spcdesace ยท 1 month
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@ikkaku-of-heart liked for a starter!
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A groan echoed through his throat, senses slowly coming back to him as he tried to move his body and found everything sore and stiff. As if he'd not moved for a very very long time. Eyes fighting to open, breaking the slightly crust that had gathered between his lashes before slowly cracking open. Fluttering a few times a the light speared through his blurry sight, drawing another groan from his throat.
One hand finally moving. The effort felt like he was lifting a mountain as he blocked out the light with his hand before slowly looking around. He was in.....a hospital room? No.....it wasn't that.....medical bay of a ship then? What had happ......
Memories came flooding back in a wave so intense that his body was flooded with adrenaline as he shot up, crying out as the past and the present overlapped. "LUFFY!" The sudden movement was too much for him to control, causing him to tip over and fall off the side of the bed. His body landing hard on the metal floor, drawing a pained oaf from his lips as he struggled to move before collapsing back down, unable to gather the strength to do more than lie there panting hard. His mind reeling from the memories and sudden flaring pain in his chest, as if a burning hand were once more slamming through his flesh, bones, and organs as if they were putty.
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thenorthblues ยท 4 months
I can't stress this enough:
I know Shachi and Penguin are on Soulmate Timing๐Ÿคž(not necessarily romantic, just VERY tied together). Twin Flame shit. Will never be separate. Two halves of a whole (idiot).
But Shachi and Ikkaku? Evil Twin, Evil Twin time. Thats Bestieโœจ๐Ÿ’…. That's his Babygirl (also doesn't have to be romantically) and Mean Friend to his Nice Friend. Gossip Bestie. That's the one he calls up like "GIRL. Did you hear--". ADORES her to the moon and back.
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seaoftales ยท 9 months
"Scars make us who we are." for Mihawk
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He could agree with the statement, though only to a certain degree.
Scars were something of a tricky topic, and Mihawk did have some rather controversial opinions when it came to them.
โ That sounds almost... naive. โž For a lack of a better word, this one would have to do. โ Scars don't just make you who you are, they also reflect on what kind of fighter you are. There's some that carry them with pride, and then there's those that grow weaker with each scar they get. โž
It was one or the other, at least most times. The plethora of duels he had had in the past gave him enough experience to determine what kind of person he was up against, not to mention what kind of fight it would turn out to be thanks to his Observation Haki. For him personally, being the bearer of the title of World's Greatest Swordsman, he couldn't allow himself to bear any kind of scar, at least not one from a sword fight. There was a reputation he had to uphold, which, among other things, was that he was nigh untouchable.
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โ I don't suppose you have some scars of your own you'd like to share a story about? โž Leave it to him to flip to narrative around. Mihawk was never a person who liked to talk about himself. He much rather listened to others as they talked about themselves, just like he liked to try and assert what kind of people his opponents were when they challenged him to a duel. Call it a force of habit.
@ikkaku-of-heart / scar survey starters.
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dendenp3 ยท 17 days
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Is just....not gonna finish Ikkaku's because he's embarrassed.
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muselexum ยท 29 days
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@ikkaku-of-heart sent:
"There are hypocrites everywhere" (for Mihawk?)
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It had been quite awhile since Mihawk had encountered Ikkaku. How times have changed since they had crossed paths . The dismantling of the Warlord system had overthrown his life-- and the world into a completely new direction. While Mihawk still had his reservations about the Cross Guild, it somehow had brought him out of his routine way of life and provided him some entertainment. Mihawk had lived comfortably, and alone, at the top of the ladder for so long that at some point he had forgotten that he could keep climbing higher.
The Heart Pirates had arrived on Kari Bari to turn in some bounties-- perhaps they were a bit down on their luck? Regardless, the Cross Guild gave the crew the bounty payouts they were owed and with Kari Bari being a pirate island, the Heart Pirates were also welcomed to stick around for as long as they didn't stir up trouble. In fact, it seemed that Crocodile had sat Law aside to have a conversation Mihawk didn't care to know much about or be involved in.
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Mihawk sat on a large, plush couch, up a level and away from the riff raff below. Perhaps Ikkaku had the need to escape as well, as she had found her way to his loft, and quite honestly he didn't mind the company. For as brief as their interactions have been-- one involving a knife to the throat, he actually quite enjoyed her. He found her amusing in the way a cat would a mouse. His lips quirked upward at her comment, "You sound rather slighted."
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mtwiind ยท 3 months
@ikkaku-of-heart asked:
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there was a smile that graced his features when ikkaku gave him a hug, he was growing use to affection these days.
"it's good to see you as well, ikkaku, how've you been?" he questioned, patting her on the back.
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gxdmade ยท 3 months
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@ikkaku-of-heart asked:
"Bravery is such an interesting thing to be the god of," Ikkaku stated, pouring the god a drink. The walls of the Goddess of Light and Guidance's crystal tower glowed softly as she sat across the table from Usopp. "It's a coin flip on whether your domain makes my job easier or harder. Sometimes, it's what leads mortals down the path that they need to go, such as a knight overcoming fear to save his village from a dragon. Others lead them to their doom despite even my best efforts, like that same knight being too sure of himself and getting eaten by a dragon he should have been smart enough to leave well enough alone. But I guess that's part of what makes mortals so intriguing, right?"
