#ikey wikey
mimirr000 · 2 years
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ojo10vyn12 · 2 years
wich on is better?
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koiifsh · 1 year
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stressed ikey wikey that perfectly depicts my current mental state (im so close to developing a caffeine addiction to cope + for energy)
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Ikey Wikey and some Ikekitty
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apreciouspuppy · 8 months
Ike ✨
What do their regressors call them?
Usually papa or ikey!! :3 when Vox or Luca is regressed wikey is added to ikey
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n0kunn · 2 years
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Ike Eveland Sketch for the Ikey Wikey's Smile Piles project!
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pennameofshame · 1 year
Push and Pull
Vox Akuma x Ike Eveland
Vox has always loved Ike and while Ike doesnt want anything to change some things already have.
I wrote this and ended up having some trouble so I apologise if the ending seems off and the fic stops making sense somewhere in between, at this point I just wanted to post this so i could move on from it and see what I could improve on.
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Vox sat across the table unamused with his arms crossed as a very amused novelist watched him with their chin in their hand and legs crossed. Vox looked down at his dice and the papers that were strewn about the coffee table with numbers and instructions and so on. 
The Luxiem members were gathered around an office during a break and topics such as hobbies and interests came up. Vox had mentioned that he would play dungeons and dragons with friends and it sparked even more conversation which led down some rabbit holes. He made a joke that he could DnD anything if he really wanted to and then mentioned how people already made ‘spicy dice’ but with the many dice and many numbers of said dice there were ‘so many possibilities’. Ike hearing this questioned him further, so, Vox continued going on about chores, actions and even making friends. Maybe he should’ve stopped because a week later he found himself going through withdrawals. 
“You can always quit, you know?” Ike mused but the voice demon pursed his lips only to let out a defeated sigh.
“No no, I mentioned this and,,, it wouldn’t be right to just give up or quit, I’m serious about this and you’ve set your rules. I’ll do this your way” Vox spoke gathering everything neatly, however his break was over and he had to get back to work. Ike was surprised, not at how he hadn’t given up or even playfully thrown the towel asking for an exception but how serious the voice demon was taking this.
“Sometimes I wish I understood what went through his head” Ike whispered, to no one in particular but a certain blonde had heard. 
“Is Ikey Wikey confused? Mmmmmh~” Luca teased, he was dressed in his bartender uniform and smelt of alcohol but Ike kept his composure.
“Whether I'm confused or not is none of your business Luca and if I have any questions, I’ll ask” Ike gathered the dice and papers placing them into a zip folder.
“If you have questions, you can always ask Shu, they’ve been friends for a long time, like us, so he might have answers” The blonde walked away and Ike simply continued with his evening. He went back home, showering, changing, and having dinner. He sat on his sofa watching the TV while eating ice-cream and jelly when a knock at his door interrupted his peace.
“Ike, let me in its cold” Ike rushed to let his friends in and closed the door behind them, grabbing a blanket for the purple haired sorcerer and the fox detective.
“What are you two doing here?! It's freezing outside, you should be at home!” Ike scolded but the other two chuckled sheepishly, sighing he and the other two men settled in the living room after making some tea to warm the two up.
“Let me guess Luca said something?” Ike wasn't amused by his friend's actions, but he appreciated the concern from him and the rest. 
“Yeah, listen I know it might not be something you want to talk about but on the off chance you do, I’m here” Shu said in his soft tone comforting him. The three talked and spent time watching and discussing movies and so on until Mysta went to sleep for an early start the next day leaving Shu and Ike alone.
“Where do I start- what do I ask?” His voice was small, which wasn’t common for the Ike Eveland but Shu heard everything, he heard him.
“Anything, I guess” He shrugged staring at the TV but keeping Ike in his peripheral. He saw him open his mouth a couple of times only for a look of confusion along with other emotions to cross his face. Shaking his head he stared at the writer taking a step for him.
“Why do you keep him at arm’s length?” Ike looks stunned, he didn’t think he kept distance from Vox but that could be him just trying to convince him otherwise.
“Its like a game of push and pull, he pushes, and you pull away” Shu explained and he was probably right.
“I don’t know, he’s always been so sweet and in theory I should be interested but I’ve already said no,,, right now is good, being friends is good” Ike mumbles at the end. He enjoyed the unchanging comfort Vox offered that if he needed someone Vox would be there- so would Luca, but he was a different situation- a younger brother if you would. Vox was gentle and patient and a good listener, he knew what to do and say and how to make sure everything would be alright. It was good, they were good.
