#illa vehn
babineni · 4 years
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The last two victims of the sixfanarts thingy are these Jedi Ladies in White™
@lotrificationer​ asked for Illa and @jediisapphic​ suggested Brianna
and with that, the collection is complete :) Happy May 4th y’all
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lotrificationer · 5 years
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Alrighty, here’s another exile!!
This is @tiredschutta‘s stunningly beautiful Illa Vehn! .... and the third time I’ve attempted to draw her, the first two did not even come close to doing her justice.
Honestly, reading your writings about Illa is really what made me fall even more in love with this game and want to create an official OC exile of my own! So thank you!!
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babineni · 4 years
67 for Atton/Illa???
Thank you, Sierra 💖 Sorry, this took me so long, this thing kinda had a curse on it lmao
But anyway
67. When One Stops The Kiss To Whisper “I’m Sorry, Are You Sure You-” And They Answer By Kissing Them More yeah it doesn’t go quite like that but whatever
It was probably the first time that Atton has seen the sun on Dxun. Ever since the Ebon Hawk landed, and the Exile along with Mandalore hurriedly took the team to the Mandalorian camp, it rained so hard, it almost felt like the moon felt the despair of the people on Onderon, and decided to harass the inhabitants of Dxun into helping. And now that they had a plan of attack, the first rays of the sun caressed the pilot’s face - but it still failed to truly reassure him.
Atton looked at the team he was about to lead into the jungle. Mira was squabbling with the quartermaster over some rocker components, while the Handmaiden watched younger Mandalorians training - the scoundrel could read her opinions from her face without her even saying a word. From a tactical perspective, he understood why he was appointed to lead the secondary team: he had the skills, the experience and the adaptability to pull off a mission based on little to no information that could help. He had the backing of the finest fighters the Mandalorians had to offer, and when it came down to it, Atton had to admit, that he, Mira and the Handmaiden made a decent team. Everything pointed to success and yet, the pilot’s thoughts kept drifting to the darkest corners of his mind, one filled with fear and guilt.
‘I’ll be right back,’ he called out to Mira, ‘I gotta take care of something.’
The Handmaiden shot him a suspicious glare, but before she could say anything, she heard the bounty hunter grumble under her breath.
‘Gotta get charged by your power coupling, I guess.’
‘What do you mean? He seems adequately energized,’ the Echani blinked at her, confused.
Mira gave her a pointed and slightly suggestive look. When the Handmaiden’s expression didn’t change, she turned back to Atton with a sigh. 'You better get back quick or we’ll leave you here.’
'Whatever you say, your majesty.’ Atton’s voice rang with impatience and irritation. The bounty hunter made a face at him as a response. The scoundrel turned away from her but he made sure she saw him roll his eyes at her.
Atton made his way to the other end of the Mandalorian encampment, trying to figure out what to tell the Exile. He trusted her. She knew what she was doing, she knew how to take care of herself, and she had backup. And yet… The idea of being away from her as she faced… who knows what filled him with dread. If this was the time when his presence would have made a difference and he wasn’t there… He felt goosebumps forming on the back of his neck and he reached back to soothe his skin nervously. He didn’t realize how tense and sore his neck was.
Soon a massive hangar came into the pilot’s field of vision. The doors were open and what he saw within gave him pause - a Basilisk war droid, old but finely maintained. For a moment he was convinced he was dreaming but the moment was chased away by a familiar voice.
'Atton, look!’ Illa rushed to him, only slowing down to point to the hangar behind her. 'I’m going to fly a Basilisk!’
Atton didn’t answer, he just watched Illa close the distance between them. She smiled at him, and he immediately felt the whirlwind of his thoughts settle a bit but his heart… His heart was racing all the same.
'Don’t get jealous,’ she said when she got close enough to see the tension reflected on his face. She placed a hand on his arm to reassure him, drawing a rueful laugh out of him.
'How could I not? The one time, I could crash something without having to hear about it non-stop, and you have to snatch the moment from me.’
Illa let out a short laugh. 'I’m really sorry. Maybe you’ll get to pilot one next time.’
'Yeah, I…’ The scoundrel turned his gaze to the grass at his feet for a fleeting moment. 'I’d prefer to do it now.’
The Exile spent a while examining Atton’s features. He didn’t bother trying to hide anything from her this time. It felt easier than voicing his concerns. And all the other things he felt at that moment.
'Atton, what’s wr-’
'Just be careful, okay?’ He interjected before she could finish. He couldn’t bring himself to say anything else.
Illa gave him a tired but comforting smile. 'I’ll be fine,’ she said, then reached for something in her pocket. 'Look, I still have the healing packs you gave me on Nar Shaddaa.’
Atton chuckled. It felt like a ridiculous gesture looking back but the Exile didn’t stop there.
'And I’ll have your commlink. Hopefully, I’ll find some way to boost its range. And I got my pazaak deck right here,’ she tapped on her temple. Her face expressed gratitude and a tenderness that tugged at something deep within Atton’s soul. He watched her adoringly. In moments like these, he was convinced she was an angel.
'I wanna give you one more thing,’ he said as he stepped closer to her. Illa’s smile widened ever so slightly but it fed into his urge to kiss her beyond measure. Beyond resistance. It took him a moment to realize that he had closed to gap between them. It took him another moment to convince himself to pull away. 'Uh… I hope that wasn’t too-’
The Exile grabbed the pilot’s shirt, and pulled him back. Her lips moved slowly against his, urging him to kiss her back harder. He wrapped his arms around her back tightly, letting her warmth and presence ease his anxieties.
'For luck?’ Illa asked for what seemed like an eternity later. She let him rest his forehead against hers and her breath caressed him as she spoke.
'Yeah… For luck,’ Atton lied. He needed that kiss for something far more important: peace.
