#ilakha moks
shamans-of-reeds · 4 years
Big Blog Update & Name Change! 11.29.20
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 I have exciting news! Ilakha’s blog is being updated to include another muse; her big brother, Sali! His profile will be linked along the button menu, as well as his own services.
 Also to note, the blog’s name is changing! tamer-of-steeds is now shamans-of-reeds. Keeping it simple so people don’t get too confused!
 Send an ask or message if you have any questions or interests with Sali! RP rules and etiquette stay the same. Ilakha’s healing services will also be 100% shared with Sali. In fact, he’s more experienced!
 As always, thank you for following my FFXIV blog!
 ( Art above by @fenpai-draws​ )
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A little while ago, I finished a drawing of Ilakha for @tamer-of-steeds ! Posting it here because... urk I don’t wanna log into my main account to post it since it’s so inactive anyway.
This is PRIVATE art: you may not use or repost this without permission from myself and tamer-of-steeds.
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ritsykitty · 6 years
Announcing the First Mateus Archery Meet (Monthly)
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What: The Kotodama Clan will be hosting its first session of a server-wide archery contest. Race, background, style, none matter when it comes to this test of skill! Prizes will be awarded for the top three high scores.
When: 5 November, 7pm CST. The Meet will be every first week of the month following. Winners do not carry over, each moon is a fresh start. Besides bragging rights, of course!
Where: The Bannock, Central Shroud
Rules: Each participant will get five shots per course. Their total score will be tallied. Competitors will /random for their shots. The RNG/scoring system is borrowed from {here}. Here’s a breakdown of the score criteria.
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Rolling over 500 signifies that perhaps the participant overdrew or overshot while lower then 499 means an underdraw or the shot fell short. Your position/score will be sent in a /tell and the participant will emote the results from there.
Saranqerel Qalli (Bluebird#2389, Tumblr: @sari-hoots)
Ilakha Moks (FullOfSandwiches#3541, Tumblr: @tamer-of-steeds )
Hope to see folks there! Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions!
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moonlit-nightingale · 6 years
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Shopping at a Clan-mate’s booth!
Best of luck to Ilakha Moks and her journey to find her bro!
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shamans-of-reeds · 4 years
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Happy All Saints’ Wake from Ilakha! Art is by InfiniteLeft! ( @infiniteleft / @infiniteleftdoesffxiv ) DO NOT REPOST OR REMOVE CAPTION!
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shamans-of-reeds · 4 years
Vault of Lies [RP]
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(( Rating: PG-13 ))
(( Trigger Warning: Depictions of graphic violence, death, and use of foul language. ))
(( Genre: Adventure, drama, thriller ))
(( Cast: @vaelir-alatori​ , @the-firetouched​ , @lavenderlarksong​ , and Ilakha ))
Vael'ir Alatori: | The plan was pulled off without a hitch, and the small force found themselves in the interior of the Alatori Family vault. The growling of beasts and the barking of orders emanates from within, put a scowl on Vael’ir’s face.
Vael'ir Alatori: | “That’s not right. We got in quiet; why does he have standing guards on the inside?” Vael asks quietly. Softly he pulled his gunblade off of his back and held it close. “Well, if they know we’re here, then leaving isn’t an option. Chances are our faces will be on posters up and down Sapphire Avenue.”
Vael'ir Alatori: | Vael loads his gunblade with a glowing purple cylinder and looks at the others. “I’ll take the lead. Stay close and don’t lose sight of one another.” He says, his eyes darting to the other three and resting on Vivisha for a moment longer. “If Rorotori wants hell, let’s go and raise it.”
Vivisha Visha holds tight to her staff and once again readjusts the mask covering her eyes. Not that it would likely do much good if Rorotori got a good look at her, but it makes her feel strong and mysterious even so. The sound ofbarking, however, clearly unnerves her. "W-well...Enqu hasn't said anything happened outside yet. We're in it now. Unfortunately for him, I'm in the mood to burn something."
Ilakha Moks 's steps slowed as went to the center of the room down the stairs. "Oh, gods. . ." She turned to Vivisha slowly. "Well, I do hope this will not take so long. . ." Her burning wildfire staff is grasped in both of her hands. "No matter how far we go, I will keep you all safe and standing."
Vael'ir Alatori smiles down at her softly. For a moment, the stress and tension of the situation disappears from his face. "Remember everything I told you. Like a bonfire, not a forest fire." He nods to Ilakha in turn. "Just make sure you keep yourself safe too, kiddo. Four go in, four come out, got it?"
Ilakha Moks bobbed her head intently. Briefly, she thought of her family waiting for her. "I will. Do not worry, friend."
Vivisha Visha: "Dear Ilakha will just have to remind me of the many times I fell off reindeer to ground me back in the cold..." A dry attempt at a semi-joke.
Q'lin LarksongBalmung snorts, pulling the circular blades off of her hips. "Well, let us just be quick about it, yes?" she twirls the blades on her wrists.
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Vivisha Visha: "Watch for traps!"
Vael'ir Alatori: "Damn... basilisks and automated traps. Really. uncle?"
Vivisha Visha: "This....is a bit...much!" Strained from focus on her spells. "The drama!"
Vael'ir Alatori: "I knew he was planning bloodsands shows, but this is a bit much."
Vael'ir Alatori: "More than I was expecting."
Ilakha Moks: "Ooh. . . I was not expecting giant crushing traps. . . not good."
Vivisha Visha looks warily to the distance. "What triggers those roof traps I wonder..."
Vael'ir Alatori: "We may be under watch. Stay on your toes."
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Vael'ir Alatori: "C'mon, ugly! Your mother was born from Bahamut dung!"
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Vael'ir Alatori dispenses with the contents of the chamber, releasing hot steam into the air as he prepares another round. "Good work keeping your cool there, kiddo. Everyone alright?"
Vivisha Visha wipes sweat from her brow, under her bangs, and then walks over to the fallen thing and whaps it with her stick. "I am now!"
Ilakha Moks: "See? We is not dead. I am good luck! Heehee!"
Vael'ir Alatori: "I haven't seen any records. There has to be more. Don't play into overconfidence quite yet."
Ilakha Moks: "Oh. . . well, we will find them, I think. But it seems we are having to go a bit deeper for it. . ."
Vivisha Visha breathes heavily but nods at Ila, smiling a little. "Gods, I am clearly out of shape! I'm ready..."
Q'lin LarksongBalmung stretches her arms over her head, sighing. "Onwards we go."
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Ilakha Moks: "Baby coeurls? This is cruel!"
Vael'ir Alatori: "I feel conflicted! They're like cousins!"