“He cares for you deeply Ike, and it might seem hard to believe with his insistent flirting to you and kind of the others but he does and that’s not going to change” Shu tried to ease his mind seeing Ike’s furrowed brows and worrisome eyes.
“I know” Ike mumbled. Soon the two went to sleep but Ike laid awake thinking about the voice demon he refused to believe was ‘evil’ at some point. Vox was always sweet, yes, he was one of the most kind men alive and yes he could be a complete egghead but he was kind at core. Even if he was touchy at work he waited before actually making contact  or poke quickly to get his attention to ask if it was ok. He actually asked if Ike was ok with it and still asked after he said yes. In the beginning he would wait to see if Ike would lean into it and meet half way and when he did it slowly went to subtle touches that weren’t intimate but broke the personal space barrier however if it escalated to anything he’d ask with silent permission if he could continue, waiting for a definitive answer. Ike tested that theory one day, he wanted to see what would happen if he didn’t give in and when Vox had gone to brush hair out of his eyes, something he told him was ok, he backed away. Vox froze. It was only a quick second and he quickly apologized, proceeding to keep his distance until Ike made it clear he wasn't uncomfortable around him which seemed to relieve him a bit, but it took a couple of months before Vox went completely back to normal even after all the times he tried to tell he was just surprised and he was ok.
‘A game of push and pull’
After their team had become a friend group the two became closer and, on a hang out Vox planned a full day of things going to a cafe, seeing an exclusive exhibit and going to bookstores and the old, preserved libraries he somehow found. He even bought him a gift that was a calligraphy set along with a few pens and hand bound notebooks. That night dropping Ike off and walking him to the door he had confessed his feelings. He could recite it, every word, heck he could probably write a whole script on what happened.
“Ike, I-” hesitation
“I love you, Ike” He never looked so soft and vulnerable as he did then, eyes brimming with emotions and yet he looked so peaceful.
“Vox, I’m sorry”
“I know” contentment laced in his voice and small smile graced his lips
“Ughh, this is gonna be so awkward huh?” 
‘how can you joke and still smile’
“Yeah, I guess”
“Don't worry Ikey nothing will change, I’m still your friend” His smile somehow got softer along with his eyes and his shoulders weren't tense as before, even if it was barely noticeable.
The next couple of weeks it really was like nothing had happened, aside from the fact Vox had to go to a different state and even got busy with work he still texted and sent memes, he remained Vox. It took a month, but they had eased into their dynamic again with a few updates here and there Vox had started teasing him about his own crush on him which allowed Ike to tease him as well, now it was rare but a playful eye roll or a ‘you wound me’ would be a typical answer. Ike sometimes wondered if Vox got over him but then something like lingering touches would happen and suddenly, he knew exactly what he felt. He fell asleep curled and holding a spare pillow close.
The next day at work, again during break Vox rolled dice again and it all led to a dead end, again, he slumped in his seat but never complained even when everyone was teasing him or even saying to just get over it, he still followed the rules set. Break was over and Ike had quickly made sure if he'd be coming over for their horror night. To which he said yes before disappearing to God knows where.
“I’ll let you cuddle me in dnd”
“Just dnd, you wound me Ike Eveland, I’ll have you know I’m an excellent cuddler, you can ask all the pillows and teddy bears I own” Vox laughed still playful as he plated the burgers they had ordered.
“I’m serious, I’ll let you cuddle me, in real life, if you dnd it” Ike was seated on the floor on a fluffy rug that was big enough for the entire living room, one arm on the sofa seat and the other laced with it.
“I’ll cuddle you in dnd as a roleplay but I won't in real life” the seriousness behind his voice didn’t make sense, it did but it didn’t at the same time. Vox always stated how huggable Ike was and how he could cuddle him if he could, the desire to do so was always present behind his eyes suppressed so no one could see but Ike could and he gave him a free card to do so. So why?
“So how are we going about this, are there more papers this time?” Vox was now beside him and playful again, the plates now on the coffee table in front of them as they (mainly Vox) played the game and Ike helped with puzzles. Soon they called for a break and Ike brought out dice and papers.
“First role to see if you can initiate the cuddle” Ike read out loud.
“Initiating a cuddle, I didn’t know that was a thing” Vox rolled as Ike could help but shake his head at his antiques. 
