#jungkook soul mate
jimin-my-sunshine · 7 days
"I can’t consider him my twin flame, I don’t know him and he doesn’t know me. Even if our “souls” know each other it just doesn’t seem realistic."
Quoting some of my last 'ask' here, because it saddens me how people don't even bother to give their connections a chance.
If your souls know each other, than you know him well enough and I'm sorry that you need to feel the need to question not only yourself, but also Jungkook.
This person obviously isn't his twin, because there's only three of us- but he is definitely a soul mate by the sounds of it and it makes me sad when I hear of how people just close themselves right off and don't even give these connections a chance to thrive.
Why does it seem unrealistic to you? Because he's 'famous'?
That's your biggest mistake right there, because you clearly can't see him separate from his job. Being a kpop idol isn't who Jeon Jungkook is. It's definitely a part of him, but it's not who he is.
You're also seeming to be ignoring the connection he has with Jimin- when they have made it very abundantly obvious that they are twin flames. You didn't mention how he has more than one ~
"I can't call myself his twin flame."
In order to even stand a chance of being a part of Jungkook's life, you need to realize how much Jimin will be around and you need acknowledge their several different relationships that they have with each other.
"You are me and I am you" - Their motto is literally what a twin flame is.
It's more than just being a part of his life in a physical sense, because having a soul connection means so much more than that and after almost a decade of being close to my other halves- I can say that you feel it mentally, emotionally, physically AND spiritually.
You won't find out any of this though, because you won't allow yourself to believe that you have a real connection with this man.
It's sad really, because this person sounds like they're actually a soul mate of his- but they're approaching it in the wrong way and they are allowing their ego to get in the way and force them to think logically.
Logic doesn't exist when it comes to twin flames or soul mates lol and letting go of logic doesn't mean you let go of 'reality'- it means you allow your intuition to guide you, along with your heart. Eventually your mind will come into sync with everything over due time.
If you manage to see this post of mine, I really hope that you change your mind about your connection with him, because soul connections are in our lives for a reason and after almost a decade of following my own- I can tell you that they not only transform you, but they help you grow into a much better version of yourself.
Please, learn to love yourself a little more, so that you can choose to go on this journey with Jungkook ~
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hellbornsworld · 5 months
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🪩 Miracle Of The Season | Angel Jungkook x Fallen Angel F!Reader | OneShot | @cybrsan
🪩 There’s Only Me When There’s You | Jungkook x Reader | OneShot | @koostattoos
🪩 PRINCESS TREATMENT | JK X Reader | Series | @2hightocare
🪩 best friends..? | best friend!Jungkook x fem!reader | Series | @just4koo
🪩 Home for the Holidays | jungkook x f. reader | OneShot | @jjungkookislife
🪩 Closer To You | Rich, spoilt brat!Jeongguk X Doctor! Reader | OneShot | @back2bluesidex
🪩 First type of Soul Mate: The Soul Crossing Mate | Prince!Jungkook X Reader | @beautifulfuckup99
🪩 What he wants, he gets | Jeon Jungkook x Reader (idol au) | OneShot | @wildestdreamsblog
🪩 Debut | sunbaenim!JK X Reader | OneShot | @yankpop
🪩 Cruel Beast | idol yandere Jungkook x Idol Y/n | OneShot | @kangmoon27
🪩 PREDESTINED | Mortal/commer jk x goddess reader | OneShot | @keen-li
🪩 DEATH | Yandere! Dark! Android! Jeon Jungkook x Widower! Fem! Reader | @pynkgothicka
🪩 Daddy Daycare | Technician! Jungkook x Teacher's Assistant! Reader | Series | @bunnyhugs77
🪩 Yours Truly | popular jungkook x tsundere f reader | @solemnreads
🪩 Cherry Flavored | Biker!JK X Reader | OneShot | @jungkookstatts
🪩 Oath | JK X Reader | Mafia AU | Series | @bangtan-yeonghon
🪩 too young | single dad!jungkook X Reader | series | @jeonggukookies
🪩 How to Get Rid of Your Virginity | badboy!jungkook x theaternerd!reader | OneShot | @strvngeweather
🪩 Mr. Take Your Bitch | Idol!JK X Reader | OneShot | @bunnyhugs77
🪩 Focused on her | aged jungkook X Reader | OneShot | @000jeon
🪩 sorry (not sorry) | JK X Reader | OneShot | @angelguk
🪩 ALL AT ONCE | unhinged jungkook X shy oc | Series | @muniimyg
🪩 Valentine Vixen | Stripper! Reader x Rich! Jungkook | OneShot | @bunnyhugs77
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runariya · 11 days
Merman JK who placed a courting offer on a rock for a potential mate and human reader takes it. She also goes willingly to the mating cove not knowing JK prepared it for their mating. JK's yandere show at the end when the reader tries to leave him after 🤫
Note: JK wasn't really yandere for reader unti the end. He really just want a mate but because reader took his courting offer, she's it for him.
Thank u soo much for accepting reqs! And u write so fast how do u do that? Your writing is also marvelous!
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(yandere+fantasy+smut) part of the prompt game pairing: merman!Jungkook x human!female reader genre: fantasy!AU, S2"L", yandere, merman!AU, dark romance warnings: oblivious reader, fluff, language barrier (merman-language is italic and blue), smut, a little bit of fingering, big cock JK similar to the shape of a whale idk man..., unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, panic, realisation, yandere, lmk if I forgot smth (still hate writing warnings) word count: 3.375
a/n: aaaah thanks a lot for your lovely words anony! I hope it turned out just as you imagined it 💕
The ocean is beautiful. 
You remember a film once, where the male lead whispered that the moon is beautiful as a stand-in for "I love you," but for you, it's always been the ocean. The sea is your love. The scent of briny air, the soothing rhythm of waves unfurling endlessly against the shore, the gentle nibbling of curious fish as they dart around you in the cool, embracing water—all of it anchors you, providing solace in moments of sadness or joy alike. It's what love feels like, or at least what love should feel like, wrapping itself around your soul, calming yet oh so profound.
You always marvel at the depths of the sea that stretch out before you, boundless and mysterious, and yet infinitely captivating. Sometimes, in those quiet moments when the world recedes and you find yourself alone, you long not just to stand as an admirer of its splendour, but to be one with this vast and enigmatic force of nature. 
And so, as you walk along the shoreline, as you do almost every day, your bare feet sinking into the warmth of the sand, you're taken aback when you stumble upon a bracelet resting on the stone where you so often sit to gaze at the waves. It appears pristine, otherworldly, with pearls and shells glistening in violet hues beneath the afternoon sun, a beauty far too rare to be discarded by chance on a lonely shore like this.
Your fingers trace its entchanting form, marvelling at the craftsmanship—the smoothness, the intricacy, though curiously lacking any engraving. You glance around, noting the empty expanse of the beach, and let your eyes wander across the vast waters; there is no one else here. The bracelet appears to be yours now by some strange serendipity, still, you hesitate for a moment, torn between leaving it behind and taking it with you, a part of you reluctant at the thought of it being swept away by the tide or snatched by a passing gull. In the end, you slip it over your wrist. But it doesn’t fit—too loose, and as you allow your hand to tilt, it falls away.
You frown, perhaps the universe is nudging you to let it go. But then, as you glance at the bracelet, now nestled near your foot, it occurs to you that perhaps it's meant to be worn as an anklet instead. That makes sense, and so, convinced by this thought, you sit down upon your stone and fasten the jewellery around your ankle. It fits perfectly now, shimmering with a quiet elegance in the sunlight. And as you lean back, stretching your arms behind you, allowing the coolness of the water to caress the tips of your toes, you know that it is, without a doubt, a beautiful day, and this small discovery seems to elevate it to something extraordinary.
It’s not long after when, suddenly, something stirs the stillness of the moment. You sit up straight, eyes wide, as not far from you, without so much as a splash or ripple, a human head breaks the surface of the water. Instinctively, you pull your feet close, nerves bristling slightly from the scare. “C-can I help you?”
But the man remains silent, drifting in the water, and as you squint against the sunlight to study him more closely, you spot what seem to be scales glistening on the back of his neck. Your mouth falls open in an instant—this can't be real. Yet here he is, a creature from tales of mermaids and mermen you once dismissed as fanciful myths. And here you are, unable to tear your gaze from his face, dark wet hair framing features both familiar and otherworldly, his violet-tinted eyes locking onto yours that sends a strange thrill through your veins. His smile, too, is not quite human but not wholly alien either, a delicate balance of sharpness and charm you think. 
“Wow,” you breathe, unable to conceal your awe, the astonishment spreading across your face in a grin of its own. He moves then, slowly, swimming a little farther away, and you feel a pang of disappointment, a pout forming unbidden on your lips. But just as quickly, he beckons you to follow, his gesture smooth and inviting as he stays near the shore.
Without a second thought, excitement bubbles up within you and you spring to your feet, hastily dusting the sand from your dress as you jog alongside him, eyes transfixed by the way his body moves through the water with such fluid grace. His tail—large, powerful—propels him effortlessly, and you're left torn between admiring his handsome face and the hypnotic sway of his tail. He makes it look so easy, this gliding through water, while you're struggling to keep pace, panting and stumbling to catch up with him. 
Soon, you find yourself before the entrance of a vast cave, its shadowy maw framed by a path of few smooth, small stones that allows you to cross where he has already vanished beneath the surface. Nothing would have prepared you of what you’re met inside. The cave is nothing short of paradise—sunbeams slanting through narrow crevices, casting a thousand reflections on the water’s surface, turning the space into a living kaleidoscope, while droplets of condensation plop gently from the stone ceiling, adding their own melody to the serene ambiance.
The merman is there, resting near a platform, still smiling that beguiling smile, making you approach slowly, leaving a respectful distance between you as you settle yourself against the cool stone wall. “It’s so beautiful,” you whisper, your voice hushed in the face of such breathtaking beauty.
He regards you warmly, then speaks in a language that dances on your ears like music, though you can’t understand it. Still, there’s an unmistakable sense of warmth in his tone. “I hoped you would accept my courting offer.”
You smile, pointing to yourself. “I’m ___,” you say simply, hoping the meaning translates through gesture. 
He nods, understanding the basics of this exchange, replying, “Mate.”
Thinking he’s simply stating that you’re human, you enthusiastically reply, “Yes! ___ mate. And you?” You point towards him right after.
His expression brightens once more. “Jungkook mate,” he responds, nodding firmly. 
It takes you a moment, puzzling over his words, and then the realisation dawns on you—he doesn’t mean ‘human’. He means ‘friend’. Of course! A wave of happiness washes over you at this revelation, more than happy to be friends with him. “Yes! ___ mate, Jungkook mate,” you repeat, beaming.
His eyes glisten even more at your response, and you can’t help but smile back, the sheer magnetism of his presence holding you in its thrall. It’s as if he’s cast a spell over you, drawing you into his world, his realm. But the moment is soon broken by the buzz of your phone, vibrating in the pocket of your dress, reminding you of your upcoming dentist appointment. Regretfully, you rise to your feet, an apologetic smile on your lips as you back towards the cave’s entrance.
Jungkook looks visibly disappointed, or so you think, as his brows are furrowing ever so slightly, though his expression is still one you're learning to decipher. 
“I have to go,” you say softly, “but I promise I’ll be back tomorrow.” You gesture as you speak, hoping he might understand. “___ mate, Jungkook mate. Tomorrow, sun down, sun up, I here.” You gesture dramatically to emphasise your words, and to your relief, his features soften, his nod of understanding clear.
With one last glance at him, you turn and make your way back out into the light, already counting down the hours until you return.
And so, seven days drift by, each one seeing you return to the cave, where Jungkook awaits with that silent patience of his, the two of you growing ever closer, your understanding of him deepening with each shared glance, each exchange of words. With every moment together, the awkwardness ebbs away, replaced by a gentle ease, as if you’re learning to interpret the language of his quiet gestures, his lilting voice that carries meanings beyond the reach of words.
It’s on the eighth day, after you’ve spent enough time together to almost convince yourself that you can read the currents of his mind, that something shifts between you. The anklet around your ankle, the one you now realise must have been crafted by Jungkook’s own hands, seems to have inspired you to gift him something as well.
“Kook?” you call softly as you step into the cool shade of the cave once more, a bracelet for Jungkook clutched in your palm, something you’ve carefully chosen, a small token of gratitude for all he has given you. You shouldn’t have called out, though, for there he is, as always, waiting by the platform, his strong arms draped languidly over the stone, his face splitting into a wide smile the moment he sees you.
“Mate!” he calls in return, the word making your heart twist in a way you shouldn’t feel. He means friend—but the taste of it is bittersweet now, the small seed of longing inside you growing with each encounter, but you push it aside.
“I’ve got something for you,” you announce quietly, lowering yourself to sit before him, close enough to feel the cool mist of water from his skin as his hand instinctively reaches out, resting lightly on your legs, as if needing to sate his curiosity for your strange, warm softness. You take his hand in yours—his skin wet, cold beneath your touch—and fasten the bracelet around his wrist. It’s titanium, chosen for its strength, its resilience against the sea, knowing it will last, just as you hope this tenuous connection between you will endure. “A courtship gift,” you murmur, the words familiar now—he used them himself every time he pointed at your anklet.
Jungkook stares at the bracelet, turning his arm this way and that, admiring it from every angle, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears. He whispers the word that has become his tether to you: “Mate.” His voice is soft, reverent, as if the gift means far more to him than you had imagined, and his gaze, filled with such raw affection, causes a flush to rise to your cheeks, a smile tugging at your lips at his sentimental reaction. 
But then, before you can make sense of it, his hands cup your face with a suddenness that takes your breath away, and his lips press forcefully against yours. The kiss is so unexpected, his pull so swift and sure that you lose your balance, your arms flailing before they instinctively loop around his neck as you tumble into the water.
He holds you effortlessly, keeping you afloat as his lips claim yours again and again, his cold mouth moving over yours with an intensity that blinds you to the cold water. You had wondered, more times than you’d care to admit, what he might taste like—whether the salt of the sea would be a part of him—but reality is sweeter than fantasy. There is a hint of salt, yes, but beneath it lies something sweet, something intoxicating, that makes you crave more as his tongue slides against yours.
His hands roam your body, sliding over the wet fabric of your dress, exploring with a curiosity that borders on obsession. His fingers press into your skin, kneading the softness of your breasts as his breath grows heavier, more laboured. You can’t help but let your hands wander in turn, feeling the smoothness of his scales beneath your fingertips, the hard muscles that ripple beneath his skin, as solid as the stone walls of the cave.
When you finally pull away, gasping for much needed air, your eyes meet his, and up close, they are even more mesmerising—violet speckled with flecks of black and blue, like galaxies swirling in the depths of his irises, and you reach up to touch his face, tracing the lines of his cheekbones, his lips slightly swollen from the intensity of the kiss, and you imagine your own must look much the same.
Your peaceful moment is shattered when something thick and solid brushes against your thigh beneath the water, and with a startled shriek, you push away from Jungkook, not sure if your heart starts racing or stops altogether. But his arms tighten around you, keeping you from sinking beneath the surface, his expression shifting to one of sadness as he realises he’s frightened you. The panic ebbs as quickly as it came, replaced by a curious calm as you peer down into the water, trying to catch a glimpse of whatever had startled you.
“Oh,” you exclaim softly, your surprise evident as you realise it wasn’t some sea creature that had brushed against you, but rather, something that extends from Jungkook’s tail. And again, you’re not sure if your heart starts racing or stops, when you realise what it is. “Oh!”
His arousal is unmistakable—large, thick, and utterly unlike anything you’ve ever seen, more like that of a whale than a man, and you swallow dryly as you force your gaze back to Jungkook’s face. He watches you intently, waiting for your reaction, his expression unreadable but his eyes filled with an intensity that sets your skin aflame despite the chill of the water and his skin.
A deep heat begins to pool within you, your body responding to the sight of him, the proof of his desire for you undeniable. It would be a lie to say you aren’t tempted—to say he doesn’t stir something similar within you, something that makes your skin prickle and lungs work overtime. The wetness gathering between your thighs is evidence enough of that.
“Are you sure?” you murmur, your voice still echoing in the cave, your gaze searching his as if hoping he’ll understand the question without needing words. And perhaps he does, for his eyes darken with something unmistakable—an answer, a promise—before he nods, pulling you closer once more.
His lips find yours again, kissing you with a hunger that speaks of deep, aching need, his teeth grazing your skin, his rough tongue lapping at your lips, your neck, as though he can never get enough of your taste. You lose yourself to it, the world melting to nothing but the feel of his mouth on yours, his hands on your body, the heat of his desire coursing through you like a you imagined devotion would feel like.
You help him rid yourself of the soaked fabric of your underwear, Jungkook’s hands exploring your thighs with barely concealed curiosity before his fingers find the sensitive skin of your cunt, teasing your clit until soft moans escape your lips, your grip on his shoulders tightening without much thought.
But you pull his hand away, knowing the water will only wash away your arousal, leaving you wanting. Instead, you reach for him, your small hand wrapping around the thickness of his cock, marvelling at its size, the way it seems to pulse beneath your touch. Jungkook groans silently, his eyes never leaving yours as you guide him towards your entrance, the size of him daunting but the ache of desire overpowering any trepidation.
You take him slowly, gasping as he stretches you wide, the burn too much at first but quickly giving way to a deep, overwhelming pleasure as he begins to move inside you with the little bit of his cock that fits, each thrust sending sparks flying behind your pupils. He holds your legs tight, forcing your thighs together around the remaining part, the friction equally becoming almost unbearable for you, his cock filling you to the brim, and before you even realise it, you’re crying out his name, your body trembling as wave after wave of pleasure crashes over you.
Jungkook doesn’t stop, doesn’t slow, his movements relentless as he fucks you with abandon, whispering words in his strange tongue, words you don’t understand but that seem to echo with a raw, untamed passion that makes your heart race all the faster, imagining he’s praising you, thinking that you’re such a good girl for him. 
You lose track of time, of the number of times he makes you cum on his cock, your mind a haze of bliss, his name the only thing you can remember to say. Each time you think you’ve reached your limit, he pulls another climax from you, his cock hitting every sensitive spot inside you with devastating accuracy, his low groans and moans clouding your mind even more.
Finally, you feel him tense, his body shuddering against yours as he buries himself as deep inside you as your physique allows, his release coming in thick, powerful pulses that fill you to the point of bursting. The sensation sends you spiralling into yet another orgasm, your body trembling uncontrollably, your mouth parting without a sound, as pleasure consumes you yet again.
When at last Jungkook pulls back, placing you gently on the platform, you collapse against the cool stone, utterly spent. It takes all your effort for the world to slowly come back into focus—the soft hues of the cave ceiling, the gentle lapping of the waves, the quiet drip of water from the ceiling above. 
You lie there, breathless, your mind racing with a thousand thoughts, like the restless waves outside the cave, wondering what you’ve just done, what it means, and whether you’ll ever be able to return to the life you knew before.
But your mind can’t settle.
The realisation of your stupidity and naivety crashes over you in waves—the impossible reality of sharing yourself with a creature of myth, the deep-seated regret that gnaws at you like a tide pulling at the shore, whispering that this was a mistake, that you should have known better, should have resisted. 
You find yourself wondering absurdities—whether a morning-after pill could possibly work against the seed of a merman, or if his essence would simply fade away inside you like mist, dissolving with the salt water, leaving no trace behind. Your body feels foreign, strange now, as if you've been altered by his touch, by the unearthly pleasure that coursed through you, and an instinctive panic rises, setting your nerves alight, urging you to flee. 
Your limbs still tremble from all the orgasms as you push yourself upright, hands unsteady as you try to find your balance, desperate to extricate yourself from the surreal haze that envelops you. Jungkook is still there, watching you with those mesmerising eyes, his fingers gently tracing aimless patterns along your exposed thigh, as if nothing in the world could be more captivating than the feel of your skin beneath his touch. His gaze is so tender, so filled with awe, that it only deepens the ache of guilt growing in your chest, highlighting the dangerous ground you’ve ventured onto. 
You attempt to pull away, to create some distance between yourself and the fantasy you’ve allowed to take root, knowing full well that this is a world you cannot inhabit, a dream too fragile to hold in the blinding light of reality. But Jungkook’s hand is faster, catching your ankle in an instant, right above the anklet he gifted you—an innocent token that now feels like a binding chain, keeping you bound to something far beyond your understanding. 
You struggle, trying to shake him off, beginning to feel more panicked than you ever been in your life, but his strength is undeniable, your efforts feeble against the power of his hold, of the very being he is. 
And then, he speaks—softly, with that strange lilt of his voice, but this time, not in his tongue. The word that falls from his lips is yours. The sound of it stops your breath, chills not only the air around you but you too. And in that moment, you realise what you should have known from the beginning, what you should have seen the moment you clasped that anklet around your leg—you’ve crossed a threshold that cannot be uncrossed, a line that cannot be erased. 
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colormepurplex2 · 7 months
Now I'm Yours | JJK
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🤍Alpha!Jungkook x Omega!f.Reader 🤍A/B/O, Established Relationship/Mates | angst, smut, fluff 🤍WC: 14,064 🤍Rating: MA 🤍Summary: Jungkook is terrible at feelings. He’s possessive, reckless, and most definitely an Alphahole; you were once his sworn enemy for a reason. But, after he claimed you as his mate during your designation celebration, how do you even begin to navigate the dark waters of such a precarious relationship? Especially when there is darkness creeping over the horizon, threatening to blanket your world in permanent shadow. ⚠️ Vulgar language, semi-hate sex, fingering, knotting, creampie, discussion of violent acts, drinking, fighting/physical altercation, alpha challenge, knife violence/attack, blood, injury, bond sex, dick licking/oral, slick eating, biting/marking, blood/wound licking, surprise pregnancy Each chapter will have specific warnings listed.
Read Make You Mine, the first installment of the series, here!
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Chapter 1. Distance Makes The Heart Grow Fonder
Chapter 2. Feel It In Your Soul
This story is complete.
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A/N: This story is part of the "New Year, New Me Love" @bangtanwritershq gift exchange, written for the wonderful @hisunshiine! And as always, a special thank you to @moonleeai and @downbad4yoongi for being A+ betas!
Can also be found on: Ao3 | Wattpad
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◅ Back to Main Master List ©️ 2024-02 ColorMePurplex2
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marknee · 2 years
bts fanfics i personally think shakespeare would lose his job over in the 1500’s.
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chapter i. ✷ chapter ii.
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( ✮ ) — poor sod is on the floor. perhaps it’s shock?
( ♬ ) — he’s jealous he didn’t write this himself. well, it sucks to suck, mate.
( ✎ ) — currently handing him a tissue. give him a second.
( ♛ ) — both him and i lost our jobs. her majesty is ruthless.
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WARNING: keep in mind, some of these authors are very strict on the rule that no minors should read their work if they’re underage, and i will honour that. but, at the end of the day, i am not your parent. so, there’s that. but heed my warning wisely. any smut or 18+ content is highlighted in bold.
NOTE: without further ado, this are the fanfics that i think would cause shakespeare to lose his job: the first of many essays. let’s bring the guy to his knees. metaphorically.
