#ikemen revolution Oliver
shatcey · 9 months
Genjiden prologue
I have finished the prologue of Genjiden. And this is my retelling. Long, messy, and inaccurate.
MC is a young, pretty little pharmacist's apprentice (I think it's a cross between a person who makes medicines and treats people, like Ieyasu from Ikesen). So… She went to the city at night (she wasn't going to do it at night, just timed it wrong), where her teacher went… Why they couldn't go there together is a big mystery (perhaps a translation problem). There was a meeting with a merchant with an eyepatch, but it doesn't matter. Excuse me the Guy with the eyepatch. So, she almost got to the city, but suddenly noticed a small white fox in the grass… of course, the wounded one (why else MC can heal).
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She deals with his wounds, and suddenly two people with not entirely peaceful intentions appear.
I'm really bad at remembering new names. So use the nicknames I gave them… At least for now. A guy with huge pearls on his chest - Pearl-guy - (it's probably bombs, but they look just like pearls). Pearl-guy is very loud and aggressive. I didn't like him at first sight. Who wears pearls this size? Poor oysters.
He was accompanied by a cute red-haired guy with a bow - Ginger cutie - who convinced Pearl Guy to leave MC alone.
When they finally decided to go their ways, she mentioned the little guy in her arms (fox, if you forgot), and they suddenly ordered her to leave him to them with very bloody intentions. Of course, MC refused (she had just patched him!). And two more people appear. I guess this road is very popular at night.
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One of the newcomers reminds me a lot of Yves from IkeРri (height, blond hair, blue eyes), so for now I'll call him Japanese Yves. And he was with a guy with glasses and red gloves. These gloves bother me a lot… He wears grayish-black armor and red gloves… It's very creepy… It looks like his hands are constantly covered in blood. So he's going to be Red-gloved guy.
The newcomers start fighting with the previous pair. Red-gloved guy shouts to MC go to the forest and meet two more people. Sorry… I need a moment… It's so stupid that I was surprised I didn't laugh when I read it.
She ran away because she wanted to save this little fox. Of course. I would have done the same thing. He's cute and small… and much quieter than the others. He has so many pluses.
In the forest, she meet a man who is supposed to be Nobunaga of this world. But… He doesn't have that heavy aura of authority, and he's much younger. I didn't find anything special about his appearance, so he's going to be a Little Nobunaga for now. There was a guy with him who reminds me of Hideyoshi because he looks pretty friendly and he's with little Nobunaga. But the red-gloved guy called him Fluffy-haired, and I like the sound of that.
So they're talking… about something… I don't remember. And another person appears. For some reason, he looks more like a small version of little Nabunaga. From their conversation, I realized that he was Little Nobunaga's brother. So… that's why they are so alike… Make sense… But suddenly one of his eyes turned red, and now he looks so creepy… like a zombie. Sorry, little-little-Nobunaga, you're Zombie now.
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It's a comic after reading the prologue, but it looks so cute and will give you some visual.
Zombie uses some kind of magic, and fluffy-haired tries to fight him, but to no avail. Somehow, MC and the little fox in her arms have attracted attention, and yet another person orders her to leave him behind and run. But no, she would never let anything bad happen to her (already her) pet. And suddenly the little fox turned into a cute guy with a long silver hair and animal ears. Not bad… Big fox.
Then Big fox did something to MC, and her eyes and hair became the same color as his. Miracle. But no. It was a contract or something, and now she has his abilities.
Another person appears, no, he falls… I mean, he flew and landed… It's a demon. Sorry… I need one more moment…
He looks a lot like a demon… Black hair, red eyes, pointed ears, pointed nails… but… I don't know who did it or why… but he has an ornament on his chest… and it looks like tits… black fluffy tits… I'm sorry, demon, you are Black-tits guy now.
