beholdingslut · 4 years
brownbicon replied to your post “thinking about the fact that appian called tiberius gracchus someone...”
wait come back this is so sexy
emojuliuscaesar replied to your post “thinking about the fact that appian called tiberius gracchus someone...”  
no I want more of this
illuminirk replied to your post “thinking about the fact that appian called tiberius gracchus someone...”
I need you to wake up and go at this again tho
i was trying to figure out which tiberius he might have been named for because there’s a few but i’ve decided it’s this one >:) because i am obsessed with comparing jim to hot charismatic figures, especially those who are working on behalf of the people. and obviously tiberius used his power in such a revolutionary way he was labelled a tyrant but appian POPPED the fuck off with that line. ... the ACT of jim saving his crew as being an excellent design (which is heartbreaking to consider that as his Magnum Opus) and that the great tragedy of it is that he succeeded because he did it with as much violence and energy as anything he did and if it wasn’t violently pursued (literally the physicality of him suffering from the radiation as he struggles to complete this last task) it wouldn’t have worked which is to say if it wasn’t jim. it wouldn’t have worked.
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kingofattolia · 5 years
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illuminirk replied to your post
grace you just get it
my mom, a minimalist: hey you havent used these in years, mind if i toss them?
me, crushed under the existential terror evoked by such a request:
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ladyinshiningarmor · 5 years
illuminirk replied to your post “is anyone going to talk to me about how wonderfully and awkwardly and...”
he’s just so fucking open and willing to share the absolute, vulnerable truth about everything and he does it with this steely unblinking softness. he’s so kind and gentle but he doesn’t flinch away from these hard hard things, he just puts them out there and sits with them and lets other people work out how to react and respond with this very compassionate patience and god i wanna be that person so so badly
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gryffenders · 5 years
Like,,,, if youre gonna watch naruto, can u at LEAST do it in a god honoring way????
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mamathemeritus · 5 years
@illuminirk replied to your post “[[MOR] i’m just so………………..disappointed in this trilogy tbh. like tfa...”
you're right and you should say i
i’m just like was it so hard to just write a three movie story arc in preproduction of this trilogy and do these characters justice and give them good characterizations??? and maybe not glorify abuse and fascist genocidal assholes the entire time???
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livepasthope · 5 years
illuminirk replied to your post: god i started the first episode of season 2 i feel...
yes it is but i just remembered the amazon strike so fingers crossed i can find it illegally 
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wizzard890 · 6 years
hello love! obviously this is a lowkey ask, but my partner and i were arguing as to if you have to wear a belt when tucking in a shirt. i don't think it's an across the board necessity and they think it is. what do you think?
you are right! tucking in a shirt or a sweater is often about changing the lines of your outfit, and belts aren’t always about holding your pants up. they’re both aesthetic decisions that don’t necessarily have anything to do with one another.
(although your partner sounds like they appreciate looking very Put Together, and what I have to say to that is: hot. well done.)
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renza15 · 5 years
illuminirk replied to your post “illuminirk replied to your post: illuminirk...”
oh my god!!!! oh my god that's so sweet!!! all of you together and celebrating and supporting each other -- you're amazing! it's what you deserve and you're going to do incredible thigns
(only just saw this, oops) aaaaaahhh i know right?? i’m so blessed, and honestly, those moments were magical-- i’ll remember it for the rest of my life. again, thank you so much, love!!! i’m beyond excited to start this new part of my life and explore everything that’s out there!! 
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hawkeyefrommash · 6 years
illuminirk replied to your post: you only follow 43 people omg i always find people...
my issue is I keep inactive old blogs of friends so I have like 80 mutuals and then 80 inactive blogs like STOP
im the same abt friends but if they havent updated in like... 2+ years i’ll unfollow bc they arent coming back that ship has sailed . unless they do which is the case for the person who tagged me in this so i guess U Never Know really huh
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liljakonvalj · 6 years
“tagged” by @illuminirk whom i am a fan of and one of the few tumblrers i acually talk about with everyday people outside of this site. And then i mostly talk about this three year old post about jesus and judas because i swear that that post helped change my life!
RULES: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
a | age: aroud what i assume is the average age on this site
b | birthplace: Sweden
c | current time: 23:53
d | drink you last had: water, boring i know.
e | easiest person to talk to: my mum.
f | favourite songs: Du måste finnas (You have to be there, link to a youtube video with english translation) by Helen Sjöholm is a song that, for me, fits for happiness, anger, despair, thankfulness and all emotions therebetween. it’s a song that i listen to on repeat whenever i need too. --- Let everything that has breath praise the Lord by Kurt Carr & the Kurt Carr Singers. is such a banger, especially the vamp (4:52 and forth in the video), this past winter i listened to it almost every day over and over. --- You make me brave by Bethel kids, is such an inspiration for me and the soloist’s voice is breathtaking. The video is ver cool too! --- I solsken (swedish version of Out there) from the hunchback of Notre Dame is an old favourite, this song is to me a prime example of what a ‘i-long-for-something-more’-song should be and joakim portrays that emotion with near perfection. --- i have more song which i like a lot, but i’ll cap myself at 4 songs.
