daughter that was bitten by a vampire. i sent packs of blood with her to school so she could curb her appetite to keep from biting her classmates, and the teacher found out. she came to our house and told me that vampires weren't real and that i was insane. i told her that i would stop sending blood with her, and the teacher would probably end up my daughter's first victim. i then dreamed that there was a new synthesizer v voice that was seymour from the simpsons, but his name was ザンダー. i accidentally bought him somehow, and so i decided to give him to my sister for her birthday.
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rosysdreamjournal · 10 months
dream about adoption and strange games
at first i dreamed that i was playing skyrim. i was in whiterun and i wanted to adopt a child. there were two girl kids wandering around by the gildergreen selling flowers. one was named ruin and one ruins. i thought that ruins was a duplicate of ruin, so i adopted ruin so ruins could continue to wander around whiterun. i then wanted to marry a spouse but i already had one. apparently, it was possible to marry multiple people, so that's what i did. they were in the basement of honeyside, and i rushed upstairs to get an amulet of mara. (apparently, i had been collecting them for a while, so i had a bunch of them.) when i returned, a held out the amulet of mara and it was made of plastic and bright red like a plastic rose.
next, i dreamed that i was playing a strange game. i was standing in front of a table that had sections in it. there were large square sections with a thin channel between each of them. they were filled with colorful balls about the size of a softball, but they felt like bowling balls. i was playing this game with a bunch of boys that i guessed was my age, but i must've been in school in this dream because they were younger. you pressed a button on the wall to go to the next round. it caused the channels between the large sections to fill with the colorful balls. then, whatever colors they filled with, you had to remove those colors from your big square section. then, when everyone at the table had removed all the balls of those colors, someone pushed the button and more balls came out. whoever's section became all one color won.
next, i dreamed that i was playing some sort of game that was like skyrim, but i was fighting normal people and it felt like real life. i had a large blue battleaxe and we were fighting in groups of two. my partner ran off to fight one of them while i stayed and fought the other. however, i kept trying to damage the person i was fighting, but instead of them losing health, it just made little cuts wherever i hit them. the cuts were all different bright colors. eventually my partner defeated the other person, but we couldn't harm the other, so we let him go.
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rosysdreamjournal · 10 months
dream about disease overtaking island
i dreamed that i was a member of a group of people that was forced out of my old home and had to live on a deserted island. the island was slowly being covered up by a disease. i had a map of the island and i could see that it was already covering a large portion of the island. i was thinking about where we could move so that we would be safe. i knew that the whole island had a really tropical environment and that that would cause the disease to spread more quickly. i put down the map and looked around me and saw a tall mountain with snow on top. i decided that we needed to move to the top of the mountain in order to escape the disease. once we got there, we went underground, into a strange underground facility, in order to pull a switch and turn something on or off. once we did that, we started to be attacked by robots that activated all over this underground facility. they were dwarven spheres from skyrim, but they looked fleshy. it looked like someone, i guessed dwarves, had stuffed flesh between all their metal joints so that they appeared red. there were bones laying everywhere on the floors, so we picked them up and used them as weapons. one of the people on our team was an old man that i thought was too old to be fighting, but he held his own fairly well. however, he was only fighting with a little bone, and at some point, he hit one of the animunculi in the head, and it hurt his hand. i had a whole arm as my weapon, so i ran in to help him. we eventually were forced to run. we ran and ran and then eventually we broke out into daylight and were free. that's when i woke up.
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rosysdreamjournal · 11 months
dream about fiery seals
i dreamed that i had to go through what i thought was an abandoned apartment complex in order to activate fiery metal seals hidden in the walls. they were metal circles with eye-shaped middles that looked to be on fire. some had blood dripping out of them, and i knew those to be "vampire seals". i had a glove that on one side would deactivate the regular seals, and then i had to flip the glove to the other side to deactivate the vampire seals. i went through one apartment and then the next, deactivating all the seals and making the fires go out. however, when i finished all the seals in one apartment, i found that i wasn't alone. the whole time i was deactivating the seals, i was aware of a recliner that had a dead man sitting in it with his lower jaw missing and with a puddle of pale pink liquid all around him. i was trying not to look at him because it was scary. however, once i finished all the seals, he stood up, and his jaw was back. he looked normal. he was probably in his fifties or sixties, was bald, and seemed to be fairly friendly. i told him i deactivated all the seals, and he acted relieved. i went to the kitchen and it looked like someone had been in the middle of cooking these gray patty-looking things. they were in multiple skillets, some on the stove and some just lying around, and the stoves were on. however, the man said that it wasn't him who put them there.
