#ikepri gilbert's route
viatagrinner · 1 year
Gilbert von Obsidian. Chapter 8
Gilbert invited Luke and MC to a secret party thrown by Clavis.
The way to the meeting place was not easy, because they dodged various objects set up in the trap house. But still they made it, all thanks to Gilbert.
However, they were greeted with no festive atmosphere at all. A group of men got into a fight.
The room where the men were fighting was decent. I couldn't believe the place was set up in a dilapidated mansion.
Luke sadly asks if they should go home.
Gilbert: No. We're here to give the little bunny a lesson in communication, so why don't we take the tour?
But the girl wants to stop the fight.
Luke warns her that it's dangerous.
Gilbert: You'll get hurt if you try to interfere with your thin hands.
Gilbert: You know what to do in a situation like this, right?
The heroine realizes that she is unable to avoid a pressing problem without making some sacrifice.
She asks Gil for help.
Gilbert: You'll owe me one, won't you?
MC: It's better than if someone got hurt or something. I'm sure Prince Gilbert can handle it, right?
Gilbert: ...I'm weak when you look at me with those innocent eyes.
Gilbert: Only Miss Bunny can use me as a jawbreaker, okay?
Gilbert lightly stroked her head and stepped forward.
When he tapped his cane on the floor, the atmosphere changed. It got colder. Perhaps she and someone else felt a chill on their backs.
Gilbert: Good evening, Rhodolite Rebels.
Everyone in the room fell silent.
Gilbert: Why do you worry so much? Think of me as part of it.
The guests realized who was in front of them. People's reactions were twofold.
Some were surprised, some showed joy at seeing someone they hadn't expected, and there were those who expressed their hostility.....
Their reactions were more clearly divided than usual into black and white.
Gilbert takes a thoughtful look at everyone.
Gilbert: Even if you lump all the anti-monarchist factions into one pile, they all think differently...
Gilbert: I hear you guys have opinions that are incompatible with each other.
The Prince of Obsidian asks for a girl's opinion. She wasn't expecting a change of subject.
Luke: Are you pretending to be a teacher?
Gil confirms it. He will now give a reward for the correct answer.
MC analyzes the situation:
There are nobles and townspeople present at the party. They may all adhere to the "anti-royalist" ideology.
However, why is Prince Clavis having an evening reception with the rebels?
If there are opinions that are so incompatible that a fight breaks out between them the answer may be precisely the reaction of those who saw Gilbert.
MC's answer: There are factions here that are friendly to Obsidian and factions that hate Obsidian.
Gilbert agrees with this. Rhodolite must hate Obsidian.
Gilbert: Bloodstained Rose Day ten years ago left an irreversible crack.
Gilbert: But, you know, you have to be powerful to overthrow a monarchy, right?
Gilbert: It's a good thing there's a country like Obsidian that has superior military power, right?
There's tension hanging in the air.
It seems to be true.
(You mean the opinions are divided: to cooperate with Obsidian or not?)
(No, there was such a terrible thing discussed on the sidelines before this.......?)
Girl recalls Chevalier's words that disasters begin when national opinion is divided. The monarchy and anti-monarchist organizations are pitted against each other. The blindfold takes advantage of this.
(If Prince Gilbert reaches out to these people...)
The monarchy can be overthrown not by an armed invasion from another country, but by an uprising taking place in one's own country.
The heroine's fingertips grow cold in the face of a terrifying reality.
Gilbert asks the gathering: what is their goal? The rejection of royalty is what is called democracy.
Gilbert: Ten years ago, on the occasion of Bloodstained Rose Day, you decided that you had no future under the current monarchy.
Gilbert: To hunt noble beasts, trying to build a new era of humans.
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Gilbert: But hunting wild beasts requires weapons. You can't convince an arrogant royal family with speeches.
Gilbert: And you are not skilled hunters.
Gilbert: I know that it's difficult to even bite the country without a strong backing.
MC would have preferred that no one had listened to "The Conqueror/Trampling Beast", but everyone, including herself, is fascinated by him.
Gilbert: I'm, you know, on the side of the weak.
Gilbert: If you want to rely on the strength of our country, we won't hesitate to cooperate.
