#ikevamp loreley
evil-quartett · 1 month
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a bunch of chibis 5/23
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evil-quartett · 1 month
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The third dancing piece, Loreley and Mozart, 8/22. The focus was on the clothes honestly. First time i tried to texture a dress
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evil-quartett · 2 years
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Mozart and Loreley dancing ❤️
Tumblr kinda ruins the quality
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evil-quartett · 2 years
I talked about Loreleys background before a little bit but here's a more detailed version.
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She was born 1444 in Germany as the child of a low nobles. Her father wanted a son and her mother died at birth which he blamed Loreley for. He was too old to marry again and let out all of his frustration on her.
Other than that, she had a childhood typical for the time, with a lot of singing, taking dance lessons, going to church and being babied by her maid.
A sister taught her writing, latin and maths against the will of her father. She got sent to another monastery after he found out. If she hadn't been a sister he would've gotten her executed for goinng against his orders. He wanted his unwanted daughter to atleast become a compliant wife and bear him many grandchildren.
He died when she was only 15. Her cousin became her guardian but really didn't care about her at all.
Due to her extraordinary beauty she began recieving a lot of proposals. She was allowed to decide herself who she wanted to marry and chose a knight called Eberhard. This was supposed to be an union based on actual love. Sadly this all came crashing down when his duty called and he left for war.
When Eberhard was believed to have died, the endless proposals began again. Loreley decided to turn them all down as she believed Eberhard would return as he had promised her. The rejected men who'd fallen in love with her to the point of no return killed themselves.
Rumors about Loreley being a witch and seducing then killing all this innocent men appeared slowly at first but got louder with ever new death until the people demanded for her to get burned at the stake.
Loreley didn't even notice the deaths as she was busy staring at the Rhine looking for the ship that would return her beloved. She was completely caught off guard when she got taken into custody under the suspicion of being a witch.
The people weren't completely wrong as Loreley had started transforming into a siren more and more with every man she seduced. She'd unintentionally bewitched them through her beauty at first and then by her more and more siren cham and driven them to kill themselves without noticing.
The archbishop of Cologne was entranced by her too and decided he couldn't be responsible for the death of such a beauty. She had to be innocent, but the people also wanted a sign and he couldn't throw away his power. The perfect solution was to keep her from charming men. The perfect place? A women's monastery.
Loreley didn't want to spend the rest os her life there withut any chance of seeing her beloved again but she prioritised her life and agreed. Not that she had much of a choice anyway.
On the way to the monastery she decided to take the last chance to change her destiny and aske to climb the rock she'd always stood on to look for Eberhads ship one last time.
If he was there, they could marry and then she would be kept from charming anyone anyways. Her wish was granted and when she'd climbed her rock, she saw a boat decorated woth his banner.
As Loreley with her siren voice called his name, the knight and his entire crew looked up to her. They didn't notice that they were on the way to crash into the rock until it was too late.
Loreley on the rock saw all of her newfound hope crushed and jumped after them in despair. Little did she know that would complete her transformation. When she hit the surface of the water, she grew wings and a tail. Which was very painful but she was so caught up in her grief that she didn't notice.
The now full siren blamed the foolish humans for the death of the one person she could ever love and took revenge by making passing ships and their crews share his fate by luring them with her siren song.
One time, when she sunk a ship two passengers didn't seem to die. Instead they saved the rest of the crew. She swam over to investigate and noticed they were pureblooded vampires.
There was little she hated more than someone taking away her prey from their punishment. She went to confront them and learned they were known as the Count of Saint-Germain and Lord Vlad Draculesti.
The supenatural beings settled their fight pretty quickly and formed a relationship that could be described as friendship even though they had fundamentally differents views when it comes to humans. The two vampires left her on good terms and she even taught them a song that would cause her to come to the one singing immediately.
Even under sirens Loreley is one of the most powerfull due to her age and emotionless and backstabbing nature. She takes no prisoners even in a fight under her sirens, which led to her being respected and feared.