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rosysdreamjournal · 1 year
dream about helicopter
i dreamed that i was in an abandoned house that was full of bugs. i was super conscious of where i was putting my bare feet. i saw some wooly caterpillars and knew to stay away from them, but there was another caterpillar that i didn’t know to look out for. it was dark brown and looked hard like a millipede, but it was small so i knew it was a caterpillar. it was really fast and i couldn’t help but step on it with my big toe. it stung for just a second and then it swelled up and turned blue. i rushed out of the building and was hurried into a round helicopter that was going to take me to a hospital. i remember feeling guilty that i was going to a hospital for such a minor thing. the helicopter had a swinging round red bed in the center of the floor. it was so that a patient that couldn’t move or was unconscious could lie there and the bed would swing as the helicopter moved. there weren’t any patients like that, but the medical staff on the helicopter, which was quite spacious inside, made all the patients, me included, squeeze onto the bed anyway. there were handles on the edges, so i and the others were sure to hold on tight to them as we took off. the patients were mostly adults, some my age and some older, and one or two kids, one a toddler. however, just as we left the ground, the engine started having trouble and we were forced to land. i looked around the helicopter and saw that there were also chairs of every color in the rainbow to sit in. i decided that i would sit in a chair this time. i noticed that most of the chairs were attached to the interior of the helicopter, which they should be so no one goes flying, but some of them were not. i made sure to get in one that was. at some point, i looked at my toe again and saw that in the time it took us to get ready for take off again, the swelling had completely gone down. however, the helicopter didn’t have a chance to take off again because i woke up.
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rosysdreamjournal · 1 year
dream about weird sonic cartoon
i dreamed that i was at school. for some reason my teacher, who was a short, fat blonde lady, asked me to come out in the hallway with her. i don't remember what we talked about, but it was hard for me to look into her eyes, and i kept looking behind her. i lied and said it was because it was almost time to leave school and the hallway was slowly being filled with other students behind her. eventually, she started talking about her favorite sonic character. it sounded like she was talking about thorn rose from sonic prime, but she pulled out her phone and showed me the intro of a strange sonic cartoon that i had somehow never heard of. there was a character that looked like thorn rose, but maybe it was just amy. when i got home, i immediately decided to watch an episode of this strange sonic cartoon. apparently, it was a star wars, hot wheels, and sonic crossover. the sonic characters were dressed as star wars characters, and the villains in the cartoon were hot wheels transformers. it was so weird. also, there were aliens too, but i'm not sure if they were villains or not. all i know is that there was a weird alien love story going on in the background of the episodes between a big purple alien and a small green alien. the episode i watched took place on a giant ship in the ocean that had a big garden area in the middle of it.
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rosysdreamjournal · 1 year
dream about chao egg
first, i dreamt that i was walking down a road that had a fence and dense trees on one side of it, and a larger, busier road on the other side. as I was walking, i noticed that there was a great big white egg with green spots on it. i immediately thought that it was a chao egg. i called out for someone to come see what i had found, but no one seemed to hear me. as i was watching the egg, what i thought was a young horse walked by behind the egg. it looked weird though. it had what looked like the mouth of a dog or cat. this made me wonder if it was a baby mule or donkey instead. eventually though, as i lured it closer by saying "here, horsey!", another creature just like it appeared and i realized they were deer, not horses. one tried to jump over the fence, but it just hit it and bounced off. eventually someone did come to see the egg. it was a teenage boy who climbed the fence and pulled on the egg, revealing that it wasn't an egg at all, but a pole stuck in the ground.
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rosysdreamjournal · 1 year
dream about another skyrim quest
i was playing skyrim and was in a sewer that might’ve been the riften sewer. there was a guy there that wore a green suit and had a cane, and he claimed to be a king. i talked to him, and whenever i chose a dialog option, what this guy said would appear as golden cursive letters that filled up the screen, but i couldn't hear his voice. apparently, he gave me a quest to get a potion that would improve my complexion. when i went out into the world, the camera when on horseback zoomed out really far. my horse had an upgradable first aid kit attached to it that you could refill at stables.
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rosysdreamjournal · 1 year
dream about skyrim quest
i dreamed that someone posted a list of all the bandit clans in skyrim on tumblr. apparently in this dream, they all had names like the goblin clans in oblivion. also in this list though, i found out about a quest that i didn't know existed before. apparently there were small nordic ruins that you had to visit and pull a lever at each one to complete the quest. i found them all, and the last ruin was at skuldafn. i had to beat the main quest to get there, but once i was, i ran into some strange npcs. apparently i had a mod that added shadow the hedgehog and rouge the bat as npcs that you would randomly encounter throughout the game. the rouge npc had the voice of astrid, but the npc herself looked like a dark brotherhood member wearing the armor, but she had dark red hair that was about shoulder length. it didn't look like any of the hairstyles in skyrim, so i thought that it was probably added by the mod. also, the end of the main quest was a boss battle against alduin, but he had big spikes all over him, and he flew around all over the place and you didn't use dragonrend on him. you had to shoot him in the air. also skuldafn kinda looked like the imperial city.
