#illyaana | Aizawa Shota
illyaana · 3 years
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Fanart by: @jinnyart06 (thanks for letting me use it <3)
Collab by @httptamaki
Congrats on one-whole year on Tumblr love! Hope you're having a great day <3 Check out all the other works in the collab~!
Tags: Aizawa x Reader, Fluff, Binaural (if you consider shit a curse word then extremely minor amounts of cursing) (like 1 word)
Synopsis: Aizawa just wanted to stay indoors for his birthday with you and only you. (that's it SJSKAJ)
WC: 1031 (I didn't proofread as much as I usually do, so forgive me if there's a lot of mistakes :<)
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My asks are always open! Send in requests if you want to xx
All likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated <3
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You pressed your lips on his forehead, pulling him closer to your chest. Fingers entangled in his hair, your thumb softly grazed the side of his cheek.
You felt his arms wrap around your waist as he pressed his forehead against your lips. His fingers played with your cotton wool sweater, pressing against the small puffs back into the cream-coloured clothing. His soft breaths met the base of your neck, making your goosebumps rise ever so slightly. Your laughter filled the room the moment you felt his leg hang off yours, swinging slightly.
“Your monkey,” he whispered.
He nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, his stubble tickling your skin. You grabbed the blanket that fell off the bed and slung it over the two of you, encasing the both of you in a new layer of warmth. A small hum of approval left the raven-haired male as he pulled himself closer to you.
“You forgot that today’s your birthday, didn’t you?” You whisper, twirling his long hair.
“No wonder I heard all those notifications in the morning.”
“...and you didn’t reply to any of those messages?” You say as you reach for his phone.
“Don’t you dare,” he groaned as he put your hand back on his head, “Keep playing with my hair - it’s relaxing.”
You cup his cheeks, bringing his face closer to you.
“What’s up with you today?”
“I just want to sleep in - not worry about all those kids and all…”
You pushed yourself down to lay your head against his chest. As if it was instinct, he began to ruffle your hair, making it messier than it was before. You listened to his soft, steady heartbeat. Enveloped in his woodsy, fresh scent, your body instantly relaxed. His left hand began to stroke your back as he lulled you to sleep.
Or at least to.
“I can’t have a day in, Shota; I have things to hand in-”
“Call in sick, please.”
“I can’t.”
“You can - I’ll call your boss so they don’t even need to talk to you; just give me their number.”
“I’ll call them - just give me their number.”
You sigh in defeat.
“I hate that I can’t say no to you,” you pass your phone to him.
He passed his phone to you, smiling.
“What do you want me to do?”
“Talk to Nezu for me.”
You both sat on the couch with his sleeping bag draped on his shoulder, reaching his legs. His legs were wrapped yours as you sat in between them. He pressed his front on your back, hunching slightly. You felt his long hair press on your neck, reminding you of how long it has grown since you met him a few years back.
“What made you decide to keep your hair long?”
“I don’t really know,” he replied, “I guess I forgot to cut it?”
A snort came from you after hearing his response.
“How are you so lazy yet so hardworking?”
“It’s called having priorities, Y/N.”
“And you definitely weren’t the main reason why I am ‘sick’ today, aren’t you?”
He chuckled as he pulled you closer to him.
“There are days where you can just not care, you know?”
“And today just magically became one of those days?”
“Birthdays are the day to give no shits, Y/N - especially when they’re your partner’s.”
You placed his hands into yours and began playing with them as you enjoyed the comfortable silence that fell between the two of you. You closed your eyes as you enjoyed the warmth he radiated, pressing your head against his shoulder. He soon placed his head atop yours as you both stared at the crackling fireplace in front of the two of you. The smell that wafted from the flames - the crisp, sharp smell of heated air - awoke your senses, making you feel the small tingling sensations that crawled up your arm.
You turned to face him, your legs wrapped around his waist.
You pressed your hands against his cheeks, enjoying the roughness that came from the stubble on his chin to the softness of the apples of his cheeks. He instantly closed his eyes, pressing his face into your two hands. Your thumb slowly grazed his lower lip, feeling every single line and every crevice. You stared at his eyelashes, wondering about how it hid the most beautiful shade of obsidian under those eyelids.
“I love you, Shota. I feel like I don’t say it often, but you mean the world to me.”
He opened his eyes and met your intense gaze.
There it is; your beautiful shade of obsidian.
“I love you too, Y/N. I know my world isn’t safe - every single time I walk out of this little safe haven of ours, I am met by things that threaten my life - but I still want you in it. It’s selfish - I know it is - but you’re the only thing I want to wake up to. I only want you to see me like this - all defenceless and unguarded. I only want you to hold me like this - to cup my cheeks and to hold me so close. I only want to hear your voice when I come back home - the rest of the world can wait for me when I leave the next day.”
He pressed his forehead against yours, your noses meeting each other.
“And I want to be the only one who gets to kiss you - no one else.”
You closed your eyes as he closed the distance between the two of you.
This… this was home.
It wasn’t the walls that were decorated with photos of the two of you.
It wasn’t the memories that flashed before you as you stared at your shared kitchen, the sofa nor the window.
It was the warmth that he - and only he - gave you.
It was comforting; it gave you a sense of security.
It was caring; reminded you of all the times you wasted in his embrace.
His skin, his hair, his eyes, his nose, his lips…
Home is the warmth Aizawa Shota gave you as you love each other unconditionally.
“Happy birthday, Shota.”
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