#ill finish her gif pack n release it one day
kaulitzsblog · 1 year
What's Happening..?
Part 2♡♡
Bill kaulitz x fem reader.
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Summary: Y/n isn't feeling well she was in the hospital for an unknown illness, Bill there being by her side every day doing anything to make her feel better. She slowly starts gaining feelings for him, and he feels the same way🫣
Word count : 1.5k
Days turned into weeks, and Y/n found herself confined to a sterile hospital room, surrounded by the constant beeping of machines and the scent of antiseptic. Doctors and nurses came and went, running tests and performing procedures, but still no one could figure out what was wrong with her.
Throughout this ordeal, there was one person who never left Y/n's side, bill.Their bond had grown stronger over these past couple of days.
Bill would sit by Y/n's bedside, holding her hand and offering words of comfort. Y/n found solace in his presence, and his unwavering support gave her the strength to keep fighting he made everything better and less painful.
One evening, as Y/n lay in bed, exhausted from another round of tests, she drifted off to sleep. Bill watched her intently, his heart filled with both worry and adoration. He gently brushed a strand of hair away from her face, his touch as light as a feather.
Y/n stirred slightly, but her eyes remained closed. Bill smiled softly, marveling at her peaceful expression. In that moment, he realized just how beautiful she was, even in the midst of her pain and uncertainty. He couldn't help but feel a surge of emotions, a mix of love, longing, and a desire to protect her from any harm.
As the days turned into weeks, Y/n's condition remained a mystery. Doctors consulted with specialists from around the world, searching for answers. Bill never left her side, even canceling concerts and appearances to be there for her. He was determined to support her through this difficult journey, no matter how long it took.
One day, a breakthrough finally came. A renowned specialist discovered a rare condition that had been overlooked by the previous doctors. With this newfound knowledge, a treatment plan was put into motion, giving Y/n hope for the first time in months.
•~A few months later•~
Y/n was slowly getting better with the treatments. Bill, who was now in love with her, admired her personality and found her sweet and beautiful. He believed she had an angelic voice that he had never heard from anyone before. Bill was completely captivated by her.
One day, Bill asked y/n how she was feeling. She replied, "Feeling better than ever!" She was finally released from the hospital, and she packed her belongings that Bill and the rest of the band had brought for her. As she packed, she couldn't help but recall the sweet things Bill had said to her when she had her eyes closed, thinking she was asleep.
Bill had expressed his feelings for her, and it stirred a mix of emotions within y/n. She realized that she had developed a deep connection with Bill. She admired the way he looked, so effortlessly beautiful. He was tall and somewhat muscular, always dressed uniquely in a way that set him apart from others in a good way. He was truly one of a kind.
As y/n finished packing, she couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and nervousness about what the future held for her. She knew that her and bills connection was special and that they had the potential for something amazing. "Bill..?" Y/n whispered to him. " Yes Princess what's up?" He responded. Y/n instantly got flustered at his words and how soft his voice sounded. " Thank you" Y/n said in a low whisper . Bill got close to y/n both now inches away from each other. He whispered in her ear "anything for you beautiful". His warm breathe hitting y/n's neck sending a shivers down her back. |God Hes so handsome | y/n thought ot herself. Bill walked out to grab some snacks for them. Meanwhile Y/n organized her things to pack up.
•After a while•
Bill had been patiently waiting for y/n to finish packing, approached her with a warm smile. He gently took her hand and said, "Are you ready to get back on that stage, rockstar?"
Y/n nodded, her heart racing with anticipation. "Yes, Bill. I'm so excited.Thank you for everything. Im so grateful to have you in my life."
Bill pulled her into a tight embrace, his arms enveloping her with warmth and love. "And I'm so thankful that you're finally out of the hospital and that we can start singing together again. Just me and you, "He gently spoke. "You mean the world to me, y/n."
Tears welled up in y/n's eyes as she looked up at Bill. "You mean the world to me too, Bill. I never thought I would find someone who understands me the way you do."
Bill wiped away her tears gently. "I will always be here for you, y/n. Through the good times and the bad, I promise to love and support you."
Y/n smiled, feeling a sense of peace and contentment wash over her. She knew that with Bill by her side, she could conquer anything that came their way. Y/n was carrying some bags that were somewhat heavy. "Need help ?" Bill asked. " No, I can do this. I'm a strong, independent woman." Y/n replied. Bill laughed at her comment. " yea okay sure" he said, smiling. Bill ended up helping y/n carry her bags into his car. They both got in. Y/n admired bills side profile while he was starting the car. He was so beautiful in a way that he had feminine features but also masculine. She looked at how his jawline was sharp and defined. His honey colored eyes blistened in the light. His hands looked soft and somehow gentle. They finally got to the mansion.
Y/n went in first Bill carrying her stuff inside. "SURPRISE!!" Tom, georg, and gustav all yelled. There was decorations all over the place a big sign on the wall hanging written *WELCOME BACK Y/N* "Thank you all for this " y/n said she felt so touched at the fact that they cared about her and even took the time to organise everything for her. She felt her eyes water. A tear rolled down her cheek. Nobody has ever done something like this for her. "Y/n, what's wrong ?? Why are you crying? " georg came up to her comforting her. "I'm sorry, I just never really had people do this for me it's my first time, and I feel so touched," She replied with a shaky breath. " Aw, it's okay y/n we will always be here for you no matter what. We care about you so much, " gustav said in a heart-warming tone . He came up to her, giving her a big warm hug accompanied by Tom and georg. Bill walked in, watching them have a group hug. " What about me?" he said in a funny, annoyed tone. They were now all hugging y/n. She finally really felt loved.
She had a big smile on her face. "Thank you all for this. It really means so much to me. I'll always cherish this moment forever. I love you guys." She said, her voice cracking in between sentences. "Y/n" Bill
Spoke with a soft smile. " Come upstairs in 10 minutes, okay?" He said. (Oooooh) Tom and Georg mumbled each smirking at each other while Gustav was focused on the tv.
After 10 minutes passed, y/n walked upstairs, knocking on bills' bedroom door. " Who is it ??" He asked. " It's me y/n you wanted to see me?" Y/n replied back a bit confused on why he wanted to speak to her privately. She wanted to express her feelings to him for a while now but things didn't go as planned since she was stuck in the hospital for a while, wasn't the best place ro confess is what she thought to herself. After a while of waiting Bill opened the door asking y/n to close her eyes before going in. Y/n shuts her eyes. Bill leads y/n into the room. "You can open now " he said. She opened her eyes she looked at the rose pettles on the floor decorations hung up. Their was so many gifts on the bed, then she saw it . Her jaw dropped.
