#iirc i think he's still into you when you transform. i love this freak so much
shvdowsdrowned · 9 months
Finally met The Emperor, yeah I'm gonna fuck it
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sage-nebula · 3 years
Neo: The World Ends With You - Thoughts So Far
I’m on Day 6 of Week 1 and I want to compile my thoughts so far — not in a formal post, but at least all in one place, especially since I feel that jotting down what I think / feel as I go through will help me write my review when I’m done. Spoilers under the cut, obviously — and while it should go without saying, do NOT comment on this post with spoilers from later in the game, so help me. Even if I pose a question that gets answered later on — hell, especially if I do — don’t tell me. I don’t want to know. I will find out in my own time.
With that said . . .
So obviously, I’m really enjoying it so far. You can tell that the writers / devs haven’t lost their touch despite it being thirteen years since the first game was made. You can also tell that a lot of love went into this; this isn’t something they churned out just to make money (if they thought this was a moneymaker we wouldn’t have had to wait 13 freaking years for the sequel), but rather something they really, really wanted to make. Not a total passion project, because those aren’t allowed in the world of capitalism, but there is still a lot of love there. 
That said, more specific thoughts:
THE MUSIC. It doesn’t really come as a surprise given that TWEWY’s soundtrack was phenomenal, but god, they brought it right back for this game. The remixes (“Someday”, “Three Minutes Clapping”, “Transformation”, “The One Star” etc) are all excellent, but the new tracks are phenomenal too. Tbh I’m not sure how any of the Players get any fighting done when the music makes you want to just bust a move right there in the scramble. It’s so good.
Most of the characters are great too. Of the Wicked Twisters, I think Fret is my favorite; he is pure of heart, dumb of ass, and I love that for him. I do like Rindo too, of course, and his habit of overthinking everything (since Fret has zero brain cells, Rindo has to make up for it), but him being standoffish / socially anxious and snarky makes him feel a bit like a toned down Neku, so he doesn’t catch my interest quite as much. And while I do like Nagi, the way she speaks in like . . . medieval-esque language is a bit off-putting. In particular it’s weird that Rindo didn’t tell her to knock it off with the “Lord Rindo” stuff since using such an honorific would be considered awkward / embarrassing in Japanese. I guess he’s just too socially anxious / awkward to tell her to stop, but it’s still a bit distracting.  Other than that, I’m really not a fan of Kubo (one of the Reapers) or . . . Susukichi, I think his name is? The leader of the Ruinbringers. I find them both to be pretty annoying, haha. But I love Shoka, as well as Kanon, and Motoi is a good bean, too. As for the Deep River Society . . . those nerds have issues lmao. Especially their leader. Although I can’t fault him for breaking down sobbing when he realizes that he now stands a very good chance of getting erased, which reminds me . . .
HOW ARE WE ON DAY SIX AND THE WICKED TWISTERS STILL HAVE NO IDEA WHAT BEING ERASED IS?? We have kind of an inverse situation where where Neku knew right away that he would get erased if he failed the missions / didn’t win the Game, but didn’t find out until later that he was dead. Here, the Wicked Twisters learn that they’re dead fairly quickly (and Fret has some realistic denial going on about it at first, though he gets over it pretty quickly), but they’re still completely in the dark about the fact that their souls will get wiped from existence if they lose despite erasure being mentioned at least a handful of times. Like I guess it was never spelled out for them, but especially as someone who played the first game about a million times, it’s a bit maddening to see them be like, “Why is he crying like his life is on the line? lol whatevs no big deal la di da!” Since the Wicked Twisters aren’t aware of the stakes, a new player wouldn’t be either, and so it rather tones down the urgency that was felt in the original game where everyone was very much aware that they were fighting for their right to exist.
