#ill probably listen to the whole thing in a min but like . WOW. no wonder the only indication is him offhandedly mentioning pow wow
punkcherries · 11 months
why was i today years old when i found out cn tried to stop jesse infinity train from being indigenous....... dawg
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greyknm · 6 years
Eleutheromania (pt.1)
Pirate au
Hoseok/J-hope fanfic
Consists of harsh language, name calling, being taken advantage of…basically angst, small smut, admiration, fluff(?)
Eleutheromania (noun) a great desire for or obsession with freedom.
You were known as the cheerful woman who would do anything to please men and not have any shame for it back on land. That wasn’t even a full quater of why you’re really called that. On a ship with all men just to make them look good that they let a woman come on the ship for work. Yeah, work for selling out your body and having harsh words along with catcalls thrown at you. Don’t forget the clothes they have you wear too. Out to sea with a bunch of idiot pirates is hell for you wishing you could have your freedom, but you’re trapped. Everytime they’ll head out to sea they suggest to pick another woman but it always come back to you. Why? ‘Cause you’ll do anything to get money. Sea whore is another great name to be called as well. The captain, Captain Min Yoongi also known as Captain genius, is a great man if only he knew what he does when he’s drunk. He never minds the catcalls that you get because you hide your feelings so well making you not look bothered by them but actually enjoy them. Still you want freedom from that damn ship.
“Ayy lookin’ fine as always miss” one of the members say laughing with the group of other pirates. Only because you were in the ship’s bar cleaning up and happened to drop a cloth on the ground. Bending down just revealed what was under your attire. Not to look annoyed by his actions you stop what you’re doing and walk over to him and his group. They get riled up by you coming over whistles and what not. You grab his collar and bring your leg up on him. He goes inside your dress and grabs your ass. Pushing down on his cock you bring his ear to your mouth. “That’s what I’d like you to show me in bed.” As you get down he pulls you on his lap to make you straddle around him. His hand that was grabbing your ass is now massaging your clit. “Oh yeah. How about I show how beautiful you are right now.” You steady your breathing as what he’s doing is coming to you but you can’t show it it’ll just give him a sign. “So naughty, but you can always wait.” With that you wink at him and slide off him before he could speak. When you walk away one of them slaps your ass. You soon hear glass shattering. You turn around and see that the man you were on knocked the one that smacked your ass out. Stupid pirates, leaves you with more work to do. Aid the man and clean the mess. When will they learn.
Late night, you go to the corridor that holds all the injured or sick people. Only one in there was ass smacker. You giggle at the new name you give him. You check his bandages. He pulls you down by your waist, having you straddling his leg. “What’s the problem? Where does it hurt most?” You keep calm letting this not effect you. “Down.” You look at him confused. “Down? Did you get cut on your legs too?” Then you realise what he meant. “Ohhh no no no. You are here for that very reason of hitting on me. So no I won’t.” You slide your leg off of him and clean off some of his wounds that don’t need bandages. You go to walk away until you’re yanked on top of him. “Miss- are you busy?” You turn back to see who was talking. One of the captain’s trusted men. You hop off ass smacker and clear your throat. “No, I just finished…it wasn’t like th-” He cuts you off. “That’s great. The captain wants you. Now.” You nod and walk to the captain’s room.
“Captain Yoongi you-” He looks up at you. “Come.” You walk slowly towards his desk. “Sit.” He taps his leg at where he’d like you to sit. He pulls you as close as you can get and pulls back loose hair behind your ear and goes back to work. “You just want me to sit on your lap? Nothing… else?” He stops writing. “Yes. Just sit on my lap as I work that’s all.” You nod at his response. “We’ll be back on land tomorrow morning. You can finally have a break from us.” You pause at his comment. “I’ll never have a break. The only break I’ll have is if I go to a different kingdom. Only if my rumors didn’t spread to there too.” He stays silent. “Why do you do this to yourself.” You let out a breathless laugh. “It’s just another thing that got added to my job nothing less. I do it because I have to have something to survive on. This is the only way I can get gold and silver coins. No one would hire me now.” You feel his leg tense and you shift so his muscles can relax. “Damn. I’m sorry it got like this-” you cut him off. “Don’t act as if you’re innocent either. You’ve gotten pleasure from me many times. All I’ve gotten was threats from a drunk you. Do you actually forget all those time?” He sighs, kissing you on your neck.as apology. “I do remember that you’re human too and need to get pleasured as much as we.” He begins to kiss lower down to your shoulder.
In the morning you wake up in the captain’s bed his arms wrapped around you. You wiggle out off his grip. You head up to the deck and see that you’ve reached land and the men are taking the things off the ship. “Home sweet home.” You sigh. You walk around the town and finally decide to get a drink. Hell you need one. You walk into the place with your head low and sit at the bar. The bartender walks to you. “1 beer please.” They linger in front of you so you look up to see the problem. “And what do I get in return?” You glare at the man. “Money. Like any other person would what makes me different?” He leans toward you. “Oh don’t think i don’t know about you.” You laugh. “Hell with it the whole town does and? Make that 2 beers-no 3. You get in return is money. Nothing more nothing less.” He smirks. “Little lady this is my bar, you give me what I want.” You go to make a comeback until a hand is on your shoulder. “I’ll have hmm..3 beers please. Large. Thank you.” That voice doesn’t sound familiar. The bartender goes right to work with the 3 beers. The hand that was on your shoulder disappears and a man sits beside you. “Look if you want something from me you can forget it. You people-” You stop to see the man with red hair smile at you and bring down his hat to his chest. “M'lady. I want nothing from you. You wanted 3 beers that’s what you get. From yours truly.” The bartender comes back with the 3 large beers. You immediately chug down one. “Woo woo. Slow down. What has you stressed enough to boost up your order to 3.” You glare at him from the side. Why is he trying to get to me? You ask yourself. You put down the mug and wipe your mouth. Looking at him with tired eyes you began to speak. “ well… I give you a chance. These people will brainwash you sooner or later. I work on the ship every time the idiots of pirates have to go out to sea. It takes up to days or months. First my job wasn’t just pleasing them it was just doing chores around the ship. They only got me so they can look good to have a woman work for them. After awhile it progressed me to have sex with them.” You look at him and he’s actually listen A ghost of a smile comes on your face.
