#ill try to use rra more
catcafesponsor · 8 months
Reea's How To: Break In 2 Evil Ending
whoaaaaa new ending time for me to be enslaved and forced to write another how to
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so obviously in the badge it says that it involves wave 3's "The Brute" miniboss.
here are the two requirements:
you want to have full hp by the time the brute is in action. this does not mean full hp by wave 3, this means full hp by the time all the mini grunts are killed. otherwise, you wont be able to grab the crowbar
you want to have the entirety of the dream team. this means uncle pete, twado, and detective bradley beans. if you want tips on how to assemble all 3 of them then go check my "how to: perfect score" because i dont want to type that again
i actually dont know if this is a requirement but she quick-judges your score based on items and allat and then says "hm. you can join if" so maybe? maybe that matters? again, not sure
here are some preparations you might need to prepare:
a lot of food. i entered the final boss battle with no food and i almost died.
armor! armor is awesome. helps tank some hits.
at LEAST 4 in one stat and 3 in the other. 5 is great if you can
a team. if youre doing this solo my condolences
once you meet both requirements, the brute will drop one of his two crowbars and you need to grab it. the brute will get MAD and SAD and BAD, healing up to full and being "sent into a frenzy". this will unlock the evil ending. do be careful, because getting hit by frenzied brute will make you drop an item!
during the evil ending, the first segment vs scary mary is normal. after you win against her she will let you onto the evil team (congrats! :D)
afterwards, detective bradley beans and uncle pete beat up scary mary and then detective bradley beans goes down to attack you.
bradley beans has 3 hearts and 3 attacks
grunts will run at him and he will use his umbrella to shoot them back at you, ragdolling you temporarily and doing a lot of damage
bradley will use his umbrella to fly into the air and throw papers at you like daggers.
pop quiz! 3 options and lava rising. pretty easy.
now to go more in depth about these attacks:
i don't think 1 needs much explaining. grunts go forwards, grunts get launched back. try to dodge them- it's like scary larry arrows but with a gun kind of
2 is.. annoying. three things go on here. first, he throws 3 papers like daggers and you need to dodge these. there are NO warning signs, you just need to see where and in what direction he throws the papers. after a bit he starts dropping paper balls which split into a massive ripple of smaller paper balls like a radius. you can jump over these and i do recommend you should.
also, a thing plays in the background featuring symbols. memorize the symbols and the numbers they're connected to because of
3! the pop quiz! lava rises and there are 3 platforms with different symbols on them. the quiz has 5 stages. pick the correct platform that has the correct symbol matching with the number 1 - 5 and this should be a peace of cake
congrats! you've beaten the evil ending and now you get a massive lore drop (make sure you stick to the end of the cutscene to find out) (don't leave after you get the badge...)
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artificialanomaly · 7 years
Been a while since I did anything Sinday-related.
It’s funny how I’ll see things that super remind me of headcanons/brainstorming I’ve kept to myself, and lately a lot of it’s been on @bioxdroid (then again, they’re awesome)
One of them is this: my headcanons about Cell and mixed race reproduction.*
*Referencing recent implications in bioxdroid’s amazing RRA-verse (and I think there was a joke/crack thread a while back about people thinking Cell was pregnant?)
This has been on my mind for a long time, but it’s become more refined lately, and more tied specifically to the AU where Bulma adopts Present!Cell and its future directions, but I’ve been thinking this concept can apply to any AU (and closer-to-canon AU) I have for Cell.
A lot of science fantasy/sci fi liberties are taken with this a.k.a. none of this will be largely scientifically accurate.
So, Cell can do similar like Vegeta and Goku have done; have a form of sexual intercourse with another race, and produce a mixed-race child. This is pretty much just an unexpected mutation and side-effect of his mixed DNA. 
A lot of this is just to do with my own preference, because why not.  See, I’ve come to like more and more the idea that with Cell’s really unique/bizarre biology, if he has a form of sexual intercourse with another, he’s the one who gets knocked up. 
