#ik tuesday is over for a lot of y’all but… still
fleshadept · 2 years
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happy taika tuesday give it up for taika tuesday (mirror edition)
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lunatens · 4 years
i... don't remember what i was upset about it was probably a bit if not very petty alSO did you know that according to the google dictionary, a synonym of "petty" is "chicken sh*t" it's listed as "vulgar slang • north american" i mean... just why.... 🥴 hhhh yes it'd be nice to be awake when you see your family for the same time even if you feel 🤪😩🥴 (because you might need 😴 and you better be getting a lot of 😴 even tho im sure u want to hang out with your family bc i know i want to) ++
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skgjsjs that’s good i’m glad it wasn’t something super bad then! 😌💕 also LMAOOO I DIDNT KNOW THAT that’s so funny thank u for enlightening me with this information 🤩
yes i’ve been hanging out with my family lots + also sleeping so it’s v good!!! altho idk what happened to me i’ve been falling asleep at like 11pm and waking up at like 7:30 pls what happened to me 😭😭 i’ve nEVER in my life been a morning person 😖😖 am i getting old
AWE YAY IM GLAD YOU SAW YOUR SISTER!!!!! and that y’all get along really well that’s so sweet 🥺💖💘💘💞💓 hehe yay!!
lol yeah it’s a lot of work but it becomes routine!! ik not everyone loves pets/animals but i can’t imagine not having one personally i love them so much 🥺🥺 (also those eMOJIS WHY ARE U SO CUTE 😭😭)
ooh i hope you get to go on one with your friends some day!!!!!!! road trips are the best!!!! where would you go on your road trip do you think? i just love being in cars idk whY but it’s so nice, my longest road trip was i think 20ish hours with my family once but we split it up over a couple days 😌
oh also i tried taking a couple quick pictures on my drive home for u bc it looked really pretty but the pictures didn’t turn out that nice lol but i’ll still show u anyways 😎😎 enjoy canada woop woop (the pictures make it look uglee but i promise it’s nice in person)
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i do celebrate christmas (not religiously tho!) !!! i am vERY shocked it’s so soon like omg woah 😳 i’m getting a cavity filled tomorrow though 😖😖 merry christmas to me yayyy 🙃 slfjsjsj but i’m very excited for christmas!!!
i’m assuming you also celebrate christmas then? if so i hope it’ll be a good christmas!!!!!!! hAPPY HOLIDAYS TOO HEHE DRESS V WARM!! 💖💘💘💕💓
OU YEAH THE PHOTOCARDS!! ik what u mean sometimes they aren’t the best photos, like i have two other joshua ones but like idk they’re not The Best photocards yk but these ones were so cute 🥺🥺 also OMFG YEAH wow twice and svt doing the most in their albums 😳 AND THANK U I HOPE I GET IT TOOOO 😭😭😭😭😭 ILY 💖💝💘💕💓
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maetaamong · 7 years
I have too much love - 2018
Cuase everyone is fuckin doing this I will too. I wish I was as good with words as some people are (I’m lookin at you Nom and L, stop making me cry damnit) but I hope this at least makes you smile. Or even better, giggle.