Vivisha Visha: "AAAAHHH it's coming right at me!!"
Q'lin LarksongBalmung: "Well at least we put them down quickly."
Ilakha Moks: "Not vultures! They are sacred!"
Vivisha Visha: "...this is a truly horrible way to learn about the bloodsands fight, my dear..."
Vael'ir Alatori: "They need to store the beasts somewhere."
Vivisha Visha: "...OH GODS A BEAR"
Ilakha Moks: " A BEAR!?"
Vael'ir Alatori: "They're large and they're loud.
Vael'ir Alatori: Perfect promotional material!"
Q'lin LarksongBalmung: "Perhaps Dravania? They're quite plentiful near Tailfeather..."
Vivisha Visha: "...more expense."
Vivisha Visha: "He clearly has too much money in his pocket."
Ilakha Moks: "Sorry naughty vultures. . . it is stun time."
Vael'ir Alatori sneers as the next arena comes into view. “This is over the top, even for Rorotori. Where are all the documents, all the gil piles and promissory notes?”
Vivisha Visha: "...I don't even know what that is..."
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Ilakha Moks: "Ooh, I need to record this beast in my codex. . ."
Vivisha Visha: "But unfortunately for this poor creature, I'm not in the mood to talk!"
Q'lin LarksongBalmung: "Well that's a beast you don't see every day..."
Vael'ir Alatori: "My bet is some voidspawn. We can wring the answers out of Rorotori after this. Keep an eye on those pedestals."
Vael'ir Alatori eyes the pedestals, suspecting an aetheric bent to the fight setup."
Vivisha Visha: "Oh, watch its eyes! I feel something awful."
Vael'ir Alatori: "The orbs! Quickly!"
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Vael'ir Alatori: "Those aether explosions. Definitely voidsent. My guess is an experiment from some less than scrupulous thaumaturges." Ilakha Moks 's trembling hands gripped onto her staff tighter. She was visibly on edge.
Vael'ir Alatori dislodges another spent cylinder, which sizzles as it hits the ground. "This serves a double purpose then. I realize the Bloodsands have been reigned in as of late; my uncle may have a hand in attempting to roll those restrictions back."
Vivisha Visha kneels down before the foul thing's body. Her expression is unreadable thanks to the mask, but the air around her spikes warm for a moment. "...but for what?" she asks darkly. "For good gil? We're skilled but...or you all are...but the deaths that could cause. You don't bring voidsent into something already violent and blood-laden!"
Q'lin LarksongBalmung scowls, swinging one of the chakrams around on her wrist, her head tilted to the side. "Reminds me of the ahriman. With the one big eye? So I would not be surprised if it was voidsent."
Vael'ir Alatori scowls and grumbles audibly. "Gone are the days of Raubahn tearing down hunts fit for marks on the sands. This can't continue."
Vivisha Visha: "Has your uncle always been this flush with liquid gold, Vael?" She looks around the room suspiciously. Ilakha Moks | "I hope not. . ." Her voice is small, but recovering.
Q'lin LarksongBalmung: "My partner is ex-bloodsands. I'm certain he's experienced some... fucked up shit there." Vivisha Visha: "I can't imagine that creature came cheap..."
Vael'ir Alatori: "Rorotori's not exactly a miser, but this is new."
Vael'ir Alatori: "I intend to ask him that myself. I'd wager plenty on him being here. This is too well planned of a roadblock to be mere coincidence." Q'lin LarksongBalmung turns to look at Vivisha. "If not purchasing it outright, a hand in developing it. Easier to get your hands on something you make yourself."
Vivisha Visha steps over to Ila to give her a comforting pat on the wrist. "Hopefully that is...the last of the voidsent." Though Lin's words make her visibly frown. "Another reason for us to keep going, I suppose."
Vael'ir Alatori: "Agreed. Is everyone alright to continue? There's no shame in saying no." Ilakha Moks: "You think your uncle is here? He is not a black mage, is he? He did not. . . summon the creature himself, did he?"
Vivisha Visha looks between Ila and Vael curiously at that. Vael'ir Alatori looks at Ilakha and sighs. "He's a thaumaturge of no small skill. I don't take him as the voidsent calling type, regardless of how I feel about the man... but again, this is new."
Ilakha Moks glanced down to Vivisha and offered a small smile in return, trying to regain her cheerful composure. "Well. . . let us keep being careful, I guess. I am ready to go!" Conquering Bardam's Mettle was no small feat for her when she was sixteen, but this was a horse of a different color.
Vael'ir Alatori: "We're going to make it through this, kiddo. Steel yourself and stay behind me, alright?"
Vivisha Visha: "I look forward to challenging him," she says, with perhaps unearned bravado. But thus far she has felt /good/...it felt /right/ to be using her magic like this, like she was delving into something necessary.
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Vivisha Visha: "....or not."
Vael'ir Alatori: "Live guards. They had to be somewhere."
Vael'ir Alatori: | The lancer in the center of the dais raises a lance haughtily. "Master Alatori sends his regards!"
Vivisha Visha: "Stand down, you fool! We've come this far!" Not quite the diplomatic approach, but she puts as much of her Duchess voice into it as she can. Still, she readies for a fight.
Ilakha Moks called back, uncharacteristically, "Eat dzo crap!!" Her brows are twisted in fear and hurt.
Vivisha Visha breathes heavily. She'd have to digest that later.
Vael'ir Alatori: "Let... go...! Bugger!"
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Vael'ir Alatori: | As the party clears the threshold to the large, open arena, Vael’s eyes shoot up to a ledge overlooking the arena, where an aging lalafellin man in an orange silk robe stands with his arms crossed and his teeth bared in a mocking grin.
Vael'ir Alatori: | “Ah, and the stray makes his appearance at last. I must say that I’m quite disappointed that my next few offerings to the Bloodsands have been ruined, but the money I would have made pales in comparison to the reward the Iris will give me for the return of their darling princess.”
Vael'ir Alatori: | Vael immediately moves over with Glanzender drawn to stand in front of Vivisha and points his blade up at Rorotori. “You won’t be touching her, or anyone else. I’m here for your records, Uncle. Don’t make me go through you to get them. Go quietly, and the only thing you’ll have to worry about is the Sultansworn.”
Vivisha Visha follows Vael's gaze and immediately readies herself to fling a fireball at him -- and that's before he mentions her nearly by name! "....they don't want me for anything but their good name! Sod that!"
Vael'ir Alatori: | “My boy, you are operating off of the assumption that I confront you unprepared. You are sorely mistaken.” Rorotori calls back down. “Much like your mother, you underestimate the monetarists. Not all of us laze about and eat grapes all day. You’ll find I am quite capable of defending myself; as are my associates here.”