Since I brought up Motoi, I want to say that I just played past the part where he reveals that he was An0ther, who is apparently Rindo’s favorite blogger / poet. I feel like this is meant to be similar to how Hanekoma was CAT, Neku’s favorite artist, but it doesn’t carry the same impact because a.) as far as we know An0ther didn’t have anything to do with how Rindo died; b.) we haven’t seen Rindo bring An0ther or his poetry up that much, much less have anything An0ther said be his entire life’s mantra; c.) we haven’t gotten to know Motoi that well either. Like we met him once before this revelation. That said I’m not sure it was supposed to have the same impact as the Hanekoma = CAT reveal, but if it was then it did fall short. (Also I saw it coming the second Motoi quoted An0ther lmao.)
Speaking of Hanekoma, WHERE IS MY MANS??? I know he has to show up at some point because if I’m not mistaken we saw him in the trailers. And if I am mistaken then he still has to show up at some point because he played a central role in the “A New Day” epilogue chapter of Final Remix, what with Coco being unable to control him and him knowing what was going on, plus he was testing Neku for something in “Another Day” and that has to be whatever is going on in this game. I’m sure he’ll come in for some big reveal later, but like, we have a new street artist in this game (MKN) with no mention of CAT as of yet, and I’m just like . . . where is he. Where is my mans. What is he doing. Bring him to me.
That said, we already got to see my #2 mans (Kariya♥) so I am happy about that at least. 
Back to my mans for a hot second: I actually erased my demo save data and started fresh to remind myself of everything when I got the game, and idk if it was in the demo or not, but regardless—at the end of the demo portion there’s this shot of the sky and then this nameless voice is like, “It’s finally starting. I hope you wake up soon. I don’t want you to miss all the action.” My current guess is that the speaker was Hanekoma, speaking to Joshua. Joshua being “asleep” would explain why the Game is as screwed up as it is right now, what with it having been going on for a year and people able to choose to play again and again and again while the rest of the Players—who tbh should also be counted as winners if they survive the week!—are trapped in limbo.
Because that’s the thing: I know that it was partially a lie to cover for the fact that Joshua’s game with Megumi was set to last three weeks, but at the end of the third week Megumi told Neku that a new rule was being put in place that wouldn’t allow repeats of the Game anymore. But even setting that aside, in the original Shibuya UG rules, anyone who survived the Game could get a wish at the end, whether that was to be brought back to life or made into a Reaper. This is why at the end of Week 1, the three winners were Neku, Shiki, and Beat. However, here the Ruinbringers are able to keep everyone trapped and they have been trapped for at least a year, given what Motoi said. It’s completely different rules and I’m sure that this has something to do with the fact that the majority of the Reapers we’ve seen so far are from Shinjuku (at least going by the spoilery trailer, and iirc it was confirmed in “A New Day” that Coco was from Shinjuku actually, but it’s been a while so I could be wrong about that).
Speaking of, has anyone noticed that the possibly-Shinjuku Reapers don’t have wings? No?
ALSO speaking of Coco, at least tangentially: Coco was the one who revived Minamimoto at the end of “A New Day”. However, he’s definitely not how I would have expected. Like despite Coco using the Taboo Noise sigil to bring him back, he’s clearly not in his Taboo form. He’s using psychs as a Player would, rather than a Reaper. And while it’s clear he’s up to some form of nonsense, it’s unclear exactly what form of nonsense he’s up to. I know that he’s here for fanservice and that him looking like Nagi’s bias from Elegant Strategy is a tongue-in-cheek nod to that, but I have too much faith in this series to think that’s all this is. I’m wondering if being revived for a second time fixed whatever screws were loose in his head before? Or if he was revived as a human Player by like, Joshua or something? (Although why Joshua would do that I have no idea. Maybe Hanekoma instead?) Hmmm . . .
Small aside, but we all know that Nagi has put herself into hundreds of thousands of yen in debt for Tomonami merch lolol RIP Nagi. (I’m also interpreting that she’s not actually older than Rindo or Fret, but she just skipped a bunch of grades. Like I feel like this might have been lost in translation a bit, and that she’s a senpai to them because she’s in uni but she’s not actually older than them. I could be wrong but that’s how I’m interpreting it right now. She just doesn’t look or act older than them.)