“A 20, The voice demon is welcomed into the fort of blankets now sitting beside a literacy warlock”
“Right, I’d like to roll to see if I can move closer”
“How would that work?”
“Focus Vox”
“Thats all?”
“Yes that's all and it's a nat 14”
“Oh, ok, um, you scoot closer to the warlock who acknowledges your presence”
“Nice, mmm, I’d like to offer a hug, just a short one if they like” 
“They accept and are now next to you”
“No roll? I-”
“Alright, I ask if they are ok to cuddle”
“The warlock accepts however they are tried and wish to sleep”
“Oh I could hug them. Are they big spoon or little spoon?”
“I dont know, roll” 
“Aaah~ 15” 
“They are a little spoon, anything else you wish to do?”
“I’d like to cover them with a blanket”
“What do you think a blanket fort is, Vox?”
“Right, then I’d like to hold them close as they sleep staying awake to make sure they’re ok” Silence, Ike was supposed to say something but he didn’t, or better he couldn’t.
“So that's finished then?” Ike stumbled internally but nodded at Vox who picked up the controller again looking at the screen again his eyebrows soon scrunched together as he spoke again.
“Have we been here before?” Ike looked at the screen slightly dazed but responded, nonetheless.
“I think we might be in a loop”
“Ah, nooo~ that means we gotta pinch ourselves”
“It would be good to save though, we’ve discovered a lot so” Ike mumbled only hearing a hum of agreement. Vox went home that night instead of sleeping over because he had an assignment early in the morning. Ike bid him goodbye and he went to his living room, his feet were on the edge of the sofa and he placed his head on his hand on top of his knees. Vox helped clean up, he always did, he'd make sure there was no mess left when he leaves and he had an infuriating habit of never forgetting anything, almost like he never came over to his house. He decided to sleep off the weird feelings buzzing within him but he knew he’d have to deal with them sooner or later.
The next day he didn't see Vox for a whole day, which was fine but he didn't even see the messages that he sent.
The day after Vox still wasn't back and there was no news on him, on what he may be doing or what he was sent for. Again, no messages were seen and he was off-line for a while now. If Vox wasn't back by the week he'd go to Luca for answers.
"He's been missing for 9 days" Ike was short and direct, catching the mafia boss off guard.
"Ike, you ok?" Luca's voice wavered a bit, he knew not to mess with a mad Ike, he knew from the many lectures he had received as a kid. 
"Vox has been missing for 9 days” the matter-of-fact tone didn't fade and Luca now had an idea on what Ike was saying or asking.
"We had to deal with a few things and he stayed back since something was uncovered he said he'd go radio silence for a bit- before you say anything I did say it was a bad idea but he didn't listen" Ike's glare sharpened and Luca shrank, visibly, wanting nothing more than for the chair to swallow him whole. Luca may be a mafia boss but he knew better than to go against the older male, he knew more so because of the multiple times Ike had given him a similar glare when he so much as even looked at the line.
“I’m sure if I explain to him the situation, whatever it is, he’ll come back” Luca let out, in the smallest voice he could muster to not anger Ike more.
“I’m sure he will” Ike left and Luca finally relaxed, although he didn't give a reason for his urgency to know where Vox was, Luca still prayed for the voice demon for when he returned.
Ike was on edge the whole day, in turn making everyone else other than the luxiem members (with the exception of Luca) nervous.
'Whatever it is'
How was he supposed to explain that there was no reason other than sheer concern. Vox was gone and it felt like something was ripped away from him.
“Ike, you ok?” Ike looked up to see Shu who was clearly concerned about him.
“I’m fine” It was curt but his eyes were down cast.
“Come on, I need your help” Shu stated, they headed towards his workspace a door that led to a large room with books and scrolls scattered around along with different jars of colours on the shelves.
“Keep me company” The sorcerer had his back to Ike while he fiddled with stones and elixirs, Shu was always on the side lines of the chaos of their friendship, he knew the members well. Well enough to know Ike needed a moment to think in comfort and not spiral alone, and if he had any questions he’d answer them. However it wouldn’t hurt to tell.
“Vox asked to keep and eye on you, he can tell somethings off” it was gentle, as if he was afraid, he’d set something off. Ike had taken a seat, fiddling with his hands.
