#im a simple soul. i see boat or the ocean waves or pirates and my mind says it's shreya time
pendraegon · 5 years
🚫🧠✊ (no brain squad emoji banner)
soifdjasioJOIASFJAERUIOAFJASD it’s 2020, y’all still be having brains?? AND using them?? can’t relate, my meat is too huge for that 😤😤😤
First impression: ok so. i think we started out as mutuals-in-law and i used to be like. omg this is so embarrassing shreya do NOT come for me about this, but i think i followed you first and i was like “tumblr user shreya billybvnes is SO fucking cool..the aura..the panache..the pizzazz..” and then we became mutuals and i freaked out so like foaijsdofijsao i was debating watching black sails at the time but focusing machine broke so i lived vicariously through whatever gifset you reblogged and whatever posts you made foaisjdfoisado also i remember being like !!!!!!! that you had bbc merlin content and i was like,, that’s so hot, very spicy.
Your nickname in my head: i just call you shreya most times?? although one time...........................i mispelled your name as shreka but like, shrek.. and i almost sent it but i caught it in time and i LIVE IN FEAR that i will accidentally do it again. before we talked i linked u with mr percival actorman though so whenever i saw his face i was like..except now that i know about the gay mag cover thing im like foaijsdfoias OH also himbo extraordinaire..mister thor..
Closeness ratings [1-10]: ofjsiodfjsa at the risk of sounding clingy and annoying but also 1000000, it’s very easy to talk to you and you have such good takes and i love that we rant about wealth distribution...bro, we’re comrades (oh my god they were comrades)..can u lift up this hammer and i’ll hold the sickle and we can entwine our arms together?? haha unless.....
Do I like you: sometimes i feel like. a dog with a new squeaky toy and i keep like making the toy squeak because i want the attention of another dog and that’s how i feel towards you fhdiasudfhasi but also YES, i LOVE you!! both of us live under the yoke of the Asian Experience (TM) lmao and legit you have the Hottest, Coolest Takes on my dash like...ur moving tattoo ideas? genius. ur shitposts? amazing. the time u said you’d make tomato soup with ketchup and milk?????? it haunts me to this day, I will never escape from the legacy of that post I swear to god, you explained australian politics to me and seriously i love you for that, i remember us making fun of pete wentz and wheezer oasjfdias, and idk, you’re always there whenever i need it and even just to see that you liked my textposts..........makes me happy and feel lighter... i sometimes worry about bothering you too much due to the time differences and work and what not, but i get so happy whenever i see you on my dash or when i get a message back from you
You are my: friend!! my fellow jock!! my himbo in holy matriswoley.. no brain club, huge meat club, thoughts empty seconds, thirsting after white men and it’s unfortunate minutes, asian aspect hours, guillotine the rich and then escape via a yacht that we stole as we drink wine and eat like. idk crackers? canapes? cheetos? whatever. ALSO i think it’s a good time to note that shreya has the most AMAZING hair and it’s purple and genuinely,,, King of Purple Hair Dye, no one else but you will not and cannot come close. everytime i work out and i look at my weights i think of you hasodfusa
Ever had a crush on you: besides my weird mutuals-in-law crush thing, the crushing need to give you a thousand hugs and also to force you to eat awful ketchup mayo pasta. mostly the hugs though, that and i want to braid ur hair is that creepy to say?? dojfosai
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clareisa · 5 years
The Gem - Pirate!AU Captain!Im Changkyun (Monsta X)
Request (anon request): You are the captive of the captain Changkyun. More the night was spend more you start loving him.
A/N: Hai, my friend. I hope I got it and I hope you'll like this!❤
Genre: angst, romance, smutty
Words: 2,273
- gifs are not mine, credits to rightful owners
- English is not my first language, so please let me kindly know if I did a mistake
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The element of water and air combined their anger in one big thunderstorm that was making the ship sliding the waves wildly. The salty cold breeze that was hanging above the ocean at this stormy night was coming right throught the wooden walls of the ship to your nose. Waves were throwing the boat to every direction possible which was constantly remaining you in what position you were currently in. In the lowest level of the pirate ship, wrists cuffed to the grilles surrounding you, your white dress stained in your and other’s people blood and a scratch going from your eyebrow through eyelid and down to the hold of your cheek. The scratch still hurting and you knew it would result in a scar soon. 
You didn’t remember how you get there, you only knew there was a fire, screaming, blood and pair of ebony brown eyes that were flashing in front of your eyes at that moment when you felt something sharp wounding your face. The smell of old wood, stiff whiskey, the fire from candles around were almost suffocating you in the small space you were captured in. You couldn’t get the piercing deep eyes out of your mind. They were still there, ripping right throught your soul, making you feel weak. 
