#ik I've complained about a similar issue to this before
vitiateoriginator ยท 1 year
God I would kill for a late night snall diner breakfast rn
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abiiors ยท 1 year
Not quite the same but I'm going through something similar with a friend (someone i haven't known for that long but we became very close very quickly).
She is recently divorced after over 20 years and has a lot of issues but she's terrified of being alone so she's chatting to every guy online who takes an interest, going on dates within days then moaning when they're not right. Goes back to "right, no men, I'm focusing on work and the girls and me!". Then a day later, she's back at it. It's exhausting and really self centred as it's all she goes on about. She's met someone now, likes him, had several dates and video calls. Then apologised for not being around much for me, not enough hours etc. Day later: "what if no one ever loves me again??". I didn't know if she'd dumped him, he'd turned out to be a twat or what but I couldn't do it so just said "look I'm really struggling myself at the moment, I'm sorry but I'm not in the headspace to help you with this". Not a lie, I've been genuinely struggling. But I could not take any more lengthy chats of giving her advice and comforting her, only for her to ignore it as before. Turns out nothing major had happened, she was just a bit anxious about a new relationship, which I get. But god, is it tiring.
this is legit EXACTLY how i've been feeling about it. like we are all in our 20s, she deserves to go out and have fun and sleep around, i fully understand. but we used to have conversations about books we liked and things we watched and our interests and hobbies and whatever else. now i fully dread opening messages from her because it's always some variation of "there is a man". and yes, same, she goes on dates with them, sometimes they go well, sometimes they don't but she always finds something to complain about and i have often gotten calls from her at like 11:30 after a date to complain which i genuinely hate. but i can't just ignore the calls because what if she's in genuine need of help...
anyway, i've tried pointedly changing the topic. i've tried showing very little interest. the pettiest thing i have done until now is replying to a "i'm texting a man" text with "when are you not". idk if that doesn't get the message across then what will (ik ik direct conversation but we also work together and i don't want to make things awkward)
and like you said, i'm not doing great atm, i don't have the energy to care about bad dates and random men. it is so so exhausting.
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