#ill make a post about citrine eventually
lcec0ldheart · 5 months
Random OC stuff of the day #2: What if the trio was in pokémon horizons?
I’m gonna be honest, I haven’t been feeling too good over the past day and I’m hella tired. I got ideas but i dont feel like writing them djdjddj so have something i cooked on priv
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Sorry for the twitter jumpscare lmao but yeah. Explorers AU. At first I was like “found family for Violet and Amethio finally has someone his age to be around🎉” i kinda want to write a fic about that lol at some point but now I’m thinking about how hellish it would be to be Spinel’s subordinate if you’re not named Frankie (great oc btw she’s a cool oc by gem-in-the-horizon), especially since he’s so young and traumatized already. I’d imagine Spinel would have a fun time breaking him.
We saw what he did to Liko, without showing any remorse, now if he had complete power over this 15 year old kid that’s working for him? I think he’d be even worse. Spinel likes messing with people because he’s curious and its entertaining. Spinel’s a smart cunning guy who doesn’t care and that’s kind of terrifying
I may draw my ocs in pokémon soonish, although Frost did originate frm a pokemon rp anyways lol
(TW: Mind manipulation, memory erasure, also generally a guy taking advantage of a kid and mentally grooming him, this was hard for me to write too)
It starts relatively mild, at first.
Comments about how he’s been failing lately, how he’s looking more tired, how he’s not been enough. It hurts, of course, but Frost’s been through it before
Then Spinel starts testing with him.
Putting him in situations to see how a kid would cope with it. Making him do things that are completely against who Frost is. Molding him into something he’s not.
Eventually, Spinel begins to use his Beeheeyem, sometimes hovering over Frost, watching his every move, altering his memories, state of mind, what he thinks about, hell even trying to change who he is, trying to make him into Spinel’s sidekick. His toy. His tool.
It starts working. It took a while to, Spinel doesn’t mind playing the long game, and it’s more entertaining for him anyways, seeing it all drawn out. It was mild, at first, just forgetting where he was before the explorers, having some difficulty recalling what he was into before them, then it became forgetting people before the explorers, and he starts forgetting about his life before he was forced under Spinel entirely. There’s some people he can vaguely remember that stick for some reason, like this kid he met when he was 5 with those bright purple eyes, but other than that, he doesn’t know. He can’t remember.
Why should I leave? There’s no where else for me to go to. The explorers have always been my home. I’m meant to serve here. I’m destined to, it’s my very purpose, i am here to serve Master Spinel.
That is what I’m good for, and so, I’ll do whatever he desires. If master wants it, I want it. I will do whatever it takes. If I die, oh well, at least I served him well. But that would make me worthless, because I’m here to be his most valuable tool, and I can’t do that if I’m broken.
I’m happy here. This is my home -this is where I am from, and this is where I’ll stay. I am his -and I always will be, because I am Master Spinel’s most valuable possesion. That is what I am. I’m Spinel’s gem -and that’s all I will be. I’m happy with this.
~~~ OUGH THAT GOT DARK JESUS CHRIST I AM SO SORRY. This is why you dont let me on tumblr past 9 pm-
Anyways uh, if you managed to not be scared off by that, hope you have a good day, i am sorry this was short ive just been tired and today was kinda sucky so. see you tomorrow I guess
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modernmagdalene · 3 years
Saint and Crystal Associations Part 2
Once again, I’m posting this as a potential resource for other Christian witches or Christian mystics (whatever you call yourself). These are my own personal associations, not official associations of any Christian denominations, so if they don’t feel right for you feel free to use different crystals with different saints. Thanks and enjoy.
Saint Francis of Assisi --> Amber
Francis is best associated with Amber. While not technically a crystal it still is used in a lot of crystal magic. Francis is a very complex saint who helps with a lot of different things: voluntary poverty, helping the poor, antiwar, and oneness with nature. Amber is very old and connected deeply to the earth. It helps with grounding, clarity, patience, wisdom, dissolves negativity, eliminates fear, and balances emotions. All things Francis needed to leave his life of privilege behind and follow God. I think it represents much of who Francis is and can help support the same virtues that Francis represents. 
