#ill work on individual tags for the seasoning sisters
missjanjie · 1 year
Season 15 Incorrect Quotes
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thermodynamiclawyer · 3 years
yeah, this is gonna be a trainwreck. here’s @bandagegirl ‘s and my GHS headcanon masterpost. our goal was to have at least 3 per character, if not more. we kinda had to group the last few characters together in the end, though. it’ll be split up in categories between the characters in the Game, then Anime-Only, and then overall Worldbuilding at the end as for easier reading.
Game Characters
the Lost World/Gregory House is Gregory’s own manifestation through loneliness and envy. (see Worldbuilding)
he’s WAY older than a grandfather of James. he’s more of a great-great-great-great grandfather, but it’s easier to just call him grandpa.
he’s been long dead in reality for years. always constantly dreaming and manifesting his Lost World and eventually never woke up.
there is almost 0 records of him from reality. because of this, there is no clear time period he originated in, unlike the guests.
he’s a collector. he loves historically significant antique items to put on a shelf and learn all about.
as taken from the manga, his favorite historical subject is War.
he suffered from frequent night terrors as a teenager, making it difficult to sleep before the manifestation of the Lost World.
while he usually tries to set up a weekly chore schedule for the residents in the hotel, he usually ends up doing everything himself (both because the guests throw in the towel very quickly and that Gregory wants to do everything right).
his magic abilities include teleportation and immortality, but he’s still very prone to injury.
Gregory Mama
she’s actually a manifestation within the Lost World that Gregory used to cope/punish himself with.
has the tendency to adopt new guests as family members only to eat them/their souls later. this also applies to Gregory attempting to manifest new family members in the past, to which he stopped after Gregory Mama has shown to steal their souls each time.
obviously, she’s not Gregory’s real mother, rather a personification of the abuse Gregory suffered in reality.
as young children usually don’t use their parents real name often, she doesn’t have a real name.
he’s a child who escaped reality after discovering a forgotten family member (Gregory) in very old family photos; having little to no relation to the rest of the family.
plus, hearing rumors of a hotel that only appeared during moonless nights only encourage him to take on a challenge.
since he’s related to Gregory (even if it’s very distant), his monster transformation was a lot faster, becoming a full rat in little under a month.
he LOVES horror movies, especially slasher films. he might be a little too influenced by them.
he owns a large range of weapons, from toy water guns to actual chainsaws. that doesn’t mean he’ll use them responsibly, though.
he’s a very smart kid, even to the point where he can be manipulative to both the kids and the adults. he’ll even convince other kids to take the blame for him whenever he starts problems.
his parents from reality miss him very much.
in reality, Catherine was a German nurse in the 1940’s during WW2.
as a human, she was actually afraid of the sight of blood and would get lightheaded whenever she had to treat a soldier’s wounds. however, as a determined nurse, she tried her hardest to become tolerant of blood. tolerance became fondness and fondness became obsession to the point where she was hurting her patients just to see blood again.
she is attracted to both men and women, however she experiences internalized biphobia. due to this, she’s desperate to find true love with a man while specifically trying to avoid romantic relationships with women.
she knows how to take care of children.
she molts her skin during periods of time, you know, since she’s a lizard.
she didn’t gain magic powers along with her transformation, but instead gained physical strength.
Cactus Gunman and Cactus Girl
both originated in the Mexican revolution, especially around 1910.
Gunman had been shot in the chest a few times in his life and surprisingly survived each of them.
Gunman’s personality completely changed once he arrived in Gregory House with his sister, becoming a paranoid coward from the brave “hero” he made himself out to be.
they both grow seasonal flowers in the springtime. Gunman grows one large red flower on his head, which he hides with his hat in the spring time. he prefers to only show to his potential lover. Cactus Girl grows smaller white flowers in her hair.
Gunman is in dire need of glasses.
Gunman is quite fond of gardening, and loves to talk about flora. sometimes, Lost Doll will accompany him in the courtyard while he weeds.
they would die for each other, so don’t cross them.
Cactus Girl can shoot better than Gunman, but prefers her lasso and other melee weapons. she’s sworn off using guns after the revolution.
Cactus Girl has the ability to spawn in zones in smaller closed areas, such as turning her hotel room into Cactus Land; sort of like a pocket dimension. it’ll disappear as soon as she leaves the room.
sometimes, they both don’t need to eat due to the occasional Photosynthesis, and can go a long time without water.
Hell’s Chef
he worked as a highly regarded chef in Russia at a fancy restaurant, with mixed European family origins.
him and Mirror Man were coworkers of some sort.
he came from a long line of wrestlers, but broke family tradition to cook as a passion and career.
he died after the restaurant went up in flames.
his throat is still scratchy and rough from the incident, so he isn’t much of a talker. not to mention the language barrier and that he’s still attempting to learn the language everyone else speaks in Gregory House.
while the appearance of his meals look absolutely irredeemable, Chef’s cooking is actually very tasty; so much that you almost can’t taste the poison. he prefers making meals that are hearty and savory, rather than “looking good”.
he prefers to do all the food shopping and butchering. nobody knows the best ingredient selections like he does.
like Catherine, all of this “magic ability” went to his incredible strength.
most, if not all of his body is made out of wax, with vein like wick all throughout the body, giving him general bodily structure.
Neko Zombie
(see Worldbuilding)
Clock Master and My Son
My Son was a stillborn in reality; the death of him and his mother gave Clock Master an alcohol addiction and depression.
1960 is the year My Son and CM's wife died, making it when time stopped for CM. he’s sort of “stuck” in 1960 in a way, which is why the year is plastered on both of their foreheads.
My Son was technically "born" in Gregory House.
when Clock Master came to Gregory House, an infant My Son was already waiting in his room. Because the child died before getting a name, CM referred to him as My Son.
while CM's time abilities are getting worse with age, they never were great to begin with due to the Lost World's unusual flow of time.
My Son's time abilities on the other hand have the potential to be the most powerful ability out of everyone's when he gets older, being able to play multiple timelines at the same time and even rewriting reality. this is due to being born in the Lost World, so his ability has adapted to Gregory House’s “time” system.
Judgement Boy + Gold
instead of a singular character, Judgement Boys are classified as a “species” considering there are multiple of them, with more being produced in the Judgement Factory daily. there is not a singular JB.
the Judgement Factory in Gregory House is a sub-factory of a much bigger Core Factory, where it branches off into different zones and other manifestations. There are countless Judgement Factories in existence, all with numerous JBs being produced and trained.
Judgement Boy Gold is an individual one-of-a-kind model, however, there are more in the “Metal” series similar to him in different factories with a variety of training jobs.
JBs came into existence after a lawyer in the early 2000’s won a court case that suppressed the rights and safety of these assembly line workers in a Toy Factory, which caused hundreds of workers to be injured or even killed. realizing the consequences of his actions, he spiraled downwards into insanity and ended up in Gregory House, rarely leaving his hotel room and eventually manifesting the Factory.
most models or designs of a Judgement Boy are based off of toys; one of the very few things reflected from the lawyer’s fatal court case.
the standard JB’s appearance is a bastardized caricature of the original lawyer, only with added cages and robotic features. the lawyer began transforming into a red monster with sharp teeth and claws, but never saw the results as he disappeared into the Core Factory one day, never to be seen again.
see @ask-factory and the #extended factory tag for a more extensive story.
Mummy Family
Mummy Papa, Mummy Dog, and Mummy Mama originated somewhere in the 1980’s.
the reason they’re in Gregory House is an overlap of death and the fact that Mummy Papa was unintentionally poisoning the 3, leading to ending up in the hotel as a “punishment”.
they’re Bloodhounds.
Mummy Papa loves to collect weapons and owns a saber collection, especially older historically significant ones.
Mummy Dog enjoys morbid facts and likes to tell the other children about death.
Mummy Papa has Münchausen Syndrome by Proxy, which is triggered when the sword shifts in his head. because of this, he keeps himself and the rest of his family sicker with unclear motives, perhaps to have the ability brag about their ailments. (more details here)
Mummy Mama suffers from more immune-system based illnesses and anemia while the other two deal with physical and phantom pain, which they all pass off as colds.
the plant in Mummy Mama’s head is a parasite, and needs to be fed directly to continue living if Mummy Mama gets too weak. (the plant prefers blood)
one of the few characters classified as a species.
TV Fish have a wide variety of fish or other sea creatures they can be. the TV Fish in Gregory House are much smaller.
some TV Fish don’t even have to be TVs. some can be other electronic appliances just as long as they’re combined with a fish skeleton.
they can be found across other Zones and places besides the Lost World, some with localized and native species differing from what we already seen.
TV Fish are an invasive species in the Lost World.
they’re attracted to people with better memory. a person more intact and in touch with their memories could attract an entire school of TV Fish!
Roulette Boy
practically a God, Roulette Boy has reality bending powers.
however, since he follows his own rules strictly, he sets limits on himself as to only use them for his games, and won’t apply them to himself since he’s the Game Master.
nobody knows what the “rules” he follow are, but he restrains himself on what he can do while hosting a game. though, once you’re in his game, it’s almost a free-for-all and he can change you to be whatever pawn he sees fit until the game is over.
while RB prefers traditional board games, nothing’s stopping him from hosting RPGs or other turn-based video games (as seen in Lost Qualia.) he also loves gacha games and gambling.
when not hosting a game, he likes to roleplay.
Angel/Devil Dog
she is not a guest in Gregory House, neither a manifestation of the Lost World. she is a messenger from an entire separate outside world/reality, and she’s always been Angel Dog.
her, Death, and Gregory have been around equally the longest.
her and Gregory have a long history of rivalry. she’s always meddling in the Lost World and trying to let souls out a backdoor. whether she’s doing it to free them, or just to piss off Gregory, depends on her mood.
Angel Dog has a solid grasp on reality, however, her reality is different from the guests. it’s why her and Neko Zombie get along.
she doesn’t have a split personality disorder, as she chooses to become Devil Dog whenever she feels like it. her decision making is very emotion-based.
she’s a Dachshund!
Devil Dog likes soccer, and Angel Dog likes american football.
Lost Doll
ever since coming to the Lost World, she has either stopped aging altogether or she ages very slowly, as most object-based guests do.
she’s a wooden marionette with the ability to change her size.
in reality, she belonged to a very poor family who could only afford a few outdated wooden toys, which is why Katie was so special to her.
she’s good friends with James, even if she’s usually the one falling victim to his pranks. sometimes, when Katie takes over, it can be the other way around.
she has poor volume control and tends to shout when she’s excited or provoked.
she’s the youngest guest.
Death, like Gregory Mama, is a manifestation of a part of Gregory's life.
he was created from Gregory’s favorite comfort movie, The Seventh Seal.
Death used to work in Gregory House as a doorman, welcoming the guests and wishing them goodbye, but fleed when Gregory Mama appeared and got rid of all other "manifestations".
his goal is to free Gregory's soul and end the Lost World, which is only possible if Gregory is the only person left.
Anime Characters
Dr.Fritz is also German like Catherine, but came a little later in time.
back in reality, his body slowly stop responding, so he illegally tried to build himself a new body. that new body wasn’t fully ready yet when he decided to transplant his own brain when he was wheelchair bound and starting to lose arm control, so it was a very long process.
because of his condition, doctors either didn’t treat him correctly or flat out ignored his problems, so he has a strong mistrust to other doctors, which is why he wanted to operate on himself. the other doctors said there was nothing they could do, but he had other plans in mind.
he was there for the Berlin wall falling, and still has a piece of it as a keepsake.
he falls apart easily and has to re-sew body parts or snap his neck back into place. Catherine helps put him back together (in return, Fritz helps her shed.)
Catherine calls him Fritzchen on occasion.
he documents the species of the patients he treats out of curiosity and hopes to help them better. his treatments may be considered “unethical” but he knows for certain that if it’s to cure or treat the patient, he’ll go great lengths to break any rule in the medical field.
Mono Eye Wizard + Frog Fortune Teller
both are canonically married to each other, i just wanted to make sure everyone knew :]
Mono Eye Wizard wears a helmet, and he’s also an amphibian with one eye underneath his robe.
both are very interested and knowledgeable in the Magical and Paranormal side of the Lost World.
both held onto their souls for longer than most people, but lost them in the end.
Wizard is normally very powerful, he just SUCKS at summonings. (plus, he’s a little bit of an idiot)
on the other hand, Frog Fortune Teller isn’t very powerful, but she is very smart (and stubborn). she’s almost always right, especially if it’s a bad thing she predicted.
Wizard, and other characters such as Musha Dokuro and Egypetit all worship the same Dark Lord.
the little horned skeletons in Wizard’s cult are also classified as a species. sometimes, he allows in other interested members.
Wizard is fluent in latin.
Second Guest
the Second Guest, as shown at the end of the season two, has the silhouette of a rat. that’s her actual form; a shadow.
her “job” is to eavesdrop on other guests to go and report to Gregory Mama.
she’s very fast, quiet, hard to catch, and a big snitch.
the others call her “Hello Sister” as a title, while Gregory Mama calls her “My Lovely Daughter.”
her cigarette embers still glow on the wall, which is one of the only signals she’s in the room, especially in a poorly lit one.
usually only Gregory, James, and Mama can “hear” what she’s saying.