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( ♛ ) THE BODYGUARD — by @rmnamjoons
!! bodyguard!namjoon x reader | 62.9k !!
bodyguard au, romance, smut, fake dating, slight angst if you squint, lil bit of violence.
firstly, we’re starting off strong. i present to you, the mother of all namjoon fanfics. and she’s a bad bitch. tbh, i feel like this fic needs a moment of silence just to relish in her glory. soak it all up. it’s essential.
this fic genuinely had me gobsmacked at how incredibly written it is. it delves into every detail and no aspect of the story is left dry. you can tell the author put their everything into creating this world you just submerge into. and it shows.
the world building is amazing, the characters are so thought out, and it feels like you’re just on this adventure with them and discovering their story as it plots out.
also, the build up to the smut? out of this world. that’s one thing i love about this fic: it doesn’t feel rushed. everything is very spaced out and takes it’s sweet time, so when you get to the chocolately nut of the ferrero rocher, it’s like gold and well earned. and you can enjoy it.
honestly, it’s been months since i read this and i think about it every day. i did do some research (for my own peace of mind) and this fic is longer than the perks of being a wallflower. and is it better? yes. sorry not sorry.
this work of art deserves to be read and loved. and i rest my case, your honour.
( ✎ ) UNTIL THE LAST STAR FALLS — by @minniepetals
!! underworld lords!bts x shield!reader | 44.4k !!
reincarnation!au, poly!au, gods!au, unrequited love, minor character death, car accidents.
quick question — for science — how does one happen to lose all their memories without any sustaining any internal or external injuries? because the things i would do to read this again for the first time. and i do not use those words lightly.
this was my first ever ‘longer’ written fic. and if i’m being honest, i never really liked to read them because i have the attention span of a goat. but this fic lures you in from the very start and time slips away like smoke. to say, it definitely left its mark on me.
it’s so brilliantly written and you feel connected to the characters both mind and soul. you want the best for them, you want to save them, you actually want to crawl into the pages (or screen) and fucking help them out. and that sold it to me, i think. just the sheer love for these characters.
i balled when i read the last few sentences. i didn’t want it to end. i think i finished it at three in the morning and sent a voice note of me crying to my friend. tmi? well, now on my christmas list is 7 hot boys in the underworld who would risk their everything for me. and i, them.
worth every single second. trust.
( ♬ ) WARM THIS WINTER — by @jamaisjoons
!! seokjin x reader ft. ex-boyfriend jungkook | 51.6k !!
christmas!au, vacation!au, angst, fluff, smut (18+).
one thing about solaris, is she never misses. if i could, i think i’d recommend every fanfic she ever put out, but that’s too much effort for me when you could simply click her masterlist. so, i’ll wait here for you to do that. make sure you come back though.
love. sure, there are hundreds- perhaps, thousands of fics on this app about it. so what makes this one different? well, that’s just it. the sorrowful honesty of love. knowing when it’s over, and when it’s blooming in the midst.
i’ve never been in love, but frankly, this fic really spelt it out for me. the pain, the joy, the lingering memories after everything is said and done. it’s all there. and it really settles in your heart as you near the end.
this work pulled on every single heartstring of mine, stamped on them, and then proceeded to sew anew for the future to bring its own miseries. and i enjoyed it more than i can say (or type).
give this a read if you need just that bit of spark in your life. and that bit of sadness, too.
( ✮ ) STRIKE A CHORD — by @snackhobi
!! yoongi x reader | 15.8k !!
smut (18+), pianist!yoongi.
i don’t know what it is about this fic, but i come back to it whenever it pops up in my mind during my day. i’ll immediately unlock my phone and open this app, knowing i’ll feel better when the last word is read. and i feel content.
the atmosphere in this fic, if i may, feels as though you’re trapped in a warm, safe bubble with hazed music in the distance and soft light spilling through the thin layer of the bubble— not too dark, but enough to make you feel drowsy and peaceful. perhaps that’s why i return to it so often. i like how it makes me feel.
yoongi as an artist is already enough to make a person swoon, but as a pianist? i need a lie down. a cold towel to the head. just the whole characterisation of him in this fic needs a whole separate essay in itself, but you’ll understand my point when you read it.
forever a comfort fic, i think. and forever a comfort person. double whammy. case closed.
( ✎ ) THE END — by @jimlingss
!! seokjin x reader | 31k !!
fifty percent fluff, fifty percent angst, loosely inspired by to all the boys i’ve loved before.
i say this with my whole chest: i have never underestimated the amount of emotions you can experience during a fanfic, until i read the end— both literally and metaphorically. shock horror.
this fanfic takes you through the adventure of the reader learning of what her future would commence if she were to marry either one of the six members. best part? she’s led through this rollercoaster journey by the ghost of kim seokjin.
first impression to such an offer? sign me the fuck up. i mean, what more could you ask for? however my final impression went a bit more on the lines of what the fuck just happened. very different ends of the spectrum, if you ask me.
i decided to hand both shakespeare and i a tissue after this great piece of art was finished because not only was i sobbing, he was on the floor knowing his romance play of pericles could never live up to such an incredible story.
this fic was a rollercoaster i would be delighted to get onto for another ride.
( ✎ ) A UNIVERSE TO YOU — by @readyplayerhobi
!! soulmate!hoseok x reader | 41k !!
fluff, angst, smut (18+), soulmates!au.
shakespeare once said (according to google), “it is not in the stars to hold our destiny, but in ourselves,” and if this fic wasn’t a soulmate!au, i think i would’ve agreed in some sorts. but as it is, in fact, a soulmate!au, i’m obliged to disagree. it was destiny i read this fic, hand on heart.
i was not expecting this fic to hit me in the feels as hard as it did. as you can tell by the other works listed in this essay of recommendations, soulmate!au’s come up a lot. and with a lot of the same plots flying around on this app, it’s hard to make one stand out. but this author definitely has a gift.
everything was so richly created it made you feel full. of wonder, of love, and of want. it made you crave it for yourself. and that’s what i love about this fic. it just makes you feel… good. and with the unfortunates of life currently, it’s one to get your head stuck in for some temporary relief.
dream soulmate? he’s right here, people. just enjoy the story and all the feels that float around your body. go on.
( ✮ ) BUNNY — by @btssmutgalore
!! jungkook x fem!reader | 46.5k !!
non-idol!au, camboy!jk, friends to lovers, smut, angst.
let’s start here: never judge a book by its cover. a quote by george eliot going all the way back to the 19th century, and one i would use to describe this series as a whole, and my first impressions towards it.
this series, although unfinished (i think), has exceeded my expectations of a good smut outlined by a good plot. the best of both worlds, if you might. i came out of this series deeply in awe of the writing and the clear imagery the author manages to create within your own mind.
additionally, bunny was the beginning for me in learning about the world of camboys and camgirls(?), but i was greatly surprised. often, people are unkind to the new and stick to what they’re accustomed to, afraid of what the unknown might bring — me, included.
but, i’m glad i took the risk because i received three great things in return: a beautiful fanfic, knowledge of something that was foreign to me, and an author whose work i admire and shall be returning to in the future.
perhaps what i’m getting at is this could be a lesson to all. take a risk of something unknown because who knows? maybe something great will come out of it, and you’ll learn something. i did.
( ♬ ) SEOUL UNDERGROUND — by @hunniejimins (ao3)
!! namjoon x jungkook x f!reader | 300k !!
mafia!au, enemies to lovers, violence, slow burn, love triangles, mob boss!namjoon, smut, heavy angst.
it’s ironic really. i found this work by someone else’s recommendation, and now i’m passing on the favour and recommending it to you, dear reader. it’s funny how the world works.
this work is the perfect balance of fantasy and reality and i love it. you’re hit with the beauty and clouded haze of love before being smacked back into the world at the realisation the very person you’re in love with, is a mafia mob boss and his killer mate. a real fun-sponge, i tell ‘ya.
nevertheless, this book kept me up early morning and late evening reading. it keeps you hooked, wanting, and hungry for more.
it’s nothing less of a masterpiece.
( ✎ ) CREAM AND SUGA — by @snackhobi
!! yoongi x barista f!reader | 14.8k !!
coffee shop!au, barista!au, fluff, nfsw (18+).
@snackhobi is mentioned twice on this list. though, can you blame me? it’s just a good thing shakespeare and this author don’t exist in the same century. it would be absolute carnage but nobody is ready for that conversation.
this author has a talent of portraying yoongi in the most irresistible way possible. i swear, i fall in love with him all over again reading. i wish you understood.
the whole misunderstanding section made me laugh because haven’t we all been there? the crushing pain and overwhelming guilt of having a crush on someone you can’t have. it’s all too real, seriously. been there, done that (unfortunately).
especially having the holidays just past, this is a perfect fic for a warm evening in, while the coldness of winter storms past outside. such a cute fic. love, love, love!
( ♛ ) LOST AND FOUND — by @taleasnewastime
!! seokjin x reader | 21.2k !!
strangers to lovers, fluff, angst, sfw.
everyone says they have a fanfic that changed them, whether they’re being hyperbolic or brutally honest. and in my case, it’s a matter of both latter and former.
a couple months ago, i reached what i thought was rock bottom regarding my mental state and i took to my imagination to save me from the daily hell of my own mind. and this book was one i never really forgot about.
everything this author wrote within this fic was honest, heartfelt and very, very real. from the way you don’t just go up after going through something, but fall occasionally and sometimes feel as though you’re back at square one, to the way that there definitely is hope in the dark moments, and a light at the end of the tunnel. albeit a very faint one.
it comforted me in a way and reminded me of what i thought to be lost. fruitless, even. but sometimes, it’s books like these that open our eyes to things we’ve forgotten during times of turmoil: the simple goodness of life. and of people.
“if you’re going through hell, keep going.” winston churchill.
( ✮ ) CANDYLAND — by @honeymoonjin
!! seokjin x reader ft. elf!jk | 13k !!
thriller, angst, fantasy, husband!jin, some cursing.
my mother is the biggest thriller fan. not that you needed to know that, but she is. and she’s not ashamed of it either. she’ll let you know if she’s reading a really good thriller in the moment. trust me, you’ll know.
me? not so much. i’m more of a sappy, hopeless romance, happy ending kind-of-sod — if you haven’t already guessed from this list. but there’s a reason this fic is on the list, too.
this fic genuinely kept me on the edge of my seat- uh, bed. the secrets of what darkness lingered behind the happy exterior of this adventure trip gripped my eyes to the screen, and lord, was it worth it.
throw a bit of husband!seokjin in there too? what more could you want! and written by @honeymoonjin? what a win.
let’s just say after this fic i added a few other thrillers to my basket. and happily reported to my mum i was a changed woman. okay, i’m exaggerating, but you get my point. it was incredible.
( ✎ ) LILY LUCK — by @gguksgalaxy
!! yoongi x reader | 10.7k !!
soulmates!au, angst, fluff if u squint, very slight implicit sexual content, anxiety.
although this fic may be the shortest on the list, do not underestimate its power. it is still as mighty as the others— perhaps, even more so.
i think the main emotion i want to hone into concerning this fanfic is compassion. it sinks into your bones and surrounds your entire being like a unwanted hug. and you can’t even stop it.
the author does a good job of making you feel intense compassion for the reader — who so desperately wants to meet her soulmate. which makes the ending that much more satisfying.
this is for those who’re lonely, need a pick up, or those who’re hopeless romantics and believe in love belonging to fate, such as myself.
“expectation is the root of all heartache.” william shakespeare. talking of the devil, he would definitely cry over this fic. either of bubbling emotions, or the fact he didn’t write it himself. sucks really. for him, not for me.
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© marknee, 2023. all rights reserved.
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yeoja-dream · 8 months
Part 1 Part 2
Pairing: BTS OT7 x Reader Genre: Fantasy, eventual smut, porn with plot, slow burn, hurt/comfort Characters: Supernatural!BTS, Vampire!Jungkook, Supernatural!Reader Content Warning: Y/N in danger Word Count: 3,100
“You want to WHAT?” You asked him, eyes wide, 
“Lower your voice! Someone next to you is gonna hear you yelling like that and call the bouncer.” He hissed. 
“Well I’m thinking that might be the right idea considering what the hell you just proposed to me.” you hissed back. 
“It’s not that crazy!” He insisted. “I step out of line, you blast me with radiant damage as hard as you can and if you don’t outright kill me, you’ll take the wind out of my sails plenty long enough to get far away from me.” 
You regarded him for a moment. “You JUST got through saying you had SIX mates. I know having two or three is rare, but you expect me to believe that you might have a SEVENTH mate and it might be me? We were vibing just now but I don’t know if we were vibing that hard.” 
“I also told you it's the same with each of my mates, something tells me I need to be somewhere, and by a crazy coincidence, we meet.” He adds. “I will know right away!” 
“Ugh!” You sighed, exasperated, resting your head in your hands. “You know 3 hours ago I walked into this club single, happy, looking to get drunk and have an easy fuck to forget a shitty day, and I’m walking out having saved a woman from a demon rapist, pissed off or turned on that demon rapist, and now I have a marriage proposal from the aether.”
“I can help with some of those issues, I think? You lost me there for a second I’m not going to lie to you.” 
You didn’t reply. 
“Look, I don’t want to pressure you. We had a great conversation over a strange and scary happenstance, and if you would rather go our separate ways as strangers having never learned the truth, then I respect that choice. Or the cheap fuck, if that option is still on the table.” 
You smacked him for the later remark. You sat, contemplative, and as if sensing you needed space, Jungkook excused himself for a cigarette, leaving you alone with your watered-down whiskey and your thoughts. 
I mean what are the chances right? He takes a little nibble, he spits it out, I take him back to mine, and we test out that vampiric stamina. It’s basically impossible that 1 person has 7 soul mates! You reasoned. On the other hand the one in a million, no billion, no TRILLION chances that you are this guy’s 7th sister wife what does that mean? Do I join his commune? They probably have a commune. Am I bonded to his other wives? Are they also vampires? I don’t think I have enough blood to go around. You rub your temples, frustration rising higher and higher in your body. I could also not choose. You reminded yourself. I could go home, forget this man, forget this night, and have everything go back to normal. 
Interrupting your thought process, David approached you. “You look mighty stressed.” 
“Yes!” You just about yelled at him. “Sorry, yes.” You said in a calmer tone. 
“Bar’s chill for the minute, what's up?”
You obviously couldn’t tell him the truth, but what if you were vague? Vague was okay. “I was confronted with a life-altering choice, and I don’t know what to do.” 
“Well, how do you usually make choices?” He asked, leaning back on the bar and crossing his arms. 
“I don’t. I find that fate has a way of making decisions for me.” 
“Well…” He shrugged, digging in his apron pocket. He slid forward a shiny, silver coin on the table. “You can have fate choose for you again.” 
You looked at him, then the coin. It’s my best bet. You thought to yourself, sliding the coin off the bar and into your hand, feeling the weight of it. May this lead me to the path of my destiny you willed into the coin before giving it a toss. 
The coin landed, and you understood what it was you had to do. 
You met Jungkook on the street, just as he put a cigarette out on the cold pavement. 
“Hello,” he regarded you warmly. 
“I’ve decided.” You tell him. “Strings of fate and all that horse shite. I will blast the shit out of you if you take more than I tell you.” 
“You have my honor and my word.” He replied, punctuated with a dramatic bow. 
“Remember, blasting! And not the fun kind!” You warned him again, finger pointed sternly. 
“I would be disappointed in you if you gave me anything less.” 
“Anywhere really. I mean somewhere a little private. Like I said I just need a sip and I will know.” 
“Is my house okay? I mean you said you’d fuck me so I’d figure it was alright.” You asked, feeling shy suddenly. 
“Oh yeah, that’s fine!” Jungkook said. “I mean I was joking about the fuck thing I mean I just said it because you said it!”
You looked at him with a strange expression. 
“Not that I wouldn’t! You are extremely attractive! If you wanted to I would definitely be down don’t get me wrong I just-” He cut himself off. “I am making this so much worse for myself, aren’t I?”
“Very much so.” You said as you opened your umbrella and stepped out from under the awning. “Shut up and let’s go before I change my mind. The Uber will be here in a minute.” 
You lived in a one-bedroom place in a modest part of town, inside an apartment block that never seemed to be quiet, with the exception of this moment. Jungkook sat politely at your small kitchen table, you stood and leaned against a kitchen counter, the silence hanging between the two of you only interrupted by the sound of the rain hammering at the window, and the kettle steadily coming to a boil. You regarded him again for a moment, before turning to your cabinets and pulling out two mismatched mugs. 
“The tea will be done in a minute.” You said, ripping open the tea bags, setting one in each cup. A few more minutes of silence passed before Jungkook stood suddenly.
“I’ve never done this before,” He blurted. 
You take a moment to process what it is he could mean by that. He’s mated so he’s certainly not a virgin, seems to be over a hundred so it’s not his first time drinking blood you thought, before your mind wanders further. I did not just invite this man into my home to kill me. Tell me I did not invite this man into my home to murder me. God DAMN it, I fell for his stupid necklace and that incubus is probably waiting for his signal nearby.
“I suggest you explain yourself quickly and clearly, because it is sounding to me like what you’ve never done is have your ass blasted as hard as I am about to.” You said, turning around slowly, eyes locked on him. No funny business dude.
“I wasn’t completely truthful with you before. A lie by omission I guess which doesn’t trip up the necklace but I am going to stop rambling because you seem really justifiably mad.” He said putting his hands up. You took a step closer, energy beginning to crackle at your palms. 
“Every single time I met my mates, I was called to meet them by happenstance. That is true. But every single time they knew, or guessed we might be mates before I did. So I have never personally tested the whole “someone else’s blood or energy should be poison to me” theory.” 
“So you have no idea if this is even going to work!?” You yelled at him, palms crackling further. “So I’ve just invited you into my home so you can what, make a snack out of me?”  
“I know it works!” Jungkook countered, taking a step back as if almost cowering. 
“How?!” You demanded, lowering your magic a bit. You weren’t going to kill him, not yet anyway. 
“30 years ago!” Jungkook blurted nervously. “One of my hyungs, we got into a huge fight and he ran away for a few months. He subsists on energy, and when he tried to take from people that he wasn’t mated to, it poisoned him. Badley. He was starving and as close to death when we finally found him.” 
You look at his necklace and wait. No glow. So he was telling the truth. You lowered your guard completely. 
“Jesus Christ dude you can’t phrase it that way! I thought you were going to say “I’ve never done this before, never murdered!” and then jumped me with that incubus freak.” 
“No, you are right about that and I am really sorry.” He took a step back toward you, sitting back at the table. 
“If you know it works,” You began, pouring the now boiling water into each prepared mug. “You didn’t have to tell me you’d never tried it personally.” You said, placing each up on the table and joining him at the opposite seat. “It has no bearing on the outcome for you, so why did you feel the need to tell me?”
“Ah well,” he began, stirring a scoop of sugar into his tea idly. “I’m a stranger, asking you to make a big leap of faith that sure, benefits you, but also benefits me. I couldn’t sit right with knowing you didn’t have every piece of information I could offer you.”
“I… appreciate that.” You remarked, dumping 3 ice cubes into your tea. “I don’t like to wait for it to cool,” you admitted, somewhat sheepishly. 
“No, I don’t get the impression you do like to wait for much,” Jungkook replied, offering his cup to cheers with yours. You clink mugs and drink your tea in comfortable silence.  
“So how is this done usually?” You asked him, standing face to face in your combined living room and bedroom area. 
“Truthfully?” He asked you.
“Truthfully.” You confirmed. 
“My kind typically have been the stalk you, grab you and lure you into a dark alleyway and drain you of all your blood or charm you with magic and charisma and lure you to a place where we do the same thing, sort of people.” 
“I am confirming that that is not what we are trying to accomplish?” You half-jokingly asked. 
“That is not what we are trying to accomplish.” He confirmed. “I want you to be comfortable. However, wherever would be the most comfortable for you is where I want to do it.” 
“Um, okay.” You looked around. “I guess for me that would be my bed, that isn’t weird right?” 
“Not at all,” He confirmed, allowing you to lead the way. 
“But-” You stopped halfway before getting onto your bed. “It’s just my duvet is white, maybe I should put down a towel? In case things get messy.” 
He scoffed at that. “I am not such a pedestrian, I reckon I have been drinking blood since you were born.” 
“Are you sure about that?” You looked him up and down. Vampires didn’t age, sure, but surely he couldn’t be THAT much older than you, right? 
“If I get so much as a drop on your duvet, I will replace it with any duvet of your choice.” He said, placing his hand on his heart. 
“It doesn’t mean that much when you place your hand over an undead heart.” You said knocking his hand off his own chest. “But you’re not glowing, so I will take your word for it.” You said, sitting down. “Come, sit.” You invited him with a pat on the bed. He obliged. 
“Hey,” You began, after letting a few beats of silence pass. “Do you think we could just lay side by side for a few minutes?” 
“Oh, yeah, sure.” He said, following your lead and sliding himself up the bed, laying comfortably on one side, you on the other. 
A long silence hung in the air. “I fuck strangers and this is somehow the most intimate I’ve been with one ever.” You remarked sarcastically. Jungkook chuckled lightly in response, 
“Me too.” 
More silence hung, heavy in the room. You laid back, eyes boring holes into the ceiling. He too laid, unmoving, this is all on your terms he was communicating. You shut your eyes. 
“What does it feel like?” You whisper. 
“The bite, or the connection?” 
“The bite hurts for a second, but it goes away pretty fast. Vampire venom has powerful numbing properties. Some people even feel peace or euphoria, it's supposed to keep you from running from us once we have you.” He paused before continuing. “The connection is, overwhelming, in a word. Everything in your body turns up to 11, you become very magically charged, emotionally charged, physically charged and, uh, sexually…” He cleared his throat. “Charged.” He finished. 
You sat in silence, digesting that information. You roll over on your side, facing him, he mirrors you. 
You spent a few more minutes, studying his face in earnest. At this proximity, there was a boyishness quality you didn’t notice from far away. It was cute, even, bunny-like, and as you stared at him, you searched your mind, your heart, your soul, desperately looking for recognition, the easy way out, one last chance to avoid the leap of faith. 
“What if I am mated to you?” You whisper
“We will figure it out.”
“Do you trust me?” 
“I don’t know.” 
“Before we begin, I told you before you might lose some of your sense once we begin. Where is a line too far? Where should I stop you? Where should I stop me?” 
“The troubled, sarcastic, sad part of me knows I can’t trust anyone.” You said, raising your hand to cup his cheek. “But something deep inside of me is telling me that you are truly good people. And for once, I am not going to push this one away.” You whispered, voice wavering. “Just, don’t hurt me, okay?”
He didn’t reply, but he held your gaze. 
“Jungkook?” You ask softly. 
“Would you kiss me please?” 
He then scooted closer to you and mirroring the motion you did before, he raised a hand, cupped your face gently, and placed a single, lingering kiss on your lips. He pulled away slightly, but a centimeter, I’m ready, but only when you are, he communicated to you. You closed the gap this time, I’m ready.
The kiss started off slow, chaste, even as two bodies, two energies tentatively explored the other in the more intimate environment. Jungkook was a good kisser, you decided, firm, but not too pushy. He allowed you to set the pace, the intensity, but what you gave he took readily. You parted your lips to him, and he took them greedily, using his free hand to hook around your back and drag you across the bed and completely flush with his body. You found your arm folded into his chest, the building intensity causing you to grip the fabric. You kissed greedily now, hungrily, like lovers long since reunited. It felt good, it felt right, you also decided. Kissing him was like the gentle respect and deep intimacy shared between two people who had loved each other for a long, long time. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d felt it, and you wanted more. 
Your arms were at a disadvantage, pinned against his muscular chest, but you used the position to pull yourself closer and closer still. You needed more of him. You wanted more of him. 
