shamans-of-reeds · 3 years
Reblog this post to love and care about the person u reblogged it from ❤️
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shamans-of-reeds · 3 years
I'm really thankful for you hosting FFXIV Write! It really helped me challenge my anxiety and perfectionism about posting my writing, especially my poetry. I'm glad I was able to participate!
I'm so glad!! Having an opportunity to challenge your own anxiety in the face of perfectionism is a big deal. It's not always easy, so good job!
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shamans-of-reeds · 3 years
The Snack Shack - 10/24
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WHEN: Sunday, October 24th, at 7PM-10PM EST
WHERE: Goblet, Ward 20, Sultana’s Breath #2 [MATEUS]
Once more, the Snack Shack is open! Featuring our snack filled menu & cozy interior, we welcome any and all to come back for their favorites – or to try something new! 
More info: https://ffxivsnackshack.carrd.co/
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shamans-of-reeds · 3 years
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30 Days Till Endwalker Prompt List
Made my own little 30 day countdown prompt list for myself and Crown fam that will be starting in 5 days. Feel free to follow along if you’d like whether that be screenshots, drawing, whatever!
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shamans-of-reeds · 3 years
FFXIV Write - Day 30: Abstracted
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(( Continues from Prompt 25 (Silver Lining) ))
(( Content warning: Mention of severe injury ))
Normally, Ilakha would find herself lost in her thoughts on her own. The colors of the hospital walls blurred and faded into each other, the pacing of footsteps passing before her becoming more rhythmic. Her glasses only helped her vision's ability to bore into a single crack in the floor, silently pondering the answer of what's underneath.
It would be so much easier to get lost if her mind wasn't brought back to the tragedy of Greinwolk Blanfarrsyn. It wasn't the name of a friend, but she was attached to it. It was the name of a Maelstrom soldier and furthermore, a new husband taken too soon from his wife.
Ilakha is brought back from her abstracted thoughts by the appearance of her brother Sali in the hallway. Greinwolk's numbered door is shut behind him. As if on cue, Ilakha immediately rose.
"Can he trust he will become stable soon?" Her voice, though unheard for herself, sounded to Sali.
Sali's face twisted into one of concern. He didn't have the confidence in his signing to construct as thorough a response. Instead, he wrote on a spare page of his clipboard for Ilakha to read. His pen soon worked in the direction of his downward gaze.
'He's stable for one bell,' came the reply that met Ilakha's eyes. 'Another and he can go to surgery.'
The world itself was unstable, Ilakha thought as she chewed her lip. Greinwolk was only recently married. The coincidence of it all was that it was Sali who had prepared the bouquet for his brand new wife, Iyrnwyda. She herself had to be kept at bay in the lobby as the medics worked on Greinwolk's bullet wounds. He wasn't even on a 'true' battlefield, as Ilakha could consider it. He was combatting pirates who had contested Limsa Lominsa's new policies.
How could the gods allow for something so trivial to unfold? For someone so good-hearted to get hurt after such a happy event within the moon?
Ilakha took a step back after reading Sali's declaration. With dewy eyes, her hands curled into fists before finding themselves concealed her face. Her shoulders slouched and trembled. Without any further words to exchange, Sali understood. Still holding his clipboard in one hand and a pen in the other, his arms wrap around his sister's smaller frame.
Greinwolk was in and out of stability for the past six bells. He barely retained the consciousness enough to speak when he at least could move his eyes. There was damage to some vital organs that only mages like Ilakha and Sali could manage at the time being, until the chirurgeons could properly do repairs.
Sali condemned this pain. The lingering feeling of what could go wrong, would. He'd even questioned if he was to blame, in a petty sense that he had 'jinxed' it. He was soon to brush off the thought as immature.
It was his duty to be strong for others again. Strong for Ilakha and Iyrnwyda.
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shamans-of-reeds · 3 years
FFXIV Write - Day 29: Debonair
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The autumn midday invited a cool, salty breeze over Limsa Lominsa. The calls of vocal advertisements blanketed Hawkers' Alley in its atypical rhythm, accompanied by the sound of waves crashing against the stone that supported the port city.
Sali's favorite part of the market was the heavy scent of foreign spices and herbs in the air. Recently, it was easier for him to find what he needed of traditional recipes, with a few Xaela vendors appearing in the stalls. Travel was much easier since the clearance of Doma's pathways after the liberation. So came an influx of merchants with those all too willing to pick up on their exotic wares.
While browsing the stalls, Sali carried a basket of rare herbs on his arm. He eventually entered a parting from the two alleys where west and east were split, with a shard for the aethernet off to the side. The area was open and suitable for performances, especially for dancers of Thavnair as of late. Stopping to see a crowd in the area, Sali's tail flickered in interest. The people muttered in wonder amongst themselves, occasionally letting out a cheer and applause at the spectacle.
With a glance in each direction, Sali decided he could take a break to see the commotion. He hadn't really stopped for the entertainment in the market before. He was industrious-minded and focused on his errands at almost all times. So this time, when he stepped forward to see where the clattering of tossed coin landed, his brows shot up.