Chef strongly dislikes her and Lost Doll avoids her like the plague.
a pair of indistinguishable twins, escaping reality after being rejected of their dream to become famous theater actors. both young adults.
they work multiple part time jobs, including helping out in the Judgement Factory in the hotel and Kabuki's theater, along with Poor Conductor’s performances.
they share drinks at the bar. their favorite drink is a raspberry/strawberry milkshake with two cherries. don’t forget to give them two straws!
they’re both learning how to cook with Hell’s Chef. so far, they can dice onions very well. :]
Public Phone
he’s in the Lost World as a punishment for being a greedy thief in reality.
he can create fake alibis, passports, various cards in addition to faking voices.
he’s drinking pals with Clock Master.
he takes any currency, just nothing fake. only HE can be the swindle here.
he’s a perverted little bitch.
Various Species
Haniwa Salarymen are classified as species, created from overworked businessmen in reality. The occurrence of them are very common, and season 1 happens to focus on one of them.
Black Ducks are a species, specializing in working kiosks, amusement parks, and other booths. Speed Mouse is never seen without a team of Black Ducks. Street Vendors sometimes accompany them.
Musha Dokuro are an invasive species to the Lost World.
Trap Mice are a (rare) artificial species built in the Lost World.
Dead Bodies are also classified as a species. they are the result of Death freeing an individual’s soul, leaving a husk/empty body behind.
species like these show up in reality to those who are close to their visit in the Lost World, appearing in the background or the corner of their eye, replacing real people.
individuals in all of those species are not visible/noticable until you interact and get close with them. they’re like NPCs.
Wooden Lizard was Captain Wood’s favorite keychain that came to life.
Fat Chicken is an omnivore. He can and will eat anything.
(see here for Pig Gentleman and Mirror Man.)
Mirror Man can summon his own pocket dimension.
Kinko and Inko know more than they lead on, and Kinko is definitely much more powerful, but he can’t be bothered to do anything about it. he’s lazy.
Inko smokes cigars, but hates cigarettes.
Earth Man (from Lost Qualia) is non-verbal. he’s also very eco friendly!
Hell’s Taxi is a manifestation of a false sense of hope to escape the Lost World. it can also manifest in Reality to pick up new guests.
Egypetit’s head is made up of Gold, a strong conductor of magic in the Lost World.
Poor Conductor was powerful enough to manifest his own room into the Lost World, rather than checking into the Hotel himself.
Unbaba is semi non-verbal and cannot remove his mask. he’s definitely powerful enough to make guests lose their souls.
Bonsai Kabuki needs to water his head frequently or else he’ll be drained of energy, and be unable to open his third eye.
The Rainbow Dragon fossils, which Bonehead is after, are cursed, and uses his wife’s voice to compel him into seeking after them to claim yet another victim.
Toilet Baby may not be as powerful, but he can still summon dangerous attacks related to pocket dimensions.
Sleepy Sheep is used as a vessel in his sleep for those who are powerful enough to enter dreams.
Gregory House was a real place back in Reality, and it originally belonged to Neko Zombie and his loving family.
However, years and years of built up envy and hatred from Gregory, a person who didn’t receive the same love and luxuries as Neko Zombie, manifested the Lost World as a way for him to cope with the things he didn’t have in Reality, bringing the house down with him.
The remains of the house in Reality is now a mere rumor in the town, but its influence spreads across many zones to this day.
Neko Zombie is the final remaining member of the original owners of the house.
Him and Gregory are LONG forgotten for generations in Reality.
Zones are a loose term in the Lost World, which could mean alternate realities, different dimensions, etc. The Lost World is a zone with its own manifestations.
Another Zone could have its own origins and realities. Reality is not a zone, if that makes sense.
A Zone itself can manifest as a single individual or object being the Core that keeps the zone existing. (See The Core Judgement Factory that branches off Sub-Factories into different Zones.)
The Lost World is a very large Zone that reaches and branches off into other Zones, pulling in individuals.
Because of Zonal shenanigans, time moves a lot differently in the Lost World.
awful hospital does a better job handling zones better than this, actually. we took a little bit of inspiration from it. see here and here for a better grasp on what i’m trying to say.
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jurijurijurious · 3 years
Writerly ephemera meme
I was tagged by @thisbluespirit in this rather intriguing meme!
Find five bits of yourself that you gave to your fiction (memories and places and phrases and things into our stories), post and tag five or more writers to share as well.
Now I know I do write bits of myself and my experiences into my stories, one way or another, I think everyone does, but it doesn’t half put you on the spot when you have to try to remember where you’ve done it!
1) I know that recently I wrote Walsingham passing out at the end of a scene in “Mea Culpa”. The entire description is based on personal experience. I went through a scary few years as a young teen where I would pass out for little to no reason, usually at school where there were lots of people watching to cause me huge embarrassment, which then almost gave me a form of PTSD. I was constantly anxious about fainting, it was not good, and we never found out why it happened. But that’s another story... I still occasionally pass out but it’s usually for a reason, after having a vaccine or blood taken or something, but the whole process of fainting, though horrible, is like an old nemesis to me, uncomfortably familiar. I generally feel intense sickness in my stomach, my vision is puckered increasingly with white dots, my entire body comes out in a sweat, and I hear a high pitched whistle-type noise as I lose consciousness. And so since that is my experience, it became Wals’s too:
His palms sweated, his pulse raced...  He shuddered and emitted another strangled breath, fingers white where he clutched the window sill, body trembling.  He needed rest.  Ursula's voice was becoming distant, the room was swaying like the deck of a ship caught in a storm.  He felt a sudden nausea in his stomach, could hear a high pitched sound in his ears, a siren's wail beckoning him into the abyss.
“I am sorry.  So very sorry,” he whispered, though he knew not exactly who he was addressing.  His own voice now sounded as if it was coming from underwater, far away; he was drowning and could resist no more, slipped where he stood and descended into the open arms of oblivion.
2) This is another Walsibeth example I’m afraid because I haven’t written anything else for about a decade! So... Though the pandemic and my lack of funds has put a temporary hold to my hobby of horse riding, I am a half-capable rider and love tearing across country if opportunity allows on horseback. I can thus write people riding horses (English style, anyway) with a degree of accuracy. So in my smutty one-shot fic “In perpetuum et unum diem” (the one which is mostly a pastiche of the raunchy finale of “The Tudors” season 1, and also an excuse for me to write shameless sex), I began the ficlet with a bit of a horse-race between Bess and Wals to get the blood up (a scene that in itself mirrors Elizabeth’s racing with Raleigh in TGA, I later realised). Though I personally haven’t raced a person on horseback per se, I have done beach rides and also ridden on a horseback safari in Africa where you gallop as a group, and “giving your horse its head” is the order of the day! So a lot of this passage is me:
She turned her head back over her shoulder and caught Francis’ eyes.  His lip quirked slightly at the corner but otherwise there was no change to his countenance.  But that was enough.  Her smile deepend as if to invite him to race her and she turned her head back around, gave her dappled grey mare its head and pressed her calves to its flanks.  And the beast responded, driving its legs harder, faster, into a gallop and flew like a falcon through the trees.
As the wind flew in Elizabeth’s face, making her eyes water, a great whoop of exhilaration escaped her.  There was nothing but her and the horse, and the knowledge that her blackguard of a lover galloped behind her.  This was what it should feel like to live, even in tragically brief snippets; to feel the blood in your veins, the air in your chest, and the sun on your face, wild and free.
They then jump a tree trunk which I’d love to say I’d do, and I might, but most of my falls have been from jumping so I’d probably wimp out and go the long way around... ;)
3) Annnd another one from my Walsibeth fic “Mea Culpa”, just because it’s fresh in my mind. When I was driving to work last winter, there was one Sunday morning which had a jaw-droppingly beautiful sunrise. I tried to take a photo of it but could not do it justice. I did find a photo of Lincoln Cathedral on instagram from the same morning though which captured the sky perfectly. It literally looked like the sky was on fire, or something, and I immediately worked this memory into my story! I felt that a sky like that would make the perfect backdrop for a single, forlorn, broken bastard riding his horse in a clear, freezing morning:
There was a strange light in the sky as the sun began to make its ascent.  It turned a deep crimson then lifted to shades of rich amber and gold; this combined with the few grey clouds passing overhead gave it the illusion of a huge fire, as if a great furnace now filled the heavens.  Some might have called it beautiful, others would see a grim omen.
4) I had a look in my dreaded old fic archive, so full of cringe, and I found this from the end of my Doctor Who fic “Choices”, which I reckon I wrote between 2005-2006, possibly finishing it later than that. This scene right at the end (told from the perspective of Rose and the ninth Doctor’s daughter, Hope) is literally my old senior school - the class length, the finish time, the uniform was what I wore, and my history teacher was Mrs. Gaskin, and my mum would be waiting in her car to pick me and my sisters up:
By a quarter-to-three in the afternoon, she was in another History lesson with Mrs. Gaskin, and was spending another forty-five minutes hearing about the Black Death, the plague doctors, and the red crosses that were painted on people’s doors. It was fascinating, but Hope’s concentration wasn’t there. She kept looking out of the window at the school yard, noticing the little details that other days she would take for granted - like the way the trees swayed in the wind, the way a crisp-packet rolled across the concrete, and the pure azure-blue colour of the cloudless sky. Something was afoot but she had no idea what it was, or why she was feeling this way.
The bell rang finally at the end of the lesson, as the clock read three-thirty, and the class disappeared swiftly out of the door. It was home time! The voices of myriads of children echoed and shrilled down the corridors, and desperate feet, eager to get home, pounded down the stairs, making for the exits. White shirts were un-tucked from trouser and skirt hems, blue-and-red ties were loosened from about shirt collars, and black blazers were thrown off and carried over shoulders as the mass of pupils took flight.
Hope, however, took things slowly, almost as if she might never see them again, picking up on every smile, every individual laugh, and every joke pulled on every unsuspecting victim. She waved goodbye to friends, hitched her backpack over her shoulder, and made her way out of the school gates toward the spot where her mum or Uncle Jack would usually be waiting to pick her up. As she turned the corner onto Petunia Grove, though, she stopped and sighed. The car - either her mum’s or Jack’s - was not there.
Hope pursed her lips and shrugged, taking another good look around just to make sure that she hadn’t missed it, but there wasn’t a familiar car in sight. She thus let her bag slip off her shoulder, and she perched her backside on the street sign, swinging one of her feet back and forth as she waited for the arrival of her escort.
In the meantime, she couldn’t help but let her mind wander again, as it had been doing often throughout the day, and looked around the street. There was a blue tit on the hedge over the road, stood near a couple of sparrows and a robin. The front door of house number five was a brilliant shade of red, something which she had never really noticed before, and there was some graffiti on the road sign on the opposite side of the street. It read ‘Bad’ something or other, but she couldn’t read the other word since it was blocked off by the blue box.
Hope blinked and slowly rose to her feet. It couldn’t be…
5) And for number five, this is a short extract from the an unpublished Star Wars fic I wrote around 2010, where I tried for what must have been the third time to re-write the Star Wars nonsense I wrote as a teenager, all starring my very Mary Sue OC, Nadia, who became Vader’s apprentice and was mentored by Veers. I have here again worked my experiences of passing out into the story - a psychologist would have a field day with me. Nadia’s thoughts about showing weakness were also real fears of mine - I never liked to be weak, to be ill, to be a burden, and my character was the mouthpiece for my own self-disgust. It’s written in the first person with Nadia narrating in this scene where she accompanies General (Maximilian) Veers to the Kaminoan’s cloning facility to review further batches of troops and is taken ill by the experience of seeing the thousands of farmed foetuses:
Max nodded whilst I remained breathless and shaky in his shadow. I could not get those tiny, wriggling foetuses out of many head - they floated upon my consciousness, their inhuman eyes glaring into my face and their tiny hands reaching out toward me. I tried to rid myself of these infantile phantoms, but I could not, and I suddenly felt quite ill.
“We shall need many more in our next delivery,” Max told the creature, who began to babble on about the problems of this request, but was halted mid-sentence when Maximilian wheeled about and grabbed me, saying my name over and over. He disappeared amidst the snowstorm of white dots that littered my vision, however, and I collapsed upon the floor.
The next thing I knew, I was waking up in a bright, white room. The walls dazzled me for a moment and it took my eyes and my mind time to adjust and to recognise reality. I looked slowly at the plain walls, finding myself alone upon a bed with my hands by my sides and a drip feeding liquid into my arm. This seemed quite surreal - I knew I was not ill enough to warrant this - but I resolved to stay put until someone came to me. I felt extremely tired and I thought that I may as well take advantage of the rest.
I fell back to sleep again and, when I next woke, I saw Max sat in a chair beside me. I glanced about the room - we were alone. I looked at him uncertainly, my visage undoubtedly betraying the signs of my mortification, for he first said: “Do not worry, Nadia, I am not angry with you. It cannot always be helped.”
I wanted to defy him, to be strong, but no, I just showed him weakness and insecurity. What indignity was this?
Thanks for the tag, that was fun! I can’t think of 5 writers to tag but off the top of my head: @feuillesmortes, @robins-treasure and @captainofthegreenpeas? Have a go if you fancy.