So… The first 4 people came running… in the forest (?). There was probably a field somewhere out there… otherwise, I have no idea how 10 (!!!) people can stand in a bamboo forest and see each other… Zombie is trying to use his magic, but MC, have no idea how, take it away from him. She has abilities! (dramatic music playing)
And… Zombie, Black-tits, Pearl, Ginger are gone…
Ugh… more oxygen.
But another person appears. I don't know why… but he looks like he should have long hair. It's just that his hairstyle somehow creates this impression… The Not-long haired guy.
He mostly laughs because MC is stuck with Big fox, probably forever, their bond is very difficult to break, and because of that she will become a target. But little Nobunaga assures MC that she can stay under his protection. And… she literally has no other choice.
The not-long-haired guy went to the capital (if I understood correctly) and met with two more people. A little boy who reminds me of Oliver from IkeRev, because his voice is NOT the voice of a child. And (I read a description) the Last emperor or something. And again, he has beautiful eyes, but other than that, I didn't notice anything remarkable.
Small child turns into a very beautiful demon, and I even stop for a while just to admire his beauty… (long pause) So for now he'll be Beautiful demon.
Little Nobunaga returns to his city with all his gang. People run to meet him, and he suddenly becomes very sweet and smiling. Considering how he had behaved before, it was quite shocking. But fluffy-haired said it was normal for him. Surprise-surprise. The rumor of friendly and popular leader are true.
So the MC stayed with the guys and said thanks for their kindness or something. The end.
I know my story lack of… story. But there was a lot of terms that translator refuse to translate and it was very long prologue and I quite surprised I remember that much…
But after that I was very dubious with who start to play. Red-gloved has an aura of Faust from IkeVamp, which is good, but I cannot forget his red gloves… they are creepy. Little Nobunaga is really weird, I don't know what to think about him yet. And choose Big fox right from the start seems a bit too rush. So I chose actually the only guy I liked. Ginger cutie. He seems to be quite rational (even cynical), funny, and undeniably cute. So be it.
Actually his cards are very pretty as well…
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I was considering to chose one of them. I couldn't find Beautiful demon, so decided to stay with Big fox. He's like a "pet"/"future husband" at the same time…
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xxsycamore · 9 months
Since I'm all for IkeRev and I'm all for the sapphics... Hope I still can request this! WLW Bodyguard AU featuring Genderbent!Oliver who has to constantly save baka MC because she's so naive she gives her a constant headache.
Whoops, I had a field day with this one. I couldn't help it, the prompt was too good 😭❤ Thank you anon, hope you like it!!
[ 🌈 part of the character x character or genderbent!character x mc requests🌈 ]
For Different Universe, Same Love creative challenge, hosted by @queengiuliettafirstlady and me.
𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐃 𝐀𝐔 ┅┅┅genderbent!Oliver x Alice
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𝐚 𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐬𝐞𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬
Olivia calls out with hands cupped around her mouth, hoping the airhead would finally, finally hear her.
Accepting her offer to go to the beach was the absolute worst idea, yet she still fell for those pleading large blue eyes. "I'll be safe because you, my bodyguard, will be there with me, Olivia!" "Magical Disciples don't go to the beach, Olivia!"
Olivia gives up on shouting, resorting to rubbing the bridge of her nose in vain attempts to soothe her headache instead. At least the sun just has set which means that 1) being in her adult form means she can finally reach Alice's head to give it a deserving bonk 2) the beach is getting emptier! somewhat. Screw those late-beach enjoyers still making the Alice search harder.
Olivia recalls all the trouble she had to go through to keep Alice safe today.
"Okay, I found the sunscreen. Alice, turn your back to me so I can- Alice? Alice?!"
Olivia turns to see Alice three beach towels away from their spot, talking with a very suspicious person.
"Eh? Mister, why are you dressed in black from head to toe at the beach? Did you forget your sunscreen? My friend Olivia has some, I'll go get it-"
Olivia strides fast on the scorching hot sand to snatch Alice back to safety. "We don't have any. We used it all up. Goodbye."
"Here is your ball. Be careful next time, kiddos."