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The diety sat and fidgeted, watching the glass fill. It wasn't often that they were taken seriously, hardly known, hardly worshiped. A nobody God of something so abstract and misconstrued. Yet the Goddess of Light and Guidance seemed to take interest in them. Usopp couldn't fathom why, but it was still a sweet gesture, anxiety of the whole ordeal aside.
Her tower was stunning, a sight that made their fingers itch for canvas and paints. Instead, they curl around their drink, taking a sip. They winced a little at Ikkaku's words. "Unforunately, I don't really control what they do with the feeling. I don't mean to make your job any harder than I'm sure it is." Guidance, something all mortals seem to need, but some downright refuse for one thing or another. Or simply ignore. Leading them down rather unfortunate paths, as they've seen.
"But, I do feel context matters in this sense. What seems foolish, or rash to some may be the first decision others have ever made for themselves. And that, I think, makes my job worth it." The smie down into their drink, warm but a bit bittersweet.
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ncfertari ยท 23 days
@ikkaku-of-heart ~plotted starter~
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The princess had fled from the Holy Land when CP-0 was trying to sell her off to the World Nobles as a pet, as it was their goal to make her disappear. She had no clue the reason why, but all that the female knew she needed to leave the island and go into hiding. A few weeks went by as she traveled trying to find some allies that would be willing to help her, as she read the papers. Her father was killed and she was missing, but it did not sit right with her. Vivi had cried at the news of her father's death, but she did not believe that Sabo was the one who killed him. If the government was trying to make her disappear, then it would make sense that they would silence her father. However, she did not know the reason why, so the princess went looking into that reason.
Vivi was traveling on a ship when suddenly they were attacked by the pirates as she was on a merchant ship hidden in the cargo hold. The female had barely escaped the ship as it was sinking and she was badly injured. She had no supplies as she rowed for a couple days, her injuries were from a couple cuts and a few broken ribs. By now, the bluenette must had an infection as her head was aching and she was running a fever, but she kept on rowing. When she was resting, her body felt heavy and numb with her mind feeling like it was in a fog. Closing her eyes, she allowed the darkness and exhaustion to consume her, not knowing what would happen next when she woke up.
Finally, the princess shot up straight from the cot she was lying on as she groaned from the pain shooting throughout her body. She was stiff and everything was sore. However, Vivi could feel that her ribs weren't broken anymore plus the cuts on her arms and forehead were bandaged. Looking around, she noticed that she was lying in a bed in some room that looked similar to a hospital room. Slowly taking a moment, to clear her mind and tested to limps to see if everything was working. After a couple minutes of sitting on the edge of the bed, she heard something like a door opening and she froze watching as a female came into the room.
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Staring at her, Vivi did not speak or move, as she was trying to observe the other carefully. The stranger had thick black curly locks underneath a beanie as she wore a jumpsuit with a jolly roger on it. Something looked familiar about as she did not know where from. Maybe these were the ones who attacked the merchant ship or maybe she had seen it in a newspaper, but her head was throbbing from her mind turning. Groaning softly as she placed a hand on her forehead, she was trying to figure out what was going on.
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regensia ยท 4 months
@ikkaku-of-heart / continued !!
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Not everyone had the privilege to speak of family in such genuine tones - found or not. Shimazaki gave a small nod to show he was indeed listening, his new drinking companion espousing of how her altered career path changed her life, of how much she adored her captain and crew, of how she much preferred her life at seas. The words Ikkaku used were much less than that - but he could hear it in her voice, the smile that formed around each syllable that fell from her lips. It was almost heartwarming to think of a pirate crew sharing such close bonds, even if that went against what he usually heard about them. After all, he had just been witness to a huge brawl before the two had bailed, fueled by alcohol in equal measure as plain penchant for violence.
โ I think even if you wanted to stab me in the back, you'd be hard-pressed,ย โž Shimazaki chuckled softly. โ You missed your chance earlier at the bar.ย โž Theoretically the chaos of the brawl over the woman would have served as the perfect opportunity to sink a knife into him, or a bullet. Whatever she preferred. Theoretically. He wasn't about to show off to a woman just for the sake of it. There was power in the mysterious.
โ Sounds like you actually care for what your captain thinks. I guess it's not what I expect of a lot of pirates. Most are just afraid of their captain but enjoy the money, as far as I've met. โž That could never be Shimazaki himself. Sure - he could do as told by a boss, but only if there was legitimate compensation, his loyalty usually only bought. He wouldn't pretend to be a morally superior individual either. โ Though you've got a good point about the Marines. โž They brought trouble - the wrong kind.
A pause as the man had another sip of his drink, other arm slung over the back of the bench, legs crossed. It was clear he was more enjoying the moment and the liquor rather than trying to set up the stage to pull any moves on her, at least.