“Jungkook…” you whispered against his lips, a plea. 
“I know, God I want you too.” He whispered back his arm like an iron bar across your lower back holding you in place. “But we have to do this first, sex makes everything so messy and confusing.” He broke away from your lips, kissing up your jaw bone stopping at your ear. “I’m gonna do it now, okay?” He whispered. 
“Okay.” You confirmed. You found yourself then, in a swift move on your back with him straddled across your waist. From this angle, his baggy pants tented visibly over his crotch, the sight of which alone wound your core up so tight, you wondered if you’d cum immediately when he slips it in. He didn’t give you long to appreciate the view, as he leaned over you, face to face, and continued to kiss you. Your tongues didn’t battle but danced in harmony, and as you felt your hips rise to grind against the hardness so close to where you needed it, he broke away from your lips again, panting, he again peppered kisses up your jawline, but then down your neck this time gently sucking and licking on his way down, leaving you breathless. He settled on the spot but gave the skin special attention, the sensation of which had you sighing and running your fingers through his hair. 
When he was finally satisfied, he wasted no further time and sank his teeth in, the sensation of which made you yelp in pain. He didn’t lie about the pain. After a brief pause, you felt the sensation of him drinking you in. He swallowed once, came up for a breath, and in that moment, from head to toe, it was like you had both been struck by lightning. 
Overwhelming wasn’t the right word for it. Euphoric. Pure energy crackled and popped at your skin, literal sparks flying off at the points your skin connected. It was painful, you thought, but everything felt so amazing it faded into the background. Joy, pure joy radiated through your body. In fact, you can’t recall a time when you had ever felt this light-hearted and happy.
In the same moment, as euphoria washed over you, Jungkook’s demeanor changed and with a visceral, animalistic grunt, he dove back in sucking at your neck. The sensation was divine. 
“More, more” You found yourself begging again and again. He was like an immovable object in his current positioning, but you allowed yourself the luxury with your now-free hands to slip under his baggy shirt, relishing in the corded muscle of his back and biceps. 
The more he drank, the closer it seemed you got to the edge of something great. As something darker and harder to control overcame Jungkook, he didn’t notice when your enthusiastic pleas for more turned into incoherent babbling, and only when he had his fill, and the dark that consumed him receded, did he finally realize that you had fallen silent for quite some time. 
He pulled away from your neck and examined your body in horror. Limp, and unmistakably ashen. You looked like a corpse. 
“Y/N,” He said, panic in his voice, shaking your shoulder. “Y/N!” he said louder now, yelling and shaking you as violently as he dared. 
I told you guys one after the other! Like I said in the last post, I'm working on intertwined, that update might go up today or tomorrow, depending on what I'm feeling, I only promised this post! I also mentioned before that I will update the tags once I reveal which bts member is what/ what Y/N is but try to guess below! You might be right~
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daichiduskdrop · 7 months
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚⋆·˚ ༘ *𝙎𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡 ⋆·˚ ༘ *ੈ✩‧₊˚
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• Chapter 39
Pairing: BTS Ot7 X fem! reader
Genre: A/B/O AU, Fluff, Angst, Strangers to lovers,
Warnings: mentions of self worth and body image acknowledgement
Words: 4309
Taglist: @thelilbutifulthings @ilovemoneymorethenmen @singukieee @cherrysainttt @felicityroth @mageprincess7 @lucis-noctiana @danielle143 @osakis-gf @girl-nahh @vintageoldfashionstyle-blog @neverthefirstchoice @juju-227592 @silentreadersthings @i-have-no-life-charlie @everyonehatesshani @iamkookiesforyou @dragonsflare @fangirl125reader @roseidol @frieschan @popcatx0 @liz67900 @exfolitae @plexcaffeinate @strawblueberrys @massivelyfullenthusiast @iimichie
⋆·˚ ༘ *ੈ✩‧₊˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ✩‧₊˚⋆·˚ ༘ *
The soft snow patterned down outside, the cold wind blowing—a true romantic yet icy winter outside. 
The alpha wished times were different; the snow bite was too harsh on the man's skin. The times weren't great, for sure, to say the least, but he was so close. He wouldn't give up just yet, a still storm crashing in his soul. 
His pack needed to connect once again; he would come back and greet the omega he had missed already. 
„..Just a little while longer.” He hushed into the darkness surrounding him, taking another shortcut, and stepped quickly, with warm fog rising from his lips.
You woke up too early for the night to have passed. Soft snores sounded around you, thought you didn't mind too much; the warmth was comforting and sweet. 
As you looked around yourself, eyes still bleary, you could only recognise their scents—too dark for you to see anything much else than that. 
Jungkook's scent seemed to be the closest, the comforting musky vanilla and banana blooms close as his chin rested just above your head, his arms wrapped around you, limbs entangled and close. 
The alpha's chest rose and fell softly, occasional puffs and snores leaving him. He was as calm as the others, no one disturbing the chilly night as the other pack members too slept.
A few seconds passed until you could see better and could recognise Hoseok's hand, the alpha still wearing a bracelet he had yesterday, as your eyes followed his arm, you soon saw the back of his tousled dark hair facing you. 
Close to your front laid Jimin, a pillow resting under him while he held the blanket covering you tightly in one of his hands, the other caressing yours—he must have woke up only now you realised. 
And so you looked up, seeing his soft, creased eyes watching you with gentleness. 
„...Princess, you should sleep some more, hm?” The alpha's voice whispered, a deep rasp breaking the quietness around you. 
You blinked up at him, his fingers squeezing yours in answer, resulting in a sweet shrug leaving you. 
At Jimin's soft chuckle, a slight shuffling followed, his eyes blown wide with a smile as the alpha waited for the unknown pack member to settle back down into calmer sleep. A soft giggle left the both of you.
„I'm not tired anymore, oppa.” You whispered back, realising you must have slept too much yesterday. 
"Are you sure, sweetheart?” He asked you gently, but when you nodded again, the alpha didn't put up much of a fight. Maybe you will feel tired soon after and just need to occupy your mind for a little while. 
„What would you like to do then?” The alpha started to sit up, shuffling closer to you carefully to not push on any of the still-sleeping pack mates. 
„You should sleep, oppa... I'll find something to do.” You whispered softly, and before the man could even answer, you were already trying to untangle yourself from the youngest arms—a mistake it turned out to be. 
A soft gasp left the man as soon as your form started to leave his hold, the young alpha's eyes shooting open immediately. 
„Bunny-!” He gasped out, his arms pulling you closer until you were flush to his chest. As soon as you recognised the look in his eyes, one of pure terror, it didn't take long for guilt to arrive. 
At the man's still tired yet afraid voice, the others were jostled awake, still on edge with all that happened in the last 24 hours. The men were quick to sit up, Namjoon the fastest to move the closest, his warm hands cradling you close as much as the hold the youngest paid on you allowed. 
„Hey, hey, pup, it's okay.” His voice was heavily laced with sleep; the pack alpha rubbed at his eyes yet quickly returned his hold onto you, fingers gently combing through your hair. 
„I thought you were being taken away!" Jungkooked gasped, his eyes shining in the little light entering through the windows. Your hands snaked around his waist as you hugged the startled man close, the others still too sleepy to realise what was really going on.
„'M sorry, Kook oppa...” You whispered in his ears, a small nudge to his scent gland hoped to forgive from your cheek, resting it against his collarbone.
He held you tighter as the wild beat of his heart slowed down, the calming pheromones clouding the entire room. 
But as he was about to lay back down on his back, planning to cuddle you to his chest, the man's eyes were almost closing already, and you started to wiggle out of his grasp. 
"I'm not tired anymore.!” You whispered a soft whine, Jungkook's movements stilling—you were always so cuddly and sleepy. What does this mean now? 
The men were quick to complain, reminding you of the importance of good quality sleep, or else you could be sick and get headaches, and they didn't want that to happen, especially if you wanted to go swimming in the morning too. 
Sweet sleep-laced voices filled the air, consisting of gentle: „Baby pup, don't be silly now; come here; Alpha will make it better.” „Babycheeks, my angel, it's still nighttime; come cuddle with oppa.“ 
Yet you held your truth, and after a bit of discussion, Jungkook laced your fingers with his, and with a soft grumble, he climbed out of the warmed blankets and pillows, letting you lead him upstairs to your room, where a bunch of bags from one of your past shopping sprees with them were stored in your walk-in closet. 
"What would you like to do, baby bun? Should we play some games? Or maybe you would like to watch a movie with me? Fuck, I'm wrecked.” Whispering the last sentence to himself, Jungkook rubbed his face and ruffled up his hair, sleepy all over. 
He was truly ready to just get you anything; as long as you would come back to the large couch serving as the makeshift den, it didn't matter what. 
You could grab his phone, which he would happily provide, and go scroll through whatever you saw fit. He wouldn't mind; you held the softest place in his heart. He couldn't believe how he reacted; aish, seriously!, he scolded himself with a warm blush covering his puffy-with-sleep cheeks. 
But you already had an idea as to what you wished to occupy your for-some-reason hyperactive hands, pulling out the kit one of the alphas had found for you at the art store you visited a few days ago. 
It was for bead and charm necklaces and bracelets, and so, with a sweet smile on your face, you let Jungkook pull you back downstairs with sleepy steps, his attire matching the sleep-ridden attire. 
He was quick to climb back into the makeshift den, only now looking for what was so interesting for you to wake up for in the middle of the night. 
„You want to make bracelets with us, bunny?”
„For you,” you corrected him, letting the alpha pull you close with a sweet bunny smile gracing his lips. 
The others weren't much better. Yoongi, who has patiently waited for your return while some of the others were already soon to nod off, now even closer to Dreamland considering your comfortable scent entered their senses again, could only smile wider, turning the phone he was checking back off. 
It was only about 3 in the morning, but you were still the cutest thing ever, to him at least. 
And so, as the rest eventually fell asleep, with Jungkook half asleep and half awake, holding you on his lap as he sat cross-legged, his head resting against Namjoon's shoulder, Yoongi stayed up with you, helping you choose the beads you found fit your taste the best. Not that they were for you, but rather them, yet you paid the closest attention with the warm yellow light from a standing lamp turned on. 
The alpha's nimble fingers helped you tie the knots, quick to mumble about you being careful, watching with worried eyes as you used the needle to get the smallest beads on the elastic clear string. 
The youngest acted as if he were awake the whole time, grumbling any moment you would giggle or Yoongi would tease him when his snores filled the still air around him. 
His palm rested on his thigh and partly yours, open to let you place the cute chunky and unusual charms you wanted to scatter through the different sets you were working on for them.
The set purchased offered many different styles, cute and edgy, enabling you to create one for each of the alphas. While Yoongi tried his best to make a necklace and a bracelet for you, though his much bigger hand struggled more than he would like to admit compared to you. 
The first bracelet you made was for the second oldest too. Many small black beads were combined with dark greys and milky white to create a simple but fashionable pattern with a small but pretty star and a few small silver hearts clicking and creating soft sounds when moved. 
Once you tied the knot on the clasp, you nudged the older man's knee, having him look up from rummaging through the many small charms from which he was just finding the best fit. He hummed in question, but when you placed the bracelet in his palm with expectant eyes, his eyes closed with the smile he offered. 
„Aish, you're too cute, kitten. Thank you.” He grumbled his cheeks warm as he felt shy yet lovely at your soft presence, letting you close the silver clasp around his slim wrist, the alpha long smiling even as you got around to make the jewellery for the others. 
You took your time, carefully measuring Jungkook's wrist size, and threaded on the many small glossy beads and charms, creating a combination of dark green, purple, blue, and black; the colourful misty beads were larger in between the fillers. You chose the charm of a silver star, a bunny, and a little flower too, those reminding you of him. 
The alpha hardly even stirred when you put it on his right wrist, but you knew he would be there to thank you in the morning. 
And so, you spend the time until you grew tired of tieing and choosing the right beads that remind you of each of the men. Amid your work, Yoongi got your attention, a soft „Here kitten, for you,” sounding to make you look up. 
The man wasn't used to making much handcraft; it was Hobi who loved to make bracelets and keychains like these; he hardly ever tried, and he was worried that the set—a necklace and a bracelet—would never be enough to compliment your beauty; in his eyes, his work would never be enough. 
But the moment you set your eyes on the small, handmade jewellery, a soft gasp left you. You were surprised at how pretty it was, the many tiny beads shining in different shades of F/C, and exactly the nine charms you recognised meanings of easily: a small curled-up kitten, a shiny crown inlaid with small gems, a cute bunny, a tiny puppy, a peach emoji, a small sun, and a cute angel wing. 
You knew to which all were meant to remind you, and when you notice the snowflake and a heart in-between, the alpha noticed you looking at the two charms in wonder, he grew shy, unsure if you liked them.
„...we met when it was snowing out, remember?”
He whispered, looking away, but before he knew it, your arms wrapped around him tighter than ever, the man surprised for a little before he returned the warm hug himself, melting into the embrace. 
The necklace was a combination of little pearls and a few of the same shades used in the bracelet too in order to match. This time it was just the snowflake charm in the very front, smaller and more dainty for a comfortable everyday wear - you would happily indulge in.
It didn't take much longer after that before the ones you have finished laid on the floor next to the box of beads, yet to have cut off the elastic but ready to be given in the morning which would soon approach. 
And so, Yoongi who has given up one of the most precious things to him, sleep, in order for you to not have to lay around with nothing to do bored out of your mind, soon hugged you as you rested your ear against his chest, a few of the others too cuddling close, Jungkook's arms still wrapped around your waist. 
It wasn't much time before the first wake-up alarm sounded, yet you stayed in the soft slumber, suddenly tired. Who would think? 
Jin like usual was the first to wake up, rising grudgily and shutting the alarm off. The eldest was ready to go just back to sleep right away, but when he noticed the time, just a little past 6 am, he knew that won't work. As long as they still wanted to swim like promised. 
And so, the alpha leaned over the couch arm rest, shaking Hoseok's arm, having the man in a while later awake and climbing off the couch to help the eldest with the breakfast. 
Like usual, Jin was already washing the rice as it took time to cook in the rice cooker even if they used two, the other alpha was quick to take note of the few ingredients needed for the Pajeon, starting the preparation for the pancakes. 
He had done them many times to know the measurements by eye already, and so as the eldest started the rice cookers, the alpha would mix water, flour, eggs, cutting up the few scallions he first rinsed and washed well, letting the pieces be large enough. He would then add only a small amount of soybean paste and sugar, mixing the batter. 
Just as Hobi started frying the large pancakes, at the sound and smell of food few of the others would start to climb out of bed, the one to greet them first would be Teahyung, but just as quick as he came he was gone, Jin's soft command to get the Kimbap ready making the man quick to flee. 
The next to climb out of the makeshift sleep space was the pack alpha, who made sure to also wake the others up to eat soon, yet he let you sleep soundly wanting you to rest longer. 
It didn't take much time before the breakfast was ready, an array of different dishes, some sweet some salty and spicy, all offered so the pack could eat well. 
Only when Jungkook also shuffled to a seat, quick to take chopsticks and start plating himself a dish, did Jin notice you and Yoongi were still asleep. 
The eldest stopped stuffing the dishwasher, stretching from being hunched for a while and took the few steps over to the couch where he found the two in question. 
Yoongi slept soundly, soft puffs of air leaving him rhythmically as he cradled you to his chest a loose t-shirt and sweats on. You were hidden under heavy duvets thought the eldest doubted you would need anything to warm you up, the alpha most definitely working as the most able furnace. 
Your eyes were slightly open, yet your face was almost fully hidden in the man's chest, letting you rest fully with his scent around you, the calming and sleepy pheromones working wonders. 
„Peaches? Do you want to go swimming now?” While he would have preferred you to eat a filling breakfast first, they were running on time crunch already as it was just about 7. If they wanted to have some fun at the pool, they would still need to be ready to leave at 10 the latest. And they could always order you something to have on the set, no matter the annoyed staff with their strict: 'no eating on set!' rules.
At your small nod Jin smiled fondly, helping you wake Yoongi up, and even as the man grew annoyed with you climbing out of his embrace, it took him only a few minutes before he composed himself, too to go eat. 
He was the only one eating at the table then, the others getting ready and changing into their swimsuits. He would catch up soon he told himself, preparing a cup of coffe first. 
The first to run down the stairs in a pair of flip flops was Taehyung, a loose tank top over his chest while he wore a pair of dark red swim shorts. 
Only a few seconds after was Jungkook, in turn having a towel wrapped around his naked chest while he had jet black swimwear, his shoes loudly sounding through the hallway as he ran after the second youngest, giggling about something. 
Soon after the sliding doors to the garden at the back porch could be heard with beeping sounds that soon turned off, but Yoongi paid it no mind. 
The next to be seen run over to the heated pool was Hoseok, with a embroidered towel of the KAWS figure. There was a large JHOPE signature in one of the corners in white thread, shining against the colourful background. No doubt has it been done for the singer as a unique piece. 
The alpha wore a patterned swimsuit, radiating his energy like usual, and, to no surprise on his wrist jiggled the bracelet you had done for him during the night, the man wearing it proudly, thanking you just after breakfast. He woke up wearing it, after all.
Just a step behind him followed Namjoon and Jimin, who wore cream coloured Louis Vuitton trunks with dark navy trimmings and a tight black swim top which nicely complimented his body form. 
Namjoon had a pair of simple black swimsuit on with small white accents and a large bold lettering describing the brand - Dolce & Gabbana. With a towel around his neck he made his was downstairs, following the younger on the way to the pool. 
None of the men he had seen now made him want to look up as much as when you entered, a shy calculated steps as you wore a pair of simple crocks with a few jibbets, no question purchased by Jin considering their colour. 
The alpha held your hand as he guided you back downstairs, the pink with red trim on his swimsuit matching the colour of your shoewear, but he also had a simple black sleeve on not likely intended for the water. 
He combed his hair back with the other hand he held a pair of towels in, one a soft shade of purple the other a simple black. Yoongi didn't bat an eye at Jin, but when he noticed your figure, shy as ever but even more beautiful, that's only when he took a second look. 
You looked adorable, yet so shy and uncertain, even when the eldest would encourage you that you looked like the prettiest omega in the entire universe and that you didn't need to be afraid of not knowing how to swim well, that they wouldn't let you struggle a single moment. 
From the time Jin took you back to the room, this time to truly choose the swimsuit, not like yesterday with the side tracking, he let you try as many as you liked, only coming into his spacious bathroom if you invited him. 
You tried all of the over twenty pieces, still you showed him only a small handful, the ones in which you felt the most confident considering you were facing one of the prettiest men you have ever seen. 
Truly believed that you would never be able to compare to the others he had likely seen in swimsuits, you felt ashamed even if nothing was wrong with your body, in the truest alpha's believe a feast for the eyes. 
„Cub that colour goes so well with your hair too, and the cut is really flattering too...” 
„Ah seriously what a blessing to see you looking so perfect and beautiful, peaches I love that pair on you!” the older would gush, having you hiding your pink cheeks in embarrassment. 
In the end you took the one piece from Dior, which had a beautiful powder blue lining and a flattering mapping of cream colour with black thin lined flower detailing in the front panel, the straps over your shoulder thick to tie in a beautiful loose bow that would cascade down your arms. It was a truly flattering piece, and you felt nice in it, especially after Jin made sure you knew just how pretty you were. 
Placing the cup back onto the table, Yoongi was quick to stand up, coming over to look closer, if you allowed that. But your hands took his waist into a soft embrace in answer to his amazed gaze, and the alpha was quick to return it. 
While he wasn't necessarily keen on going swimming this early in the morning, seeing how pretty you looked, he couldn't give up on that and was quick to finish his coffee in a few gulps as Jin led you towards the back doors, going upstairs to also change. 
„Here, cub, let me wrap you up; it's snowing outside.” He whispered gently to your ear as he flanked you in the two towels, and before you could even protest, he picked you up into his embrace, your head resting against his wide shoulders. 
„You won't have to step in the snow now; let oppa carry you, little cub.” He argued, holding you in his arms as he slid the doors open, the freezing cold air immediately hitting both of you. 
Just as Jin cursed quietly, the snow fell around you. The man was quick to start a very brisk walk the few tens of metres until he arrived at the covered pool, the semicircular clear dome allowing one to see the pack members already inside. 
Placing you back on your feet tenderly, the eldest hurried to slide the doors open, ushering you first in, and only the moment after he entered did he sigh out. 
The sudden noisiness of the closed-off space, considering it to be hollow, surprised you a little. Loud water splashed as it cascaded down one of the water massagers you have only ever seen in spa advertisements. 
„Babycheeks!” Taehyung gasped, a large boxy smile taking over his face, abandoning the other young brothers, who were just setting up the net for the volleyball match they were planning to play. 
The second-youngest alpha was quick to swim over to the edge, effortlessly pulling himself up to greet you. Water rained down his tan skin as he shook his hair. 
Just as he was about to hug you, you squeaked a soft gasp, the towels falling off of your body. You didn't want to get wet yet; your skin was still warmed up from being asleep for so long, and even if the pool water was warmed, you needed to get to the point of being fully submerged slowly anyway!
Before you could even complain, the alpha was once again reaching for you, stepping closer, and having you gasp again.
And so, as the alpha taunted to hug you, you did your best to escape him. As you were running near the edge, with the other men already in the water except Jin, who was very attentively applying lip balm, you felt his cold hand just at your shoulder, just before you slipped into the water yourself.
The sudden cold embrace from the soft waves you received did nothing to calm you down. Even if you were under the surface for a bare second or two, the water level was not that high for you to not reach the bottom at this end, and you were startled. 
And so when you resurfaced, hearing the worried calls of the alphas surrounding you as they were quick to make their way over, you let a soft whimper leave you, having Namjoon, who reached you the quickest, pull you to himself right away, your distress breaking his heart. 
A soft frown settled between his eyebrows, watching as guilty Taehyung too climbed into the water hastily, wanting to comfort you and apologise.
He didn't mean to startle you so much you would lose your footing, but the edges especially were slippery, and considering you abandoned your shoes at the entrance as did the others, it was a question of time before you would slip. 
„Oh my god, princess, are you okay? Yah, Taehyung, can't you be any less careful?!” The alpha gasped, his hands squeezing your palm, which held onto the packalpha's shoulder, your eyes blown wide and startled. 
You really weren't confident in your swimming at all, and if you were at the deeper end, where even Namjoon hardly reaches the bottom, you could have ended far worse. 
But, to be truthful, there was something fun about jumping into the water like that, with the loud splash sounding around. And so you mumbled a soft yes, saying that you were okay, and no, you wanted to stay in the water longer. 
Soon after you were done answering their questions, letting them fret over you subtly but staying with the alpha longer, your legs wrapped around his waist as he held you to his chest with soft pheromones ghosting around you. 
The water was much warmer than you'd expected, and after even the second oldest joined you, at the invitation to play the water volleyball with them, you agreed, receiving a wide, dimpled smile as Namjoon promised to stay on your team so you could hold onto him any time you would be afraid again. 
„It's okay, pup, hm? Alpha loves to hold you close, baby; don't worry about a thing now.” 
⋆·˚ ༘ *ੈ✩‧₊˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ✩‧₊˚⋆·˚ ༘ *
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beautifulfuckup99 · 9 months
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"There are different kinds of soulmates. 12 to be exact." Ms. Whitehurst says while sat with MBG. "When we think of that term, we think so one dimensional. But no matter lover or friend or partner... We are all connected on a spiritual level. And therefore... We can all have a soul mate from the past that will find us one day, again."