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rosysdreamjournal · 1 year
dream about sonic frontiers expansion
i dreamed that the expansion had more playable characters than just tails, amy, and knuckles. we could also play as big, shadow, and mephiles. however, mephiles was either a robot or a cyborg. he had cannons for arms and could shoot purple lasers. he was dark black metal and had glowing purple markings on him. instead of playing as mephiles though, he seemed to be an enemy or a boss. he could summon floating platforms that looked like pieces of european castles that sonic had to homing attack on to get close and attack him. it reminded me of the perfect chaos fight in sonic generations.
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rosysdreamjournal · 1 year
dream about a grocery store
i dreamt that i was in a store. i found the aisle with the drinks and picked out a big bottle of something clear that i thought was an energy drink, which is weird because i don't drink energy drinks. it had a white label with green words on it. i found this guy in the aisle with the cards picking out one for somebody's birthday. once he found one he liked, he wanted me to follow him, so i did. we passed through an aisle of what i understood to be books of family histories. most of them were bought and missing, but i found one that was for my family's history. i didn't get it though. there was a door in the back of the store which was employees only, but the guy lead me into the room. it looked like a bathroom on the inside with a big corner tub. that's when i woke up.
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rosysdreamjournal · 1 year
dream about baking and an infinite museum
i dreamed that i had four different ovens, and there was a woman i didn't know in my house using one of the ovens to bake giant chocolate chip cookies. i kept telling her that she couldn't do them for the normal amount of time or else the middle would be gooey, but she wouldn't listen to me. then, i remembered that, when i moved in, i tried to make donuts, but i overdid them. i found them in one of the ovens and they were still warm. i ate one, and it tasted like a fudge poptart. next, i dreamed that i went to a museum about infinite from sonic forces's life. it was a big tower, and once i got to the top of it and the tour was over, i had to jump down. i tried to land on a mattress at the bottom of the tower, but i missed and my legs hit a fence, and it really hurt.
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rosysdreamjournal · 1 year
dream about moving in with other family and playing an rpg game
i dreamt that my family and i moved in with another family of four in order to save money. their kids were very nice, but the dad hated us. apparently snoop dog used to live with them before us, and the dad punched him and it was all over the news. eventually i made peace with the dad. i had a game i was obsessed with which was an rpg. at certain parts in the game, after completing certain quests, you would be asked to pick from different rewards. some of them were skill increases and some of them were challenges to raise the difficulty. i was trying to decide which i wanted for a very long time. i eventually decided that i would increase my fishing skill to 25 because i thought that it would be more useful in the long run. one of the options was to get more diverse enemy types. however, i took too long deciding and it picked one at random. so, in order to go back and pick what i wanted, i went back to the ps4 main menu and closed the application and reopened it. on returning to the game, it threw me straight into a cutscene. the game audio was very loud, so i reached to turn the volume down on the tv, but the down volume button instead made the volume get higher. it was hurting my ears, so i made a loud angry noise and searched for my headphones. i found them and plugged them into the controller, and the dream ended.
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rosysdreamjournal · 1 year
dream about vr game
i dreamed i was playing a weird game. i remember at one point I playing tetris, but then i won the match and went to some sort of hub world. i remember i got on a horse in the middle of the night and rode to a building that looked like it was from a western. for some reason, my horse kept biting my hands while i rode it, and it was annoying. when i got to the building, there were three things laying outside that i felt i needed to take. it was a laser gun, a flashlight in a see-through plastic case, and a gun that looked like one of the scanners at stores that you scan bar codes with. i remember i pulled the trigger on the scanner and it made a zap noise. inside the building, it was a very claustrophobic maze. eventually, i took off my headset and i was in the real world. i was staying at a hotel for some reason, and outside, there was an obstacle course. at the start of it, the gravity shifted so that i was standing on the side of the hotel and looking towards the roof. the lights were flashing red, and i could hear a countdown and see a big metal gate. i ran towards the gate, and when the countdown hit zero, the gate opened. on the other side was a big metal plate on the ground. when i stood on top of it, it came up like a springboard and flung me upwards. i hit my head on a similar metal plate on the ceiling, which i guess was the side of another building. next, i realized i needed a small, silver key for some reason, and i thought i had it in my jacket pocket, but i couldn't find it. so, i went home and looked through my other jackets, but i never found the key and woke up. when i woke up, i went to my computer to type this and found that i had my minecraft bedrock world open all night. the sky was flashing night, sunset, and day, and there was a ton of lag.
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rosysdreamjournal · 1 year
dream about mary shelley
i had a dream that i googled the age of mary shelley, the author of frankenstein. despite frankenstein being such an old book, i found that she was still alive and had been born in 1976. i also found other strange facts like how her last name actually had a 14 in it, and that it had only appeared starting with her parents, and no one knew how or why. i read a biography of her life, and i even saw a picture of her with only slightly graying hair. after i woke up, i looked up her real birth date, and it was 1797.
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