There was a big poster hung up. * Will you be my girlfriend?* Her eyes instantly became watery and blurry she turned to Bill who was patiently standing behind her waiting for an answer , He was anxious. She quickly turned around tightly hugging him " Yes of course oh my God I can't believe this" She spoke. Tears rolling off her cheek. Bill hugged her back tightly. He had a big smile on his face. He gently pulled y/n chin up and before you knew it there lips connected. Y/n was shocked at first but then relaxed and closed her eyes. His lips were soft and smooth. He gently lowered his hands down, now on her lower back. He pulled her in even closer to him both bodys not touching. He still managed keeping the kiss locked in. After a while they pulled away gasping for air. Y/n was red as a tomato now. " I love you y/n ever since I laid my eyes on you, I knew you would be the one for me." He spoke out. Y/n didn't hesitate anymore and pulled him in for another kiss she'd always dreamed off this moment.Shed been craving him every time they were together. The end.🫶🏽
(Guys, I'm new to this, so I'm sorry if this is bad pls don't hate😭 any tips would be useful. Lmk what else I should do 💗🫶🏽)
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blancapadlla · 7 years
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wouldpollyapprove · 4 years
Long Walk to Birmingham
Request:  Hi can I request 18 from the Angst list please ? For Tommy Shelby
Thomas Shelby x Reader
Word Count: 3k
Warnings:Abuse, alcohol, language
A/N: This is barely edited because it was sooooo long. I do really like it though and there will be a second part because I feel that it needs one.
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Glass shattered as the man’s rage wreaked havoc through the small cottage. Y/n shrank into the corner and prayed that perhaps he would forget about her. The china cabinet had been pushed to the floor, all her mother’s good china broken, and the dining table that her father had worked on for hours was in pieces. A tear rolled down her cheek at all that was lost. 
“I can’t believe this!” the man roared and grabbed a plate off the floor. “I can’t believe you went behind my back!” He through the plate at Y/n, it shattered inches from her head, getting a shriek out of her. 
“Dad, I’m sorry,” she let out. “But we need the money.”
He scoffed. “I decided what we need around here, little missy! Not you,” he pointed at her. “Not you, you fucking whore!”
Y/n pushed herself up and brushed off the powder the plate had left. Never once had her father said an ill word to her. Not once had he raised his voice to her. It hurt to know that she was no longer a child in that sense. In his eyes, she was now a target he could attack. “It was just-”
“Just what?” he asked, venom laced his words.
“Just an old horse,” she whispered, but he heard her loud and clear.
Her father stood before her in the blink of an eye, hand raised. It came down with a deafening sound. Y/n stumbled back, clutching her face. Tears sprung from her eyes, he’d never once laid a hand on her. He grabbed her chin and pulled her to him and forced her to look up at him. “Now, don’t you ever, ever, do anything like that ever again. You hear me?”
She nodded, tears rolling down her face.
“Do you hear me?” he asked again.
“Yes, yes sir,” she muttered as he released her.
That was 3 days ago and the anger and violence had only increased. 
Y/n was used to it, of course. Her father had always been a violent man. When she was a child, he only ever laid a hand on her mother. No matter how much her brothers and her wanted to get involved and save their poor mother from her abuser, she would have none of it. In her mother’s eyes, her father was the love of her life. He had saved her from a backwoods way of life in the middle of nowhere in Scotland. He was what brought air to her lungs and life to her heart. It hurt Y/n to know that her mother believed her father was no monster. All the pain that had befallen the family was always caused by him. 
Once he had gotten into a fight with a man at the pub in their small village. It had cost her father his job and the family was left to starve. He, of course, didn’t see it as his own fault. It was never his fault, not when his youngest son died from starvation that winter. 
Nor was it his fault when he sent his eldest son away to work in a factory because the family needed money. The poor boy never returned home as he had lost his footing and had fallen into the equipment. Her father said no one was at fault but the boy.
And so, when the man ran out of children to bury in the ground, he turned to his only daughter. Her father sent her away to Birmingham, which was only an hour or so from home, but still a foreign land to her. Y/n stayed with her great aunt, who was just as cruel as her father, made it clear that it was an inherited trait. She worked all the jobs she could manage. Five days a week she worked the morning shift at a bakery near her great aunts. Three days a week she worked at a pub and sometimes she would tutor children on days that allowed. The money she brought in was more than her father had ever seen in his whole life. 
He didn’t know an honest day’s work if it stared him in the face. 
She hated it, living in Birmingham, at first. It wasn’t home, even though home wasn’t much better. People were rude and everywhere was filth. But once she took the job at the pub, the city became brighter. For she had fallen in love.
Y/n never meant to fall for Thomas Shelby, half the time she wasn’t even sure if people were allowed to look at him, yet she fell. She fell so hard that she didn’t know how it felt to love. Half the time she thought she was dying because never had she loved anyone in her life. Her heart would clentch and flutter all in the same beat. Cheeks red, it was always hard to hide her feelings, but it didn’t matter either way. Mr. Shelby never really gave her a thought. He saw her, but she knew he just saw straight through her. She was nothing but the barmaid that worked for him. 
He would never see her in any light.
She was nothing but the daughter of a drunk and abusive man, who would never amount to anything. She would marry a poor man and have his poor children and forever stay poor. That was the life she was destined to and that is likely what Thomas saw when he looked at her. Y/n was not what he wanted in a woman if he wanted anything at all.
Y/n waited for the lights to go out beneath her door. Once the house was dark, she threw her covers off and quietly changed into a pair of trousers and a button-up shirt. She was tired of being home and, more importantly, tired of her father throwing her around. Her beatings had just gotten worse with each passing day. It seemed that her father liked that she had stepped out of line, it gave him a new toy to play with. She slipped on a pair of shoes and opened the window, careful to make sure it didn’t squeak. Climbing out the window, she landed on her feet and made her way to the road. 
It was a long walk back to Birmingham, but she could no longer live with the Devil.
Her feet ached the longer she walked, but there was no time for rest. One foot in front of the other was the only way she would make it to safety. Y/n knew that once her father learned of her departure, he would track her down because if she was gone, so was his money. So, ahead she went for that was the direction of the promised land. 
As she walked, all she could think about was what she was going to do once back in Birmingham. She knew that it was no longer safe to stay with her great aunt, meaning she had no home. Perhaps the bakery owner she worked for would allow her his couch for the night. His wife loved her and would probably allow it. She couldn’t keep the same jobs, though. Her father knew where she was employed and it would only be a matter of time before he would show up there looking for her. 