When the storm stopped and the boat was stable once again sound of a squeaking wood and footsteps made you woke up from your daydream. You looked up and saw a dark silhouette walking to your direction, stopping right in front of the cage. The weak light from a candle couldn’t reach his face. You gulped and quickly looked down in fear praying that the man didn’t come to kill you. You heard an amused chuckle coming from him. But ... you couldn’t raise your hand, you were too afraid. Yes, you wanted to scream the nastiest things into his face but to be honest.. this was much better than your life in your old house. You supposed to be the one of the noble family but they hated you for some reason and treated you like a servant. 
A cold breeze passed throught your spine as you heard him unlocking the cage and entering inside. You could only see his leather boots A pleasant smell of cocoa beans and surprising honey scent filled your nose. The man squatted down in front of you and the scent became even more intense. You could feel him watching you with interest but you still kept your head down stubbornly. 
“You’ll stay like this the whole time?” a deep voice echoed in your ears making you shiver. But you just swallowed and didn’t do anything, didn’t move an inch. You couldn’t see him but he leaned his head to the side and narrowed his eyes. “Then we will do an exchange. I’ll give you food and you’ll show me your eyes... deal, beautiful?” he asked you. It was true that you were starving and it doesn’t seem so bad. You nodded. “Good girl.” he said and you slowly looked up. 
Your eyes widened. Your voice stopped in your throat and your body started shaking like a leaf in a rainstorm. Those eyes... when you heard the screams again. You quickly backed as backwards as possible your soul filling up with fear, confusion and then rage. It was him! It was him who took you and threw you here! It was he who wounded your face! “Hey, hey... you don’t have to worry now. But I guess you remembered, right?” he chuckled. You nodded looking at him. He didn’t look like pirates you saw before. He wasn’t old, drunk or looking like a disgusting pig. His face looked more like the face of a prince than a pirate’s. 
“Like what you are seeing, beautiful?” he lifted right eyebrow cockily. You suddenly felt rage. How dare he to talk to you like that?! “It was you! You did this to my face! You destroyed everything! You fucking-!” he stopped you by covering your mouth. “Fierce are we? I’ll uncover your face now and you’ll be calm. Or I’ll extend that wound even further, all the way down to your neck. Am I clear?” he asked in a darker voice. You had tears in your eyes but nodded and he did as he said.  
“Now...” he started. His beautiful form leaned closer to you. Your faces almost touching and you could feel your cheeks heating up. His eyes were dangerous but something in them was making you froze but heat up at the same time. He placed his hot palm on your thigh and your breathing became uneven. It was like he knew what effect he has. When his face was close, lips almost brushing yours, you only heard the sound of opening a lock and you felt your arms being released out of the chains. He just winked at you and stood up. As he walked out of the cage he held the doors opened for you and signalized for you to come out. You stood up and carefully walked out. Running didn’t even cross your mind since you knew you are in the middle of an ocean. 
He looked at you up and down and pointed at tens of barrels standing there, “There is a water. I brought you soap and dress. Wash and come up. I’ll give you the food as we agreed for letting me see your eyes.” he said in a soft tone and walked up the stairs to the higher level of a boat.
You didn’t know what was happening but you did as he said. You were glad that you could wash away the blood and your sweat. You even washed your hair and slicked them back making your face perfectly on display. You dressed into the long cotton white dress he gave you. It fit perfectly and were extremely soft and comfortable. Without knowing you smiled to yourself thanking him in your head. That was the moment when your hungry stomach made its entry and you remembered what the handsome pirate has told you. You didn’t know if you could trust him but what else you should do? You were already in the middle of nowhere, at the end of the Earth.  
You started walking up the stairs and you walked up two levels until you saw the sky above you. As you walked to the main deck of a ship you were surprised how the air changed and how cold thunderstorm transformed into a warm summer night with a light breeze. You heard steps and you turned to the direction with fear. But only a handsome young man was looking at the ocean calmly. “E-excuse me?” you asked with a small voice. The man looked at you and gave you a heartwarming smile. “You look better. I’m glad you are okay. You didn’t look very well when we get you here.” he said and walked closer to you. He was tall. He bowed, “I’m Hyungwon, nice to meet you Y/N.” he smiled. 
“How you know my name?” you wondered. He chuckled. “We all know a lot more than your name.” he said. You felt uneasy. How he knew your name? Who he meant by ‘we all’? It was weirder every moment. Suddenly you heard heels clicking on the wooden floor and in a second a beautiful woman with long legs, almost as tall as Hyungwon in her high heels, appeared next to him and took his hand to hers. “Don’t scare her, Hyungwon.” she said and turned to you with a smile. You quickly noticed almost identical scar as you had but it didn’t made her less beautiful. “Excuse him, please, He sometimes acts strange. I’m Clare.” she said. 
