#ill see you for dinner prolly ily again thank you so much
jeawrites · 5 years
A Nolga Fic Cause ur a Nerd
David stared at his mother, shifting in his spot, throat dry as she explained to him the situation. “Yer dad and I found a better job out there… We know this’ll be hard on ye, but ye’ll make new friends, and we’ll buy ye a new phone once we get there so you can keep in touch with everyone here,” she promised. He looked to the floor for a moment, before giving a small nod. “Alright,” he agreed, his voice quiet and dragged out. “I… I’m sure this is for the better,” he added, smiling forcedly before adding, “When do we leave?” 
His mother was happy beyond belief, hugging him tightly. “Thank ye so much for understanding, Honey. We won’t be leavin’ until the last day of yer school year. Jus’ t’ give ye a chance t’ say goodbye to everyone.”
He probably should have taken the hint and told his friends he was leaving earlier than the day before school was out for the year. 
He sat at the lunch table, shifting in his seat in a way that made it look like he just couldn’t get comfortable. He could hardly pay attention to the sly comment Ryan made, or the response he got back from Scotty. 
He felt a hand tap him on the back and he glanced to the side, where Brian smiled at him softly. “Ye good, man?” he mumbled, glancing to their friends, who were off in a conversation of their own, before back at him with curiosity. “I dunno,” David answered, shrinking in his spot. “I…” He swallowed, before feeling a punch on his arm. He turned, while rubbing the spot, to face Tyler. He grinned at him, raising a brow. “You both talking without us? Dare I say… Gossiping?” Marcel faked a gasp and made the other laugh. 
David tried to smile but it wouldn’t form. That’s what got Brock’s attention.
Dear, loveable, and always paying attention to detail Brock. “Are you okay?” he asked. 
And, he was sure Brock was expecting a simple yes or no, not David getting teary eyed or choked up as he shook his head. Not David sobbing into his hands as he friends grew concerned and tried to comfort him. Not him excusing himself and hurrying to the hallway, and definitely not finding him in the library at the end of the day, tear stained and stressed looking, his face resting on a table.
The library stayed open an hour after school got out, so the group all pulled up a chair and sat down with David.
“Talk to us buddy,” Evan stated, nudging his shoulder gently as a sign of affection and comfort but it just hurt David more. He sat up, a sniffling mess as he wiped his eyes. “I’m… I’m move tomorrow,” he mumbled.
“You’re moving?” Tyler repeated, his face twisted in an emotion he couldn’t quite place, but he knew he didn’t like. He nodded reluctantly, and the taller glared. “What the fuck do you mean? Sense when?” he sounded surprised, angry, definitely, but confused too. “Well, I mean I won’t be here for sophomore year, or anythin’ after,” he answered, messing with his hands. “My mum and I talked and she said it’s better for the family if we move,” he trailed off. “Well when is the move?” Brian asked, chiming in hesitantly.
Oh god this was hurting. 
“Tomorrow,” he answered hesitantly, gripping his hands together as the group started to immediately freak out, only quietting down as a librarian shushed them. “How long have ye known?” Brian asked, looking at him intently. “A few months? I forgot about it t’ be fair, I didn’t think it was real,” he rubbed the back of his head, could feel a few glares, but the group kept their cool. “Did you get a sat in it?” Brock took his turn, speaking slow, looking for answers. David didn’t face him, only giving a little nod. “Did you argue to stay? I mean, you… you do wanna stay, right?” Brock asked, voice shaking some. 
He stayed silent, before sighing. “No. I don’t,” he answered. And, it hurt to lie more than anything. To tell them no, but it made things easier in some way, it made him feel better. At least they were getting rid of someone who didn’t want to be there. 
He glanced around finally, finding multiple reactions of disbelief, but mostly hurt and some anger. “Why?” Brock asked, voice dry. David knew he wanted to somehow help change his mind, but there was nothing to change in a lie. “It’s personal,” he mumbled. “So?” Marcel spoke up, glaring at him through teary eyes, “We’re your friends, we won’t judge you, David.”
He supposed there was a fairness to that, after all he knew they’d never make fun of something serious happening with someone within the group. And, if they did someone would probably confront them or punch them. So, for him to tell them it was personal and for them to accept that and not push it was almost laughable. He went to tell them he wasn’t comfortable saying, something to deepen the excise, but Tyler was already talking before he could. “What does it matter? He doesn’t wanna fucking tell us. Why should we fucking care? He probably didn’t want us to know he was moving in the first place,” he stated, looking at him with a bitter look. And, all David could do was nod. Why deny it? It wasn’t like he hadn’t thought about not telling them. 