She would have nothing. No clothes but those on her back. No job. No house. No nothing. She was nothing but a street rat, how great. 
It was midafternoon by the time Y/n reached the outskirts of the city. Her stomach grumbled with each step down the cobblestone street. Her hair stuck to her sweaty neck and she was covered in dirt from the road. She looked like she belonged to the streets. Perhaps, she did now. 
Continuing down the street, her path came to an end at the steps of the Garrison. She knew it would be best to keep walking, refuge was somewhere, but not here. Yet, she couldn’t move. She wanted one drink. Just one drop of the drink that could make her feel less. Feel less of the blisters on her feet. Feel less of the bruises that covered her face. Feel less of her broken heart. 
With what little strength she had left, she opened the pub door and walked inside. No one noticed her arrival as everyone was too drunk to care. To them, she was just a man who had gotten off his shift at the coal factory, not some girl on the run from her father. Y/n went up to the bar, she noticed that the Shelby’s were occupying the private room at the moment.
“Harry,” Y/n said quietly, trying not to gain anyone’s attention.
The man turned, a towel and a glass in each hand. He raised a brow and looked her up and down. “Y/n? What are you doing wearing that?”
She sighed, “It’s a long story, believe me. Can I stay in the backroom for a while?”
He gave her a soft smile and nodded. “Would you like something to drink? On the house for you tonight.”
“I’ll take some whiskey.”
Before she could protest, Harry handed her a bottle. “You look like you need it, now go before Tommy sees you.”
“You won’t tell him, will you?” she asked, her eyes pleading with him to keep her secret. Her boss didn’t need to be aware that she had been beaten black and blue. It was no one’s business but her’s anyway.
“No, dear, now go.”
Y/n scurried off to the backroom, shutting the door behind her. Finally, alone, she let out a deep breath. 
Freedom at last. 
She never knew that freedom would be the back room of a pub in the middle of poverty, but did anyone know what freedom truly looked like. Y/n opened the bottle and drank down as much as she could manage. It felt good, the liquor burning her throat. It traveled through her veins, easing her pain. 
There was a large crate in the corner of the room that once held bottles of whiskey, now empty, Y/n decided to sit in it. Night was now upon her and there was nowhere else she could run. Might as well have her fun while she could. 
By the time her eyes closed, the bottle that Harry had given her was empty. Her lips were turned up in a smile. Freedom at last. 
Once everyone had left the pub, the Shelby brothers exited their private room. It was now quiet enough for them to have a conversation with Harry.
“How’d ya do tonight?” Arthur asked and finished off the last of his whiskey.
He shrugged, “Did alright, I suppose.”
Thomas nodded and pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket. He pulled one out and placed it between his lips. “Have you seen Y/n lately? She was supposed to work yesterday.”
Harry turned pale, he had seen her for sure, but he didn’t like what he’d seen. “No, no. Haven’t seen her.”
The man raised a brow and pulled out a box of matches and lite his cigarette. “I’m sure.” He turned to his brothers. “We need to go over the plan for tomorrow before any of us leave here tonight.”
“Ya, I guess,” Arthur mumbled, he just wanted to get some sleep. “We can discuss it over a bottle of well-aged whiskey. Just had some shipped in from Ireland, it’s in the back. Let me grab it.”
Harry couldn’t help but squeeze his eyes shut at what would be discovered. But he promised Y/n that not a word would come from him and he wanted to stay true to that. 
Arthur walked to the back room and stopped in the doorway. He wasn’t sure who was laying in the crate, but he knew no one should be. Without a word, he motioned for his brothers to come to his aid. Thomas and John came up behind him and peered over his shoulder and the figure that laid lifelessly in the whiskey crate. 
“It’s Y/n,” Harry said from behind them. Though he said he wouldn’t tell the brother’s anything, he knew that if he didn’t, they might shoot her. 
“What do you mean that’s Y/n?” Thomas asked, his eyes not leaving her exhausted body. 
Harry wrung his hands together, his nerves getting the better of him. “She came in a little bit ago, all black and blue and told me not to say anything. She looked like hell, but I gave her my word.”
He nodded, biting down on his cigarette. That was probably the reason she had missed her shift the day before. Thomas brushed past Arthur and walked up to the crate. Looking down, his heart ached at the bruise that took up Y/n’s cheek and the bags that were under her eyes. He didn’t know how it happened, but he knew it would never happen again. Scooping her in his arms, her bottle of whiskey clattered to the floor. “Let’s get her a proper bed.”
Y/n batted her eyes open, an unfamiliar ceiling staring down at her. Panic filled her chest, her breath coming in at ragged intervals. This was not where she was supposed to be. Not that she knew where she was supposed to be.
With a grunt, she pushed her body up, every muscle screamed for her to lie back down. Her body was exhausted, but her mind was racing a mile a minute, there was no way she was going to stay in bed. A cloudy mind, body riddled with exhaustion, Y/n imagined she was back home, in the small farmhouse that she had grown in. She had collapsed along the road and her father had picked her up, dragging her back to the hell she was trying to escape from. 
On weak knees, she threw her legs over the side of the bed and used the bedframe to push her up. The walkout of the small bedroom was a struggle, but once there, she knew that she definitely wasn’t home. Voices floated up from a flight of stairs and Y/n couldn’t help but follow them, her legs barely carried her down the stairs before she had to lean against the wall and catch her breath. 
“She’ll be alright, Tommy,” Polly’s voice reached Y/n ears. “Y/n’s strong and she just needs rest.”
“I know,” the man sighed.
Y/n reached the bottom of the stairs, her lungs screaming for air. It would have been a good idea to stay in bed, it was clear she needed to rest. But against her better judgment, she continued on her way and stopped at the entrance of a kitchen.
“Now, let’s not…” Polly dragged out as her eyes landed on Y/n in the doorway. She walked past her nephew and gently grabbed Y/n by the elbow. “You shouldn’t be out of bed, dear,” she led Y/n to a chair at the table. “Let me get you some tea.”
Thomas was leaning against the counter, arms folded across his chest. Polly set a cup of tea in front of the girl before she excused herself. There was obviously something going on that Y/n was unaware of.
“Nobody’s seen you in days, Y/n.” He knelt in front of her and cupped her bruised face in his hands. His thumb circled the large bruise that was forming, it would be ages before it went away. “Seeing you in that whiskey crate, you had me scared to death.”
Y/n shook her head, letting his hands fall. “No need to worry, Tommy. I’m fine and you’ve got more important things to worry about.”