First type of Soul Mate: The Soul Crossing Mate
“Soul Crossings: This phenomenon can happen with friends or lovers or colleagues, when for a short amount of time you are thrown together and share amazing experiences and awakenings in a past life before one of you is ripped away. They may find you in the next life. And hopefully… the outcome will be different.”
Warning(s): Curs!ng, SMUT, Ment!ons of Unal!ving, Angst (read at your own risk)
“Fuck. Fuck.” Jungkook whispers as he barges into his bedroom while you stand by the window, looking out into the courtyard, your heart racing like it’s been all this morning.
“I told him. I told him, I told him I don't… That I don't want her. I told him that if he did this, what I would do. And he… He called my bluff. And I'm a fucking coward for it…” Jungkook whispers when the bedroom door is finally shut, and it makes you hum. You can only manage that noise. You can’t even bring yourself to look at him as he rambles on.
“My father will marry me off for an alliance with a woman I don't even love…” He whispers quietly to himself, and you shut your eyes, your hands gripping your raggedy maid apron.
“You should be lucky.” You finally say, still facing away from him. He looks at you in disbelief. “The princess is… She’s beautiful.” You whisper, your throat burning at that comment. You knew. You always knew that what you and the prince had was strictly for the shadows. You were foolish to think of a future with him as you laid tangled under his sheets.
“Don’t. Y/N. Don’t, because… She’s not you.” Jungkook whispers. “She's… She'll never be… You.” He states as you hold yourself.
“We knew this would never be okay.” You shake your head, finally turning to face him and it’s your greatest mistake, because you instantly feel tears threaten to escape your eyes.
“We? No. I always knew this was right. I… I don't… I don't want to marry that woman.” He says, venom in his voice and it makes you shiver.
“But for your father? For your kingdom? You have to. A good prince is not selfish. You are not selfish. Marrying her… it’ll bring guaranteed peace to both kingdoms.” You say. It hurt to say this, but you knew deep down, Jungkook cared for his people. And this was for the best.
“But I…” His voice cracks a bit as he moves closer to you. “I don't want to stop… No. I can’t stop loving you." He says stubbornly. You sigh tiredly.
“Prince-" He cuts you off from even thinking to refer to him like that.
“No. No. You know my name. You… You moaned it out so beautifully just this morning…” He whispers as he walks closer. You can only look down. “I… I don't want to do this…” He whispers. “I don't want to-" It’s your turn to cut him off now.
“But you have to. You have to. Please, my love. Please. For your people. You know it’s what’s best.” You shake your head. “This is… Something you need to do.” You try quietly.
“No. No.” He says, always one to fight. “I need you. I need you always. I…” He moves to you fully now, grabbing your arms.
“I need you to say you still love me. Even if I have to do my duty. Duty to this kingdom, to my father, I need to hear that you need me… Just as badly as I’ll always need you.” He whispers as he looks you straight in the eyes and tears fall freely now.
“I can’t love a man who has a duty to another woman.” You whisper as he grabs your upper arms a bit firmer.
“A duty to a woman that will be loveless. Know that my heart… That my everything will be yours.” He whispers as he looks into your eyes.
“Know that… One day… One day she might be queen. And one day she might bear me a son. But my heart. My soul. My being… will always belong to you.” He whispers as you stare at him with a longing gaze, but your heart ached in an indescribable way.
"Please Y/N. Know nothing will ever change that. I will never... Let anything or anyone... Hurt you." He whispers and you want to laugh bitterly. Because his loving gaze hurts just as much as this news. But you believe him. And that adds to the pain.
"They can never find out. No one must ever know." You point out quietly as you look at him. He takes you in as you are at this very moment, and he shuts his eyes.
"I wish I could runaway..." He finally whispers.
"The people need this. Your people need this union-" He cuts you off.
"And what about what I need?!" Jungkook snaps as he looks at you. You pause as you watch him closely, holding your breath at his outburst.
"We are on the brink of war. This marriage can solve everything..." You finally whisper, wanting him to think rationally. But for as long as you've known the prince, he's always been... A more emotional thinker.
"And this should be a good thing." You try quietly as he moves away from you and goes back to pacing the floor/
"But it's not. It not, it's not, it's..." Jungkook pauses for a moment as the tears finally slide down his cheeks. "Fuck..." He whispers as he lets the realization finally envelop him. He is not yours and he never was. And you were silly for ever trying to be his...
You move to hold him tightly in your arms and he scrunches down a bit to rest his head on your shoulder as his calloused hands grip the thin fabric of your maid uniform.
He chokes back an angry sob as he grips your waist tighter, eyes shutting in a calmness that he only gets when around you. "When you hold me in your arms... I feel like I can take on the world..." He whispers between sniffles. He nuzzles more into the cork of your neck.
"I love you..." He breathes out shakily and you shut your eyes to stay in this moment for as long as you can. You'd fight the angels above to stop time at this very second if you could.
He breathes in once more to regain some strength. "I will always... Love you. And I will never... Ever... Leave you." He whispers against your skin and the shivers are very noticeable...
"Say it." He whispers against your neck, and you can't push him away as he holds you tighter against him. "Please. Say it back..." He whispers. Your eyes squeeze shut as you fight against your own mind.
"I will always love you, my prince. And... I will never leave you." You whisper finally, your chest tightening because you meant every word. But the idea of him wrapped in another woman's wedding ring... It haunted you already.
"Thank you. Thank you..." Jungkook breathes out, pulling back only to catch your lips in a passionate entanglement. You kiss back feverishly.
"I need you." He breathes against your lips, and you whimper softly at the statement. He pulls away fully from your lips. "I need you now." He whispers as he grips the edge of your dress.
"Take this off." He demands, always an impatient one. It makes you blush as you hurriedly untie your apron while he helps to unzip the back of your dress.
As he disrobes you, you hurriedly unbutton his black vest and go for the shirt under it. "Just rip it. Rip it off..." He encourages hotly against your neck. You do just that and the shirt slides down his toned arms before he grabs you up and carries you to bed.
Dropping you on to the cold satin sheets, you're quick to remove his belt and yank down his pants. Today had shown you both one major thing. You had no more spare time to waste. You only had now. Now to be selfish, now to be lustful. Now to sin and break the king's ruling.
No royal shall ever sleep with a commoner.
Without a second thought, your hand wraps around his thick member, stroking it slowly as he gasps in pure pleasure. "Just like that. Look at me. Look into my eyes." He pants lustfully and you look up at him with eyes full of adoration. There was no hiding this love...
"I've said it before. And I'll say it again. You are mine. Now until forever." He shivers against your lips as you slide your hand up his cock, feeling it harden in your grasp.
"I love you. I love you..." He moans and kisses you lovingly as you lay back on the bed with him on top of you, his cock in your hand, getting solid with every stroke of your soft hand around it.
"No more." He finally pants as his hips jerk against your hand.
"My prince, I-" He cuts you off.
"Let me service you, my love. Let me worship... The only body I will ever need in my life." He breathes out before kissing along your neck and towards your breasts.
You loosen your hand from around his cock as you gasp softly. His kisses never failed to leave a trail of fire in their wake. "Don't hold back. Let your moans be heard. Let everyone know... Who I truly honor." He whispers against your left nipple before his lips wrap around the nub, making you moan more, back aching.
"Let them hear." He whispers against your nipple. "Let them warn the princess." He moves to suck on your right nipple for a moment as your head rolls back into his bed that you've made your home for the past year. "That I love someone else. That she will never compare... She will never get this from me. Because I am yours..." He whispers and moves further down your body.
"My prince..." You breathe out in contentment. The sensation of floating is not lost on you.
Without another word, he gets to work devouring you in a desperate way. His tongue flicks your clit with determination to make you melt and he's fast to slurp up the juices that collect.
"Oh my... Jungkook!" You moan, hand gripping his mess of curls.
"Louder. Louder..." He mumbles against your clit and the vibrations only add to your pleasure. "Say how much... You... Like it..." He mumbles against your wet slot.
"I love it! Oh my... Gods above. Yes!" You cry out, unable to contain your volume at this moment. Your thighs clench as you feel yourself teetering at the edge of bliss...
"Mm... You're going to cum, aren't you. Cum. My good girl. Cum for me... Let them hear..." He mutters against your clit before sucking harder, making your entire body tremble as you grip his hair in both hands now. You feel your mind going quiet as you focus on the feeling of now. And now, right now, you had your gorgeous lover between your legs, begging for your cum in the mix of his heavy breathing and hard grip on your hips to keep you in place.
"You will... Always be my... Good girl..." He mumbles as he gets you over the edge. You scream out, unable to hold back at this moment. You cum all over his mouth and he hungrily sucks it up. You whimper as you try pushing at his head.
"Sensitive?" He teases against your thigh before licking the juices that had leaked along your inner thigh. Your eyes shut in pleasure.
"Jungkook..." You whisper as reality creeps back in. You'd just been loud. What if someone heard?
"Hey. No. no, no. None of that." He whispers back. He could always read your mind. "Just move your head. No talking. No thinking. Do you want me?" He whispers as he rests his chin on your stomach gently. You sigh shakily and shut your eyes before you give in. You nod slowly and he leans up to kiss you deeply. You can taste yourself on his tongue as it dances with yours.
"I love your sounds..." He mumbles against your mouth as it hangs open while you pant in a heated need for more. He gets fully on top of you and you feel how hard he is as it nuzzles against your wet folds.
"Say you want me. Say you love me, Y/N." He breathes out as he holds your face, looking into your eyes. You look up at him. It's just you two in this moment. Your mind pictures a perfect world where this wouldn't end in heartache. Where you'd be his for a moment outside of the bedroom. But she will get that. She will get a husband, a king, a father to her child. And you... You will get this moment.
"I love you. I want you. My prince..." You give in quietly.
With no other words, his hand goes around your throat comfortingly before he sinks into you slowly to make it last. You whine quietly and your head rolls back as he claims you. His body could always tower over yours and his strong hand around your neck could only compare to the other hand he placed on your hip to hold you in place fully. He grunts as he thrusts deeper into you, and you've never felt fuller than you do in this moment...
"You're my queen. My queen..." He breathes out roughly as he takes you with a full sense of desire that leaves you thoughtless and moral-less.
"Jungkook!" You cry out as your hands grip his shoulders desperately to hang on to something.
"Beautiful. Yes. Don't hold back. Let them hear. Let the heavens know. This is what a true angel sounds like..." He grunts in your ear as he hits your spot hard to make you moan out more. He controlled your body more than you ever could...
"Fuck. The way your pussy just... Grips on me." He groans as he pumps his hips faster. Your legs hook around his hips as your nails dig into his perfect skin, hoping to mark him for eternity.
"You're perfect. Mine. All mine. And I'm yours." He pants against your lips and you nod fast.
"Mine. Mine." Is all you can say back as your eyes roll shut.
"My queen. She won't get this. She will never get to have this because I am yours only yours..." He whispers before kissing along your cheek and down to your neck. You enjoy the pleasure. The sense of feeling full of him, the sounds of passion he makes, the way his body found a way to always fully engulf yours.
"I love you..." You cry out as you drag your nails down his bare back. This was reminding you of exactly why you fell i love in the first place.
"I... I'm going to... Cum!" You moan loudly as you wrap your legs fully around his hips. He couldn't go. You couldn't let him go...
"Cum. Cum for me. My queen..." Jungkook pants as it hits you hard all at once. In the next moment, you're feeling full of his hot seed as you both come down from your highs slowly. Like a feather floating through the air.
Your eyes stay shut as you focus on his lips all over your face. "I know. I know this is a lot. But I will not share a room with her. I will not... I will not be... A husband to her." He whispers as you come back to the truth. You are a servant. Not his wife. Not his queen.
"Y/N. Are you listening?" He whispers as he lifts your chin. You finally open your eyes and meet his warm gaze. "She may have my hand in the public eye. But you have my heart. And I will rest by your side every night. Until my last breath..." He whispers and you can only bring yourself to nod. But your teeth are digging into your tongue.
He kisses your forehead tenderly and pulls out of you slowly to hold you in his arms as you truly think about the life you will live after today. No other words are spoken as you rest in his arms before a stone is set on your chest.
You know what must be done...
With hectic footsteps and heavy breathing, Jungkook runs down the stone steps to the dungeon, tears threatening to fall the second he sees his true love behind the iron bars. "What is the meaning of this?! I want her released! Immediately!" He orders, voice booming through the cold, dark, and moist basement.
"I'm sorry, Prince. Orders from the king. She is to be held here until her hanging. Which is tomorrow at dawn." The guard says, head bowed.
"And what the hell is her crime?!" Jungkook says as you walk closer to the iron bars of your cell.
"Seducing Royalty, sir." The guard says softly. "We have her confession." He continues. Jungkook finally looks over at you and you see the confusion and hurt on his face. He walks closer to your cell and the guard avoids his eyes out of respect.
"What... Y/N, I... I don't understand." He whispers, a broken man at this point, more than he'd been earlier today.
"Jungkook..." You whisper as you reach out through the bars to hold his face. "I... I cannot love half of you." You whisper as his tears fall freely.
"So, my punishment is to lose all of you?!" He snaps in a rage that can only come from fear and pain. You shut your eyes, unable to witness the seed of despair you'd just planted into your lover's soul...
"Look at me." He whispers and you try to pull away, but he grabs your hands tighter to hold them against his face. "Why?" He chokes out through a sob.
You finally open your eyes to look at him. "We don't get this lifetime. I would've fought any god to keep this love with you. But they never paid mind to us." You whisper as you look him in the eyes.
"I'm not done with you." He whispers as he looks you deep in your eyes and you slowly slide your hands from his.
"I am not yours anymore..." You whisper back as you hold back your tears. Someone had to stay strong. He stares at you, unblinking. The hurt is clear as day on his face as he shakes his head at you slowly.
"I will never... Forgive you." He whispers quietly.
You shut your eyes at that, those words adding to your already heavy heart...
************PRESENT DAY**************
You open your eyes and blush a bit as you're met with your boyfriend of five months staring back at you. He smiles peacefully at you, and you playfully cover his face with your hand. "Morning to you too..." He laughs softly against your hand, and you smile as you sit up in bed tiredly.
"What time is it?" You mutter as you go to grab your phone from the nightstand.
"9am. But... It's Saturday. Day off. You know what that means..." He trails off playfully and you jokingly gasp.
"Do I actually get you to myself!?!" You jokingly question as you eye your idol boyfriend.
"Ha-ha. Yes. I am all yours today, my queen." He teases back and you pause at the nickname and hum a bit.
"I actually like the sound of that..." You whisper as you smile up at him while he plays with your messy bed head...
Hope ya'll liked it! Yoongi's past life will be released Next Saturday the 13th! Keep an eye out for that post! And have a good night!
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
𝐄𝐯𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: Pull Me Closer
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Every year, he joins the old tradition of traveling, where his ancestors have once ruled the skies. Every year, he meets familiar faces and new ones he's never seen before. Every year, he watches how his brothers find their mates, build their families, and introduce new generations to stories as old as time. But this year, something might be different. This year, there's you - a treasure worth more than he could ever offer.
Tags/Warnings: Dragon!Jungkook, strangers to lovers/mates, mentions of folklore and traditions, modern fantasy, romance, human?Reader, Fluff, Courting, MC kinda wary of kook at first, but he's cute give him a chance pls
Additional Chapter Warnings: tensioooon, the hunt is near, some steamy action that made me hit my desk
Length: short, tumblr hates long evocation updates for some reason
A/N: There is no taglist. I continue to force you to eat the dragon!kook meal, so you better finish your plate or there wont be any dessert. Also there is no taglist.
-> Masterlist
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It's hot this year.
You're usually not this bold with your choice of clothing, but the heat pretty much forces you to dress a bit more revealing as to not overheat- simply summer dress and underwear already feeling as if it's too much under the blazing sun. It makes most dragonkins laze around and bathe in the warmth of the giant star up in the sky, soaking up the sunlight as if they're some cold-blooded lizard recharging their energy and upping their body temperature.
It's funny how some instincts never leave, even if your body isn't the same anymore.
According to legends and some research, dragonkin had been, at some point, actual dragons- their blood slowly becoming less and less pure as they began to fall in love with the human kind. Their bodies changed, becoming less distinguishable from one another, as nowadays, only little hints remain in their visual appearance. It's honestly best seen in Jungkook, as you watch him push his hair back out of his eyes, beads of sweat rolling down the side of his face. He's tall, muscular but not too much so, with sharp eyes and traditional ink underneath the skin of his arm. It's not too different from a regular human- it's more so the way he carries himself, the way his instincts seem to lead him.
And yes- he's also got that very distinctive spot on the back of his neck- similar to you, and all of the other dragonkin around.
It's called a dragon's burn- a story as old as time saying that it's the soul of the last living dragon-mother burning her mark into the skin of a newborn, so she can still find her children amongst the humans. And while there's no actual proof or rather explanation from science as to why this mark appears or how it forms, its also said to determine one's personality and future, depending on it's shape, size, and position.
You've got your eyes closed as you soak up the sun as well now- dragonkin practically immune to sunburns, which is another thing that's still being researched. You're softly swinging from side to side in the hammock, one leg dangling out when you notice steps coming closer. By now, you're not worried about it anymore- it can really only be one person seeking you out.
He's not talked to you since you'd offered him the bracelet- you wonder if he still wears it.
There's a hand around your ankle, and your eyes open at that as you watch him, his gaze on you. He's looking at you a little differently today- not so bold anymore, not as fierce as usual. There's a certain softness to his eyes that you've not seen before- but you feel oddly comforted by it, as his fingers run over the soft skin of your leg. It's now that you notice the bracelet still hanging around his wrist, securely tied as if he didn't even think about how to open that knot ever again.
Maybe because he really doesn't intend to do so.
"You make me want to join you." He chuckles, watching as you stretch your arms above your head before relaxing again.
"I doubt the hammock can hold both of our weights." You respond, and he grins.
"If Yoongi and his mate can have sex on this thing, I'm sure it can handle us both simply cuddling on it." he comments, and at that you shoot upright into a sitting position.
"On this thing?!" you ask, scandalized, and he can't help but laugh openly about your face full of shock. It's a nice laugh- it's free, open, honest. You like it.
"I don't think it was this specific one." He reassures. "Or maybe. They probably cleaned it though, don't worry." He says, before he holds onto it, making you lean back as to not be forced too close to him.
"I- did not agree to the cuddling part though.." You stammer as he climbs in without really asking any further, moving around and boldly using his strength to push and move you into a comfortable position in his arms- and despite your vocal protest, you can't help but scoot a little bit closer than he'd placed you, leaning halfway on his body as he chuckles.
"Well it sure doesn't feel like you're too upset over it though." He offers, and you're quiet- because you're not sure what to say. It takes a moment or two before you point towards the bracelet around his wrist- his hand on his chest close to you as you tap one of the wooden beads.
"M' sorry about that one, by the way." You mumble disappointed.
"Why?" He asks, genuine surprise in his voice. "Did you not want to give it to me?" He worries, but you shake your head.
"No, I wanted to.. you know, give you something." You shrug. "But this thing sucks. It looks awful." You say, and his hand instead reaches out to hold yours now, thumb running over the back of your palm.
"It's made by you." He offers. "You've put effort into it, and I appreciate that." He tells you, and you shrug.
"You can be honest." You say. "It looks-"
"Like a gift given to me by my future mate." He says, and at that you freeze. It's the first time he openly calls you a future mate- even though he's not given you anything in return yet. "Let's not dwell on it for now, okay?" He asks, and you shrug. "Let's just exist for a moment. I just want to hold you." He says, and at that, you nod, before you lean in closer.
Soaking up both the sun- and the warmth of his skin and body next to yours.
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The first preparations for the festivities are in full force, but tonight, things are still calm and easy.
Some are still hammering together the stages and booths, nails hit into wood in a steady rhythm, while others have gone to bed early. You yourself are still sitting outside- air cool now, refreshing as some insects chirp somewhere in the distance.
In a way, you dread the next two days. Because it'll be the last, and then you'll be back in the loud, bustling city full of noise and stress.
Someone sits next to you on the edge of the stage, a sigh escaping him as he looks at what you're watching. "It's nice like this." He comments, nodding to himself. You nod as well.
"I don't want to go home yet." You mumble almost more to yourself than anyone else- but he still hears you.
"You don't have to- not yet." He tries to lift your mood. It works only a little. "Dont let the thoughts of what's to come ruin what you've got right now. That's what my mom always says." He playfully shoves his shoulder against yours. "But- that's not actually why I wanted to see you." He suddenly says, jumping down from the edge of the stage, pulling something from the pocket of his pants. It jungles distinctively- a high sound indicating a small bell of some sorts, and his hands are almost hesitant as his fingers wrap around your bare ankle.
"Dont think I've forgotten.." he starts, and you can't help the goosebumps that erupt from the way his hands pull you closer by your leg. "...or that I have chosen someone else.." he tells you, gaze sharp and fierce again as he watches your every reaction from his position. He reveals the delicate, silver anklet that he's got, wrapping it around before he uses a small pair of pliers to bend close one of the chain links.
There's no way for you to take it off now without breaking it. A silent offering that also showes his urge to make sure you know that his decisions are final. That he stands by this gesture, by his words, his choice.
And he's choosing you.
"Thats cheating." You tease. "You're making the hunt easy on yourself." You jab at him jokingly. "Scared you won't catch me without the help or a bell around my leg?" You ask, tilting your head innocently while he leans down to kiss the side of your knee- and action that makes your breath hitch a little, something that doesn't go unnoticed as the corners of his lips lift.
"Oh, that bell isn't for me." He chuckles, hands at the very edge of the hem of your dress, never daring to go any higher. "Its so everyone else knows to stay away from you, because you'll be mine." He says.
"Bold." You just tell him, as he helps you down from the edge of the stage and into his arms, before he cages you in with your back against the wooden front of the structure, arms on either side of you.
"How could I not be?" He wonders, looking down at you, eyes jumping from your lips to your eyes. "I've got to be, considering all the others who lick their lips after you."
You scoff. He tilts his head for a second in confusion.
"You don't believe me?" He asks, and you shrug, looking away- but he doesn't have it, pulls your face back with his hand on your chin- before said hand moves to hold your cheek instead, an awfully tender gesture from the otherwise rather rough dragonkin. "You've got no idea how much you're desired."
"I'm not, really." You deny, but he instead leans in to nose at your neck, breathing in your scent. "Except, maybe by you." You try and joke, but you can instead feel his grin against your neck as he places an almost teasing kiss close to your dragon's-burn on the back of your neck.
"That you are." He affirms. "I desire you a lot. Not just.. physically though." He explains.
"Huh?" You stupidly sigh, unable to think straight under his ministrations.
"I desire all of you." He tries to explain. "I want to hear what worries you, what you think of, what you believe you can't tell anyone else. I want to know what makes you happy, what gets you excited, what makes you sad." He rambles, leaning his head on your shoulder now, lips tenderly kissing the tip of it. "I don't just want your body." He says. "I want you."
"Jungkook-" you sigh, and he can't help but laugh boyishly to himself.
"I love the way you say my name." He chuckles. "I love that you say my name." He clarifies, and you can't help but smile as well now, butterflies no longer being ignored now as they flutter in your heart at his clear display of affection.
You've never been desired like that. Wanted. Almost needed, in a way.
"Tomorrow." He reminds you, leaning away from you again. "Tomorrow, you'll be mine." He tells you.