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babineni · 4 years
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babineni · 4 years
So... ages ago I half-jokingly (or was I half-joking...?) made a post about being open to smut prompt requests and @hellyeahniccage actually sent me something - thank you 💖💖💖
anyway, here is the result :)
cw: explicit content
Illa couldn't stop smiling. The hallway leading to the docks of Citadel Station echoed her footsteps. She walked besides Atton, close enough so that her hand brushed against his knuckles as he carried a bag of supplies. Going on a vacation was the pilot’s idea. He believed they – or the Exile, at least – deserved to enjoy the galaxy they saved. They deserved a chance to unwind and let the weight of their responsibilities fall from their shoulders, even if for a few days only.  As much as Illa liked the idea, however, she was also far too aware of the Republic’s dependence on their continued work. Eventually they arrived at a compromise: a day off, spent in one of Telos’ restoration zones. But even then, on the morning of their trip, the Exile still felt a sense of frustration and eagerness emanating from her lover walking by her side, yawning.
‘We can go back to the apartment, if you want to rest,’ she suggested. ‘We have the whole day to us. We can go whenever we like.'
‘I don’t wanna waste my time sleeping,’ Atton replied, ‘and don’t worry, I can fly just fine like this. There is no traffic in and out of the restoration zones, I could fly a route like that with eyes closed and hands tied behind my back.’
‘We crashed the last time we went to the surface…’
‘We were shot down,’ the scoundrel corrected her. ‘We should have no trouble this time. Czerka has no presence in the zone we’re headed to, last time I checked. I mean… you checked.’
‘It’s true,’ Illa sighed. ‘It’s just… we’re supposed to relax today and I can sense how frustrated you are. There is no rush. We can take care of you first.'
Atton sighed, then gave her a reassuring smile a moment later. 'I'll feel better once we get to the surface. Trust me,' as the last words were uttered, Illa felt his adoration so intensely, it nearly disoriented her. She caught the glimpse of a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, one that she knew well. It was a reflection and a promise. The Exile lightly bit her lip to stop her imagination running wild with that promise. She didn't even notice that Atton hastened his pace when he saw her flustered expression.
'I assume you made plans? Aside from the picnic, I mean,' Illa asked mostly to just distract herself.
'You know it,' the scoundrel's face lit up with amusement. 'I'm a little offended, you needed to ask.'
'Oh? Is it pazaak?' She teased, and a moment later she glimpsed a familiar airlock.
'Come on, you're the mind reader here, you can take a better guess than that,' Atton teased right back.
'A stroll on the beach?' Illa unlocked one airlock then the other. Before she could enter the hangar itself, however, Atton pulled her back and pinned her against the wall. He stole a shallow but forceful kiss, just long enough for the Exile to taste the hunger he had for her. But she tasted something else as well: that frustration of his was still present, hidden behind his lust and playful teasing - like a drop of poison in a wildly rushing river
'That is on the list, actually,' he winked at her once pulled away and rushed ahead to the Ebon Hawk.
Illa took a moment to make sense of that strange bitterness she just felt. She held on to its resonance within her and she followed it, the same way she followed her lover to the ship. She felt a pull, faint but powerful, right to its kernel. Some of it was rooted in boredom and reluctance but it mingled with... fear, and a sense of powerlessness and inadequacy.
Atton was many things, but he was no teacher and no politician. He once swore he'd protect the Exile, but with the Sith gone, there wasn't anyone who posed the kind of challenge to her that he could face on her side. He promised he'd help in any way he can, but she was dabbling in things he only understood on a surface level. What else was left? What else could he offer? The things he learned from her? The things he could only give back to her? It didn't feel fair. It didn't feel enough. So he gave all that was his, however little it was - and if something, anything, stopped him from doing so, it also pulled at his soul into doubt and anxiety.
'Oh, Atton,' Illa sighed as she closed the ramp of the Ebon Hawk. She went to the cockpit, where the pilot was already firing up the engines. His movements reflected his eagerness, and she still felt his passion strongly. Had the Exile not touched his insecurity within him, she wouldn't have guessed Atton was burdened by it at all.
'I came up with a plan of my own,' the Exile called out to Atton as she approached his seat. She reached for the pilot's hair and spent a few a moments playing with it, until a gentle smile crept onto his face. 'I want to make sure you get to blow off some steam. So you get to properly enjoy the day.'
'You're not gonna make me meditate, are you?' Illa couldn't tell if he was joking or not and she got the impression, he wasn't sure either. 'I'm flying as you can see,' he said just as the ship left the hangar.
'Nothing like that,' the Exile chuckled. 'I want to spoil you a little.'
'That's more like it,' the pilot let out a short laugh. 'So... what is it? Don't leave me in suspence.'
'I'll show you, once you spread your legs for me.'
Atton froze for a moment, then turned to the Exile. His smile widened slowly just as he parted his thighs. 'You're really better than any dream of mine, you know that?'
'Is that so?' Illa asked as she pulled her hair back then descended between the scoundrel's legs.
'Yeah... Whenever I dreamt of this scenario, you always ended up lecturing me about unsafe flying conditions,' he laughed.
'I thought you said you could fly this route with your eyes closed and your hands tied,' the Exile felt the pilot's bulge through his pants, drawing a quiet groan out of him. 'Still, it would be probably wise if you kept your hands on the controls and your eyes on the horizon. Just to be safe.'
'Or what?' Atton asked with a challenging grin.
'I don't know,' Illa shrugged as she undid his pants. 'I guess, I'll just stop.'