Tommy shook his head, that was not true. It was hard for Y/n to see, she had too many things to worry about, but the young man could never stop thinking about her. Day and night, she was in his thoughts. There was nothing he could do to keep her from his dreams, but there was nothing he wanted to do either. 
“Y/n… Y/n, you’re the most important thing I have to worry about.”
That was not what she was expecting. 
Sure, Y/n had always wanted Tommy to confess his feelings for her, but she knew it was impossible. It was only ever a dream in the back of her mind. She knew it would never happen. But it looked like she was wrong.
“No, I’m not,” she brushed it aside. As much as she had wanted this, she knew he was just saying it. “You have your business and your family to worry about. I shouldn’t make the list of worries.”
He shook his head, standing up. That was not the reaction he was expecting. “Why do you have to go and make this difficult?” he asked her. “I am in love with you and have been since you walked into the Garrison, looking for a job.”
Jaw to the floor, this was too close to the confession she had pictured in her head. “I… I don’t know what to say.”
Tommy turned to the counter, bracing himself against its surface. “This is not how I wanted to tell you. All broken up because someone laid a finger on you,” he said more to himself than her. “Who did this to you, Y/n?”
Y/n shook her head, why was her life so screwed up? Why couldn’t she have a normal, happy family? Instead, she had a violent father, a blind mother, and dead brothers. Tommy turned back to her and stepped in front of her, his hand rubbing circles of his back. Before she knew it, Y/n was sobbing into his chest. “He’s never done this before,” her voice broke with every word. 
“Who, Y/n? Who?” his words were barely above a whisper.
She let out a sniffle. “My-my dad.”
Tommy instantly froze up. How could a father hurt his child like that? Granted, his own father was a piece of trash, fathers still should never lay a hand on their kids. “You’ll be alright, Y/n. I’ll make sure of it. That piece of shit will never touch you again.”
Taglist: @captivatedbycillianmurphy
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oikawaplssteponme · 4 years
𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒀𝒐𝒖: part 5
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“It’s always been you. Has it always been me?”
✨part 1
✨part 2
✨part 3
✨part 4
pairing: Tobio Kageyama x fem!reader
rating/warnings: [a few swear words but that should be it]
synopsis: You liked him. He liked you. Easy right? Well, maybe not as easy as you thought.
a/n: hiii 💓 sorry i didn’t post this part sooner, ive been busy with other such things :) this is chapters 9&10 and things will be getting interesting the next few parts after this 🤭 just a reminder that my requests/asks are open all the time and so is this taglist. just ask and ill add you :)) okay enjoy xx
Nine: all that matters
You felt as though someone had taken your heart, stepped on, and gave it back to you. You couldn’t think of any plausible reason why Koi would say that to you. This wasn’t the same Koi that always supported you. You knew that if you were in her place, you wouldn’t have said those things, even if you truly believed them.
“Don’t give me that face Y/N, it's just my opinion. See this is why I didn’t want to tell you. I knew you’d freak out,” Koi huffed.
“Well I’m obviously not gonna like hearing that you think that the guy I like doesn’t actually like me.”
“Hey now I never said that. All I said was that I think that I’m more his type than you. That's no reason to get pissy with me Y/N. The truth can hurt.” Koi crossed her arms and looked you dead in the eyes. You couldn’t tell whether you wanted to cry or scream.
“Hey ladies, get into first formation,” your coach interrupted. You took a deep breath and got into your spot.
Your practice felt like it lasted forever. You wanted nothing more than to just get as far away from Koi as possible. She acted as if nothing was wrong, continuing to joke with you all practice. You played along.
“See you tomorrow Y/N!” called Koi as she turned to walk home. You waved goodbye and began your trip home.
“Hey wait up!” you heard a voice say behind you. You turned to see a sweaty Kageyama running towards you. Your face instantly lit up. Once he got up to you, he gave you a tight hug.
“Oh my gosh you stink,” you joked. Kageyama released you from the hug.
“Oh sorry,” he blushed.
“It's okay,” you smiled at him, taking his hand as you walked home.
“How was practice?” you asked.
“It was good. We have a practice match tomorrow, you should come watch,” he said. You turned to him with the biggest smile.
“You want me to come watch you?”
“Yeah why wouldn’t I?” Kageyama squeezed your hand. You felt butterflies enter your stomach.
“Do you want to come inside to study?” you asked, pointing to your house.
“Yeah sure,” smiled Kageyama.
You walked up to your front door and went inside. Once again, your family wasn’t home yet. You led Kageyama up to your room and you set down your bags. He sat down on your bed and you made your way to your closet.
You were still in your sweaty practice clothes so you decided to change. You grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a clean t-shirt. Not thinking twice about Kageyama, you simply got changed. After you were dressed, you turned around to see a red faced Kageyama.
“What?” you asked. He caught his breath.
“Uh, nothing,” he said as he snapped back into reality. You chuckled and grabbed your school bag and went to sit next to him. He grabbed his bag as well. You pulled out your homework and began to complete it. Kageyama grumbled as he struggled through his english homework.
“Do you want help?” you asked. Kageyama looked at you and shook his head. He knew you had one of the best grades in class but he wanted to try to do it himself.
“Nope, I’m good,” he replied. You nodded and went back to your work.
You finished your homework in less than an hour. You repacked your school bag and set it on the floor. You moved to rest your head on Kageyama’s shoulder.
“Are you finished yet?” you pouted. He smiled.
“I can finish it later,” he said, putting away his things.
He wrapped his arm around you as you two laid back on your bed. Your head rested on his chest. You couldn’t help but feel so at peace whenever you were with him. Well, that peace was short lived when Koi’s words began to run through your mind again. You felt your gut clench.
“Do you have a type?” Kageyama gave you a funny look.
“What do you mean?” he asked. You sighed and sat up to face him.
“I guess what I’m asking is, am I your type?” You worried that Koi might be right. Kageyama tilted his head.
“Why does it matter? I like you,” He said taking your hand. He could tell something was wrong. You still felt uneasy.
“I don’t know. Someone said some stuff to me and it got me thinking. Well, overthinking actually,” you frowned. Kageyama pulled you towards him.
“I promise that whatever they told you isn’t true. You’re all that matters,” he said. Kageyama placed his hand on your cheek, moving his thumb back and forth. You smiled pulling him into a tight hug.
“I promise Y/N,” he whispered in your ear. His soft words sent a chill down your spine. You released him from the hug but pulled him into a kiss. He kissed you back sweetly, holding you close. Your arms wrapped around his neck while he held onto your hips.