The girl is shocked, but an angry voice cut short the enemy prince's speech.
Well-dressed man: Don't mess with me!
It was a man with a scar on his cheek.
Well-dressed man: My family was murdered by your country!
Gilbert: Oh, the victim of Bloodstained Rose Day? Poor thing.
Gilbert: Involving ordinary people is His Majesty the Emperor's favorite trick.
Gilbert: He's an uncontrollable battle fanatic, and I've been having a hard time with him.
Gilbert does not involve the weak, only the strong with power.
Well-dressed man: You mean it has nothing to do with Bloodstained Rose Day....!
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Gilbert: It also doesn't match the truth. After all, I do bear the name Obsidian.
Gilbert: As long as you have your country behind you, we will always be enemies. We don't intend to understand each other.
Gilbert: But, you know, it's also true that you need Obsidian to help your cause, right?
But the prince knows that the rebels need Obsidian. It's just business.
Gilbert: Besides, I'm just giving you a choice.
Gilbert: I don't want to control you, I don't want to threaten you. I don't care.
The prince's last phrase, before the girl dares to interrupt him, was that only the people of Rhodolite decide what happens to Rhodolite.
The heroine notices that there are men who look at Gil with hatred, but most people are fascinated by him.
MС calls out to him.
MC: Is that your way of doing things?
(You sweet-talk people to fulfill your ambitions.)
(You may look like a good person, but inside you're a villain.)
Gilbert: It's like you're criticizing me, but my offer has good intentions, doesn't it?
MC: .....Those "good intentions" are to bring war to this country?
Gilbert: To make a difference, you have to sacrifice something/you have to make sacrifices.
Gilbert: Of course, it's always better to keep it to a minimum.
MC: Then we must introduce dialogue before we resort to force.
MC: The royal family never neglects its own people!
But no one supported her words. On the contrary, the girl was looked at with hostility.
But a man dressed as a commoner angrily contradicted her:
Why, if the king does not neglect the people, quarrel with Obsidian, ruin the friendship between the countries. During the crisis, the king was more interested in women and disappeared from the sight of his people. There is no room for dialogue with the Fallen Beast!
The heroine recalled hearing the story from Sariel: The King had fallen in love with the previous Belle. And that love was mutual. But many aristocrats did not want a commoner queen. She was banished from the palace when she was pregnant.
The king had relations with many women to lessen his grief.
The wise king left and turned into the Fallen Beast.
MC: ....There are still many noble beasts in this country.
But the commoner has no hope for these bastard beasts. Another man mentions that more than 1,000 people have died because of the royal family.
The girl is at a loss for words. Gilbert smiles softly.
Gilbert: Hmm, that's not going to work, Miss Bunny.
According to the prince of Obsidian, she may know princes, but she doesn't know the grief of the people gathered here.
Gilbert: If you have a one-sided discussion, you inevitably won't get along.
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Gilbert: Now you're just trampling on their feelings...
The girl comes across as "evil" in this situation.
(I am.....evil......)
Prince Gilbert hit the mark.
The rift that developed between the anti-monarchy faction and the royal family seemed so deep - it was impossible to see the bottom.
(....I always thought the princes were righteous. I still do).
Those who have been betrayed by the royal family are gathered here. Here they do not believe in the nobility of beasts. Gil calls her idea of dialogue nauseating.
Behind Gilbert, the well-dressed man pulls a knife from his pocket.
The girl's body rushes forward to protect the prince.
Luke: Don't be stupid, MC!
The girl braced herself for the possibility of being hurt. But someone grabbed her by the collar and tossed her aside. She hit her back hard against the wall and almost stopped breathing.
Luke: Are you all right?
He looks worriedly at MС.
Behind him, the man who was supposed to be holding the knife is crouched at Gilbert's feet.
Luke is dissatisfied with the behavior of the Obsidian prince. In Gilbert's opinion, the girl was standing in his way.
Luke thinks there are better ways to defend himself.
Gil doesn't understand why he would protect the heroine if she was getting in his way and doing a lot of unnecessary things.
His gaze presses on her. It's hard for her to breathe.
(It's painful....)
She feels death more strongly than when she was preparing to be stabbed.