Two beers later, you’re drunk spilling out your life story to some stranger of a man. Probably what he wanted you to be, drunk. “ you actually listened, so there is a first to ahem everything.” He takes time to process everything you told him. “Wow, I’m surprised you can still keep yourself up. Most people who do that get stressed out and end it themselves.” You lean over the bar counter. “Yeah, well don’t think that I haven’t thought about it. I don’t do it for my mom. Once I get enough money me and her can get out of here. By now she probably thinks ill of me with these rumors.” He looks at you eyes with sympathy. “Its good that you haven’t and care enough about your mother. plus, you wouldn’t have met me.” He smiles. You turn to him and smile a little. You slip out your chair into his lap, he catches you. “Think you had a little to much to drink. Where do you live madam.” The bartender walks up. “She lives with all the men in their houses.” The man glares at the bartender. “Shut your ass.” You stand using him as balance. “Sold my house. I usually pick a guy and stay with them. Sad life. I know.”
“Hmm… You can stay with me. I stay in a inn but I won’t mind.” You look at him. “Why are you so nice to me? You don’t want nothing from me?” He helps you walk to the door. “I don’t judge by rumors I judge by personality. I want nothing from you. Stay with me until it’s your time to leave again. I won’t do anything you don’t want me to.” You’re shocked by this man, he’s so generous and you guys don’t even know another’s name. You nod at this. He soon starts to carry you. Your dress hanging down and your legs folding into his arms. He felt it would be quicker to carry you. You guys made it to his room and he laid you on the bed. “Do you need help getting out of your dress?” You try to get it off but it was too much. He sees you struggle and chuckles a bit. He helps you out, untying and unbuttoning, stripping you down to your slip. He then tucks you in the bed. Once the cover sits on your cold skin you’re knocked out.
You stay with this guy, his name is apparently Hoseok, for a couple weeks. You get to know alot about each other. He didn’t seem bothered by the things you do for money. The reasons why you don’t return or come back late. One morning there’s knocking on the door. You look over to see Hoseok still sleep so you go to open it. It’s the captain’s trustworthy man. “People said I would find you here. We’re going out to venture so hurry and get ready.” You close the door and turn around to see Hoseok awake. “Who was that?” You sigh. “I have to go back to the ship. Wish me luck will ya?” You go and get dressed. Once you’re out the bathroom he’s no where in sight. You go to the ship wondering where he could be. You arrive at the ship and everyone’s in a circle. You join the circle of men to see what was going on. “Ah. Miss, you made it. Everyone has met him we were waiting for you. Our new recruit, Jung Hoseok. You’re in shock as you look at him your eyes show it. He remains calm and greets you as if you never met. "Nice to meet you. Miss.” He kisses your hand and winks at you. One of the idiots whisper to him ‘you’ll have fun when she’s on board so don’t you worry’. Hoseok’s face turns from being neutral to a little agitated. You wonder what the idiot could have said to him. Through the week you do what you usually do on the ship. Seduce, clean and repeat.
You were having 'fun’ at the bar with the idiots. “Hey! Hoseok why don’t you have her do something to you.” Your ears perk back at the sound of his name. Hoseok looks at you then the men. It was obvious he was annoyed with them. You close your eyes and focus. You walk behind him sliding your hands down his shoulders. Close enough to his ear to make it seem as you were kissing him you whisper to him. “I don’t want to do anything to you. So tell me what to do.” He loosens up. “Do what you do, I won’t like it because I respect you though.” You smile at that. You don’t want to go to far so you massage his shoulders and softly kiss his neck. He gives a soft moan. You laugh and then stop. “That’s all for now.” The men all cheer. 'should’ve been longer’ or 'aww she’s going easy on ya’ is what they would yell. Later that night you finish cleaning the deck, going to Hoseok’s room. He’s sound asleep and you jump on him. He jumps awake. You smile at him and hug him. “What’s this for?” You squeeze him harder. “You’re the only one who likes me and if you don’t then the only one who’s listened to me and helped me and respected me for what I do. I’ve never thought about getting married or having children. Because who would want a woman thats been touch by hundreds of men. Who would want a mother who’s job was to sell her body, town and sea and reputation was at ground level. You make me feel as if I could do that and have a little piece of life worth more. Thank you.” He sits up and hugs you back. Pulling you back he sees your tears and wipes them away. “I do like you alot. You did this for years and yet you’re still strong. I would love to take you back to my home land once I’m done with this small job to get money. Just so you could have a fresh start.” You look at him not knowing what to say. “You would really do that? I need the money I’m not even close to that yet. I-thank you.” You pull him back into a hug.
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minsugagirl18 · 7 years
I know you love me
Min Yoongi x Reader
Warning swearing
It was a normal day well almost normal it would be if it weren’t for min yoongi he just moved here and he’s already popular and made friends with the other popular guys of this school so basically their the kingkas of the school every girl in this school was obsessed with them they would literally throw themselves at them I mean come on don’t they have any respect for themselves
And then there’s me I only have one friend but I honestly don’t know why I’m friends with her she throws herself at them two and doesn’t give two shits about it she has this thing for all of them she would literally jump from boy to boy just like any other girl well except me I actually have respect for myself
I was soon knocked out of my thoughts when I bumped into someone I looked up to tell them off but my words got caught in my throat it was min yoongi ugh out of every guy it had to be him of course
‘what do you have something to say or you just going to stand there and look at me all day or are you going to throw yourself at me too’ he said smirking this guy ‘what no unlike those girls I have respect for myself and I don’t have time for stuck up jerks’ I said turning around walking away 'arrogant bastard’ I muttered
Yoongi p.v.