The scoundrel swiftly turned his gaze away from her, but the Exile kept hers fixed on his face as she pulled his half-erect cock forth. She placed a hand on Atton's thigh and gave him a few soft rubs as she left a trail of kisses along his shaft. Illa caught a glimpse of fluttering eyelashes but other than that the pilot did his absolute best to act like he was focused on flying alone. She left one last peck on the tip, then wrapped her mouth around it. She pumped the base of his sex but refused to lower her head. She just kept teasing him by caressing him with her lips and her tongue, until she pulled the frustrations deep in his mind to the surface, until she turned those frustrations into a pleasant pressure that she could alleviate, even if for a short time.
'Illa... You're making this no touching thing... pretty challenging,' Atton complained.
The Exile noticed that his hovered halfway between the ship's controls and her head, tempted to push her down. Illa pulled away and guided his hand back to the controls then took him in her mouth again. She sunk down on him slowly, stealing the pilot's breath away. He exhaled a groan as she rose back up, prompting her to answer with a satisfied hum. She sunk lower and lower with each bob of her head and Atton's breathing followed her rhythm. Soon, Illa noticed that he had trouble keeping his gaze fixed on the horizon - either he tried glancing at her or he grew less and less able to stop himself from keeping his eyes open.
'Your mouth feels fucking fantastic,' he sighed and threw his head back against his seat. He bit his lip trying to stifle a moan before he turned his attention back to flying. However, he was only able to maintain his focus for a few seconds longer. He whispered a series of curses, as he hastily programmed a straight route into the ship's computer and turned the auto-pilot on.
Illa squinted at the scoundrel disapprovingly as she pulled away.
'Oh, come on, don't look at me like that,' Atton leaned down to steal a kiss. 'You were taking your sweet time.'
'I thought you liked it, when I take my time with you.'
'I love it,' he smiled at the Exile as he gathered her hair and wrapped it around his fist. He rested his hand on the back of her neck as he sat back up. 'But this is a short flight.'
Illa shook her head but she couldn't hide her smile. She started working her way down on Atton's cock again, this time, with the pilot gently setting the pace for her. He rolled his hips against her slightly, meeting her with light thrusts as they hastened their movements. Atton kept talking, breathlessly, switching between profanities and expressions of his adoration. But even that stopped as his thoughts were overwhelmed by pleasure, leaving only moans upon his lips. Soon, neither of them knew how much later, the scoundrel was pushed beyond the edge, shivering ever so slightly as ecstasy overtook him. Illa pulled away, wiping at her lips.
'Fuck, you're sweet,' Atton kissed her hungrily and pulled her on his lap.
'You're feeling better now, I take it?' The Exile asked. She let her lover rest his head on her shoulder, who nuzzled her neck in turn.
'I would've been fine, but... yeah,' he answered, enjoying Illa's kisses on his hair.
'You make me very happy, you know that, right?'
'I...' the pilot pulled back so he could look Illa in the eye. 'What brought this up?'
The Exile gave him an apologetic look. 'I'm sorry. I read some of your feelings earlier.'
Atton didn't reply at first. He stared at the empty air over Illa's shoulder and nodded to himself. Then he let out an exasperated sigh and massaged his temple for a few seconds.
'What did you find this time?'
'You... You thought you had nothing to offer me,' the Exile sounded pained as she echoed his thoughts back to him. 'But that's not how I see it.'
'And you thought you could suck my issues out of me?' Atton chuckled.
'No...' Illa frowned at him, but that made him laugh harder but also with more open adoration. 'I just wanted to make you feel a little appreciated. If I had more time, I would have done something gran-'
Before the Exile could finish, the scoundrel claimed her lips. He kissed her softly, but also deeply. 'This was perfect,' his breath mingled with hers as he spoke, 'but next time, just ignore thoughts like that. That's what I do.'
'You mean... But I felt it so strongly...'
'Yeah, I guess, it did get to me more than usual,' the pilot explained. 'I wanted to give you more time away from all the things you're wrapped up in and... I guess, I overreacted. Most of the time, this is a feeling I can shove so deep I forget I ever felt it,' he tucked a loose strand of hair behind Illa's ear. 'I might sometimes think you're crazy for letting things between us get this far but... I would never give up on us. Or you. I don't think I could, even of I wanted to.'
'Good,' the Exile smiled at Atton, 'because you're truly precious to me. And you make everything so much easier... don't ever doubt that.'
Atton spent a moment reveling in that smile. He leaned closer to her once that moment passed. 'So... My turn, then?' He was just about to nibble on Illa's ear when the ship's computer flared up with a warning. '...After we landed.'
Illa was just about to stand up but the scoundrel pulled right back on his lap. He guided her hand to land the Ebon Hawk onto an open field that promise almost as much bliss as their own embrace.
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babineni · 4 years
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she got hit by that
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babineni · 4 years
51 for illa x atton?
Jfc this took me half a year, I’m so so very sorry. I just wasn’t in much of a kotor mindset up until recently. But it’s here! Also thank you 💖
51: “ I want to take care of you. ”
Illa found something oddly relaxing about disassembling lightsabers. At first, a part of her felt sorry about the fact that she couldn’t grant their wielders the courtesy of leaving their blades by their side, but often this opportunity wasn’t granted. And lightsaber parts were hard to come by. She told herself that this way there was still hope for rebirth amids all the tragedy. That the padawans of a future order could quite literally rely on the Jedi of the past - and occasionally the Sith as well. After the battle over Telos, there were quite a few weapons she could salvage and after everything that happened at Malachor, the Exile could use the distraction.
Illa was just about to be done putting away the salvaged saber parts, when she heard a voice calling out to her.
‘Wait, I got one more!’ Atton walked up to her. 'Unless you wanna turn in early,’ he said with a smirk and left a kiss on her cheek.
The Exile chuckled as a response. 'One more wouldn’t take much time,’ she reached out with an open palm, 'especially in pleasant company.’