Saint Brigid --> Opal
St. Brigid would be associated with Opal. Brigid is a saint that is very connected to the goddess Brigid. Their stories are extremely intertwined that you can’t really talk about without the other. Both are connected to fire, love, and hope and that’s all things Opal is connected with as well. I also personally tend to associate Opal with the divine feminine and Brigid connection to a goddess makes that work as well.
Saint Julian of Norwich --> Moonstone
Julian of Norwich I said in a comment that I associated with Lapis Lazuli but then relaized I was already using that crystal with St. Perpetua and Felicity. So I did some more research and decided that Moonstone would work really well for Saint Julian of Norwich. Moonstone is obviously associated with Lunar magick and the moon is also regularly associated with femimine energy. Which works wonders with St. Julian who often depicted God as femimine. One of the things that made her contraversal. St. Julian of Norwich had visions and was a prolific writer. Moonstone helps those seeking wisdom and strengthens psychic abilities. St. Julian of Norwich is also a known cat lover so have moonstone carved into the shape of a cat is even better. 
Saint Mary MacKillop --> Obsidian
(Trigger Warning Mentions of sexual abuse in this.)
Mary MacKillop is the first saint of Australia and one of my favorites! Mary MacKillop reported a priest who was abusing children and not longer after a friend of this priest used his connections to get her excommunicated. Her excommunication was eventually lifted. I have always admired her strength and resilience. That’s why I chose obsidian for her. Obsidian shines a light on the negativity and clears it away, helping us to choose the path leading towards light and love. It is also a protective stone as it used to be used for weapons. If you need to fight the devil obsidian is up there with tourmaline as an excellent crystal to clean house.     
Saint Raphael the Archangel --> Ametrine
St. Raphael the Archangel is another favorite of mine. If you use a Protestant Bible you might not have read about him. Raphael is featured in the Book of Tobit which is only in Catholic and Orthodox Bibles. The Book of Tobit is an epic love story between Tobias and Sarah that also features thievery, exile, and fights with demons. Where Michael and Gabriel tend to appear to humans briefly then leave. Raphael, disguised as a human, travels with Tobias throughout the whole book. Raphael is most associated with healing and I connect him to the crystal ametrine. Ametrine is associated with healing, harmony, strength, balancing physical and spiritual life, and aids in contacting spirit guides. This works with Raphael’s connections to healing. Furthermore, Raphael’s role guiding Tobit and being a spiritual being working on earth makes ametrine perfect in helping to connect with him. Use this stone and ask him to help find balance in your practice and assist you with finding spiritual guides.
Saint Rita --> Smoky Quartz
St. Rita is the patron saint of impossible tasks. She is someone I rely on when I really need to overcome an obstacle or problem in my life. She is also prayed to when someone has a deadly illness or serious problem helping with things that seem impossible to deal with is just her jam. Because of this I associate her most with smoky quartz. This crystal is super powerful and is a great grounding and balancing stone. It absorbs negative energy like a sponge (because of this it should be cleansed often-ish use your best judgement). It’s so useful and can even cleanse other crystals. It keeps all the negativity away from you which is something that one really needs when dealing with impossible situations.
Saint Mary Magdalene --> Celestite
Mary Magdalene is one of my favorite witchy women in the Bible. She wasn’t scared away like the other disciples when Christ was crucified, she was the first to preach about the resurrection, and was active in preaching and teaching others about Christ. One of my favorite stories about her comes from the Orthodox tradition where she was preaching to Emperor Tiberius Caesar about Christ and turned an egg red to prove to the emperor that Christ’s story and power was true. I associate Mary Magdalene most with Celestite. Celestite raises spiritual vibrations, promotes spiritual growth, and aides in communication with the spiritual realm. This crystal also boosts self-worth and self-expression, all things Mary Magdalene had in abundance. Mary Magdalene also seems to be the most connected to the spiritual world out of all the apostles (with the exception of maybe John) so this crystal is perfect for her.
