#ikemen rev hcs
awesomeanimelover39 · 2 years
Hi!Since your request are open can I ask that IkeRev Alice is 2 or 3 months pregnant when she arrived in Cradle and the charactera are Ray,Lancelot, Jonah,Fenrir~~Advance thanks ^‌_^!
Yay! Ofc I can do this! (Lancelot and Jonah under the cut)
Requested by: @i-am-totally-a-weirdoo
Alice in early stages of pregnancy when arriving in Cradle
Ray Blackwell:
While he did notice your baby bump, he didn't exactly know what it was
He didn't want to ask, (he's not stupid) but he was curious
Eventually he wrote you a note and slipped it under your door, claiming another officer wanted to know
Of course, you knew he was in fact the one who was interested
Once you told him he was impressed
He thought you were pretty emotionally and physically strong for a woman who has a baby growing inside of her
He honestly admires you even more now
But as he watches you use magic, he suddenly grows more and more concerned
He didn't want you to hurt the human growing inside of you
He loves that you're stubborn, but maybe a break is a good idea?
He doesn't want to order you around, but he is worried
Maybe if you let him do some of the work he'd feel better
You noticed how his face twisted in concern every time you practiced
It was touching how he cared about you and your pregnancy, even though it wasn't his
Just let him worry, it's not only the cutest, but the most emotional side to him
Fenrir Godspeed:
Hmm. Alright here's the deal
He has no idea what it is
For a while he didn't even notice
But he did straight-up ask you
It didn't occur to him that could be offensive (please go easy on him)
Once you tell him, he's OVER THE MOON
You don't get why he's making such a big deal
But he thinks you're awesome!
He goes on and on about how strong you are and how thought it must have been for you to fall into an entirely new world after already having to adjust differently to your old one
He does act a little less reckless after he finds out
He doesn't want you to get hurt in any way
You took notice of the fact he was always with you
And how when he helped you get down from carriages, he looked at your bump to make sure you weren't straining in any way
You were shocked to see this caring side of him, it was a nice change
He was very dramatic when he told you one day that he would consider this kid his own
You were more than happy, he did seem like a greta dad
He really is so excited for you, you couldn't ask for a more supportive man
Lancelot Kingsley:
He also didn't notice
But that's because he was too busy
But he heard from another soldier that he noticed you were pregnant
Well, that soldier didn't tell him, Edgar did
And that's because Edgar heard him congratulating you
Now he's interested
He understands this must be hard
Having fallen into Cradle so unexpectedly
He asks you personally to take things easy
(You didn't know he knew)
When you tried to shake it off and work harder, he just kept sending soldiers to take you to a chair, or lunch
You figured he had something to do with it, so you went to see him
He was embarrassed when you called him out on knowing, but secretly happy he gets to talk to you about it (he is interested in how you are dealing with everything)
You told him your ex got you pregnant, but when you told your ex you were pregnant, he called you gross and ran away. You said that it broke your heart
He was furious
He wanted this man to pay in painful ways for abandoning you like that
That's when it slipped out
In all his anger he said "Ugh. I would NEVER abandon you like that,"
Lancelot: 😳 MC: 🥺
It was adorable to hear him say just how much he cared, it made you feel just a little braver and a little more loved
Jonah Clemence:
This is a mistake
Why would you tell him
Let him figure it out. Telling him was a death wish
Now he is ordering you around
He was very worried about you using magic, and about you walking alone, and unlike the others, he's not afraid to show that
He will duct tape you to the chair if he has too
He will have Kyle keep an eye on you all day and follow you when you leave the headquarters
Isn't that Edgar's job?
Everything you do becomes dangerous
You both got in a fight with each other when you told him he needed to let up
He must have felt bad because a bouquet of flowers were on your nightstand the next day
He doesn't say he's sorry, but he is saying he loves you in his own unique Jonah way
You were sure that he would call you gross
"Absolutely not!"
He thinks you are outstandingly strong and smart
He respects you deeply, and knowing you want to have kids makes his heart beat faster
He'll never say anything, but he hopes that even though this kid isn't technically his own, he is able to love him like a real father
He silently promises himself before the kid is born that he will never let anything bad happen to you, or them
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chaosangel767 · 3 years
Hi there @chaosangel767 :)!I saw your requests are open.A head cannons on IkeRev that Alice is 2 or 3 months pregnant and characters are the Black Army members. Thank you!:)
I am so sorry you waited for so long 💙 I hope you enjoy ^-^
Announcing to the Suitor's MC is Pregnant Ft. the Black Army
Scenario: Alice is 2 - 3 Months pregnant. How do the Army officers react?
