#ill be using this as an excuse to practice my art too so im gonna try my best with backgrounds
askfussyfangs · 9 months
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Greetings, I Am Kanaya! I Have Recently Discovered This Odd Website And Have Decided To Make An Account.
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Honestly, Decided Is Such A Loose Term... Perhaps "Mildly, Passive-Aggresively Coerced" Would Be More Accurate....
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In Any Case, I Believe This Site, Similarly To Trollian, Can Bypass The Laws Of Time And Space. Which Means There Are Many Of You Seeing This. Um.. Ask Away, I Suppose!
//I got the idea to make one of these from reading @askinsufferableprick so check them out if you see this//
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fallingfor-fics · 4 years
Teachers Pet- chapter 6: potions
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All chapters
chapter 5
She continued to show me to all my classes, "Ok so I have Advanced Charms first period, Herbology second, Advanced Transfiguration third, lunch, Defense against the dark arts fourth, then potions last, which is followed by a free period and then dinner. Ok sounds simple enough, except I absolutely SUCK at potions."  "Oh you can't be that bad" Hermione laughed. "Oh no you don't understand the only reason I got through it last year was by cheating, magic, and more cheating. I barely retained any of the information '' I said a hint of worry in my voice. "Oh well I can help when you need it, but good luck especially with Snape as the Professor."
 "Oh fuck I didnt even think about that. He's gonna be a living hell isn't he?" She gave a simple nod and took me to the dungeons to show me Snape's classroom and the Slytherin common room. "Ok so in here is your common room and dormitory, but i'm not really allowed in there. And down here is Snape's classroom, which hopefully he is not in right now" she laughed as we peaked inside it. "Okay wow this is a very large school." I laughed. "Oh yeah but you get used to it pretty fast" "It's almost time for fourth period, sorry if you wanted to get lunch" I said giving an apologetic smile. "Oh no it's fine, and yup off to DADA you go!" I looked at her confused "DADA?" I said , trying to keep a smile in "Oh hah that's what we call Defense Against the Dark Arts." she said as we headed that way. "I have Herbology right now but I will see you at dinner and in Charms tomorrow!" "Ok sounds good thanks again for showing me around!" I said waving as we parted ways.
   I entered the DADA classroom and looked at the tables of students. I spotted a Empty seat next to a red head boy and a boy with round glasses and sat down next to them. "H-hello." the red haired boy stuttered, staring in awe at me. The boy with glasses elbowed him and he closed his mouth and sat up straight. "Hi." I responded, getting my books out. "Im Harry and this is Ron, you're the new girl right?" the boy with the glasses said.  "Yep that would be me" I said smiling. "Well welcome. I think you'll like this school." he said smiling "Well I hope so" I responded. "We are friends of Hermione's, she told us about Dumbledore having her show you around," he said softly. "Oh cool I take it you both are also Gryffindor's." I said , noticing their ties. "Boy you catch on fast heh" Ron added. Just then the door opened and in walked the teacher. I rolled my eyes forgetting it was Professor hand-kisser that taught this class. "Good Evening class! I hope you all came prepared and ready to learn from your magnificent Professor!" he said with a large smile on his face, some of the girls across from me giggled and he smirked, what a tool. "Now" he continued but paused when he caught my eye. "Oh we have the new student in our midst, how wonderful!" he said, smiling at me as some of the kids turned to look at me. What an ass.
   He went on to describe the lesson today, nothing exciting, once he finished he went and sat at his desk. "Ms. L/n can you come here for a moment" he said retaining eye contact with me as I walked up to his desk, I gave harry and Ron a concerned look and they just shrugged not knowing what he wanted either. "Yes?" I said when I approached his desk. "How are you enjoying Hogwarts so far?" he asked grinning at me. Really this is what he called me up for. I managed to halt the eye rolling and answer him politely. "Well this is the first class i've been to so I can't give you a clear answer." "Hmm well how do you like my class?" he said, smirking. "Well it's only been 15 minutes. But it's ok" I said, smirking awkwardly. "Ok well im sure that will change very soon and you'll love it" he said winking. I just stared at him with a blank face and nodded my head. What the fuck is his deal? hes such a creep. "How old did you say you were?" he asked with a casual tone. Ok what. The. fuck. What kind of question is that. "I'm 16 ill be 17 in February." I said awkwardly. "Ahh February the month of love haha!" he laughed, I just kept a straight face and waited for this to be over, to my rescue Harry came over "Professor Lockhart I had a question" he said looking at me and smiling softly, I mouthed a thank you and excused myself back to the table.