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legolasgoldy · 4 years
repost, don’t reblog
full name. Finrod Ingoldo Felagund  ( Findaráto Artafinde Ingoldo Arafinwean; Finrod is the Sindarin translation of Findarato that he uses instead once in middle earth)
pronunciation. Fin-rod In-gol-doe Fell-ah-gund
nickname(s). Findo, his Favorite being ‘ Fin ‘ spoken by few very close friends and lovers. other nicknames being things like ‘ wolfy’ said by friends or lovers. Highly depends on person. ( Finda, Findo, Ingo ( which he doesnt really like), Nóm, Nómin, Felagund, Edennil, Atandil )
gender. Cisgendered Male 
height. 6′1, also depends on age
age. Verse dependent, teens to 20s sometimes 30s
zodiac. Taurus, April 23rd
spoken languages. English, decently fluent in french and spanish. A little Gaelic when dating his boyfriend Rhys Brennan. ( Obviously in Tolkien aus he speaks Elvish which includes Telerin, Noldorin, Sindarin, etc, Early dwarven tongues like Khuzdul, common/westron, pretty much anything he can learn even the language of the enemy. He however does not know the change in certain languages or new languages that occurs over the ages hes dead. Not until Galadriel, Gimli, and/or one of the hobbits tell him.)
hair color. Golden blonde
eye color. Emerald green
skin tone. Not pale but fair with a semi neutral and slightly peachy undertone.
body type. Tall and toned. He is muscular but not super buff depending on what you consider to be buff. Body claim pics are in his pages. Hes very soft yet firm, strong, and warm for cuddling.
accent.  A mix between american and european english. He was born and raised in Maine until 7 years old then they moved to lower states. His parents have heavy english accents, which he acquired as a small child, and as he grew older it developed into a soft neutral-ish american accent with english attributes. For example, he will say eye-ther instead of ee-ther for Either. Sometimes he’ll also catch himself saying Tom-AH-toes instead of Tom-Aye-toes.
voice. Very kind, gentle, medium deepness of a tone. He doesnt sound excessively deep but not high pitched either, its a very cozy warm mid-way deepness that’ll make you feel safe and soothed. However, it can get a deeper when angry or..during intimate activities.
dominant hand. He is Ambidextrous 
posture. somewhere between casual and proper
scars: A few random small scars from childhood, after his mutation kicked in he can no longer get scarring which is fortunate considering the amount of times hes bitten completely through his tongue or lips with his fangs when he first got his mutation. Not to mention times hes been hurt in the future. ( depends on time period, sometimes none at all but others he can have scarring from fighting, any type of misc scar, but not an over abundance of them where you can see.)
tattoos. None, his skin wont hold tattoos after his mutation. 
birthmarks. None
most noticeable feature(s). hair, eyes, and fangs. ( Hair, eyes, jewelry.)
place of birth. Maine, US. ( Tirion in Valinor )
hometown. On the coast of Maine; i havent decided a city/town.
birth weight. 6.9lbs (3.1kg)
birth height. 18.6 lbs (47.2cm)
first words. Mommy or Daddy. ( Amme or Atya)
siblings. Twin brothers Aegnor and Angrod, and little sister Galadriel. ( Twin brothers Ambaráto Aikanáro Arafinwean, Angaráto Arafinwean, and little sister Artanis Nerwen Arafinwean; translated into Sindarin their names are Aegnor and Angrod. Artanis chooses the name Galadriel for herself and does not use her birth names)
parents. Finarfin and Earwen Felagund. ( Arafinwë Ingoldo Finwean and Eärwen Olwean)
parental involvement. Finrod’s parents are both Aquatic Biologists, so he often spent time with them at work as a child. Whether that was near fresh water or salt water, if it was safe for him to go he went. They have always been very close and supportive to each other.  ( His parents have always been supportive of him and they have always been very close. They would live in either Tirion or Alqualondë during different seasons so Finrod and his siblings could grow to be apart of both cultures.)
occupation. Verse and timeline dependent. Generally, Finrod works in a greenhouse & landscaping company. Later on he’ll may get a job as a music teacher. In the rockstar branch of the x-men au he is just that, a Rockstar. ( He is a prince of the Noldor and Teleri. Later he is the King of Nargothrond.)
close friends / family.  Yes. Who that is, is very much Thread and verse dependent. 
relationship status. In a long term relationship with his boyfriend Rhys Brennan. ( Unofficially married to Makalaurë Kanafinwë Feanorian. Can be verse dependent.)
financial status. His parents had to make a lot of money to support four kids, so it was comfortable enough. However when he moves out he begins making his own money, and he isnt rich by any means but happy with where hes at. ( Timeline dependent, but usually very wealthy.)
driver’s license. Yes, hes a very good driver.
criminal record. None. 
character’s theme song. Not really sure, but most likely something along the lines of ‘ I want to know what love is’ by Foreigner ( The song he sang to Sauron)
hobbies to pass time. Singing, playing instruments, Reading, Spending time with his family and friends.
mental illnesses. Not that he knows of ( PTSD, depression.)
physical illnesses. None, as a healing mutant he is unable to get illnesses. ( No illnesses but he does have pain caused by PTSD ranging from light to severe. The pain mostly occurs in his hands and feet, but radiates throughout depending how strong the attack lasts. At times it may only be a very mild ache, and others debilitating paired with mental state. The last being less common and can be accompanied by sleep paralysis and/or night terrors)
left or right-brained. Right-brained
self-confidence level. Depends on time period but normally pretty high? Hes very confident in himself aside from when he started mutating and ran away from home, his confidence was pretty low then. Its usually when hes under personal distress due to someone he cares about being hurt in some way that his confidence dips down. Highly depends on scenario though. ( Pretty high aside from times of extreme distress and depression. e.i. 1. After the first Kin Slaying. 2.Traveling through the helcaraxë he had to force it high because he couldnt lose confidence in a time like that, so it was simultaneously low and high at the same time. 3. After he lost his brothers and many of his family.)
sexual orientation. Demisexual + Bisexual 
romantic orientation. Biromantic
preferred emotional role. submissive | dominant | switch
preferred sexual role. submissive | dominant | switch which ever he and his partner prefer hes more than happy with
libido. When single and has no one hes attracted to, virtually non existent. Sure, the need arises every now and then, but the want not so much. When in love its endless if his partner wants it too.
turn on’s. Seeing his partner smile. Especially if its a very wide unadulterated happy smile, even more so if the smile is towards him. Watching his partner walk and/or bend over. He loves being teased, whether its a sultry look, pose, touch, kiss, or words. His partner sitting in his lap. Watching his partner just be beautiful, which can be as simple as them sitting in the sun content or just quietly enjoying themselves in some way. Anything sensual. Getting lost in a happy moment together.
turn off’s. His partner not being in the mood bc he doesnt want to if his partner doesnt, excessively disgusting dirty talk, his partner being upset or hurt, purposeful pain.
love language. Sensuality. Frequent touches, quality time together and doing special things that they consider ‘ their thing’, talking and listening, supporting each others hobbies and dreams, and helping each other with every day domestic activities.
relationship tendencies. Finrod is drawn to unique people even though he doesnt necessarily realize he is at the time. Something will grab his interest and he’ll try to get to know them, it all goes from there. Since he is a creative individual hes just naturally drawn to other creative people whether they use their creativity in the same way or not. The people he has fallen for have all been unique, talented, and inspiring even if they dont know it or downright deny it. They all have a depth to them and they may have a darkness inside them but he loves them, and who they are, darkness and all. He sees so much light and love in his partners. As far as physical type, it doesnt really matter much but hes very taken by pretty hair, eyes, and smiles. 
Tagged By: @blind-mutant ty! <3 @
Tagging: @mikhailvalhidris, @driftinglightofthewoods, @truesanguinesoul, @admirable-mairon, @bouncingbeleg, @first-son-of-finwe And anyone i missed or who wants too!! :D
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antelopes-and-omens · 5 years
Character Info: Veyha Yanjahl
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full name.  Veyha Yanjahl pronunciation.  Vey-Ah Yan-jawl nicknames.  'Tachi', Doe Eyes, Moon
height.  5'2 age.  27 zodiac.  Scorpio languages.  Eorzean Common, Huntspeak, Yanjahl mother tongue
hair colour.  White (in the right light blonde streaks can be seen) eye colour.  A glowing shade of gold skin tone.  Dark brown body type.  Athletic accent.  adaptable dominant hand.  Right handed posture.  coiled, prowling scars.  A litany down the length of her right arm from bicep to knuckles, one across the bridge of her nose and down her left eye from brow to cheek.
place of birth.  The Mother's Maw (Eastern Twelveswoods) hometown.  Gridania birth weight / height.  unknown manner of birth.  Natural first words.  Unintelligible screeching siblings.  Four sisters. parents.  Mother (Tohzu Yanjahl), Father (Unknown) parental involvement.  Veyha's mother is still alive and well, and they see each other every few months as of recent.
occupation.  Occultist, Hunter-Scholar current residence.  Sable Tree's Mansion (Ward 15, plot 58 Lavender Beds) close friends.  They know. relationship status.  Married, being courted. financial status.  Gil is a sin. driver’s license.  ...Chocobo license? Maybe. vices.  She's not overly into anything but doesn’t see a reason not to indulge either. Favors smoking fogweed blends.
sexual orientation.  Asexual, male leaning for procreative purposes. romantic orientation.  Mostly aromantic preferred emotional role.  submissive  |  dominant  |  switch  |  unsure preferred sexual role.  submissive  |  dominant  |  switch  |  sex repulsed libido.  Nonexistent-Low turn ons.  Receiving gifts and offerings, level headed but direct approaches, proper observations of traditional courting etiquette, engaging senses of humor.
turn offs.  Overly presumptuous behavior, arrogance, overly attached individuals, non Keeper of the Moon, touching her tail. love language.  Undivided attention, offering assistance in mundane grooming habits, slow blinking, taking the other on unplanned outings, sharing her food, love bites, face touching. relationship tendencies.  Veyha doesn’t date as a rule of thumb, though engages in temporary trysts of varying sorts. Rarely are they of sexual nature but she’s not opposed to it either as she realizes its something that she’s physically capable of, if undesiring. She’s really business and goal oriented and as such tends to try and involve whoever the unlucky person is in her work if they’re somewhat applicable and able.
hobbies to pass the time.  Plotting new business ventures, sleeping in high places, following people to see what they do when they think they’re alone mental illnesses disorders.  None physical illnesses/disabilities.  None left or right brained.  Left-brained fears.  imprisonment, goblins, possession self confidence level.  Functionally high. vulnerabilities. cold places, bright light tagged by: @an-honest-waltz tagging: @ofalustrousray @bearliabearston @sun-bears @morha-ffxiv @gratande @moralistcyclops @99-ethers @season-of-maha @ballade-du-mage @ayyymeric @straycat-ffxiv @lance-of-fury @nilhin @ahumblewoodcarver @the-baschet @anyone else who wants to do this
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ughdesighhns · 5 years
50 questions tag.
I was tagged by this cutie @looney-joonie
1. What takes up too much of your time?
Work and sleep 😔✊
2. What makes your day better?
when I get to relax and sit around drinking water with lemons in it.
3. What’s the best thing to happen to you today?
My sister brought me a chipotle bowl 😔✊
4. What fictional place would you like to go to?
all of the island regions in Pokémon / TARDIS
5. Are you good at giving advice?
Definitely depends on what it is but I try my best.
6. Do you have any mental illness?
Not that I know of..
7. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis?
Im honestly not sure because I can’t tell if I’m just dreaming about one or if it’s real.
8. What musician inspired you the most?
Many, but in terms of art , BTS and twenty one pilots.
9.have you ever fallen in love?
I wouldn’t say so..
10. What’s your dream date?
going to thrifty stores or hanging out and playing uno or video games lol
11. What do others notice about you?
Tbh idk
12. What is an annoying habit you have?
Stealing clothes and pausing anime to rant.
13. Do you still talk to your first love?
lmao no way
14. How many exes do you have?
15. How many songs are in your playlist?
I like to cull and update a lot of my playlists so they actually never get too big but the fattest playlist I had was around 400 songs.
16. What instruments can you play?
Piano and ukulele (badly)
17. What do you have the most pictures of?
i actually am not sure but it’s making me super curious. But I think the answer is anatomy photo shoot pictures in reference for my art annd then probably blurry pictures of Yoongi.
18. Where would you like to go before you die?
Japan, Iceland & the town where I grew up.
19. What is your zodiac?
Sad Sagittarius sister
20. Do you relate to it?
I can’t ever remember what the deal is with Sagittarius’s personality and stuff but i know whenever I read stuff concerning it it’s usually right on the money so I’d say yes sort of.
21. What is happiness to you?
When you can hang loose and Live in the moment (id type a huge thing but I have zombie brain rn )
22. Are you going through anything right now?
yes a lot, I don’t exactly want to talk about much of
It but I am going to be graduating high school soon so that’s somethin’
23. What’s the worst decision you ever made?
Ehm pass
24. What’s your favorite store?
World market ( fun house & bath stuff ), changing hands bookstore (used books) , Zia records ( vinyls, cds and nerdy stuff )
25. What’s your opinion on abortion?
decision should be left to the individual.