Oh another minor annoyance, but whether it’s due to the partial 3D environment or something else, I’m SO ANNOYED that some of the streets aren’t connecting as they should now. Like, how going in the direction of Molco spits you out at Spain Hill or 104 or whatever? I don’t remember exactly what area it was, but it wasn’t Molco!! I’m sure if I hadn’t played the original a million times like a loser this wouldn’t be such a big deal to me, but I have and it is lmao. Also, they’ve had the Shibuya Underpass / Cat Street blocked off this whole time and I’m like :( let me go to Cat Street :( let me see my mans
I’m relieved that Ken Doi is still making delicious food and I look forward to his ramen curry fusion. I was really upset about RamenDon being gone at first but as long as Ken Doi is still around I am happy.
My dinner just arrived so this is all I have to say for now, but I will update more as I play more. I love this game and I’m so happy to be back in Shibuya, even if the characters pronounce it wrong sometimes (saying “ShiBOOya” like pls . . . you are supposed to be Japanese . . . get it right . . .)
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callsignbaphomet · 4 years
Ooooh ok ok thank ya for alla this, tho yaint gotta tldr things for me XD I looooove the details n such lol. Alright follow ups, how do the werewolf transformations work? Full moon? At will? Both? How about like, pack structures? Like, does everyone part of a particular breed stick together? Is it just small groups that does? just whatever a particular wolf wants? 1/2
Noooooo, thank YOU for indulging me! 💞💞💞💞💞💞
Right so werewolf transformations are visually, physically and audibly gruesome. This is a curse, a punishment therefore it's horrible. The werewolf will feel and hear their own bones cracking and splitting to realign themselves, muscle will stretch to what can feel like beyond the breaking point. Worst part is the werewolf is very conscious during it. After fully transformed it may take them a minute or two to catch their breath. Changing back to human form is equally as exhausting and they'll need a bit more time to catch their breath.
They can only* transform under a full moon. As soon as the moon rises till it sets. Clouds blocking the moon don't hold off or make 'em turn back. Long as the moon is out and is full the transformation will be forced.
*during the middle ages a group of familiars (people supporting and losely associated with Legion. Familiars that have been supportive for a specific amount of time can have the choice to join full on. Or stay as Familiars. Your choice.) took to sheltering werewolves down in Spain when a group decided to make werewolf hunting a sport. It was all fine until each full moon.
Werewolves completely lose all reason and will attack any human in sight whether a life long friend, loved one or relative. So they had to lock them up for the night and it was both humiliating and inhumane and no one was happy about it. Especially when the locked rooms were getting crowded.
So after a lot of studying and experimenting they managed to find a loophole to their dilemma. In comes a talisman made of meterorite that can hold off a transformation AND allows the wearer to transform at will. It also makes the transformations a little bit less painful especially for bitten werewolves since those born as werewolves don't experience that much pain but it ain't by much.
Anyway, once it was tested and proved to actually work Legion stepped in and paid the group for the discovery and reimbursed all the time and materials they spent on it as well as crafters and other people to work the material into jewelry that werewolves could wear without raising suspicion and made sure to distribute it for free to werewolves all over the world. In the modern age werewolves could get a bit more creative like making it a piercing like Mason did, keep it as jewelry as Angelus does or even make it into dental grills (I think that's what it's called) like Trevor did on his fangs. The talisman was called Moonbane.
There's a huge drawback. The longer a werewolf wears the Moonbane the far more wild and violent and completely off the walls rabid the werewolf will be during the full moon that they don't have the Moonbane on them. So not a good idea to ever remove it from their person.
Some dumbasses don't like to wear it because "it's not natural", "I got it under control", "That's not how a werewolf should live" and most often than not it ends up really bad for them 🙃
Now those that do wear it and transform have been shown to be more mmmmmmmm reasonable? Yeah. They're calm and colleted and don't just attack and can be reasoned with. It's just that even after all these centuries there is this fear that they might not be all there and they might attack.
No matter if I ever indulge myself and draw Jelani hugging a transformed Angelus because I think it's cute as fuck or Trevor resting his head on Loke's lap or anything nsfw for those of us monster fuckers out there it would still be "dangerous".