A debonair Raen man was garbed in what seemed to be traditional Thavnairian attire. A turban sat upon his pale tresses and his form robed in red, flowing as he danced. What was even more curious was the wooden cross bar in his hand, which Sali could tell was aetherically enchanted. It was the control device to something, which was apparently - and expectedly - the mammet by his side.
The jointed doll danced with surprisingly fluid movements, not at all like the stiff motions of the mammets Sali was used to seeing in Ul'dah. Bouncing on bended knees, the mammet pranced around his puppetmaster before the both of them swirled into a backflip, causing the audience to cry out in glee. A soft smile graced Sali's features as he applauded the display.
Ilakha definitely had to hear about this!
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shamans-of-reeds · 3 years
FFXIV Write - Day 28: Bow
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Make a wish tonight, The star streaking past Bronzelake, The humid night fog.
Summer is still young, Back in our late memories, The moon in the pool.
Pull of the green bow, Silken and cheerfully soft, Find your gift inside.
Bright intelligence, The game of strategy waits, Wants to be tested.
This is the best nameday ever, Big Brother!
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shamans-of-reeds · 3 years
FFXIV Write - Day 27: Benthos
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Rivers strongly flow, Swelling with autumn's bounty, Burying her feet.
Crawling with benthos, She dips below the waters, Seeking charity.
It writhes in her mouth, The sunfish that yet escapes, Grin of victory.
Who will yet approach, For a meal they can't afford, Granted for no cost.
This is what Mabon means, right?
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shamans-of-reeds · 3 years
FFXIV Write - Day 26: Free Space
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(( feat. mention of @ffxivsnackshack​ ))
"Hello, friends! Make sure to eat at the Snack Shack! There are- uh, many snacks! Is good, yes?"
Ilakha's voice rang out through Topaz Avenue of Ul'dah, where the midday sun was beating down as mercilessly as ever. Lowering her sign, which was branded with 'COME 2 SNACK SHACK', Ilakha wiped sweat from her brow.
"Why is it so hot?" She complained to nobody in particular, even if she could barely hear herself. "Is never hot in autumn. This is big stupid."
The advertising business was difficult, even in Ul'dah. It could be understood that it wasn't her forte. It was hot, she wanted one of Clarissa's chocolate milkshakes, and the only cute critters around were the rats near the drains. Except for maybe the chocobos passing as well. One hauling a carriage passed by Ilakha, of whom was quick to raise her sign.
"Oh, darn this," she lamented once they passed. "Chocobos cannot read."
Ilakha tossed down her sign, which tumbled aside as she sat down. Her long pants luckily guarded her from the hot stone. With her knees pulled up to her chin, she promptly pouted.
Sali was gone for a while now. He was across the block, picking up medical supplies from Sapphire Avenue. Ul'dah was one of the best places to get those, albeit the most expensive as well. Hopefully, it would be enough.
Pondering the situation, Ilakha closed her eyes.
The hospitals were overflowing these days. If she could raise even a little bit of money for Frondale's Phrontistery with her comedic acts at the Snack Shack, she would be content. She herself had to work on her alchemy. It would be important with her duty as a druid. Ultimately, a druid was a healer, both spiritual and physical.
Could she take on this burden again? Was she ready?
Ilakha's brought back by the sweat dripping from her brow, making her wince as her eyes open. Surely enough, there was her brother at the avenue's corner. With a relieved grin, she picked up her sign and skipped on over to him as he balanced with filled arms.
Balance. Maybe that was what would help her.
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shamans-of-reeds · 3 years
FFXIV Write - Day 25: Silver Lining
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(( Mild 5.5 spoilers under the cut! ))
Putting together a bouquet was like remembering things. Some memories were more ideal than others, but all were part of the journey.
With another clip of the stem, a delicately washed lily of the valley is positioned into the vase. White arums are the centerpiece for this commission, accented by pale yellow oldroses. In Sali's opinion, these roses were better for friendships, but the language of flowers didn't matter all the often in shops nowadays. Besides, he also thought there was a better time to plan a Ceremony of Eternal Bonding.
The world was at war again. What remained of the Garlean Empire gnashed its broken teeth at the newly formed Grand Company of Eorzea. As a direct result, hospitals were filled with soldiers and adventurers, of whom were tasked with combatting the tempered. Where the tempered had emerged from was unbeknownst to Sali, but it wasn't a priority for him to know. He just made sure the hospital patients were brought back to health.
It was either a stroke of coincidence or irony - the two easily confused by many - that his client was the bride of a Maelstrom soldier.
The bouquet is tied with a soft orange ribbon before Sali stepped back to observe his work. He was pleased that they would find the silver lining of these hard times. His only wish was that it would last. The one thing he fret most of all was that for him, painful memories were so prevalent. It was oftentimes hard to focus on the positive.
Maybe that's why the bride chose yellow roses. They represent optimism.
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shamans-of-reeds · 3 years
FFXIV Write - Day 24: Illustrious
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Time to find the seeds, Autumn blooms rarely, scarcely, Finding hidden buds.
The fall smells of dirt, Cold and sprouting small mushrooms, Beneath cooling rain.