Suitors: Black Army 
Requested: @i-am-totally-a-weirdo
Tagging: @toloveawarlord , @thewitchofbooks , @queen-dahlia , @sarahann-1984, @rhodolitesrose , @kpop-and-otome , @ikesimp100 , @mojamika , @psychoangelinmydreams , @citizensofcradle, @ikemenlibrary, @tele86 - If your name is crossed out I was unable to tag you. If you want to be tagged/untagged please let me know or fill out this form here
Ray knows something is wrong right off the bat. You are usually super affectionate and happy, but lately affection seems to frustrate you and you are more withdrawn from him. His brain starts running as he thinks of all the possibilities. Are you homesick? Do you not love him? His work seriously suffers as he worries about you.
Your mood swings are a mix mainly of depression and anxiety. You try to be your normal cheery self, but end up crying for no reason and mixed with fatigue leaves you unable to smile at much. You feel bad for worrying Ray, often his hurt face brings tears to your eyes. When you finally go to see a doctor you get the news and are so happy. You start crying and go to find your lover, but the doubt sets in.
The mood swings get more severe though and you start to worry that you won’t be good enough, and that Ray won’t love you. You withdraw far into yourself, the doubt and anxieties too much to bear alone.
When you don’t show up for dinner for the third night in a row Ray goes to find you. You are curled up in his shirt in your old room with Belle crying. He immediately kneels next to the bed begging you to tell him what's wrong. You shake your head at him, sitting up to have this conversation, fear gripping your heart. Instead of explaining, you just show him the medical document that states your pregnancy test. Pulling Belle into your arms with tears in your eyes as Ray just stares at the paper, his brain not comprehending what this means.
Finally after what feels like forever he looks up from the side of the bed. He puts the paper on the nightstand and gets behind you wrapping his arms around you.
For the first time in a long time, you let him hold you as he reassures you how happy he is. He knows you are going to be an amazing mom and that everything is going to be okay.
No one mentions how protective Ray gets of you the next month or so. He lets you have your space, but he also keeps an eye on you. Sometimes you just need him and will go to his room in just his shirt to cuddle and other nights you will steal Belle away and stay in your room, not wanting to be around people.
Fenrir is the first of the officers to get told, though Sirius suspects something is up. Fenrir quickly hugs you and reassures you everything will be okay. Sirius and Luka are told next so that plans can be made to keep you safe and so your workload can be distributed. The other officers are told at month 4 and you are welcome with open arms, an anchor against depression and mood swings.
When your mood swings start to really take effect, it is close to your normal time of the month, and Sirius doesn't pay much attention, he is used to how your hormones affect your mood. He has learned over your time together when you need more affection and when you need to be left alone, so he reads your body language and gives you what you need.
When the usual week ends and you are still moody he watches you more carefully, noticing how you seem more tired and the few times you leave dinner early.
He knows something is off, but not sure what is going on. He trusts that you will tell him when you're ready, but he worries all the same. He seems to hover around you, not wanting to bring up the subject, but also wanting to be there for you.
It takes you a long time to admit to him what is going on, you are well into your 3rd month when you finally break the news, worried about how the work addicted Queen will act.
Sirius seems shocked at first, emotions not showing on his face. His eyes drift down to your stomach and you start to feel unsure, Tears filling your eyes.
The Queen finally seems to snap out of his trance, dropping to his knees in front of you and presses his lips to your stomach, vowing to protect and love his child. He will never admit to the tears that fall from his eyes when he presses kisses to your stomach. Resting his head against your stomach as you play with his hair.
He is attentive to you as your body starts to change. Your breasts grow more tender and you tire more easily. Sirius continues to make up excuses and keeps the others from figuring it out until you are both ready to announce it.
You both agree to wait until the 4th month to announce to the others, once the chance for a miscarriage is lower risk. Everyone is elated, and the mood around HeadQuarters seems to pick up as everyone starts to expect the bundle of joy.
Luka is worried when you suddenly rush out of the kitchen while helping him make breakfast. You shrug him off as not feeling well and go lay down. After sleeping like a rock, you enter the kitchen, getting a bowl of Luka’s soup only for it to make you sick as well.