That must’ve been the trigger to launch an already loaded bullet because the group reacted, hit him where it hurt, and then they left. Brock and Anthony a little hesitant to leave, still wanting to hear out the situation, but they were both hurt too. 
He left the school by himself. 
The next day he was able to get a few memories of his friends that stained his mind with guilt. He remembered Brock crying when he passed him in the hall, and the look he got from Brian as he comforted him. He remembered Evan not even bothering to look at him as Jonathan glared at him with tears in his eyes, though there wasn’t anger, only an aching sadness. Scotty and Marcel his stuff and vandalized his locker, Luke glared when he saw him too, but Ryan wrote him a little farewell note, Anthony tried to give him some form of a goodbye but it never quite got there, and Tyler yelled at him as soon as he spotted him leaving the school. 
He could remember the words; ‘You have one more chance, David! Turn the fuck around or we’ll never forgive you!’ ‘I swear to fuck, we’re gonna fucking kick your ass next time we see you if you get in that care!’ ‘I fucking hate you!’
He was always so great with words when he was upset. He could hear his voice cracking and some others trying to calm him down. He got to the car, and finally looked back to his friends. Tyler was being comforted by Brock, who looked to be crying with him. Evan was still refusing to look, Jon was hugging him along with Brian. Luke and Ryan were helping with that as well. Anthony watched him, and David swore he was getting hopefile, but he snapped from his thoughts as his mom told him it was time to go. He climbed into the car and they drove off.
All he did was move a few hours away, he was in the same state. 
In hindsight, David was a bit dramatic about it all. He had no reason to lie, but he did, and he mostly blamed it on his stupid Freshman brain. Being young, dumb, and unprepared to leave his friends. 
  But, it was two years ago. It shouldn’t bother him, he should be over it. He was happy where he was, new friends, a girlfriend, a steady life and a nice part-time job. He even was living a healthy life, he had grown since Freshman year, he was taller, he was cleaner, more stylish. Life was good.
  The idea of visiting his old town shouldn’t be bothering him so much. But, it was. 
  His girlfriend just wanted to go to a part in the town, it was supposed to be so much fun, and this and that. But, he just couldn’t see any good in the idea.
  “C’mon Davey,” she begged, giving him puppy eyes, “It’ll be so much fun, please!” she tugged on his arm gently, and he looked down at her, frowning softly. “I’m not sure, Ley… I don’t do well at parties, ye know that,” he sighed. She frowned and glanced off. “I know… But, I’ll be there with you- and Lui’s going so you’ll have him there! Plus, I promise to keep you company all night long!” She smiled brightly and David felt his heart melt a bit. “Alright, alright, but yer drivin’ out there,” he agreed before leaning down and giving her a little kiss on the head as she cheered softly. “You won’t regret it,” she promised. “Mhm, sure,” he teased.
  He really did hope he wouldn’t regret it, though.
  Hoped was the key word in all of this. But, from the moment they showed up to the party, the night went south. First things first, Ley had vanished nearly immediately. There goes that promise. And, he was fine with it. Maybe she was getting drinks, chatting with friends, something or another she got distracted with. It was in her nature after all and its one of the reasons David loved her. But, secondly, he spotted familiar faces. Nothing major at first, but then he noticed a familiar brunette chatting with a familiar canadian and his hear sank. Evan and Brock being here was a surprise, if only because the two weren’t the partying type. But, he supposed they wouldn’t recognize him, he was different from when he was younger. So, he hoped with that and the size of the party they wouldn’t be interacting much.
  Then David began the hunt for Ley, mostly just to make sure she was okay. Though, looking around the house for a bit got boring and he opted to texting Ley instead, as he walked to the kitchen to grab a drink. She responded that she was fine and would find him in a bit.
  Well, she didn’t have to because he found her after all. Sitting on the counter with some dude between her legs kissing up her neck. “Ley?” he asked, loud enough to be heard over the music, and watched as her eyes opened in surprise and she pushed the guy back so she could hop off the counter quickly. “David!” she exclaimed, “Oh no- Davey, it’s not what-” He held his hand up to stop her and she looked down. “Ye just needed me t’ come out here as an excuse, didn’t ye?” he asked. He wasn’t stupid, he knew her parents liked him, trusted him. He knew she used that to her advantage sometimes. 
