updownlately · 1 year
i like it when you hug me (‘cause i kind of feel you love me)
| leah williamson x reader | trigger warning for mentions of depression and self-loathing. please read at your own discretion!
The voice echoing through the room had you burrowing yourself impossibly deeper into your comforter, nearly hiding your face beneath the blanket- the light peeking in from the hallway very much unwelcome in the dark room. 
Shaking your head, you let out a shaky breath, quickly running your sleeve over your botched face, wiping it in case the quilt was moved away from you.
Stilling your movements, you listened carefully, on alert as Leah’s hesitant footsteps headed closer to the bed- closer to you.
With each subsequent step, you found yourself wishing she hadn’t entered the room at all and the self-aware part of you felt a pang of guilt bloom from your chest, mentally chastising yourself for being so selfish. 
Please don’t care about me. Please just turn and leave.
You swallowed hard as the voices in your head spoke, eyes widening as you felt the bed dip. Curling in on yourself and shuffling backwards, you buried yourself further into the sheets. 
Right now, all you wanted to be was alone. The kind of alone where your phone doesn’t make a sound, even though your ringer’s on blast. The alone where your door doesn’t move, not by a single millimetre, because no one’s coming in but you. The alone where it’s heartbreakingly lonely, achingly so, but you can’t think of a single person to call. You just wanted to be alone. 
Holding your breath as the blonde neared your lumpy form, you waited cautiously for her next move- body on alert, ready to move further back at the slightest of touch.
You weren’t you right now and she most definitely didn’t need to witness that first hand- it was already embarrassing enough that you were hiding out in your shared bedroom all day, avoiding your girlfriend like the bubonic plague.
Lips moving but no sound coming out, you mouthed a silent plea to the universe, begging that she didn’t come closer. You didn’t know how badly you’d break if she did- and you didn’t want to find out.
Unluckily Luckily for you, almost as if your silent prayers were heard, Leah didn’t reach out for you, hand staying firmly put in the space between.
Smiling sadly to yourself, you didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at her lack of touch, hand itching to pull her close, devil on your shoulder telling you to push her so far she forgot she was your home.
Taking a silent shuddering breath, pleading for the assault of thoughts in your head to go away, you did your best to be quiet. You tried your hardest not to acknowledge her presence, instead hoping she’d go soon enough. She didn’t need to be around you when you were like this. No one did. No one deserved that. 
Quietly praying she’d leave you be, that she’d make this easy on you, you slowly moved your hand to wipe it on the bottom of your hoodie, hands sweating nervously. 
I’m asleep. You can go. I’m perfectly fine.
The words you wanted to say but couldn’t- the lump in your throat holding you back.
Rather, you waited patiently for her to make a move, one that hopefully got you out of this situation without too many cruel words said, in your mind or elsewhere. 
Unfortunately for you, regardless of the absolute pitch-black darkness in your room, Leah caught the movement, softly speaking when she realised you were most definitely awake. 
“How we feeling about dinner?”
You stayed quiet at her words, hoping she’d convince herself you were asleep and leave.
You let the uncomfortable silence rest in your bones, its familiar presence a comfort.
You didn’t deserve to be taken care of. Especially not after how you’d hidden yourself away in your shared bedroom all day- ignoring Leah, the skipper being nothing if not understanding, letting you be as you pulled away. You didn’t deserve it and your brain did a hell of a job reminding you so. 
Pity’s what brought her here- a clear look at you and she’ll run.
The long silence that accompanied the voice in your head was uncomfortable but you were used to it.
Taking small breaths to not make a sound, you felt your chest tighten with each passing second that she stayed.
I don’t want you here. I don’t want you here. Not for me but because you deserve better.
The words repeated in your head as your heart constricted, tired of you and wanting to be wrapped around your lover’s arms as much as you wanted her to go away. 
It seemed like Leah knew as much, her shuffling closer to you and you could soon tell she was lying on the bed beside you.
“I know you’re awake…”
Her whispered words had your body tensing, any hope that you had of her leaving washing away as your leg vibrated restlessly.
You felt her gently tug on the edge of your quilt and you contemplated resisting, wanting to tuck yourself away in a cocoon but not being able to bring yourself to do so, guilt resting heavy on your shoulders.
Instead you slowly gave in to the skipper’s prodding, wincing as the cool air of the room hit you, reddened eyes and blotchy cheeks making themselves known in the dim light.
Shutting your eyes closed as her face came into view, you tried to shake the image of her pitiful gaze from your mind. 
You deserve better. You deserve better. You deserve better than me. 
The words continued to repeat, an echo in your otherwise silent mind.
You shouldn’t love me. You shouldn’t love me. You shouldn’t love me. You should leave.
Clenching your jaw, you missed the way Leah’s face softened at your clear distress. 
She knew your mental health wasn’t the best, but she never got to witness just how poor it really got- not until now at least.
The way you had sluggishly left your bed nearly two hours after your alarm this morning- how you had hid from her all day, not bothering to have anything more than a few spoonfuls of yogurt for breakfast, completely foregoing lunch, and now, quite possibly dinner. The signs were clear, you weren’t fine.
You weren’t okay, not one bit, but if Leah had anything to say on it, she ached to tell you it was okay. 
It was okay to not be you today, not when she was here, you didn’t have to run and hide. 
But she couldn’t tell you right now, not with the way you barely met her gaze, head tucked in the crook of your elbow, tear-stricken cheeks just barely hidden, body tense.
So instead she placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, moving the arm on your face to the side as her hands travelled to your torso. 
Tugging gently, the blonde pulled you into her embrace, hands coming to wrap around your midsection as you complied, tucking yourself into her side, too tired to protest. 
If words weren’t what you wanted to hear, then she’d speak to you with her touch. 
Continuing her efforts, you let out a small sigh as her hand came to smooth your messy hair, scratching your scalp gently, just how she would when she’d comfort you after a tough loss. 
The ministrations coupled with the faint touch of her rubbing circles on your back, and you could feel your body relax, gears in your mind beginning to slow as your hands shyly made their way to grab fistfuls of her hoodie, not wanting the comfort to leave- not wanting her to leave.
Surprised at the Englishwoman’s actions, you burrowed your face into the crook of her neck as you felt the knot around your heart loosen just a tad bit, a grateful breath escaping you.
You sunk into her grasp as you ignored the dying voices yelling in your head, your weight rest wholly on top of the midfielder's body, back muscles going slack as you let her warmth break through the iciness plaguing you.
Thank you for staying, for being patient, for caring.
The words went unspoken whilst you waited as the rock in your throat to slowly shrink.
And as a minute passed and then two, her grasp on you only getting stronger, more assuring, you couldn't help be grateful.
All your unsaid words from earlier finally had the chance to be spoken now, chest light, speech coming easy. 
Letting yourself snuggle into Leah’s hold, feeling her place a soft kiss on your crown, you finally had a breath of comfort, nearly crying in relief.
Though the voices in your head didn’t quite disappear, she made living a bit easier, the simple act of breathing no longer a chore.
It’s why your murmured words finally came easy, heart floating, your grip tightening in adoration.
“I love you.”
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updownlately · 1 year
to the one person that so far has said they listen to 'we three'....i love you 🫶 good taste amigo.
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updownlately · 1 year
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