As for pack structures there really isn't one. 1. I never liked that whole "alpha" joke of a theory which has been disproven time and time again and 2. I like focusing on them as people. People of different cultures and backgrounds, people of different ethnicities, sexualities and identities it just so happens that they're werewolves. I like to focus more on say Trevor, as an example of one of my werewolves, as a person. He's a cisgender man, pansexual, aromantic, loves aviation, can pilot almost anything, is one fucking hell of a crackshot with any sniper he gets his hands on, Black, competent, confident, and loving. It just so happens that he's a Silver Sight (one of the breeds).
I do have that each breed takes something from the original werewolves themselves. Like for example Outsiders tend to be overbearingly proud type of people. Howling Ghosts have a bit of an intimidating presence. Silver Sights are kind of the tall, dark and mysterious types. Mist Walkers are more athletic and outdoorsy. There's just one Crossed Breed so I can't say much on one individual only.
Also they ARE drawn to each other out of some kind of "same hat" bond. In the modern age there's no like "coven" or group or what have you. There used to be and it got to be a serious problem because they didn't want to mingle with each other. That mentality is traced back all the fuck way to the first werewolves. They were cursed because of a war that four different armies were involved in and after being cursed they all just stuck together 'cause they were all bitter towards each other ESPECIALLY Howling Ghosts and Outsiders. Stupid mentality of "we're at war with these guys over here" passed down from one gen to another. But with each new gen it watered down to the point where it's almost nonexistent because holy freaking crap that war was over like +50k years ago.
There's also the fact that depending on the breed was were they would've preferred to live but this was like back when the werewolf first appeared until let's say people were traveling. Howling Ghosts would usually be found in mountains and in cold areas, Outsiders lived in desert and arid like areas, iirc Silver Sights mostly dwelled in caves and Mist Walkers lived in valleys. They're physical looks backed up where they lived like HGs have really thick double coats--there's a post here with more in depth info on my werewolves. I'll dig it up.
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yaboylevi · 5 years
Hi! Genuine question, but don't u think Levi had all the right to be brutally violent in chapter 114 when Zeke had just turned his comrades into mindless titans? (Like I understand your frustration towards him and I honestly have felt the same at times, but i feel like when it comes to Zeke (my bais speaking here), Levi has all the reasons to be violent, ppl like to excuse Zeke's behaviour as coping mechanism but i feel like the two men are equally terrible when it comes to resolving issues)
I see where you’re coming from. And honestly, it’s fine if you believe the two are comparable.
I personally disagree. Levi had an arc about that and was constantly faced with how wrong his choices to resort to violence were, multiple times. He did, in fact, go through growth. Yet he doesn’t learn, it’s like he literally doesn’t understand. And I don’t know if it’s another of his character flaws - this weakness, -, if it’s his “nature” or if it’s just Isayama who doesn’t want to give him this growth he needs. Furthermore, Levi hurts people he cares about with his behavior. 
Zeke’s coping mechanism - which is making light of horrible situations such as slaughter - isn’t exactly hurting the people he loves. And by the way, this happened only at the beginning of his story, which means he was being portrayed purposely as The Big Meanie, but since the Marley arc, he has never behaved particularly cruelly - he egged on Levi as a strategy by making fun of the soldiers, but in his real thoughts there was no hint of this sarcasm. As I said in another Zeke analysis, he uses sarcasm as a strategic means and to conceal his intentions. He also doesn’t use it outside of the battlefield, highlighting again how much of a war tool it is, and not a part of himself he needs to work on changing.
Levi is like that in his private life, as well…which is concerning and that’s why he needs to change or at least it needs to be viewed as something wrong. Definitely not a quirk, imo.