  He watched her reluctantly nod and then grab the guys hand. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled. “No… No. It’s fine, I get it. We all have our reasons to do stupid things,” he looekd at her. It hurt, it did. He was definitely a little pissed, but he knew how dumb people can get over stupid things. As long as she was happy, David could find it in him to support it. “Go ahead and do what ye want, I won’t tell yer folks,” he smiled sadly and she gave him a giddy look before pulling him into a tight hug. “Thank you sososo much! I owe you, David,” she kissed his cheek before grabbing her boyfriend’s hand again and walking. “Thanks, man,” he heard the guy say as they walked off. 
  After grabbing a drink, he found a spot on the wall outside of the kitchen. He opted to texting Lui instead, Ley did say he was going to be here after all and the two were closer friends than him and Ley could have dreamt of being. They just clicked.
  He learned through a text back Lui had found some friends and went to grab some more drinks for the party, even sending a picture to show he was fine and okay. Which, David was happy for. He told him to have fun, and sipped his drink as they continued to text.
  He snickered softly as Lui sent another picture, him making a silly face with one of his friends and David was going to send one back, but he noticed someone stop in front of him, so he looked in confusion at the person.
  A person he recognized but couldn’t put a name to face. They had peach fuzz growing and they were tall. They seemed to recognize him too because they stopped and just stared for a moment before they spoke, slow, drawn out, almost hesitant. “David?” He shrunk a bit, hearing his name wasn’t a good sign. And, as he met blue eyes he regretted it more as his mouth became dry. “Tyler?” he answered, more questioned but it was taken as an answer. The American took his chance nearly immediately and he gripped him by the shirt. “So this is your party,” David breathed, and he grabbed Tyler’s wrist, swallowing thickly. “You’ve really redone the place sense-” “Save it fucker!” he spat, and pushed him towards the wall. 
  He hit his head, and the pain sort of helped him escape for a moment, something else to focus on then Tyler yelling at him. Which, he could see he was doing. He could see him just as angery as the day he left, which was bringing memories back with a vengence, seeking murder. That, mixed the bad mood he was put in after finding his girlfriend cheating on him, strained his emotions into a thin line that was threatening to snap. He could feel his throat tightening, his breathing becoming uneven and the walls were spinning as he grew dizzy. Was it just hot in here? Was everything this loud? When did Tyler become more of himself? He began to shake, he was in a lot of trouble, too much trouble, he fucked up, he shouldn’t have come back, he knew it, he knew it, now, Tyler was going to kill him! 
  He felt his shirt get released and someone new joined the party, grabbing his arm and pulling him along. A softer tone hitting him and another scolding Tyler.
  The minute he was outside, the quiet hit him. How empty and calm it was compared to inside. People were missing out, it was a nice night. “Deep breaths, okay? In and out,” a voice soothed. He couldn’t quite place a voice. When did his eyes shut? When did his face get wet? 
  The more he calmed down, the more reality crashed down. He couldn’t do much to stop sobs from leaving him, or to stop the shaking, but he was calming down.
  The minute he felt he could, he breathed in steadily, and opened his eyes, blinking a few tears away so he could focus on the face in front of him. Which, made his breath catch in his throat as he saw it was Brock.
  He stood there with worry in his eyes, but something else too that Daivd couldn’t bother to place. “Brock,” he choked out, wanting to apologize for so much, but also ask him to just leave. Instead he closed his eyes and leaned his head back, feeling it hit a wall. “Hey, buddy, come on, look at me,” he soothed softly, and David forced his eyes to open back up and peer at him. “Weren’t expecting you back,” he admitted softly, bringing a hand up to wipe his face of tears. He was always so caring, and David missed that so much. “Just punch me and get it outta the way,” he mumbled, gaining a frown. “Oh no, I’m not going to hit you,” he seemed confused, and then glanced over to the side, David joining to spot Tyler standing off, arms crossed and not looking at them. “Tyler isn’t either, despite, well, him trying to a bit ago.”
  David looked at him, before he sighed and nodded. “Okay, well, ye can let me go. If I’m not wanted, I won’t stay. I didn’t even know whose party this was,” he rubbed his face and exhaled heavily. “Dumbass,” Tyler grumbled, earning a glare from Back, before his eyes were back on David. “You can stay as long as you want. The guys would be thrilled to see you again!” he beamed. 
  That had to be a lie. On the way he left things? 
  “David,” Brock tapped him gently. “We’ve all missed you more than you would probably know,” he promised. David swallowed, and then the door opened. “Yo, Brock! You out here!” He knew that voice. It was Marcel. 
  Speaking of guys. 
  Brock gave David a reassuring look before responding. “Yeah! And, can you come here?” he called. 
