#im attempting to spread the girls night agenda
aerinamis · 2 years
you’ve heard of girls night, now get ready for girls night: evil, consisting of rei, eichi, rinne, and aira (victim)
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storm-angel989 · 3 months
I know, you know we both know how much my heart belongs to Val but my minds been drifting around the last few days, so can I get a Vox x Vel x reader where reader and Vel are doing a girls night with face masks, skin care and doing there hair and stuff. They practically force Vox to participate. Reader does his nails while Vel runs around looking for something because she looked at Vox and was like "I have the perfect thing" I want some eye burning fluff because I don't usually read fluff you know about my obsession with doing peoples nails and im still throthing at the mouth for the idea of doing lucifers nails with iridescent gold with dark red details oh Satan's left ball sack I want to make a fic about it so so bad also about angelic steel acrylics I want reader to rip someone's throat out with them also just imagine reader digging her claws into Val's back while he fucks her oh my fuck, no this is Vox and Vel time anyways have an amazing day
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Valentino leaned over and kissed my forehead “mi amore, are you sure you’re okay with me leaving? I mean, it’s just…” His hand fell to my belly as his voice trailed off. 
“Val, I’m fine,” I replied. “Really. I’m pregnant, not sick. And Uncle Lucifer is going to drop by later to check in. But really, I promise I’m fine.”
“Yeah, Val- we’re going to do a girls night, so either pop off or get pulled in,” Velvette added as she looked up from her phone. “Face masks, nails- you name it, we’re doing it.”
Valentino grimaced, “as lovely as that sounds I think I’ll pass.” 
“I just want you to be safe, okay honey?” I pleaded as he kissed me again. “I’ll see you tomorrow night?” 
“I’ll see you tomorrow night,” he promised. 
As soon as the elevator door clicked closed, Velvette turned her attention to me. 
“Let’s get to it- we both could use the relaxation.” 
An hour later, Velvette had my hair braided back and I wore a fluffy spa headband with a big pink bow. On my face was a green goop that she swore was good for my pores. My fingers flowed through her thick hair as I attempted to do a simple braid. 
“There,” I said finally as she pulled the headband over the top of her head. 
She adjusted her bow and I sat as she carefully wiped the goop from my face. 
“What are you two doing?” Vox asked as he leaned over the couch. “And what in gods name is on the TV?”
“Fifty first dates,”  I giggled as she wiped the last bit away. “It’s a girls night! There is pizza on the table if you want some!” 
He walked around and grabbed a piece of pizza from the table and took a seat on the couch. I watched as Velvette looked him up and down as a grin spread across her face. 
“You know Vox….you look like you could use a little r&r…” she began slowly. 
“Oh fuck no, don’t even start,” he began. 
Velvette looked at me and I stood up and joined her. I took his free hand in mine.
“I don’t know much about screens, but your nails definitely need work. Vel?”
“I think I have the perfect thing for that tired face,” she added. 
Vox groaned, “I’m not getting out of this am I?” 
“No!” Velvette and I replied in unison. 
Lucifer walked in an hour later to Vox laying on the couch, his eyes completely obscured by two bright green cucumber slices. A soft pink cloth mask covered his face as Velvette rubbed something on his upper arms and shoulders. I had busied myself with his nails, intent on buffing and glossing up his fingers. 
“What are you two doing to that man?” Lucifer asked with a twitch of a smile. 
“Honestly, Lucifer, you should consider joining in. Vel’s hands are magic,” Vox muttered. “And my hands feel so soft.” 
“I think I’ll pass,” he replied casually as he plopped himself down on the couch. “After you’re done torturing Vox, what’s on your agenda?” 
“Vel’s going to do my nails,” I replied easily as I filed down the last of Vox’s fingers. “She said she has a surprise. But Uncle Lucy, let me see your hands.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Oh fuck no. Reader. I’m a busy man, I don’t have time to…”
“Aw, come on,” I whined lightly. “Come on, don’t make me play the pregnancy card this early in the game.” 
Lucifer rolled his eyes but sat down on the couch opposite Vox. I squealed and grabbed the manicure kit. 
“Only my hands,” he warned as I took his left hand in mine. “I’m warning you right now.” 
“Oh just relax,” Velvette scolded lightly as she came around the back of the couch. She pushed Lucifer’s shoulders back against the cushion. “Let us do our thing.”