Wow that’s a first she’s the only girl who doesn’t throw herself at me and she’s kinda cute and feisty this should be fun look out (y/n)
'hey hyung’ jungkook said 'did we see you just talking to (y/n)’ Jin asked smirking 'yeah she’s feisty I like it ’ I said and they all laughed 'good luck hyung she might be the only girl you can’t get to fall for you’ namjoon said will see about that
'lets go to lunch’’ taehyung said smiling ’ I’m not hungry I’ll see you guys later’ and they nodded then left I went to my favorite spot to take a nap but stopped when I saw (y/n) sitting there she was singing
It’s at stake again, it’s dangerous again So bad why, we are, yeah To withstand it more, to sustain it more So hard hard, it can’t
Even if I knew already I can’t stop No way no way no way i fall
As time passes It just becomes more ruined No way no way it’s collapsing again
A house made of cards, and us, inside Even though the end is visible, even if it’s going to collapse soon A house made of cards, we’re like idiots Even if it’s a vain dream, stay like this a little more
Wow she sounds good 'YOONGI OPPA’ on no is areum I don’t know why (y/n) is even friends with her i mean come on there so opposite to the point hoseok is more compatible with a snake 'yoongi oppa I was wondering where you were when you didn’t show up with the rest of the guys and why are you out here with her she’s not specail’ she said clinging on to me
'I thought she was your friend ’ I asked and she started laughing and I guess (y/n) heard cause she looked back then got up walking away 'oh please I just act like she’s my friend but she’s really not she’s so plain and boring and pretty useless’ she said laughing is this girl serious I snatched my arm away from her glaring
'wow your so fake just like your chest'  I said and she started to blush in embarrassment 'i hate people like you that pretends to be someone friend just to make them feel bad about their self unlike you (y/n) is actually nice and I’m so surprised she’s even friends with you cause your the useless one you know what get out of my face like I been telling you for the longest’ I said annoyed then walked away
(Y/n) p.v
I was putting my stuff in my locker when the door to it suddenly slammed shut I looked to see who did it to tell them off but it was just areum 'hey what’s wrong you look angry’ 'nothings wrong can I talk to you in private’ before I could say anything she grabbed my arm and took me to the roof top then let me go her back towards me
'So what did you want to talk ab-’ I was cut off when I felt a hard sting across my face did she just slap me 'what the hell is your problem’ I said glaring at her 'my problem is you why does yoongi notice you and not me I mean your so boring and plain what does he see in you ’ she said yelling at me
'i don’t know what the hell you are talking about I don’t like yoongi and honestly he doesn’t like me either and we all know that so why do you even act like this I want to know why you acted like my friend when your just a two faced bitch who throw herself at guys when I thought you were better than  that but I guess your not'  I said yelling at her and then she slapped me again 'you don’t know me and yoongi will never want a ugly bitch like you so why don’t you just die no one wants you here your useless’ she yelled about to slap me again but it never came I looked and was shocked to see yoongi
’ I think that’s enough what the hell is wrong with you I would never like a fake bitch who sleeps with every guy and at least (y/n) actually tried to be your friend but your just a bitch who is beneath (y,/n) your scared of her you think will get in the way because of how she looks and how she act you just used her to get noticed and thats just low’ he said letting of her arm and grabbing me pulling me towards him
’ and also if I see you near her or hurt her again girl or not I won’t hesitate to hunt you down and come after you’ he said glaring at her soon she started to throw a tantrum and walk away I soon pulled away from yoongi looking down and felt my cheeks heat up
'you ok’ he said and I felt his hand cup my cheek making me look at him and I quickly backed away blushing even more nodding 'y-yeah I’m fine thanks f or helping me I got to go now bye’ I said turning around about t walk away but was stopped by yoongi grabbing my wrist pulling me towards him
'you now you shouldn’t listen to her your really cute and-’ he suddenly got close to my face 'your going to be mine’ he said smirking and I pushed him away blushing 'yah stop joking around’ I said blushing harder 'oh I’m not joking sweetheart the going to be mine  and I can tell your already falling for me’ he said smirking
'in your dreams I doubt if Ill ever like you and I like to see you try pretty boy’ I said walking away ’ oh i will and I can’t wait to see’ he said ad I could feel the smirk on his face
God I want to go back and kiss that smirk off his face…….wait what damn it I can’t like him he’s a jerk he could be playing with my emotions I can’t fall for him I was knocked out of my thought when I bumped into someone god please tell me it’s not yoongi I looked up to see taehyung thank God
'oh sorry (y/n) didn’t see you there’ he said 'yah no it’s fine I’m just had its not yoongi’ I said and he laughed 'yoongi hyung isn’t that bad you should give him a chance’ he said patting my head smiling 'i don’t know’ I said looking down
'you know what I’m going to tell you a secret’ he said bending down going close to my ear and whispered 'yoongi hyung always like you since the day he came here he would always stare at you and I’m surprised you haven’t noticed’’ he said then stood back up straight to see my shocked face he can’t be serious 'you can’t be serious’ I said and he just nodded ’ I’m serious see you later’ he said patting my head again walking away
I turned around to see yoongi looking at me he looked angry 'what were you and tae talking about’ he asked his voice was low and it made me shiver ’,n-nothing really just talking about yo-’ I cut of that last word when he started smirking
'you were going to say me weren’t you’ he said coming closer to me and I backed up stuttering 'w-what n-no why would I talk about you ’ I said blushing then got pinned against the locker 'dont lie to me’ he said trapping me from escaping and I looked down
'yah yoongi oppa what are you doing with that thing’ a girl said 'probably telling her how ugly she is I mean look at her she’s not even her type’ another girl said and they both laughed while yoongi was distracted I took the chance to escape and ran before he could catch me
I stop running and leaned against a wall trying to catch my breath once I did I could still feel my heart beating fast then yoongi popped into my head and I felt like my heart was going to explode what is he doing to me I can’t be liking him 'aye heart stop beating fast over that idiot’ I said poking where my heart was
’ stop beating over what idiot’ someone whispered in my ear and I looked to see namjoon smiling I sighed in relief 'is it yoongi cause if it is you should know he really likes you’ he said smiling ’,your the second to tell me that’ I said sighing 'yeah and I won’t be the last ’ he said winking then walked away I was going to ask what he meant but he was already gone since I had class I went to it and sat down ignoring areum glaring at me
Once I sat down jungkook sat next to me and I could feel more girls glaring at me but I didn’t care then he past me a note and looked at me saying nothing so I picked up the note and read it
Hyung really likes you you should give him a chance He’s really nice just one day with him and you’ll see just give it a go noona
I looked at him an he just smiled then went back to listening to the teacher after class some girls came up to me 'look slut stay away from jungkook and that goes for the whole group they dont need your slut jerms on them’ one girl said poking my forehead and the rest laughed
I swear when have I ever given a shit about what they say to me 'fun fact I don’t give a shit and I dont give a fuck so fuck off’ I said getting up 'what makes you think you talk to us like that’ one girl said