Zeke’s sarcasm that I mentioned earlier is very different from his anger in Shiganshina, and subsequent ridiculing of the sacrifices of the soldiers (the coping part) - we found out what that was caused by exactly in the Marley arc and especially in ch.114. Men are foolish for throwing themselves at death uselessly as they are ignorant of their situation, which means they’ll never make a change. They’ll just cause more deaths, and, iirc, he even makes a comment about throwing the children in wars as well. He is angry at that because he’s been in the same situation and is reminded of his father and everything Grisha did to him. He gets so mad but he tries to get himself under control and that’s the moment he becomes so cold, the need to belittle the enemy to detach himself and accomplish his mission.
And about Grisha…Zeke was never shown that his behavior and belief might be wrong, just like nobody really told him life was worth living. Zeke still hasn’t had his “life-changing” character arc, he’s going through it now. Levi has no excuses, tbh. He met with Kenny and had a talk with him, that should’ve made him realize some things and overcome others. He relied so much on violence because of Kenny, in more ways than just being trained by him.
As someone who tries to look at the characters from a distance, when I analyze them, and their stories as a whole, I just can’t see how are they the same on this. 
And I feel like your example missed the mark of my other Levi post.
First of all, I agree that Levi can be extremely angry at Zeke. Nonetheless, that display of violence was sickening. Pass the verbal degradation and threats. Pass the spear and the injuries to prevent Zeke from transforming again. 
But he didn’t have to cut Zeke’s legs like that. That was pure, unadulterated, self-satisfactory sadism. It was horrible to watch. I’ve never seen a character sinking to such a low level aside from Zackley using the shit-machine and Gross in general. Levi’s grudge is personal and justified, but that’s even more gross to me. The highlight of the freaking arc was Mister Braus forgiving the murderer of his daughter and I have no doubts it had nothing to do with Gabi being a kid. So seeing Levi falling so low…well. It is disheartening. 
People just excuse it as “he has a right to be angry and so, this violent with Zeke” because they themselves are angry at Zeke for…personal reasons lol, and because it is Levi we’re talking about, and as I said Levi does have a right to it, but one thing is being angry at someone and one thing is torturing them. Did he come out of that awful display as a better person? Do you think he felt better after that? Is seeing your fave getting absolutely sadist so cute and fulfilling? I don’t know…
If Eren had tortured like that Reiner, oh man. He too could have "the right" to it.
Anyway, I don’t want to sound rude, this is just my opinion, but it honestly worries me a bit that you might think “being brutally violent” with someone is a “right”. We’re back to an eye for an eye, I guess…
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 5 years
Kasumi/Hamuko Parallel post
I mean I’m not saying Kasumi is Hamuko reincarnated in Minato’s timeline, but I feel like it’s a very good possibility (considering MT’s lore and as well as possibly Persona’s). I mean again, it’d be REALLY SEXY if I was proven wrong with Adult!Hamuko showing up in P5S! REALLY SEXY ATLUS! ;w; (just watch and see me be right with both P5R and P5S, let’s hope not cause that’s giving me a headache just thinking about it haha ;w;). Anyway, this is mostly going to be a parallel post between Kasumi and Hamuko, both really freaking shallow to “hey those are some key character traits!” kinda stuff. I’ll organize it from newest release/info to oldest. So starting with PQ2 (prior to that I will open to why it’s perfect timing out of universe) and then P3P (during which I’ll talk about why the timing in universe is perfect too).
There will be spoilers of P5R BUT ONLY ones from a stream, which showed the first like 10 min of the game (the spoiler is that it confirms when a specific scene happens in game). There will be PQ2 spoilers tho so like....yeah 8U
(lowkey been trying to finish this since Cinderella’s announcement but better late than never and I wanted to at least get most of it done before P5S’ possible trailer tonight 8U)
Under the cut cause length and pics~!
So before with start with PQ2, I should say why this is perfect timing out of universe. PQ2 has just released, Hamuko is in the public’s head. Not only that but she was as important to the game as the main-main case (aka P5). Now would be the perfect time to release a new character who looks the same and has the same importance. I mean this wouldn’t be the first time they did it, they first did it with Arena-PQ1-Ultimax, with PQ1 having secret answers to Arena, and Ultimax later reaffirming these answers (I’ll keep it vague for those who have yet to play the, as I like to call it, “The Yasogami Labyrinth Trilogy.”) It could be that PQ2 was actually our Arena in a possible trilogy (with P5R being the PQ1 and P5S being our Ultimax, that’s just a theory tho, it could just be that this is a duology too 8U). But yeah this is why it feels like perfect timing if they wanted to make this twist. Now onto PQ2
PQ2 (might add more later):
Were to start is the real question, I’m kinda just going to list of things with pictures showing them. I’ll try to keep everything numbered to make it easier.