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evil-quartett · 2 years
OC Masterlist
What she thinks of the suitors (Celeste, Yua)
Moodboard (Celeste, Lacrimă, Yua, Amatheia)
Dancing with Sebastian
What she thinks of the suitors (Celeste, Yua)
My ship in five minutes (Yua, Lacrimă)
Moodboard (Celeste, Lacrimă, Yua, Amatheia)
More detailed drawing
Drawing with one of my mutuals OC
Holding a cake
My ship in five minutes (Yua, Lacrimă) 2
Moodboard (Celeste, Lacrimă, Yua, Amatheia)
Weird habit (ask)
Her full story on wattpad
My ship in five minutes
Moodboard (Celeste, Lacrimă, Yua, Amatheia)
Dancing with Mozart
My ship in five minutes
My ship in five minutes
Luna with Faust
And there's Crystal too, more on her later
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evil-quartett · 2 years
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Day 11, prompt: Mutation
A/N: This isn't exactly my best work haha. But Loreley has claws now
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evil-quartett · 2 years
Loreley moodboard
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evil-quartett · 2 years
My Ship in 5 minutes: Loreley
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evil-quartett · 1 month
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Old piece from 8/22 depicting a grieving Loreley
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evil-quartett · 1 month
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Old portrait of Loreley also from 6/22
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evil-quartett · 2 years
Hi everyone!
I always wanted to make a prompt list for drawtober so
*insert a drum roll*
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I am accepting requests for all promts (no smut, suggestive is ok and only one character). I'm happy about every request, even if we never interacted before. You're giving me ideas so don't be shy ❤️. As for the characters, I'll do Ikevamp and OCs, just give me a reference for them. You can and I would love you to send multiple requests
Here are the prompts:
Soul (Vlad)
Sacrifice (Charles)
Nightmares (Lacrimă)
Moon (Luna)
Egyptian deity (Amatheia)
Doll (Celeste)
Ghost (Napoleon)
Mask (Comte)
Reaper (Charles)
Mutation (Loreley)
Bones (Dazai)
Elf (Yua)
Snake (Shakespeare)
Shadow (Jean)
Ice (Mozart)
Demon (Charles)
Plague doctor (Faust)
Assassin (Lilith)
Blood (Vlad)
Scream (Sebastian)
Wizard (Arthur)
Eyes (Shakespeare)
Stars (Isaac)
Glitch (Vlad)
Angel (Vincent)
Halloween costume
If you want to join, please tag me in your posts!
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evil-quartett · 2 years
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evil-quartett · 2 years
My OCs in Gacha Life
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Yua is trying to befriend Celeste
She brought tissues for the case Celeste cries
Celeste wants to be left alone
Loreley and Amatheia are talking about the beauty of the sea
Loreley has wings when she gets out of the water
She brought a microphone for the case she wants to drown somebody that would normally be out of range
Amatheia is trying to convince Loreley that killing isn't fun
Lacrimă is just being crazy
She brought roses and a dagger for the case she needs them
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evil-quartett · 2 years
Loreley fashion headcanons
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evil-quartett · 2 years
New OC: Lorelei
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Name: Lorelei
Age: 400 years
Blood type: siren blood type
Gender: female
Hometown: Rock next to Sankt Goarshausen
Height: 1.70 cm
Weight: 70 kh
Hair colour: blonde
Hair lenght: stops at her waist
Eye colour: extremely light blue
Make up: no.
About her
Personality: She is a siren and therefore it's in her nature to drive people to drown with her voice which she does without questioning it. Other than that she is a mature woman who never acts childish.
Likes: music, the sea
Dislikes: children, loud noises, someone taking away her prey
Hobbies: making people drown and sing, I guess
Suitor she’ll be paired up with: Mozart
The legends of the Loreley are one of the most famous ones in Germany. There are many very different versions. My OC is based on a mix of them:
She once lived as a very beautiful human girl. Even though she was courted by many, she only loved the knight Eberhard. When he had to go battle in a war, many men proposed to her an she turned them all down to wait for her beloved. Out of lovesickness, many men killed themselves. People began to think that she was a witch and demanded for her to be burnt at the stake. The Archbishop of Cologne had pity for her and decided to sent her to a monastery. When she was brought there, she asked to climb to the rock one last time to look at Eberhard's castle. She noticed a boot that carried him down the Rhine. When she called his name, he looked up to her and didn't realise that his boat crushed into the rock. Eberhart drowned in the Rhine and Loreley jumped after him. He had already died. It this moment she transformed fully into a siren. After losing her beloved, she started making ships crash into the rock with her siren song to take revenge to the world for Eberhard's death.
She doesn't have memories of her human life except the ones with Eberhard and they are very blurry.
Every day wear: long silk tops, mostly light blue, a crystal crown
Specil occasios: There are no special occasions for her.
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