“I’m fine Shu I was just worried that he wasn’t anywhere for the past couple of days” Ike spoke. He wasn’t fine, he so desperately wanted nothing to change between the two of them that he didn’t see the little things that did and when Vox was nowhere to be seen with no response and no message or anything to say where he was; Ike was worried. Something had changed and he didn’t like it. Something changed a while ago, otherwise he wouldn’t have given the offer, he wouldn’t have set rules and he wouldn’t have been so distraught not seeing him. He let out a sigh of exhaustion.
“I have to talk to him, don’t I?”
“That would be the sensible thing to do” Shu mussed.
“I don’t know when he’ll be back though” Ike stayed there for the rest of the day contemplating on what to tell the voice demon until he went home following his routine until he heard a knock on the door.
Vox stood there in a hoodie and sweat pants, a sheepish smile on his lips and the ever so gentle look in his eyes.
“When did you get back?” Ike moved aside letting him in, closing the door behind him.
“This afternoon I finished some papers and went home to freshen up” Vox sat down on the sofa and Ike followed.
“You should be resting” It was stern.
“I wanted to see my best man” Ike had to tell him.
“I love you” Ike had never been more vulnerable than in that moment, he had so many ways to say and explain what he was feeling but it all became null to him. He couldn’t look Vox in the eyes, looking down feeling his heart and soul twist in the silence. He could hear Vox take in a breath to speak nothing followed.
“I don’t want anything to change, I don’t want us to change” the second part was softer, eyes still down.
“Ike, talk to me, please” Vox had slipped a hand into his, it was warm, everything about him was warm and he didn’t want to lose that.
“I’m- I’m sorry” His vision started to blurr and Vox had brought him close engulfing him.
“I hate it when it feels like you’ve never been here and- and when you leave, I always worry, especially when you don’t say anything or don’t respond, I-“ Vox hushed him and let him cry until he fell asleep.
He woke up the next morning, warm and safe, he was cuddled next to Vox who was still holding him sleeping on the ‘L’ of the sofa; a blanket was wrapped around them and Ike could feel himself being lulled back to sleep. Vox got up picking him up as well, Ike kept his eyes closed not wanting to open them only to feel himself being placed on his bed.
“Could I join you?” Ike nodded opening the blanket to him and he could’ve sworn time had stopped. Gentle eyes and a gentle smile as Vox brought him close to him cuddling him like he did in that stupid dnd session. He felt Vox nuzzle his head as he leaned into his neck.
“I love you to, I never stopped” it was soft and it was all he needed to put him at ease as he fell asleep again. He’d be ok if Vox was there. They both be ok.
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danihelman-art · 2 years
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Ikey Wikey
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irisisasiren · 2 years
sorry for not posting yesterday cuz I need to study for my test
but now I'm free mf>:)
I'll post ikey wikey tomorrow:3
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faeryarchives · 2 years
—ike anon<3
first huhu sorry for disappearing its college problems 👹 when second sem started me and my friends got separated from each other but thankfully i am in the same block with my two friends 🙏 then i became a class officer in our section and new section means new groupings 😭 all in all its very stressful if you manage group members with no motivation to study at all 💀 BUT STILL YES I'LL TRY TO UPDATE DURING MY FREE TIME <3
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smillingsad1st · 10 months
ooo ur ikey wikey???!!!!)?
Yea i figured since u wanted luca (:
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dtaafm · 2 years
Today is this smart cookie's day!!💙🥺
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hirsheyskisses · 2 years
Hello Hir-san!!!May I request cooking with Ike? :D i just thought this idea might be cute <3 thank you!!!!!!
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❝..Paprika? Spicy-❞
┆Ike Eveland x Reader
┆┆FLUFF (spec of spice if you squint-)
tHIS IS SHORt-- but hey. Fun fact: paprika chicken is actually really good-- im also not used to writing for Ike so its a little off BUT ILL GET BETTER!
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"Can you pass me the paprika, my love?"
You extended your hand to Ike, and he quickly passed the small red bottle to you; watching your skilled, delicate hands work the odd mixture into the chicken. Paprika chicken bowls, you called it. When you suggested it, Ike got curious- any food Ike made had to be good, right? And, per your request, he was in the kitchen and actively helping you.
It was a pleasant experience- Ike humming softly, occasionally diving into a conversation with you, asking about the dish, how you came to learn it, and what changes you made to the recipe. A few simple explanations for a change was the lack of honey, for it made it too sweet; the adjustments of seasonings, etc, etc.
Your hands were graceful, and you were a very good cook. He admired it, actually. After having gotten so used to Mysta trying to cook for the last week- this was a nice change.