1) Both apparently first appear in the first arc which stars Kamoshida (Kasumi is stated to not introduce herself during that time, but we can still find her). Kasumi is around for Kamoshida, Hamuko is around with Kamoshidaaaaaman.
      a) Coincidentally enough, there is a little girl that appears in Kamoshidaaaaman’s trailer that looks A LOT like Kasumi. (which I dunno might also symbolize Hamuko, speculation on my end but I felt the female dinosaur kind of symbolized Yosukesaurus that we actually see in the movie so maybe it’s a parallel maybe not but I wanted to throw it out there), also if Kasumi’s life is anything like Cinderella (and trailer girl’s dad is dead from that impact), that means Hamu/Kasumi/Trailer girl both have their dads possibly not being around anymore:
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2) Both technically have a magical girl connection, Kasumi mostly from her transformation and what the devs said....but Hamuko said something really interesting concerning the PT and Magical Girls:
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3) (P5R first 10 min stream spoiler) Both are introduced into these two games via showing off how great fighters they are (even tho that’s not Kasumi’s chronological introduction to the audience because of the cold open, but it’s the first time we see her and it’s our first impression of her). 
4) I don’t care if I’ll repeat this below in the P3P thing, but yet again but PQ2 hinted at Hamuko’s big appitite again:
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5) Hamuko’s Ult Persona, both in P3P (tho it’s not shown in the credits) and in PQ2 is Messiah. Considering she’s a savior, and Kasumi’s relationship with magical girls (who usually are the “saviors”).....shallow I know but there. 8U
6) A big one, PQ2 actually hints at reincarnation, it’s just a throwaway line but....it’s not the first time Persona’s had a throwaway line and then it ends up coming true (sometimes it’s happenstance and sometimes it’s on purpose). (I should also note, reincarnation is a big part of MT, it’s even in the title, so it’s def not something that’s off the table). And the reason I’m including this is because, it kinda hints that even if Hamuko is reincarnated Kasumi, they’d kinda still have their own identity and be a different person. 
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7) Lastly (for now probably), Hamuko and Kasumi both end up “joining”/working with the PT at some point. I mean so does the rest of P3/4, but they really try to make Hamuko feel included, and she feels extra gung-ho about the whole thief thing. It’s a shallow/small one but I should include it anyway.
(the reason I might add more later is because I’m re-going through PQ2 to see if I pick up anything else, anyway onto P3P~!)
Before listing their similarities, I want to explain what I meant by the timing being perfect for in-universe. The reason being, if Hamuko died around 1999, she’d probably be reincarnated into someone who was born around 2000, and people roughly in 2000 (minus the first 4 months) are....guess what? 1st years during P5 (Futaba and Yusuke have late birthdays fun fact). And considering Kasumi is a first year~! Yeah it’s perfect timing if they wanted to pull a reincarnation card. 
1) They.....they have the same face..... I’M NOT JOKING THEY HAVE THE SAME FACE! It’s not the hair style it’s the face man! ;w; Rough same eye shape and face shape (sadly their portraits usually have their faces not being the same portfolio but this is the closest we have):
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2) The both have red eyes (which also look brown in some lighting). (I know some people want to say Hamuko has auburn hair for some gd reason even tho it’s pretty brown in a lot of artwork, but since that’s close to red and Kasumi has red hair like bonus points it seems if auburn is also a correct answer XP)
3) Both of their portraits like to have their eyes looking to the left (their perspective)/right (our perspective) area (the angle of their face differs tho):
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4) Both have been said to be big eaters. Like Atlus is freaking advertising this about Kasumi like crazy man, but Hamuko has food and her big appetite tied to a loooooot of different events with P3P. Like Hamu being a hungry girl and loving her food is a very iconic trait to her (ironically it’s not really done to death in PQ2 unlike Chie’s meat or Aki’s protein klfjsadl;fja). 