“Hey Kags,” you stopped kissing him for a moment.
“Please make sure your phone is on silent.”
“I should go,” yawned Kageyama. You pouted as you checked the time. 10:23pm. No part of you wanted him to leave.
“I think you shouldn’t,” you smiled, gripping onto his arm. He laughed.
“Trust me I don’t want to but I was supposed to be home 20 minutes ago,” he replied. You sighed, letting go of his arm and sitting up.
“Is your practice match right after school?” you asked.
“Yeah. It's in the normal gym,” he said. You nodded. Kageyama grabbed his school bag and his other things. You two walked downstairs before reaching your front door.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” he smiled.
You knew you would but there was just something about seeing Kageyama leave that broke your heart. You didn’t think saying a simple goodbye would be so hard but it was. You became so attached to him and you weren’t even dating; technically at least.
“Okay,” you whispered. Your eyes felt glossy but you didn't know why. It just felt like each goodbye wouldn’t be followed with another hello.
“Hey I’m just a couple houses away, and I’ll be waiting for you tomorrow morning. Don’t be sad Y/N,” Kageyama set down his bag to pull you into a hug. You gripped onto his shirt.
“Okay,” you said faintly. You physically couldn’t say anymore because if you did you would just tell him to stay. Kageyama moved his hands to hold your face. He noticed the water forming in your eyes. You just smiled, shrugging your shoulders like it was no big deal. He kissed the top of your head before releasing his hands from your warm face. He picked up his things and opened the door.
“Goodnight Y/N.” He gave you one last kiss on the head.
“Goodnight Kags.”
Ten: girlfriend
You didn’t sleep that night. You couldn’t. You felt incomplete. You felt silly about how strong your feelings had gotten for Kageyama. How attached you had become to the short-tempered setter. Everytime you were with him, it just felt as if the world had stopped and it was only the two of you. You always worried about people leaving you. You knew that if Kageyama did, you would never recover. After what Koi had to say about him, you were doubtful over yourself. Thoughts like those are what kept you up at night.
When morning arose, you were more than excited to get your day started. You immediately got yourself cleaned up and changed in your uniform. Your coach had cancelled your practice today due to being sick so it was perfect that you could make it to Kageyama’s practice match. You even packed a bag of clothes to change into after school for the game. You grabbed your bags and went downstairs. You put on your coat and hat after grabbing something to eat. You put on your school bag and went outside.
He wasn’t there. You waited for about 5 minutes for Kageyama but he wasn’t there. You felt your heart sink. Was there a chance that he forgot? He wouldn’t forget, he promised. You knew that if you waited any longer you would be late, so you decided to start walking. You walked by yourself for some time, looking back every so often to hopefully see Kageyama. You had been walking for almost 5 minutes before hearing fast footsteps behind you.
“Y/N!” You turned to see a sprinting Kageyama. You let out a sigh of relief.
“I thought you forgot about me,” you said once he finally caught up to you. He tried to catch his breath.
“No, no I would never. I left my volleyball bag at my house so I had to go back and get it. Then I noticed that the lights in your house were all turned off so I assumed you had already left,” Kageyama explained, “I’m sorry if I scared you.” You turned to him and kissed his cheek.
“No worries Kags.” He took your hand and you walked the rest of the way to school.
The school day was long. You were so eager to watch Kageyama’s game that time seemed to never pass. You would check the clock constantly but of course nothing would change.
Finally when the bell rang signaling the end of the day, you sprung up from your seat rushing to your locker to grab your change of clothes.
“Y/N!” a familiar voice called. Your heart sang seeing it was none other than Kageyama.
“ Hi Kags,” you smiled.
“Put this on.” He handed you a black hoodie. Your eyes grew. You took the hoodie with joy. Before you could say anything, he was running to the gym.
“I’ll see you at the game!” his voice trailed off as he continued to run off. Your face was hot and tense from how hard you were smiling. You grabbed your bag and headed to the locker room.
You happily changed into a pair of leggings, a strappy tank top, and Kageyama’s hoodie. The hoodie was soft and it smelled like a mix of pine and vanilla, just how Kageyama often did. You were just about to leave the locker room when someone walked in.
“Oh hi Y/N, what are you doing?” asked Koi.
“I’m gonna go watch the boys volleyball practice game,” you said, without even thinking twice about it.
“Oh that sounds fun! Mind if I join?” Koi asked. You tensed up. You couldn’t say no without sounding mean but you also were still mad at Koi for those things she said the other day.
“Are you sure? It's just a practice match, it's probably gonna be really boring,” you said, trying to come up with anything that could convince her not to come.
“Yeah, we can cheer on Kags together,” smiled Koi. Your heart stopped. Did she just call him…
“Uh sure, then let's go,” you said.
The pit in your stomach only grew as you walked closer to the gym with Koi. Once you got inside, Kageyama spotted you right away. He ran towards you and wrapped his arm around you, not even acknowledging Koi.
“You look cute. Where is that hoodie from?” joked Kageyama. You smiled, giving him a nudge.
“Very funny. Uh Kags, you know Koi?” you gestured towards your friend who seemed to be annoyed by the lack of attention she was getting.
“Uh yeah I think so,” he said, looking at Koi. Koi gave him a big smile.
“Hi Kags. Good luck today,” smiled Koi. Did she just say it again?
“Oh uh thank you,” Kageyama turned to look at you, “I’ll see you after the game okay?”
“Oh, yeah. Good luck,” you replied. He gave you a hug before running back to his team.
You and Koi sat on the floor of the upper level of the gym. You dangled your feet over the edge and rested your arms on the railing that kept you from falling.
“So you and Kags huh?” said Koi suddenly. You turned to face her.
“Uh yeah, what about us?”
“Oh nothing,” she said, “just thinking out loud.”
“Right,” you sighed. You didn’t have the energy to ask her about it more. Whatever she had to say you knew it wouldn’t be good.
The practice game was against Nekoma High School. You had heard of them before due to their reputation around Karasuno. They seemed to be a very well rounded team.
The first set was tight but Nekoma took it. Kageyama seemed flustered with himself. He was off today and couldn’t understand why.
“Shake it off, get this next set,” you cheered. Kageyama didn’t look at you as he normally did when you cheered. You couldn’t blame him though, you knew how seriously he took volleyball, practice game or not.
“What’s with Tobio?” Koi asked. You shook your head.
“I’m not sure,” you replied.