Even a layman could understand that this was murderous intent directed at her.
Luke: Stop, Gil!
There was the sound of an approaching cane.
She feels like death itself is approaching her.
Gilbert: ...Stand back.
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Luke: I'll never back down!
MC is sweating, but Luke puts his arm around her as if to protect her.
Luke: Why are you suddenly so angry?
Gilbert: I'm not angry. It was just an unpleasant decision/completion.
Gilbert: Or maybe I didn't notice as much.
(......Do you think I made a fool of you?)
(It wasn't my intention.....)
Anyway, out of fear and pain, the girl has tears in her eyes and sweat coming out. But she still tries to say something.
Gilbert hopes for an apology...
(But I don't think I did anything wrong).
The tip of his cane is looking at her.
MC: .....If you refuse to engage in dialogue... that's what's going to happen.
MC: I don't think violence ....is justice...
MC: An effort must be made..... to fill any gap.
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Gilbert: ........
These are not the words the prince expected her to say, but the girl continues to speak, no longer for Gil's own sake, but to change people's minds.
In the heroine's opinion, violence is the only thing Gilbert is good at. It's what beasts do.
Coldness runs through MC's body, Luke hugs her tighter.
Luke: That's enough, Gil. You're on the side of the weak, aren't you?
Luke: What are you doing threatening MC?
Gilbert came to his senses after these words. Immediately the heroine began to breathe easier.
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Gilbert: Of course, that wasn't like me.
Gilbert: Sorry, I got upset when Miss Bunny did that stupid thing, right?
???: Haha, I've seen some really fascinating things, haven't I?
Clavis claps, a redheaded knight standing next to him.
Clavis tells him that someone really didn't want him to come, but he's not offended. So Clavis didn't miss the best part.
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Clavis: Shouldn't I be grateful?
Gil smiles. The heroine understands everything.
Now that the host of the party has arrived, the feast can continue.
He introduces Gilbert and says this is a great opportunity to settle any grievances or offer to start a business.
Clavis is a member of the royal family, but he knows exactly what kind of talk and Gilbert's intentions are going on here.
To MC, it looks as if Clavis is betraying Rhodolite.
She recalls Gil's words about Clavis being much more dangerous than he is.
Clavis: Luke, go back to the castle first. MC has to be examined by a doctor, right?
(My head and my heart are a mess......)
Luke picks her up and leaves without looking around.
She doesn't look at Gilbert.
Gilbert's Masterlist
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freckled-lili · 3 months
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You don't go messin' around with dust, people; it'll fuck you up.
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rosa-rubus · 6 months
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He's so silly and pretty and wow I love him
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bespectacledbun · 4 months
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Happy Chevalier Sequel Route day to those celebrating
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chevlvrs · 6 months
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he's so possessive and jealous in his route
Also guess who just finished his route finally 🤭(romantic!)
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cozyfaee · 3 months
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I'm surprised he had the guts to ask Akatsuki for her hand in marriage.
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lucyw260 · 6 months
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I need to see how he hit the bottom😂😂
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zombieee-queen · 7 months
Everyone else in Gilbert’s Route when he’s being affectionate towards Belle
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mxrmaid-poet · 7 months
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gilbert after yves finally snaps
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stellarstardust · 3 months
Wake up, babe. New cringey IkePri MC quote just dropped:
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Me reading this: 🤦🏻‍♀️
And here is where Chevalier is me:
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You deserve to be laughed at and feel embarrassed, Emma. I laughed and was embarrassed for you.
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shatcey · 5 months
Licht's talent
I have already mentioned this, but for some reason I always feel proud when I notice it once again.
Licht is extremely observant. I vaguely recall from his route that he mentioned that he and Nokto are talented in different fields. Like he's the muscles and Nokto's the brains. But I think he's belittling himself.
He notices every detail and draws very accurate conclusions.
Like here… on Gilbert's route...
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Maybe it's just his gut feeling, as he said himself. But that doesn't change the fact of how impressive it is.
🔝 Start page 🔝
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viatagrinner · 2 years
Gilbert von Obsidian. Chapter 7
MC recalls words about how Clavis warned her to be careful of geniuses.