After what seemed like forever class was over and it was time for the class I was really dreading. Potions with Snape. As I was leaving DADA Lockhart stopped me again. "Y/n I wanted to say it's a great pleasure to have you in my class, you are very intelligent from what I hear." he said, smirking. I don't know how he heard that or who from since I'd only been here a day. "Thank you but I need to get to my next class." I said stepping towards the door to which he stepped in my way. Hermione told me to be early or on time to potions or else Snape would be furious. "One more thing" he said smiling "i want you to know if you ever get stuck or need help, not just in my class you can always come to me." He said, still smiling and looking in my eyes. This was getting weird but I didn't have time for it. I really needed to get to potions. "Ok I will keep that in mind thank you but I really need to hurry to potions with Professor Snape." I said pushing past him and hurrying off. I looked at my watch and picked up the pace, practically jogging down the stairs and to the dungeons, I bumped into a few students and mumbled quick apologies. Soon I heard the bell ring as I was nearing the class. "Shit" I said, hurrying to his room. I opened the door quietly, trying to catch my breath. I noticed Snape's back was turned and he was facing the chalkboard and I quietly walked to the nearest empty seat in the back. Hoping and praying he didn't notice. "Late on the first day are we Ms. L/n?" he said, still not turning around. Well fuck I thought to myself. "Im so sorry Professor Lockhart wa-" "Silence!" he yelled, turning around briskly his robes following suit. "I do not wish to hear your insignificant excuses." he said, staring at me. I was still out of breath and I was getting a little nervous being singled out. "Just for this I would like you to come sit in the front next to mister Malfoy." he spat. I didn't even notice Draco was in here but he turned and smiled at me. I grabbed my books and did a walk of shame up to the front, avoiding eye contact with the brooding Professor. I took my seat and sat quietly.
My heart was beating and I was getting more red by the minute I could feel it. I didn't usually get like this, usually I'm able to argue easily with teachers that are rude. But something about Snape made me very afraid to even test those waters. "Ms. L/n since you seem to be too good for my class that you think you can join whenever, why don't you come up to the board and finish this list of ingredients for the Befuddlement Draught." he said clearly annoyed and angry, which I had picked up as his normal tone. He held out the piece of chalk and waited patiently. I slowly got out of my seat and headed up to the board, shaking hands, taking the chalk from his and looking at what he already had there, which was nothing but three bullet points. I didn't know what was in this potion. I had no clue whatsoever. I began to internally panic and closed my eyes trying to think of what's in it. I remember making it once but I couldn't remember what was used. "Today, Ms. L/n." he said sarcastically. There was a type of grass. I thought for a moment and remembered. I went to write "scurvy grass" but when I pushed the chalk it broke in half. A few students snickered and I could see Snape give them looks to shut up. "Shit" I said quietly, but apparently not quiet enough. "Ms. L/n! Do you not know where you are?!" He said furiously. I continued to stare at the board. "Language like that will not be tolerated in my class!" he yelled. "I-Im so sorry Professor it won't happen again it just slip-" "Fifty points from Slytherin! If it happens again it will be triple. Now take your seat and keep your filthy mouth shut!" he yelled as I quickly scurried back to my seat. This man will be the death of me.
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zagenta · 8 years
hear me out for a sec
Tbh all that’s left of the good h/a/m/ilton content that isn’t just pretty fanart of the musical is rly intriguing b/c i feel like it exists on this plane of existence completely separate from actual history or even the musical? Do you know what I mean?
Like I know its usually considered OOC writing for characters to be unlike canon but all the really interesting content i’ve consumed has evolved the characters so that they’re far more interesting their their canon counterparts, b/c ppl are using the bare bones of what was once probably a historical demon man to base a template for a fully fleshed out character. There’s been some really great content that delves into exploration of sexuality, gender, race, etc that’s based primarily on ppls interpretations, although that’s probably bc at this point i primarily only look at content by authors of color that talk abt LGBT+ characters of color.