“Maybe something is making him nervous,” she said. You turned to look at her, seeing the sly smile appear on her face as she looked down at Kageyama. You looked at Koi, then at Kageyama, and back at Koi. I know damn well she doesn’t actually think she is making Kageyama nervous. He never gets nervous.
“Maybe,” you sighed.
“Get this point Kageyama!” yelled Daichi. It was the second set and Nekoma was at set point. Kageyama was up to serve. You watched intently as he spun the ball in his hands.
“Let’s go Kags!” shouted Koi. You rolled your eyes without even thinking. Kageyama jumped and looked up to the two of you. He didn’t really make a face, he just looked at Koi, then at you, and back down to the ball.
The whistle blew and Kageyama tossed the ball up for his jump serve. The toss was off, causing him to hit the ball straight rather than with a downward spin.
“Oh god…” you mumbled to yourself as you watched the ball travel much farther than suitable.
“Out!” yelled the Nekoma libero. He let the ball drop. From where you were seated, you couldn’t really see whether or not the ball was in. The whistle blew and you looked to the ref, seeing him give the point to Nekoma.
“Well that was a shit game,” said Koi as she got up from the floor.
“They tried their best.”
The two of you went downstairs and waited outside the gym as the boys had their meeting. You sat on the ground and Koi sat on the bench. You watched as the boys slowly started to trail out of the gym one by one. Kageyama was the last one out. His head hung low but he made his way over to you.
“Hey,” he said softly. You got up to face him.
“Hey you played well, okay?” You gently moved some of his hair from his face to see his sweet eyes.
“You’ll get them next time Kags,” chimed in Koi. Kageyama brought his head up.
“It’s Kageyama, please.” He said plainly. Koi’s eyes widened and so did yours.
“Oh yeah sorry.” She said. You looked at Kageyama.
“Did you want to head over to my house? We can grab some boba on the way,” You asked. He nodded, taking your hand.
“Great let’s go, I’m starving.” said Koi, moving to stand next to Kageyama.
“Oh uh Koi I think-“ you began.
“Koi, I was hoping to spend some time with my girlfriend...alone. If that’s okay with you,” interrupted Kageyama. Your heart stopped. Girlfriend? Koi huffed.
“Yup totally fine. I’ll see you two later.” Koi rolled her eyes and left without saying another word. You looked at Kageyama with wide eyes.
“Girlfriend?” His face turned a bright red.
“Oh uh yeah I’ve been meaning to ask you. Sorry, I just said it without thinking.” He rubbed the back of his head nervously. You smiled.
“I was starting to think you were never gonna ask,” you said with a smile. Kageyama smiled back at you and you started to head to your house.
[taglist OPEN: @vangoghpoets @vangoghmusings @lilnuances @jennasquishy8 @ladybird-00 @moonlightsof @maii-thirsts @tamaguchi (the tags were acting funny so I hope I got the right usernames, if not and you wouldn’t like to be part of the taglist lmk!)]
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taesbetch · 5 years
01 | Creatures Of The Night
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Smut: Vampire!AU
Summary: Creatures of the night, Soul mates, a war between species. You had thought all these things were nothing but folktales. But as the world hidden in plain sight crashes into your day to day life you struggle to keep up. Going from being hunted to the leader of a vampire groups mate, your world is turned upside down and the fight to survive is on. 
Word Count: 3.8k
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The sun shone directly in your eyes as you watched you family drive off into the distance. Though the heat lay a blanket of warmth around your skin your heartfelt cold as you relived your mothers final words.
"Try not to call us"
Wow. How absolutely fantastic. Standing outside of your home you sighed. You had 10 days to find a new place and figure out how to survive on your own. Your so-called parental protector had found a new boyfriend, one who had flipped your world upside down. Letting out a noise of frustration you dragged your feet back into your now-empty home. Deciding on a nap.
The same feeling as the one prior seeped in as you sat in your classroom, the sun blaring through the glass window. You looked towards the clock, trying to think of an idea but nothing particular came to mind. Watching it tick by slowly you remembered that your mum's boyfriend buried around 20,000 dollars in the forest for the so-called apocalypse. Smiling softly you felt a weight lift off your shoulders, there's no way they remembered to dig it up. It had to still be there. Zoning back into reality your ears adjusted to the girl in front of you, her eyes fixed on you.
"Hey did you hear me!" the girl said snapping in front of your face. 
"Sorry, i missed it” you stated, pushing your current issue to the back of your mind.
"They said to stay clear of the forest, 4 girls dead, they say by a mountain lion due to the bite marks but I find that incredibly weird considering we don't get mountain lions, Reya what do you think?" the girl asked Reya who was staring out the window obviously not paying attention as well. 
You’ve known Reya since before you could even remember. Though the two of you were best friends, Reyes mind was always a hard one too read and it often felt like the gurl held multiple secrets. 
"I think that it's the mountain lions," she said turning towards us. Your heart skipped a beat as her eyes bored into your soul almost as if your thoughts had been spoken out loud.  "So don't go into the forest," she said sternly as the bell rang.
As the class got up packing up with the rest of the class, you continued to look at Reya in shock as her eyes kept burning into yours. Can she read minds?
"Maybe" she said getting up with a shrug. You almost gasped as your eyes followed her movements. 
"Sorry what??" you asked getting up too. You pushed past people in order to catch up with Reya. Just as you both exited the classroom she answered. 
 "I said maybe, as in maybe its mountain lions, no one can be sure though," she said smiling widely before leaving the classroom.
Quickly making your way home you looked up to the sky noticing how quickly the sun was setting. It is winter...You picked up your pace knowing you wouldn't have a lot of time to find the money.  lion smion, there's nothing out there...but still you wanted to be cautious. 
After gathering your things and changing your clothes you quickly walked towards the entrance of the forest. The travel seemed like a lifetime even though it was only located 15 minutes from your house. 
As you got there you looked up at the trees and back towards the city.  You always found it strange how there was just the city and then bam a forest but You’ve never questioned it, and to be honest, no one has needed to. Taking a deep breath you looked at the shovel you stole from your next-door neighbour and began your search. 
remembering that he has said be buried it near a large tree with a knifed X into it. 
As you kept walking the sky started getting darker and the air was getting cooler. The trees seemed to glimmer underneath the moon but there was something spooky about this forest. Before you could take another step you heard rustling in the distance. Crap. You probably should’ve left a lot earlier. 
Your head snapped into the direction of the noise. Was that the mountain lion? Your eyes scanned the empty area as your heartbeat sped up."Hello," you called but it came out more like a terrified wheeze.
 "Well, what do we have here?" 