5) Both have red as a main theme (like red eyes, red ribbon, red shoes/headphones 8U). It’s shallow but important!
6) Shallow but interesting thing I notice, there’s a lot of key design similarities between Fem!Orpheus and Kasumi’s PT outfit and Cinderella. The biggest being the vine embroidery and the same heart design. There’s also the fact Fem!Orpheus Picaro also has red hair and a black headpiece similar to Kasumi who has red hair (all the time) but a black ribbon, also both have a similar flower connected to them (red gloves and black fingers, former for Kasumi and the latter for Cindy, but I don’t think it’s as important as the heart/vine/flower similarity). 8U Other than that I’ll just show it in the picture below:
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7) This one is part of a popular theory with Kasumi, and will possibly be debunked after P5R’s release but I do want to throw it out there. If the theory that Kasumi gets hit by a car in the rain (possibly during the fireworks festival), well..... That means they both have ties to car accidents. Just described what  might be Kasumi’s. Hamuko survived one 10 years prior to P3, and there’s two that happen in two separate events (she saves Yukari from a crazy driver almost hitting them), and I iirc Theo saves Hamu from a crazy driver). 
8) They have similar designed shoes (tho the promo art of Kasumi her shoes are different from the teaser so I dunno if it still counts) But it’s worth  mentioning since Atlus went out of their way to keep Yusuke’s shoes as a reference to the past Persona game school he was supposed to be a part of before they made Kosei (god I’m so sorry for that word salad, no I won’t fix it at least not now)...btw Yusuke’s are stated to be in reference to P3 it’s stated in the art book:
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9) Kasumi’s maid outfit is much closer to P3′s(and P4) than it is to P5′s (aka the traditional black and white as opposed to P5′s red and white), it’s just odd that it’s not also red 8U:
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10) Uhhhh this (I don’t care we’re look for the smallest details! >:D DX ;w; also I’m ok really I’m ok 8U ;w; orz):
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11) Last thing, but interestingly enough they both are known to jump really high. It’s not stated as a big thing for Hamuko, you just see it in her critical and that’s pretty much it. But it is a big defining moment for Kasumi (remember she jumps high to get a kid’s balloon). They also both like to twist and twirl in the air (tho Hamu is just designated to her critical). Shallow I know but I want to throw it out there. 8U:
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Seriously look at that air time!
I might add more to this section, because I feel like I’m forgetting something but flksdajf;akf I want to get this out. Before I end it I do want to add a few not completely related Hamu parallels (but I can still loop back around cause my mental gymnastics are top notch! Probably even better than Kasumi’s! 8U). First is Minato parallels, which via PQ2 we find out that he and Hamu are “basically the same person.” The similarities is that he and Kasumi both have the same type of sword, and both of their Personas have the same skin (I think Male!Orpheus’ face is the only “real part” and thus both have the same kind of skin), and OT and Cindy technically both have blue eyes. 8U Small but I wanted to mention those 3 things. The other is Mitsuru, fun fact between Hamu/Minty/Mitsuru/Kasumi they all seem to be honor students (or can be, Hamu/Minty it’s up to the player). But I now a lot of people think Kasumi’s red hair and it also being wavy remind them of Mitsuru more, almost like a sister? Kinda like:
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RIP to Hamuko, the cockblock sister zone destroyed us all that day. We stand with you girl. 😔✊✊
So yeah I dunno how else to end it. They just have a lot of similarities ok? And some of them are very distinct design features. Of course, again, it’d be really sexy of you to prove me wrong with Adult!Hamuko in P5S Atlus. ;) Be really sexy of you to stop ignoring Hammy and P1/2 characters~! Oh it’d be such a shame if I was proven wrong and those two things happened instead. Oh whatever shall I do~! 8U
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