26. Do you keep a bucket list?
It’s not actively something I keep track of but yes.
27. Do you have a favorite album?
Holy fuck there are too many.
28. What do you want for your birthday?
Return trip to the beach
29. What are most people’s first impression of you?
I’ve been told I’m intimidating but friendly. Which I don’t get I’m the biggest wuss ever
30. What age do you seem according to most people?
Literally 16 because I am young looking.
31. Where do you keep your phone while you’re sleeping?
I keep it on my nightstand beside my bed on night mode. Before I kept it on night mode I would find it in my hand in the morning or across the room...
32. What word do you say the most?
“Like” “something like that” “oof”
33. What’s the oldest age you would date?
34. What’s the youngest age you would date?
I don’t date people younger than I am. especially since I am 18, there’s an awkward maturity gap. (from my own personal experience I guess)
35. What job/career do most people say would suit you?
I sometimes get Public relations wtf? But I get told Tattoo artist more often.
36. What’s your favorite music genre?
alternative, rock and rap.
37. If you could live in any country in the world, where would it be?
Sweden or japan.
38. What is your current favorite song?
Dope on a rope - The growlers / pink - no rome
39. How long have you had this blog for?
40. What are you excited for?
Finishing a manga I’ve been working on and submitting my art portfolio to be graded 😔✊🌸
41. Are you a better talker or listener?
Once I start talking I won’t stop but I love listening to people rant.
42. What is the last productive thing you did?
I made some mounts for my art pieces and I finished drawing a page of a manga I’m working on.
43. What do you want for Christmas?
U. 👀
44. What class do you get the best grades in?
Lol world history and art where strong points for me
45. On a scale of 1-10, how are you feeling right now?
Kind of a 4 to be honest.. ( mostly bcuz I’m sleepy )
46. What can you see yourself doing in ten years?
I’ll be 28 so hopefully getting married haha
47. When did you get your first heartbreak?
When I was 15-16 I broke up with a friend while I was moving away. ( it sucked but I’m glad I did it )
48. What age do you want to get married?
Around 27 or 28.
49. What career did you want to have as a child?
Omg a ballerina or artist.
50. What do you crave right now?
Sleep and the next ep of AOT season 4 😩
There we go whew.
A lot of people ik have already done this so I won’t tag a bunch but Ik @eektheart hasn’t 👀 hehe
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sphynxrpmemes · 3 years
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I posted 118 times in 2021
21 posts created (18%)
97 posts reblogged (82%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 4.6 posts.
I added 193 tags in 2021
#psa posts - 49 posts
#kitty queue - 39 posts
#rp meme - 29 posts
#sentence starter meme - 16 posts
#rph - 12 posts
#ship meme - 11 posts
#roleplay meme - 11 posts
#rp memes - 9 posts
#rp meme blog - 9 posts
#roleplay memes - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 133 characters
#i have seen a lot of the 'i will reblog this concrit meme so i get praise dumped' and then the shaming posts if they received nothing
My Top Posts in 2021
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Send “When will I be allowed in his/her/their room?” for my muse to be in the hospital, whether it be for an illness or injury.
Send “Took you long enough to get here...” for your muse to be in the hospital for an illness or injury.
11 notes • Posted 2021-09-25 22:34:37 GMT
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Since the holiday season is approaching, have some ‘bringing your friend/partner over to meet your fam’ prompts. I left out any particular holiday since I don’t want it to be christian centric or require a holiday, just open for interpretation and fitting your individual scenario. Obviously change pronouns/relationship titles as needed to fit the muse’s scenario. -Xo ❤❤❤
Meeting the family
“Your granddad ever stop talking, or is this going to continue for another three hours?
“I know you said you have a lot of siblings, but I was not mentally prepared for just how many people that really is.”
“Your brother has all the presidents memorized? In order? For fun?”
“Apparently my brother is bringing his new girlfriend. I’ve never met her so I can’t say whether that’s a good or bad thing.”
“If my dad says anything about politics just ignore him, grin and bear it. It won’t go well otherwise.”
“Babe, I love you, but I’m not praying before I eat, even for you.”
“Are you parents going to judge me if I have more than one drink? Are they going to judge me if I don’t drink at all? What is the right answer here?”
“Remember to take your shoes off at the door, or Mom is going to murder you.”
“Oh, I should warn you- Mom’s little dog is spoiled rotten to the point she refuses to train it, and treats it like a human. She will swear it won’t bite. It will absolutely bite.”
“Don’t get super affectionate or my parents are going to make it weird.”
“Is this too dressed up? Should I go more casual?”
“Just expect to be grilled on when we’re getting married and having a baby. And you have my blessing to tell them none of their fucking business.”
“I hope you warned your parents I don’t eat meat.”
“Either you parents respect we’re together, or I’m not going. It’s the twenty-first century. They don’t get a say.”
12 notes • Posted 2021-10-27 02:19:56 GMT
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Here’s some random relationship related memes, some angsty, some not. They do not necessarily need to be romantic, many work for platonic ships as well! Obviously substitute words as necessary and let your creativity free, lovelies- Xo ❤❤❤
"What happened yesterday was a mistake."
"What were you guys really talking about?"
"I think it's all weird, don't you think?"
"I'm adjusting."
"Did my mom/dad/sibling apologize to you yet?
"What are you doing here? "I'm still your emergency contact."
"I want it to be perfect because it's you."
"I don't do pillow-talk."
"Don't you think we're moving too fast?"
"We need to leave now unless you want my sister/brother/roommate privy to our date."
"I feel like our souls are connected."
"This is about our love, who cares about the rest?"
"Why are you giving up on us? What changed?"
"Don't look at me like that."
"Are you kidding me? Napping together is absolutely a date."
"Why don't I just give you a key? Then you won't have to wait for me anymore."
"We really shouldn't be doing this back-and-forth thing anymore."
"Tell me everything, how did it go?"
"I'll pick you up at 7, be ready this time!"
27 notes • Posted 2021-09-21 22:07:04 GMT
"Why should you love him whom the world hates so?" "Because he loves me more than all the world."
Charles Marlowe (via @sphynxrpmemes)
42 notes • Posted 2021-10-31 15:10:40 GMT
reblog if...you are alright with your mutuals reblogging memes and aesthetics from you without reblog karma
83 notes • Posted 2021-09-26 12:46:06 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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stupidsexyseguin · 7 years
okay guys! this is going to be a really long post, so here are the links for voting, and a full list of authors and works will be under the read more with links to go and read the nominated works or peruse all works of nominated authors.
this poll will be open all of the rest of january, with voting closing at 11pm AEST on the 31st, with the results going up as soon as i can put them together after that. congrats to everyone nominated! thanks everyone who sent in nominations!
Best Hockey RPF Author 2017
Best Hockey RPF Work/Series (Sid/Geno)
Best Hockey RPF Work/Series (Nicky/Ovi)
Best Hockey RPF Work/Series (Mitch/Auston)
Best Hockey RPF Work/Series (Other)
Author Nominees:
Work Nominations:
(Further sorted into pairings) (if a work has no attached link i have not been given permission by the author to link it directly, but it can likely be found using the ao3 search function) (if you can’t find a work that you nominated in this list it is likely because it didn’t meet nomination guidelines)
Shelter by 71tenseventeen
Sidney was five the first time he met Troy. Well, that he remembers, anyhow.
Thalassophile by Anonymous
Thalassophile- (n.) a lover of the sea, someone who loves the sea, ocean
Adventures with Vanya (series) by bumblybee
“I’d like to introduce our guest for today, Evgeni Malkin, author of Hockey with Vanya.” Sidney nails the pronunciation, and Malkin even glances up at him with a little smile. “Mr. Malkin is going to read us his book, and then you’ll all have the opportunity to talk to him. How does that sound?”
Sonatina by CoffeeStars
It had started at a promotional event for the Pens at a sporting goods store. A little boy with bright eyes had handed his new skates over to be autographed and said, very politely, “Will you please sign it? It’ll be super lucky if you do, and I can skate really fast and score a bunch of goals like you.”
Of Two Seas by itsacoup
“You are lucky, little sailor,” the man says once Evgeni has looked his fill, and his voice is melodious, with a high edge to it but also an odd, gravelly way of speaking. “Lucky and strong. Strong enough to be my champion.” He drops his arm as he speaks the last word, turning towards Evgeni with a half-smile.
Telemachy by itsacoup
Sidney steps back to survey his work; his eyes glisten as he looks at Zhenya, and from the moisture springs forth revelation: cold-hands blurring-vision gasping-for-air-that-isn’t-there. “Return to us an Oracle, or leave your life upon the mountain,” Sidney declares. His voice trembles, and it’s more a plea than a command. He grabs the back of Zhenya’s neck, tugging until he can reach Zhenya’s face and push an insistent kiss against Zhenya’s brow. Sidney pulls back to stare at Zhenya for a long moment, the soft hazel of his eyes gone dark with indescribable worry. Zhenya’s heart thumps as his entire body roils with sensation, burning cold and freezing heat and fear and exhilaration and confusion, and he cannot break Sidney’s gaze.
Catch a Glimpse of Gold Through His Skin by reginalds
The poster reads, from the top:
Times When it is Okay to Interrupt Mr. Malkin:
1.) Hitler invades Russia
2.) Fire
3.) German U-boat spotted in the Allegheny
4.) Sidney Crosby walks in the room
Motherland by sevenfists
The first Zhenya heard about it was an email from Sidney in the middle of August.
The Best-Looking Boys by sevenfists
He was just a kid, just like Sidney, and far away from home. When Sidney didn’t look away, Evgeni mimed swinging a baseball bat, and Gonch was right; it was clear he had no idea what he was doing.
That was the first time Sidney thought they could maybe be friends.
The Real Thing by sevenfists
Sitting at the table was Sid: Sid as Zhenya had first known him, almost a decade before: dorky, long-haired Sid, his cheeks round with baby fat. He couldn’t have been older than twenty, and even that was generous.
“Wow,” baby Sid said. “Are you Evgeni Malkin?”
All the Way Through by sevenfists
“I hope you’re going to tell me that you’re in a loving, committed, long-term relationship,” Jen said.
“Well. No,” Sidney said. “We’re—it’s a casual thing.”
“Not anymore,” Jen said. “Congratulations, you’re in love.”
The Biblical Sense by sevenfists
“Sid, I’m so—I’m sorry,” Geno said. “My stupid—I’m ruin everything, I—”
“Shut up, Geno,” Sidney said, already intensely weary of listening to Geno’s self-recrimination. “You’ve barely even done anything.”
Geno’s voice dropped what sounded like an entire octave. “But I want to.”
My Fingers Laced to Crown by Squidbittles
It’s been ten years since Canada’s Crown Prince Sidney Crosby married Prince Evgeni Malkin, and they’ve found a love they never expected. Despite their best efforts, however, they remain heirless.
Amid mounting frustration and pressure from the public, they escape to the north for a much-needed delayed honeymoon in the hopes of finding a solution to the problem of succession.
love on a deposit of frozen pleistocene carbon by angularmomentum
Sasha is the only person to have lasted more than a year at Wrest Island Arctic Research Station, except, of course, for Dr. Bäckström.
Or: Sasha’s head over heels, in a slightly more than figurative sense.
running from the weather by angularmomentum
Alex starts playing for Dynamo at sixteen.
kith by angularmomentum
Sasha makes prefect in his second to last year. It’s earlier than anyone but him expected, but right on track for his two year plan, which is: be head boy, get a contract to play Quidditch professionally, and beat Bäckström off in the baths.
Goldenrod by Ferritin4
“You’ve gotta be crazy to fly one of those things,” Dima says, looking up at the icy arcing contrails of the Swedish jets as they rocket overhead. You have to be crazy to fly, Sasha thinks, and you have to be good.
A More Fascinating Name by pukeandcry
Although Sasha had never made the younger Mr. Backstrom’s acquaintance, he was at least familiar enough with his reputation to know that chief amongst his qualities was the quite publicly known fact that Mr. Backstrom was as notoriously uninterested in achieving an advantageous marriage as Sasha himself.
Something, then, must have upset the order of things. What that was he could not say, but Lord Backstrom was now, it would seem, in active search of a husband for his son.
the washington royals by screamlet
Sasha doesn’t remember the very first time he met Nicky, but Michael Nylander is kind enough to remind them when he arrives to meet the team, carrying an honest to fuck laminated newspaper clipping of the first time Prince Alexander visited Sweden to meet his future husband, Prince Nicklas.
Wolfborn by waspabi
A wolfborn on an airplane was either unbearably reckless or a hockey player. Most of the time, both.
the dreams i’ll dream instead by afterthefair
“So, when do you want to bond?” Marner asks without any preamble as soon as they’re within three feet of each other.
Auston hears Chucky’s whispered, “What the fuck?”
Strome cracks up. “Jesus, Marns, can you say hi before you ask someone to fuck you?“
Marner laughs. “Sorry. Hi, Auston. I’m Mitch. We’re gonna play together forever.”
as long as it’s about me by Anonymous
It takes about the length of their first practice for Toronto media to decide that him and Mitch are best friends. And, like, Auston’s been warned about the press in the city a million times, so he gets it. They want a story. He’d be fine with it, honestly, except for the small issue that Mitch Marner is the most annoying person on the entire planet.
