gryficowa · 7 months
While reading wiktuba, I came across information that iiluminaughii is of Polish origin and it strangely makes sense (I'm from Poland, so I have more experience to say what typical Polish behavior looks like)
I am Kashubian (25% I am French, but it has nothing to do with my identity, unless the fact that I like croissants has something to do with it)
Unfortunately, being a terrible person is often seen among typical Poles (There are supposedly more nicer people, but there is no madness, because boomers and fans of conservatism still exist, and they are very prejudiced against various groups, and when they see someone standing in defending them, they will call you stupid and inexperienced (You know, that you are mature when you hate Jews, Ukrainians and other social groups)
So you can see that Blair's roots are stronger than her common sense...
Coming back, unfortunately, a lot of her behavior is so Polish, her treatment of people, abusing someone in the past and present, etc…
Poles have too big an ego, if you say something bad about him and you are not from Poland, he will be outraged, or he will tell you to get the fuck out of Poland (God damn it, I'm a Kashubian and they tell me to get the fuck out if I don't like it, yes, I have to get the fuck out of Poland my lands because I criticize Poland)
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So yes, it's true that Balir doesn't like movies where they talk about her harmful behavior and gives them an extension, it sounds even more Polish when I know her origins and that's disturbing
So yes, this information turned into something that now sounds too familiar to me, to a person who has lived in this country since birth and saw how Poles have a pain in the ass about everything (But criticize their racism, they will laugh at you)
So yes, Poles have learned little about the history of the Holocaust, because they are doing everything to make it Holocaust 2.0
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 10 months
Iiluminaughii did NOT just turn all of the comments off. I guess she can’t take some criticism and being called out. Coward.
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