Vael'ir Alatori: | The portcullis on the other end of the arena screeches as it opens, letting in a squad of gladiators. Vael’s brow narrows; he recognizes the muscle that had assaulted him in Alatori Manor weeks before.
Vael'ir Alatori: | Again Rorotori speaks as the gladiators bring their weapons to bear. “Last chance, boy. Give me the heiress and you will walk free. We can even speak of forgiving your debt. The debt your mother so carelessly passed on to you.”
Vael'ir Alatori: | As Vael’s anger reaches a boiling point, the air around him tenses. Small sparks of electricity dance across his blade and around his arms. “This was a set-up. You knew I was going to come for your vault. You planned it all well, but you made a fatal mistake, Rorotori Alaltori.”
Vael'ir Alatori: | Vael reaffirms the direction of his gunblade, pointing it instead at the gladiators gathered. “You underestimated Tatamo, and she taught me everything I know. I’m willing to bet that your error outweighs mine; and I’m a gambling man.”
Q'lin LarksongBalmung tightens her grip on the chakrams. Her silver eyes burn beneath the brim of her hat, sizing up the squad of gladiators in the arena.
Vivisha Visha sets her staff aloft, pointing it at Rorotori, and lets flame fill her palm. A threat. A show of power. "I'm not who you think I am, Rorotori Alatori. You'll regret crossing me and hurting my friends." Lady Snapdragon comes to life!
Ilakha Moks 's brows knitted together, sharp teeth clenching. "You. . ." Just then, she inhaled through her nose and exhaled out of her mouth; her breath was steam as her body temperature rose. "It is up to the gods to forgive you. Because I cannot."
Q'lin LarksongBalmung grins, the sound of ringing bells as she takes a step out to the side. "Go on then. Let us show him how wrong he is."
Vael'ir Alatori smirks. "My thoughts exactly." He charges with his gunblade held aloft.
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Vael'ir Alatori: "Idiots! Bloody fools! I trained in the Flames! The sands are nothing!"
Vael'ir Alatori: | Rorotori enters the arena with a massive beast in tow; the pride and joy of his collection. “I should have never taken you and your vagrant mother in! Ala Mhigan refuse, the lot of you, but idealists the worst of all! There is only one force in this world that matters; opportunity, and drive it takes to take advantage of it!”
Vael'ir Alatori: | Vael reloads his gunblade and assumes his battle stance, unperturbed. “This is for my mother.”
Vael'ir Alatori: "Let... go!"
Vael'ir Alatori: | Just as the red manticore seems to be reaching its limit, it swings its arm wide in an unexpected desperate lash-out; Ilakha is squarely hit by a grievous blow and is sent flying away, rolling a few times in the dirt before coming to a stop.
Vael'ir Alatori: | Vael turns about and then back to the beast. “Vivisha, take care of her!” He shouts as he charges the manticore. The gambler drags his blade’s tip against the ground and brings it up as an explosion of electricity bursts from the ground, ending the beast’s rampage for good. Rorotori remains dazed on the ground, silently awaiting his nephew’s judgment.
Ilakha Moks screamed just before going sailing, rolling to a stop as her entire left horn goes flying with her, clattering to the ground pathetically. Her staff is snuffed out as it lands.
Vivisha Visha | In the next moment, she sees Ila fly, and without thinking, channels her ongoing aetheric power to literally shift her entire body across the room toward her friend. "ILAKHA!!"
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Vael'ir Alatori keeps his blade pointed at Rorotori to keep him from moving, and watches Ilakha and Vivisha for news. Sweat beads down face and stings his eyes, pried open by worry and adrenaline both.
Vivisha Visha: "Ilakha!! Are you....are you okay!?" She tries to look for injury or what have you...
Ilakha Moks is breathing heavily, but she is unconscious. Blood seeped from the back of her head and stained her white overcoat as it pooled on the floor.
Vael'ir Alatori: "Vivi. Focus. She needs us. Think about how you create fire and ice."
Vael'ir Alatori: "Turn it to positivity. Think warmth. Think sunlight, hugs, and refreshing dips in the lake. Give her that."
Vael'ir Alatori uses his free hand to conjure a basic healing spell, but with his offense-oriented focus in hand it is not quite to the power that Ilakha likely needs.
Q'lin LarksongBalmung laughs, catching the flying chakrams as she comes to a stop, breathing heavily. Though her gaze snaps to Ilakha, it goes back to Rorotori and Vael'ir. The chakrams get hooked to her belt, though she stands back, hands wringing. Nothing she could do...
Vivisha Visha: "Oh gods...she needs a healer...." she whispers, despite Vael's pleas, but...yes. And the stars, like Enqu had shown her. She doesn't have the right tools for this, but... "Shouldn't..shouldn't we call Enqu..." But the blood...no, she has to act now. She carefully places her hands on Ila's shoulders and presses in. She closes her eyes and thinks of the tide-fixing nature of a benefic and the warmth of a night by the fire with her love. It wouldn't fix any real damage but... She would do everything she could to ensure Ila would at least survive to see a medic.
Ilakha Moks 's horn had yet to grow back, but the blood that poured from her head at least stopped. She groaned, rolling in her spot, her hair damp and red. "Vivisha!" Abruptly, Enqu's voice came over the linkshell. "The escape route is prepared. Is anybody hurt?"
Vivisha Visha blinks a few times, as if coming out of a trance. Her hands fumble for the linkshell. "Enqu! We're...we're alive. Ilakha got hurt...one of her horns...and she's unconscious..." She looks over to the situation with Rorotori. "We'll...we'll be out soon..." There were some scores to settle here. Icy panic and hot fury battled in her blood, so all she could do at the moment was sit by Ila.
Vael'ir Alatori: | With the adrenaline of battle still fresh in his veins, Vael moves over to his uncle and places a boot on the lalafell’s chest, the tip of Glanzender resting just above its target’s face. “What do you have to say for yourself?” Vael barks angrily as his index finger traces the trigger guard.
Vael'ir Alatori: | Rorotori coughs and spits up at the gunblade. “What injustice that Bahamut’s fire would claim my precious Mimiru and not unruly the scamp my niece took pity on. The gods are truly cruel.”
Vael'ir Alatori: | Vael’s boot presses harder on his uncle’s chest. “Twenty years! Twenty years of wondering where our next meal would come from, of fearing debt collectors at our door coming to take our home from us! My mother deserved better. All of your debtors deserved better.”