'when she had her own opinion it’s her mouth she can say what she want’ I looked to see who it was and it was jimin 'jimin oppa how can you defend her’ she glaring at me 'easy she’s not an annoying whore’ he said grabbing my hand then left leaving the girl back there shocked
Then we stopped somewhere where no one was around then he turned towards me smiling patting my head 'i can see why yoongi hyung likes you your feisty and cute’ he said chuckling a little and I was confused again and he was still patted my head 'hey is really nice you should really give him a chance’ he said smiling then walked away how many times is someone going to tell me this I don’t trust him he’s a jerk
“Who makes your heart beat fast” shut the hell up oh look I gone crazy I’m yelling at myself he’s driving me crazy I was on my to another class but stopped looking at something that shouldn’t bother me but it did I felt like my heart just broke I saw yoongi kissing that girl from class
Give him a chance huh he’s nice what a bunch of bull shit I decided not to care and kept walking I was trying to go without him noticing but it didn’t work ’(y/n) wait it’s not what it looks like" liar 'oh I don’t care when have I ever cared what you do so you can go back to kissing that bitch over there you know the one giving me the ugly bitch stare which I can give back and did you really think you could toy with me until you thought something better caught your eyes you know what stay out of my face I never want to see you again’ I said glaring at the girl and him walking away not listening to him
I was just walking when I get pulled into a classroom 'hey let me go'  I said about to hit the person I realized it was hoseok 'woah woah calm down its just me’ he said holding his hands up in defense 'ok what do you want’ 'yoongi is really nice there is a reason he did what he did cause you should know when he first got here and saw you all he did was stare at you only you he would constantly talk about how cute you where cause when he first met us he immediately asked who you were’ he said smiling then laughed 'just think about ok’ he said then left
After he left I wanted to scream but instead I sighed really loud this guy is trying to drive me to the break of madness what am I supposed to do I walked out of the class and went to my actual class I sat down then as if on cue Jin shows up
’(y/n) I have to show you something he said taking out his phone’ he showed me a video of yoongi and that girl
Yoongi oppa if you don’t kiss me I’ll make sure you’re precious (y/n) suffers hell in this school
I don’t know what your talking about I don’t like her
Don’t lie to me I see how you look at her you been looking at since you came here so either kiss me or I’ll tell the whole school and every single girl will go after her and hurt her and make sure she never wakes up forever
Fine you are one evil bitch
I know now kiss me
And then the video ends Jin looked at me and I just sat there shocked 'he really care about you I know you think he is a jerk and toys with people  but he is really nice I’m not telling you to go out with him just think about it and he might surprise you cause he really likes you you should know this Everytime it’s time to go home he follows you to make sure you get home safe just give him a chance and if he screws up beat the shit out of him or ill do it’ he said ruffling my hair laughing
Soon it was time to go home finally I started walking home and I felt like someone was following me I looked back and saw no one so I decided to run home and finally made it and ran in my room doing my homework then I took a shower I didn’t really feel like eating so I skipped dinner
Tomorrow I’ll give him an answer I have to put an end to this I said my heart beating fast thinking about yoongi you know what fml why did he have to show up in my life he’s making me confused I’m going crazy I wish my heart would stop beating so fucking fast when I think about him
Soon my phone was going off I looked to see it was a bunch of unknown numbers why are they texting me
Give him a chance
You won’t regret it
He really likes you noona
If you don’t give him a chance I think he would die literally
Again I’ll beat his ass but give him a chance
Loved you since he first saw you
Then I realized it was them And I sighed texting them back the same thing
I’ll think about it but I won’t make any promises
I then put my phone on the charger and then took a shower then went to sleep
Timeskip morning
I got up groaning going to the bathroom to get ready once I was finished i headed down stairs put on my shoes then grabbed my bag then left well I left after my mom forced me to eat breakfast
I finally I made it to school but I was soon surrounded by yoongi friends and I could see people staring and they were mostly girls glaring at me 'so did you think about it’ namjoon asked and I nodded 'tell us ’ jimin said and I shook my head 'its not that I don’t want to tell you but I think yoongi needs to hear it first’ I said and they nodded
'alright bye’ I said walking away and they waved back throughout the day I either got glares or some stupid insult really people do I need to spell it out I don’t care 'aye bitch’ the girl who kissed yoongi said coming out of nowhere 'what skank’ I snarled at her i really wasn’t in the mood for this shit 'yah be nice I can’t help it if yoongi likes me’ she said smirking
'oh really ill be nicer when your smarter’ I said with a emotionless look about to walk away but stopped 'oh fun fact I don’t care and I know everything you said to yoongi so bitch please so check yourself be for you wreck yourself swerve pop lock and drop that attitude ok’ I said walking away
I just want to go home and maybe if I’m lucky I won’t see yoongi cause honestly I don’t know what I’m feeling right now I was brought out of my thoughts when someone grabbed my arm making me stop 'what the hell is you prob-’ I stopped my sentence when I saw yoongi seriously what you doing up there you can’t help me out this one time
'what do you want min yoongi ’ when I said his name my heart started to beat faster and he just looked me in the eyes oh god his eyes are so beautiful and their brown I love brown eyes and I could feel my face heat up
'w-what a-are y-you just going to stare at me if so you can let me g-’ he soon started walking  dragging me I asked him where are we going but he didn’t answer so I gave up and let him drag me
Soon I noticed we were on the roof of the school I was about to ask him what is he doing but he pinned me to the wall looking at me like a love sick puppy which made my heart melt
’(y/n) I love you’ he said then kissed me I was shocked so I didn’t kiss back and I pushed him away but he just came back and kissed me again then pulled away 'just tell me if you don’t love me and I will forever leave you alone like you want’ he said looking down it hurts me to see him like this
'ok I’ll tell you your making me go crazy and confused I don’t know what I’m feeling right now and I might never know so I don’t know what to tell you’ I said looking down I soon felt his hands cupping my face making me look at him he took one hand away grabbing my hand placing it on his chest where his heart was still holding onto my hand and his heart was beating fast 'does your heart beat fast when you look or think of me and you try to get rid of the feeling but it won’t go away because you know you love that person and would give up anything to be with them’ he said looking me in the eyes and I nodded and he placed his forehead on mine still holding my hand to his chest his heart beating faster then the last time
’ thats how I feel when I think about you but I don’t try to get rid of the feeling I want it to be there cause you are the only girl I noticed first when I came here you were different you didn’t throw yourself at me I really like you no I love you I would give up anything just to have a chance with you please give me just one day to show  you I love you’ he said and I swear my heart was about to explode looking Him in the eyes I can tell he’s telling the truth
Maybe I should give him a chance I smiled at him and he looked confused 'yoongi I’ll give you a chance because to be honest I really like you too’ I said kissing him and he kissed back 'thank you jagi’ he said smiling hugging me  and I blushed hugging him back
Jungkook p.v.
