#ik some of y’all have already read this a while ago so just ignore me 😇
coulrology · 2 years
Thought it was about time I finally share my take on basilisk Adrian-
Of all the basilisk experiments, Adrian was the most important to Belos and his plans for the Day of Unity. He needed a basilisk to be directly part of the draining spell, so he had to raise one that would eventually take the place of a coven head when the time came (and in the main Juniper timeline - where I am sticking as close to canon as possible - Adrian replaces them).
Throughout Adrian’s entire life, he wasn’t aware of the fact that he was a basilisk, though. The only people that knew were Belos, and the select few that were helping him with the experiments. Two of the witches part of the team posed as Adrian’s parents while they studied and raised him. He was monitored at all times growing up to make sure he blended in with his peers, and that no suspicions were raised about the basilisk project. If at any point Adrian got emotional and transformed back into his natural form, his “parents” would extract and burn those memories so that anything relating to basilisks was wiped from his mind. Because basilisks need magic as a source of food, he has to drink specially made elixirs - similar to the owl beast one in a sense, because it also allows him to keep his witch disguise. As he got older, his transformations were less frequent and he can hold his witch form without any issue.
Even though basilisks are considered a type of beast demon, since they *are* able to use a very specific kind of magic, I think it’s possible they might have a bile sac as well. In Adrian’s case, obviously his magic is very weak (maybe because he consumes magic through potions instead of a stronger source?), so that’s why he was thrown into the illusion track. It would be easy enough to fake his abilities, plus illusionists are already seen as the “weakest” of the covens so he fits right in.
Also the show already established that it is possible to restore memories that were destroyed, so Adrian’s breakdown during Labyrinth Runners? Everything about his existence as a basilisk came flooding back, his entire identity turned out to be a lie, of course it would hit him hard!!
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royalkillabee-blog · 7 years
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Forever Queen Bella Part I 
By: Brittany Chisem
Januaury 3, 2017
It was a cold winter day, when I noticed him looking my way. I thought to myself “What is this brother going to say?” He walked over to me as I was approaching my car and he said “Excuse me gorgeous, I couldn’t help to stare because you’re so flawless.” I exploded with laughter and asked him “Is that your pick up line sir?!” He said, “I had to make it rhyme for a woman who is more than a dime.” Lowkey, I thought his rhyming lines was kinda fly even though most women would’ve thought of it to be corny! “What’s your name pretty lady?” “My name is Bella and yours?” “I’m Andre but of course everyone calls me Dre.” “Well it’s nice to meet you Dre but I have to get going.” “Okay gorgeous, would you mind if I get your number so that I can call you and maybe take you out on a date?” Now, usually I don’t give out my number. Instead, I pretend to take theirs and keep it pushing. However, it was something eccentric about Dre that made me want to give him some play. I thought to myself and said “Sure, my number is 272-939-7722.” “Could I call you later?” “Yes, you can call me later.” “Iight, cool ma. It was nice meeting you.” “Nice meeting you too Dre.”
I got in my car and drove to Twan house. I couldn’t help but to think about Dre the whole ride to Twan’s place. Dre had to be at least 6’2”, with white teeth, waves swimming, and skin the color of a cup of dark-chocolate. He even smelled like a Macy’s catalog of the Gucci Guilty cologne. I was so busy thinking about Dre sexy self, that I almost didn’t even hear my phone ringing. I picked up on the last ring and heard a familiar voice on the other end. Hello, I said. “Hi, may I speak with Bella.” “This is she. May I ask whose calling?” “Yeah, it’s me, Dre.” “Oh, hi Dre.” “Bella, I know I literally just left from seeing you at the store, but I wanted to ask if you were free this evening? I’d love to take you out on a date, if that’s cool with you?” I was in awe. I just left the store a good 15-20 minutes ago from meeting him and Dre already wants to take me out. I wanted to say no only because I had been with Twan for three years and I didn’t want to be the one to break up our relationship by cheating. Then I had a quick flash back to the other day when Twan nearly broke my wrist when he tried to take his phone out of my hand to prevent me from reading those text between him and his ex. I quickly replied to Dre with a loud “YES!” He said, “Ok ma. I see that got you hype! Haha! Do you like The Cheesecake Factory?” “I love that place!” “Well it’s a date then. Would you like to meet at my place at 7:30?” “Sure, just send me the address. Oh and in case you’re crazy, I’ll have my father on stand-by!” “Haha, nah ma. I’m good. I just want to show a woman so fine a really good time.” There he goes again with that rhyming but he did sound sexy doing it! “Iight Dre, well I’ll be ready by 7:30.” “I’ll give you until 8:30. You know how y’all women take forever to get ready!”