"I won't make it easy." You threaten playfully, and he grins.
"And I wouldn't want you to, either." He responds before you both part ways-
Barely sleeping as the excitement sets in.
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jimin-my-sunshine · 8 days
I love this show so much, because it's shown sides of them that the public has never seen and it's shown me just how much more similar the both of them are to me in different ways.
Ah...I didn't think they could get any similar and a lot of my mannerisms and behavior are making sense to me now.
Twin flames are so incredible and I really hope that even more people will discover these wonderful connections and be more open to finding them.
They bring out the best in you and help you become a better version of yourself, through growth and nothing but pure unconditional love.
Which is not something that many people can say they have really experienced, unfortunately.
I've met both Namjoon's and Taehyung's twin, so I wonder if I'll ever meet the other's some day?
That would be really great if I crossed paths with them- or even soul mates of their's.
I haven't came across any soul mates of Jimin and Jungkook in quite some time though...
I look forward to reaching even more people with my words, so I can learn about others and their lovely experiences :)
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purpleyoonn · 2 years
baby (you complete us) 2
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C H A P T E R   T W O
summary: Soulmates were a common occurrence, so common, in fact, that the world sought an easier way to find your other half: A bracelet that would scan your mark and match you with those who shared your mark. Within recent years, soul groups were becoming normal, and your own bracelet said you have seven matches.
Or where you wear your bracelet for ten years, and finally give up the hope you would find your soul group, only for BTS to put theirs on and see what they were missing.
genre: soulmate au, idol au, angst, fluff, eventual smut,
pairing: Idol BTS x Disabled MC
warnings: angst, mentions of depression, disabled mc (Ehlers Danlos syndrome), eventual smut, fluff, lots of fluff, mentions of disability, simp bangtan
chapter warnings: lots of insecurities, upset bangtan, determined bangtan, bangtan become simps, mentions of depression, mentions of disability, negative feelings towards disability, 
masterlist // chapter 1 // chapter 3
taglist: @imnotlauriane  @mageprincess7 @m1sss1mp @0funsite0  @strawberry-moonpies @this-isthe-way @singukieee @btsw1fe @gooooomz  @fluffy-canada-pancakes @carolinexkpop @agusfree @sakurarukas @iamkookiesforyou @skyys-universe @toughbook @plutoneu @whisperssuga @welcometomyworld13 @yuzon3 @wittyreader @jnghs @cyd0129 @exfolitae​ @queen-in-the-shadows​ @nen-nyy​ @pandxthings​ @schniti-is-in-the-house​ @juju-227592​ @jinseartharmysmoon​ @wooya1224​ @ddaeng-angmoh​ @gratefullygrateful​ @rorythme​ @gratefullygrateful​ @kimrona​ @jjjj-ssi​ @maysgarden​ @lovelgirl22​ @doublebunv​ @take-u-2-an0ther-w0r1d​ @reallysparklychaos​ @jayjayy-57​
permanent taglist: @yourleftsock​​ @cryingpages​​ @strxwbloody​​  @drissteele​​ @dustyinkpages​​ @crushedblackroses​​  @blaaiissee​​  @iiitsmaria​​  @azazel-nyx​​  @g-h-o-s-t-b-a-b-i​​ @knjkitten​​ @kleirielk​​ @foreverweareyoung7​​ @lachimolala22019​​ @namuficxs​​ @94z-93​​ @kimgmzmc​​ @thenaverse​​ @veronawrites​
Previously on baby (you complete us): 
They had another soulmate.
One who had been wearing theirs for ten years.
One who had been messaging them.
And their last message said they lost hope and were going to take the bracelet off.
After receiving their soulmate notifications, Sejin had gathered them up quickly and brought them back to their dorms. They were all in shock, so many thoughts going through their minds. They didn’t need to be around others as they processed this. Sejin decided he would talk to his team, figure out what the needed to do next.
The boys remained glued to their home, their couches occupied by multiple bodies as none of them moved into their shared room. They had spent the past couple of days reading all of the messages you had sent, their hearts heavy as they read about your life, the good and the increasingly bad over the past four years.
Tissues and blankets were splayed over the room, their faces puffy as they come to the realization that their mate was an army, their songs helping your through the toughest points in your life, only for you to lose hope because of them. To believe that they wouldn’t want you at all.
Their hearts broke and their souls ached.
But they could only imagine how you felt. It did seem as though they didn’t want you, and they were unable to prove otherwise before you lost hope. You spent ten years hoping for them to come, only for them to come too late.
“Hyung…we have to find her.” Jungkook couldn’t help but sob, his grip on Taehyung tightening as he continued to read the messages over his older mate’s shoulder. Jin was behind Jungkook, holding him as he cried out.
Jungkook was your age, and he couldn’t stop himself from imagining your life, your expression as you told them about your days. He imagined his time with his mates, wondering what would have happened if they had found you sooner.
“I know.” Namjoon, too, was having trouble keeping himself closed off. His face was puffy and his face had tear stains marked down his cheeks. He held a pillow to his chest, looking over his mates as they cried in each other’s arms.
He had been messaging Sejin all morning, determined to find you. They started with your profile, the profile picture helping only a tiny bit. They had their social team looking through all social media, looking for a facial match. They also used any information given from your messages to find you.
Yoongi suggested going through info attained from medical records, remembering the man from Soul Connection had said something about it. That there may be connections if the person allowed. Someone on their team was in the middle of talking with the company, trying to get access to those records.
“We will find her, even if we have to make an announcement on Twitter.” The reassurance from their leader helped a little, but when they finished reading your messages, their heart ache turned into determination.
Jungkook was the first, going back to the very beginning and responding to each and every message you sent. The others soon following suit. Messages in some broken English and Korean were sent. It took another couple of days but the team was not able to find you.
Sejin said their best hope was to send out an announcement, and that if you were truly an army, you would see is and hopefully turn to the app. They would send you a message, telling you that they would like to talk to you and sending you the number of one of their translators.
Their only hope of finding you was if you were to see their announcement somehow.
They had to hope that you still wanted them, even if your actions spoke differently.
It had been almost a week since you had taken off your bracelet, consequently giving up the hope you had of ever finding your soulmates.
It was a weird feeling, almost as if you noticed even more the number of soulmates around you, like your heart was still hoping your soulmates would just show up, in front of you, or give you a sign at least that they were looking for you as well.
But you knew that wasn’t going to happen. If it did, it would have happened years ago. Soulmate bracelets had become common a couple years back, and almost everyone you knew wore one.
It was around 9 o’clock am and you were at your favorite café, your work laptop in front of you as shifted through emails, sending ones to trash as you deemed fit. You had a large coffee in front of you, refilled probably twice by now along with an empty plate that once held a lemon loaf slice.
The television played in the background as you listened to the sounds of the café, taking a small break so you don’t end up hurting your eyes even more. You had been there since they opened at five thirty, unable to sleep.
You had been having trouble sleeping since taking off the bracelet, attributing the issue to the different feeling of a weightless wrist. Change was always a motive for your body to have sleeping difficulties, unfortunately.
Rubbing your eyes, not caring about the left over makeup residue, you open them again only to catch sight of the television, one of your favorite kpop groups, BTS, was on it, well a picture of them was. It was followed by a twitter post, the word “soulmate” catching your eye.
You quickly close out your email and head to google, going straight to twitter and signing in. The first thing that came up was the post from the official Bighit account.
The collaboration BTS is doing with Soul ConnectionÔ has brought to our attention the presence of another soulmate within the already bonded group. All seven members have responded to the bracelet notification and are waiting for their soulmate to respond.
However, due to some unforeseen circumstances, they have been unable to get any information about their soulmate, as their profile is private due to either personal settings or from not wearing the bracelet.
We are asking that if their soulmate is reading this, that they please answer the messages that have been sent and get into contact with us.
This is of the utmost importance, as now that both parties are aware, soul symptoms are soon to begin and we wish to place importance upon the health of both parties.
Thank you.
The tweet was retweeted by BTS themselves, with the caption, “please help us, army.”
It had your mind racing, wondering if they were your mates, seeing as you had seven of them according to the app. You looked down at your mark, before looking away, a sigh leaving your lips.
There was no way BTS were your mates. Absolutely ridiculous.
Your brain was just trying to save you the heartache of being completely abandoned by your own soulmates, so it was coming up with ridiculous ideas to ease the pain. But it wasn’t going to work, as you were already familiar and comfortable with the idea of pain.
You decided that enough was enough for the day and decided to go home and actually enjoy your day off before your pushed past your limits. You knew them well enough, and always tended to teeter on the line of too much. You couldn’t help it, still kind of bitter about the years old diagnosis.
Picking up food on your way home, you managed to not need your cane, a silent thank you to the sky above as you pushed your door open with your hip. You placed the food on the small side table and your laptop bag on the floor besides your desk.
Just as you moved to open your takeout container, your phone was ringing from inside your sweatshirt pocket. Groaning, you pulled it out after putting your fork down.
“Hello?” You asked into the phone, not even bothering to take a second to check the name on your screen.
“Hey sis!” You sighed, knowing that your food was going to get cold before your sister ever decided to hang up the phone.
“Hey Ken. What’s up?” Your sister, Kennedy, was a fashion editor for some magazine in New York, having gotten an internship after graduation, where they ended up hiring her on. She’d been in New York for over seven years now.
“Nothing much, just saw the news and word on the street is that your lover boys have found their last soulmate. I just wanted to see if I could ease the poor heartbreak that I knew my baby sister would inevitably feel...Unless you have something to tell me?” You rolled your eyes at her, seeing that she hasn’t changed since you last saw her for your dad’s birthday the year before.
“Dude, I am not heartbroken, your dramatic.” You listen as she laughs into the phone. You completely ignore her joke that you might be their soulmate.
“Are you sure? If I remember correctly, just a couple months ago Daniel sent me a video of you drunk and crying because J-Hope posted a video of Jungkook and Jimin laughing.” You cringed, remembering this exact video, and how you proceeded to punch your brother the next morning for sending it to everyone.
“What did you say? “Why are they so smol and cute?” Was that it? No, I think you were pointing out how beautiful Jimin’s eye smile was. Aha! That’s it.” You could tell she was wearing a smirk on her lips, proud of reminding you about your drunken breakdown over Jimin’s smile. You would never live this down.
“Haha. Very funny. If I remember correctly, I still have a video of you on my phone trying to use my cane as a stripper pole and falling down on your ass, flashing everyone.” You bring up her own drunken mishap.
“I thought you deleted that!” She practically screamed through the phone, making your own smirk grow.  
“Now why would I do that when you bring up my own drunk video every couple months. I gotta have something up my sleeve.” It was quiet for a couple minutes, your sister’s breathing the only thing coming through the receiver.
“Okay fine, truce for now?”
“Truce for now.” You repeat back your own little saying.
“But I really did call to check on you. I heard from Daniel that you haven’t been having the best week.” Another sigh leaves your lip as you think of your older brother.
You were the baby of the family, Kennedy being three years older than you and Daniel being the eldest, only two years older than Kennedy. They were both protective of you, of course, but Daniel had seen firsthand what the death of your mother and your medical diagnosis had put you through. Had seen you when you were at your worst when your sister was in New York, unable to get time off to help.
He visited you every weekend, and you had lunch with him every Wednesday, without fail, for the past three years. He took you to doctor’s appointment and was in the middle of helping you to make your home more accessible for when your body was pushed past its limits. 
He offered to buy you a wheelchair, but you declined, saying you weren’t that bad yet. You knew mobility aids were expensive, and didn’t want him to have to pay for it.
“I’m fine Ken. Daniel is just being a worrywart like always.” You dismiss her concerns, not wanting anyone to worry about you.
“You know you can always talk to me about anything, right? I’m always here for you.”
“I know, Ken.”
The conversation only lasted for a couple more seconds before Kennedy hung up, knowing she wasn’t going to get anything out of you. You had closed yourself up those past couple years; Kennedy knew that not even messaging your mates on the soul app was helping anymore. She wondered if you still wore the bracelet, wondered if you had found them or not.
You spent the rest of the day lounging around your living room furniture, unable to get comfy as your hip decided to give you issues. It took three hours for you to finally find a comfy position, only for your mind to decide to linger on your sister’s words.
BTS had found their soulmate, and they were waiting on their soulmate to contact them. Usually, if there was a bond match, the private setting would shift so the matching soulmate could see their profile. The only way that BTS couldn’t see their matches profile but see their picture or send a message was if the soulmate in question was no longer wearing their bracelet or hadn’t worn it yet.
It had your thoughts whirling. It all seemed too coincidental in your mind. The night you take yours off, BTS supposedly finds their missing soulmate through the bracelet. You kept telling yourself that there was no way, that you were just delusional.
But there was a very small part of you that thought, maybe it is me.
And unfortunately for you, that thought beat out your other ones in a competitive battle.
You made your way to your room, to the junk drawer in your dresser that held the bracelet. Once you put it on, you knew your app would update, and you would be able to access your soul profile. If you were their soulmate, on the very miniscule percentage that you were, you would see a notification in your messages.
You held the bracelet in your hands, just observing it, wondering if you were getting your hopes up once again, not sure if you could pick up the pieces this time. After several minutes, you finally plucked up the courage and strapped the bracelet on your left wrist, just over your mark.
Your mark was a single moon phase, the full moon in particular. You were under the impression that your seven mates held the other phases on their own wrists, creating the full cycle. Once you had the bracelet on correctly, you turned to your phone, pulling it out and almost immediately getting the notification that the Soul Connection app had been updated.
You opened it, waited for it to load, and paused when you saw the number 654, the little red bubble sitting at the corner of your messages tab. You couldn’t believe it. You had over thirty notifications, six hundred plus messages in your inbox, and seven matches to your profile.
It had to be a coincidence.
It had to be a coincidence that you had seven matches within the time you had taken off your bracelet, and that they had put theirs on.
You clicked on the messages first, tears coming to your eyes as you scrolled all the way to the top, replies waiting to be clicked on for every single one of the messages you have sent over the past ten years.
You couldn’t believe what you were seeing, needing to rub your tired eyes more than once as English and Korean replies were sent, responding to each and every one of your own messages. Hundreds of apologies written as you scrolled, each one sorry for waiting so long to wear their bracelets.
You moved over to the ‘matches’ button, needing to confirm with your own thoughts what was happening. And there it was, seven matches, their profile pictures and names only confirmed that you were the missing soulmate to BTS.
Next Chapter
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jungkwok · 9 months
desperation | jeon jungkook oneshot
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pairing: jungkook x reader tags: smut, porn without plot, husband!jungkook word count: 463 words
Hours upon hours of scrolling had tired me out. Whether it was the aimless musings of influencers, or slow motion shots of satisfying phenomena- nothing seemed to entertain me, and I found myself looking for my next microdose of dopamine with my left hand, instead of my right. 
The bed laid cold, empty and silent- leaving no sign of the night of warmth and passion it had once endured a few nights ago. And yet that night, him– seemed a million years away. 
I was hungry, and the only person that could satiate my appetite was not here. I whimpered, as if calling my mate, asking, begging– for him to hear my cries and come running to me, ready to begin the ritual once again. Some invisible thread was tugged, and my hand slid, then snuggled gently on my mossy opening. A cub, waiting for its mother’s milk. 
Waiting, to be fed. 
And so I obliged. Plunging my fingers into my richness, I clenched– wanting them to be completely soaked, desperate for some loose imitation of just how wet his cock was. 
‘Jungkook,’ I moaned, this time shamelessly, into the abyss. ‘Egh, my Jungkook~’, my calls perfectly accompanying the soft thrusts of flesh against flesh and the golden squirts of my champagne confetti. 
Perhaps I was a self-sabotaging siren, too hypnotised by my own song to notice the gentle, then firm steps towards our room. The door creaks open, and it is only when I hear a sigh– of disappointment? Of admiration? That I finally opened my eyes. 
‘My love,’ he began, a natural melody in his voice. He seemed calm, and yet a paradox was emerging before my eyes– for his quickening breath and raised crotch suggested otherwise. I removed my hand, for there was another guest that now needs a warm welcome. 
‘Please’, I whispered– my voice holds the same melody as his, yet laced with unbridled desire. 
He stirred, and for a moment time stopped just for us– Jungkook and his mate, bound by soul, and about to be bound by flesh once again. 
And then he was onto me– wearing nothing but the glint in his eyes and the tug on his smile. Slowly, he pressed his hardness against mine, gently rubbing and coating himself with my juices.
I could bear it no longer. With a quick thrust of my hips, he was within. Nothing laid naked in the heavy air, for even our bushes were intertwined. A soft, rich moan escaped him, and I suddenly sought for him to be even closer. Our moss warmly rubbed against each other with tender love. 
We cum, in perfect harmony– and our juices watered each others’ forests, that even the forest nymphs would weep at the sight of such a monsoon.
121 notes · View notes
whalyrae · 6 months
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"We don’t get a say on how it ends, we never have. But we can control how we live."
Summary : You are a powerful witch, cursed and hurt through ages. Owner of your esoteric shop, you were resigned to live this lonely life when the powerful magic of soulmates and fate came to you.
Pairing : poly BTS x reader (she/her)
Genre : soulmate au, demons bts au, witch y/n au, fluff, angst, eventual smut, polyamory relationships
Status : In process
Word Count : 5k
Warnings : eventual smut, angst, mention of depression, death, suicide, past trauma, violence, blood, past (sexual) abuse, past torture, PTSD, scars, self harm, and more.
Tag list : @blackrockshooter780 @babyymeme @starrlo0ver @suckerforv @mushroom-main @m1sss1mp @prettydancingdamzel @i-have-no-life-charlie @avadakadabra93 @veronawrites @kawaiikpoplover268 @didi-9310 @ghostlyworld @carolinexkpop @gooooomz @00ihatesnaku
A/N : After months of struggling with life, health, mental health issues... I can FINALLY POST AGAIN !! This chapter was really hard to write (I cried a little at the end ngl :D), I have constant writer block, constant impostor syndrome... I have the perfectionnism trait but in a toxic way really TT.TT Don't hesitate to like and reblog !! Also don't be afraid to leave a little comment or if you have any questions, here or in anon in my inbox !! they are really really welcomed, I love reading all your impressions and thoughts !!
Also thank you so much !! I was inactive for a very long time and I still got daily alerts with people who liked/kudos the chapters and the story :(( I can't express (yeah i'm an author and i can't express through words LOL) how much i'm grateful :(( ♥♥
ps : ah and sorry if there is any mistakes or anything it's almost 2:30am when I post this and I had an really emotionnal day fgkfdhlfk LOVE YALL MUAH ♥
Playlist link : The Old Guard Playlist
Masterlist | ao3 | wattpad
Chapter 3 // Chapter 5
☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ 
She was wondering whether it would be better to ask Handong to stay with her. She had assured her that she would handle the situation and that Handong could go home. She knew that Gahyeon would need her at their coffee shop. 
However, now that she was in the living room of the seven boys, her soulmates’, after bringing one of them in an utterly unconscious state for a reason as unknown to them as it was to her, she was starting to regret this decision.
She couldn't understand what had happened with Jin the moment their eyes met. She couldn't say anything, the words were stuck in her throat as they stared at each other without a word. He parted his lips as if he wanted to say something, but just like her, nothing came out. 
He'd known she was his soul mate, of course he could feel it. Just like her. But had he recognized her? Did he know that the two of them were the firsts of their soulmate bond to meet, long before any of the other six were born? She couldn't be sure and didn't have time to find out. 
She had seen his features contort in pain, and without a word, he had collapsed. Luckily, Handong, who had seen them, was able to catch him in time, preventing him from falling to the ground and potentially injuring himself. 
Thanks to a spell that increased her strength tenfold, she could carry him without Handong’s help and any difficulty to the place where he lived with his mates. But she couldn't stop herself from hurrying, worried sick about him.
And that's where she is now. Jungkook helped her carry Jin to the living room, laying him on the sofa. While Yoongi woke up Taehyung and Namjoon. Jimin and Hoseok hurried to get a damp cloth on Jin's forehead. 
Namjoon and Taehyung stormed into the room, not hiding their surprise at seeing her there in total panic. 
However, they didn't ask any questions. Yoongi probably had to explain to them what happened and what was going on. 
She was standing in front of the sofa where Jin was lying, staring at the unconscious demon, his features distorted by pain. The sight of him was enough to make her stomach twist with soreness. 
"Hey, Noona..." Jimin's soft voice startled her. He was standing next to her, a comforting smile on his lips, "Everything’s going to be fine, don't worry..."
She didn't even know what to say. She didn't dare to look him in the eye, or any of the other boys. The guilt she'd been carrying around with her all these centuries was only getting stronger. 
She could hear voices behind her, probably the boys talking amongst themselves, or maybe they were trying to talk to her. She didn't know. Nothing around her was clear and precise. Her vision was blurring, her heart rate had been racing for a while and she was getting worse. 
She gasped when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned round abruptly, facing Namjoon. The other boys were behind him, except for Yoongi who was next to Jin. 
"Hey," he greeted her with a gentle smile, "don't worry, everything's going to be fine,” he repeated Jimin’s words, “You're having a panic attack, I'm gonna help you, okay? Look at me."
His voice was soft and reassuring, it had a calming effect on her. His presence and warmth invaded her whole being, despite the anxiety attack she was having. 
She raised her eyes to meet him. Slowly, he tells her to take long, deep breaths. The first time, she breathed in and breathed out. Then a second time. And a third. 
Finally, her breathing returned to normal and her heart rate calmed. Seeing this, Namjoon gave her another smile, his fingers caressing her shoulder to calm her down. 
She had the strange impression that Namjoon probably possessed some kind of power capable of influencing the emotions, feelings, or even bodily reactions of the people he touched. Or maybe it was just the soulmate effect. 
"Feeling better?" 
"Yes... Thank you..." She replied with a small smile, seeing Hoseok approach her with a glass of water. "Thanks… and sorry, I wish we'd met under different circumstances..."
"Don't worry sweetheart, I'm enchanted to meet you." 
Hoseok gave her a big, bright smile, which he succeeded in communicating to her. 
"I guess you guys have questions... and why did I show up with Jin in this state..."
She turned her attention to Jin. A wave of emotion suddenly washed over her as she realized that yes, he was there, in the same room as her. Her soul mate, the first to cross her way, the one she'd lost so suddenly and brutally centuries ago. A mixture of joy, sadness, guilt, and apprehension. 
"Do you know what's going on with him? And why is he in this condition?" Hoseok asked curiously, taking back the glass she'd just drunk in one long sip.
She bit her lower lip nervously. She had to tell them. Jin was their soulmate, just like he was hers.
But where to start?
"Come on, settle down here."
Yoongi straightened up to install her on the sofa, right next to Jin still unconscious. He'd then sat down next to her, while the others had taken seats in front of her, Namjoon and Hoseok on the low table, the maknae on the floor, clinging to each other.
The sight made her smile gently. But quickly the smile disappeared, replaced by apprehension. The words just wouldn't come out of her mouth. She knew that the moment had come, that once she'd told them everything, they'd hate her, reject her, and she’d lose the people she'd waited for all her life. 
"Noona... I can smell your fear all the way up here..." murmured Jimin, her eyes landing on him with surprise, "I'm an empath, by the way..." he explained with a shrug. 
"You don't have to be an empath to sense the fear radiating from her." chuckled Taehyung, teasing his companion who gave him a nudge on the shoulder, "Oops, sorry sweetie." 