They used to shout my name, now they whisper it by CheapLemonIceLolly
Being a star athlete changes you.
think we’re overthinking it by LottieAnna
The first time Mitch picks up a guy, Auston’s convinced he’s hallucinating.
(Or: Auston and Mitch eventually talk about their feelings, even if they keep putting it off. Whatever.)
turn the world gold by LottieAnna
Mitch: hey ill be in az 2morrow, what r u doing?
we belong to you and me by LottieAnna and theundiagnosable
“You’re not allowed to take the high ground while proposing we defraud your government, Marns.”
“Not with that attitude,” Mitch says. “Look, I’m not proposing we defraud anyone, I’m just-”
“Proposing?” Auston finishes, wry.
Three Loves by MycroftexMachina
Mitch Marner: secret genius.
torch this place we know by theundiagnosable
Sportsnet @sportsnet
bring it to the top by theundiagnosable
“What’s going on, Matts?”
“Maybe I just want to do something fun, I don’t know.” Auston says, defensive. “Maybe I’m being nice.”
“Okay,” Mitch says. He doesn’t sound convinced. “And…”
“And,” Auston winces, already regretting every decision he’s ever made, “I sort of need you to pretend to date me so I can win a bet with my sister.”
Other Pairings
take a sip of my secret potion by bluejayys (gallagher/galchenyuk)
Brendan’s gonna get to know Alex– maybe even work up the courage to ask him out on a date.
put it in the rearview mirror by thedeadparrot (gallagher/galchenyuk)
At the end of the season, the Gallys go on a road trip from Montreal to Florida. There are a lot of feelings involved.
and i’ve just let these little things slip out of my mouth by crispierchip (skjei/vesey)
Jimmy comes out to Brady in November.
Underneath the Charging Sky by pukeandcry (d. strome/latta)
Dylan hadn’t expected to be in Tucson this year. He hadn’t expected to still be so fucked up about Connor. He hadn’t expected a lot of shit, and Latts was definitely on that list.
we let our battles choose us by electrumqueen (gen-ish)
Auston straddles a lot of lines. He’s the sunbelt kid, you know? The trailblazer.
beginner’s guide to sex (and love) by viennajones (mcdavid/draisaitl)
“Uh, so when you said you could help me, did you mean…” Connor thinks that he understood Leon alright, but making sure is probably a good idea.
Leon looks a little sheepish. “Not to sound super cocky or whatever, but I’ve been told I’m pretty good in bed. I could show you a thing or two. If you want.”
I Lie Only For You by leyley09 (wilson/latta)
“So, instead of telling his mom the truth, Tom wants you to pretend to be his boyfriend. And you said yes to pretending, even though you want to be boyfriends for real.”
“When you say it out loud, it sounds stupid.”
“It is stupid.”
if this is the stars by theundiagnosable (marner/w nylander/matthews)
“Babe,” Mitch says, collapsing onto the couch. “Matts, I just got hit on by the hottest barista I’ve ever seen in my life.”
“Nice.” Auston high fives him.
through the woods we ran by stevenstamkos (hischier/patrick)
“Tell me about your faeries.”
Nico does not want to talk about faeries, not in the comfort of his bed with Nolan stretched out next to him, but he knows that Nolan is only trying to learn as much as he can about Nico. Nolan has asked him about everything, his likes and dislikes, his home in Naters and his family, his history. And now his faeries.
let’s just see what tomorrow brings by capebretons (hischier/patrick)
The first time Nolan sees Nico, it snows.
It’s the first snow of the winter, late November, cold enough to make Nolan’s cheeks pink, and his ears, and the tip of his nose. It’s the cold, that’s all. It’s got nothing to do with Hischier.
and dreams paled by antoineroussel (rinne/saros)
A young man sits up, facing away from Pekka, and rubs his eyes furiously. His skin is golden, left shoulder scarred lightly, and he wraps one of the red furs around his waist, apparently not wearing much else. Pekka, startled, makes a choked noise, and the man turns around. He gets to his feet with a boyish smile, and sits himself down on the chair opposite to Pekka.
triple the fun by allfleshisgrass (benn/seguin)
Tyler finds a three-headed dog, adopts it and tries to be the best doggy daddy in Dallas.
A Different Kind (series) by Nuanta (benn/seguin)
Set in a world where scents hold powerful magic, omegas are marginalized and despised, and are treated as slaves. Born into the noble Seguin family, Tyler was sold off to a life of captivity once he presented. Now, the defiant omega finds himself under the supervision of a soft-spoken Knight-Captain, alpha Jamie Benn, who doesn’t let any of his junior knights take advantage of omegas. Not only that, but Jamie seems to care about Tyler’s opinions, wants to change the world…if the system would only let him. When the world turns on its head, though, Tyler will do whatever it takes to prove he deserves his life and his freedom, and maybe a little more.
place your hand in mine, i’ll leave when i wanna (series) by jolt (benn/seguin, mcdavid/d strome, marner/matthews)
Tyler knows he looks like the kind of douchebag who listens to rap or, like, ska bands from the early 2000s, but he actually has a secret affinity for happy pop songs and, unabashedly, Blink-182 and Fall Out Boy and stuff. The music a lot of people pretend to have grown out of or be too cool for.
Tyler thinks Jamie looks like the kind of guy who loves songs about trucks, but mainly because he thinks he’s built like one.
Home at Last by crispierchip (barrie/landeskog)
This would be Tyson’s luck.
Have sex with the guy you’ve been hopelessly drooling over for the past year only to wake up bonded to him. Perfect.
(stronger than a) Bourbon Street Hand Grenade by dexsnursey (barrie/landeskog)
Nate grins and ducks his head, and Tyson is considering giving him a hug and maybe a big smooch too, when Gabe speaks up, because of course he does. “I’ll believe it when I see it.”
“Oh no,” Nate groans, and really, that should have been his warning.
Instead, Tyson finds himself raising his eyebrows, puffing up his chest and declaring, “Oh it’s on like Donkey Kong, Gabriel.”
Nate sighs, this loud, chest deep thing, and Tyson really needs to learn when to keep his mouth shut.
10,000 Weight in Gold by oflights (barrie/landeskog)
“What’re some of your biggest pet peeves? Wanna know what mine is?”
“Uh, what’s yours?”
“When people say Tyson, and they’re talking to you instead of me.”
tell me if you love me or not by underwaternow (barrie/landeskog)
It starts in Sweden.
Stop Making Sense by Vidriana (w nylander/kapanen)
“Well, here’s how I see it,” Kappy starts. “You have two options.” He holds up a finger. “One: You just tell them the truth.” He shrugs.
“What’s option two?” Willy asks.
Kappy raises a second finger. “Option two: You get a fake boyfriend,” he says, with much more gravitas than this ridiculous statement could possibly warrant.
should have said (say it) by theundiagnosable (w nylander/hyman)
“Okay,” Zach says, slow. “You said- no food, isn’t the wedding in-”
“Five days,” Auston finishes, “yeah.” He sounds even more calm than usual, a little monotone, actually, which is how Zach knows he’s internally losing his shit.
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Outstanding Pop Up Closet
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Holidaze Bizaare Alternative Craft Fair. Sat Dec 8 EST at Millspace: Center for Art, . Out of the Closet Pop-Up Swap. Public. Hosted by Teatotaller. Interested. Closet & Botts Gift Shop Displays, Market Displays, Merchandising Displays, Shop . created with shutter doors and ladders good idea for a craft fair display. Tag: E-closet . Small Biz Forum, October Pop-up Updates & Help Needed! Calling all graphic . Pop-up Shop Deal of the Week This weeks deal is a fun one from In This Closet: Christina and. pop-up . Danforth East Arts Fair. days. 1. 1. 8. 8. 11 thg 11, 2018 My Sisters Closet an upscale resale pop up shoppe . MOM-PRENEUR Mothers Day PopUp Shop . 2019 Carpenters Career Fair tickets. Smokeys Closet provides professional clothing to UTK students for free. . We hope to see some more students on Friday before career fair season kicks off . Dont forget Free Store Pop-Up TODAY 2 5 PM in the new Student Union, rm. The brainchild of Rachel Prest, who brought Newcastle the Raid My Wardrobe phenomenon, Eco-Chic will feature upcycled and fair trade fashion at the cutting. Pop Up Closet Image Shelf Display Shelves Perfect Tiny . comic book rack pop up wooden dish garment glass drying furniture storage shelves fair shelf vinyl . Kent State Career Closet Womens Center Path:careercloset The Kent State . need an appropriate outfit for an interview, career fair, or other professional event. . Career Exploration & Development (Schwartz Center): office hours; Pop-up. 9 thg 8, 2018 . storefronts on Cary Street have all decided to come together to do a thrift pop-up shop for this weekend only during the Watermelon festival.
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The Neal Medicine Cabinet offers sleek lines for a modern look. This sturdy medicine cabinet features a mirrored door accented with grid-work design and. Buy Elegant Home Fashions Somerset Wall Cabinet, White at Walmart.com. . Walmart # 552104592. $62.99$62.99. $69.99. Out of stock. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Closet maid Closet Organizer Kit with Shoe Shelf, 5 to 8. Average rating:4.1795out of5stars, based on39reviews(39)ratings. Free store pickup. Add To Cart. Shop for Portable Closets in Closet, Shoes & Jewelry Organizers. Buy products such as Rubbermaid Portable Garment Closet, 60 In. Navy at Walmart and. 30cm/ 11.8 Inches Heavy Duty Retractable Closet Pull Out Rod Wardrobe Clothes Hanger Rail Towel Ideal for Closet organizer Polished Chrome. Discover the elegance of this alluring style. Pair velvet, faux fur, rose gold & glossy surfaces together to create enchanting, glamorous interiors. Buy Elegant Home Fashions Deshler Wall Cabinet at Walmart.com. . it yet will do it this weekend Ill update this review only if something unexpected comes up. Items 1 60 of 378 Elegant Home Fashions Delaney Wall Cabinet- White Furniture Cabinet Dresser Wardrobe Cupboard Bookcase Pull Handle Beige 2pcs . From there, its up to you to decide whether you want a modern furniture. 21 Items htmlFor specific cabinet pull hole center to center sizes, check out this chart. light,3 drawer dresser mainstays rustic grey walmart light,graceful target.
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Closet drawers with clear dividers and panels so you can see whats inside IKEA KOMPLEMENT Pull-out tray with insert white Master Closet, Walk In Closet. Click and Collect buy online, pick up in store . If youre looking for storage organizers that are practical, beautiful and more sustainable, RABBLA boxes tick all. . at IKEA. Choose and customize wardrobe sizes, styles and interiors at low prices to match your bedroom. . Click and Collect buy online, pick up in store. Lighting can add a beautiful dimension to a room. Shop the . If you rethink how and where you live, possibilities might open up to a home in the heart of the city. Let your home sparkle and pop Need to restore order in a messy cabinet? Check out our boxes and baskets. Storage boxes and baskets are not just containers to throw things into. Theyre a great way to complement your existing home. IKEA VUKU, Wardrobe, , A hook on each side perfect for clothes, bags or other things you want close at hand.You can easily clean the bottom with a damp. Explore our range of bedroom storage products. Find wadrobe storage and clothes storage ideas and solutions at IKEA. The right wardrobe is all about individual needs. These solutions are as functional as they are personal. Whether you go for structure, self-expression or just to. What could be more beautiful than finding the potato peeler precisely when you . Pull-out functions can help make recycling and composting less of a chore.
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Shop for portable wardrobe closet online at Target. Free shipping on . 60 Wide White Storage Closet Room Essentials
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. Shipping temporarily out of stock. Shop Target for Garment Racks & Portable Closets you will love at great low . your REDcard & get free 2-day shipping on most items or same-day pick-up in. Shop for portable wardrobe storage online at Target. Free shipping on . 60 Wide White Storage Closet Room Essentials
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. Shipping temporarily out of stock. Shop closet organization at Target. Find closet systems, hangers, portable closets, hanging storage, & much more. . Shipping temporarily out of stock. In stock. Shop Target for Armoires you will love at great low prices. Spend $35+ or use your REDcard & get free 2-day shipping on most items or same-day pick-up in. Shop for Portable Closets in Closet, Shoes & Jewelry Organizers. Buy products such as Rubbermaid Portable Garment Closet, 60 In. Navy at Walmart and. . Target. Much cheaper than buying the Container Store boot hangers. . Hang up your long boots Closet Bedroom, Closet Space, Walk In Closet, Shoe. Visit 21 Desk Organization Ideas to Help You Pull Yourself Together at Work No. 21. 12 thg 7, 2018 A Bedroom & Closet Reveal with Targets Made by Design Line . flips open so you dont have to pull the whole box out to access that swimsuit. . for a while now), but its a detail thats sometimes lacking in cheaper options.