After retrieving some kids' beachball, Olivia turns to where Alice was relaxing on a floatie just a second ago - only to find out she's nowhere in sight.
"Alice? Alice?!"
Sheltering her sight from the sun, Olivia spots Alice drifting away in the water far from everyone else.
Breathing heavily from carrying the weight of the sand bucket, Olivia finally returns from the shore where she collected wet sand for Alice's project of building a sand version of their little house where they live together with Blanca.
"Haaah... Alice... here you go-WHAT THE-"
"Oliviaaa! Look at me! The Mister in black and his friend offered to bury me in the sand!"
Many such cases. Olivia wishes to forget all about them by the time their beach episode day is over. She tries calling out once more, eyes scanning in every direction in front of her.
"Olivia, there you are! I was looking for someone shorter, oops! I guess the sun has set, huh..."
Startled, Olivia turns around to see that Alice has approached from behind. She's never going to get used to Alice's unique ability to pop out of thin air and disappear in the same fashion. But, after all, she did fall quite literally from the sky one day.
"There you are, baka Alice! Where were you?"
"I bought ice cream! I'm sorry, did you want some?"
"No thank you. Where did you even buy this?"
"Over there! From a stand named Magic Ice Tower...eh? It's gone..."
Olivia slaps the ice cream cone out of Alice's hand and into the ground before she can take a lick from it.
"Seriously, baka Alice! I can't believe what a disaster you are at taking care of yourself. Next time instead of a straw hat, I'll make you a helmet."
Getting her hat pushed down until it covers her eyes, Alice makes a troubled, pouty sound as a reaction to being bullied like that.
"As long as you make it, I'm sure it will be cute, so I'll wear it anyway! I had such a fun day today. Let's go home, Olivia!"
@arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran   @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @thewitchofbooks @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @lordsister @ikemen-banshou  @themysticalbeing @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @mcofthemansion @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @aria-chikage @babyblue0t7 @rhodoliteschaos @shrimpy-kitsune @nightghoul381 @xbalayage @lucyw260 @kittygrimm88 @lokis-laugh @judejazza Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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ikemen-obssessed · 1 year
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oliver’s route is so wholesome i cry
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hhoneypop · 1 year
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@hhoneypop. — “ i love to see me from your point of view. . . ”
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bees--in-my--bones · 2 years
Oliver - Bee's Ikereview
Majorly disappointed in this route. I had fully planned to read Harr after I finished Jonah but I got such a cute little side story with Oliver from a collection event that I decided I had to read his next. While I appreciated the lore in his route, he was a child WAY too much.
Like, yeah, Alice talked about liking to be around him and there were a lot of textual things that hinted at chemistry between them, but honestly I was not picking up on it, because for OVER A THIRD of the route, she knew him almost exclusively as a child. Even when she did find out that he and the Mad Hatter were one and the same, he was STILL a child the vast majority of the time.
I don't read romance novels, so Ikemen stories are my guilty pleasure trashy romance (although they've turned out to be a lot better written than i thought they would be when I first started reading them) but I was picking up on just about zero romance that I was there for between Alice and Oliver for a lot of the route. Probably because he was a child.
And I know that *technically* he's older than Alice. Still weird that in most, if not all (I can't quite remember) of his love challenges, arguably the most romantic and most physically romantic scenes in ikemen stories he was a kid.
I think this would have worked way better as a route if either Alice found out his secret a lot sooner, and subsequently spent a lot more time with him as an adult throughout the route, or if the route had been framed as her attempting to find the identity/break down the walls of the mysterious mad hatter that saved her in the gardens. she could still be his assistant during the day, but that would probably work better as more of a side plot. As it is now, she's essentially falling in love with a child.
another thing that irks me is the black army just kind of laughing and exchanging knowing looks when they're talking about alice and Oliver. dudes that's a child!