"I know that from the moment you will know the whole story, you'll never want to hear from me again and I... argh that's the last thing I want," she admitted with a sad smile. The events of the last few days had paralyzed and overwhelmed her in some ways when it came to making the right decisions, and she was extremely upset with herself about this.  
"But I think I need to stop being scared, and selfish like I have been."
"We could never hate you," Hoseok said firmly, the others all giving signs of approval, "no matter what you've done." 
"Tell us all the horrible things you ever did, and let us love you anyway."
She recognized Namjoon's words. And she wasn’t surprised that he could quote Edgard Allan Poe, considering the circumstances of their first meeting. 
She couldn't deny that his words made her feel a tinge of comfort, because he was sincere, and every one of the other boys thought so. 
But they didn't know the whole story yet, so the chances of them thinking differently once they knew the whole truth were pretty high. 
"Where to start..." she took a long breath, "Jin... I met him before I even knew I was immortal. That was... uh... it seems like an eternity now, at the beginning of the 15th century."
She expected the exclamations of surprise that followed. 
"Wait... you mean you and Jin hyung..." Jungkook fell silent to think. 
"Why didn't he ever tell us about you then? And why have we never met you before ?” asked Yoongi skeptically, "You're our soulmate, his soulmate, how could he..."
"It's more complicated than it sounds..." she sighed, scratching the back of her head nervously. "I always knew I was a witch, my mother was a witch herself. I lived in a village in France during the period when the witch hunts began. It was also during this period that the Malleus Maleficarum was written." 
"I know this book," Hoseok sighed loudly as he shook his head, visibly annoyed, "this pile of garbage written in the late 15th century, which supposedly explains what a witch is, how to recognize one, interrogate them, and kill them."
"A load of bullshit yeah," Namjoon added with a chuckle, "I rarely waste my time reading books, but this one..."
"Tell me more !" Jimin exclaimed, "I read it too, well, not all of it, it's so... misogynistic and sexist!" 
"I... was one of the witches who had to go through all the torture and experimentation to write this... book or whatever it is. And most of the women who suffered all that crap were just ordinary mortals," she admitted with a little restraint. 
Horrified exclamations were heard from the maknaes and Hoseok. Yoongi and Namjoon closed their eyes for a few seconds, repressing the anger rising within them. 
Talking about these events did not leave her indifferent; these memories were among the worst she had ever known, and she still sometimes had nightmares about them. 
She remained silent for a few moments, before finally speaking up.
"That's not the point. Jin is the point. When I met him, he was a merchant passing through the village." A small smile appeared mechanically as she recalled this memory, "It was love at first sight. Of course, it was. He knew I was his soul mate, but I... I didn't even know what a soulmate was. He taught me. He taught me so many things..."
She turned her head towards Jin, still unconscious beside her. Oh, how she'd missed him. He hadn't changed a bit. 
"I immediately sensed that he wasn't human, just as he'd guessed that I was a witch. So much better in a way, it made things easier."
Delicately, she let her fingers stroke his forehead, brushing aside a few strands of hair, a tender smile on her face.
"He stayed in the village after that. I had taken over the bakery from my parents who had passed away from an illness a few months before I met him. We weren't the richest, but we were happy.”
The other boys couldn't contain the grins on their faces. Of course, this story was beautiful and worthy of a fairy tale. But they all knew that fairy tales were only fantasy stories. The reality was not nearly as lovely. 
"We lived... two years like that before everything went to hell."
She felt her hands tremble as she recalled what she was about to say.
Jimin sensed her nervousness, fear, and sadness. He left Taehyung and Jungkook's embrace to kneel before her, gently taking her hands in his for comfort.
Her gaze met his, and he offered her a gentle, reassuring smile. But she couldn't relax.
"The witch-hunt had begun and was becoming increasingly virulent and violent. The villagers had always thought it was strange that I hadn't suffered the same illness as my parents. I knew the rumors about Jin and I. But until now, we'd managed to keep a discreet, almost unnoticed presence. Until she came along."
Jimin squeezed her hands a little tighter as he felt her anger rising. 
"That demoness... came to our village, supposedly a cloth merchant. She fell for Jin. Was it love, or just a physical attraction? I don’t know. She succumbed to his devastating charm, like so many others before her." She chuckled, imitated by Yoongi. 
"As you would expect, Jin did nothing but ignore her and rebuff her advances. She didn't appreciate it at all… I learned later that this half-succubus demoness was renowned for finding prey and not letting go until she got what she wanted."
"A real nasty leech..." muttered Jungkook.
She noticed, however, that Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok expressions had changed. They had exchanged glances, seeming to pass a message to each other that she didn't understand. She decided to ignore it for the moment.
"Things got worse after she arrived, after Jin's rejection." She took a long breath. "She's the one who delivered me to the villagers, who exposed me. When we realized her plan, that she was planning to take Jin with her by force, by any means necessary, we wanted to run away. We'd go to Asia, or America, or wherever, to another continent, away from her, away from all of this. But that demoness had planned everything… We were young, unaware, and inexperienced, unlike her. I was barely 25, and he was 23... we just wanted to..."
She paused to calm herself, her heartbeat quickening again. Fortunately, Jimin was able to calm her, just by being here, his soft hands on hers, and she was grateful for that. She thanked him with a small smile, which he returned by stroking the back of her hand with his thumb. How could a demon be so angelic? 
"She specialized in memory magic..."
"Oh, I'm getting the hang of it..." muttered Namjoon, clenching his jaw.
"That bitch…" added Yoongi, making her huff.
"The villagers arrived in the middle of the night. We didn't see it coming. The demoness took advantage of this moment to attack Jin and cast a spell to erase me from his memory. The last time I saw Jin was before they put a bag over my head when he was unconscious in her arms." 
She lowered her head, and it was only when she felt Jimin's soft hand on her cheek that she noticed a tear had rolled down. 
She knew what the demoness had done, she knew that she'd erased Jin's memory, simply because she'd come to see her a few days later in the cell where she was being held captive. She explained everything, adding that she had offered to give her over to the Catholic order of Dominicans who wrote the Malleus Maleficarum. Which happened, the day after she came.
"When I finally escaped... After several months," she continued anyway, her voice trembling, "I looked for him, I... crossed France from top to bottom, and Europe... I looked for him everywhere, for many years... I never found him... until now..." 
Jimin's hands gripped hers a little tighter. She looked up at him, then at Yoongi, who had moved a little closer to her. Their shoulders were touching, his way of showing her some comfort. 
"So that's what happened..." muttered Namjoon, who had straightened up, his eyebrows furrowed, looking thoughtful.
"I hate humans..." blurted Jungkook as he hugged Taehyung tightly, his companion nodding in agreement. 
"And so, you thought we'd hate you, or I don't know what other nonsense might go through your little head when we know the truth?" Yoongi asked, holding back a laugh. “I don’t see why. I mean. It’s genuine, really.”
She arched her eyebrows in confusion. She thought that it seemed logical. She hadn't been able to protect Jin, she’d left him in the clutches of this demoness who'd probably done a thousand and one things to him that she didn't even want to think about. She hated herself for it.
"Hyung." Hoseok sighed, shaking his head, "stop."
"I failed to protect him, he's my soulmate and... I abandoned him and..."
"You didn't do any of that, Y/N."
Namjoon approached her. He took Jimin’s place and knelt down facing her, placing his hands on hers. 
"You're both the victims. You've met someone stronger, older, more experienced than you and she took advantage of it. You did everything you could. You did your best. You could never be blamed for that. We could never blame you for that. ."
"And Jin hyung won't blame you either, I'm sure," Hoseok added with a small smile. "When he will regain his memory, when we will give him back what that demoness stole from him, he'll be the happiest man in the world to have you back with him, with us. Believe me."
She pressed her lips together, not wanting to cry, not yet. 
Yoongi wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer.
"It's over now," he whispered against her hair, "you're not alone anymore, you won't be. We've found you, you've found us." 
She couldn't hold back the few tears that had started to fall. How could she not break down, after all those centuries spent alone, thinking that her soulmates didn't want her, living with the guilt of having abandoned the only soulmate she’d ever known. 
They said the same things as her friends when she told them everything a few days ago.
None of them thought for a second that what happened to Jin and her was her fault. 
That feeling of being understood, of not being judged, of being accepted despite her past mistakes and scars.
That feeling of being in the presence of her soul-mates. 
She hadn't felt so at peace in what seemed like an eternity. Ever since Jin and her were separated.
"Noona... I have a few questions..."
"Here we go... the kid and his questions. Wait, I'll get you an aspirin and a big glass of water."
Jungkook glared at Yoongi, who had gotten up to go into the kitchen, a sneer on his lips.
Jin still hadn't woken up, but after a simple soothing spell and an herbal ointment she’d carefully placed on his temples, he was calmer, his body more relaxed.
She hadn't wanted to stay, not wanting to risk another attack if Jin woke up again. She learned through Yoongi about the migraine attacks he'd had since the day she met Namjoon. 
But the boys convinced her to stay. Namjoon and Hoseok had disappeared into their library, explaining that they were going to rummage through their books after a potential counter-spell. She wanted to go with them, but they insisted she stay with Jin and rest. 
It didn't take long to realize that Jin's seizures had a direct link with her.
As her soul mate, and despite his forced amnesia, his subconscious knew who she was. But it wasn't strong enough to bring back the memories the demoness had made disappear. Well, they hadn't disappeared, technically; she'd just hidden them very well somewhere in his psyche.
her scent on the clothes of Namjoon, Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook had been the trigger for his subconscious to awaken, for his memories to struggle, to resurface and make Jin realize that yes, he did know her, as his intuition suggested. Yes, the person on the hill was her, yes every memory he thought belonged to someone else was his, and that the blurry person sharing them with him was none other than her.
The migraines, the loss of consciousness... were only signs that his body, mind, and soul were fighting to bring his memories back to where they belonged, to finally give him back what that demoness had stolen from him.
Or at least, that's what she’d come to conclude on hearing Yoongi's explanations.
"Ask me anything Jungkook, don't worry," she replied with a small smile, still sitting next to Jin. 
Yoongi had returned with some drinks (no aspirin, to Junkook's great relief) which he gave to the three maknae, still sitting opposite her, and to her, then sat down on the coffee table. 
"I was wondering, how did you find out that you were... immortal? I mean, what does that actually mean?"
She'd been expecting this question. Even for demons, immortality was still a rather vague concept. Nobody is immortal. Demons and vampires aged slowly, very much more slowly than human beings. But they weren't really immortal. 
"I died for the first time after the Malleus Maleficarum experiments, they sentenced me to be hanged to death, like all the witches at that time." 
She heard the exclamations of surprise from the maknaes. Yoongi remained silent, listening to her attentively. 
"I actually died that day. Except... except a few seconds after I took my last breath, my heart started beating again, and I came back to life."
None of them could believe their ears. Yoongi couldn't hide his surprise either, and she knew that a thousand questions were forming in their heads. 
"The second time was a few days later. At a bonfire." she continued, bowing her head, "The thing is… I feel all the pain, all the way to death. But for some reason, I live again and again. No matter how people try to kill me, no matter how I die, my wounds heal themselves, my organs reform." 
"Is it due to a spell?" finally asked Yoongi with his eyebrows furrowed, "or maybe some kind of witch, a hybrid with a phoenix..."
"I think you're going a bit far, hyung..." Taehyung chuckled slightly. 
"Hey, every proposition can be plausible, gamin."
She couldn't hold back a smile. It was obvious that they'd known each other for several decades now, that they'd been through a lot together. In a way, she was relieved that at least they hadn't had to go through all that alone. 
"I've never known the reason, or why I became like that," she finally continued, scratching the back of her neck, "I just am. Several times I thought I wouldn't get up this time from certain injuries, especially during the wars, but I always got up again. And just like that, more than 600 years have gone by." 
"Maybe it's just that fate didn't want you to die before you met your soul mates, who knows." Yoongi chuckled, shrugging. 
"If you think the universe and destiny are that kind of romantic..." Jungkook rolled his eyes.
"I'm tempted to believe that theory, it's much sweeter and more romantic than a curse put on you..." added Jimin with a little pout. 
"Sometimes things just happen, and they're impossible to explain. Even for creatures like us." she let go with a sigh and an embarrassed smile, "In any case, I've stopped looking and obsessing over it, I've just accepted it."
"Still, it must be painful to die, over and over again..." Jimin cocked his head to the side, feeling a wave of sadness as he thought of all she'd had to go through in her long life. As an empath, his reaction hardly surprised her.
If they knew. She didn't want to dwell on how some humans and even other creatures had taken advantage of her immortality to put her through the many horrors she’d experienced. This wasn't the time to talk about all those things.
“Our pretty soulmate is strong and courageous.” Yoongi finally broke the silence after a few seconds, “She’ll talk about it when she feels ready.” 
She bites her lips. She wanted to tell him to not call her pretty, but she felt that it was destined to fail. Yoongi seemed to be stubborn, maybe a little too much. 
“Do you guys think Joonie and Hobi will find something ?” Asked Jungkook, looking at Jin with worry. 
“For sure they will!” exclaimed Jimin, “Namjoon has books that are centuries old and unique, Hobi and him are the most intelligent demons ever! They’ll find something, surely!”
Jimin was passionate, his trust in his partners was blind and absolute. It was probably the same for all of them, she was sure about it, but Jimin was the one who showed it the most. 
“In the worst case…”
“Taehyung don’t start…” mumbled Jungkook, as the others sighed. 
“Let me finish! In the worst case, if we don’t find anything for Jin hyung, the solution is simple, very simple. We’ll create new memories, so many new happy memories all together!”
“If something was robbed from you without your consent, I think you'd like to have it back. Don't you think so?" Yoongi asked, his voice softened as he ruffled Taehyung’s hair who nodded with a sad pout.
He was just as worried as the others. There were so many unanswered questions, so many theories without explanations, so many problems without solutions yet.
“Namjoon and Hoseok always find a way to resolve problems, you should be used to it now.” 
That voice startled all of them. All five heads turned to the sofa beside Yoongi and her. To everyone's surprise, Jin was staring at them, or rather, at her. 
“Jin you’re awake !”
While the younger hurried towards their eldest, their faces racked with worry and relief, she reflexively stepped back.
She couldn't get very far, as her back bumped into a chest. She turned to face Yoongi, who placed his hands gently on her shoulders. He could read the stress and apprehension on her face. He couldn't imagine what she must be feeling right now, coming face to face with the one she'd lost centuries ago. 
"Where are you going like this?" he asked at first in a slightly teasing tone, before he leaned towards her and whispered, his voice softening, "Relax, everything's fine."
She opened her mouth to reply, but no sound came out. She'd spent her whole life looking for Jin and his other soulmates. Now they were all here. They were all in the same house. Everything still seemed so unreal that she didn’t know how to react or what to do. 
“Y/N ?”
She froze when she heard her name coming from Jin's lips. The others in the room gave him a surprised, confused look.
"Hyung, do you..."
"Remember her? Us? Unfortunately not, I don’t. But I heard you guys talking earlier, I wasn't totally unconscious. Thanks for the herbs, by the way, they really appeased my headache."
Her eyes widened at his words. Had he heard everything? Did he know the whole story, just like his other soulmates? In a way, she didn't know if she could handle a new explanation, which was a bit of a relief. On the other, she was concerned about his reaction, since he was the one who was affected. 
Jin straightened up to sit on the sofa, helped by Jimin. Yoongi was still standing behind her and gave her a gentle nudge, so that she didn't push herself aside. 
Jin's eyes landed on her. For a moment, he said nothing, just looked at her. She could feel the stress twisting her stomach, her legs going limp as cotton. She felt weaker than she had ever felt before. 
"Can you come a little closer, please?" 
Jin's voice was soft; she perceived no anger, no resentment on his side. He had kept his comforting aura, the same one she'd known so long ago, the same one that had reassured her countless times. 
She soon faced him and lowered herself slightly to be at the same height as him. 
How was someone supposed to react to finding their soulmate and youthful amnesiac love, lost in tragic circumstances centuries ago? 
She was torn between tears of joy and relief, but the guilt that consumed her seemed to be the most dominant feeling at the moment. 
"Jin I..."
She pursed her lips. Her voice trembled. For sure her body would betray her right now. 
Jin offered him a tender smile and shook his head. 
"Shht, it's all right." he murmured his words as he gently grasped her hand, "come here."
Without waiting for a response from her, he pulled her against him and wrapped his arms around her. 
At first, her eyes widened in surprise. Quickly, she couldn't hold back any longer. Her arms followed and she hugged his waist as if her life depended on it. 
"I know what you're thinking," he began, his hand running gently through her hair, "I'm not angry or anything, how could I be? It was never your fault, nor mine." He paused before letting out a small sigh, she could hear all the pain, the sadness in his voice, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry you've had to carry this burden all alone all this time…"
Her whole body was shaking. His voice was shaking, as if he were holding back his own tears. She was fighting inside. She was fighting herself not to break down. But her traitorous body still betrayed her, and she couldn't even control her tears, which had started to flow uncontrollably. 
But his words. His words resonated not only in her heart but in her entire soul. She didn't know how much she needed to hear those words from him until now. 
"We'll find a way, and everything will go back to normal, it will be even better, I promise."
After all these years, these centuries of living with the weight of guilt, the weight of regret, the feeling that she'd never be able to meet her soul mates... she felt all this weight recede, making way for a quietude and lightness like she'd never known before. 
An eternity of torment, torture, and pain was finally over. 
It was as if she'd been deprived of oxygen all her life, until now, as if her breathing had been cut off, and now she was finally getting it back. 
And even though she was currently crying her heart out in Jin's arms, she could also feel Taehyung's warm, reassuring hand on her back, Jimin's, Jungkook's, and Yoongi's presence in the room, Namjoon's and Hoseok's, even if they weren't in the same room with them. 
Her cries were no longer cries of sadness. There was only relief, and it was becoming more of an evacuation from all that time of pain and isolation. 
All those smells, all that warmth that invaded her body at that moment, brought her calm and relief she'd never be able to explain, not even in a day, a year, ten years, or even a hundred years.
The reunion with Jin that day, feeling him against her again, as well as having the presence of her soul mates around them, those who were destined for her. After all this time where her heart and soul had been crying out for help, she had finally been heard. 
The darkness was finally disappearing, as the clouds and obscurity finally allowed the sun a chance to shine.
And despite her tears, she couldn't help smiling, because at last, she knew that happiness really was within her grasp.
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colormepurplex2 · 7 months
Now I'm Yours | Feel It In Your Soul
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↳ Alpha!Jungkook x Omega!f.Reader ⤜ A/B/O, Established Relationship/Mates ⤜ Rating: MA 🔞 ⤜ WC: 6,697 ⚠️ Vulgar language, fingering, knotting, creampie, discussion of violent acts, fighting/physical altercation, alpha challenge, knife violence/attack, blood, injury, bond sex, dick licking/oral, slick eating, biting/marking, blood/wound licking, surprise pregnancy
A/N: Read Make You Mine, the first installment of this series, here!
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When you meet Jungkook’s family in the garage the next morning, the sun isn't even up yet. His parents are waiting next to the large SUV that’s idling by the open door when you enter through the side entrance from the laundry room.
After a hasty shower, you threw on jeans and a t-shirt and are now helping Junghyun load the back of the vehicle with a few boxes from the storage room. The tops of the boxes are labeled with various things, mostly boasting medical supplies or nonperishable foodstuffs.
“Did Jungkook say why he wanted us to bring all of this stuff?"
Junghyun looks up at you from under his brow as he bends over to retrieve the next box, his glasses slipping down the bridge of his nose. “Donations. We’re going to be close to The Sanctuary, and we try to donate once a quarter if we’re able.”
This is the first you’ve heard of the Jeons donating to The Sanctuary. You’re intimately familiar with the place. It’s exactly what it sounds like: a sanctuary for abused or neglected omegas and their children. Mari was one such omega, cast aside by her original pack when she didn’t match with any of the alphas within it. It wasn’t until Roland, having just taken over as pack Alpha of your old pack, started up his own annual donations to The Sanctuary that he met Mari. Your old pack made at least a donation every six months after that, helping as many omegas and children as possible.
It’s not that you wouldn’t think the Jeons are a pack that would help those less fortunate; you’d just not given it much thought, considering you grew up thinking they were run by power-hunger alphaholes. Not that Jungkook isn’t an alphahole, he’s just…maybe not as bad as you once thought—even without the rose-tinged view you have of him now from being your mate.
The duel is taking place on neutral territory, which happens to be an old warehouse that’s been converted into a performance theatre in the entertainment district of the central city. The warehouse was renovated a few decades ago by the council when enough of the surrounding packs hounded them for a space to meet en masse.
It’s about three hour's drive, the view filled with the sun peeking over the mountains and trees with their leaves changing in preparation for winter. You sit in the passenger seat, head resting against the window while you try not to stress too much over the events of the next twenty-four hours.
“Come on, dear,” the soft voice of Jungkook’s mother drags you from your rumination. She’s leaning through the gap between the front seats, her hand lightly squeezing your shoulder. “We’re here.”
You hadn’t even realized the vehicle had stopped and that Junghyun and Jungkook’s father had gotten out already. 
“Sorry,” you mutter, popping open the door and sliding out.
She meets you along the side of the SUV, a concerned look pinching her brow. “Are you feeling okay?”
Now that she mentions it, you are feeling a bit off-kilter. Though, it’s probably just the nerves. “Just worried, that’s all,” you explain, pressing a hand against your stomach.
“Did you skip breakfast?” she asks, hooking her arm around your other one and slowly leading you to where Junghyun and his father stand near the elevator of the parking garage.
Breakfast was the last thing on your mind this morning. “Yeah. I’ll be okay, though.”
“Nonsense,” she tuts, producing a whole-grain protein bar from the bag slung over her other shoulder. “You’ll feel better with something in your stomach. Now, let’s go find my son. Being near your alpha will do you a dose of good, as well.”
You nibble on the protein bar, looking to simply placate her, but find yourself suddenly ravenous and consume the whole thing in three bites. It sits like lead in your belly, and you immediately regret wolfing it down so quickly.
“This foolish display will start at precisely noon, not long now,” Jungkook’s father states, the clip of his cane hitting the linoleum flooring of the elevator echoing the disapproval that’s evident in his voice.
Junghyun presses the button that’s labeled ‘theatre hall’ on the control panel and the cabled car begins a swift ascent up to the fifth floor. You caught sight of Jungkook's motorcycle in the parking garage, sitting next to Jimin’s red sports car. A few other familiar vehicles lined the rows, but there were dozens more you didn’t recognize.
Your phone buzzes in your pocket, and you feel a familiar humming warmth bloom in the center of your chest. It’s the same feeling you’ve learned to associate with being nearer to Jungkook. Peeking at your phone, you see it’s a message from the alpha, letting you know he’s waiting for you just on the other side of the elevator doors.
“There you are,” Jungkook exhales, not even waiting for you to get off the elevator before he’s gathering you into his arms. His scent engulfs you, immediately putting you at ease. Jungkook is all alpha, and as much as you hate to admit it, he’s exactly what you need; your stomach and nerves are instantly soothed.
Jungkook’s father clears his throat, drawing Jungkook’s attention. “What news do you have?”
Jungkook sighs, releasing most of his hold on you, but keeps an arm over your shoulders and ushers you out of the elevator and into the hall. “Most all the other families have arrived. Jimin is with Daehyun now. I haven’t managed to lay my eyes on either Raiden or Demetrius. According to the council, they’re supposed to be in the eastern dressing rooms. I have seen Kiel skulking around the halls, though, creepy bastard.”