  Without hesitation, Marcel stepped out and looked around before Spotting Brock, nearly immediately noticing David, and nearly immediately going from happy to down right surprised. “No fucking way,” he breathed, and walked over. “David?” he mumbled, reaching out, before laughing. “Man! I never thought I’d see you again,” he added, grabbing his shoulder after Brock moved away, pulling him into a friendly hug and David wanted to cry again. He returned the hug, holding him tight. 
  “Oh man,” Marcel chuckled, pulling back some as David loosened his hold, grinning up at him. “What’re you doing in town?” he asked. Tyler looked betrayed as Marcel talked to David, but who could blame him. 
  David felt almost natural with reply, though he knew he shouldn’t have been. His voice still shook, he still felt near tears, but he smiled a small bit. “Was here with my girlfriend for the party,” he answered, gaining curious eyes and he knew what was coming so he added, “Found her cheating on me and was gonna leave. Tyler caught me before I could.” Marcel’s face dropped, and that caught Brock and Tyler’s attention to. “You were cheated on?” Tyler asked, a skeptical tone in his voice and he glared. “Jesus fuck, I was just going to kick your ass a bit, but that sounds worse,” he rubbed the back of his neck before sighing. “Sorry, dude. Cheating sucks, I should know. I was cheated on last year,” he rolled his eyes. 
  It felt weird, talking to them again. It felt weird having them suddenly on his side, talking to him. Tyler had such a change in tone and so quickly. It was unreal. Brock had texted the others. Evan, Ryan, all of them had come outside and were catching up with him, threatening to hunt the girl down for confrontation as they were caught up to speed but mostly denied. 
  He wasn’t uncomfortable, but confused, lost to the situation and just as to why they were being so nice. Hell, Brian was clinging to his side, arm around his waist as he laughed and told a story.
  “I thought ye’d all be mad,” he mumbled, suddenly and it caught their attention. “Mad? David, we’re ecstatic to see ye!” Brian stated, smiling at him. “But I left ye all, and not even n a good way… I figured ye’d still be mad,” he pointed out. Evan moved forward, punched him on the shoulder gently and shrugged. “We missed our dumbass,” he teased. “And… we’ve all sorta regretted leaving things how we did. Except Ryan, of course.” 
  Ryan chuckled. “Being mean gets you nowhere,” he stated with a shrug to follow. 
  David felt tears form again and he started laughing, a few slipping. “Fuck me, I’ve missed ye all too!” he brought a hand up to wipe his eyes but more tears formed. The group all exchanged words of support and such until they heard a surprised voice by the door. “David?” 
  David looked over, a fond smile spreading across his face as he watched Lui run over, quickly ranking him down and looking at his teary face. “Who made you cry?” he demanded, pout forming on his lips. “Do I gotta beat someone up?” David laughed, shaking his head. “No, no. Calm down you fiery midget,” he teased, gaining a small laugh in response. “Who’s your friend, David?” Brock asked, looking to Lui with a smile. Lui worked on wiping away David’s tears and David answered sweetly. “This is, Lui. My favorite dumbass,” he chuckled as the felt Lui pinch his cheek and then let go so David could stand up straight. “I’m not a dumbass, if anything I’m smarter than this fucker?” he pointed out. 
  Laughter rang and Lui clicked.
  They all did.
  The night began to die down and Lui was caught up to speed about most of the situation, even the story on what happened between David and the group.
  Lui gave Ley an earful as soon as he spotted her leaving the party. 
  David exchanged numbers with his group and Lui offered him a ride home, which he accepted of course.
  They took off, and the ride was mostly quiet until Lui began to speak. “Hey… David? Can I ask you a question?” he looked at him before back to the road, gripping the wheel lightly and sucking on his lip. “Yeah, ‘course Lui,” he answered, looking at him with a tired smile. 
  “I uhm… Look, once you feel better about the way you and Ley left things, I’m wondering… I mean, I was hoping you’d wanna go out with,” he swallowed, “Me?” 
  David stared at him, watching Lui shrink under his gaze and then he chuckled, loose and full of a fond feeling. “I’d love too,” he answered. “Y’know, I knew things with Ley weren’t workin’,” he mumbled, leaning over to lean onto Lui some. “She became distant, started leaving me to talk on the phone, would tell her parents she was out with me when she wasn’t,” he sighed softly, “But… Y’know, I think she’s gonna be happier now that I know. She’s a nice girl.” He shook his head and then moved a bit so he could kiss Lui’s cheek. “How about next weekend?” he offered, “We can go out then, and ye can show me if yer really worthy of me.” It was a tease, and he was happy to get a laugh from Lui. 
  “Next weekend then.”
  “I’ll be waitin’.”
HAppy BDAY JEA, ILY So much and I hope its a good one!!
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