What is wrong with everybody what they looking at and why are they smiling like idiots
'hyungs what are guys doing’ and then they put a hand over my mouth bringing me towards the door to see what they were looking at it was yoongi hyung and (y/n)
'this is getting good’ namjoon said smirking 'yah shut up its really cute not some drama for your amusements’’ Jin said hitting namjoon against his head
'oh looked he kissed her but she pushed him away’ jimin said shocked 'now she’s talking oh he just put her hand on his chest’ hoseok said 'wow he moving to fast then again he did love her’ tae said 'what do you except he’s like a lost puppy who just found his owner’ jimin said
'oh she’s smiling and then kissed him’ tae said smiling 'yah finally it’s about time’ Jin said
'this is so wrong you guys shouldn’t be spying now if you excuse me I’m going to pour holy water on me’ i said leaving them to fanboy over whatever seriously I wonder about my hyungs sometime and its about time yoongi hyung finally said something god I don’t get them
Soon I saw areum running towards the way the guys were and thats my cue to turn back around then I noticed three more girls followed her seriously do these girls ever stop or have a life I mean come on i started to run back to them just to be greeted by the guys holding them back and them trying to get towards (y/n) who just looked like she didn’t give a shit
Your p.v.
Ugh do these girls ever stop I mean really you should know when to give up now this is what I call desperate
'yah I told you to stay away from him why don’t you just die already’ areum said and I just held up one hand then  flipped her off 'you should really know areum I don’t like you none if us do you disgust us and to be honest we wouldn’t care if you disappeared so leave (y/n) alone cause no one messes with my jagi’ yoongi said kissing my forehead making me blush
'ugh this isn’t over (y/n) I’ll make the rest of this school year a living hell for you’ areum said and I bust out laughing 'yeah good luck with that I already went through hell being your friend so you don’t scare me none of you whores at this school scare me but nice try’ I said smirking walking up to her then slapped her hard knocking her down shocking everyone
'thats for slapping me’ i crouch down to her level 'and for being a fake ass bitch’ I said standing up walking toward yoongi who was smiling and opened his arm for me and I walked to him hugging him smiling
Timeskip a few days later
'i love you yoongi oppa’ I said kissing his cheek and I noticed he blushed 'w-what did you call me’ he said stuttering wow min yoongi stuttering 'oppa’ i said smiling looking at him and he slammed his lips onto mine and I heard the boys make gagging noises
'yah not infront of the maknae he’s just a baby’ namjoon said covering jungkook eyes 'hyung I’m not a baby’ he said trying to remove namjoon hands 'oh really then  what’s the difference between a peck and a kiss’ jimin asked and jungkook started rubbing his body like he was trying to get something off and they laughed
'you two get a room’ taehyung said making kissing noises and then Jin hit him in the head 'to young not till someone puts a ring on that finger’ Jin said holding up my hand then gave it to yoongi
'its like I have a daughter now i can take her shopping and buy her so many pink things’ he said hugging me and I laughed at yoongi he looked like he wanted to rip something and I’m guessing it’s jin 'um hyung I think yoongi hyung wants you to let go of (y/n)’ hoseok said laughing then Jin let me go and pushed me towards yoongi smiling
'oppa you ok’ I asked and he shook his head pouting 'my jagi is being takin from me’ and I kissed yoongi and he kissed back 'i love you yoongi they can’t take me from you’ I said smiling and then jimin and taehyung grabbed both my arms 'wanna bet let’s go tae’ jimin said and they both dragged me away from yoongi 'yah jimine taehyungie bring her back right now’ I heard yoongi yell and ran after us with the other guys right behind him and everyone looking at us
Then a teacher saw us I thought we were going to get in trouble but he just laughed and I saw jimin high five him 'hey Mr Kim’ he said stopping I forgot Mr Kim was jin’s dad 'oh miss (y/n) what are you doing with these rascals I was about to answer when jimin and taehyung started running again 'YAH JIMIN TAEHYUNG WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU YOUR DEAD LET HER GO KNOW’ yoongi yelled wow he was pissed
Jin p.v.
'hey dad’ I said stopping 'yah what’s going on here’ ’(y/n) is yoongi’s girlfriend and jimin and taehyung both grabbed her and took off running'  I said 'what he finally asked her out its about time it’s your guys last year here and your leaving in three more months and He’s like a love sick puppy every time she’s around’ he said laughing 'yeah now I got to go and stop them before someone gets murder and I mean jimin and taehyung’ I said running
Your p.v.