g | grossest memory: i’ve worked with taking care of people’s personal hygiene. One memory (which isn’t really gross to me, but more hilarious) is when an old lady, who sometimes become a bit confused, pooped in the communal dining room and then picked up and put her turd in the middle of the dining table. 
h | horror yes or horror no: oh, horror no 
i | in love?: no
j | jealous of people: yes, sadly. I try to work on that as best as i can
k | knowledge people don’t expect you to have: people tend to be surprised when i know how to make cordial (and not “make” as in just preparing it for consumption, but in that i know how to boil it, let it rest and all else that comes with actually making cordial. i’m best at elderflower cordial, fyi). They migt also be surprised by all the disney trivia i know
l | love at first sight or should i walk by again?: i think the latter option has a higher chance of lasting in the long run, but i think both could work.
m | middle name: i have two of them yes
n | number of siblings: more than the norm, but no less than average
o | one wish: if available: endless/more wishes, because how am i supposed to be able to live without regretting all the things i DIDN’T choose otherways? say i ended world hunger, but then why didn’t i solve the earth’s environmental problemes, or cure all sicknesses, or ensure the happiness of my own family and friends, or end all dictatorships, or end all racism etc ... and i think that all those ‘what ifs’ will just consume me. If we hypothesize that only One person on earth will be given this One wish, I’d rather it not be me.
p | person you called last?: my mum, lol. that she has been the answer two times now might lead you to believe worse things than you ought ...
q | questions you’re always asked: I don’t think i have any specific questions that i’m asked save for te standard phrases “how are you?” “What do you think?” “what have you been up to since last time?” “how much do we have in the bank account?” etc
r | reminder to self: pray more 
s | song you last sang: probably Länge leve livet (Long live life, the link is to a youtube video with an adequate translation of the lyrics to english)
t | time you woke: 5.30 am
u | unpopular opinion: we should talk more about taboo subjects in church. And I do actually think that sex should be kept only to the married state. That being said I do think you should be able to marry someone regardless of gender and stuff like that.
v | vacation destination: i’d like to travel north, maybe to the northern parts of finland? i also want to return to canada and japan would be a cool place to visit.
w | worst habit: adding extra words when i speak.
x | x-rays?: dental stuff for myself. I’ve also one time gotten to help someone with holding poses inside an x-ray-room so i got to wear a lead-suit, which made me feel kinda cool.
y | your favorite food: lasagna
z | zodiac sign: do people honestly believe in these?
since none of you whom i tagged last time did the “challenge” i’ll just say, you who wish to do this, do it! and tag me and i’ll come reading it!
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kingofattolia · 5 years
grace I just saw tros and I'm LOSING IT it was so good. I saw you talk about loving it and got worried, but holy crap
RIGHT??? What an awesome mess tbh. What was your favorite part?
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ladyinshiningarmor · 5 years
indifferentomens replied to your post “i totally understand why people talk about the military like they do...”
my little brother was in the marines for a few years - I get it :( only made me hate the us military complex more, but I think a lot of people who hate it don't realise that the kids who've joined up are people too and they aren't individually responsible for all the decisions made by politicians. sending you sympathy and good wishes for your brother ❤️
@indifferentomens yeah my brother is a marine too......he is an incredibly smart, talented, hardworking human being, but we definitely disagree in worldview and i hate that he was so excited to use his skills to do things i dread to know. but....he’s still my baby brother. even when i agree with these people about the whole military machine, i still see my little brother in these conversations and i want him home safe, even while knowing that he might be doing terrible, terrible things. i just don’t know. there’s a lot of tension there that really can’t be resolved. anyway thank you <3
@illuminirk and @thisbrilliantsky i also saw your responses and thank you guys too <3
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gryffenders · 5 years
my ground
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bjorkgf · 5 years
this username is fucking iconic
lmaoooo thank u
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livepasthope · 5 years
illuminirk replied to your post: they really had steve say hail hydra like fuck...
there’s time travel, they need to get the sceptre for the infinity stone, they go back to the battle of new york, turns out sitwell and strike team (including rumlow) were the ones who showed up to take the sceptre, steve gets on an elevator with them (yes, what you’re thinking is correct, they are intentionally echoing that scene) and needs to get the briefcase, sitwell’s like nah and steve’s like no it’s good get it i’m one of you, leans down and whispers hail hydra
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renza15 · 5 years
illuminirk replied to your post: illuminirk replied to your post “I GOT INTO UCLA”...
this made me tear up!!!!!! i’m so excited for you!!!
aahh omg ;~;; thank you sweet friend <3 <3 i’m not gonna lie, when i found out earlier, i broke down into sobs 
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