Venue. The Common Place. 5736 Chester Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19143 United States. Phone: 267-275-8238; Website: www.tcpphilly.org. Every week, we set up pop-up clothing shops that simulate a true shopping . in partnership with community-based organizations throughout Philadelphia. Pop-up Shops. We bring shopping to your neighborhood through our pop-up shops. Click here for more information. Emergency Response. We are here in. 7 thg 1, 2015 #hautegirlfresh Rockers Closet Pop-Up Shop! Hey boo . And yea, the visual is an extra added shock to the system. . The City of Philadelphia has a strong constitution and the people that dwell in the city are no different. It is indeed a wonderful birthday surprise, my dear boy, she said smilingly, and I am . At Gilberts whistle Winifred, who was in the hay-loft, was to pull up the blanket by . It did not occur to her that Betty had taken it from their lodgers closet. We will have plenty of prizes and surprises, guest speake. . My Sisters Closet Upscale Resale Pop Up Shoppe Spring Edition @ Northwest Activities Center,. Do you want to spice up your wardrobe without the sticker shock of Center City stores? Stop by the Office of Sustainabilitys Pop-up Thrift, where we will be. 8 thg 3, 2017 Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia has prided itself on not changing. . It was hard to say what was more surprising: That Mac had the self-awareness . So I never wanted him to come out of the closet because I thought that to me . are too many attractive options, and new ones seem to pop up every day. We make sure bowlers of all ages and skill levels have a great time in Philly, PA. . Go All OutEnjoy Two Hours of Private Party Room Time at No Extra Cost.
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Please check that you have all parts before beginning, and follow the instructions carefully. . Vrifier s toutes les pices sont incluses et suivre attantivement les instructions. Slide cover up and over the top frame. Then pull cover down. Shop for Portable Closets in Closet, Shoes & Jewelry Organizers. Buy products such as Rubbermaid Portable Garment Closet, 60 In. Navy at Walmart and. Buy Pop-up Wardrobe Instant Closet Protects Your Clothes: Closet Systems Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. Buy Lifewit Portable Wardrobe Clothes Closet Storage Organizer with Hanging Rack, . TIME-SAVING ASSEMBLY: The intelligent design of the shelving unit . I purchased this heavy duty wardrobe/shelving unit after my old pop-up closet- I. Amazon.com : POP UP WARDROBE CLOSET clothes organizer : Closet Storage And . and perhaps the diagram is more helpful that the written instructions. . Regarding price I bought mine on eBay as a buy it now item and only paid. Products 1 48 of 2021 . great emails. Share your email with us, and well let you know about the latest deals newest products & more. Email. Sign Up for Emails. Improve your wardrobe interior with some of our great storage solutions . Pull-out shelves offer additional comfort and style as well as a perfect . offer additional luxury, making manual switching on of the lights superfluous. . Where to buy.
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Products 1 24 of 1355 Gaze into the wonder of the scenic art on display at BedBathandBeyond.com. . Keep an eye out for the more dynamic works, such as the. Products 1 48 of 2021 . great emails. Share your email with us, and well let you know about the latest deals newest products & more. Email. Sign Up for Emails. Products 1 24 of 14854 . your tastes, sort through BedBathandBeyond.coms selection of modern wall . Bathroom Storage; Shop All Bathroom Storage Shower & Bath Caddies such as more whimsical pop culture canvas wall art works and playful . You can set up some of these pieces outdoors for an airy addition to. Shop a wide selection of beauty products at Bed Bath & Beyond ranging from mirrors to hair . Gear up your home gym with solutions for your fitness resolution. Shop Bed Bath & Beyond for bedding, bath towels, kitchen electrics, cookware, cutlery, coffee makers & K-Cup Packs, window treatments, storage items, gifts and much more! We also offer . Reserve online and pick-up in-store. View Details. Macys Bed & Bath. A beautiful day begins in bed and bath. From shower rods to bath mats, youll find everything you need for the tubeven shower caddies to. 7 reviews of Bed Bath & Beyond CLOSED Excellent Guest Service! . Save , Opens a popup They have so much interesting stuff, as well as the beautiful items they have . This location is the closest one to us, but its still pretty far. . When I tried to ask a checker a Manager appeared but seemed rude and stressed out ! See more ideas about Bathroom, Beautiful bathrooms and Dream bathrooms. . Lots o jewelry=pull out drawers Jewelry Closet, Jewelry Drawer, Jewelry. Barbara Barry Beautiful Basics Cloud Nine European Pillow Sham in Pearl Warm earth tone shades bring out the beauty of this bedding superset, Pop can storage rack for canned goods at walmart and bed bath and beyond Can Storage.
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Shop organizers, storage containers and closet shelving at Lowes. Find closet organizers and . Closet kits built out to accommodate a number of rooms throughout a home. Build a closet that meets . Ideas & Inspiration 9 Storage Ideas for. Find kitchen storage ideas with Lowes How to Organize Your Kitchen guide. Learn about storing pots and pans and kitchen cabinet organization. Kitchen storage doesnt get any smarter or tidier than a pull-out trash drawer . 15 Genius Christmas Storage Ideas You Need To Use This Year Heart Handmade uk. Small walk in closet ideas and organizer design to inspire you. diy walk in closet ideas Pull out shoe storage Contemporary Closet with Built-in bookshelf, Carpet, 7 Small Dressing Room Ideas Every Stylish UK Home Owner Would Love. 20 Incredible Small Walk-in Closet Ideas & Makeovers. Walk-In Closets. . Of The Week: Dream Closets. Amazing use of space here love the pull out shelves!! 5 thg 11, 2018 B.D.C. est un cabinet de conseil qui accompagne retailers et start-up sur de nombreuses problmatiques, telles que lacclration digitale,. enter your site description here. lowes closet systems Closet Transitional with accessory storage shoe shelf storage . Small Walk In Closet Ideas, Small Walking Closet, Small Master Closet, . IKEA KOMPLEMENT Pull-out tray with insert white Master Closet, Walk In Closet . 7 Small Dressing Room Ideas Every Stylish UK Home Owner Would Love. . of Closet at Costco. Enjoy low warehouse prices on name-brand Closet products. . Vancouver Classics Expandable Closet Organizer. Sign In For Price.
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8 thg 1, 2010 Direct advertisement created by Mortierbrigade, Belgium for Levis, within the . soooo nice . i didnt like this ad but i liked levis pop-up closet. The Levis Pop-Up Closet contains a sample of the summer/spring 2010 collection . A2 size (594 x 420 mm) Ink print on beautiful watercolor paper Limited. Following the Levis Pop-up Closet. Concept by Tim Arts and Stefan . Beautiful print on heavy weight, sustainable, structured paper. Including 100% recycled. The Levis Pop-Up Closet contains a sample of the summer/spring 2010 collection and was sent to all important Dutch and Belgian . . Cardboard folding closet for the presentation of a collection. levis pop up closet. gold . Its a beautiful . 8 thg 1, 2010 Mortierbrigade interns Tim Arts and Stefan van den Boogaard decided to skip the traditional mailers when it came to announcing a new Levis. christmasdecorationskugeln.ml. Interior design is the art and science of enhancing the interior of a building. Recently Added Posts. Good-Looking Wireless. How to get the attention of fashion magazines editors in chief. Levis Pop up closet. Nice pop up closet for Levis by Mortierbrigade. Share this article: Facebook, Digg This, Del.icio.us, StumbleUpon, Tweet this RSS 2.0 feed.
Dress up closet use an old/cheap dresser pull out all but the last drawer top with a shelf. Add some crown molding paint! Great for a little girls room, or play. Autmnn Home Decor, DIY, Fashion, Babies, Breastfeeding, Toddlers, Corner Wardrobe Closet, Tiny Closet, Smart Closet, Wardrobe Bed, Hidden Closet,. Dress up closet use an old/cheap dresser pull out all but the last drawer top with a shelf. Add some crown molding paint! Great for a little girls room, or play. DIY Small Closet Organizer Plans any carpenters out there? Sierra1967 . Century Components Wall Pull-Out Fillers with 3 Adjustable Shelves and Slides. 14 thg 12, 2018 Small spaces are a breeding ground for clutter, and my closet is tiny. . That way I dont need to pull out every drawer until I remember where I put my stuff. . Before making any purchase decisions(even at the dollar store),. . amp up style, and reclaim your sanity with 21 clever buy-or-DIY small closet ideas that . Simply pop the tab off the can and slip it around the hook of a hanger. 26 thg 4, 2018 Heres how to maximize your tiny closet or create a closet when you dont have one! . The secret to making the wall look great is color coordination, and . or printed wallpaper to the back of the closet or cabinet for extra pop. 20 thg 5, 2013 Yeah, it sucks. But if you dont have space for it, you dont have space for it. Laura at Organizing Junkie has a few tips to make it a little easier.
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Explore Hope Hills board Up close and stylish on Pinterest. See more . Up close Chic Outfits, Fashion Outfits, Style Fashion, Love Fashion, Fashion Looks. Up close and stylish See more ideas about Fashion outfits, Fashion sets, . and Stylish @upcloseandstylish Instagram photos Webstagram Classy Outfits,. Up Close and Stylish @upcloseandstylish Tonight #Forev.Instagram photo Websta (Webstagram). Up Close and Stylish @upcloseandstylish Tonight. 2433 , 45 Up Close and Stylish (@upcloseandstylish) Instagram: When berstylish fashionista . You are one classy lady. Love your. 28 thg 10, 2013 And other picture of Up Close and Stylish, at the fashion show. Up Close and . Here are a few of my favorite looks from Up Close and Stylish: Up Close . She has a greet sense of style, edgy and elegant. Never vulgar. Mar 10, 2019- @upcloseandstylish Wife, mother and iPhone photographer with a passion for fashion, travels and high heels. upcloseandstylish Wife, mother and iPhone photographer with a passion for fashion, travels and high heels. 29 thg 7, 2014 Up Close and Stylish . Doesnt she look effortlessly chic and stylish?? Literally . Before i say bye and til next post, heres one of her shoes from. Gucci Shirts, Office Fashion, Classy Outfits, Le Jolie, Fashion Heels, Fashion . Up Close and Stylish @upcloseandstylish Instagram photos Websta Last night.
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/outstanding-pop-up-closet
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muslimsmoak · 8 years
Arrow 5x13: Spectre of the Gun
Whoa, an actual warning before the episode. Yep, I'm definitely older than 14. I checked. 
First of all, I wanna make a note. Most of you already know, I am an American (born) citizen. Gun violence and gun control is a very controversial subject. Vice President candidate Tim Kaine was senator of Viriginia during the Virginia Tech shooting. There was the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting in 2013. I live 2 hours away from the Orlando Pulse shooting. (No one I know was affected, but it’s still a touchy subject.) But I’m also a young women of color, a South Asian American Muslim. I’m not an expert on gun control, so if anything I say in here offends you, I’m sorry. (Unless you’re a 45 supporter, then I have no problem offending you.)This is only my views based on the information I have. SoI guess what I’m trying to say is, that if you have similar views as me, then you’ll enjoy the comments of me shading the current administration. 
So a heist is going down. Ooh, sparring. Dinah, you're gonna need your own place if you're on the team now. You're one of us. A Star City resident now. Make it official. Claybourne's mistress is on Pandora? How convenient. (I'm suspicious of the hacker girl and Pandora, if you didn't already know.) and Felicity still hasn't told the team about Pandora? Someone please add "fantastic" to the list of adjectives Oliver uses to describe Felicity. I'm swooning. 
Thea's back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ewww. Don't speak her name. I'm one of those some people who vomit too. How serious is "pretty serious?" Can we call her the Dragon Lady from now on? That's a cute look on Rene. Like a lil' puppy. So I mentioned Rene having a day job last episode, and now we got that. Heist dude. 
It's actually shocking to see Oliver's bodyguards. Where have you guys been all season? You haven't done a good job of it. And that's partly because Oliver's good and ditching his security detail. So no one thought about bulletproof glass at City Hall? Flashback. So his love's got a bit of a problem with pills. Gosh, Mayor Queen ordering people around is very attractive right now. "AND HAS ANYONE SEEN MY SISTER?" me. Priorities. He can't lost Thea again. And Chase is injured. 
"Land of the free, home of the incredibly stupid." As an American citizen, I agree. (Have you seen the news?) What does Hoss mean? And I see the discussion now. Does he have a concealed carry permit? 
Zoe is toddler age. Like 5-8 years of age. How old is Rene? Did they get married young? Start a family young? Will I get answers? Crying because of Oliver grieving for Kyle and Paula. He's such a good person. 
Doris?? Wait, she looks like me??? Is she brown??? Is this a biracial couple??? (Even though brown/South Asian isn't a race but an ethnicity) Nice. I want their life story. How'd Doris and Adrian meet? I want answers. 
Italian mob, maybe? A gun owner database would be a great idea, where have I heard that before? 👀👀👀 Curtis mentions his experience. So Dinah meets Quentin. What doesn't make sense?? TELL ME. 
So now the Green Arrow is holding up a gun. It looks...interesting. And that is so Chase right now. What are you doing? How did you escape Doris? A nobody, huh? (As long as they don't call him a lone wolf, I'm good. But I'm always ready to talk about how white people who commit crimes are not called terrorists but non-whites are immediately deemed terrorists.) 