Gilbert brings the girl to her room and places her on the bed.
Gilbert: Yeah. Here we are.
Habit is a terrible thing.
At first she was uncomfortable, but then, maybe because few people saw them, she got used to it.
She reflects on the party. Why did he invite her? To get more people to see them together, to isolate her?
Suddenly the prince calls out to her. His face is too close.
Gilbert: I was right in front of you, but you didn't seem to be in the mood.
MC: You're too close.
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Gilbert: I think it's a good chance to admire a pretty face, don't you?
(Oh, I know.)
Gilbert: If you get too cheeky, I'll want to tease you.
Sensing something wrong, the girl turned her face away.
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Gilbert: Okay, I'm going home. You can kiss me goodnight if you want.
The heroine doesn't want to kiss him, but she offers him a drink of water. He is out of breath.
The prince smiles.
МС: A smile won't fool me.
She could hear his hoarse breathing.
(Carrying me from garden to room is an impossible burden, if I think about it?)
Gilbert: ....Huh, I couldn't hide it.
He sits down on the bed in relief.
Gilbert: Miss Bunny was lighter than I thought, so I hoped I could do it, but...
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Gilbert: I have a little bit of... endurance issues.
MC: ...That's suprising.
Gilbert: I usually hide it well. It's my It's my only weakness.
She realizes then at the Baron's, he was deliberately avoiding the strain.
MC: But can you talk that much about yourself?
Gilbert: If we're together all the time, you'll find out sooner or later, right?
Only a few people in his homeland know about his weakness.
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Gilbert: I have a soft spot in my heart for Miss Bunny. I wonder what you'll do to me, I'm scared!
No, it's the heroine who is scared, she knows the main weakness of the one everyone is afraid of.
Pouring water into a glass, she handed it to Gilbert. He vigorously began to drink.
Gilbert, pulling the girl's skirt up to her knee, reveals that he knows about her sore leg.
Gilbert: If you hid your wounds from me, then someone must have done this to you, right?
Gilbert: I'm tempted to kill the person for being so rude to my prey.
She tries to think of something, but it doesn't work on Gil, who grew up, in a country where you can't survive if you're not sensitive to lies.
The prince says that if nothing is done, she will continue to be mocked like this.
MC: If I beg, will you listen to me?
Gilbert: It depends on my mood.
The girl tells the prince that she feels like he's worried about her.
For him, excitement is disgusting. He just doesn't like uncontrollable events.
MC thinks about the fact that there is always something behind his kindness. But immediately she blames herself for not being able to thank him.
Gilbert, looking at the heroine, calls her kind. Why? Because she feels guilty about the villain.
MC: ....Are you feeling sick?
Gilbert: Me? Not at all.
Gilbert: It's a fact that my good intentions and bad intentions are one and the same.
MC: It's painful.
(The pain may increase every time I spend more time with Prince Gilbert.)
Even if Gilbert were a truly good prince, he couldn't open his heart.
Such is the relationship between the prince of the enemy country and "Belle."
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Gilbert: ....."He's" right, you are a little dangerous.
He stood up. His breathing was normal.
Gilbert: I just didn't like that about you.
MC: You hated me from the beginning, didn't you?
Gilbert is surprised. Why would the girl think that?
In her opinion, if he was interested in her, he wouldn't go near her.
His kindness is a deadly poison.
A moment later, lively laughter erupted in the room.
Gilbert: Hahaha... You're right. Maybe I don't like everything about you.
(...Like you just figured that out.)
Gilbert: I don't like you, so I'll be nicer to you from now on.
His cold fingertips parted the girl's bangs, and then Gilbert touched his lips to her forehead.
His act was incredibly gentle, awkwardly sweet, but the suffocating feeling didn't go through her heart.
A few hours later, after Gilbert left her room. She knocked on Chevalier's bedroom door.
Standing next to Chevalier was a long-haired man. This man, judging by his uniform, was from an elite unit of the Royal Guard.
But the business with the guardsman was over, and the guardsman walked silently out of the room.
She noticed that he had a badge of honor on his chest with a white tiger on it.
Chevalier carelessly remarked that it was a spy who was watching Gil.