Once again your head snapped into the direction of the noise. shocked that it was a voice and not a growl.  Your hand came up to your heart, almost like an instinct. As your eyes adjusted your body almost feinted from the amount of work it was doing. With your heartbeat finally leaving your ears your eyes managed to make out a figure in the dark. You could see it was a man and you could make out some of his features but not all of them.
"Oh. Hi you scared me" you said sighing in relief, 
"Oh sweetie he hasn't scared you just yet," another male said gasping once again you turned. this man was a little closer than the other one and you perfectly make out his outfit but as he stood in front of the moon his face was a little hidden. 
"Mmmmmm type O jungkook's favourite. Maybe we should bring her back to him?" another said popping out from the right. Three males. in the middle of the forest. in the middle of the night. You froze as your heart dropped the feeling of unsettlement kicking in. 
"Guys....can you smell that? What rank is it? An ultimate?" another one said as his head turned in different directions. "fuck. We should go" the first one said angrily as they all sighed in frustration.
"I thought they were extinct what the hell," another one said before turning around and disappearing in the shadows. You watched in relief as they all disappeared except one. 
"we'll see you again human" he winked at me before disappearing with the rest of his group.
You blinked a couple of times, your body frozen in place as the wind began blowing harsher against your skin.  What just happened?
"Oi you idiot"
You turned around, this time without fear as the familiar voice interrupted you.  Reya. standing there with her arms crossed angrily she walked forward as your eyes connected. Were people just out in the forest constantly? Is there an event you didn't know about?
"I said not to go into the forest," she said grabbing my arm angrily. “Is this for your mum's boyfriends money? Gosh. is it really worth it ?” she said as she started dragging you back in the direction you came.
I pulled my arm away from hers and stood my ground as she looked at me confused "...They left" you blurted. 
“what do you mean they left?” She asked, her eyes softening. You sighed, a cloud exiting your mouth as the cool air had suddenly become colder.
“Mum. She left with that bitch of a boyfriend. I said i wanted to finish high school here so left. And gave me nothing. I’m losing the house in 10 days Reya. I didn't know what else to do...” You explained. 
Reya stood quietly. she looked at the ground before placing her hands on her hips. 
“so instead of coming to me, you decide the best idea is too rummage through the forest at night?” She asked, her tone soft yet intense. 
“well...I know...We’ve been friends for the longest time, but I’ve never been to your house. I haven't met your mum i jus...I didn't want to intrude. You clearly have stuff going on in your private home life Reya.” You said. 
Reya bite her lip before hugging you tightly. 
“You idiot. I know i have a lot going on. and honestly, I'm sorry that i haven't invited you into this part of my life before its just that its-...well a lot. But my home is ALWAYS open to you y/n. Your my best friend for god's sake” She exclaimed. as she released you from her grip she grabs your hand. 
“You're coming to live with me. You can’t say no” She smiled. 
“Only if your sure...because I’m going to feel hella bad if I’m an inconvenience to you...Do you have room for me?” You asked, your free hand coming to the back of your neck nervously. 
Renya let out a small laugh as she looked at you excitedly. 
“Trust me. We have room.” 
Standing in front of a beautiful mansion, your jaw hit the ground. the driveway was lined with small trees guiding the way to the beautiful house. The wood coloured panels and sleek black colour scheme had you drooling a little bit. 
“Yeah, You definitely have room” You whispered, still in shock. 
Walking in the house you gawked at the interior the living room area that connected to the kitchen was gorgeous, to the left a glass wall let you see out to the city. You didn't even realise the house sat above the city until now. 
 "Remee are you rich?" You asked her, still in awe at her big ass place. 
"I guess you could say that. Follow me ill show you to your room!" she said running up these beautiful gold plated stairs. 
"Is this why no one has ever come to your house? Cause you're worried they'll steal something?" you asked following her through the second floor.
She laughed as she opened up a door to a room. 
 "no, I'm not that paranoid. Here's your room. We’ll grab your stuff tomorrow but it's currently 11pm and we’ve got school tomorrow” She said the pain in her eyes when the word school came up very evident. 
“Yikes did you say 11pm?” You asked in shock. The time had really slipped by. 
“I know, kinda crazy. I'll give you a tour of the place tomorrow! The bathroom is through that door there and don't worry ill come get you in the morning. Just rest up and don't worry about your living situation any more. I've got you.” Reya smiled. 
“Thank you...really” You stated. 
as Reya left your new room with a goodbye you took a deep breath. Looking around at your beige and white schemed room you smiled softly. 
You could get used to this. 
However, as you let yourself drift to sleep. Red eyes stared from a tree in the distance and a target had been unknowingly placed on your back. 
Sis, Wake up!”
 You fluttered your eyes open slowly, bright light started invading them causing me to squint. “10 more minutes” you groan as you rolled back under the silky sheets.
“I've been trying to wake you up forever. It's like you were dead!”  Renya said hitting me with pillows.
 “Remee please don’t make me get up, this has been the best sleep of my life” You whined as you tried to fall back into my peaceful slumber. Reya chucked a uniform on the bed hitting you one last time. 
“Well, you can have another great nights sleep when we come back after school. Sis, please don't make me try and convince you to go. I already wanna ditch,” she said happily. 
“ugh, We have to go...” You replied as you attempted to move your body. Keyword...attempting. 
“Now get up you lazy bum! We have to go to school!” she said before exiting my room. You groaned before throwing the sheets off your body, staring at the ceiling. Hearing birds chirp you let yourself have another minute before you threw yourself out of bed. 
The class was rioting as the day had just begun. The teacher hadn't arrived to class yet so as the paper was being tossed around and gossip was being spread you took the opportunity too  Finally, the doors handle starts to riggle, The classic old door playing up again. But just by the wiggle, the class knew who it was. 
Everything seemed to stop before everyone rushed towards their seats picking up any rubbish that was in the way and throwing it in the bin, Reya, who was on the other side of the class started jumping over desks just to get to her seat in time. Just as everyone was seated and was acting ‘normal’ the door slide open.
“Class A year 12. You have new students.” She said before entering in, as she walked in the faces coming in behind her looked so familiar it was scary, the seven boys standing in front of the class were so good looking some girls were actually drooling. One of the boys caught my eye, his dark hair and emo aura intrigued you, he caught me staring and smirked before looking next to me to Renya. blushing hardcore you ignored the tense state of your friend. 
As they introduced themselves you watched as Reya nervously played with her fingers, you creased my brows in confusion as she looked at you. Something was clearly bothering her. She tried to smile at you in reassurance but it didn’t work out very well.
