#im a combination of hamlet and hamiltons worst qualities
spiderashe · 2 years
Im so tired already and its only 5pm
But thats what I get for procrastinating again.
But I'm almost finished my essay!
What was intending to be an essay about the symbolism of roads in Thoreau's 'Walden', has now turned into a piece on the dualities of roads, routes and mobility. I've managed to bring in not only Native American literature (as mentioned previously), but also somehow I've looped in some of Rukeyser's work too. I probably won't get a great grade because I've gone off topic, but seeing as my lecturer is a big fan of Ginsberg and Thoreau's works- specifically the transcendentalist pieces- I'd say I'll at least pass reasonably well.
So now it's onto my political placement report... and then to actually start studying for the exams that I have starting on Monday that I haven't looked at yet.... I'm a tired idiot :)
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