โ Right. I'm Shimazaki Ryo.ย โž Corners of his lips were curled upwards, feline inclination upon his very visage. โ I couldn't say if you might've seen any wanted posters of me, though. I'm doubtful. โž
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chillin-at-partys-bar ยท 8 months
@ikkaku-of-heart from {here}
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There was a twinkle in his eye as she threatened to climb him like a tree. He wasnโ€™t even holding the can drastically high above his head, just high enough to keep it out of her reach. The womanโ€™s actions and words earned a larger grin from his lips as he watched her, feeling her against his chest, feeling her closeness.
And if Benn was anything, he was a pirate. And pirates didnโ€™t just give in because pretty women with pretty eyes threatened to climb them. Even with the offer of a peep show. He chuckled at her determination, at her offer. โ€œYou think I need to bribe a lady to see what I want?โ€
If you knew what cards to play, it was never difficult to get the attention of a pretty woman or man. Benn knew his cards โ€“ he was a pirate, wanted, attractive (he could admit it, he was man enough), and the crew was infamous. He had a reputation of a villain, and everyone loved the villains. Even though he personally held no desire to succumb to truly wicked ways, he could play the part. For both their crewโ€™s protection and his own exploits.
โ€œYouโ€™re gonna have to offer me more than that if youโ€™d like your tea.โ€ He lowered his hand just enough to open the top of it, sniffing the leaves. It did smell good. Maybe after their little charade heโ€™d ask to try some, but now he was just taunting her. โ€œI might take this for myself. Itโ€™s not my usual treasure, but I can adapt.โ€
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mediicusvitae ยท 1 year
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@ikkaku-of-heart said: "Hey, I just want you to know, your taste in blondes? Definitely better than mine," Ikkaku laughs, cuddling her heart sister.
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"Thank you, Ikkaku, but perhaps we should work a little on your, uh..." Lamy winced, grasping for words, "...standards?"
Heaven knew that some previous conquests of her beloved heart sister were questionable at best, and Ikkaku deserved someone that was truly worthy of her.
Which would be near impossible to fulfill, as nobody was good enough for her โ€” the other Hearts would surely agree on this โ€” but it was still worth a try to find her a suitable partner. Preferably someone that wasn't a mass murderer.
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thenorthblues ยท 4 months
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@ikkaku-of-heart asked: [ Merperson Starters ]
โ€œI noticed youโ€™ve been hanging around the water a lot, lately. Hoping to find a mermaid or something?โ€ (for Shachi in canon. Time to talk about that heritage!)
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The hybrid was startled out of whatever daze he was in, head half above water as he floated there like a living bouy. He peered up at his crewmate on the deck, swimming up to the docked Tang. He flashes her a grin.
"Why go searchin' when we got our very own maiden of the sea right here~?" Despite the sunglasses, it was obvious he shot her a playful wink. "One sec-" Suddenly, he drops under the surface, swimming down low to give himself space for momentum. Making a sharp 180, he swims as fast as he can, the force enough to launch him out of the water, into the air and on to the deck of the Tang, even doing a little flip for dramatics. Though, he stumbles slightly on the landing.
He then proceeds to, much like a dog, shake the sea water off him from head down to tail, likely getting anyone in the vicinty wet. With that goofy grin still on his face, Shachi hardly hesitates before scooping Ikkaku up in the most moist hug in the world, chilled by the sea. "And just what got you worryin' about lil ol me, 'Kkaku? 's not like me being in the water is a new thing."
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seaoftales ยท 9 months
"Scars tell a story of survival. Care to share some of yours with me?" for Shanks
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He couldn't remember the last time anybody asked him about his scars. He also couldn't really remember the last time he got one that was worth telling a story about. Normally he'd sport cuts that would heal and one could barely tell he was injured at all. Still, that didn't mean he didn't have a story to tell about the scars that he did have and had received over a decade ago.
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"Scars also tell stories of being young, reckless and overconfident in one's abilities." Red Hair pointed out with a soft chuckle. "Maybe it's a good thing there's one or the other decent story behind them. The three scars over my left eye are from a fight with Blackbeard from back in the day when he was still sailing under Whitebeard. It couldn't have been more than a year or so after Roger's execution. Our captains used to clash with one another often in the past."
The thing was, Blackbeard had grown to be quite a threat ever since, even more now that he'd become Yonko. He tried to warn Whitebeard about him, though it fell on deaf ears. To think that so many things could have been different if he only listened to him.
@ikkaku-of-heart / scar survey starters.
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dendenp3 ยท 17 days
"Some of it I already knew, some of it I got lucky and guessed, and some of it I figured out just from what I knew about you. But yeah, seems I've got you mostly figured out, haha!"
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"Honestly, that's fair! I'm starting to thin I'm an open book...and I don't know if I should be worried or not."
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xcalibxr ยท 11 months
From this day forward, Drake adjusts his canines to be just a bit more noticeable just for Ikkaku. That way, she'll always be able to have a peek of what she likes. @ikkaku-of-heart
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mtwiind ยท 3 months
@ikkaku-of-heart asked:
Ikkaku going to draw a cute little boat on his bicep. โ›ต
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eyes took in the little art on his arm, oh there was a gleeful glance on his face. he then flexed his muscles looking at the woman.
"does it look like it's moving?"
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