The pilot pulled out a lightsaber and placed it in Illa’s hand with a smile. The Exile’s heart, however, sank when she gave the blade a closer look. She gave it to him during the battle on the Citadel Station, right before she departed with Visas and Mandalore to face Darth Nihilus. She made the decision on a whim and she hasn’t thought of it muchsince.
Strange, considering how long she wanted to reclaim it from Atris.
'I…’ the Exile wasn’t sure what to do, or say. 'Did it help?’ She asked eventually. 'During the battle? And on Malachor…?’
Atton’s smile faded. He spent a moment reading the Exile’s face. 'Yeah. Yeah, it did.’ His answer was sincere and reassuring.
Illa nodded as an acknowledgement and placed the lightsaber on the workbench. She merely stared at it for a while, occasionally glancing at the hydrospanner next to it.
'What’s going on?’ The pilot placed his hand on the small of her back and caressed her with his thumb.
'Nothing. I just… don’t feel like taking this one apart.’ Illa looked at Atton who watched her intently. She thought back to the last moment they shared before she set out for the Ravager. She thought of how she felt trying to find him on Malachor. Something about what the scoundrel said earlier sent a pleasant shiver down her spine. A moment later she felt its resonance in the pilot, just as his expression softened ever so slightly. 'I’m starting to think… maybe you should have it back.’
'I thought you wanted us to build our own lightsabers,’ he replied. 'Come to think of it, it did feel nice to have two. I might just occupy that workbench after you.’
'Take this one then,’ Illa picked up the blade and offered it to him. 'I… I really like the thought of you having it,’ she tried to ignore the heat rising in her cheeks.
'Wait a minute,’ Atton took the saber and stepped back. He ignited it, and watched the beam with a thoughtful frown. Illa was almost mesmerized by the light reflected in his eyes. 'This is yours, isn’t it? You got it back from that Jedi lady.’
The Exile nodded at him more shyly than she intended.
Atton turned the saber off. 'Why would you give this to me?’
'My new lightsaber takes both hands. And you just said you wanted one,’ she awkwardly tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.
'That’s not what I meant. I know how personal this is to you.’
'Exactly. I… I want to take care of you,’ Illa stepped closer to Atton. She reached behind his head, dug her fingers in his hair and kept playing with his dark strands. 'I want to be there for you. And if I cannot be then… at least I’d know you have this with you to take care of yourself.’
'Did you just propose in some weird Jedi way?’ The pilot teased.
'No. Or at least I don’t think I did…’ the Exile furrowed her brows as she considered the question. 'Unless you’d li-’
'I was joking,’ Atton interrupted her, laughing, then he leaned in for a kiss. Illa slid her hand down his chest and stopped right above his heart which was pounding just as hard and as fast as her own. 'You know I want the same thing, right?’ The scoundrel pulled away slightly.
'I know,’ the Exile answered and closed the gap between them again.
At that moment she was certain nothing could’ve made her feel more hopeful for the future.
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babineni · 4 years
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She has a glow about her ✨
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babineni · 4 years
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babineni · 5 years
19 fluff for atton x illa, but only if you want!
Thank you, Shan 💖💖 have some sparring turned massage thingy
19 - “I just want to take care of you.”
‘That was almost good,’ Illa spun her dulled blade, panting. ‘Your movements are a bit stiff though,’ she said as she lunged forward.
The Exile and Atton spent the last hour dueling. Illa felt the usual rush and comfort that overcame her whenever she exercised with the scoundrel, he on the other hand seemed to be rather tense. Atton was able to defend himself and even to launch some counter-attacks but she saw a slight stagger in his motion whenever he blocked a strike and his blows were not as quick and clean as usual.
'Atton, you need to loosen up,’ Illa warned him after a barely successful parry.
'I know,’ he groaned and took a step back cautiously. 'This is as good as it gets.’
'I’m serious, Atton, you could get hurt.’
The pilot merely shrugged. 'I can handle it. Don’t worry about me.’
The Exile frowned at his stubbornness. 'Alright then,’ she answered somewhat bitterly and charged.
Atton lifted his blade defensively, and in turn, Illa dropped hers. She closed the distance before he could react and grabbed his wrist. It only took her a slight twist after that to disarm him. The pilot hissed and tapped on her hand, signalling his surrender.
'That was supposed to be painless, you know,’ Illa said as she let him go and kicked aside his blade lying on the floor. She ran her hands up along Atton’s arms, trying to get a sense of the tension built up in his muscles.
'It’s nothing. My neck hurts a bit, that’s all.’
'I’d say, it’s more than just your neck,’ the Exile replied, 'this is what happens when you refuse to sleep in a proper bed.’ She instinctively pressed against the fibers on the back of Atton’s neck.
The scoundrel blinked at her, surprised.
'Uuhh… What are you doing?’
'I’m trying to give you a massage, but it would be simpler if you lay down,’ Illa let go of him and pointed at the floor.
'Okay,’ Atton answered with a smirk hiding in the corners of his lips, 'just checking.’ He turned his attention to the floor before he reached for his shirt. 'It should come off, right?’
Illa gave him a nod. The pilot chuckled but she heard a hint of nervousness mixed into his amusement. He pulled his shirt over his head and dropped it on the floor. He smoothed it after he got on his knees, then he lay down on it. He spent a few moments trying to get comfortable lying on his stomach then he glanced at the Exile. The inviting warmth in his gaze caught her off guard. She rubbed her cheek as she knelt beside Atton, trying to hide the blush spreading on her face.
'I’m sorry,’ Illa said as she reached for Atton’s neck again. 'I don’t have anything to rub on your back. I don’t know where we could get a-’
'I do,’ Atton flinched when the Exile touched a particularly tense knot on his shoulder. 'We could stop by the Red Sector the next time we go to Nar Shaddaa.’