“Y/N... But how you know my name?” you asked the two people. Judging by how the woman was clinging to the tall male you guessed they were a couple. “Thanks to him.” Clare chuckled and pointed behind you. You turned to the direction and saw that man from before with those sharp ebony brown eyes. “I guess we should go away.” she chuckled when the man started walking to you. “Go away and don’t scare her. Both of you.” he said firmly but with a hint of playfulness in his voice. “Yes, captain!” the couple saluted and with giggles ran away to the lower level of the boat. You smiled, they looked so cute. 
“So this is the smile I was waiting for. Such a shame it wasn’t for me.” he said with a grin. As soon as he said it you stopped making him chuckle and shook his head. When you didn’t want to look at him he sighed and walked even closer. He gently took your hands in his and lifted your chin to look into your eyes. “Where is my food?” you asked in a cold tone. “Patience, beautiful. Before our dinner, I would like to invite you for a walk around the deck. Will you give me that honour?” he asked and stretched out his hand for you to take it. 
You were angry but... something in him was pulling you to him. You took his hand and his face brightened up with the most beautiful smile you ever saw. Your heart melted in a second and you suddenly were ready to give him all the time you have in this world. 
He bowed, tightened his grip and started walking straight with you by his side. “The stars are so beautiful tonight.” he said. You looked up and must agree with him. They were shining like big diamonds. “But there is one thing more beautiful than the stars tonight.” he said and stopped. You two were standing in the front of the main deck and the warm breeze was messing with your hair and tickling your skin. 
“First of all, I’m sorry about this.” he gently caressed your face wound with his finger. “But there wasn’t another way for them to know that you belong to me.” he breathed out. How dare he? How could he say that you are his property? “I’m not anyone’s.” you said firmly. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean it like that, beautiful. I did it to protect you. With this... no one will ever try to hurt you because they’ll know I would kill them and their whole family.” he said it calmly as if it was the most simple thing 
“Why am I here?” you wondered. “Because you deserved a better life, beautiful. Maybe this will sound crazy but I fell in love as soon as I saw you on the market some days before. I saw how your own family treated you. I didn’t feel such a rage in many years.” he sighed and looked straight to your eyes. “And when I found out it was the family we wanted to have some ‘fun’ with I needed to act fastly. Save you and hold you in my arms... You are the gem that is worth of worshipping.” he sighed. He let go of your hands walked back a little and covered his eyes, “I’m so sorry. I must sound crazy.” he said, his voice obviously shaking. 
Your heart was melting. No one ever told you such beautiful words. No one ever actually cared about you. He was your captor but he was so nice, so warmhearted, so soft with you... he couldn’t be bad. “You do sound a little crazy but it’s pleasant to listen.” you smiled a little.
When he saw you smiling his gorgeous smile came back. He was again close to you, “I should introduce myself, right? I’m Changkyun.” he said taking your hand putting it on his cheek. He was ready for you to flinch and take your hand back but you stayed like that and his heart sank. 
“Everything is better than living with that family. And you ... Changkyun.” you smiled when you said his name. It was such a pretty name. “Was nice to me. Except for that cage.” you lifted your eyebrow.  “Well that.” he chuckled awkwardly. “I did it for your own good. You weren’t conscious at all. It looked like you were drugged or something. You were ready to jump to the ocean. I couldn’t let that happen.” he gave you a sad smile. 
Your eyes widened. You started thinking about what could cause that and your memory slowly started opening. Your sisters holding you and making you swallow some pills that your mother gave them. Them ripping your clothes so most of your skin was showing. They did the exact thing to your maid when they sold her like a slave. They didn’t want to sell you... right?
A tear slipped on accident. Yes, you hated them but they still were your family. Suddenly you felt touch and when you looked at Changkyun he was as close to your face as in the cage before, but now he was drying your tears away. “T-thank you..” you whispered. 
“I would do that again countless times, beautiful.” he said. Changkyun slowly leaned his head to the side and connected your lips. The connection light as a feather, his lips so bashful against yours. You smiled. He wasn’t what you expected from a pirate captain. He was maybe strong in battles but you felt that when it came to you he would always be like a cute little peaceful puppy. 
“Let’s see where the night will take us...” he whispered. 
“Well, the night can take me to a dinner table. I really hungry now.” you both chuckled at the same time as he connected your foreheads. 
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