“Class would someone please show the boys around before chapel starts,” miss asked, as soon as she said that all the girls in the class shot their hands up except you and Reya. You tried your best to read her but it wasn't working very well. 
“We want her to,” 
Jin, the boy who looked like the oldest one pointed at you. Shouldn't they be in different year levels?
Everyone’s eyes clicked to me, some girls glared at the back of your head as you slowly got up. “Follow me,” You said softly ignoring how all seven boys stared at you as if you were prey. 
walking through the hallways you could hear the boys whispering behind you. The hair stood up on the back of your neck as you pointed to different rooms. explaining what the are. 
 “and this is the spare classroom, we mostly use in for dance class as there aren’t any desks here, and the walls are soundproof,” You explained opening the door and letting them look in.
 “Can you take us inside?” jimin asked as the started to block your exit. “Yer I guess I can,” you said as your heart started beating faster. 
Leading them, you walked them in. 
“so yer it’s a pretty decent roo-“ You started but as soon as you heard the slam of the door closing and the click of the lock, you whipped around faster than you could say ‘what the fuck’. 
The boys all started spreading around the room except Jin who stood at the door with a big as the smirk on his face.
 “Erm…is something wrong?” you asked gulping the saliva that was gathering in your mouth out of nervousness.
“Mmmmmm yes something is a very wrong young one,” Namjoon said as he rested his body against the wall sighing “see, you saw some of us in the forest last night, remember that?” Yoongi asked as he gave a faint smirk.
“Oh…that was you guys? Why were you in the forest? And why is it a problem that I saw you?” you asked in confusion, why are they making such a big deal out of it.
“mmmmmm, maybe she didn’t…’see’ us” taehyung said putting focus on the word see as he scratched his head and looked off into the distance
 “doesn’t matter…I’m hungry,” jungkook said as he stepped closer and closer towards you.
your heart skipped a beat as his piercing gaze looked straight into my soul. A smirk came onto his face before he closed his eyes and took a whiff. 
“My favourite,” he said before opening his eyes, the red of his eyes matched the colour of deep blood. As he smiled at you two fangs diverted your eyes to them causing you to freeze momentarily. 
Gasping you backed up against a wall, He laughed at my obvious fear as the rest of them smirked waiting for the scene to unfold. 
“Do you know what we are?” he asked the word right on the tip of my tongue.
“Y-y-you’re a-a vampire” you whimpered as you clutched the edge of my shirt. 
“See guys! now she knows about us! do you know what happens to humans that find out about us?” he smirked coming closer to you. 
 “I don’t really wanna know to be honest” you whimpered again, looking around for some sort of exit but there was no point, his ‘posse’ had the place surrounded. 
“It doesn’t matter anyway, you’re about to find out” he smirked, opening his mouth wider as his hand held my neck tightly. breathing in you were ready to let out a scream but the front door was pulled open.
Everyone stopped, jungkook’s fangs and eyes disappeared as Reya stood at the doorway. you had never been more grateful to see her in your life than at this moment right now.
 “There you are, why are you guys in here? Shouldn’t your tour be done?” Reya asked, the door still wide open, wasn’t that locked?
You shuffled your feet to move out but jungkook who was in front of you, growled softly under his breath. 
“Y/N, let’s go,” Reya said motioning out the door quickly.
 “What about us? You can’t just leave us alone” taehyung pouted as he swiftly grabbed her hand. Your heart skipped a beat for a second, we need to both get the fuck out of here.
“You’re old enough, I’m sure you can find your way,” she said coldly as she snatched her hand back from his grip. 
“If you want your friend you’re going to have to come in and get her” jungkook said as he gripped my arm tightly pulling me into his rock hard body.
Trying to communicate with her through your eyes you watched in fear as she rolled her eyes her temper clearly boiling.
 “Well?” taehyung asked as everyone looked on. ,s if what was happening was a game. Reya took a breath before walking in straight towards where you were.
Taehyung smiled and slammed the door shut as some of the boys started laughing.
 “not a smart move” jungkook chuckled before his fangs reappeared.
Waiting for an ear-piercing screech you watch on worriedly but your eyes narrowed at the relaxed girl. 
 I started struggling against his grip as Reya walked closer.
“I only like saying things once, so listen closely. You WILL leave her alone, I’ll let you roam around, but if I see one bite mark on her unscarred skin, or one student in this god damn school dead, I will kill you, now let her go” Reya stated, authority laced in her voice.
Jungkook and his companions laughed as he brought you in front of him, holding you still with one arm and removing your hair in front of your neck with the other.
“And what are you, a low power witch, going to do to stop me” he smirked as he brought his fangs closer to my neck.
Tears strolled down my face as you prepared yourself for the pain...
“Remember what I told you,” she said staring him down.
Before his teeth could puncture your neck, his hands dropped from your body and went straight to his head, he screamed loudly, dropping towards the floor. Jin and Suga ran straight too him. Looking at him confused.
“I wouldn’t exactly call me, low rated,” she said grabbing your arm and pulling you towards her. Confused, you continued to stare at the group of vampires. 
“Remee, stop please” you whispered tugging on her sleeve, looking down at the pained boy. She glanced at you confused before stopping whatever she was doing.
As jungkook regained himself he glared up at the two of you. scooting a little closer to Remee you tried not to be as scared as they all circled us shooting daggers into our backs.
“so what are you, middle rate? You don’t smell like an ultimate witch” rap monster asked as he examined her. 
“I don’t know, are you willing to find out,” she said glaring at all of them. the tension could be cut with a knife. Your friend was so confident and so unfazed by the blood-sucking boys. 
“Now let us go,” she said turning to jimin who was blocking up from the door. When jimin didn’t move she sighed and with a flick of her hand jimin was flung across the room. As he groaned you watched as some of the boys moved away from Reya. 
“One time everybody, one time,” she said as she led you out of the room.
As Remee dragged you down the corridors you head was spun. The situation not settling well with you. 
 “Remee, what the fuck just happened, their…and you’re…and what the hell!?” I exclaimed clutching my head with my free hand. 
“I’ll explain once we get back to my house,” she said as we exiting school “were ditching?” you asked, Your brain lowkey breaking down at the knowledge that these mythical creatures were real. 
“Yer well I think this situation calls for ditching ya know?” she said as the two of you left school. You tightened your grip on your friend's hand as you knew without her guidance your body wouldn't know how to act. The memory of those red eyes and white fangs burned in your brain as you walked...
What now? Are they going to be after you? 
You looked at Reya who still looked calm and composed and something about it calmed you down. 
You would be okay...hopefully. 
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