@yoonhaan​ Hi mom!! You’re such a bright and amazing person who never fails to brighten up my day. And boi you have good taste in music, you have yet to let me down with a song rec. You always make me feel so soft and loved. Idk what you look like (yet hopefully) but I have no doubt that you’re as beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside. (We should get you a modelling contract stat cause damn girl you beautiful) Thank you for taking such good care of me during the past few months!!! I love you
@caramelmacch1ato​ Hi Hello Boo ~~~ Ahhhh idek where to start... well first off I think you need to start loving yourself more my queen (listen to BTS, love myself love yourself) You’re so sweet and loving. Thank you for your good morning and good night messages, they’re always a great way to start or end the day. I’m not sure if you know this (because I’m terrible and hide my emotions a lot sometimes lmao) but I really do look up to you. You’re so strong, and friendly, and beautiful (inside and out), and open minded, and caring, and smart, and the list could go on forever. I love you
@fooderaser​ I miss you Ch!!! I still haven’t gotten to know you as well as I’d like to, I know your busy and timezones suck but I still miss you cause im selfish like that. I hope that during the new year I get to know you more and more. I love you
@performanceunit​ Howsitgoin Erin –– I don’t know you too well either!! I’d love to talk to you more during this year sometime. Although I haven’t spoken to you a lot, it would be impossible not to pick up on your sweetness. Thank you for adding me (and Charlie) to the team, I’m having so so so much fun with this!!! I love you
@himchaans​ Hola hola Gao <3 Thank you for always patiently dealing with my (sometimes way too constant) questions and confusions. Idk how much sway you had in adding Charlie and I but I’d like to thank you regardless. fyperfunit is so so much fun!! (Tho I do sometimes complain about it to the Crew™ I really do love it) You’re so sweet and kind, I could tell from your first message. I love you
@lollipopp3725​ Whats up my fellow Wonhui stan ++ Finally another switch stan to hang out with (boy you have no idea how hard it is to stay soft all the time with these guys pffft) I love our random all caps scream sessions on skype about everyone, everything, and anything. You’re so excitable and happy and I LOVE IT. I can’t help but be happy when talking to you. I haven’t known you that long but I can’t wait to get to know you more. I love you
@undinefin​ Bonjour my smol bean ~~ I know you sometimes hate being called small and cute but you really really are. (I can’t help it okay) Thank you for always dealing with my hyper, clumsy, sometimes stupid, and over-loving self (ik I can be a handful sometimes) I’m so lucky to have met you and even luckier to be able to call you my friend. You really need to start loving yourself more too, you always refer to yourself as “average” or “uncool” but I swear on all my albums (because letsbereal thats a huge commitment right there) that you are one of the coolest people I’ve ever met. Maybe youre not a published author or an olympian at your age but who tf is (only cyborgs thats who) Compliment yourself every once in a while. You’re amazing! ( I want you to say that out loud okay because it’s so true) Your happy little smile, random messages complaining about life or Mafu and Soraru, your hugs, your presents, your laugh, the way you wave your arms in the air when you’re excited, your constant hype and support, and last but not least your golden heart. I love it all. I love you
@howcaniwait​ CP you better be ready for this. My love. My princess. My ray of sunshine. My British beansprout. My source of happiness. I love you. I really really really love you. You have no idea how much you mean to me. When someone asks me who my best friend is your name pops into my head within milliseconds. Nine times out of ten when I’m online I’m either talking to you, talking about you, reading through your posts, looking at your top quality memes, or simply thinking about you. You make me so unbelievably happy I’m almost mad. (almost) I know I just saw you a few days ago but I already miss you. It’s cold and too flat on the other side of the country. I miss our sassy roast wars during lunch, complaining about teachers (and Joanna), and even (oh god tell no one I said this) volleyball practice with you. I can’t thank you enough for bringing these bright people into my life. And even more so for you staying in my life. One of my biggest worries when I moved was losing touch with you guys because I’m terrible at expressing myself. But here we are. With you converted into a kpop stan. And me actually talking to people and making friends. I don’t know if I would be the same person I am today without you here. Whether it was telling me to go tf sleep at 1am on a Tuesday night, reminding me to eat food, talking me through a mental breakdown, or even sending me shirtless Sehun to fuck with me - I’m thankful for it all. I love you more than words can express, and I wish you could love yourself as much as I love you. (This didn’t even begin to express how I feel about you but hey we can’t just make this a post about you can we, damn........ maybe I will make a CP post... sometime.... eventually.... look out)
Okay there we go that took a while, y’all better appreciate this because I suck at expressing myself. So this took a lot of though. Maybe it was the sleep deprivation that made this legible??? Who knows, I love you all and wish you the best in the years to come. Thanks for making my 2017 that much better
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