Waving it off as the stomach flu, you lay down and sip some water, smiling when Luka comes from training early to bring you fresh bread. The bread is able to satisfy your stomach and Luka heads back to make dinner.
After a week of foods making you sick, you go to the infirmary only to find out you are pregnant. Worry floods your mind and you hunt down your love to talk to him. Finding Luka in the kitchen making dinner, you sit at the table and try to talk to him, but the smell of roast beef is too much on your body and you end up in your bathroom.
Luka calls for Sirius to take over dinner so he can check on you. Holding back your hair, he stays with you until your stomach has settled. He helps you clean up before he traces patterns on your stomach as you rest against him.
Once you have calmed down, you face him, straddling his lap. Resting your forehead against his, you tell him you're pregnant, praying that he doesn’t freak out. Luka stares for a minute as the words register before he kisses you, wrapping his arms tighter around your waist. His head falls into your shoulder and you feel tears wet your shoulder.
Luka is in absolute heaven and he is excited to start a family with you. He presses a ton of kisses to your lips, and spends the rest of the day holding you.
The two of you end up going to Sirius and Ray to let them know about your pregnancy first. They help you hide it until you are ready to tell the others.
Luka is very attentive to you, cuddling you as much as you need and making sure you take care of your body. He makes you anything you crave or anything that will stay down to make sure you are getting the nutrients you need.
Seth has always been very attentive to your body and he is quick to notice the little changes in your body.
He is quick to help tend to your sensitive and swelling breasts, massaging them and tending to any other sore muscles.
He is worried about you and tries to find out what is wrong, when you don’t know, he sends you to the doctors, staying with you. He is absolutely delighted when he finds out, kissing you in the infirmary.
He goes straight to Sirius and tells him you need time off, making sure you are comfy in your room. He continues to massage your sore body, constantly praising you and helping you find the cutest maternity clothing.
He helps you when you are having fatigue or migraines and thinks up excuses to tell everyone. Seth loves rubbing your stomach, humming or singing to you as he relaxes your body.
Only Seth and Sirius know what is actually going on. When your bump starts showing slightly at week 12 and you decide to break the news to everyone.
Morning sickness hits you heavily, and it worries Fenrir to no end. At first you try to play it off as a stomach bug right after your period, but eventually he stops buying it. Sirius pulls you aside and sends you to the infirmary. He suspects what is going on, but refuses to say anything and you end up breaking the news to Fenrir first.
Fenrir is noticing the changes in your behavior, constantly skipping meals, or leaving early to throw up.
You are also craving more of his attention and he always finds you circles up in his bed in his shirts or cuddling Shu Shu.
When you finally break the news to Fenrir, you weren’t expecting his absolutely elated laugh. He smothers you in kisses, pressing them all over your face, neck and stomach as tears fill his eyes.
His happiness is contagious and you end up crying happy tears as he takes the day off to spoil you. Ray is the first one he tells, Sirius smirking when Fenrir kicks all the officers out of the office. Once you are safely in the second trimester, they agree to announce it.
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voltage-vixen · 5 years
Author Interview 💻
Thank you very much dear @lin-ful! I’m a huge fan of your work, and I feel truly flattered to be tagged by you! 💕
Name: Kristen 
Fandoms: L365,  SLBP, MLQC, Ikemen Sen/Vamp/Rev & MidCin. 
Want to do in the future: I would like to finish writing the original novel I started. I’ve actually set aside the time to sit down and start writing it, and I’m already a few chapters in. (Which finding the time is half the battle!)
Where You Post: I post mainly on tumblr, but due to recent glitching issues on the site, I’m going to start posting my fanfics to AO3. At least we will see how it goes over there for now!
I’m going to keep the prompts and special event stories on my blog here though. 
Most Popular One-Shot: I don’t know if a HC is technically considered a “one-shot”, but if it is my most popular one would be Bath Time with the Bidders. 
If that doesn’t count, then these stories for Gavin and Victor are both currently tied for first based on the note count: “Show me how you play with yourself.”--Victor  &   “I’m not feeling well.” “Then that means you’re on bed arrest today, and I’m your bed mate.”--Gavin
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: A Reassuring Reminder which features Gavin from MLQC. 
It’s funny because this was never intended to turn into a multi-chapter story, but lately Gavin has been one of the few characters that I’ve actually been feeling really excited to write for, and this story ended up continuing for that reason!