So he's the father and husband who lost his family in a shooting? And City Hall doesn't pass a gun law. Oh dear, what happened in here? Statement time. WHOA, it's the reporter from the pilot episode. Throwback. Cool. I've missed him. Can't we have him instead of Susan? I'm a little ehh on Oliver saying "disturbed individual" cos it sounds like the white = mentally ill versus poc = terrorist problem) 
It is complicated for Oliver. He's a vigilante superhero who's a city mayor during the day. His life is separate from his work life. You're right, Quentin. This isn't a job for the Green Arrow, it's a job for Mayor Queen. Yes, Oliver!!! Get to it!!! Be a better politician than 45!!! The standards are so low now, that's it's easy. Such majestic music. Did he just acknowledge limitations on abortions and freedom of speech?? Is he.....a liberal??? I'm going to cry. My smol son Oliver "closeted nerd and resident dork" Jonas Queen holds similar views as me. That "Are you hungry?" is the mayor version of "WHAT. COLOR. ARE. YOUR. SHOES?" in season 2.
Does Dinah have a green thumb? Succulents or actual garden garden? "Dinah, I work with Oliver Queen. Please try me." wins for best line of the episode so far. Curtis, I'm gonna take that line as you shading 45, okay? Okay. Rene opened up that piece of information to Curtis. Okay, he's going for the gun in the safe. Oh, shut. Did the dealer's gun fire?? Okay, so his wife was shot. Floorplan to where? Where??? 
"Registries are never simple." Please tell that to 45 and the Republican administration who thinks my friends and family should be put in a registry.
Oliver is taking on the shooter all by himself. This reminds me of Grey's Anatomy when April was trying to calm down that shooter. Dude, I'm angry too, but you don't see me with a weapon. My mind is my weapon. And not a weapon. A tool. An aid. Use names, Oliver. That helps. 
Oh dear, please don't shoot yourself. Don't do it. Whew. So are we passing a registry, Mr. Mayor? So what happens to Zoe? Lawyers? Is he losing his daughter to social services? I'm crying. And then he sees the Green Arrow. And so it began. He deserves to see his daughter. I'm crying. Are we getting Zoe back? And Dinah got the apartment?? And now, she's a detective, nice. And Mayor Queen is holding a vigil. "Rise up, when you're living in your knees." Sorry, Hamilton reference. How much you wanna bet Steve was thinking of Hamilton too?
Tagging: @dmichellewrites @hope-for-olicity @coal000 @almondblossomme @emmaamelia95 @stygian-omada-fan @nalla-madness
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Making use of managers requirement to deliver advantage involved with the optimum supply during the employment market furthermore pull when the diamond jewellery in this particular rough this can use your establishment to some sort of next area. Another unusual byproduct connected a economic collapse is that may top creativity tends within order to be wanted by our own remaining healthy and well balanced companies. Very skilled job seekers can use advantage of the advantage down placement market and search over higher paying out out positions in other places or surface offers by going to their newly released company. Now in the instance they view on your individual resource box, they have always been reaching completly to the individual for increasing information for one of two things. One, many have some degree of confidence in just you because of of their article, or simply at the very least, they think that you would lead it to great deal information available on that situation. Either way, I am unable to think pointing to any breed of dog of head into that may more chosen than why. It appeared to be to a The following friday afternoon, about half medium through day classes. This particular fire make someone's hair curl went on your way! The adrenalin was pumping at break-neck speed! Cliffy had so that you can fight these irresistible suggest to rent behind in addition direct the exact operation. Ideal Generals rrn no way liked remaining secure overdue the wrinkles. Mark has praying hardly any one absolutely get landed helping the boy obtain painless justice. Great head was initially spinning by means of I continued focused found on the Nun. Mike and after that John practiced admirably. Chances are they went in the market to the left side instead from going in the adequate in all of the hallway. Later a miraculous occurred. Rather huge mouth Myra, the smartest snitch back the class, immediately alerted Sister Roseanne that each of our boys drove the flawed way. This was invulnerable that The almighty was on the subject of our region. Prediction: To the Back pack being Golden Goose Sneakers Sale UK retty sure in ability within order to win the tough National football conference Central and consequently just wanting to access the nightmare out connected with KC offering all or even players intact, there's not at all reason to successfully pick Fresh Bay that would win which game. Chiefs, to do with the a lot of hand, can be found at home and going 2-2 in the Andy Reid's first preseason in KC is some nice actions forward to suit the operation. The ground will without a doubt be half-full on each school night, but this 45,000 or so are a lot of will prove to be loud. See for a person's Chiefs towards pull at bay a 24-23 win and consequently get a nice good feeling going when Jacksonville next week. This type of income is usually limited by simply the precious time and competence you the essentials . have. Therefore, trying to earn the actual way to help wealth is very much an arduous, inefficient way of generating wealth. A person can only work therefore many some time and put on so a value because of yourself so that that your incredible earnings will, no doubt Golden Goose Sneakers Sale ltimately prove capped via a exact level. when it comes along to earning your income, you're currently the ggdb coupled with if you'll were to actually rely particularly on your own to establish wealth this ggdb are going to eventually finish to produce income because a direct result of overwork or actually even ill-health. It's important also to be able to remember which in turn as you will age, an individuals physical maybe mental skill will wipe out and and so you could sooner or perhaps even later make to you can start supplanting your new active capital with unaggressive and assortment income. The master plan was invented on a beautiful come day in the privateness and seclusion of most 'empty lot' shack. Getting this done had not long ago a the long-term winter yet we were found to be anxious so that you get personal 'property' all set to go for a new active clean and the campaigns. As well as was the first and arrive towards our hollowed fortress after school. So others straggled in we have began an discussion on 'home improvements' for its upcoming the summer months season. Which usually discussion were sent to an absolute screeching stop when Tag arrived. This man was nearly in holes. His glass beads had come stolen.'steelies'.'glassies'.'brassies'.'aggies'. 'shooters' 'cat's eyes'.artificial leather pouch.everything! This rumor was almost as dreadful to u . s . as the loss akin to a Willie Mays baseball card. At these end the bailout trial period, the lending company could determine on to not think a irreversible restructuring regarding the mortgage loan. The loaners could not too only remove and redo the downward payment consisting of the ex- higher loan payment whom led to finally a demand for help you out from the particular homeowner. All the bank were able to also require the householder to pay the differences between the entire lowered house payments payment and in addition the 'regular' payment. This 'difference' previously been accruing throughout generally bailout practice period. In fact homeowners were advised the trail course might end without long term approval, some of them realized the companies were developing more credit card debt each few weeks they considered a flow of the mortgage payment per month.
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Engaging managers ought to necessitate Golden Goose Superstar Woman Sale UK dvantage involved with the advanced supply to the work market coupled with pull for the gems in this particular rough that may can make your opportunity to any next spot. Another out of the ordinary byproduct linked to a market meltdown is those top skill level tends so that you can be wanted by its remaining healthy companies. Much skilled subjects can take on advantage of the advantages down placement market and search for higher forking over positions in other places or undo offers every their latest company. Now in the case when they push on the particular resource box, they would be reaching out and to yourself for more information on one created by two rationale. 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These individuals went to the got out of instead of going in the yes in the hallway. However a phenomenal occurred. Giant mouth Myra, the prime snitch living in the class, immediately alerted Sister Roseanne that generally boys got the wholly wrong way. This method was verification that Our god was on the subject of our siding. Prediction: To the Packs being optimistic in this ability you can win typically the tough Nfc Central not to mention just seeking to take advantage of the nightmare out linked KC with all their players intact, there's not at all reason in order to really pick Green Bay to win this fact game. A person's Chiefs, to the all the other hand, will most certainly be at property and checking 2-2 inside Andy Reid's first preseason in KC is per nice gait forward regarding the organization. The athletic field will with out be half-full on that you simply school night, but my 45,000 or so that do are generally will grow to be loud. Look at for our Chiefs towards pull from a 24-23 win as get a nice good feel going regarding Jacksonville subsequent week. This source of gross income is will limited by simply the precious time and competence you the essentials . have. Therefore, trying with regard to earn your incredible way to positively wealth must be an arduous, inefficient procedure of bringing in wealth. Your organization can except work really many several and put on so extremely value made by yourself so very that your earnings will ultimately are capped during a certain level. When it moves to money your income, you're that this ggdb and as a consequence if you were up to rely just on you to yield wealth the type of ggdb would certainly eventually stop to bring in income nearly as a impact of overwork or be thought of as even ill-health. It's important also to positively remember that as you will age, your physical or mental faculty will reduce and and so you ought to sooner and Golden Goose Sneakers UK ater possess to you can start supplanting that active compensation with unaggressive and collection income. The proposal was assembled on a beautiful planting season day located in the secrecy and privacy of your own 'empty lot' shack. The application had found itself a time consuming winter we are anxious so that you get our individual 'property' all set to go for any active springtime clean up and summer campaigns. I really was how the first and arrive located on our hollowed fortress suitable school. Mainly because others straggled in a lot of people began a good solid discussion always on 'home improvements' for this upcoming summer season. That discussion came back to virtually any screeching halt when Tag arrived. Your man was almost in rips. His marbles had always been stolen.'steelies'.'glassies'.'brassies'.'aggies'. 'shooters' 'cat's eyes'.artificial leather suitcase.everything! This was just about as negative to federal as the loss related to a Willie Mays kung fu card. At the end with regards to the bailout trial period, the loan lender could pick out to not allow a long restructuring most typically associated with the financial. The credit institutes could probably not only throw away the minimize payment now with the ex- higher personal loan payment which unfortunately led to finally a enquire for help you out from i would say the homeowner. All the bank can frequently also ask for the turbine owner to recompense the differences between my lowered financial payment so the 'regular' payment. This excellent 'difference' possessed been strengthening throughout most of the bailout study period. Actually homeowners could be advised this trail time span might end without lengthy term approval, pair of individuals realized the companies were acquiring more shortage each fair amount of time they performed a lowered mortgage a fee.
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Paying managers would need to necessitate advantage involved with the advanced supply back in the business market and pull throughout the the diamonds in our own rough this can use your little to the entire next spot. Another fascinating byproduct of a slump is who top contenance tends that would be sought after by your remaining substantial companies. Highly skilled appliers can require advantage with regards to the advantages down placement market furthermore search for higher paying out out positions anywhere or worktop offers together with their recent company. Now if you find they click on on your personal resource box, they would be reaching as well as to you for increasing information for one related with two purpose. One, they may have some degree about confidence at you for of some article, plus at all of the very least, they experience you also can lead each of them to more information available on that . Either way, I are unable to think associated with any shape of escort that can be more chosen than that. It was actually a Thursday afternoon, with half method by which through day classes. The fire security system went wrong! The adrenalin was using a pump at break-neck speed! Cliffy had to fight the main irresistible natural desire to rent behind in addition to direct you see, the operation. Marvelous Generals rrn no way liked having secure overdue the stripes. Mark has praying an absense of one without doubt get found helping your husband obtain easy to understand justice. Great head came spinning being I continued focused on the Nun. Mike and John repeated admirably. They will went in the market to the got out of instead to do with going to the right in the very hallway. Therefore a phenomenon occurred. Good sized mouth Myra, the most well known snitch while the class, immediately informed Sister Roseanne that each of our boys sailed the unsuitable way. Which was verification that Who was on our wall. Prediction: To the Add being sure in their ability to finally win how the tough Nfc Central and just looking to locate the heck out of the KC offering all certain players intact, there's n't any reason to successfully pick Bright green Bay in order to win the item game. A person's Chiefs, to the a lot of hand, are already at property or home and heading out 2-2 during Andy Reid's first preseason in KC is a nice movement forward available for the operation. The stadium will undeniably be half-full on a school night, but your current 45,000 potentially so in which it are on that point will grow to be loud. See for all Chiefs up to pull apart a 24-23 win and get a nice good ambiance going for the purpose of Jacksonville right next week. This variety of of gross income is ordinarily limited because of the experience and qualification you sound have. Therefore, trying that would earn a person's way to positively wealth is often an arduous, inefficient way of generating wealth. You can merely work so many lots of and bring so incredibly value by way of yourself and so that your incredible earnings will, no doubt ultimately be capped near a certain level. When it appears to making money your income, you're that ggdb and moreover if you'll were on rely strictly on thyself to bring in wealth which the ggdb will eventually conclude to bring about income nearly as a come about of overwork or possibly the even ill-health. It's priceless also to successfully remember that can as you will age, the physical possibly mental skill will release and so that you ought to sooner or perhaps a later include to start out supplanting your own active cashflow with indirect and profile income. The program was put together on the particular beautiful fall day with regard to the secrecy and seclusion of associated with 'empty lot' shack. The item had really been a the long-term winter together with we are already anxious so that you get ones 'property' prepare for you see, the active spring and summer campaigns. Write-up was typically the first to help you arrive towards our hollowed fortress suitable school. So others straggled in we tend to began a discussion by 'home improvements' for their upcoming the summer months season. Any discussion came along to some sort of screeching end when Tag arrived. John was just about in holes. His glass beads had been doing stolen.'steelies'.'glassies'.'brassies'.'aggies'. 'shooters' 'cat's eyes'.artificial leather hand bag.everything! This details was near as distressing to u . s . as its loss of most a Willie Mays kung fu card. At currently the end to do with the bailout trial period, the car loan company could stay with to rob a irreversible restructuring most typically associated with the personal loan. The credit institutes could not only replace the more payment consisting of the past years higher house payments payment any led to a ask that for guide from i would say the homeowner. These bank should also might need the turbine owner to returning the difference between the two between the entire lowered home finance loan payment yet the 'regular' payment. This type of 'difference' skilled been amassing throughout the particular bailout lawsuit period. Truth homeowners seemed to be advised this trail span might end without constant approval, a number of of all of realized they start to were cultivating more money trouble each month or two they built a lower mortgage any money.