Saint Joan of Arc --> Bloodstone 
St. Joan is a warrior and protector. I also consider her a trans and/or genderfluid saint who will naturally protect trans and genderfluid peoples. Because of this I associate her most with bloodstone. Bloodstone promotes justice and strength, it is also good for healing and renewal, but bloodstone is probably best known for boosting spells and banishing spirits. Or as I prefer to use it, boosting protection spells and banishing TERFs.
Saint Francis de Sales --> Kyanite
St. Francis de Sales is one of my favorite saints purely because he is the patron saint of writers and I am someone who greatly enjoys writing. Kyanite is the crystal I use with this saint. It promotes creativity and also dispels negativity aka those negative thoughts that tell you that you can’t write. It’s also supposed to sharpen your focus which can be especially helpful with writing or any creative work, especially if you are easily distracted like me.
Saint Anthony of Padua --> Amazonite
St. Anthony was one of my grandmother’s favorite saints and probably the saint I use the most in day to day life. He is the patron saint of lost items. He was a devout priest and taught students from a book of psalms. He once tried to preach to people who refused to listen to him. He instead decided to preach to the fish who all started to gather near the shore to listen to him. When people saw this they decided they should listen too. So you know when in doubt preach to fish I guess. Anyway, I associate St. Anthony with amazonite. Amazonite helps sharpen the mind, aids communication and promotes good luck all of which are great attributes for learning and teaching, finding lost items (that’s the good luck bit), and aiding communication could help you talk to people or fish, your call. 
Saint Valentine --> Rose Quartz 
St. Valentine did a lot but he is most associated today with marrying couples in the Christian church during the height of Roman persecution. So naturally I associate him with rose quartz, a crystal that promotes love and fertility, dispels loneliness, opens the heart to compassion, and even strengthens faith. The perfect stone for this romantic saint. 
Saint Scholastica --> Citrine 
St. Scholastica was the twin sister of St. Benedict, and was the founder of the women’s benedictine order. As someone who went to a benedictine college I have a fondness for her. If you are a storm witch in particular I think this might be the saint for you. At one point Benedict and his monks visit Scholastica and her nuns. Scholastica didn’t think she would live long enough to see her brother again after this meeting so begged him to stay the night, but Benedict didn’t want to spend the night outside his monastery and told her he couldn’t. So Scholastica prayed and a massive thunderstorm suddenly came making it unsafe for Benedict and his monks to travel. And here is my favorite bit:
“Realizing what had happened, Benedict reproached her: "What have you done, my sister?” Scholastica answered simply, "I asked a favor of you, and you refused to listen to me. So I asked my God, and He, more generous than you, granted my request.” Once again Scholastica’s pleas won the favor she was seeking.” 
With Scholastica I associate the crystal citrine. Citrine is all about manifesting change, protection, creativity, and success all things she needed to live the life she did.
Saint Dymphna --> Blue Lace Agate
St. Dymphna is one of my favorite saints and she is one I utilize often. She is most associated with mental and emotional illnesses. If you are a spoonie witch this is the saint for you. Because of this I associate her most with Blue Lace Agate, which helps people express themselves (helpful when going to therapy or a doctor) and also helps with dealing with any sorts of fears or anxiety. (Reminder: That utilizing this saint and crystal is meant as a prayerful way to ask for help dealing with mental and emotional illness. It is not a replacement for therapy or meds.)
St. Sara-la-Kali --> Jasper
St. Sara-la-Kali is the patroness of the Romani people. She is said to have helped the Three Marys of the Bible arrive safely in Gaul after she had a vision of them arriving. She used her dress as a raft and helped the women get to shore despite the tumultuous waves. She was also extremely generous and often collected alms for the poor. I associate her most with jasper. A crystal native to Romania it aids in peace and wisdom and also is particularly helpful during times of transition by providing stability and protection. It also supports perseverance and acceptance, something we definitely need Sara's help with right now.