Granted, also thought of that since he essentially asexually reproduced the Cell Jr.’s--they came from solely him. Just thinking that even when reproducing through sexual intercourse with another, he’s the one who still bears the resulting offspring.
And he delivers the same way with the Cell Jr.’s--the mixed-race children will come from his expanding stinger. Though the whole process is slower than how Cell produced the Cell Jr.’s.
Backing up here--I keep saying a form of sexual intercourse. It’s different for Cell, because he’s different.
This part was super inspired by this headcanon on Namekian biology/reproduction:
I just like the thought of Present!Cell (any Cell and AU Cell) seriously making out with someone, and then realizing afterward he’s been knocked up.
Though the process also involves his ki having a strange reaction. With sexual reproduction concentrated in his mouth and chest, and when sexual stimulation and sexual action are focused there, Cell’s aroused, and his ki instinctively reacts, behaving differently--his ki essentially harvesting just enough genetic material from the sexual partner to mix with Cell’s, and doing this subtly enough without either party noticing. (This doesn’t happen all the time--like, Cell does not get knocked up each time he seriously makes out with someone. Right now a pattern/trend for when it’s likely happen hasn’t been determined, but there may be one, it may be a response to seasonal climate changes...like, say, he’s more likely to sexually reproduce in spring.)
Cell’s bizarre biology mostly takes the lead in his case, if I can phrase it as such. Like he’ll carry and bear the children, they’ll resemble him more (that’ll get more elaboration later). So, just, if he’s making out with a human or half-human (or another mixed human) or relatively humanoid race, reproduction happens his way; however the sexual partner normally does it, Cell’s way takes over. As in, say, he’s with a man or a woman; with Cell’s sexual reproduction processes concentrated in his mouth and chest area, and the behavior of his ki triggered into like a genetic harvesting form, his biology takes precedence in reproducing children, and does not require further biological interaction with his sexual partner beyond sexually stimulating him and engaging in the sexual act with him.
So, Cell’s knocked up. There is a gestation period within his body, but shorter than a human’s. He doesn’t experience any changes in physical appearance, but does experience an increase in *appetite and mood swings.
*When Bulma realized Present!Cell had been created with the specific need and hunger for human bio-extract, she altered him so that his Saiyan appetite could compensate. (Bulma found Namekian, human, and Frieza race appetite couldn’t compensate as well as the Saiyan appetite, due to the power and energy needed to support his body, and the great Saiyan hunger could meet that demand. Though she also found the Saiyan appetite already played a factor in the originally large appetite for human bio-extract...anyway, she just essentially switched things around on a genetic level, and even connected things that perhaps should’ve connected in the first place. Again, sci fi liberties taken here.) So, while with child, Cell’s Saiyan appetite just grows. (Without Bulma’s alterations...actually his Saiyan appetite would’ve kicked in anyway and he could find sustenance from things other than human bio-extract--but he still would’ve had a hunger for human bio-extract, and that would’ve increased too. Just his appetite increasing enough that it would trigger his Saiyan appetite literally.)
Along with increase in appetite and mood swings, Cell’s ki reacts differently again; his ki fluctuates while with child, going up and down. Cell does experience periods of weakness and illness, even something like morning sickness. (Nothing close to lethal, but draining.) The gestation period is not uniformly pleasant. It is far more strenuous and far less instantaneous than asexually reproducing the Cell Jr.’s. The gestation period requires more energy and time from Cell.
Cell’s ki will significantly shoot up the moment he delivers, ejecting his new mixed race offspring from his expanding stinger. Promptly Cell’s ki will plummet and he will revert to his larval state, due to the large amount of energy that had been needed for final delivery. He reverts to his most advanced larval state--that is, the larval state that is large enough for his next transformation to Imperfect form. But, that will happen later, for now, he’ll need more time to recover.