Honestly it’s an excuse for some real creativity and exploration of intimate subject matter.
The femslash and the next gen stuff is a great example. Originally this post was going to be a joke that I was gonna write an original story featuring the hamilton next gen and nobody would have any idea, but really its true. Ppl have fabricated personalities out of practically nothing or very little historical info for characters that have very small roles or are completely cut from the diegesis such as Frances Laurens, Dolley Madison, Maria Cosway, Maria Reynolds, Martha Manning, Theodosia Jr, Georges and Adrienne, etc and I think that’s amazing!
And these practically fanmade characters are given stories that touch on LGBT+ themes, parental/child dynamics, drugs, racism, mental illness, art, music, etc. It’s surprisingly mature, and these characters expand upon the themes of the original text and adds additional themes and making it better, more palatable, and more satisfying.
 Almost always set in a creative setting or a modern setting.
Not that there isn’t that mountain of weird fetish-y romanticization works from the fandom, there is, but at this point i’ve learned to tune it out. I just think its amazing how fans can expand a pretty problematic original text into something far more interesting (it’s actually a pretty similar phenomenon to what happened with T/w/i/light, 50 shades fiasco aside). There’s lots of cringey stuff, but the same fan cliches can also be used to great effect.
Perfect example? Nonbinary Laf: often a cringey token nonbinary flamboyant european gay stereotype or an excuse to fetishize daveed, but i’ve also seen (and written, not to hype myself up too much) works that show a lot of depth to his character, his defiant flamboyancy being an act of queer transgression, that are a lot more introspective on the experience of being a nonbinary or bisexual person and parent, an outsider.
Often its the stereotypes that were used to the point of exhaustion by white fandom that we reclaimed to spin in a more nuanced light (some of it we worked to deconstruct b/c it was just nasty but other stuff we’ve reclaimed).
Because seriously, what fans of color have done w/ the show vs. what white fans have done is honestly incomparable. I mean, I doubt Israa still cares abt this demon musical, but her fics were serious artistry. Same w/ Dia, but Sorry About the Blood in Your Mouth is AMAZING. And Peaches’ Maria Cosway Certified Lesbian is the most charming thing on the planet. I even think the silly shit has its merits. 
& its strange, b/c most of these characters are so unlike their original counterparts, or were created from whole cloth, so they feel much more like *mine* than any character on some whitebread m/a/r/v/e/l show could be. And while, H/a/m/i/l/ton, as problematic as it is, is probably quite literally a masterpiece, these characters really don’t belong to the musical or to history. Sure they may inhabit the same names, but they’re not the same.
Butch lesbian Peggy is OURS, its not the musical’s. Stoner John Laurens, (silly as it might seem) is ours (well, its Vic’s), not the musical’s. Nonbinary Lafayette is OURS. Butch lesbian Frances Laurens with a F/un H/ome dynamic with her fucked up gay dad is ours. Technically-not-siblings/best-friend-cousins Philip and Frances is OURs. (I’d argue even the more problematic ones like Mads & TJ are so removed from the historical and musical reality that they fall under this category, fucked up as it seems).
They’re their own characters, they exist in a universe tangential to history and the musical but not the same one.
--And I’m gonna veer off into self-indulgent territory, but as far as my own involvement in fandom goes, I personally put a lot of work into this alternate universe. Closeted, ambitious, perfectionist Dolley Payne is mine. Gangly, neurotic, awkward gay Georges is mine. Angelica/Dolley the ambitious power couple is mine. Queer anarchist rebel Virginie de Lafayette is mine. They’re MY characters, and I’m extremely proud of them.
tbh im just gonna admit that me focusing on second generation of kids like Frances & Philip & etc and the women both in the show & that weren’t rly in it like Eliza & Angelica & Dolley & shit is how i reconcile w/ myself for H/a/m/ilton being a show based on the demon fathers & its not a perfect solution but tbh it gives me an excuse to just make up shit that are basically my own OCs bc half the characters i writer abt were never in the show. I know its basically an excuse to assuage my own guilt but there it is.
Anyways im not rly sure how to end this, if we’re mutuals i’d rly like your input. And pls don’t let this circulate around, i especially dont want antis to see it nor particularly do i care abt white fans’ opinions either
also i know this is super apologist i just wanted to express an idea
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