“Have you seen Hyunsoo?” Jungkook nods in answer to his father’s question. “I’d like to have a word with him.”
“Last I saw him, he was inside speaking with the council.”
“Perfect, I could do with a word for them, too,” Jungkook’s father grumbles before starting toward the entrance to the performance hall proper. Junghyun follows closely behind, after dipping his chin at Jungkook. You’ve never seen Jungkook get bent out of shape over designation deference, as some alphas do. He doesn’t force those below him to bow and scrape; he just asks for as much respect as he affords them in exchange. It’s just another tick you’ve had to add to your ‘Jungkook isn’t as bad as I once thought’ list.
“Are you feeling okay?” Jungkook asks softly, his eyes flicking between yours.
You do feel much better now that you’re with him, which would normally grate on you, but you can’t seem to muster up the typical ire for some reason. “I’ll be fine,” you assure him. “Just nerves.” That seems to satisfy him.
“Come on, let’s go before Dad causes too much of a scene.”
“Umm, I’ll be right there. I’m just going to go to the restroom real quick.”
He continues to stare at you for a moment longer before slowly nodding. “Okay. Mom, we’ll be right back—”
“No, no. It’s okay, you don’t have to come with—”
“Jungkook,” his mom interrupts you both, giving her son an amused smile. “She might be your omega, but I promise she doesn’t need you to hold her hand while she uses the restroom. I’ll wait here for her. You go on ahead with your father and Junghyun.”
Pink creeps up Jungkook’s neck and kisses his ears. “Right. Okay. I’ll see you inside,” he mumbles, pressing a quick kiss to your temple before reluctantly taking his arm from across your shoulders and heading toward the door his father and brother disappeared through.
“Thank you,” you say to his mom. “I’ll be right back.”
You’ve only been here a handful of times over the years for various events, but you’re able to follow the signs well enough to the restrooms located on this side of the venue. However, when you get there, the door is locked, and there is a janitorial wet-floor sign posted right outside.
It’s just your luck, right as you’re starting to feel a light wave of nausea wash over you. Taking a few deep breaths to try and calm your inner omega, who isn’t helping the situation at all, you turn to retreat back to where Jungkook’s mom is waiting for you a few halls over. Maybe she’ll have something that can calm your warring stomach and nerves.
“I can break the lock if you need to get in there,” a voice calls out from further down the hall just as you take a step to go back. “You look like you need it.”
You swivel toward the voice but can only make out the silhouette of someone standing in a darkened doorway a few doors down. They pull out a phone, and the blue light illuminates the ceiling for a moment before it’s plunged back into darkness. “I’m fine, thanks.”
“You don’t look fine to me.” The words come with a chuckle that slithers over your senses and sets you on high alert. You’ve heard that voice before. “If fact, you look like a helpless little omega that’s about to sick up all over the floor.”
That’s a thought. You might just do that, considering who steps out from that doorway, the face fitting with the name screaming inside your head. Kiel Barton. He’s every inch the viperous bastard he’s known to be. Despite being not much taller than you, he’s thicker through each arm and leg than both of yours combined. His bald head glints in the overhead light, and the jagged scar on his right cheek is bright white against his red-flushed face. He swaggers into the hallway, just a few feet away, twirling a switchblade through his thick fingers.
“I’m not helpless,” you seethe through your teeth. You don’t necessarily mean for the words to come out so aggressively, but they do. Years of not taking shit from anyone don’t seem to have worn off too much from your time of being mated with Jungkook. And if it’s one thing you’ve always hated, it’s how everyone thinks omegas are weak and soft—helpless without an alpha.
Kiel grins, and it reminds you of something you might see in a horror film right before the psycho killer attacks. “Oh, sweet, sweet omega,” he crows before sucking in a deep lungful of air, “I don’t think you realize just how helpless you are right now.”
You’re about to turn on your heel and run when he leaps. It’s like a strike of lightning; he moves so fast—faster than your reflexes can keep up with. Pain thunders through you as his burly form knocks into you and sends you hurtling a few feet down the hall to land in a heap on the floor.
He’s back on you in an instant, cold steel pressed against your neck. “Get off me!” you scream, trying your best to buck him off despite the disorienting feeling still reeling inside your head.
“I promised my brother as long as he did his part, I would do mine,” Kiel sing-songs in a demented tone, his words trailing off into another one of those spine-chilling chuckles. 
“Fuck you!” You struggle under his weight, your knees and elbows trying to get any purchase along his thick-muscled body that they can. You manage to catch him along the neck with your hand, nails scoring bloody lines through the devil tattoo he has there.
An ear-splitting roar, the sound of loud banging, and running feet sound from somewhere down the hall, making Kiel’s laughter trail off. “Looks like my time to play is—” A small, sneakered foot meets the side of his ribs, turning his words into a grunt. The hit barely rocks him, but you can’t be sure of who it is, though, around his bulk.
“Get off of her, you snake!” snarls a familiar feminine voice, only it’s dripping with far more acid than you’ve ever heard before.
“FUCK! I don’t have time for this!” Kiel thunders, rearing back and bringing a fist around right into your temple, sending you careening into hazy darkness.
There is so much noise and movement that when you first come to, you think you’re dreaming. But then the very real pain lights up along your side, and you’re reminded that this is very much not a dream. You’re laying on the floor in the hallway outside the bathroom, side smarting hard from the impact of hitting the floor and the memory of a meaty fist stark in your mind.
You go to sit up, only to have your hand slip through a puddle of warm, sticky liquid. The scent hits you a second later, thick and metallic. “Oh gods,” you whimper softly. Your hand is bright red when you bring it up in front of your face.
“Please,” comes an even more pitiful whimper from beside you. Adrenaline kicks in, and you flip onto your hands and knees, letting your eyes swing over the scene around you.
A dozen bodies are packed in the hall, fists flying and mouths opened in concussive bellows. It’s pandemonium. Everyone is fighting, familiar faces and those of strangers alike. All the sounds combined make you want to crawl into a corner and cover your ears, but the form lying beside you keeps you right where you are.
Jungkook’s mom lies on the floor. Her body turned at an odd angle, with her hips going one way and her torso the other as if she was flung around like a ragdoll. You realize the whimpering is coming from her. She lifts a trembling hand toward you, and you grab onto it, crawling closer to kneel beside her.
The blood covering your hand, now seeping through the knees of your jeans, is coming from her. A familiar-looking switchblade is protruding from the upper right area of her chest, between her clavicle and shoulder, and there is a cut over her left eyebrow that blood is steadily oozing from.
“No, no, no!” You quickly rip off a strip from the bottom of your t-shirt and press it around the blade, trying to staunch the wound. The cut above her brow doesn’t look deep; all the blood is a bit alarming, but you know headwounds are the worst in being deceptive; they bleed so much. You’re also scared to take your hands away from her chest. “What did you do?”
Her eyes flicker open, rolling wide until they land on you. “Had to”—she pauses, whimpering in pain as someone stumbles backward and knocks into her splayed legs—”pr-protect the baby.”
“Protect the–protect the wh—”
“NO!” The alpha roar echoes through the hall, as loud as a thunderclap.
In the same instant that your hands are moved aside and replaced by the older, more gnarled ones of her mate, arms come around you from behind and you’re lifted up off the floor. Fear grips your throat, and you flail, aiming your elbow backward at whoever grabbed you.
“Stop, calm down!” Jungkook’s voice snaps you out of your fight instinct, and you sag in his arms. The fighting around you has turned into pockets of isolated struggle.
You blink a few times, clearing the panicked haze from your eyes, finally able to piece everything together. There are a few busted lips and some already swelling eyes, but there are at least a handful of familiar faces around you. Each one is executing some form of hold over individuals with less familiar faces; headlocks, arm bars, and others that look just as effective, if maybe more painful.
Then there is the scene at your feet, right out of a horror movie. Jungkook’s dad and brother are kneeling beside his mom, the knife still sticking out of her chest. It looks like the blood has stopped pooling around the blade, but you can’t seem to remember if that’s a good or a bad sign.
“Jungkook! Your mom, we need a medic!” you urge, struggling in his arms again.
A sinister, wet, cackling laugh cuts through the hushed din of the hallway before it turns into a hacking cough. You can hear the distinct sound of flesh hitting flesh and pained grunts.
”Shut up, you sick bastard!” The ragged cry comes from further down the hallway, where you see Seokjin with his arms wrapped around Kiel’s upper torso and Yoongi throwing fists into his stomach. “How dare you!?”
“Yoongi.” Jungkook doesn’t have to raise his voice at all. The other alpha stops, fist poised mid-punch, his shoulders heaving. “That’s enough.” The coldness in Jungkook’s tone has the hairs on the back of your neck prickling. You’ve never heard him sound so utterly emotionless. “For now.”
Pounding footsteps sound from the other end of the hall, and a few betas come skidding into view, medical bags in hand. “Out of the way!” one of the betas shouts, shouldering his way down the hall before dropping down beside Junghyun and beginning to work. “I need to get her stabilized before we can move her.”
Everything is still a bit cloudy for you; all you have are flits and flashes of memory, but it’s not hard to piece it together. Kiel came after you outside the bathroom, and then Jungkook’s mom tried to interfere. “Is she, is she going to be okay?” you ask, voice soft, your lips trembling around the question.
Jungkook hooks an arm under the backs of your legs and hoists you up against his chest, and you get your first good look at his face. There is a dribble of blood coming from the corner of his mouth and mild swelling coming up around his left eye.
He’s about to open his mouth to say something when a group of grey-haired alphas cut around the corner at the end of the hall, and the one in the front gasps dramatically, “Good gods! What has happened?” You groan at the loud sound, burying your face into Jungkook’s chest.
“This is what happens when you entertain absurd demands from a known trouble-making pack,” Jungkook’s father states with barely veiled malice.
“This is your mess,” Jungkook says, directing attention to the elders shuffling their feet at the end of the hall. His words are acerbic despite him speaking at a normal volume. It’s an alpha statement, carrying the cutting edge of an unspoken command. The entire hallway stills, the air thick with tension.
“Our mess?”
“If you had listened to me from the start about how utterly ridiculous this whole duel bullshit was, this”—he nods down at his mother, who is still being worked on by the betas—”wouldn’t have happened. I’ll have all of you off the council before the week is over, mark my words,” he seethes. “And, if she doesn’t recover fully, I’ll have more than just your titles. Yoongi, Seokjin, you know what to do.” With that, Jungkook turns and stalks down the hall, carrying you with him.
There is so much rage simmering beneath Jungkook’s skin that he thinks he might explode if he doesn’t let it out somehow. However, the only outlet he wants right now is you—to get lost in your body and your soul—but you’re in no state to take the brunt of his emotions.
“Jungkook.” Your soft voice draws his gaze down to your face. Seeing the swelling around your eye makes him want to turn around and finish what Yoongi was starting. Jungkook isn’t violent, but he could level the entire city right now if he weren’t so focused on getting you checked out. You bring a hand up and lightly trace the break in his lip. “What happened?”
“Raiden and Demetrius. I think this was their plan all along. One minute, Father and I were talking to the council while we waited, and the next, Raiden and Demetrius, along with a half dozen of their pack, came bursting into the theatre and attacked us.” Jungkook sighs, shaking his head. “I felt you, I felt the…” the trails off, not wanting to voice those feelings aloud. The pure terror he felt through his mate connection to you. The tie between the two of you has never really been an open street, he’s never been able to feel your emotions so viscerally before. It was almost enough to take him to his knees. If he didn’t need to fight off a pack of rabid alphas, it nearly might have. “I’m sorry,” Jungkook rasps.
“You don’t have anything to apologize for. We knew they were up to no good. I should have been more vigilant or, at least, taken you up on your offer to escort me to the restroom.” You try to laugh, but it turns into a groan as your head pounds.
“Let’s get you to the hospital so they can check you over.”
No amount of protests from you will deter Jungkook from getting you to a doctor. Junghyun texts him shortly after he places you in the backseat of the SUV, letting Jungkook know that everyone else is on their way to the hospital and an ambulance is en route to get their mother but that the betas are hopeful.
Several hours later, you’ve been released from the hospital with confirmation of no lasting damage, just a recommendation to get some rest. Jungkook’s lip is patched with a butterfly stitch, per your insistence, and it itches as he sits on the edge of the bed in the hotel room he booked before leaving the hospital. Even though you aren’t concussed or anything, Jungkook didn’t want to risk taking you all the way back to pack lands.
Besides, his mother was admitted and is still there for observation, and he doesn’t feel comfortable being too far away while she’s in recovery. She went in for surgery immediately upon arrival and woke up not too long ago. Junghyun and their father are staying at the hospital with her until she’s cleared to go home, which will hopefully not be more than a few days. Apparently, her wounds looked worse than they were, and she was fortunate Kiel didn’t get her an inch further to either side. Otherwise, it might be a very different outcome.
Jimin texted him a bit ago, letting him know the entire Barton pack is being detained at the local precinct, and the authorities are awaiting word from Jungkook about charges. The council sequestered themselves behind closed doors, but the duel was considered null due to the circumstances. Jimin feels bad about being part of the ruse, even if he was just being used as a means to get close to the Jeon pack.
It’s come to light that the Bartons decided to use their feud with the Parks because they knew the Jeons wouldn’t sit idly by. One big, elaborate plan, all to get close to Jungkook’s Luna and try to tear down the hierarchy. If Jungkook lost his Soulmate, he’d lose his foundation of power as well. Or so, that’s what the buzz was when some of the Barton betas were interrogated, according to Jimin.
Jungkook knows everything is going to be okay, that you’re going to be okay; the doctor told him as much. But, despite that assurance, he can’t seem to relax. You’re curled up in the bed, facing him, and you look so peaceful, even with the swelling on the side of your face, but all he can feel is rage when he sees that…rage and so much guilt.
He never should have let you go to the restroom on your own. If he has his way, he’s never going to let you out of his sight again. It’s such an alarming realization, going from one polar sensation to the next. The fact he could give two shits less about you just a few months ago, and now here he is wanting to murder someone for touching you, is hard to wrap his head around.
Yet, here he is, fisting the edge of one of the blankets as he battles this feeling inside himself. The fact his alpha has been mostly silent since Jungkook laid eyes on you in that hallway is just as alarming. It’s almost like his alpha is giving him space. For the first time since coming into his designation, he feels like a giant void separates him from his alpha; he doesn’t like it.
There’s also the pile of papers sitting on the desk, a few feet away, that hold another key bit of information that won’t let him relax. It was standard testing, just something to help rule other things out and see what kinds of tests they could and could not perform to assess your head.
You’re pregnant.
Now that he knows, Jungkook can tell. There is a distinct, underlying change to your scent. It’s sweeter somehow, more alluring in the sense that you now smell partly like him. He should have known before. He knows that if he hadn’t spent so much time away from you, he would have realized it sooner.
You were surprised, but your shock seemed more subdued. When questioned, you told Jungkook what his mother had said to you. Somehow, even his mother knew before he did. Jungkook feels like a failure, like he’s done nothing right by you. It had to have happened the night of your designation celebration. Neither of you had bothered with any preventative measures that night, too lost in the touch and feel of each other to care.
And now, here you are, pregnant without a bite on your neck and a knot on the side of your head. If anything were to have happened to the baby…Jungkook isn’t sure he can even think about that right now. Not without wanting to put his fist through the wall.
He’s spent weeks worried about staying away from you when all along, he was clearly concerned about all the wrong things. The doctor assured him that even the most attentive of alphas take several weeks before they can smell their own child in the womb. But that doesn’t make Jungkook feel any better.
He thinks back on all the curt and what he thought were nagging messages he had gotten from his mother the last few weeks and can see them in a different light now. She wasn’t just trying to chastise him about his duty; she was trying to coax him home so he could be there for his mate in a way he should have from the start.
Jungkook knows what he needs to do now. There is no question about it. Though, it’s not because he feels obligated…no, he truly wants to solidify that bond with you. As soon as you’re ready, he’s going to offer himself to you, finally and fully.
“Jungkook, are you okay?” your sweet voice breaks him out of his thoughts and makes him release his tight hold on the sheets.
Your eyes look so big and bright even in the dim light of the hotel room as you sleepily blink up at him. How he never wanted to give himself over to you so completely before now marks him as a sure fool.
He sighs, exhaling a slow breath. “Yeah. How are you feeling?”
You stretch, wincing only slightly as your arm brushes along the side of your face. “Better, I think.”
“Can we talk?” he asks after a pause of silence.
You give him a guarded look as you slowly sit up and gather some of the blankets in your lap. The doctor told him you might start feeling the need to nest and gather comfort items, so he had specifically requested the Omega suite, which comes with complimentary brand-new fuzzy blankets and extra pillows that guests are allowed to take home when checking out.
“Sure,” you finally say.
Jungkook watches as emotions cross your face, echoing the pulse he can feel emanating from his chest. His alpha perks up, rousing for the first time in hours it feels like.
“Okay.” Now that he’s been given the go-ahead to talk, he’s suddenly feeling very self-conscious and uncertain. “I know you told me I don’t need to apologize, but I’m going to anyway.” Your lips form a thin line when he says that, so he hurries to continue, “Not for”—he gestures vaguely in your direction—”but for everything else. I want to apologize for everything before this. The way I’ve treated you and how I’ve acted. You’ve deserved better than what I’ve offered you these last few weeks—for being an asshole and a fucking dick,” Jungkook uses your own choice of words for him, and that earns him a small smile from you.
“I want to apologize, too, then. And before you can protest”—Jungkook was 100% about to—”just let me finish. Sure, you’ve not been the greatest the last few weeks, but I know I haven’t either. I should have tried harder, fought you on you being gone all the time, stood up for what I wan–er, needed, and been honest with how it was making me feel.”
Jungkook shakes his head, unable to believe how you’ve yet again turned the tables on him. “I, uh, there’s something that…there’s something I want to do,” Jungkook barely manages to get the words out as anxiety spikes at the prospect of you refusing.
“What is it?”
The look of intrigue on your face turns into pure shock as Jungkook prostrates himself on the bed in front of you, deliberately turning his head to expose the side of his neck to you, an act of submission. “I’m giving myself to you, wholly and completely. All those weeks ago, I claimed you and made you mine, and…now I’m yours.”
You stare at Jungkook, not sure what to say. “I-I don’t need,” you begin, reaching for Jungkook and encouraging him to sit up, “you to do that. You don’t have to bend to me…as long as you promise never to make me bend to you either.”
Jungkook shakes his head. “I can’t promise I’ll be perfect, but I’ll never force you to be something that you’re not ever again. I’m sorry I didn’t realize this sooner, I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you when you asked to come with me to Jimin’s. From now on, I’ll listen to you, and I’ll not dismiss your concerns or voice. I don’t want you to feel like you’re beneath me simply because you’re my mate. I want you as my equal instead.”
The truth behind Jungkook’s words is evident in the fervent way he delivers them but also in the way your omega mews in satisfaction. A bite for a bite, an equal. Even though you wouldn’t be leaving a permanent mark on his neck like he will on yours, it’s still the intention, and it’s completely unheard of in your world. There are stories, myths, really…but nothing wholly substantial.
You shift on the bed, gathering your knees underneath you. Your jeans went into the trash, and all the hospital had was a thin pair of shorts and a t-shirt for you to wear. You fluff out the blankets absently as you mull over his words. “Your equal?”
“Yes,” Jungkook resolutely declares.
“I think I would like that,” you whisper, eyeing Jungkook’s mouth with a quickly burning hunger.
“Are you sure?” Jungkook asks, swallowing hard as you lean in closer to him. “If you need more time to think, that’s okay.”
“Are you sure?” you counter, raising a questioning eyebrow.
Jungkook responds by kissing you hard on the mouth, wrapping his arms around you, and dragging you against his chest. He tastes like home; his tongue is warm and wet against yours, and you’re certain you could drown in the sensation if he let you. But, he comes up for air, breaking the kiss for a moment before pressing open-mouthed kisses along your jaw.
Even with the aches in your face and body, you respond to him. With every teasing nip of his mouth, you feel yourself growing wet. The fragrant cream of your slick blooms in the air, melding with his masculine and spicy scent to create the perfect, heady bouquet.
“I’ve never been more sure about something,” Jungkook whispers the affirmation between kisses until his warm breath ghosts over the scent mark on your neck. “You smell so damn good,” he groans.
You can feel his lips part over the skin there; his tongue laves out and swipes up the side of your neck, sending shivers down your spine. With trembling hands, you help each other discard your clothing, finally coming back together skin to skin. Jungkook pulls you into his lap, his thick cock sitting snugly against your ass. You can feel the bulge of his knot already as if his body is automatically responding to just your closeness.
“You can say stop at any time,” you tell him, earning a surprised grunt when you shove him back against the pillows and deliberately slide your ass slowly over his cock as you move backward.
There is a challenge in his eyes as you meet them. You move until you’re kneeling between his knees, cock sitting prettily before you. “Where, ah,” Jungkook sucks in a stilted breath when you take the head of his cock into your mouth, swirling your tongue around it, “did you want to?” Pink tinges Jungkook’s ears as he looks down at you, mouth full of him. You tap the inside of his thigh and raise your brows in silent question. “O-okay, just…just be gentle.”
That makes you chuckle, the vibration coming up your throat, and you can tell it sends a shock through Jungkook; his head drops back, and his mouth opens with a loud moan. “Gentle says the man about to put a permanent bite on my neck. An act that is none too gentle, I might add,” you say, letting his cock slip out from between your lips.
“Okay, that’s fair,” he relents, his words breathy as you trace along the underside of his dick with your tongue. “Be as aggressive as you want, then.”
Feeling egged on just a little by that declaration, you plant your teeth firmly into the meat of his inner thigh and bite as hard as you dare. Your teeth pinprick his skin, and the metallic tang of blood leeches onto your tongue. Jungkook grunts; his whole body shivers against your mouth.
“Was that okay?” you ask tentatively once you’ve pulled back to admire the twin crescent impressions you left behind. There isn’t that much blood. The two small wounds from your teeth are already clotted.
Jungkook lets out a heavy exhale as his body finally relaxes back against the bed. His cock twitches beside your face, producing a thick string of pre-cum that has your mouth watering for a taste.
“That was,” he pants, “hot as fuck.”
Pride fills you, and your body kindly reminds you with an intense throb in your clit, how much it turns you on when Jungkook talks like that. “Your turn,” you urge, desperate to get his teeth on your skin and his cock in your pussy.
Jungkook growls his approval, letting his alpha strength take over, and maneuvers you easily into a kneeling position in front of him. Using a gentle hand in your hair, he pulls you up until your back is pressed against his chest, giving him unfettered access to the front of your body while being able to tease your clit with the tip of his length.
“Are you ready for me?” he asks, using the hand in your hair to angle your head sideways so he can lick along the side of your neck. “Let’s see.” His other hand slides down the front of your body, tweaking your nipples on the way, until his middle finger grazes over your swollen, aching clit.
“Don’t tease me,” you say between clenched teeth. Your omega adds her indignation to your own, making your words come out laced with additional grit.
“I just want a little taste,” Jungkook whispers as he hooks his finger lower and massages it along your slit, collecting a generous amount of slick as he does so. You watch as his finger comes up and disappears beside your face.
The wet laving sound of Jungkook sucking his finger sends a shudder through you. You reach down with your hands, cupping Jungkook’s cock in one and using the other to part the lips of your pussy so you can fit him against your entrance. “Fuuuck,” you drawl out as the broad head of his cock slides in.