Regardless, some of the scenes were pretty cute, and it was an alright route, I just really wasn't feeling the way they were going about it. and alice does continuously express hesitation at being romantic with him in his child form, so I don't really think this is the devs being creeps, i just think that the whole thing could have been reworked into a lot better of a story
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yorinee · 3 months
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27/05 Lmao, he was not listening to Oliver at all, hahaha
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as voted by the people: beating clavis with 55% of the votes!
we had around 102 people voting each round, thank you so much for your participation! this was a lot of fun to make, i hope you enjoyed as much as i did!
top four biggest losers:
1. rio ortiz
2. clavis lelouch
3. kyle ash
4. isaac newton
the smallest of the biggest losers (character with the least votes):
oliver knight (26 votes out of 101)
closest match:
arthur conan doyle vs rio ortiz (arthur (50 votes) vs rio (51 votes))
better luck next time arthur
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ikefix · 29 days
I think it would be funny if the cast of Ikevil ran into Oliver
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ikemen-trifecta · 4 months
I'm very proud of the last one. –Edi
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queen-dahlia · 2 years
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All For Love: IkeRev Photoshoot
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shatcey · 10 months
Sometimes I think that Oliver is the only normal person in this sickly-sweet nightmare…
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But mostly he's just a little piece of… Jeez... Ok-ok, not little, but still… extremely annoying.
1) beginning of the Sirius's route Through the looking glass.
2) beginning of Jonah's route.
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xxsycamore · 2 years
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featuring works written after July 1st, 2021. You can find my old (misc) masterlist here. Browse my Ikerev fics by tag here: ⚔️ #ikemen-revolution
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••• ━━━━━Ray Blackwell
The kids are asleep (Ray x Sirius) [smut] Tags: Power Dynamics; Power Play; Making Out; Biting; Choking; Mutual Masturbation
Obtaining the full picture (Ray x Lancelot) [smut] Tags: Facials; Blow Jobs; Masturbation; guided masturbation; Mutual Masturbation; Power Play; Come Marking
Kitten licks [smut] Tags: Pet Play; Master/Pet; Kitten play; Kitten pet play; Collars; Butt Plugs; Tail butt plug; Vaginal Sex; Doggy Style; “Good girl” praise; Praise Kink; Punishment
Naughty or Nice? (threesome with Lancelot) [smut] Tags:  Poly relationship; Threesome - F/M/M; Alcohol; Making Out; Banter; Nipple Play; Not Wearing Underwear; Vaginal Sex
Change of Plans [smut] Tags: Masturbation; pillow humping; Scents & Smells; Slight Scent Kink; Cunnilingus; Face-Sitting; Clothed Sex
Overtime [smut] Tags: Workplace Sex; Workplace Relationship; Office Sex; Boss/Employee Relationship; Desk Sex; Cunnilingus; Light Bondage; Tie Kink; CEO!Ray Blackwell; Modern Era; Alternate Universe - Modern Setting; Some Plot; Porn With Plot
Celebrations Started Early Are The Best Celebrations (poly threesome with Sirius) [smut] Tags: Polyamory; Modern AU; Banter; Fluff; Humor; almost everyone else makes an appearance; Dressing Room Sex; Non-Explicit Sex; Public Sex; Language of Flowers; Alcohol 