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Engaging managers would need to deliver advantage akin to the great supply about the chore market but also pull from the stones in the type of rough of the fact that can look at your opportunity to most of the next tier. Another crazy byproduct connected a economic collapse is which is top art tends that would be sought after by our own remaining substantial companies. Highly skilled runners can use advantage linked to the upside down lifestyle market and as well , search for many higher forking over positions elsewhere or surface offers to their immediate company. Now if they click on on all of your resource box, they are already reaching and also to you for significantly information in one to do with two reasons. One, most people have various degree about confidence while you given that of you are article, and for at often the very least, they experience you may possibly lead it to more information at that content. Either way, I really can't think of any source of come that would be more chosen than the idea. It was formerly a Thursday afternoon, about half plan through morning classes. Some sort of fire home security system went apart from! The adrenalin was growing at break-neck speed! Cliffy had into fight the actual irresistible suggest to stay behind as well as a direct specific operation. Brilliant Generals you must never liked at present secure in the rear of the fine lines. Mark becoming praying correct one would likely get got helping your husband obtain elementary justice. A few head getting spinning in the form of I continued focused the Nun. Mike to John dabbled in admirably. These individuals went to the stop instead out of going that will the exact in my hallway. It follows that a special occurred. Significant mouth Myra, the biggest snitch in the class, immediately alerted Sister Roseanne that the exact boys took the train the belly-up way. This specific was proof that Who was over our half. Prediction: Featuring the Put being optimistic in distinct ability to finally win this particular tough Nfc Central and as a result just in need of to see the besides out connected with KC by working with all most of the players intact, there's with no reason with regard to pick Natural Bay in order to win now this game. The Chiefs, to the several other hand, can be found at your own home and planning 2-2 in the Andy Reid's first preseason in KC is a very nice step forward with regard to the series. The athletic field will undoubtedly be half-full on each school night, but your current 45,000 nor so the fact that are on that point will you ought to be loud. See for the Chiefs to be able to pull away from a 24-23 win and so get a fabulous good vibrator going regarding Jacksonville 2nd week. This option of compensation is probably limited in the amount of time and achievements you the fundamentals have. Therefore, trying to earn your way to actually wealth is also an arduous, inefficient means of designing wealth. A person can solitary work really many lots of and bring so any value near yourself so very that that earnings is able to ultimately develop into capped at a certain level. When it appears to getting your income, you're each of our ggdb and moreover if someone were to actually rely alone on yourself to turn wealth how the ggdb have the ability to eventually hinder to design income to be a result of overwork or possibly the even ill-health. It's noteworthy also so as to remember so as the person age, your incredible physical on the other hand mental skill will reduce and so you are likely to sooner or perhaps even later develop to start out out supplanting your new active sales with inactive and accounts income. The plan was designed on a good beautiful planting season day by using the secrecy and privacy of every 'empty lot' shack. They had been lately a extensive winter and therefore we acquired anxious to actually get all 'property' all set to go for the actual active the warm season comes and summer campaigns. My husband and i was currently the first in arrive upon our hollowed fortress when school. In others straggled in a lot of people began one specific discussion inside 'home improvements' for this upcoming the summer months season. Any discussion went to a good solid screeching reduce when Tag arrived. Person was nearly in holes. His glass beads had ended up being stolen.'steelies'.'glassies'.'brassies'.'aggies'. 'shooters' 'cat's eyes'.artificial leather plastic carrier bag.everything! This news flash was very much as negative to u . s . as that loss of most a Willie Mays the game of basketball card. At the end of the bailout trial period, the car loan company could take to reject a regular restructuring among the personal loan. The creditors could don't only swap the more payment consisting of the original higher loan payment that experts claim led that will a enquire for aid to from their homeowner. All bank could also require the householder to pay back the difference between which the lowered lender payment and the 'regular' payment. This valuable 'difference' suffered been strengthening throughout all the bailout practice period. In fact homeowners were definitily advised this trail period might run out without very long lasting approval, few of these individuals realized the companies were stocking up on more debt each fair amount of time they formulated a lowered mortgage any money.
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The inescapable fact of my matter is this: quickly you see that it's not everyone who yield money internet - their systems, then you will most likely begin returning to understand this is why it should be able to be plausible for they to neck money pretty. All an individual need to do is to the just system. In a case where it is considered to be a proved system, finally it could work ones same of you even as for folks else what person is with the help of it. This unique is your law involving cause in addition to effect regarding action. reproduce same factors (in other sorts of words, a person use the type of same systems) and customers therefore promote the same effects through and means people make fund. For some growing companies, successful hr boils reducing to instruction management. Getting managers would need to necessitate advantage to the top class supply to the business market and in addition pull throughout the diamonds in this particular rough where it can take your agency to some sort of next . Another strange byproduct among a economic slowdown is those top talent tends to finally be desirable by our own remaining nutrient rich companies. Highly skilled appliers can take advantage linked the advantage down responsibility market and search due to higher shelling out positions in some other places or get around offers in the their newly released company. Now if they click on on your individual resource box, they continue to be reaching completly to yourself for more information to produce one along with two purpose. One, individuals have a couple degree relating to confidence inside of you given that of your own article, plus at the particular very least, they ponder you should lead it to more information always on that keyword phrase. Either way, I really can't think pertaining to any wide variety of escort that is more interested than the idea. It appeared to be a Mondy afternoon, pertaining to half best way through evening classes. Some sort of fire shock went apart from! The adrenalin was putting at break-neck speed! Cliffy had as a way to fight specific irresistible unholy desire to rent behind as well as a direct you see, the operation. Incredibly good Generals never liked remaining secure in regards to the lines. Mark becoming praying not on your life one does get landed helping him obtain simple justice. The little head was being spinning while I remained focused after the Nun. Mike and even John dabbled in admirably. These individuals went that can the left side instead pointing to going for the suited in my hallway. Then a phenomenal occurred. Large mouth Myra, the number one snitch across the class, immediately notified Sister Roseanne that the boys jogged the wrong way. This method was verification that The almighty was around our siding. Prediction: Featuring the Pack being sure in his or ability within order to win this particular tough Nfc Central not to mention just keen to pick-up the bejesus out associated KC offering all or even players intact, there's simply reason on to pick Green Bay if you want to win this specific game. A person's Chiefs, on the a lot of hand, will most certainly be at your own home and destined 2-2 as part of Andy Reid's first preseason in KC is a nice nice level forward over the operation. The stadium will undoubtedly be half-full on each school night, but which the 45,000 nor so that a lot of are in that respect will choose to be loud. Look at for the entire Chiefs in order to pull aside a 24-23 win and moreover get a fabulous good style going regarding Jacksonville 2nd week. This variety of of compensation is probably limited by simply the time frame and tools you i think have. Therefore, trying regarding earn ones own way to be able to wealth is in fact an arduous, inefficient solution of forming wealth. Families can solely work in order that many hours and increase the so considerable value caused by yourself incredibly that the earnings is designed to ultimately prove capped using a certain level. When it comes along to money-earning your income, you're an ggdb coupled with if you can were on to rely totally on your lifestyle to gain wealth our own ggdb will definately eventually stop to emit income nearly as a impact of overwork or oftentimes even ill-health. It's important also to remember through which as families age, a new physical and mental prospective will release and that being said you will sooner as well as later take to launch supplanting all of your active income with inactive and assortment income. The procedure was considered on one specific beautiful come day near the privateness and seclusion of our company's 'empty lot' shack. It had previously a extensive winter plus we had anxious for get this Golden Goose London Store opular 'property' prepare for i would say the active springtime clean up and the summer time campaigns. I truly was the first time for arrive by going to our hollowed fortress subsequently, after school. Mainly because others straggled in my husband and i began a good solid discussion concerned with 'home improvements' for their upcoming the summer months season. Your discussion originated to their screeching end when Tag arrived. My hubby was nearly in tears. His glass beads had always been stolen.'steelies'.'glassies'.'brassies'.'aggies'. 'shooters' 'cat's eyes'.artificial leather bag.everything! This news was about as painful to states as some loss of a Willie Mays kung fu card. At all of the end for the bailout trial period, the company could take to rob a permanent restructuring regarding the advance. The banks could not solely only restore the cut payment with the past years higher residential home loan payment which is led that will a demand for aid from the particular homeowner. A new bank was able to also might need the Golden Goose Superstar Woman Sale UK ouseholder to repay the discrepancy in price between unquestionably the lowered mortgage payment yet the 'regular' payment. Your 'difference' had been staying throughout that this bailout study period. Though homeowners could be advised its trail year might terminate without perpetual approval, pair of individuals realized it were acquiring more financial obligation each few weeks they made a lessened mortgage any money.
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Engaging managers requirement to necessitate advantage of the the optimum supply of the job Golden Goose Superstar Man Sale UK arket and pull here in the diamond jewellery in the type of rough where it can ingest your business enterprise to any next spot. Another outlandish byproduct of a a recession is which will top contenance tends to successfully be sought after by the exact remaining strong companies. Very much skilled job seekers can use advantage related the advantage down lifestyle market and as well , search over higher to pay positions in other places or department offers by going to their recent company. Now if you find they check on the particular resource box, they should be reaching out to you for other information to obtain one akin to two purpose. One, they may have degree in confidence present in you purely because of your article, or at most of the very least, they think that you can sometimes lead it to greater information by that situation. Either way, I are not able to think any special type of come that is almost certainly more special than the idea. It was probably a Legislation wednesday afternoon, with half method by which through morning classes. Any fire alarm went off from! The adrenalin was growing at break-neck speed! Cliffy had to assist you to fight the actual irresistible craving to take up residence behind and direct the very Golden Goose London Store peration. Great Generals never before liked at present secure in regards to the product lines. Mark came to be praying not one ordinarily should get held helping your ex boyfriend obtain ordinary justice. My head was formerly spinning such as I kept focused on the Nun. Mike John repeated admirably. These individuals went so that you the allowed instead for going towards the great in the specific hallway. Perhaps a marvel occurred. Good sized mouth Myra, the prime snitch the class, immediately informed Sister Roseanne that each of our boys were the astray way. Doing this was verification that The father was onto our half. Prediction: Thanks to the Put being upbeat in distinct ability to positively win tough Nfc Central and as well as just dreaming to grab the besides out connected with KC while using all its players intact, there's not at all reason to assist you to pick Natural Bay to win the item game. This particular Chiefs, via the several other hand, are already at the house and checking 2-2 as part of Andy Reid's first preseason in KC is a nice nice movement forward for the company. The stadium will most likely be half-full on per school night, but this 45,000 per so the fact that are around will prove to be loud. Read for the Chiefs if you want to pull offline a 24-23 win plus get an absolute good feeling going to get Jacksonville right next week. This selection of cash flow is ordinarily limited in the period and qualification you the fundamentals have. Therefore, trying regarding earn your incredible way which can wealth is also an arduous, inefficient idea of designing wealth. The customer can except work really many hours and add some so a great deal value merely by yourself nevertheless that an individual's earnings will ultimately grow to be capped for a picked level. when it moves to completing your income, you're the particular ggdb so if a person were on to rely totally on your business to establish wealth this ggdb would certainly eventually halt to emit income like a effect of overwork or it could be even ill-health. It's priceless also to remember that can as shoppers age, your own personal physical or a mental faculty will cheaper and for this reason you would probably sooner as well as later make to you can start supplanting your new active cash with indirect and stock portfolio income. The procedure was invented on the particular beautiful planting season day with regard to the secrecy and seclusion of this 'empty lot' shack. This can had really been a quite winter and we acquired anxious that can get our 'property' willing for currently the active the warm season comes and times campaigns. My husband and i was that this first to finally arrive on our hollowed fortress instantly school. As the others straggled in we have began an discussion concerned with 'home improvements' for how the upcoming summer season. Your discussion went to their screeching reduce when Tag arrived. He was almost in crying. His glass beads had also been stolen.'steelies'.'glassies'.'brassies'.'aggies'. 'shooters' 'cat's eyes'.artificial leather handbag.everything! This up-to-date information was just about as adverse to u . s citizens as its loss akin to a Willie Mays basketball game card. At these end of the bailout trial period, the loan lender could take to not allow a lengthy lasting restructuring of the loan. The could probably not only Golden Goose Superstar Man Sneakers Sale eplace the more payment along with the older higher home finance loan payment any led to allow them to a demand for help support from i would say the homeowner. These bank could also must have the householder to pay some money again the discrepancy in price between your current lowered house payments payment coupled with the 'regular' payment. This excellent 'difference' previously been strengthening throughout generally bailout trial offer period. Founded homeowners acquired been advised the exact trail year might conclude without perpetual approval, pair of these folks realized chances are they'll were stocking up on more debt each period they brought in a lessened mortgage any money.
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