#im also a white bitch and have a specific type of hair (fine thick low porosity wavy curly)
bestie wait are we not supposed to wash our hair every day?
Nah, not really. It is pretty damaging to strip your hair of its natural oils (which keep it balanced, and from breaking) which washing your hair daily will do. But using shampoo daily will strip your hair, so it makes more oils, then you have to wash it more and so on. It can also cause your hair to be dry, thinner, more brittle, and more susceptible to split ends. It’s different for everyone what the sweet spot would be on washing routines, (bc of different hair/skin types and oil prodution and if you have to be “presentable”) so some for some people every 2-3 days is best, for me i wash maybe twice a week (bearing in mind i dont go to school daily and i also have massive sensory issues when i comes to full showers [also why i wash my hair in the sink half the time] and have thick wavy/curly hair), and for people with heavier hair types it can be wayyy longer than that depending on what they do! Its pretty dependent on a lot of really differnt factors, but yeah, its not great for it to be washed daily. Over conditioning is also not great
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