Illa’s blush took a deeper shade. 'We… don’t need anything fancy. This is an issue of fitness, not sensuality.’
'It’s a bit if both if you ask me,’ the scoundrel made an attempt at shrugging, 'now that you mention it… where did you even learn this? It feels damn good.’
'Jedi training’ the Exile placed her palms between Atton’s shoulder blades and placed gentle pressure on him until he let out a soft groan. She repeated this again and again as she worked her way down along his spine. 'Tension can lead to injuries, so we were taught how to alleviate it.’
'Wow, the Jedi were okay with this? Despite the whole no sex, no attachments deal?’ The pilot laughed in disbelief. 'Wait… You do know that this is… pretty much seen as lap dancing in some places, right?’
'I do know of that, yes,’ Illa sighed. 'I just never really treated it that way,’ her reply was met with a few moments of silence. 'We were taught not to,’ she added.
'And you’re saying no one ever had the idea of exploring sexy side of anatomy… and blowing off steam?’
'Of course, not. We’re not above feeling passion,’ the Exile’s touched turned gentler when she reached a spot covered by an old scar, 'there were always people who… wanted to reintroduce intimacy into their lives,’ she was surprised by the wistfulness of her own tone.
'But not you.’
'No lust for adventure?’
'I went to war against the wishes of the Council, how much more adventurous do you want me to be?’ Illa joked slightly ruefully.
'Fair point,’ Atton laughed.
'And after that I…’ the Exile wasn’t sure how to explain that strange and painful duality that tore at her during her years of wandering. That urge to keep going while wanting nothing more than an anchor. 'It doesn’t matter,’ she realized her hands started to tire. 'What about you? I suppose you had some experience with… massages.’
'None that felt this good,’ Illa couldn’t see the scoundrel’s face but she could easily imagine a soft but cocky smile.
'You’re flattering… wait,’ the Exile pulled back and sat on her heels. She let her hands drop in her lap. 'What do you mean by that exactly?’
Atton gave her a side glance then he pushed himself up to the same kneeling position Illa took. 'If you’re worried you got me feeling something with this little back rub of yours then… trust me, it’s nothing that hasn’t already been there.’
Illa didn’t answer, she felt the heat rising in her cheeks again but she merely watched the pilot who still looked at her with barely noticeable invitation. She couldn’t help but glance at his lips for a short moment.
'Okay, that’s not true,’ Atton continued. 'You gotta teach me that, I…’ he reached behind his neck, enjoying the feeling of his relaxed fibers. 'I need to return the favor.’
'This was not really a favor,’ the Exile made a weak attempt at a protest. 'And you definitely don’t need to return this.’
'But I want to,’ Atton sounded strangely serious even though his lips still curled to a smile. 'I… I just wanna take care of you. I think it’s about time someone did that,’ he cautiously reached for the hand lying in the Exile’s lap and gave it a gentle squeeze. He stood up after that and reached for his blade through the Force. 'Besides… no offense but you look a bit stiff,’ he joked, 'that could get dangerous if you’re not careful.’
Illa rolled her eyes at him, smiling, and got up. 'You know what else could get dangerous if you’re not careful?’ She flicked her fingers and the pilot’s shirt flew in his face. 'Messiness.’
They laughed and after a few moments of preparation, they continued their sparring in a lot more relaxed manner.
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babineni · 5 years
or 6 smut for them bc i was thinking about what you said about illa getting flustered when her partner dirty talks to her in public lol but that one's especially only if you want
Thanks, Shan 👀👀👀 Yeah it took me ages but here’s one… whatever this is coming up
cw: dirty talking, discussions about sex and sexual imagery seriously idk how to explain these oh well
“We’re in public, you know.”
Illa tilted her head as she watched a mannequin that was about the same height as her but a lot slimmer. The doll’s body was enveloped by a white dress with gold embroidery that was also long enough reach the floor.
The Exile was invited to a banquet to honor Queen Talia’s visit to Telos. It was mostly a formality – to show the Queen’s continued support of the restoration effort aswell as to commemorate Onderon’s and Telos’ shared struggle against Darth Nihilus – but it was still an event that was meant to be taken seriously and conducted according to a strict set of protocols. Normally a Jedi was meant to wear their traditional garments to such an event. But Illa was not a Jedi. Not quite. Which lead her and Atton to a store on Citadel Station. And to that mannequin.
‘I don’t know about that one,’ Atton said.
Illa was glad he wasn’t as bored as she was. She usually prioritized functionality when she shopped for clothes.  It’s been very long since the time when her only concern was meant to be fashion and even then she only wanted to explore her own sense of beauty. It was more comfortable than examining all the other uncharted corners of her self that she was left with after her old life was denied from her.
‘Any thoughts you’d like to share?’ She asked. Atton gave her a slight smirk and stepped away. He came back to her holding a different dress.
‘I think I’d like to see you in this.’ he handed Illa the outfit and she lifted it up to examine it better. In many ways, it was similar to the one she eyed on the mannequin but the skirt was cut on the side along its length.
'It’s…  a bit revealing.’
'It’s not that bad. It just shows a little leg…’
'It shows all of my leg,’ Illa corrected him.
Atton’s grin widened slightly and the Exile caught a suggestive twinkle in his eyes.
'Yeah, it’s perfect,’ he stepped closer to Illa. 'We wouldn’t want it to get in the way when we sneak away for a quickie.’
Illa blinked at him then she let out a nervous chuckle. 'That’s… uh… I don’t think this is the right place for such talk.’