Vael'ir Alatori: | His trigger finger now rests within the guard, ready to pull at the slightest provocation. “The refugees had their homes taken from the Garleans, only to fall into the pit of monetarist vipers. Cruelty beyond belief to those who needed help the most. Eorzea will be better off without you.”
Vael'ir Alatori: | Contrary to his words, Vael’s trigger finger remains still as he stares at his uncle’s face; as if he is waiting for the others to speak their piece.
Ilakha Moks | "I'm on my way!" Enqu clicked off the linkshell, Ilakha not seeming to notice it. The horn with her linkpearl was laying on the ground. That aside, she didn't respond to much else other than the pain in her head and the fact she's still alive to be in agony.
Q'lin LarksongBalmung takes a breath, closing her eyes and biting her bottom lip. Those eyes open again and she steps back, to pace as she thinks.
Vivisha Visha holds onto the sound of Enqu's voice as a new fury rises inside of her. She rises -- she would be a danger healing Ila in this small moment -- and yanks off her mask to gaze upon Rorotori with her true face. "How dare you! Is that what all of this is? Trying to fill a void that Vael and his mother didn't even have fault for!? Spend money on dark magicks to make a point? You and the Iris are /everything/ that is wrong with this world. You are the true arbiters of cruelty, not the Gods!"
Vael'ir Alatori | Rorotori coughs up a bit of blood and looks to Vivisha, his wounds not masking his vivisible lack of amusement. "Foolish girl. The Garleans will come again, and they will not be fought with kind words and sentiments. They will be fought with..." Another cough, this one dry, and Vael tightens his foothold.
Vael'ir Alatori: | "They will be fought with money. Cold, heartless gil. The sooner you learn this, the better."
Vivisha Visha: "Oh, how very high and mighty of you," she spits back. "Another of my family's underlings was caught sending money TO the Garleans. Is that what you call fighting? Paying them as much as you can so they'll kill everyone but you?" She clenches her fist, thinking of when Enqu had been under Garlean capture. She hears something like ice snap in her head. And then, before she can stop herself...before her diplomat training and good heart can take over, she says: "Kill him. Make a point."
Q'lin LarksongBalmung: "A me before would tell you to kill him and be done with it." Lin speaks softly, pausing in her pacing. "...But there is plenty at stake here, if you end his life. If you do it, it is because it needs to be done, not because of your feelings. If you kill him because of the emotions at play, there will only be regret." She reaches up for her hat. "Or, we can simply hand him over to the Sultansworn and let them deal with him. There is plenty of evidence against him to keep him in the gaol for many, many years."
Q'lin LarksongBalmung: "You will kill him, or you will not. But you will not let your emotions decide."
Vael'ir Alatori grits his fangs and his gunblade begins to shake. "What justice waits him? He's got the gil to live out in a cushy excuse for a 'cell' for the rest of his days. The sultansworn protect self defense, and I've been defending myself for twenty years. No. I'm not giving him; not giving you the option." Silence follows for but a moment, soon replaced by Vael yelling at the top of his lungs and he pulls the trigger and swings his blade down. In but a moment, only one Alatori remains.
Vael'ir Alatori lets the final spent cylinder drop to the ground, steam rising as the aether disperses from it. "We need to get Ilakha out of here. I'm going to stay and take care of what I came here to do. There are records to be looked over, evidence to be acquired..." He pauses and returns Glanzender to his back. "...and I've got a company to run."
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Some screenshots of the leezord’s new apartment, featuring @gaillaffxiv and @tamer-of-steeds ! (and other ppl idk the blogs of)
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Family fun time at the beach for Sechen’s Nameday! Featuring her Dad and Cousin, Ilakha.
i may or may not have ended up in tears at the end of it. I’m blaming @gaillaffxiv for it. THIS IS THE THIRD TIME
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shamans-of-reeds · 5 years
Ilakha’s Traditional Remedies [Roleplay]
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 Ilakha is now available for hire at Uranami Onsen as a healer! Owing to her upbringing as an apprentice udgan, she combines spiritual and scientific remedies to figure out the best course of action for her patients. She is well-versed in treatments such as bonesetting, herbal medication, blue magic healing, massage, reiki, chirurgy, and more!
 If troubles of the mind are what ails you, Ilakha also offers divination services. Traditional card, dream, and rune readings are all available options if someone wants to take a glimpse into what their journey has to tell them so far and how to take the next step.
 NOTE: All services go for a small sum of in-game gil by the hour (ie; 2,000 gil per hour for general healing), to save expenses for office development and in-game items for future events!
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 ( Art by Elixir#0752 on Discord )  Those interested in healthcare and/or divination services may contact Ilakha Moks on Mateus or visit Mateus’ Mist Ward 15, Plot 5 (Uranami Onsen). Discord contact is FullOfSandwiches#3541 . A complete list of services and prices can be found here. 
                                        Blessings be upon you all!
Signal Boost: @mooglemeet​ , @crystalxivrp​ , @coeurl-rp​ , @mateus-rp​
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shamans-of-reeds · 5 years
Overgrowth and Dust: Part 1 [RP]
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(( Rating: PG-13 ))
(( Genre: Suspense, Mystery ))
(( Cast: @infiniteleftdoesffxiv , @gaillaffxiv , @ritsykitty / @moonlit-nightingale , @the-firetouched and others who don’t have a tumblr or I cannot find it. ))
The Dawn Throne's pennants flutter overhead, the wind tugging them in a rhythmic thwup-thwup-thwup. Overhead a great bird soars, white dusted with a dusky mauve; its screech is something halfway between a chocobo's wark and a dragon's roar. It ignites Dione’s heart.
"Yol," one of their group explains, pointing up and nodding. She looks up too late to see it; a shadow, passing over the pennants, might have been it, though she can't be entirely sure. But the memory of its cry stays with her.
"The tamin' a' th' yol," she murmurs to no one in particular. "In Bardam's Mettle. Why do they want y' t' tame a bird?"
"Proof of fierce of heart." Vachirsukh spoke up in his broken Eorzean. He never had to speak it thus his skill with the words wasn't the best. "Weak hearts can't earn respect." The large Oroniri man was still on babysitting duty for the group but at least they'd returned home.
Home for him at least. He'd taken a few moments to visit his dwelling, his forge, and visit his daughter that had been left in a friend's care. Altani had been sure to stick her stuffed yol plushie into his arms and now he was forced to carry it around, tucked into the sash of his gold fabrics. He didn't have the heart to say no to the young girl.
Vivisha pointedly stays back just enough from the edge of the Throne  and yet she feels drawn to look down and down and over and far, far into the Steppe's sky. What a wondrous place, this Steppe -- full of frights never before felt, but feelings never truly explored.