Judging by the way he greeted her as if it were quite natural, perhaps he expected the heroine to arrive with a "50/50 probability."
The scene where Chevalier calmly puts the sword away in its scabbard after killing the assassin is still on her mind.
She asks if Gilbert had anything to do with it.
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Chevalier: I can't say it's right or wrong. But it is definitely an omen of trouble.
Chavalier: The Eyepatch is credited with making a significant contribution to Obsidian's territorial expansion in the previous decade.
Chavalier: I know of seven countries that have been absorbed and merged into one.
According to the prince, there have been no major wars other than the battle ten years ago. The borders have many military clashes, but there have been no major military campaigns.
MC: ...Even though there has been no war, has the country expanded its territory?
Chevalier: By "trampling"/"conquering" is meant not only subjugation by force.
She recalls a meeting with domestic bureaucrats.
MC: Domestic bureaucrats say he rules by force.
Chevalier points out that this was the case 10 years ago.
MC: ....It's different now.
Chevalier: Yes. It looks like he's leading an independent army.
Chevalier: What he is initially good at is mind control, a beast that manipulates people and makes them give up the country of their own free will.
Chevalier: I have heard that seven recently absorbed nations have surrendered to Obsidian.
Chevalier: It's possible, that's why he's called the "World Disaster".
Chevalier: We also know that the absorbed nations have something in common.
Chevalier: And even Rhodolite could see signs of trouble to come.
MC: Is that what happened today?
Chevalier sighed wearily.
Chevalier: No, it was anti-royalist.
MC: Anti-royalist groups have also been involved in previous riots in the Orphanage.
Chevalier: Perhaps this is the reason for the increased activity. The disaster begins with a split in national opinion.
Chevalier: It is a clash between the so-called monarchy and anti-monarchy organizations. The Eyepatch takes advantage of that breakdown.
Chevalier does not know how Gilbert controls the kings of other countries.
MC thinks there are people everywhere who are dissatisfied with power, but she didn't know there were such people in Rhodolite. But that may be because she lives in a confined world.
Chevalier continues the conversation: After the war between Obsidian and Rhodolite, the number of anti-royalist organizations grew.
The previous king must have had problems with diplomacy.
They had to "sacrifice" many people to repel the attack on Rodolite.
MC, remembering the events of the day in the garden, chose not to specify what Chevalier meant.
Chevalier: Today's incident is a continuation of that one. No, perhaps the situation is worse than I thought it would be.
MC: Does this have something to do with Prince Gilbert's visit to Roadlight?
Chevalier: There is no doubt about that. But the anti-royalist faction is not monolithic either. So far they have managed to get away without purging.
But she hears no further words.
(Leon is a prince who values the idea of closeness to people as much as he cares for the private orphanage....)
But Chevalier is different; he will make sacrifices to preserve the state.
But which position is right and which is wrong, she cannot say.
The prince knows that she is going to his "stupid younger brother's" party.
MC: What does Mr. Clavis' evening have to do with anti-royalists?
But Prince didn't answer. The miss understood it to mean, "You go there, you'll find out for yourself."
Gilbert, Luke, and MC arrived at Clavis' estate. Getting to the party was a real challenge.
Gilbert: Luke, there's a trap three steps ahead, so be careful.
Luke, carrying MC on his shoulder, took a long leap.
The younger of the princes is indignant, why are there so many traps in Clavis' estate?
Gilbert unmistakably tells where this or that trap is.
Luke manages to jump and dodge.
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Gilbert: Nice, Luke. We would have been prey if a physical monster like you hadn't taken the lead.
Luke: You're... It's kind of cool.
(Luke, who keeps dodging traps thanks to his natural motility, is also awesome.)
(Prince Gilbert, who sees all the cleverly placed traps, is also amazing.)
Clavis' estate seemed sinister to the heroine at first sight.
There were no people or horse-drawn carriages anywhere.
MC wants Luke to let her go, but he refuses.
Luke: It is my responsibility to hold you in my arms today.
MC: ...Somehow, I kind of feel bad/I feel kind of guilty.
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Luke: What apology. I'm doing what I want to do, so don't worry about it.
