#ill also accept the other re8 characters i may not love them as much as the duke but they are still cool
esteemedproblem · 3 years
The Duke 💞
I am obsessed with The Duke he is just like the perfect man so have some affection headcanons
+ His primary love language is touch. You know that whole thing about how your primary love language is how you best like to receive love? Yea that. He is a very big man and loves every inch of himself but even the most confident man can only tolerate so many rude stares and remarks. So having a friend/partner hold him? Hold his hand? Hug him? Kiss? Rest their head on him? He is over the moon with joy and will return the favor ten fold. His favorites are ruffling your hair or just big hug, biggest hug, best hug. 
+ His secondary love language is gift giving but he can be a bit of a prick(affectionate) at times about it. Oh you want this hm yea sure but you’ll have to do this favor for me first :3c. This can range from a hug, to cleaning the horse stable, to doing a silly dance for his amusement, to making a delivery to one of the other lords for him. He means well and is just having good fun and would notice if you weren’t in a very good mood and just let you have the thing. I should mention some items are still only bought with coin, can’t just be giving all his treasures away. 
+ He will let you sleep on him and he will protect you until you wake up. Nothing will bother you under any circumstances. If his shop is still open for business his patrons will simply have to learn sign language so as not to risk waking you up with talk of deals. Is this headcanon just me desperately wanting to be held by this man? Maybe. His arms are the safest place on earth and I won’t take criticism.
+ He is very busy and while working he is mostly focused on getting things out to people and may forget you if you are sitting beside him but whenever you make a little noise like a gasp at a dramatic part of a book and he notices you his heart will be warmed that you are still there even if he can’t talk to you. He can appreciate the quality time even if he doesn’t always notice. 
+ Acts of service is probably one he does unconsciously like the work he does for the village. Getting everyone the things they need helping out the four lords he probably doesn’t even realize it’s a love language since he made it his job. Like he saw that people needed supplies from outside the village and quick transport of things all across the village and said yea I’ll do that :). Not knowing it was a show of love or at least care for everyone in the village. He is probably confused if you start doing tasks for him without expecting coins or gifts at first not knowing that helping him out is just a little way to show him you care. 
+ The Duke loves to pass out a compliment every now and then but it’s not a love language he expresses very often. The exception to this is if you come up to him expressing some self worth issues be it with skills, issues, life problems and you just need some support then he will dote on you until your tears of sadness turn into tears of joy and laughter. Taking compliments however he will oftentimes be a little snarky about replying with “Oh I know” but he still loves receiving them, always nice to have words to know you are appreciated and loved.
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