The scoundrel shrugged. 'You asked for my opinion,’ he leaned closer. 'And I want to see as much of your body as I can,’ his tone was hushed but the Exile still felt the intensity of his words. ‘I want to look at your leg and imagine how I’m gonna kiss my way up to your sweet pussy. I wanna…’
'I get the point, thank you,’ Illa stopped his line of thought before more of it could be burned into her own mind. The image of the pilot loving up her labia already lingered in her, teasing her by pulling forth memories of his tongue pushing her to her climax. The Exile buried her face into the dress she was holding, trying to hide her face getting flushed. She vaguely heard Atton’s adoring laugh, prompting her to look back at him.
'We’re in public, you know,’ she added.
The scoundrel looked around in the store. There were a few other customers, minding their own businesses, and a few vendor droids pestering them.
'No one’s listening,’ he tried to reassure the Exile.
Illa, however, felt differently. She had to admit: deep down it was her own desire that filled her with that slight discomfort she just voiced. For the better part of her life, she has been told that her passions would inevitably lead her to the Dark Side. She knew much of this restriction was ill-founded but she couldn’t unlearn it. Not entirely. And Atton could evoke desires in her so easily, so playfully, in places where she couldn’t express them, just to let those little passions grow into cravings by the time they got home. He kept saying she was cute when they made love after she pined for him for a few hours. The Exile had no doubt about this and she was sure he felt the same kind of pining for her. But she also often got the impression he had a better grasp on his passion than she ever would.
'That’s not the point,’ Illa said, 'not entirely, at least.’
'What’s wrong?’ Atton’s smirk disappeared and his face only reflected concern. He reached for Illa’s back and ran his hand up and down along her spine to a slow, soothing rhythm.
'Nothing, I just… You know exactly how badly I want you when you talk to me like that.’
'Yeah, it’s pretty hot,’ Atton interrupted but didn’t continue when he saw Illa’s disapproving look.
'What I’m trying to say is…’ The Exile went on. 'It’s that I… I can’t be irresponsible with my feelings for you. I love you, nothing will ever change that but I haven’t learned how to handle my lust just yet, not… in the way I would like. Wanting you like this…’ she looked away, surprised at the weight of her own words forming inside her. 'I’m scared of it sometimes.’
Atton gave her a sympathetic look before he drew her into an embrace. Illa felt soft kisses blown on her hair as she melted into the hug.
'You know,bthere’s a lot about us that scares me too,’ he said. 'But I know this Jedi, the only one in the Galaxy who’s worth listening to, if you ask me…’ Atton’s words made Illa smile faintly. 'She keeps telling me that I should trust myself. Or if I can’t do that, I should trust us.’
'I think I could do that,’ the Exile replied after a few moments of thinking. 'But I’m not getting the dress.’
'That’s not why I said it,’ the scoundrel’s words made Illa pull away slightly. She looked at him admiringly and she saw her emotions reflected in his gaze. 'Actually, I was hoping we could have sex in one of the fitting rooms,’ he joked.
The Exile rolled her eyes and stepped away. She pressed the dress against the pilot’s chest who simply laughed as an answer. He took it and left to put it back wherebhe found it. Illa watched him and noticed a hint of joy easing her fears.
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babineni · 5 years
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babineni · 5 years
5 for Fluff!
Thank you 💖💖 sorry it took me this long, I hope you like it :D (also I just realized this fic is the fluffier, more in-line-with-my-canon version of this thing I wrote some time ago, oh well)
5 - “Are you warm enough? “
It’s been a truly eventful day. Illa walked up the ramp of the Ebon Hawk, squeezing rainwater out of her hair, and smiled to herself over the victory on Onderon. Atton and Kreia followed her – the old master walked right past her student, the pilot however stopped beside her. He looked like as if he wanted to tell her something important, but at the same time there was a smile lurking in the corner of his lips and a spark in his eyes that was both beautiful and only vaguely familiar to the Exile.
‘Did something happen out there?’ Illa asked. ‘You seem calmer than-‘
Atton embraced her before she could finish. The Exile returned the hug and tried to melt into it the best she could but the touch of the scoundrel’s soaked shirt against her own wet robes left her shivering.
‘Yeah,’ the pilot replied eventually, ‘there’s something I wanna discuss,’ he pulled slightly away but he still rubbed her back gently, ‘but I guess it would be better if we didn’t freeze to death in the process.’
He let go of Illa reluctantly and the two of them parted ways for the few minutes it took them to change into something dry. The Exile set out to the cockpit still trying to warm herself up but she felt an eagerness she hadn’t experience in along time. The pilot’s joy was contagious, its resonance tangled with the glee she felt over her own triumph, but most of all she was simply happy she had the chance to share this feeling with the scoundrel.
Atton stood up from his seat when the Exile reached the cockpit. He walked up to her as she approached him and once she got within arm’s reach, he took her face in his hands and claimed her lips. Illa was caught by surprise but the feeling dissipated a moment later and she kissed back.
‘Sorry, I had to,’ Atton apologized as he pulled away. He left one of his hands cupping her cheek and ran the other down her neck and her arm until he reached her hand. He took it cautiously.
‘It’s alright,’ Illa peeled his hand off her face and kissed his palm. The pilot gave her a tired and relieved smile but she could still see the spark she noticed earlier in his eyes. She found it almost mesmerizing. ‘I’m just glad to see you so calm and… happy.’
The scoundrel’s smile faded for the moments he spent contemplating the Exile’s words but it soon reappeared.
‘Happy? I…I guess I am happy,’ he laughed and Illa laughed with him.
‘May I ask what happened?’ She asked although a part of her would have preferred enjoying the feelings he evoked in her in silence.
‘Yeah, I was gonna tell you, I just… got a bit distracted,’ he stepped away trying to collect his thougts but he still held onto the Exile’s hand loosely. ‘Did the Mandalorians fill you in on what happened?’