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farahwinters059 · 6 years
Practice Challenge 2: Across the Country
Heya! Sorry this is late. Thanks, @torylivingston  and @ahmaraquill for the great RP! Sorry for any mistakes! Word Count: 1,783
Farah’s POV: I was almost done with this dress. Just a couple more stitches. I was in my room with really loud music on. Just as I was about to put the cloth back into the machine, Haru practically jumped onto my shoulders. I got a little startled and paused my music, removing the earbuds. “Oh well hello, Haruka. What do you want?” I turned and saw him turn a little red. “Well, I need to go to the post office, wanna tag along?” “Sure, why not. Why are you going?” “Oh nothing, just need to drop something off.”
Haru’s POV: Hahaha, I can’t wait to see what happens!
Farah’s POV: We get to the post office and there are tons of girls. What is this? We get to the end of the line and Haru hands the person behind the desk a paper. “And I'm guessing your name is Farah Winters?” she said behind the desk “Indeed I am.” I turn to Haru and he has a gin on his face. “Come this way please.” I follow as asked to. It's not like I needed a passport picture. Why was I taking a picture? I smile and she takes a picture. “All right, thank you and good luck,” she said with an (obvious) fake smile. “Thank you?”
Once we are out of the office I ask Haru what I have been wanting to ask. “What was that for? Why did they need my picture?” “Oh just for your entry for the selection.” “Ok, cool,” then it hits me, “WAIT YOU DID WHAT?” “You entered the selection. That's all.” “You sly little piece shit.” “I know you still love me.” “THAT'S THE PROBLEM!” “I still love you.” I rolled my eyes; “I know bro. I know.”
Haru and I’s family stores were having a big sale. It was crazy. Our two shops connected via a big door. They reminded me of barn doors. Haru and I were running the shops for the night. We were closing late because it was a Friday. The report was on in the background. I didn’t pay attention. I was too worried about all the people here.
Ellen DeGreat started calling out names one by one. I couldn’t give a fuck. Haru entered me without my consent. I took a sip of water. I was thirsty from all this walking around “From Waverly, Farah Winters!” I spit out my water; “WHAT!” Everyone was looking at me. “FARAH,” Haru called out from his shop, “I CALLED IT! YOU’RE A SELECTED! AREN'T YOU GLAD?” “I COULDN”T GIVE AN EF HARU!”
“What is going on down there?” My dad asked from the staircase. Haru answered; “Farah is a selected, that's all.” “Oh alright.” I gave Haru a good glare. People kept looking. “Sorry for the disruption everyone,” I said loud enough so anyone in both shops could hear. People, luckily, went back to shopping. 
A couple days before Farah was going to leave
“Ah, nooo,” Haru said from his desk. We were chilling our shops. No one was here and the ‘wall’ was open. Haru an I both had our feet on our desks, both to our parent's disapproval. “What?” Then I noticed he has 2 magazines open; The Gossipel and Illeá Now. “Prince Ben was spotted making out with a girl who isn’t a selected at a bar!” “Hm.” “You aren’t worried? Aren’t you leaving in a couple days?” “Yes I'm leaving in a couple days, but I couldn’t care less. There are probably some girls in the selection that are heartbroken.” “True, true.” ------------- Today was the day; my sendoff. I would be leaving Waverly for who knows how long for a selection I didn’t want to be in. All I was excited about was the food. And maybe meeting people. A couple days ago people from the palace came to measure me and gave me my send-off clothes. It would most likely be the last time I wear pants for a long time. It was a simple outfit. It was only black. The only pop of color was the flower and the pin they gave me. The flower, a rose, was pinned to the corner of my top along with my pin. This said my name and my province.
I headed downstairs and started to brew some tea. The barn door was slid open and I made my way to Haru’s room. I was going to make sure he didn’t oversleep. I had been upstairs on his side of the ‘house’ many times. His parents were already awake and in the kitchen. He was nowhere in sight.
Once I got up to his room, he was fast asleep. I got out my phone from my pocket and opened up the music app. I opened it up to my alternative rock playlist and picked the most upbeat song that was on there. I chose Ill Sleep When I Am Dead by Set It Off. I plugged in my earbuds, then put it in his ears. He was a deep sleeper so he probably didn’t feel a thing. I put in at a reasonably loud volume. This meaning just about full volume. I skipped over to the loudest part of the song and hit play.