“I love the way your pussy tastes,” Jungkook moans, dropping his hand to your hip and using it to guide your ass back against him, forcing him deeper. “It’s almost as good as how it feels.”
His fingers prod along your hip, sliding until his palm rests over your lower belly. You whimper, rocking your hips the best you can, and place your hand over his. “How do I look?” you ask. “You once told me I’d look so pretty once I was pregnant with your pup. Do you still think that?”
“You are,” he starts, “the single most”—he emphasizes the words with long, rolling strokes of his cock that have his knot kissing your lower lips with every forward motion—”beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. Even before I fucked you raw and knocked you up.” The beautiful, endearing words contrast so wildly with the dirty confession he tacks on at the end. Proving once again that Jungkook knows exactly how to wind you up and have you begging for more.
“Prove it,” you goade, intentionally dipping your head to the side to expose your neck further to him.
The moment his teeth touch your skin, you both freeze. It lasts only a second, the time it takes for them to sink into the tender expanse of your scent gland. It’s like a double punch to the gut; you can feel it all the way in your soul. The bond snaps into place the same instant Jungkook fits his knot inside you, and you explode, disintegrating into a million tiny little points of pleasure.
Your body opens for him, both physically and mentally. What was once a small trickle of feeling now becomes a deluge of intensity. You’re vaguely aware of Jungkook groaning as he meets his own release, throbbing heavily within your walls. You can feel him beneath your skin, feel the way your own body is wrapped so tightly around his knot, and the infinite pleasure that’s flooding through both of your systems.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Jungkook mumbles against your neck, his teeth finally pulling free from your skin. “I can feel everything.”
It’s hard to tell where he begins, and you end. There is a sense of middling permanence, the perfect balance between alpha and omega. You once feared that submitting to him completely would change you in some cataclysmic way. And, it has…only, you don’t feel damned. In fact, it’s far more empowering than you ever thought possible.
Jungkook brushes his tongue along the fresh bite, tending to your wound in a tender way that has you slumping over. He follows you down, gently rutting his hips, which forces his knot to rub and grate inside of you, flooding you with another luscious rush of dopamine, like a second orgasm.
“Jungkook?” you ask, trying not to fall asleep as he continues to nuzzle your neck, and his knot keeps you secured so close to his warm body.
“Hmm?” he hums. Jungkook settles you both on your side, holding you against his chest with one hand and stroking and petting with soft, sensual strokes along every inch of your body that he can reach with the other.
“Thank you for taking care of me.”
“I promise never to make you doubt me ever again. You are my soulmate, my Luna…the mother of my child. You are my everything.”
And just as Jungkook said, he made you his, and now he’s yours. Forever.
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lullabyalikpoptarot · 13 days
BTS Personality Reading
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Let's look into the members strongest personality traits they are showcasing at the moment. this is only an aspect of their personality. We are ever evolving and complex creatures, so this doesn't describe them fully. Just bringing some insight to them.
Jin (Hedonist/Knight of Cups rv) -He seems to enjoy the finer things in life. He likes to indulge in good food or fine dining. He tries to find the joy in life. He may also indulge in food to make himself feel better. He is someone who tries to see the positive out of life and tries to focus on the good. Now with the Knight of Cups reversed, he seems a bit disconnected from his emotions. He doesn't really like showing his vulnerable and softer side. I see him being a bit closed off emotionally. I don't see him as being much of a romantic. He is also may be a bit closed off from his intuition as well.
Suga (Destroyer/The Fool) Okay, these two cards kind of tell a story. He is the type that could create chaos to start new beginnings. I am not sure what that means, but that came to me. He is the type that is willing to end things and move past destructive traits. He likes to wipe the slate clean. These cards also indicate to me that he can step into some sh** or crappy situations at times. He can be a bit careless with his actions. He may also have a bit of a temper as well.
RM (Slave/10 of Pentacles) I say he endures a lot to get to the final outcome that he wants. He is tough and resilient. He may have a sense of trusting the universe and letting things fall into place. He is all about investing in the future and building his fortune. There is a sense of family pride, like wanting to make his family proud, to continue the lineage. He likes to appear that he has it all, that is interesting message, that just came to me. He is also willing to make sacrifices to achieve what he wants. He has lots of goals and wants to make lots of money along the way.
Jhope (Exorcist/The Lovers) I don't know, but the first thought when I see this card is he is the type to cut off toxic lovers. He isn't here for that. He is the type to remove himself from toxic situations and people. He likes to keep positive energy around him. I say connections are very important to him. With that Lovers card, he may believe in soul mates. He is also the type to make choices he is passionate about. It seems he goes with his heart. Intimacy is also very important to him as well. I don't see him as the type to make bad choices. He seems to know the right direction and path to take for himself.
V (Engineer/The Moon) He is pretty strategic with his approach to things, sometimes he can be devoid of emotions. He can be pretty matter of fact. He seems to be a good problem solver and has lots of practical solutions to problems. I see him being a very reflective person, especially at night. I wonder if he sits and looks at the moon at night. It is like a time to gather his thoughts. He is a very emotional person, but it does seem like he tries to repress it, but I don't know, it may show up more at night. I feel like with the quietness of the night. He is able to work through his problems and figure things out.
Jimin (Dilettante/Knight of Swords) He is a lover of the arts. He seems to enjoy having hobbies and learning new skills. He might at times be a bit overconfident in his ability to master something, but he is determined to learn new things. He is a communicator. He has lots of ideas, bouncing from one to the next. He is fast on his feet. He keeps his eye on the prize. I just feel he can get heavily fixated on learning something. He might struggle with having fun with it and may take it too seriously. Although, very determined to learn. He may want to learn to let loose, he doesn't have to master everything. This Knight of Swords energy wants to know everything, but sometimes it is better to not have all the knowledge and go in blind sometimes.
Jungkook (Priest/6 of Swords) I am quite surprised by this Priest card for him, not going to lie. This indicates someone religious or spiritual. Someone who can connect with spirit and channel through them. He might be doing some spiritual work. He may be listening to religious/spiritual advisors right now. He may be getting some guidance. Maybe this difficult time has connected him to his spiritual side. He may be trying to find peace within himself. He is someone trying to move past the mental baggage he has. He may hide his emotions behind intellect or repress it a bit. He may be a bit more intellectual.
I am not sure how great this was, because I kind of struggles to word this with their energies. This took me longer, than most groups. I had difficulty pinpointing their personality traits, not sure it is because their energies are distracted, which makes sense. Jin and Suga weren't that hard, but the others man, it was a struggle. Anyway, hope you got something from this.
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yeoja-dream · 8 months
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Pairing: BTS OT7 x Reader Genre: Fantasy, eventual smut, porn with plot, slow burn, hurt/comfort Characters: Supernatural!BTS, Vampire!Jungkook, Supernatural!Reader Content Warning: Y/N in danger Word Count: 3.6k
Jungkook’s vision went white and he felt the air pulled out of his lungs as in a flash, he was again in the hospital room, Namjoon hovered worryingly over your body. He looked up as you arrived, obvious relief relaxing his features as his eyes landed on Baba Yena. 
“Baba Yena,” Namjoon greeted with a bow. “I was only able to do a cursory search, but her kind isn’t listed or documented in any infernal records I was able to get my hands on.” 
“Of course, because she is not from the hells, my child.” Baba Yena said, walking to your bedside, and shooing him away. “She is indeed a rare sight to behold, but you will have to ask her about her heritage, she has taken considerable lengths to conceal it.” 
“So you will save her?” Namjoon asked, hopeful. 
“Yes, horned one. Your mate has sacrificed sufficiently, and this child has suffered greatly as it is. It is not yet her time to die.” Baba Yena said, beginning to pull several black, oily drawing implements as well as a bottle of bright blue, glowing liquid. 
Without much regard for the others standing in the room, Baba Yena began unceremoniously undressing your body, causing both the men in the room to turn their gaze elsewhere. Perhaps in a different time or context, it would be embarrassing, exciting perhaps, but they felt it perverse to see you unclothed in such a state. Fully nude, Baba Yena began using the black, oily, drawing implements to draw intricate symbols all over your body. 
“What are you doing?” Jungkook asked, back still turned. 
“Her body is too weak to house her soul, so it is lost somewhere in the Astral Sea. The water from the Elu Spring in the Fey Wild will heal and strengthen her body. The markings are the spell that will call her soul back to her body.” 
With that, Baba Yena sat you up, popping the cork of the blue liquid, and carefully poured it down your throat. Immediately, your almost grey skin flushes with color, and your rapid, shallow breaths begin to even out. Namjoon watched the monitor carefully, breathing a sigh of relief as your heart rate became stronger and faster too. Baba Yena then closed her eyes, extending her arms out straight, palms down. Her palms began to glow with a bright, white light, and as they glowed, so did the markings on your body. Baba Yena’s face scrunched with concentration. “Come on, child. It is not yet time to go.” 
You came to, opening your eyes, rubbing them harshly as to clear your blurred vision. You feel yourself to be weightless, immediately, as if floating on water. All around you, horizon to horizon, were breathtakingly vibrant and clear night skies, completely lit up with stars and nebula as far as the eye could see. Below, was a massive and never-ending sea of the purest, molten silver, opaque and mirror-like, the gentle waves that broke the surface capturing the starlight with such luster you wondered for a moment if the water had been made of the cosmos, perhaps from the tears of the other stars, crying for the fallen. 
It didn’t exactly take a scholar to figure out you had found yourself in the Astral Plane, the plane souls found themselves in before continuing onto an afterlife fitting of whomever they worshiped in life. Legend has it that the Astral Sea is what waters the Tree of Life, and drinking from its waters will grant you all knowledge and power akin to a God in your own right. Others said those with enough hubris or guts to try are simply driven stark raving mad, cursed to roam the endless abyss with nothing but the voices in their head to keep them company. Considering that you had yet to hear of a God exalted by this water, you were more inclined to believe the latter. 
How the fuck did I get to the astral realm?  You asked yourself, anxiety and panic prickling at your skin. You combed through your memories, you woke up, got dressed, had breakfast, and… you hit a wall. You try to push forward, but the more you do so, the more your brain shoots with pain. Something or someone was blocking you from remembering something important, and you judged. Whether or not that was simply a symptom of the situation you found yourself in or a direct action taken by someone, you had yet to discern. 
There was at least one thing you knew about the Astral Plane, that in order to travel it, you only had to think, to will yourself in one direction or the other. You started by willing yourself into the vertical, upright position with the sea 10 meters below. What you did not know, however, was how magic functioned in this plane. The first obvious solution was to attempt to plane shift back to your reality, but when you mentally cast your consciousness out looking for laylines to dip into, you couldn’t find any. You willed yourself forward then, continuing the mental search. 
Time in the Astral worked differently than in the prime material plane. There was no day or night, time simply did not pass, so it was impossible to gauge how long you truly spent looking, but you only stopped when your head throbbed from the exertion. Could it be possible that the Astral had no laylines? Or perhaps your magic had been cut off somehow, rendering you blind to any laylines that might exist? If that was the case, had you actually died? The thought raised your blood pressure. 
Without the ability to dip into the magic, you were certainly not plane-shifting out of this shitty situation. You patted yourself down and only now realized that you were entirely without your personal effects, now wearing a rough spin, off-white tunic, brown pants of the same fabric, and a pair of worn leather boots. More importantly, without your stuff, you had returned to your true form. The realization was not helping the actually dead theory. You willed yourself forward, hoping to run into another soul, maybe someone who could help you figure this situation out. 
You floated for what felt like years, decades. You didn’t need to eat or sleep, and with no time reference, the monotony alone would drive anyone mad, you didn’t even need to drink the seawater, you decided. Sometimes you saw people, mostly in the distance, however, and when you’d try to call their attention, they would flee like their lives depended on it. Other times the Sea itself would open up, portals of different shades of light would flash, dropping off newly departed souls, or more often, yanking an older soul into one afterlife or another. No one spoke to one another, and certainly no one spoke to you. That is, until mercifully, you hear your voice called by a friendly male voice behind you. 
“Y/N?” The voice called out. The tone was friendly and definitively male, but there was a quality about the timbre that called out to something deeper and forgotten inside of you. You turned around hesitantly, seeing a tall, human man in his 20s. His hair was curly, his features dark and his skin a tanned olive. There was a familiarity to his look, and as he approached closer, it finally clicked. 
“Fareed?!” You asked with a mixture of shock and surprise. 
“Long time no see!” He said with a friendly wave. 
When you had first escaped from the Fey Wild, Fareed was your first friend as a young child. Fareed was a bubbly but fearless kid whose hobbies appropriately included talking to strangers and jumping off the highest places he could find. He often slipped extra portions of his lunch out of the house, but you always suspected his mom knew and was giving him too much food deliberately. His fearlessness got him taken away far too young, and when our country began conscripting soldiers for some war in some faraway land, he was the first to volunteer. We received news of his passing only one month later. 
To see him in his current state, alive, well, and sane choked you up and you found yourself fighting back tears. 
“It’s Y/N! I must look considerably different now than when you last saw me.” You said gesturing to your true self. “Why are you still here?” You asked. Fareed had died at least 200 years ago, and you had always hoped that he was living it up in some cushy afterlife. 
“I could recognize your energy from across all the planes.” He said with a light laugh. “The Astral has guardians and protectors like any other plane,” He explained. “I dedicated my afterlife to guiding and protecting the lost souls that wander here, and when it is time for them to pass on, I help them find that passage.”
“That sounds like an incredibly noble cause and absolutely something you would do,” You said with a laugh. 
“Speaking of which,” He began, “I have gotten a sudden influx of souls complaining about a weird, noisy soul wandering around, harassing folks. Which, in turn, leads me to you. What are you doing here, you don’t seem dead?” He asked. 
“About that,” you sighed “I woke up here and I can’t remember how or why I got here, and I would have simply teleported back but I can’t seem to use my magic.” 
“That is strange, considering that the Astral Plane is incredibly magically potent, equally if not more so than the Fey Wild.” He stated. “Come here and let me touch your forehead, let me see if I can’t get this sorted for you.” 
You willed yourself closer to him, and in response, he stuck his hand out, fingers tented, and placed them on your forehead. You feel nothing, but you watch Fareed’s eyes dart around rapidly, making negative vocalizations. After a moment, he drops his hand and focuses his vision back on you. 
“Life certainly hasn’t been very kind to you, Y/N, and for that, I want to express my condolences.” 
“Fareed the years have made you so well-spoken!” You exclaim with a laugh. “Thank you.” You said, more seriously. 
“You have a powerful curse on you, but I think you already knew that. It is strange but refreshing to see your true form.” He stated. You nodded in confirmation as he continued, “You are not dead. You almost died. That is how you ended up here. Someone extremely powerful wanted you to forget what happened to you, so they blocked your memory and your magic. Fortunately, I am also someone extremely powerful and I was able to remove the block, but not the curse on you as a whole. That is a complicated and difficult endeavor not even I can do.” 
With that information, you think back again, this time with crystal clear acuity. You remember the club, rescuing the woman, meeting Jungkook, his preposition. You remember being in his embrace, heat and lust and euphoria taking over every one of your senses, you remember begging him not to stop despite fading away slowly, and then darkness. 
“I think I have a soulmate, Fareed.” You breathed. 
“I am inclined to agree. All things do.” 
“He has mates already though, 6 of them!” You exclaimed. 
“Then you also have 6 additional mates,” Fareed said matter of factly. 
“Don’t be ridiculous. I don’t even know those people.” 
Fareed cocked an eyebrow at you. “Y/N, do you know how soulmates work?” 
“Love and magic and shit, no?” You asked with a shrug. 
“Not quite,” Fareed explained. “Souls as most people like to refer to them are actually called Fragments. They are the broken-up pieces of Soulias. When the gods created all sentient living things, they made a center of power, into which they put all knowledge, power, emotion, experience, and condition, and they named that power center Soulia. The problem occurred when the gods tried to plant these Soulias into vessels, the power would overwhelm the vessel and tear it apart, and the ones strong enough to withstand were monstrous creatures of pain, chaos, and violence. The Gods decided to fracture the Soulias. The larger Fragments would go into the vessels they were creating, and the smaller Shards, remnants of the fracturing process, would go into all other living creatures. Fracturing also ensured that no two vessels would live an identical life and that only true harmony could be attained when you shared your piece, your life, your soul, with others around you. It was usually convenient to break the Soulia into two, so often you will see soul mates in pairs of two. But for larger Soulias, smaller Fragments are needed, so it is broken up into smaller pieces, so soulmate groups of more than two are certainly possible. The Soulia inside the vessel will spend its whole life pining after its other pieces. Many people never find their true other half, but a good deal will find love nonetheless and find satisfaction in that. Many here found their Shards in life inside beloved plants and animals.” 
“I never knew all that,” You stared at him mouth agape. “So my soul, fragment, fits in with all of theirs?” You ask, gripping at your chest. 
“What happens when all the parts of a Soulia are bought together?” You asked. 
“Well, as I said before, the fracturing process is extremely imperfect, and in the creation of Fragments, a great number of shards are also produced, so getting every part of a Soulia back together is practically impossible. You can, however, tie the pieces together somewhat, bonding or mating as you likely know it, which affords all persons a metaphysical line to one another. Through that line, you can pick up on how your partner is feeling, you can send short messages or emotional sentiments. If they allow you in, you can enter their mind, they can share memories with you as they saw them, and they can allow you to feel exactly how they feel, understand how they actually think. It is a powerful connection, and allows for deeper intimacy and connection possible by other non-soulmate or non-bonded pairs.”
“That sounds… intrusive.” You mumble, arms crossed. 
“It can be, but everything is done with the consent of both parties. You can ignore the call of your mate down the bond, even after you’ve let them in you can push them out of your mind at any time, and you can block anyone from entering. Just takes a little practice.” 
You frown at that, “It sounds like you are selling it to me.” 
“I guess you could say that I am. You seem upset, why? Most people are delighted to meet a soulmate.” 
“I’m mad that my soulmate almost killed me, I’m mad that I have a soulmate, I’m mad that I have 7 soul mates. I’m mad that I’ve lived the last 50 years of my life in relative solitude because I was sick and tired of getting fucked over and suddenly 7 of potentially the deepest and most intimate connections a living thing can experience is dropped onto my lap so yeah, color me upset! I can’t do loss anymore, Fareed. It’s too painful.” 
He looked you up and down, contemplatively. “If I may, one old friend to another?” 
You nod in response. 
“Look around and tell me what you see.” He said, making a wide sweeping gesture. 
“I see endless and endless nothing dotted with lonely, lost souls, hoping that someday they’ll be called to something better.” 
“Time may not pass in the Astral, but what I quickly learned is that this is the summation of a human life, Y/N. They live, and most days are bleak, boring, and mundane. Occasionally, another lonely soul will cross their path, and for a time, they find comfort in one another. Ultimately, they part, and at the end of it all, they pass on hoping that whatever next is someplace better, and yet for many this is what they have to look forward to.” 
“I’m not sure I understand what you are getting at, Fareed.” 
“You have lived a long, brilliant life Y/N, many times longer than many of the souls that wander here. You have suffered more than much more than many of these souls, but you have been gifted the chance to love and be loved much more than many of these souls. So go, Y/N. Set yourself free from grief, worry, and suspicion. Do not shy away from love for fear of pain, love despite it, and love fiercely and unapologetically. When you are called to join us here again, come with joy in your heart from a life fearlessly spent, or be doomed to eternity searching the silver sea for your salvation. You are your own salvation.” 
You pursed your lips tightly, looking down at the Astral Sea as you processed his words. 
“It isn’t that easy,” You began, your voice wavering. 
“For you, it won’t be,” He admitted. “It is true some come into this world full of light and for whom trust and love come easy. But for those who have been hurt as you have, it is going to be hard. Just because things are hard doesn’t mean they aren’t worth doing or that they are bad for us.” 
“You know what I am, what I am made of. You see the ticking bomb I am, and yet you insist I allow people to get close to me to what... hurt as many as I can? I will never be free, Fareed. They will chase me to the ends of time and take from me what they feel they are owed. We both know that.” You finish your rant, a single tear running down your cheek. As you do so, a bright white portal opens on the top of the Astral Sea, slowly dragging you closer and closer to its event horizon. 
“It seems our time together has run out,” Fareed said. “If you would allow me to leave you with a parting thought before you go. The only memories they blocked from you were of him. They wanted you to forget him so desperately they blocked your magic essentially confining you to a realm where they would never be able to touch you again. That is worth considering.” 
As your feet began to hit the portal, Fareed grabbed your hand holding it close. 
“Make the world tremble at you, Y/N. I don’t want to see you here for a long, long time. Good luck-” The end of the word was clipped as your vision went white, your hearing went silent, and like you were being flushed down a toilet, you felt yourself being yanked at lightning speed by your feet, and suddenly everything was again dark. 
Baba Yena pulled up her arms suddenly, and in response, your body involuntarily arched. When doing so, you let out a sudden, loud gasp, causing all present to breathe a small sigh of relief to themselves too. 
“The child was very deep, so it took me a while to find her.” Baba Yena said, redressing you in a spare hospital bed and tucking you in gently. “Both of you,” She said, turning to the men who had huddled together for comfort during the spell. “Kneel.” 
They looked at each other, but rather than piss off a supremely powerful being who just did you a massive favor, the pair concede, sinking to the floor on their knees. Once in position, Baba Yena approached the pair. While kneeling, Baba Yena was at eye level with the boys. She approached Jungkook first. 
Thwack!  She cracked him across the skull with a walking cane. “What are you doing bleeding girls dry like you're some poor changling with no control of their thirst? You are over 200 years old, act your age! You had no business testing out a connection you had no idea if you could control without supervision.” Baba Yena scolded him thoroughly. 
“And you,”  Thwack!  This time she cracked Namjoon over the skull with the cane. “What the hell kind of doctor are you? You were in such a rush to do nothing you didn’t stop to see the blinding, gold amulet that she wears? The very same type you and several of your mates wear? If he almost killed her, you were signing the death certificate with your negligence ink. You ought to be ashamed.” She finished, brushing nothing off her petticoat, and gathering her things to leave. 
“She will wake in 3 days fully rested and back to full health. There will come a time when she has questions about herself, and when she does, find me. Until then, leave me alone. You kids have caused me enough trouble as it is. Oh and, be careful with that one. She has been through enough.” And with that, she flourishes the very same cane, vanishing. 
The silence that hangs in the air after Baba Yena leaves is long and heavy, but mixed with relief as the pair approach both sides of your bed, staring at your sleeping form. It was amazing how starkly opposite you looked now to even just an hour before, knocking on death’s door. 
“I think you have a lot of explaining to do, Kook.”
“Later,” The younger one pleaded. “I just want to sit here for a little while.” 
“Later.” Namjoon agreed, excusing himself. Not but 20 minutes later, he found himself back in the room, second chair and laptop in hand. Jungkook was too guilt-ridden to say it, but he was immensely grateful for the company. He hoped you were too. 
_____________________________________________ Tags @luvlykyy ---------------------------------------------------------- Big lore dump this chapter! Some of you may be noticing some inspiration from DnD to lend me some framework for world-building! That is absolutely true, but as I also mentioned I have been using it as a framework, and as such it may or may not veer violently off the Forgotten Realms cannon, so don't get too twisted about "Hey, that's not how that thing works!" It's just a work of fiction I'm writing for funsies at the end of the day so don't take it too seriously. I hope you are all enjoying~
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