'please stop running and give me back to yoongi’ I said but they just kept running and I just sighed well I know who’s dying give it it up for the 95erz everybody I thought  mentally clapping soon they stopped running trying to catch their breath and thats when I was snatched from them into a nother pair of arms and them breathing heavy I didn’t have to look to see who it was  so I just hugged him smiling
'you guys are dead’ he said walking to them but I stopped him grabbing the collar of his shirt pulling him down kissing him and I heard the guys fake gagging again and yoongi pulled away glaring them making them shut up
'is….. any one….. hurt’ Jin said trying to catch his breath 'were fine mom’ jimin said and we all laughed 'good I don’t need to start planning funerals this early’ he said sighing looking at yoongi who was holding me tightly eyeing Jimin and tae
'you two ever do that again and I’ll make sure you won’t see the light of day and you won’t be able to have kids’ yoongi said glaring at them and they hid behind namjoon
'suga’ I said poking his cheeks and they all looked at me confused ,'what did you call him ’ hoseok asked 'suga’ because he’s so pale’ I said and they all nodded 'but he’s not sweet like sugar but only sweet with you’ jungkook said and the all agreed 'i guess you can say he’s suga free’ hoseok said then started to do the dance making me laugh and yoongi poked me in the sides making me squeak and I turned around playfully glaring at him
'See I knew you loved me’ he said smirking pulling me close
'Oh shut up’ I said blushing and he leaned in kissing me
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primadonnatartuffe · 7 years
-- impenetrableVitality [IV] began pestering primadonnaTartuffe [PT] at 17:32 -- 
IV: ryan 
IV: actually nevermind 
-- impenetrableVitality [IV] gave up pestering primadonnaTartuffe [PT] at 17:34 -- 
-- primadonnaTartuffe [PT] began pestering impenetrableVitality [IV] at 17:34 --  
PT: um NO you cant just pull that shit. 
PT: once you got me youre stuck with me. 
PT: whats up finnberly???
IV: oh uh 
IV: i don't know
PT: k... 
PT: well i wanna chat anyway. 
PT: im having a pretty choice day today. :100: :ok_hand:
PT: sipping this drank of the cafe variety. :coffee:
IV: that's good 
IV: do you mean coffee
PT: yessiree. courtesy of the coffee can. i fuckin love this place.
IV: where is it though
PT: downtown on skaia. around where my usual haunts are.
IV: is that place 
IV: like 
IV: okay
PT: liiiike? safe?? is that what youre asking?
IV: yeah i guess
PT: its all good in this hood. :heart:
IV: are you by yourself
PT: yeeees. currently.
IV: are you eating anything 
IV: are you by yourself by yourself or by yourself with people around
PT: there are people around yeah. in the restaurant. 
PT: otherwise its just me and mr coffee.
IV: maybe ask a few people if they know cpr
PT: finn... baby... 
PT: im not gonna choke on my coffee.
IV: no i mean just in case
IV: it might be good
PT: in case of what?
IV: in case there's 
IV: i don't know 
IV: a cardiac emergency 
IV: do they have an aed there 
IV: maybe you should make sure they do
PT: finn... 
PT: are you alright sweetie? you seem like youre freaking out a little.
IV: i'm fine 
IV: i just think it's important that people are educated
PT: it sure is!!! but i think its fine.
IV: well it's easy to think that
IV: i just want to make sure
PT: of course. no problemo. 
PT: but hey lets talk about something else!!! 
PT: guess what happened to me last night.
IV: are you okay
PT: yes FINN. im great in fact. :blush:
IV: oh
IV: are you sure
PT: YES FINN!!!!!!!
PT: this is me trying to share GOOD news.
IV: okay tell me
PT: well. 
PT: well well WELL well WELL.
PT: me and jack are kiiiinda back together.
IV: oh
IV: wow
IV: that's great
IV: is he okay
PT: shit he better be amazing cuz hes got me.
IV: you have a point
IV: right
PT: in general tho he seems fine.
IV: they have an aed
PT: what??
IV: i called the place
IV: they have one
IV: in case you were wondering
PT: ... 
PT: umm okay i wasnt but... 
PT: are you sure youre alright??
IV: do you know how to use one IV: that's okay it tells you how to use one anyway
IV: it literally talks to you
PT: :confused:
PT: okay i definitely know youre not alright cuz youre ignoring me!!!!
IV: no i just need to tell you that
IV: it's by the bathroom
PT: duly noted. 
PT: finnnnn.
IV: yeah
PT: talk to me. youre acting weird.
IV: 30 chest compressions 2 rescue breaths 
IV: you can use it for a lot of things  
IV: maybe the people around you should know too
IV: sorry
IV: oh you have to open the airway too don't forget that
PT: mmmmmmmoh my god.
IV: does jack know
IV: i should tell him
PT: youre starting to worry me... 
PT: dont make me call colt.
IV: you don't need to call him he's fine 
IV: i'm fine 
IV: it's fine
PT: are you sure something isnt going on??
IV: i don't know
PT: tell me whats going on in your head right now.
IV: i don't know 
IV: i'm
IV: this was a mistake
IV: another one on top of another one that everybody saw coming
PT: nooo baby its fine.
PT: you fuss at me just lemme fuss at you. 
PT: its the law of equivalent friend exchange.
IV: he was right the whole time
IV: what am i doing
PT: who?? ill fight him.
IV: i'm not really different am all am i 
IV: i'm just 
IV: doing the same things
PT: :frowning2:
IV: i'll probably ruin her life and think i'm helping her but i'm not
IV: i have to go
-- impenetrableVitality [IV] gave up pestering primadonnaTartuffe [PT] at 20:36 --
-- primadonnaTartuffe [PT] began pestering impenetrableVitality [IV] at 20:38 --  
PT: no you dont!! hey! 
PT: finn listen. 
PT: you can talk to me alright? 
PT: if you feel like a fuck up just know youre talking to the Ultimate fuck up so im the last person who would ever judge you for whatever is going on in your head. 
PT: i wanna listen... i wanna be more helpful... 
PT: come on. please?
IV: i need to go i have to
IV: i have to stop doing this
IV: i have to stop
PT: hey hey. 
PT: it doesnt work that way alright?? 
PT: shit happens sometimes. 
PT: but it passes too... yeah? 
PT: i fucked up last night too finn. 
PT: i started drinking again... but i know for a fact it couldve wound up way worse. 