The Day That Almost Went Dark [bittersweet] characters: Ray; Fenrir; Alice; original male characters - the missing army officers Tags: Spoilers for Ray’s route and backstory; Trauma; What-If; Everybody Lives; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Injury; Injury Recovery; Prosthesis; Scars; Bittersweet 
••• ━━━━━Lancelot Kingsley
Might as well sit back and enjoy [smut] Tags: Based on an event; Cock Warming; Exhibitionism; Semi-Public Sex
Obtaining the full picture (Ray x Lancelot) [smut] Tags: Facials; Blow Jobs; Masturbation; guided masturbation; Mutual Masturbation; Power Play; Come Marking
Naughty or Nice? (threesome with Ray) [smut] Tags:  Poly relationship; Threesome - F/M/M; Alcohol; Making Out; Banter; Nipple Play; Not Wearing Underwear; Vaginal Sex
Spring Spell [fluff] Tags: Pre-Relationship; Lancelot uses magic
Overflowing Love [smut] Tags: Making Up; Make up sex; Overstimulation; Lancelot is merciless; In the most loving way; Multiple Orgasms; Like many of them; Vaginal Fingering; Vaginal Sex; Creampie; Riding; Gentle Sex; But also; Rough Sex; Dates; Valentine’s Day Fluff; Fluff; Humor; Angry Sex
••• ━━━━━Sirius Oswald
But the feeling is just so right [smut] Tags: Public Sex; Car Sex; Cock Warming; Vaginal Sex; Creampie; Alternate Universe - Modern Setting; Established Relationship
The kids are asleep (Ray x Sirius) [smut] Tags: Power Dynamics; Power Play; Making Out; Biting; Choking; Mutual Masturbation
Celebrations Started Early Are The Best Celebrations (poly threesome with Ray) [smut] Tags:Polyamory; Modern AU; Banter; Fluff; Humor; almost everyone else makes an appearance; Dressing Room Sex; Non-Explicit Sex; Public Sex; Language of Flowers; Alcohol
••• ━━━━━Jonah Clemence
••• ━━━━━Fenrir Godspeed
ficlets from my 1000 followers celebration event - Give them: 🧸 - An animal plushie that reminds you of them
Car washing could be so fun sometimes [smut] Tags: Humor; Secret Relationship; Risky sex; Public Sex; Vaginal Sex; Light Bondage
Partners in crime [smut] Tags: FWB (Friends With Benefits); Food Play; Food Kink; Whipped Cream; Licking; Fondling; Vaginal Fingering; Vaginal Sex; Kitchen Sex; Creampie
Lucky Procrastination [fluff] Tags: Gardening; Sirius’s garden; Fenrir is punished for a magic bullet accident; Humor; Kissing
Yours Forever, A. [fluff] Tags: Slightly suggestive!; Birthday party; Presents; Kissing; Very Wholesome 
Forever Yours, F. [smut] Tags: conclusion of Yours Forever, A. - Can be read alone) ; Birthday Sex; Fluff and Smut; Riding; Lap sex; Creampie; Clothed sex 
••• ━━━━━Edgar Bright
Games we play [smut] Tags: Strip poker, Masturbation, unestablished relationship
Conflict of interest [smut] Tags:  One Night Stands; Hate Sex; Love/Hate; Denial of Feelings; Floor Sex; Vaginal Sex; Riding; Squirting; Creampie
Christmas playtime [smut] Tags:  Sex Toys; Light Bondage;  Exhibitionism; Object Penetration
••• ━━━━━Luka Clemence
ficlets from my 1000 followers celebration event: 💃- Pull them in for a dance when noone else is around
Blame it on the eggnog [smut] Tags:  Minor Fenrir/Ray;  Holiday Dinners; Humor; Drunkenness; Drunken Shenanigans; Under the Table Touching; getting caught; Exhibitionism; Quickies; Vaginal Sex; Drunk Sex
Sweets Are Best Shared In Private [smut] Tags: Fluff; Humor; Baking dates; Kissing; Blushing; Scents and Smells; Sharing Clothes; Mild smut; Vaginal Sex; Creampie
Someplace closer to you [fluff] Tags: Birthday surprises; Fluff; Picnics; Autumn themes; Cuddles and Kisses
••• ━━━━━Kyle Ash
Lust-bonded [smut] Tags: Public sеx, Modern AU, Medical Kink, Breast fucking, Facials
Stay a little longer [smut] Tags:  Voyeurism; Accidental Voyeurism; Masturbation; Quickies; Vaginal Sex; Creampie; Morning Sex