‘I know you went to the tomb of Freedon Nadd. It must have been hard to fight there, if I knew…’
‘It was fine,’ Atton interrupted Illa, ‘it worked out better than I ever would’ve guessed,’ he let out a bittersweet chuckle as he remembered. ‘You’re right, the Dark Side was pretty damn strong there. I felt it around me, trying reach inside me… and I thought I’d reach back.’
The Exile furrowed her brows as she listened. ‘Always the gambler, I see.’
‘I guess I am, but that’s not the point: it paid off. I looked right into that darkness, so deep I couldn’t even tell if it was the tomb or it was me. And it had no power over me,’ the scoundrel glanced at the hand he was holding before he continued, ‘I felt that place pulling at that… emptiness I left behind but I could never forget. But I stayed as I am.’ He lifted Illa’s hand and placed on his chest, right over his heart. ‘I felt the Force the way you taught me: separated from war…’
‘Separated from hate,’ the Exile finished the sentence.
‘Yeah… it’s kinda hard to explain but I feel like I proved something to myself there.’
‘I know exactly what you mean,’ Illa left a kiss on Atton’s cheek. She recalled a faint memory from ten years before – a spark tangled in sorrow and anger. The emotion she felt as she took the first steps away from the Jedi Temple as an exile: a slight sense of certainty, a weak semblance of faith, a flickering ray of hope –not rooted in teachings or leaders or ideas but in herself. It took her years to truly grasp that feeling and turn it into a foundation of something she could rely on. At that moment she recognized that same spark in Atton’s eyes and that realization sent a pleasant shiver down her body.
‘You’re shaking again,’ Atton stepped closer to Illa, ‘are you warm enough?’ He wrapped her in his arms before she could answer.
‘I am,’ she laughed, trying to hold back her tears of joy and the shaking of her hand. ‘I’m just so proud of you.’
‘I had a good teacher,’ he hummed against the Exile’s ear. ‘So… thanks. For everything,’ he said as he tightened his embrace.
Illa didn’t answer. She merely closed her eyes and allowed herself to be swept up by her joyful pride, Atton’s newfound strength and their shared happiness.
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babineni · 5 years
Illa + the connection to the force?? for the ask meme 🤔
AAAA thank you 💖😭💖
Illa always found it easier to sense the Force in other life forms than in the cosmos around her. Her Force-sensitivity was discovered when she sensed and followed around the flying manta ray thing on Dantooine.
Weirdly enough Illa has an easier time detecting individuals if they're Dark sided or if they're in an environment strong in the Dark side. It's sort of like hearing missed notes in a dissonant tune, whereas on the Light side she senses a harmony and as an extension she senses a network formed by people - and most of the time she feels really really tempted to connect to such networks.
Illa eventually learned how to use her Force bonds with her students in a way that's similar to Battle Meditation.
Illa kinda suspected that Kreia lied about the Jedi cutting her off from the Force because she remembered being unable to sense it on the way to her trial. However she deluded herself into thinking she was right and blamed her sense of disconnection to freshly experienced trauma.
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babineni · 5 years
"let me help you" for whoever you'd like?
Thank you sooo much 💖💖💖 I went with Illa x Atton :D Here's some kotor 2 ending ridiculously angsty edition
cw: character death (Kreia, the Unnamed Jedi), war flashbacks
The echo of Atton’s footsteps melded with the thunders of Malachor V. He was no longer sure if he was moving or if he still stood frozen at the entrance of Trayus Core. When he glimpsed Illa lying in the center of the hall next to Kreia, his heart and mind went blank, with only a distant memory filling him up to the point of being overwhelming. The memory of him flying over Malachor as the Mass Shadow Generator was first activated. The memory of fire, smoke, the controls of his fighter going haywire, panic and desperation getting the better of him as he rerouted all power into the engines, the defiant cry he let out as he directed the ship towards what he assumed was up. The memory of feeling trapped and motionless in the grey cage of smoke and metal, the memory of time and space becoming meaningless for a few moments.
And now the pilot felt it all again.
Atton ran across the bridge leading to the red heart of Trayus Core and knelt next to the Exile. She still held on to her lightsaber and she seemed to be unharmed. The scoundrel then turned to Kreia. There was a slightly darker spot on her black robe – the mark left by the lightsaber that stabbed her through the heart. Atton turned his attention back to Illa and placed his fingers on her throat.
‘Come on, don’t do this to me,’ he hissed, when he felt a weak, unsteady pulse. ‘Just…let go of her. Cut the bond,’ he received no reply. He turned to Kreia then. ‘Cut the fucking bond!’
The old witch lay there dead and smiling, almost as if she was still mocking him. Atton groaned and looked back at Illa. He made his best effort at the healing trance as he caressed her hair with his free hand.
‘Illa, please. Don’t give up on me now. It’s almost over.’
The scoundrel’s thoughts drifted to another memory: of another Jedi dying in his arms, with his hand around her throat. He was so full of fear and anger then and she had nothing but love for him… for everyone. She should not have died. Atton has been trying to be a person worthy of her sacrifice but as he knelt in the heart of Malachor… at that very moment… he could not even recall her face. He only saw Illa.
‘This isn’t fair. I was supposed to save you!’ Atton let out a pained yell and scolded himself from getting distracted from the healing meditation. He was harsher with himself than the Exile would have been. ‘Let me help you now, please. Just…wake up. Let’s get outta here.’
Illa laid still. She almost looked peaceful against the pilot’s shaky hands.
‘Fine. You wanna play dirty? Huh?’ Atton said. If Illa heard what he was about to say, she would have gotten so angry at him… but only for a few seconds before she calmed the two of them down. He could not help but chuckle at the thought ruefully. ‘How’s this for a deal: if you’re not leaving, I’m not lea-‘
The Exile stirred before he could finish. She opened her eyes a few seconds later, although it took her sight longer to adjust.