PT: and im okay! im gonna be okay even if i slipped up. you know what i mean? its the same with you.
IV: i brought an innocent life into all of my shit 
IV: i have to make sure she's safe 
IV: she's not safe with me
PT: baby youre doing a great job with her!! anybody can see that. 
PT: just because youre sick doesnt mean you gotta stop living your life. 
PT: youve got friends whove got your back... and theres nothing wrong with that. 
PT: shit i mean we were all basically raised by our parents friends along with our parents too right??? shes got the same kind of environment. i cant think of any place safer than where she is right now.
IV: i don't know 
IV: i don't want to keep hurting people
PT: i know... it sucks. 
PT: but its gonna be okay. i promise.
IV: fuck
PT: yeah let all your fucks out.
IV: i think i need help 
IV: i'm by myself right now 
IV: well me and sofia 
IV: i think i
IV: need to
IV: something i don't know
PT: well hey i can come over if you want.
IV: please
PT: okay gimme like... 45 mins or so since colts gotta live in the middle of bfe. 
PT: ill be RIGHT over. hang in there.
IV: okay the door is IV: is it locked or unlocked 
IV: i should know this 
IV: oh no
PT: i figure colt locks the door when he leaves. so just lemme in when i get there! 
PT: okay message me if you need to but im omw. 
RYAN: -pockets her device, fleeing the coffee shop and making her way to the transportalizer hub. with a quick zap she's on odimist, but the longer neck of her journey is getting a cab out to colt's place. she arrives at her estimated time... give or take a few minutes, but probably give, but of course no one can ever arrive early during emergencies. still, she's here, and she's knocking on the door while also texting finn that she's here.-
FINN: -his fingers feel numb and so do his his toes and so does his mouth in a weird way, but that's probably due to how messed up his breathing is. he's terrified he's going to drop sofia, that his arms will just give out from underneath her, so it's taking him a long time to get to the door-
RYAN: -that's fine... she can be patient... but not really. she peeps through the front window to see if she can spot him anywhere inside.-
FINN: -she can. He's mostly still other than the tiny steps he's taking and the steps he's taking backwards before he goes forward again. it makes sense in his head,  somehow-
RYAN: -frowns through the window at him. does she wait? does she try something else? she's REALLY not good at this, but dammit she's trying. she taps on the window now?? maybe that'll snap him out of it long enough to get her in there.-
FINN: -he looks up suddenly at the window tapping and has an expression of embarrassment on his face before he looks around frantically and just holds sofia closer as he goes to open the door. Finally, the door opens-
RYAN: -SUCCESS. she scurries over, looking up at him with big concerned eyes.- heeey buddy. 
RYAN: im here now.
FINN: hi 
FINN: sorry
RYAN: -flaps a hand- its all good. 
RYAN: hey sofia. -smiles a little at her and then kinda dances around finn to get inside.-
SOFIA: -stares at Ryan- 
FINN: -just looks really frazzled- i uh 
FINN: um
RYAN: -puts a hand on his back and starts rubbing in small circles.- shhh its cool. 
RYAN: maybe we should sit down??
FINN: -he takes a moment and nods before looking down at the baby again- yeah probably
RYAN: -starts guiding him to the couch.- alright alright alriiiight. 
RYAN: -plops down and plops her hand on the cushion next to her.-
FINN: -sits carefully- 
FINN: i need to wash my hands 
FINN: you need to wash your hands
RYAN: huh?? oh... because of the baby? 
RYAN: i can do that now... then we can trade off and you can go wash your hands?
FINN: do you remember how to hold her RYAN: yeah yeah of course. -gets up and scurries over to the kitchen to wash her hands in the sink, quickly returning to them.-
RYAN: okay i got this.
FINN: -he looks so worried but he carefully hands her over to ryan- you got her RYAN: i got her finn. i promise. -coos at the baby as she takes her.-
RYAN: hi again sofia. did you miss me? FINN: -watches the two of them as he leaves the room and bumps into the wall before disappearing into the kitchen to wash his hands. he returns after a few minutes.- maybe we should change 
SOFIA: -subtly wiggles- RYAN: nah... besides were all cozy here right? -snuggles sofia- we can relax. FINN: maybe we should though 
FINN: just in case 
FINN: the fabric is laced with deadly germs RYAN: -gazes at him a little bit- yeah... nah... that doesnt just happen. i think its cool. FINN: remember smallpox blankets RYAN: ... noooo?? FINN: it was a thing
RYAN: well thats cool but! pretty sure were good.
RYAN: lets talk about something else okay?
FINN: -sits back down and his fingers are digging into the couch cushion- RYAN: ...
RYAN: actually i think im gonna sing something.
RYAN: what do you wanna hear baby?
FINN: who RYAN: you. the bigger baby. FINN: oh
FINN: i don't think i have a great taste in music RYAN: okay i know youre tone deaf but you can still like music. everybody does.
RYAN: but alright leave it to me.
RYAN: just focus on listening alright? FINN: okay RYAN: -takes a breath- i know i havent been perfect but give it some time.
RYAN: cuz not a single day goes by where you dont cross my mind.
RYAN: and we spend our lives looking for things we cant find.
RYAN: oh but not a single day goes by where you dont cross my mind.
RYAN: all the days you spend on my mind.
RYAN: all the times that id say that well be together. well be together oh.
RYAN: all the ways you see through my heart.
RYAN: i know the good intentions they won't last forever wont last forever.
FINN: -listens to her sing and watches her, trying to focus on her voice and not anything else. it's beautiful- 
SOFIA: -YAAAAAS this is great. she gurgles-
RYAN: -smiles down at sofia.- all the hours weve spent on the line.
RYAN: all the times that youd say that i never listen i never listen
RYAN: through the conversations weve had til 4 am.
RYAN: you say you want something different want something different.
RYAN: and i know i havent been perfect but give it some time.
RYAN: cuz not a single day goes by where you dont cross my mind.
RYAN: and we spend our lives looking for things we cant find.
RYAN: oh but not a single day goes by where you dont cross my mind. -looks over at finn when she's done.-
FINN: -he looks calmer now. If not just a little- that was 
FINN: really nice
RYAN: -smiles softly.- yeah i know haha. 
