tangentvegan-blog · 5 years
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This girl still loves her “meat” and potatoes too🤤😏 Gardein Turky Cutlets and a yummy garlic butter baked potato. #vegan #vegannashville #homemadevegan #gardein #gardeinpleasesponsormeiloveyou https://www.instagram.com/p/B1NFfAchdZF/?igshid=j7vkraehs22x
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tangentvegan-blog · 5 years
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Spicy taco lettuce wraps! Garedin beef crumbles with spicy taco seasoning and various veggies! #vegan #vegannashville #homemadevegan #nom https://www.instagram.com/p/B1Kbt61BUaU/?igshid=vxko249nr9rh
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tangentvegan-blog · 5 years
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Chorizo seitan taco rice bowl 👌🏽🤤 https://www.instagram.com/p/B0mdVK6hPYm/?igshid=no8018esaq8j
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tangentvegan-blog · 5 years
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I know it’s been a hot minute, but here’s a hot deconstructed vegan meatball sandwich for you! #vegan #vegannashville #gardein #nom https://www.instagram.com/p/B0j0V6EFA4U/?igshid=fg8mkoq7270t
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tangentvegan-blog · 5 years
WIW Week 3
It’s been a rough couple weeks for me, I’m not going to lie. I’ve been super stressed out, running around like a chicken with my head cut off, and generally just going NONSTOP.
Work has been crazy, my birthday was last week and this week is our Florida trip. I’m honestly so ready for June and to have a month of not doing anything. I need it so badly.
On that note, this week has been a struggle emotionally for me. Last week ended with an amazing birthday (we ate at like 5 different places and all the vegan food was amazing!). But deep down I knew I probably wasn’t going to lose weight. I ate more generally and I had some drinks so I was afraid that I would gain some weight.
We went to the mall yesterday for me to get some new undies and fitted for a bra (because the last time I tried my last bra size it did not fit at all). Luckily the undies were easy to find and they had XLs, but the fitting was what made me sad. I went from a 38DD to a 46DD. They don’t even sell above 40 at VS. I bought my underwear and left with my boyfriend and kind of sulked about it all night.
I still go through hard times with my weight. I’m not happy with how big I am and how different it feels. I beat myself up knowing that I ate so much this weekend and that it would probably make me gain and not be focused on the goal. I need to tighten things up and get back to home cooking (which I will, it’s just hard when you literally feel overwhelmed for a full month).
With that being said, I dreaded the weigh in this morning. I got up and was like, I guess it’s time to see the damage. I gained a pound to bring me back up to 218.5. CONS: I technically gained weight and didn’t lose the 4 to 5 pounds that I have been consistently losing the last two weeks. MAJOR PROS: I only gained a pound after eating out and drinking all weekend for my birthday!
I guess my moral of this week is to try and be more patient with myself and realize I’m on a journey to better myself. Losing weight takes time and I need to be more dedicated to getting over my anxiety and taking the time to cook for myself. I need to challenge myself to be better and more on top of it. I also need to be happy in my victories and realize I’m not perfect. It’s all going to turn out the way it needs to.
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tangentvegan-blog · 5 years
WIW Week 2
Hey y’all! I figured, while it was still Wednesday, I would post my progress. It’s been a really tough month (at least here at the end) with just everything that has been going on. My birthday is Sunday and trying to plan everything out for that, plus with our Florida trip coming up I just feel like I’ve been go go go and my body has been like STAHP STAHP STAHP.
Also (probably TMI, but whatever it’s my blog, I’m open about everything, you’ll get it after a while) I’m on my period, so I was really nervous about weigh in after feeling like that would hurt my progress and there would be some initial weight fluctuations.
DRUM ROLL PLEASE: I’m officially at 217.5 pounds. That’s a loss of 5 pounds this week and a total of 9 pounds since May 1st! I was baffled that I had lost more and was so happy that even though I didn’t feel like I was losing, you can see the scale is showing it.
I think my biggest successes are my water intake and my snacking less. Being vegan makes it easier to not give in to temptation with work snacks (I literally can’t eat anything any of our clients bring us so...that’s easy). I’m drinking about 120 oz of water a day, and only having a cup of coffee or some tea (no pop and going strong)!
My biggest weakness at the moment: TAKIS. Those little red delicious devils, I can’t stop eating them. They’re vegan (which is amazing but horrible at the same time) and my go to guilty pleasure snack. Although I do notice I won’t usually eat a lot of them in one sitting anymore.