Just as I was about to reply, my car door had flung open and Twan hopped in. I quickly said “I’ll call you back later!” Then I hung up and locked my screen. Twan looked at me with the evillest look he could give and then he finally asked, “Who were you on the phone with and what tf took you so long to get here?!” “Twan that was my mom calling me and I had to stop by the store to get some gas.” “Yeah right, it better not have been no other nigga or I’m going to kill you and him both.” “Twan, you’re crazy. Anyways, why are we in my car? I thought you were driving? Nah, my car just got dropped off to the shop to get this new chrome paint job plus you know my shit hot in these streets.” I hated when he did this to me. He knew exactly what he was doing when he had me drive almost 30 minutes from my house to his. Usually he picks me up when we go up to VA to make our run but today he wants me to drive. Something smells terribly fishy and I’m going to get to the bottom of it. “You know I hate driving. I’m always down to ride with and for you but why do I have to drive and on top of driving, I have to whip my car?” “Here you go again with all that whining and complaining. I’ll drive your car, damn ok?!” “You know what? How about you get your ex to drive since you care to keep her in your life!” SMACK!!! Just like that Twan’s hand went across my face, hitting me so hard that I felt a tear fall from my eye. Before I could think, I slapped his ass right back. We broke out into a huge Ike and Tina limo fight right in the front seat of my car. He stopped, got out of my car. I was thinking his dumb ass was leaving and going back inside. Instead, he walked over to my side of the car and pulled me and my keys out. He picked me up, locked my car doors and carried me back into his house. I was in shock I just sat there frozen in his arms, low key terrified of what he was about to do next. He flew open the front door and kicked it shut behind him. He threw me on the couch, pulled off his shirt and dropped his pants down. He pulled up my dress and started French kissing me in my mouth while he hands explored every inch of my frame. I couldn’t help but to feel like a weak little girl falling into her daddy’s arm after getting a whopping. I wrapped my legs around him and watched him make his way past my navel. He kissed kitty so good until he tasted all of her honey, that really aroused him. Then he slowly pushed himself inside of me until I felt him in my stomach. I screamed out to our father God, crying while he whispered how much he loved me in my ear. He picks up his pace and I could hear the honey splashing all over him. That drove him crazy! He picked me up and pinned me against the wall filling every inch of him inside of me. I melted in his arms. It was so good, even though how he treated me was so wrong. We screamed out each other’s names as we both released our tension on and in each other. We both fell hard to the floor, panting, trying to catch our breath. I looked him deep in the eye and asked him, “Twan, baby why do you feel the need to lie?” He looked back at me in a way I had never seen, he said “Bella, I lie because I love you and I only want to protect you from being hurt by the truth.” I quickly got up, even though my legs felt like Jello after he put it on me like that. I rushed over to the bathroom and freshened up. Twan started knocking on the door asking me to let him in. Go away Twan! Can I be in peace? Before I knew it, Twan crazy ass done broke through the door, came in trying to get more. Instead of giving in again, I slid past him, grabbed my keys off the couch and rushed to my car. I hopped in and sped off so quick, you would’ve thought the man was trying to kill me. I hit 80 the whole ride home.
Meanwhile, here is Twan blowing up my phone. I ignored his first three calls. By the fourth call, I answered on the fourth ring. “WHAT TWAN?” “Yo Bella, wtf baby. Why did you leave like that? Plus, you know that we got business to handle!” I thought long and hard before I made this final decision to say what I should’ve said three years ago. “Twan, baby you know I love you and I truly appreciate you. However, I really think that we need a break. I’m not saying for us to break up but just to give each other some time and space to think about what it is that we want to do.” “Look Bella, you are MY girl! MY GIRL! I’m the one who got your spoiled ass riding in that A7, living in that nice as penthouse, laced in the newest Chanel, Christian Louboutin, and Prada. Whenever your ass need something, I got you!!!” “See Twan, that’s your problem. You think because you lace me in material things that I’m supposed to allow you to treat me any kind of way. My love doesn’t cost a thing. You can have all of this back if that’s how you feel. Furthermore, I’ve said what I had to say. When you’re ready to make me your wife, then that’s when I will let you back into my life.” “Bel-”
Just like that I hung up the phone on his ass. I loved the hell out of Twan but I Knew our life was not destined for the best. I’ve been having the strangest feeling ever since we made our last run to VA for the work. I just pray that Twan gets out the game before it’s too late.
I finally pulled back up to my house in less than 30 minutes after speeding home from Twan’s house. I was emotionally drained. I snatched off all of my clothes and shoes. I poured a drink of Pineapple Ciroc and rolled me a Bob Marley blunt. I drank and puffed on my blunt, while I thought about why Twan was still in love with his ex and why he felt the need to try to keep me even though he wanted her back. I thought about Twan and that ho ass ex of his for so long that I didn’t even realize a whole hour and a half had gone by. My tub water had become ice cold and my heart felt numb. I drained the water out the tub, let the shower rinse me off before I finished bathing. I dried off and oiled up my entire body with coconut oil. I applied my makeup, curled my hair and slid on my tight red dress that showed off my Triple D breast. The way my booty pocked out the back, would make any man want to take a bite of the peach. I finished getting ready right at 8pm.
I grabbed my keys, purse and phone and started to head out the door, until I noticed Twan standing on the other side waiting for me to come out. My heart began to race and my stomach began to flutter. I thought to myself, “How long has he been out there and why didn’t he use his key?” Then I remembered I changed the locks on his ass after he pulled that stunt at the club with them clatchet hos. I decided to call Twan instead of opening the door, until I realized Twan had sent me 50 text messages and called me 50 times. Plus, Dre had called and text me once. I responded to Dre first telling him that I’d be on my way, then I proceeded to call Twan. “Yo, Bella baby…I’ve called and text you at least 100 times, I’ve knocked on your door and rang the doorbell. Baby, please talk to me….I don’t won’t to lose you let alone break up over the phone.” “Twan, baby my phone was on silent, that’s why I didn’t see you hundred calls and messages and we can talk when I get back home or tomorrow morning at brunch?” “So you’re telling me that you’re not home but you’re car is in the parking lot?” “Uh yes, I do have friends with cars Twan tf?” “Look Bella, I’ll be here to pick you up in the morning at 11. I love you baby and I promise to make it wo---” “I love you too, ok bye.” I hung up the phone so quick on his ass because Dre was beeping in. “Hi, Dre. I just seen your text with the address. I’m on the way.” “Ok gorgeous, I’ll see you soon.”I got in my car and drove to meet Dre. The whole time I was thinking how could I be in love with a drug dealer and catching feelings for another, when I’m interning with the top county  D.A.?
-----------------------------------------TO BE CONTINUED-------------------------------------------------
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