RYAN: thanks man.
SOFIA: aaaaa 
FINN: did you just inherit a good singing voice
RYAN: haha i mean kinda? but it takes a lot of training too.
FINN: i think i'm untrainable
RYAN: i mean... we cant ALL be fabulous singers.
FINN: that would probably get a little annoying
RYAN: yeah man. i wouldnt feel very special haha... singing is basically all im good at.
FINN: that's not true 
SOFIA: nnnnn
RYAN: -bounces sofia a little in her arms, cooing at her.- 
RYAN: well i never pass up the opportunity to hear about myself sooo tell me what else im good at. :wink:
SOFIA: -wow this is the best time of her life- 
FINN: it's a long list but okay 
FINN: good at livening up a party good at being a good friend good at doing hair and makeup good at acting good with sofia good at not giving up
RYAN: -oh... dammit. why does she ask this stuff if she doesn't want sappy sentimental answers? she laughs a little and sighs.- ... thanks finn.
FINN: you're welcome 
 FINN: it's true
RYAN: -sniff... ugh. she's been feeling an awful lot of emotions these past couple days. she didn't ASK for this. accepting genuine, heartfelt compliments is hard so she tries to just focus on one. one thing she's curious about.- 
RYAN: you think im good with sofia?
FINN: well yeah FINN: -his expression softens- you're kind of a natural FINN: she loves you
RYAN: well the feeling is mutual sofia. -grins lopsided at her.- 
RYAN: i do kinda... like kids more than i would expect if someone like me. i dunno...
SOFIA: -good bitch you better love me- 
FINN: that's why assumptions are stupid
RYAN: troo. 
RYAN: ... maybe id have fun being a mom.
FINN: you can babysit her sometime if you want
RYAN: yeah? alright. 
RYAN: just call me whenever. not like im ever busy.
FINN: come on you have to be busy sometimes
RYAN: busy being SEXY sure.
FINN: -smiles a little- entertaining jack is that time consuming huh
RYAN: PFF no way i make him entertain me. 
RYAN: i only have to rely on my sexy personality around him since he cant see shit.
FINN: oh yes makes perfect sense
RYAN: -snickers- ... you know its kind of surreal. 
RYAN: like how naturally we kinda fell into it but... 
RYAN: -sighs- were both scared too?? and thats like... a reality of the situation we arent sure how to deal with. does that make sense??
FINN: -looks off for a moment- i know exactly what you mean
RYAN: yeah... 
RYAN: i just want it to work.
RYAN: i really feel like it could if i just... knew what to do.
FINN: -he looks off- yeah 
FINN: i uh 
FINN: i get it 
FINN: i might be going through the same thing
RYAN: -glances at him- yeah?
FINN: -his cheeks redden a little bit- yeah
RYAN: :eyes:
FINN: -scratches his head nervously- yeah i 
 FINN: saw emilet again
RYAN: oh reeeeally?
FINN: -HE'S SO RED- yeah 
FINN: i did -he saw a LOT of emilet-
RYAN: heheh aww finn. always getting up to something. 
RYAN: guess this means we can flail at each other while we flounder through familiar but tumultuous waters. 
 RYAN: be my lifeboat hombre.
FINN: okay
FINN: if you'll be mine
RYAN: -smiles, soft and sincere.- of course.
FINN: -smiles a little, taking a breath- colt's not 
FINN: too happy about it 
FINN: but things are different this time
RYAN: hes a grumpy gus anyway. 
RYAN: ... a neigh sayer if you will. 
RYAN: but man whatever floobs your boobs. even if it isnt different its your decision to make you know?
FINN: -he nods- you know the person that just 
FINN: you're with them and you know they're important to you 
FINN: then you're away from them 
FINN: and then when you're back in the same room you realize they were always the most important person to you a ll along
RYAN: -she laughs a little.- shit i mean yeah. 
RYAN: except for me its more like i definitely repressed all those feelings like every day until we were in the same room together. 
RYAN: and hes looking so different but so good and its like. 
RYAN: well fuck me i guess. 
RYAN: in every sense.
FINN: -laughs a little too- been there done that
RYAN: come on finn that goes without saying. 
RYAN: youre like the sluttiest person i know. and thats coming from ME.
FINN: -just slowly shrugs and smiles-
RYAN: -SNRRRKKK- goddammit finn!! -elbows him as best she can with a baby in her arms.-
FINN: ow hey 
FINN: you're the most violent person i know
RYAN: thats right bitch. ill fuck you up.
FINN: not with her you won't
RYAN: damn... true.
SOFIA: -whines a little and scrunches up her face-
RYAN: aw sofia im not really gonna fuck him up. 
RYAN: (im just telling her that to relax her.) -snickers and bounces her a little though.- 
RYAN: you think shes tired?
SOFIA: -starts to cry. life is hard- 
FINN: that or hungry or she needs to be changed 
 FINN: that girl can eat 
FINN: que paso sofia
RYAN: oh shit. good. 
RYAN: youre a growin girl. -smiles at finn, glad he's really calmed down now.- 
RYAN: want her back?
FINN: -puts his arms out- yeah sure 
FINN: she's probably tired 
SOFIA: -she's tired and upset about it-
RYAN: bet youre tired too. -hands sofia off to him carefully.-
FINN: -takes this cute little sad baby into his arms and he feels so much better about it than he did before- yeah 
FINN: but she has to sleep first
RYAN: naturally. 
RYAN: ... can i come with you when you put her to bed? -strangely curious about this routine.-
FINN: -looks over at ryan for a moment and then smiles- sure
RYAN: cool. cool cool cool. -smiles a little back-
FINN: -stands up and shooshes sofia- follow me
RYAN: -rises to her feet, hovering closely- :eyes:
FINN: -walks into sofia's room where he flips on the light. this is such a baby room, with a lot of pastel colors and a very secure crib. there are a lot of stuffed animals in the crib, but not so much that it affects her sleeping. his first stop is the changing table, where he takes the crying baby and sets her down- don't feel obligated to watch this part
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