"So, this was one of your favorite dishes?" Ike questioned, glancing at you. "Yeah! My dad used to make it.. a lot. For events or memorable times. Throw in a baked potato and a burrito bowl, and you've got a pretty good meal, if you ask me!"
As you finished rubbing the seasoning into the chicken, you moved to the sink. Not for the first time, you could feel Ike's eyes on you, watching your every move from where he leaned against the counter. Hot water hitting your hands as you washed them. But as you did, Ike pressed himself against you, arms snaking around your waist.
"Ikeey wikey~ what're you?-" "You're so good. Too good to me." Ike mumbled, burying his face into your neck. You chuckled softly and, after shaking the water off your hands, turned and placed your arms around his neck. "It's just food."
"Good food.." "I think you've just gotten too used to Mysta's cooking, Ikey." "....Maybe."
Ike chuckled, and for a moment, the two of you stood there. Ike was clearly falling into thought, and you were simply happy to feel his warmth besides you. But when a few moments turned into minutes, you got just a little concerned.
"Ikeyy?" "Mmmmmmm... yeah?" "...Can you let me go? I need to finish cooking-" "...No." "Ike-"
He pressed a kiss to your neck, causing heat to rise to your face. Seeming satisfied, he slowly pulled away, and you set to work to hide your embarrassment. Placing the chicken on the grill, listening to the satisfying sizzle.
"So for dessert.. Can I have you?" Ike piped up,
Curse this teasing idiot, who chose the worst times to be a flirt--
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typh0nas · 2 years
mysta and ikey wikey are next
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mirshroom · 2 years
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kuraitsune · 2 years
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PARiNGS - ...Ike Eveland x GN!Reader
MENTiONS - ...Shoto & Mysta Rias.
SUMMARY - ...in which a novelist from the past starts to form a deeper relationship with a primordial being.
READER'S PROFiLE - ...you are an independent vtuber with a decent amount of fans behind you. your vtuber model is a primordial being-akin to a god- with the belief of "hope" as your rein.
DiSCLAiMERS- in no way am i a professional writer, i just like english lol. please know that these writings are a work of fiction and are the appearance and persona of the character! not the person behind the screen.
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You were collabing with Ike, Shoto, and Mysta in Stickfight, and you were absoluting destroying everyone.
"AAAAAAAAAAGGGHH WHY DOES IT SEEM LIKE I'M THE ONE TO DIE FIRST TO [name]?!?!" Mysta screeched as he died with your lovely gun that you picked up.
"YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD WIN AGAINST A PRIMORDIAL BEING, DID YOU?" you merely replied, casually obliterating Shoto in the process. Your eyes locked onto Ike's stick figure while Mysta and Shoto spectated, chatting a bit.
"[name], I beg mercy upon you to not shoot me to death," the novelist's figure picked up a snake bazooka and hid on a ledge, away from you.
"Ikey wikey~ I see what you have there, why don't you come down and fight me to a 1v1?" you asked, standing below the ledge.
"...Sure why not, better end it quickly than extend it," he sighed, hopping down the ledge and initiated a quick battle. Though unexpectedly, Ike won.
"IKE LET'S GO MAN! TAKE THAT [name]!!" Mysta cheered, a smile evident on the detective's model.
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After the collab ended and ended all their streams, Shoto and Mysta hopped off the VC while you and Ike chatted some more.
"How did you make up your concept for your model, [name]? I'm just curious, that's all," the two toned haired man asked.
"Oh, hm... I'm actually not too sure, it was a long time ago now but I think I was just talking to one of my friends about vtuber concepts. She came up with an idea for me, and here I am! A primordial being of hope."
"That's nice!"
"Ah! What made you join NIJI EN?"
"Joining NIJI EN... I suppose to let people know the wonderful world of NIJISANJI itself and to entertain people."
"You suppose?" you cocked an eyebrow up, teasing Ike just a bit.
"Of course? I joined NIJISANJI over half a year ago, [name]."
"Heh, just teasing you, y'know?" you laughed a bit. A laugh that Ike will cherish. Wait, what?
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NOTE - i apologize if this is super short & a bit rushed, writer's block go brrr ig. other than that, I NOW REALLY WANNA WRITE FOR ILUNA!! but i'm gonna be waiting a few weeks after their debut to get to know them a bit better hehe-
DO NOT: repost or copy any of @kuraitsune's works! sharing is fine with credits.
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