#ily heck loads u r my star and i ll fite on that hill 4 life
ditttiii · 2 years
I’m glad you haven’t forgotten me (the granny whose name starts with a k, yep that’s me) Trust me, if you are to blame for such a long time of silence, I’ll eat my shoe. I even have your box of goodies put together but never managed to send it off!!! (Promise I’ll purchase all the edibles and send it off first thing tomorrow!)
I’m sorry to hear that life hasn’t been the best, I know that we all have learning lessons, but some of them just suck and hurt more than they should. I hope that the hurt has faded to a memory that you can put behind you. And while I’d hope to commiserate and offer support for any bad choices, I won’t make you relive them. Instead, tell me about the brightest and happiest choice that you made if you would like to brag about it, I’d love to hear!
Toto has gotten so big!!! Such a fluff ball!!! It looks like he’s enjoying life~ lol. Mischievous huh? Have any stories about that? I’m curious!
Also, you’re such a sap! I’m glad you’re happy to hear from me, but we all know that you’re the light of our lives~
- 🍅🍞XOXO
heck no ofc i havent forgotten r u kidding me 😭 u r one of the very few friends i always think of that i feel like live in my alternate life hidden away from others on this hellfire site. i also am veryy proud of how much i feel like ik about you ahah 💗😚 and noo way you STILL DO?? 😭 istg i will actually lose it if that happens and you will most certainly have to bear my baby ass crying for joy and being sentimental over it all for the rest of our lives aaah i cant even wrap my head around the fact that u still remember let alone have a half packed box maam u r going to make me BAWL 😭💗😭💗😭
those learning lessons do hurt like hell yeah and i m still working through a few things but a lot of that hurt is yeah thankfully a memory. some of the same triggers are still present in my life but the way i handle them has changed for the better i think.
and ooo hmm have i made any bright choices this year lol? but mmmm i think choosing to break up with my boyfriend and realizing my self worth? i really battled with crap mental and physical health this year and the relationship that i had previously so deeply cherished and been vulnerable in turned toxic and very absent and i think finding the strength to pick me and choose me and hold onto my love for me and being real enough to acknowledge what had already fallen apart was...something. it made me grow as a person making that choice and helped me feel as though i have somehow reclaimed my pride and peace from the shambles of that relationship after losing so much in it. the whole thing still hurts but i am also so dang proud of myself. it was my first time being in love maybe and yeah, i m just really protective and proud of me now. which coincidentally, you're on your kid? slaps. the song slaps for me. mother taylor knowing whatsup always 🙇🏻‍♀️
toto issss a giant furr ball now truly like its 6:30 am here and i can hear him barking and running around in the yard out. he feels no remorse ever for waking us up at ass crack dawn to pee lol. and ooo gosh i have so mant toto stories, just the other day he tackled my cook lady to the couch and jumped on her lap to give her lickies and kisses. ofc hes a 30+ kg mammoth with far too much excitement running through his veins so the whole experience was a little less cute for that lady who is now parts soft parts terrified of him. but yea he lovess car rides and will huff and glare and pout until i concede and take him out and ofc coming back it is. never. enough
my man's not too high on iq.
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