After a time, she rejoins the group. She clutches her thaumaturge's staff to her chest as if it could keep her from flying away or being picked up by one of the yonder Yols.
"It must be a very tough challenge indeed," she comments quietly. Her usual vivacity is subdued. She is surrounded by unknowns, and is struggling to keep up.
"Only the worthy pass the challenge and proved as warriors of the Steppe." Vachirsukh crossed his arms as he watched the yols soar over the highest levels of the great structure. Their roost was tended up there, as high as could be atop the Throne. It was well-deserved for the fearsome skykin to be as close to the sun as they could!
“<And some are never granted the chance>.” The smooth voice of the Buduga star reader rang out as he approached the group.
Khenbish’s green robes covered far more than any of his brothers. From neck to ankles there was scarcely an inch exposed. His attention moved over the points of life across the landscape of the throne before falling to the edge of the throne.
The blind Buduga strides towards it and stops at the very edge. Pure black eyes gaze over the range he can not see. Aetheric flows were noted and added character to the black landscape he saw, but that was it.
The Oronir's tail simply flicked at those words as he lingered on the edge of the group.
"But why a yol?" Dione pipes up again when next they move, her voice pitched to that exact tone of plaintive inquisitiveness well known to parents and elder siblings alike. "I mean, there are lotsa things you could battle or tame. I were wonderin' if there were a meanin' to it."
"It is said that it was the steed of choice for the great Bardam, as depicted in ancient murals." The voice of a Moks-Noykin accent sounded as Sali trailed along with the group, his little sister Ilakha at his heels, cradling her floral staff. <"Friends, I am happy you've come,"> she voiced, then repeating the line in Common.
Himaa Iloh - or what it was - sat eerily quiet on the horizon before them. The sky was clear but the day was frigidly cool, the air incredibly dry. There wasn't even any footsteps or trails to be seen on the hard ground around the former camp. The grass was sparse but tall.
"Sister Dione," Ilakha began gently as she came over to the individual with a smile. "If only you can have meeted him on better grounds... this is my big brother, Sali." The short male gave a nod, his neck-length hair toyed with by the stiff breeze.
"What we're looking for here may or may not be an easy find, given how worn the place is to the elements," Sali declared, then in Auri. "General artifacts. Weapons, armor, traits on any bodies spotted. Ilakha and I will scout the area for any bandits or signs we've been followed. We'll keep in touch over linkpearls."
As Sali got right to business, Ilakha sullenly glanced to group again. "This site is kind of old. Is grounds the Noykin would go to stop raiders from the base of the Tail Mountains. We not knowed anything 'bout them. Just that they is not from here. What we gather, we can take to Bargujin Khatun of the Noykin." The words were also repeated in Auri to the Oronir and the Buduga.
But Khabataaq would be nowhere near that place. There were far to many people waiting for him there. So he waits out in the Steppes some distance he considers far enough from that Dawn Throne, some safe distance, waiting for the time they were set to meet or some announcement over linkpearl. He watches the Throne as if he could see the dots of people in the distance leaving it, an impossible task from this distance but still he watches, locked in some persistent shiver that doesn't seem willing to leave him. It could be dismissed easily as cold, but Khabataaq knows better. It's nerves, it's worry, it's apprehension about their destination and the things they'll find there. It's odd... and wrong, maybe, that his first contact with his old tribe after all these years would be with those long dead. But after he was told what would be happening today, he knew he didn't have much choice, did he?
Dione is about to ask more questions, but instead her attention is fully consumed by the sight of the distant camp. Though she knows that her people are both nomadic and prone to conflict, and that they're investigating a raid, somewhere inside she'd still expected to see... a living iloh, a thriving community. What they approach now is naught but overgrowth and dust.
So caught up is she in her thoughts that she almost doesn't notice her name being called, jerking suddenly as if from sleep. Turning to the short-- but to her, still impressively tall-- male, she nods in return. "A pleasure," she says with a struggling smile, before falling quiet as she listens to his words, her heart only growing more chilled at each one.
Are we looking for bodies of your people, or mine? she fears to ask, and won't. Instead, she plants her feet in the dirt and takes a breath. This too is the Steppe, she repeats to herself instead.
"The feeling is mutual," Sali replied to Dione. "However, it'd be more so if we weren't to traverse a site of the deceased." His weight shifted between his feet, hands migrating to his hips. "About twenty summers ago this was a camping ground for the Himaa. That is, until the Jhungid tribe passed through this area and absorbed those that lived here. Since the Kharlu met with the Jhungid for war south of here an epoch ago, the site has only been used as grazing land for the Noykin. They'd used to camp here in the late bells of summer. Northwest of here are common sites for laying bodies for the bearded vultures and seedkin. For religious reasons, the rest of the iloh was never ransacked."
Ilakha's expression was sullen all through Sali's explanation of the history. Her grip on her staff twisted slightly as she looked about the group. "We doing this to help the living, though," she declared. "Is important we get our finds to Bargujin Khatun as proof the attackers comed from somewhere 'round here like the Tsubegen said is possible, not the Oroq valley."
Dione nods upon that mention of religion, glad at least that that much respect had been offered the fallen. Whatever else we Xaela are, she thinks, we have our honour. "So d' ya want me to take a look around th' northwest?" she asks, growing bolder. "Or investigate th' iloh, if it's untouched?"
Ilakha opted to raise her own linkpearl, pausing at Dione's question. A weary smile was offered. "There is no need, Sister. You just need to look 'bout the iloh today. Is large... er, was large, so am glad there are a few of you here." Just then, she spoke into the linkpearl; contacting Khabataaq. "Brother... we finded Himaa Iloh. I will pin our coordinates to you. Linkpearl will alert you when you getting close." Sali bowed his head to Ilakha before looking to the group, expression stern but gently so. "Does this make sense to everyone?"
Khabataaq jumps at the sound of the sudden chime of the linkpearl. He scowls crossly to himself. Settle down. Calm down. Stop being so jumpy. "<Y-Yes, yeah, I'm... I'm on my way.>" He pushes himself off the ground, gathering the few items he'd taken out of his bag and stowing them away, before trotting off in the vague direction of the Iloh.
She nods again, looking towards the iloh. "Weapons, armor, artifacts. Signs a' who th'... bodies might be, if there are any." Her hand goes to her hip; beneath the voluminous folds of her Dotharli-blue robe twin daggers lie sheathed, should she need them. In an uncharacteristic moment of pacifism, she finds herself hoping she won't.