He shot straight up. “WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR!” “Good morning to you too.” “LANGUAGE HARUKA!” Haru’s mom yelled from downstairs. “SORRY!”
“Why did you do that?” “My sendoff is at 10. It’s 9. I won’t see you for a while.” “True, but why the music.” “All I could think of.” “Alright. Well, I better get dressed before you hit me with a book.”
I laughed and walked out, shutting the door behind me.
--------------- The driver came right on time. I grabbed my suitcase from my room and said my goodbyes. I promised to call every day or else Haru would be spamming me with texts. Once I got to Central Park, the butterflies started to kick in. THere were so many people. I get that a selection doesn’t happen for a long time but still, it was weird. The thought I had fans was weird. I knew I had fans of my clothing, but myself, it was a weird thought. There was a stage where the mayor was waiting. He announced my name and I said things like “I hope to make Waverly proud.” It was quite short. From Waverly to the airport I was supposed to be was a long drive.
I looked up my travel time; 2 hours. I didn’t do much. I listened to music and did a painting of an ocean sunset on my computer. I had one of those computers that could flip back into a tablet. Somehow I managed to not mess up too much despite being in the car. Wasn’t my best, wasn’t the worst.
When I got to the airport I was the first one there. I took my luggage and sat in a chair till the next girl came in. I was sitting on my phone till Tory Livingston came in, her face red.  She thought she was late when she wasn’t. Tory had a bunch of bags as well as a lot of food. She was snacking on a bag of chips almost the entire time.
Next, Ahmara Quill came in, on the phone. She quickly hung up and we said our hellos. I thought she was talking to her ex-boyfriend but I later learned it was her best friend. We also learned that her best friend and Haru would get along quite well after I told the story of how I was entered without my consent.
We talked about many things including food and song choices. The palace staff helping us in the airport weren’t that nice too. We nicknamed her ‘Scary Lady’. When it was time to get on the plane, we had to walk through tons of people seeing us off. Tory and I were fine, but on the other hand, Ahmara was zoning out and still waving when we got in the terminal.
Ahmara wasn’t too sure of flying; in fact, it was her first flight. We helped her through it, and eventually, she got over it. For the duration of the flight, Tory taught us how to play poker. It was really fun actually. The plane ride wasn’t long at all talking to Tory and Ahmara. They were both really sweet.
Once we got there, we were stuck for a while. Lots of people wanted selfies or autographs. Once we got to the palace, I was just in shock. It was huge. As soon as we got into the palace we were bombarded with people who were going to get us ‘palace worthy’. They took my suitcase to my room and I was stuck in a chair for what felt like forever. There were people running around and lots of bright lights. They didn’t do much with me. They lightened my hair a tad bit, curled it, and pulled it into a ponytail. My nails were done with a dark purple color that had a little bit of glitter in it. My makeup was light too. I was glad they didn’t do much. I didn’t have much jewelry on too. Only little necklaces and earrings. When a rack of my dresses arrived I chose a blue one.
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I got assigned my room; Abby Hall, room 21. When I got there I was greeted by my maids; Pyrite, the head maid, Zoisite, and Citrine. All crystal names which I found interesting. They all had necklaces of their crystal and looked similar. When I asked, they revealed they were all sisters. I also asked them to not call me ‘Miss Farah’ or ‘Lady Farah’ and just Farah.
They excused me for a couple minutes to settle in. I immediately went to the balcony, I got the view of the ocean. It was beautiful. I immediately texted Haru a picture of my view and gave him a call. He was probably worried sick. He even called me in the airport. I talked to him for a while then I had to change for dinner. I didn’t choose anything fancy. The food at dinner was amazing. It was definitely one of the highlights of the day.
When I got to my room, I unpacked immediately. I honestly had a bunch of art supplies. My computer, watercolor supplies, tons of chargers, and my travel guitar. It was tiny for being a guitar. Once I had unpacked and changed I sat on my computer for a while. After an hour I finally went to bed.
It had been quite a day.
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