Luke: Well, if Rio finds out, he'll come back and bite me/Well, if Rio knew about it, he'd bite me.
MC: Speaking of which, Rio seems busy lately, except for mornings and nights...
Gilbert: Oh, that's because Silvio works a lot, isn't it?
Gilbert: I think he was actually trying to make you the hostess... The butler-boy noticed this and reacted furiously, so he works for you not to be touched.
MC didn't know about it.
The girl is sad that she didn't know what her friend was doing because she was busy with her own problems.
Gilbert asks her not to worry about Rio.
Luke: You're the one who put your hand around Rio's neck to keep him away, aren't you?
Gil laughs.
Suddenly his trunk drowned out the sound of breaking glass. Someone screamed.
Gilbert: Hmm... People are so ugly.
Gilbert's Masterlist
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freckled-lili · 3 months
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Gilbert: I don't fear anything. (◡‿◡)
Mr. Akatsuki: *appears*
Gilbert: (ʘ‿ʘ)
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memoria-99 · 2 months
IkePri routes short comments and personal rankings
* All of these are my personal thoughts.
1st Gilbert
Traumatized villain with death wish. Not a fun route, relatively heavy plots, twisted romance, but a good "villain" route. Emma has real great mentality and very brave, loved how she handled the situation and the relationship. Also the best adaptation of "Beauty and the Beast" theme.
2nd Clavis (Tie)
Four-dimensional troublemaker. The first half was funny thanks to all sorts of weird events and the second half was interesting to see dealing stuff this guy was secretly doing. I liked the romance and chemistry between the two. Emma was very cool and proactive.
2nd Silvio (Tie)
Sharp tongued, materialistic brat. Endless bickering between the two was overall fun to read and though there were moments that I wanted to punch this guy, eventually grew to like him. Used to wonder why so many people love this brat but I get why. Loved how sassy Emma was too.
3rd Nokto
Sly playboy. I think I like these kind of foxy character. Has a sad past. I liked the route because the guy was very smart and Emma was quite cool. What I didn't like was that the romance seemed to be leaning toward too erotic after the two became official.
4th Yves
Star-crossed tsundere kitty. The guy himself was very cute, and the romance between the two was cute and heartwarming as well. But they are both grown ass adults in their 20s and yet their romance was like that of teens.... why.
5th Chevalier
Coldhearted genius. The second best adaptation of "Beauty and the Beast" theme. I liked the process of Emma taming him. But didn't quite like that the guy has the upperhand still. This was the only route that Emma didn't call her suitor only by given name till the very end, so...
6th Licht
Severely depressed one. I liked the heavy story and realistic romance. But, although he's kind he has almost no self-esteem, is a master of self-deprecation, and his past is seriously dark, making me feel depressed as well. I know he's loved by many, but just not my cup of tea.
7th Leon
Charismatic, good-natured brother type. Typical fairytale prince. Has a sad past, but speaking of past, there're handful who are worse than him here... The most ordinary route. I don't remember much honestly.
8th Keith
Double personality. One is very kind and the other is rather bratty. Whole premise itself was interesting but two are so different... and made the romance look like a weird love triangle.
9th Rio
Loyal doggo who always loves Emma. But the route was kinda disappointing, I think it's only meaningful in a way that his love met a happy ending for once.
10th Sariel
Felt more like a "common route" in other games where romance does not exist. I didn't see much meaningful interaction between the two. At least I liked that Emma did best in her role as Belle in this route, but that's all.
11th Jin
Seriously remember nothing about the route except that it was very boring.
12th Luke
A sleepy bear turned into a crazy bear.
1. I love the ways "sinner" LIs are written in this game, including Gilbert and Licht, and how Emma deals with those. Instead of trying to just reassure it's okay don't let that bother you, she's like "I know what you did cannot be forgiven, nothing can change that, but I'll embrace even that part of you and lead you to step forward"
2. I love that in the two bastards' route Emma ended up 'winning' them. In Gilbert's it was mentioned that he's the one who was conquered, and Silvio's he thought that it looks like he's the one with the collar.
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victorrs · 5 months
gilbert and chevalier have such divorced couple energy about them
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chevlvrs · 6 months
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At this point just kiss i swear
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