Vivisha has followed atop her trusty steed, Lalana -- a small 'bo, but one with enough spirit that it eyes any would be predators of himself or his master with sharp, angry eyes. The lalafell, however, is unusually quiet. While her base magickal training is indeed in that of thaumaturgy -- a practice synonymous with death -- she rarely ever had to come face to face with it like this. It's distasteful to come face to face with so much truth, some dark part of her thinks. This is why the high houses employ their own tutors and servants and bo handlers and all the like.
It's prettier that way.
But then, this is the core of the work of diplomacy: Digging in, finding the realness of it. She reminds herself of that as she slides off her 'bo, and puts her sharp ears to work on finding some hint of what has happened. She reaches out to sense the aether of the place, too, to see if there were any recent disturbances.
Sechen glanced over the group already there. Cautiously, she raised a hand. "Haven't missed much, have we?"
Following in quiet tandem with his daughter, Sechen, came another Xaela to the herd. Arav Shono'tsag, tall, muted plum skin, sharp silver eyes and dark blue hair, graying by his temples with feathered locks covering the most of his face. His robes were not tribal, and creased brows hinted at discomfort- Or maybe it was just his face. A wooden staff thudded to the ground as he followed Sechen over. Soon on their way, though, a shrill shriek of a bird would startle him enough to leave his jaw clenched. "Hells take me." He muttered under his breath, trying to relax. The only one chancing to hear this might be Sechen. As they came closer, he glanced around, scanning the group of strangers and taking in a breathe. "<Hello.>" He said, when close enough, at nobody. An extra nod of greeting was sent to Sali and Ilakha, were they to pay attention. He also eyes the lalafellin. Perhaps he is not the most out of place?...
It would take Khabataaq some time to join with the group, and he drops from his brisk pace as he catches sight of the others gathering. More than he thought there would be. And faces he doesn't recognize. Though he supposes that should be expected. He spots the small, recognizable silhouette of Ilakha in the group, and there's a bit of relief then. A few familiar faces then, at least. He feels another pang of guilt, wondering if he should have told Sari after all. But... this was probably for the best. Probably.
He would be wearing simple traveling clothes, something made to be covered in dust and dirt, heavy enough to endure the Steppe's winds but provide little protection to anything other than the elements. No tribe colors. There's a weight to the ex-Buduga's shoulders as he falls in with the rest of the group, hovering just at the edge of the pack, a few fulms away. It's more than just worry, or skittishness, but dread. He tears his gaze away from the ruins to survey those around him, his gaze stalling as it falls upon a familiar Xaela woman. ...Dione? He doesn't realize he's staring, eyebrows arched in surprise.
Dione blinks back at him, eyes widening. "Kha... Khabataaq?" she stammers. "What are you doing here," she's about to say; and yet it's obvious what he's doing here. He, too, is Himaa. --All Himaa, instead of half-Himaa like her. And half a Himaa is no Himaa at all......
The droop in mood isn't missed; perhaps because this isn't like the Dione he remembers meeting all those months ago? This stark contrast to the enthusiastic and fiery girl, suddenly somber and quiet, it makes Khabataaq even more apprehensive. That heavy smile returns - he hasn't worn that in a while... hasn't he? - as he crosses over to stand a bit closer to Dione. He wonders where Rev is, but... some part of him is suddenly nervous to ask. An unnecessary caution, maybe, but it's enough to silence the question. "It's good to see you again," he says instead, tail waving cautiously behind him.
Sali turned abruptly, looking towards his relatives as Ilakha followed the motion as well. "Cousin! Uncle!" Ilakha darted towards them with open arms. Sali would have offered a smile, but the circumstances were a bit serious. "So, you finally come... am sorry is under these conditions. But I telled you what will happen at home. You 'member, right? You guys okay if me and Sali go to scout? Himaa Iloh is empty. Should be okay."
Meanwhile, Sali spoke to the others. "You all know where you are going. Take your time to prepare and head out. I know this isn't easy for a lot of you."
Sechen pulled Ilakha into a hug, patting her on the back, after deciding to ignore Arav's muttered curse. "I think that's a shared feeling, but... We're here to help!" She spared another glance around, her tiny smile faltering. "I think we'll be fine, Ilakha, if, um, you think that's what you should do."
"Well, considering who's here, I'd say we'll have just about any situation handled." A calm voice sounded out from behind the group. Approaching the group with her blade Kioku at her side and a spear across her back, the Malaguld Xaela approached. She nodded to the others who were already around, then turned her gaze to Ilakha. "Though, we will still have to be careful. One misstep could mean larger problems." Akuro stated matter-of-factly.
"Beasts, hunters, warriors from the more aggressive tribes," Akuro counted off on her fingers, "along with anything unexpected happening."
"Oh, that's not a very long list," Vivisha pipes up with unusual, bubbly sarcasm. She looks around, as if shocked she said that out loud. "Ah...don't mind me..."
Warriors from the more aggressive tribes. A concern that Khabataaq could agree on, that much was for certain. His gaze never stayed with the group for long, darting about the horizon as he kept an eye open for silhouettes or watchful hunters.
A backwards glance is given to the approaching Malaguld, just before Arav is given his own hug by Ilakha. "So, the usual." He says the unfamiliars, as he pats his niece affectionately on the head. Then he looks to her. "It's good to see you're well, Ilakha. Is there divided parties already, or are we grouping together on our own terms?" His hand finds its way to Sechen's head, just to make sure she knows he's there. Or to make sure he knows she's there. Either or.
Dione glances up to Khabi, trying to catch his attention with her eyes. If he studies her, he'll see that she's not devoid of fire; merely subdued, in this moment, confronted with her first glimpse in memory of what could have been her home only to find it a ghost town... or possibly a graveyard.
Twenty summers. She's twenty-two. She finds herself wondering about Khabi's age; whether this might have been home for him too.
"Wanna go together?" she asks him, recalling he's no fighter. "I'm armed if it should come to it."
Ilakha glanced up between Arav and her brother warily. "You can pick your partner for investigating. People can also go alone if they wish, but you think is best to stay 'round Sechen, right?"
Briefly, the wind picked up. Metal chimes from somewhere at the edge of the iloh tinkled gently, almost like beckoning. The wind hummed through the holes of the chimes like deeply pitched flutes, not unlike the pillars on the grounds of Ceol Aen.
And it definitely was a concern the other Himaa shared, a same worry that hung between them unspoken. He didn't know where his parents were. But there was a definite fear, a burden that seemed to drag down on his shoulders, that they could have been caught in this skirmish. And even if proof to confirm or deny was a slim chanced thing, didn't he need to try?
A smile at Dione's offer, some of that weight seeming to lift. "Sure, I like that idea. As... As long as you don't mind." A silly question maybe, given the offer came from her, but Khabataaq knew he would be a burden. He may be able to take care of himself a bit better since last they met.... But he has no doubts that Dione was the stronger.