‘Atton?’ she asked then looked around still somewhat dazed. The pilot sighed with relief, leaning over the Exile’s chest. He let his forehead rest against her collarbone and let out an exhausted laugh. Then he straightened his back as he regained his composure.
‘Yeah, I’m here. How are you feeling?’
‘I don’t know,’ Illa answered while gazing at Kreia lying next to her. Her face reflected grief but when she turned to the pilot she seemed almost as relieved as he was. ‘But I… I saw the future, Atton. We’re going to be alright,’ she said with a smile.
‘Well, we won’t be if we don’t get moving,’ Atton said with faked pessimism then helped the Exile up. He fought the urge to embrace her and set out to leave instead.
Atton only managed to take a few steps before Illa caught up to him. She took his hand as she walked next to him. The pilot was not sure if he felt her hand tremble or his own. He saw tears gather in her eyes when he glanced at her, and she turned to him when she felt his gaze on her. The Exile flashed a tired smile at him and held on to his hand a little more tightly as they left the Trayus Academy behind for good.
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babineni · 5 years
10 or 22 for illa x atton, if you want!
Thank you 💖💖 I went with the first one :D Here's a sort of follow up to this thing
10 - “I love kissing you.”
It has been a strange few days. Atton watched the blue swirls on the way to M4-78, trying to sort out the whirlpool of his own feelings, His thoughts kept drifting back to the kiss he shared with the Exile after they left the Sith academy on Korriban. The sensation of Illa’s lips against his has been etched into his memories, leavingba feeling of warmth and peace in the back of his mind. The pilot got the impression that she liked the kiss as well. However in the next days she asked not to go any further than that, at least not for a while.
The Exile said she needed time to get a better grasp on her emotions, to ensure her affection for scoundrel would not be twisted by war. But as long as she was busy fighting the Sith and training all her students, she did not have this time. Atton found her request reasonable. A part of him even thought she was too generous with him, that he shouldn’t have let things between them develop to the point they have. That it would’ve been best if they stayed friends.
But that kiss… felt too good, it meant too much for him not to want more. And each time the pilot caught a glimpse of Illa’s promise in her eyes or heard it in her voice, he only felt quiet glee and anticipation.
Atton smiled faintly to himself as he stood up from his seat and set out to the bathroom of the ship. He thought his thoughts could flow more freely under the refresher where he didn’t need to restrain the desires his memories evoked. Just as he reached for the controls of the bathroom door, it opened and Illa stepped out, barely missing the scoundrel. She wore nothing but a towel and she gathered her damp hair on one side, just the way she did when they first met on Peragus. It made the pilot smile.
‘Oh, hey there,’ the Exile greeted him, returning the smile, as she tried to push past him. The pilot had the same idea, however, and they bumped into each other. Atton stepped to the other side of the corridor, trying to give her room to move, but he only ended up blocking her path once again. Illa laughed at their clumsiness and placed her hands on his arms. She gently guided him to one side as she stepped to the other until Atton ended up standing with his back towards the bathroom entrance and she was free to go anywhere else on the ship.
However, the Exile didn’t leave.
Illa let her gaze explore the scoundrel’s face until it settled on his lips. She slid her hands up his arms and his neck, finally cupping his face. Atton, without thinking, reached for her waist and pulled her closer.  She closed the gap between them a moment later. The pilot kissed back instinctively before he realized what was happening. Once he did, he pulled away in surprise.
‘I’m sorry,’ the Exile’s hands darted to her mouth and she looked at Atton with her eyes showing nothing but guilt. ‘I should not have done that.’
‘Don’t be sorry, it’s fine, really,’ the scoundrel shook off his initial surprise and pulled her close again. ‘Hell, it’s… more than fine,’ he said as he claimed her lips. He could almost taste her relief as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
‘I love kissing you,’ Illa sighed breaking their kiss.
‘I l-‘Atton stopped himself when he processed the Exile’s words, the words he wanted to echo back at her. He pulled away and looked at her with wonder. ‘You said “love”.’
Illa blinked at him slightly confused. For a moment she looked like as if her words were nothing but a meaningless slip and that she was going to take them back. But once that moment passed her lips slowly curled to a radiant smile.
‘I suppose I did,’ she laughed. ‘That’s not a problem, is –‘
Atton pulled her on his lips again. He tightened his embrace and took a few steps back, dragging Illa into the bathroom. She blindly reached for the door’s controls and closed it, the pilot then pressed her body against the door. He fought the  urge to let his hands wander by grasping at the towel on the Exile’s back and kissing her harder and more and more ravenously with each passing second. Illa, however, insisted on keeping her slow, gentle pace. She eased his scorching passion with her soothing serenity and satiated his hunger with her tenderness. By the time they broke the kiss, Atton’s breathing calmed, although his heart still beat fast for the Exile.
‘I do love kissing you,’ Illa whispered. The pilot enjoyed the sensation of her breath against his lips.
‘I… I feel the same,’ he answered. A part of him felt that his words were inadequate but he couldn’t bring himself to express his feelings as they were meant to. The scoundrel left a trail of kisses on Illa’s exposed shoulder who in turn laughed softly against his ear. ‘Right now,’ Atton continued, ‘I could just… pull you into that ‘fresher and kiss every damned drop of water off you.’
‘Tempting,’ the Exile gently pushed him away, ‘but no. I… we had an agreement.’
‘Yeah… I remember. I just thought…’
‘Yes, I know,’ Illa’s voice rang with guilt, ‘I should have kept my word. I just…’
‘Love kissing me?’ Atton teased her with a smug grin.
The Exile rolled her eyes at him but she still smiled. ‘Don’t let it go to your head,’ she said as she tightened the towel wrapped around her. She left the scoundrel alone who went on to take the longest cold shower he had in a while.
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