Doctor's Orders [smut] Tags: Strip Tease; Playing Doctor; Hot Weather; Cunnilingus; Squirting; Female Ejaculation; Dirty Talk; a lot of dirty talk; I know Kyle has it in himself
••• ━━━━━Seth Hyde
Ineffectively Cooled [smut] Tags: Public sex, clothed sex, quickies
••• ━━━━━Zero
Shaded affairs [smut] Tags: Public Sex; Outdoor Sex; Undercover Missions; Crimes & Criminals; Quickies; Fake/Pretend Relationship (previously); now it’s Established Relationship; veeeery slight objectification (which is just Alice discovering she likes the thought of being used - but Zero doesn’t actually use her!!);(not so) Rough Sex; Sexual Roleplay; Zero pretends to be a bad boy; Swearing; petnames; Dirty Talk; Clothed Sex; Spanking; Vaginal Fingering; Vaginal Sex; Kissing; Creampie
••• ━━━━━Harr Silver
Sharing is caring (and bad for my heart) [smut] Tags:  Oral Fixation; Oral Sex; Cunnilingus; Nipple Play; Masturbation; Blow Jobs; Breathplay; Choking; Facials; Kink Negotiation
••• ━━━━━Loki Genetta
ficlets from my 1000 followers celebration event - Give them: 🫂- A warm hug
••• ━━━━━Oliver Knight
Can't be saved for when we're back home [smut] Tags:  Public Sex; Alcohol; Dirty Talk; Tipsy Oliver; Choking; Biting; Vaginal Sex; Married Characters
••• ━━━━━Blanc Lapin
Spring Showers And Their Budding Consequences [fluff] Tags: Fluff; Rain; Tea Parties; Kissing; Magic
Like Rabbits [smut] Tags: Gender Neutral Reader; Dom!Reader; Sub!Blanc; Blanc Tops; Spanking, Degradation, Master/Pet, Creampie, Multiple Orgasms, Crying (Dacryphilia), Orgasm Control; Praise kink; Pet play; Sexual Roleplay; Bunnyplay; Oral sex; Hair Pulling; Overstimulation; Object insertion (implied)
••• ━━━━━Mousse Atlas
Love is exploration [smut] Tags: Virginity; Loss of Virginity; First Times; Outdoor Sex; Gentle Sex; Vaginal Sex; Sexual Tension; Making Out; Multiple Orgasms; Creampie; Established Relationship; Fluff and Smut
••• ━━━━━Dean Tweedle
••• ━━━━━Dalim Tweedle
••• ━━━━━Levie Castell
ficlets from my 1000 followers celebration event: 🥺 - Ask them how much they love you
All the little reasons [smut] Tags:  Found Family; Light Angst; Emotional Hurt/Comfort; Fluff and Angst; Emotional Sex; Vaginal Sex; Creampie; Spooning; Cuddling & Snuggling
••• ━━━━━Others/All characters
Luka Clemence, The Third Prince [crack, crossover] Tags: characters that appear: Luka, all the rhodolitian princes + Sariel (ikepri), mentions of Comte de Saint Germain and Leonardo Da Vinci (ikevamp); crackfic; crossover; they talk about boobs and legs at some point
The Day That Almost Went Dark [bittersweet] characters: Ray; Fenrir; Alice; original male characters - the missing army officers Tags: Spoilers for Ray’s route and backstory; Trauma; What-If; Everybody Lives; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Injury; Injury Recovery; Prosthesis; Scars; Bittersweet 
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ikemen-obssessed · 1 year
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that napkin which is part of oliver’s outfit is the most annoying part of this
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itsdearlymia · 7 months
Exploring Ikerev CN server
I was looking for some very specific cards and decided to look for them in other servers - and got surprised about all the things in the CN Ikerev server! (These are no news but I wanted to share anyway)
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All the characters are in the loading page 🤯 And there's a cute minigame 🤯x2 And you get prizes 🤯x3
How did I not know this before
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ragyragd0ll · 4 months
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Here ya go @themagicofzest
Link to download the hand:
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