Cell will have enough energy to tend to his offspring--twin bio-androids in their larval state, but far smaller than him, and not green--one’s colored blue (firstborn), the other purple (secondborn). 
What follows is perhaps more animal-like behavior, larval Cell cleaning them off with his own mouth and drawing them close, to warm them. Bulma is there to lend a hand, tending to the three of them and giving the new twins a customized formula to drink and generally help clean them off and wrap them in blankets, and give Cell a break and time to rest.
It’s not long before larval Cell can change back into his Imperfect form. His twins are at first freaked out by the whole process, and stick close to his discarded skin and eye his Imperfect body fearfully, confused and not immediately realizing it’s still their father. This doesn’t last long either, as they realize this is still their father. Cell can also now transform back to his Perfect form, his power has recovered relatively quickly and he feels back to normal, how he was before the gestation period...but he tests this privately and then stays in his Imperfect form longer. It’s his base form anyway, and though the twins had gotten over their fear when he’d first transformed, maybe best not to transform anymore in front of them until they were older.
Present!Cell and Gohan are friends in this AU. (That will be its own post someday.) Frustrated with his own ideas for names, and not caring for what the others have said (Bulma and their circle), he finally goes to Gohan for his opinion. Gohan--gleefully--suggests Mito and Chondria; Cell just goes “F*ck it, fine,” but names the younger twin Mito and the older twin Chondria. (And will never tell Gohan or another living soul that he had thought of Mito and Chondria before, and instinctively did like it, but then talked himself out of it; and now he just chalks it up to Gohan’s stupid genes making him think of those names in the first place.)
Present!Cell’s first instinct is to refer to his twins as “she/her/daughters.” He doesn’t know if that already trained them to respond to that first, before it occurred to him to try testing out which pronouns they responded to better. Until further notice, they’re “she/her/daughters” to him unless they decide differently. (This instinct is partially influenced by Present!Cell’s deep attachment to and respect for his adoptive mother-figure, Bulma. To be honest, he was this close to naming one of the twins Phyla in honor of her.)
The twins remain in their larval forms, growing to about a toddler’s size around four years of age, until they shed their own skins and resemble more humanoid half-saiyan toddlers: small children with alabaster white skin, wide pink eyes, purple markings on their cheeks, dark wild hair (due to Saiyan/human DNA), and spotted reptilian tails with stingers like their father, but still different colors--blue tail, purple tail.
By this point, Cell has fallen into the habit of calling Chondria just “Connie” sometimes. He’ll still call her by her full name. He definitely uses it when he’s cross with her. 
Mito got jealous of this once. Cell’s response was that her name was already succinct and short enough, like his. They even had the exact same amount of letters. He did teasingly try “Mitty” with her, and was amused when she responded with immediate disgust to that nickname and a quick “nevermind.”
Though wondering if they would physically age faster like their father or even Piccolo, Chondria and Mito age at essentially a human’s pace. They largely stay as humanoid creatures with strange colors and strange tails and wild dark hair, maturing in that form. They do find that they can change form, into bodies with armor that more resemble their father (and when smaller, can resemble the Cell Jr’s more); they can revert back to their larval forms like him. When full grown, Chondria and Mito are as tall as Cell.
Mito and Chondria’s voices sound traditionally feminine by human/saiyan standards, and their unarmored bodies resemble a traditionally female body by those same standards. They continue to identify as “she/her.”
The twins do literally look identical; only differences are the colors of their tails (and armor when transformed in their other forms; the colors of their larval states). Other differences have to be made, i.e. different haircuts.
(I multi-ship, but have grown to enjoy these Cell’s-twin-mixed-race-bioandroid-daughters OCs quite a bit; so anyone I ship Cell with and imagine hypothetical kids for, Chondria and Mito will remain his first mixed-race kids, they stay with their dad.)
...So that went from sexual reproduction headcanons to OC-fan-kids talk, ah ha. XD I do like Chondria and Mito a lot though, may do more headcanon posts about them and Cell another time.
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