He pauses then, before cautiously asking, "You're here with the Kotodama? You're here to help with their investigation?" Or are you here for yourself, was the unasked question.
Vivisha, for her part, stands close to the many tall individuals near her, afraid of being forgotten in the vast lands. But she turns pointedly to the chiming sound, staring in that direction... Creepy...
"I could use th' second pair a' eyes," Dione states, perfectly honestly, as she makes her way towards the sound of those chimes. "...An' th' company." No, Khabataaq probably won't keep either of them from being wounded; but his presence could be a bulwark, all the same.
She picks her way forward over a land slowly transitioning from green to brown, from the vibrant rustling of winds in grasses to the haunted silence of bare earth. Even the wind seems to die as they approach, and she thinks that, despite all those gathered here today, this is the quietest she's heard the Steppe fall.
"Not with 'em as such, no. But 'ere t' 'elp." She doesn't look back over her shoulder, assuming that he'll follow. "I'm journeyin' around th' Steppe. Lookin' for 'ome, I s'pose-- but not 'ome like this, I..." She waves her hand briefly towards the iloh. "Where I belong, I s'pose. Who I am." A pause. "Why're you 'ere?"
Akuro walked over in the direction of the chimes, deciding to take a look on her own. One hand rested on the hilt of her blade as she approached, not letting down her guard an ilm. If anything tried to go for her, whoever or whatever made the attempt would quickly regret it.
And follow he does. "The same as you, to help the Kotodama," Khabataaq says with a half smile. But that smile fades a bit, because that's not quite true, is it? And he's trying to be better about that.
"Ahm... and... just to be sure. That no one was here." A bit of a blush then, as he looked down towards the ground in search. But his eyes don't see anything just yet, and the search is more of a formality. He's far too distracted.
"My parents, I mean. ...I don't know if they were here when... this... happened. But I know they traveled a lot. ...I know it seems a bit foolish to be looking. Odds are I won't find anything. But... I wasn't sure... if I could not ... you know?"
Dione, however, neither scoffs nor flinches from his words.; only nods, as her eyes likewise scrutinise the ground. "'ow old are you?" she asks bluntly as she continues to walk.
Arav nodded agreement with Ilakha's statement. He was here specifically for Sechen's sake, to begin with. "She is my priority." He said, just to make sure that much was clear. Then his horns were graced with the sound of distant chimes, calling his eyes to their position. There is one person headed in their direction. He decides to remain with his family, but he is watching Akuro investigate, in case anything should go wrong.
A small frown at Dione's question, but it's a thoughtful one, not a stern one. ...Oh dear. That was a question he'd lost the answer to years ago, he thinks. Twenty.... ....twenty.... "Tw... twenty... three? ...Twenty two?" Just like when Sari had asked him his name day, it was information that had become so unimportant overtime, he'd just... lost it.
Khabataq realizes something then, that frown relaxing in sudden worry as his eyes find Dione again. "...You?"
"...Twenty-two," she says softly, with a nod of acknowledgement.  Not a whole lot more need be said.
Ilakha bowed her head to her head to her uncle and cousin, repeating the motion for her brother before going to his side. "Then we'll watch to make sure nobody's followed our trail," Sali replied firmly, but not sternly. "Best of luck, everyone." With that, he and Ilakha turned to set off, the girl scuttling to match her brother's longer strides.
Another breeze crept through the plains as they made their approach, the atmosphere far from welcoming. There was a rustling in the dry grass before a couple of songbirds scattered into the air at the sight and sound of the group. Everything else looked relatively untouched. The backs of faded ghers that were once brilliantly decorated faced the group, two in specific being closest from the left and right. The right one had the door halfway broken off, the splintered remains dangling while the rest was jutted out at an angle. The spiderweb that made up the gap in the door frame was an indication of a lack of recent activity nonetheless. The gher on the left's door - once a vibrant orange - remained shut, its contents within on apparent. All the ghers others faced the same direction as the one of the left; there were at least six in total. On the crowd a long cloth rolled over lamely in the wind, as if to greet the explorers. It was tattered, but carried distinctive colors...
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shamans-of-reeds · 6 years
Mateus RP: A Banquet For Those In Need
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 As the Kotodama Clan works to aid in the restoration of Doma, they also notice the plight of those in their home of Kugane; many without coats for the coming winter or blankets to guard them against the chill of the night. A couple of saishi (priests) among the clan have come together to decide that in this moon of the quickly arriving winter, they would hold a charity banquet for those in need of Doma and Kugane. To those that come, the Kotodama Clan will be offering jobs to those in need of a source of income and a place to stay!  Both those in need of receiving blankets, coats, medicines, and nonperishable food items as well as those willing to donate said items are more than welcome to come! Weavers, culinarians, and alchemists willing to offer their services free of charge may arrive early to the supper to set up their wares for giving. ( Staff and others willing to donate items will be marked with a Materia Melding icon. ) When: 7 PM CST / 8 PM EST, November 28th Where: Shirogane, Ward 14, Plot 7 To those looking to help out, feel free to contact Ilakha Moks in-game, on this tumblr, or on Discord at FullOfSandwiches#3541 . We are looking forward to seeing you! Kami be with everyone! @mooglemeet @mateusrpcalendar
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shamans-of-reeds · 6 years
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 A big ‘thank you’ to everyone who showed up to the White Hydrangea Veterinary Clinic! We look forward to working with you and your animal friends during our next open clinic date;
 When: December 14th, 6 PM CST / 7 PM EST
 Where: Lavender Beds Ward 4, Plot 15
 Special visits may be scheduled with Ilakha of the Noykin ( In-game: Ilakha Moks ) ( Discord: FullOfSandwiches#3541 ). Until next time, take care, friends!
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shamans-of-reeds · 6 years
Physical Attributes: Ilakha Moks
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[ BODY ]
Long legs. Short legs. Average legs. Slender thighs. Thick thighs. Toned thighs. Skinny arms. Soft arms.Toned arms. Toned stomach. Flat stomach. Flabby Stomach. Soft stomach. Six-pack. Beer belly. Lean frame. Beefy/muscular frame. Voluptuous frame. Petite frame. Lanky frame. Short nails. Long nails. Manicured nails. Dirty nails. Flat ass. Toned ass.Bubble butt. Small waist. Average waist. Thick waist. Narrow hips. Average hips. Wide hips. Big feet. Average feet. Small feet. Soft feet. Slender feet. Calloused hands. Soft hands. Big hands. Average hands. Small hands. Long fingers. Short fingers. Average fingers. Narrow shoulders. Broad shoulders. Average shoulders. Underweight. Average weight. Overweight.