Illustrious heart, Waiting for the sun to wane, Hiding in the fray.
The days grow shorter, Light fades from seeing our friends, Among the corn maze.
I wish autumn wasn't so depressing sometimes.
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shamans-of-reeds · 3 years
FFXIV Write - Day 23: Soul
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Ilakha was a young soul. Maybe soon she'd be able to reap what she had sown and grown to maturity.
Sitting in front of the wooden vanity, Ilakha hummed as she laced the orange ribbon through her braids. It was Mabon today and Ilakha wanted everything to go perfectly. Thankfully, she knew it would. She would have her little moogle friend, Koppli, at her side.
She had studied what this meant in preparation for her training as a druid. Technically speaking, Mabon was the second harvest festival of the season, after Lammas. She was familiar with the former, with sunflowers and fresh bread and corn dollies. The symbolism was the easy part. It was deciphering the meanings behind each festival that filled Ilakha with elation.
Festivals were great fun, especially for their religious meaning. Mabon was a time where the gods were not only thanked for the harvest, but for Their contributions to the prosperity of the year. Some men might measure their prayers by the charitable deeds they sow in contrast to what the gods return, but Ilakha did not see it as a contest. To do charity is to do holy work. That was the point of Mabon.
Any opportunity for Ilakha to show her dedication to the gods was a time well-spent. She didn't even need to impress anyone. At least, not anyone mortal. All the joy was in knowing that They loved her and would take good care of her people.
Ilakha bit onto the two hair pins in her mouth before taking each one to hold her hair up in a bun. Seeing her finished work, she posed in the mirror and smiled. The room down the hall still lingered with the smell of cheese and popotoes from her preparations. She couldn't wait to pair it with the spiced chai cider she had prepared with her 'auntie', Shiele.
Now, Ilakha just had to figure out how to explain that she ate all the baklava.
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shamans-of-reeds · 3 years
FFXIV Write - Day 22: Fluster
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Petals drift slowly, Landing on the bloodied grass, Mem'ries forsaken.
Flustering rarely, Shadows tread where children lie, Such is our grim life.
Dying by the staff, I prefer no other way, To offer sanctums.
What is a monster? A warrior fights fairly, What is a soldier?
What is the measure of our goals, if not simply separated by the means we use to get them?
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shamans-of-reeds · 3 years
FFXIV Write - Day 21: Feckless
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I am too feckless, Still wandering aimlessly, Counting stars backwards.
I found them in leaves, Of reds and browns and yellows, Of my broken heart.
I don't think he's proud, Not of my promised sanctum, Empty and yet lost.
I still have to look, Finding where his spirit rests, Where it's not lonely.
I've been looking just for you, Father. You'll have your resting place.
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shamans-of-reeds · 3 years
FFXIV Write - Day 20: Petrichor
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The rain will only spread the spores from his pansies, still recovering from illness. He could only hope what he did was right when he burned them.
Sali stepped into the greenhouse once again, water dripping from the ends of his short hair as he emerged from the enveloping scent of petrichor. Exhausted, he set down his shears with a 'thunk' on the metal table. The heads of yellow pansies soon followed.
Brown spots take on an ugly color as they climb up the pansies' stems, hiding coyly underneath their heads. They blotch and swell in uncomfortable orange shades on their little leaves. The pansies' cheerful colors now looked sad in comparison to the rust that provided no warmth.
The most embarassing part was that Alune had to see it.
Suyi didn't work with flowers. It wasn't the main aim of the Kharlu, anyway. That aside, he had a fishery to run. Maybe it was the Kagon's nocturnal tendencies that caused Alune's fascination? Sali knew the existence of flowers that only bloomed at night. Hopefully, he'd be able to show her some more exotic ones some day.
The thought of her joy makes him smile absentmindedly. Maybe he's too charitable for his own good.
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shamans-of-reeds · 3 years
FFXIV Write - Day 19: Free Space!
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"I understand, Sali. I am very sorry."
Quickly, Ilakha's hand rises to smack her own forehead. She glared at her reflection in the vanity mirror, eying the pink area above her eyebrows.
'I'm so stupid,' she berated herself in her head. She knew this apology wouldn't work. Both Sali and Sechen can't be convinced that she would have changed overnight. If anything, they would say her decisions are fickle. Like dust on the wind, they are floating freely until they're gone, made irrelevant by her own actions. However, there was a certainty that lingered in her mind.
Ilakha was going to be a druid.
There was no question that her devotion to the gods persisted, even through having those beliefs challenged; whether by herself or by other people. The gods she worked with were her own choice. In respect, she did as they spoke to her. Would elementals be so different? This was apparently the question that replayed in Ilakha's head, specifically in her brother's voice.
Even though Sali's voice was such a distant thing to Ilakha now, she didn't want to forget it. He still had much wisdom to share with her. Yet did that mean that one of them was in the wrong?
Ilakha didn't seem to notice she questioned this aloud until she spied her brother at the door frame from the corner of her eye. She jumped, then clutching a hand to her chest. Before he could speak, Ilakha did so.
"Big Brother, I have something to tell you. . ."
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shamans-of-reeds · 3 years
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