#ill probably wind up deleting this soon tbh
muttyum-archived · 2 years
cw for discussion of fetishes of pedophilia, incest, etc etc. i wont go in depth but these topics are brought up. all for RACK, for what its worth
nuance. it needs nuance. it should not be a subject completely shunned but to wholly accept it, to let it perpetuate and be freely accessible is to invite harm amongst others. when you make a post describing how callouts and that kind of social rejection is a brute force tool at the best of times, you are correct, but you have to also recognize that openly sharing and creating content that can be used to harm others is something that you probably shouldnt do.
this post is about the loli shit infesting this website. its about the blogs dedicated to creating and spreading incest content, bestiality, whatever other "taboo" fetish, you name it. i could not care less what someone indulges themself to in private, but tumblr blogs, twitter accounts, things posted openly on the internet? thats not private. especially when these posts have hundreds, if not thousands of notes. thats definitely not private.
im saying this as someone who was harmed by this kind of thing, who opened myself up much earlier than i should have to adults who should have known better. im saying this as someone who regularly recedes into mindsets that arent entirely healthy. im saying this as someone who, if not for a massive dose of luck, would have been permanently labeled a sex predator for things i was pressured into doing as a 15 year old.
whatever you do in private, sure, fine, whatever, i dont care. i have my own skeletons. im sure we might even have "common interests" if you could call it that. but dont reblog, spread, share, or god forbid create and publicly post the same kind of content that was used as leverage against me all those years ago. in a perfect world, this kind of stuff would just not be posted. but its not a perfect world, and a lot of this stuff is posted regardless, and i know the kinds of people who post this kind of stuff dont do it with respect or with any kind of empathy. ive seen it, and ive felt it.
if you consume this kind of stuff, again, i have to stress - Whatever. i dont care. i know people cope with trauma in all sorts of different ways and im not about to armchair my way into your brain. ive stopped caring about call outs. i think theyre shitty and generally cause more harm than good. i still have people i have personal gripes with. counting myself lucky i never dmed <x> mutual who happened to get big and then got found out for her own skeletons. regretting i met this and that person. whatever.
and before you respond to this with "why dont you focus on the REAL predators who are hurting REAL children" i want you to understand that 1) i can push for greater change and also work towards smaller scale change and 2) do you litter and toss cigs and empty cans out on the highway just because the largest amount of ecological destruction is done by big companies?
calling 4lung a "martyr" and putting that label on yourself for circulating and spreading the kind of content i was talking about above isnt a good thing btw. just in my opinion. i have no clue what shes up to now and i really dont care, but i hope its better than the stuff ive been recounting
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