Favorite Story You Wrote: The Prequel to Paradise 
This was a story about how I pictured Yosuke and Taki meeting for the first time. I enjoyed really having to think about the box with this one, because writing for a character in the past can be tricky (at least for me) since we often only have a snapshot to work off of. I was very proud of being able to finish this one, and it really forced me to think
Story You Were Nervous to Post: Feelings Amiss
This was the first fanfic I ever wrote, and the very first one I ever posted to tumblr. I kept deleting the post when I originally first published it, but this was the story that helped me overcome the initial fear I first had. 
Also, it was my first one ever, so please don’t judge it too harshly! 😂
How You Choose Your Titles: In case it wasn’t obvious already, I LOVE alliteration and I will sit there and desperately try to make it work with the title, before I eventually give up and move on to something else. 😂
I can’t start writing the story without having the title, so the title process is a huge deal for me personally as a writer!
Completed: Is a lot an acceptable answer? 🤣🤷‍♀️ I honestly don’t know the count.
Incomplete: See answer to the question above. 😂
Do You Outline? NOPE! 
Been there, done that, and it’s not for me. More times than not I end up deviating from my original thought process anyway. 
Plus, I’ve been having difficulties managing my schedule lately, and that just adds another step for me to have to worry about.             
Do You Accept Prompts? I have a lot in previous requests sessions. I still will moving forward, but with the added disclaimer that despite my best efforts,  I won’t be able to guarantee anything. 
It’s nothing personal-some ideas just click while others have proven to be more challenging. 😣
Coming Soon/Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: I’m a rebel and combined these two questions since they had the same answers. 😂
I am SO unbelievably excited for the new events to get started!!! (I won’t list them all again, but you can find them HERE if you haven’t seen them yet.)
I’m going to be posting a calender shortly with the info on when you can expect to see them!
I’m also really stoked to start writing out for some of the newer fandoms I recently joined! I found some new characters that I really have grown fond of, and I already have a ton of ideas for them! 😊
What do you use to edit?: I write in Word and besides the basic catches it flags (and let’s be honest it misses a lot) I don’t edit. I HATE editing with a passion. 
I do edit in my freelance work (and I still dislike it) but for my hobby writing I “post and pray.” I know this is bad, and I truly do apologize in advance, but I overthink everything and I would start to second guess myself. 
This is 100% a me problem, but it’s a vicious cycle I prefer to avoid!
Writing setup: Chaos. Sheer and utter chaos. The more chaotic the better. 🤣 Seriously, I tend to thrive in a more busy environment. 
I sit on my couch and binge watch all the shows on Netflix that I can’t watch when my kids are awake. (Currently I’m watching Dexter in case anyone cared to know that.)
While I’m writing, I’m normally chatting with friends and I’m trying to use my energy/stamina so I can clear one of many events I’m probably playing. (cough-IkeSen right now-cough).
I end up getting distracted a lot throughout this process, but that’s alright! Sometimes the most randomest things can spark the slightest idea!  
Do you use a beta reader? 
I recently asked a friend for her opinion on the characterization for a newer character I was writing for, but otherwise I don’t on a regular basis.
Nearly all my writing lately has been taking place very late at night, and I always immediately post a story once it’s completed. The exception being the special event stories, but otherwise it’s all published right away. Even if I could find a patient enough soul willing to do it, my writing schedule is sporadic and it would be difficult for me to communicate consistently.  
Additionally, if I’m left alone to wait with my own devices, who knows what would happen?!😂
Where do you get your writing inspiration?  
A lot of times random thoughts will pop into my head when I’m reading a route. Or something I see or hear in real life may trigger an idea that I think would be perfect for a story.
Also, I hate waiting for new content to be released, so I need something to entertain myself with in the meantime! 😊
Can we get a quote from an upcoming WIP?
“You’re finally awake?”
MC groaned as her eyes flickered adjusting to the newfound darkness of the room she was currently being held captive in. 
“W-Where am I?” MC questioned, while glancing around the room trying to find any sort of clue that would provide her with the answers she was seeking. 
A tall intimidating cloaked figure, furtively scuttled over and roughly pinched the side of her bruised cheeks. 
“That’s enough out of you,” he snarled. “Today, I’ll be the only one asking the questions around here.”
(This is from the final chapter of A Reassuring Reminder)
Tagging: @iluvsexyvoltageguys & @that-wasnt-so-bad
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