Here’s to the next week and hopefully more motivation to post! I want to get into exercising at some point soon as well and start getting more comfortable with my appearance again! Baby steps y’all! 💜
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tangentvegan-blog · 5 years
The moment we’ve all been weight-ing for 😝
Sorry, I totally had to. Dad jokes are my absolute favorite, so you’ll be getting puns ALL THE TIME.
It’s been a week since I started full 100 percent vegan. I started at 226.5 and when I weighed myself this morning I was (drumroll please...) 222.5! That’s four pounds down!
I know it’s not a lot and that any normal person’s weight usually fluctuates 1-3 pounds on a daily basis, I feel like this is a big victory for me!
I’m not going to lie, I was a little bit nervous going into weigh in day. I’ve been feeling prettt good, but I’m dealing with feeling still bloated some of the times and just trying to make sure I’m balancing all of my carbs (my biggest weakness) with veggies.
I’m really proud of myself! I haven’t really struggled with many cravings. I’ve stayed on point with the diet and I’ve gotten into cooking a little bit more. If it weren’t for dishes it would be every day, but I’ve been happy finding quick vegan fixes to eat when I’m just exhausted after a long day.
WEEK 1 IN THE BAG BABY! Here’s to another week of successes and more awesome recipes!
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tangentvegan-blog · 5 years
Slow Burn
Hey y’all. I know it’s been a minute since I’ve really updated anything, and I apologize for that. I really wanted to do a haul post after going to Sprouts (aka the cheaper than Whole Foods Vegan Mecca in Bellevue...and also my favorite place) but I was so overwhelmed with all of the options and after shopping all day I decided I needed a break. I will post some awesome stuff that I found as I taste test it for you. There are some winners for sure that I really love!
On that note though, there will be times where anxiety prevents me from posting. I suffer from a not so fun combo of anxiety and adhd brain, so the struggle is definitely real.
Fun things coming up! WEIGH IN WEDNESDAY. I started this journey at the whopping weight of 226.5 pounds (🤢🤮🤢) and I started on a Wednesday. So I decided that every Wednesday I’ll post a blog on where my weight is, how I’m feeling about the journey and generally just an update on the week. I’ll go over my struggles, my successes, any recipes that I loved that week or a new favorite product.
I’m so excited to share everything with y’all! Check in tomorrow for WEIGH IN WEDNESDAY!
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tangentvegan-blog · 5 years
What is this all about?
Well hello y’all. I bet you’re wondering one of the following questions: Who the hell is this person? Why the hell do we care about her journey? WHAT IS THIS ALL ABOUT?!
Well let me try to answer in the best way possible.
First off, my name is Haley and I’m a 25 (about to be 26....17 more days...woot woot 🙌🏼) year old woman, living in Nashville, Tennessee. I’ve lived here for the past 4 years, but I grew up in the beautiful state of Arizona. I was born in the suburbs of Chicago, and lived there for a small time period as well. So what does this all mean? Basically that I’m a rolling stone, going where my heart and soul (and sometimes my brain) tell me to go.
Everyone who knows me knows some of my basic facts: 1. I freaking love anything dinosaur or cacti related. All of it. No exceptions. I want it all (seriously you should see my house, they’re everywhere). 2. I’m a Bravo-holic. Always have been, always will be. #nextlevelbasic and proud. 3. I went vegan originally in 2014 for about a year when I was living in Chicago. It was the best I have ever felt in my life and I had such an amazing time learning new things and cooking new amazing recipes. 4. I have a 2 year old Beagle-Dachshund named Arvy who is my baby and my world and I love him so much!
So now that you know my basics, now you need to know why I’m starting this journey back again.
I have loved being here in the south. The food is amazing, my boyfriend is amazing, but the happy weight I’ve gained is not amazing. I’m at the heaviest I’ve ever been (day one weight: 226.5 ����) and I’ve just been feeling generally unhealthy. My knees always hurt, I get winded walking up my stairs (how freaking embarrassing) and I don’t feel comfortable in any of my clothes anymore. When I was vegan before, I felt so much better physically, mentally and emotionally and I really want to get back to that head space. Plus I’m a foodie at heart, so any time I get to try new recipes I’m always down.
This blog will be documenting my journey through the valley of veganism. I’ll be talking about my challenges, goals, what I’ve overcome, products that I absolutely love, recipes, and general feelings from me. I love to hear feedback from y’all, and anything you’d like me to try or learn about I would be down to do. I want to hold myself accountable and just really document my journey all around.
You can follow me on Instagram also: @tangentvegan
Thank y’all so much for sharing this journey with me. I wouldn’t be able to do it without the love and support of all of you!
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