Shorter than 140 cm. 141 cm-150 cm. 151 cm to 160 cm. 161 cm to 170 cm. 171 cm to 180 cm. 181 cm to 190 cm. 191 cm to 2m. Taller than 2 m.
[ SKIN ]
Pale. Rosy. Olive. Dark. Tanned. Blotchy. Smooth. Moles. Acne. Dry. Greasy. Freckled.Scars.Birthmarks.
[ EYES ]
Small. Large. Average. Grey. Brown. Blue. Violet. Pink. Green. Gold. Hazel. Crimson. Doe-eyed. Almond. Close-set. Wide-set. Deep-set. Squinty. Monolid. Heavy eyelids. Upturned. Downturned.
[ HAIR ]
Thin. Thick. Fine. Normal. Greasy. Dry. Soft. Shiny. Curly. Frizzy. Wild. Unruly.Straight.Smooth. Wavy. Floppy. Cropped. Pixie-cut. Afro. Shoulder length. Back length. Waist length. Past hip-length. Buzz cut. Bald. Weave. Hair extensions. Jaw length. Layered. Mohawk. Dreadlocks. Box braids. Faux locks. White. Platinum blonde. Golden blonde. Dirty blonde. Blonde. Ombre. Ash brown. Mouse brown. Chestnut brown. Golden brown. Chocolate brown. Dark brown. Jet black. Ginger. Red. Auburn. Dyed. Thin eyebrows. Average eyebrows. Thick eyebrows. Plucked eyebrows.
Full sleeve. Thigh tattoo. Neck tattoo. Chest tattoo. Back tattoo. Shoulder blade tattoo. One tattoo. Face tattoo. Hand tattoo. A few here and there. Multiple. No tattoos. Monroe piercing. Nose piercing. Septum. Nipple piercing(s). Genital piercing(s). Industrial piercings. Earlobe piercings. Prince Albert piercing. Eyebrow piercing(s). Tongue piercing(s). Lip piercing(s). Top of the ear. Tragus piercing. Angel bites.Labret. Stretched out ears. Navel piercing. Inverse navel piercing. Cheek piercing(s). Smiley. Nape piercing(s). No piercings.
Eyeliner. Light eyeliner. Heavy eyeliner. Cat eyes. Mascara. Fake eyelashes. Matte lipstick. Regular lipstick. Lipgloss. Red lips. Pink lips. Nude lips. Dark lips. Bronzer. Highlighter. Eyeshadow. Neutral eyeshadow. Smoky eyes. Colorful eyeshadow. Blush. Lipliner. Light contouring. Heavy contouring. Powder. Matte foundation. Shiny foundation. Concealer. Wears war paint from time to time. Wears make up regularly. Wears it from time to time. Rarely wears make-up.
Floral. Herbal. Earthy. Fruity. Perfumes. Aftershave. Cocoa. Moisturiser. Shampoo. Cigarettes. Leather. Fur. Sweat. Food. Incense. Marijuana. Cologne. Whiskey. Wine. Fried food. Blood. Fire. Cold. Fresh. Metal. Rain.
Jeans. Tight pants. Overknee socks. Tights. Leggings. Yoga pants. Pencil skirt. Tight skirt. Loose skirt. Tight/Form-fitting dress. Cardigans. Tunic. Blouse. Button up shirt. Band-T-shirt. Sports-T-shirt. Sweatpants. Tanktop. Cut off t-shirt. Designer. High street. Leather jacket. Thrift. Lingerie. Long skirt. Miniskirt. Maxidress. Sun dress. Tie. Tuxedo. Cocktail dress.Highslit dress/skirt. T-shirt. Loose clothing. Tight clothing. Jean shorts. Sweater. Sweater vest. Waistcoat. Khaki pants. Suit. Hoodie. Harem pants.Basketball shorts. Boxers/Boxer-Briefs. Thong. Hotpants. Hipster panties. Bra. Sportsbra. Crop top. Corset. Ballerina skirt. Leotard. Polka dot. Stripes. Glitter. Cotton. Linen. Silk. Lace. Leather. Velvet. Patterns. Florals. Neon colors. Pastels. Light colors. White. Black. Dark colours. Fur/Fauxfur. Revealing clothing. Heavy armor. Medium armor. Light Armor.
Sneakers. Slip-ons. Flats. Slippers. Sandals. High heels. Kitten heels. Ankle boots. Combat boots. Knee-high. Platforms. Stripper heels. Bare feet. Loafers. Oxfords. Gladiator shoes.Leather boots.
Tagged By: @dazxian Tagging: @infiniteleftdoesffxiv , @gaillaffxiv , @sari-hoots , @kanjodakai , @miyuffxiv , @warriorganzorig , @gansukhimaa , @miyuffxiv , @shinamalaguld , @khabataaq-buduga , @kha-merc-ffxiv and any others who’d like to!
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shamans-of-reeds · 6 years
Fears: Ilakha Moks
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Bold any fears which apply to your muse.
Italicize what makes them uncomfortable.
the dark ⋆ fire ⋆ open water ⋆ deep water ⋆ being alone ⋆ crowded spaces ⋆ confined spaces ⋆ change ⋆ failure ⋆ war ⋆ loss of control ⋆ powerlessness ⋆ prison ⋆ blood ⋆ drowning ⋆ suffocation ⋆ public speaking ⋆ natural animals ⋆ the supernatural ⋆ heights ⋆ death ⋆ dying ⋆ intimacy ⋆ rejection ⋆ abandonment ⋆ loss ⋆ the unknown ⋆ the future ⋆ not being good enough ⋆ scary stories ⋆ speaking to new people ⋆ poverty ⋆ loud noises ⋆ being touched ⋆ forgetting ⋆ being forgotten
Tagged by: @infiniteleftdoesffxiv
Tagging: @gansukhimaa , @kanjodakai , @shinamalaguld , @miyuffxiv 
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shamans-of-reeds · 6 years
Dark Core Personality: Ilakha Moks
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 The Test can be found here!
 Tagged By: @dazxian  Tagging: @infiniteleftdoesffxiv , @gaillaffxiv , @gansukhimaa , @kanjodakai , @shinamalaguld , @the-malaguld-samurai , @miyuffxiv , and anyone else who’d like to!
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shamans-of-reeds · 6 years
Secrets: Ilakha Moks
Select a single gif depicting a secret your character has that few, if any, know. Give zero explanation, be mysterious.
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Tagged by: @infiniteleftdoesffxiv
Tagging: @kanjodakai , @sari-hoots , @gansukhimaa
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