Lucifer groaned. “Fine. But don’t tell anyone. And I’m setting an alarm. When it goes off, I need to leave. Got it?”
“Got it,” I said quickly as I began to work on his hands. “Just relax and let Vel and I work our magic!” 
By the time Lucifer’s alarm buzzed, his nails had transformed into bright red, carefully detailed with black and gold. His face was covered with a deep red paper mask and his eyes were hidden under two slices of cucumber. 
“Alright Uncle Lucy, you’re good to go,” I said cheerfully as I took off the mask and cucumbers. “Take a look!” 
He groaned but sat up slowly and stretched. “I will say I do feel better…holy shit, what do you do to my nails?”
I giggled, “I made them pretty! Do you love them?”
He sighed, “I will admit, they do look good. And this is the most I’ve relaxed in quite a long time.” He stood up and stretched. “Just for that, Vel I won’t even charge you.”
“Charge you?” I asked curiously as Velvette took a small package from his outstretched hand. “For what?” 
“Angelic steel,” Velvette replied with dark excitement. “For your nails, reader. Figured with the baby in your tummy you could use a little extra protection.” 
Vox sat straight up, the cloth falling from his face. “You’re doing what now?” 
Velvette looked pleased with herself. “What? Nails don’t have to just be pretty, you know. They can also be weapons!” 
“As true as that may be, take care not to cut reader on them, would you? They will make her bleed, and that defeats the purpose,” Lucifer said with a yawn. “Have a good night girls, and be nice to Vox, won’t you?” 
I felt his power leave the room as Velvette reached over and took my hand in hers. 
“Definitely steel tips,” she said decisively as she interlaced her hands with mine for a moment. “Relax your hands. I got this.”
An hour and a half later I admired the sharp points that became my nails. Vox had long since left us to our own devices, preferring the luxury of sleep to our chatter. 
“Just be careful with them, you can’t kill anyone but even a swipe will cause pain and an actual scratch…go ahead, try it on Vox while he’s sleeping.” 
“Yeah, no thanks I’m good, he’d shock me or something,” I said as I held their sparkle up to the light. “Looks good with my rings too.” 
“Well yeah, red, silver and blue look good on you,” Velvette rolled her eyes. “It’s after midnight, should we get to bed?” 
The sound of the elevator coming up yanked us both to attention. In seconds, Velvette had me behind her, a knife drawn from seemingly nowhere. The door slid open and Valentino walked out, looking tired. 
“Vel? Princessa? What are you still doing up?” He asked tiredly. “It’s late.”
I perked up instantly and ran to him. He caught me and kissed my cheek.
“Val, you weren't supposed to be home until tomorrow night!” I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck. 
“Yeah, well, let’s just say I ended the deal faster than anticipated,” he replied as he held me to him. 
“Look! Vel did my nails,” I said excitedly. “Angelic steel!”
Valentino gave Velvette a look. She grinned and gave a big yawn. 
“Ah well, look at the time! Housekeeping will clean up the mess later, g’night loves!” she said cheerfully.
“G’night to you too,” Valentino mumbled.
He snuggled me to him a little tighter and carried me down the hallway that led to our bedroom. He set me down on the bed with a kiss as he began to undress. I leaned back against the pillows and rested one hand on my stomach as I watched. God, that man was sexy. 
“Careful, with those nails,” he warned as he turned back towards me. “Don’t scratch yourself too hard, it will hurt.”
“Leave the shirt off, I want to snuggle” I said quickly. 
He rolled his eyes but tossed his shirt aside and climbed into bed next to me. I quickly snuggled against his chest and lightly glided my nails hand down his chest to his abs, leaving faint red lines. 
“Mmm, Papi,” I said softly. “We can still fuck, you know, I’m only in the first trimester. And I want nothing more than to run these nails down your back.” 
He let out a groan and with one swift motion, I was on my back, his lips pressed against my neck. I ran my nails down his back with just the slightest amount of pressure. He grunted and pushed himself inside of me.
“Fuck, Valentino,” I moaned as his hips moved faster. I dug my nails deeper into his skin and almost instantly he exploded inside of me. 
“God fucking damn it,” he hissed as he rested the entire weight of his head on my shoulder. “Fuck.” He lifted his head and kissed my neck slowly, trailing down my body. “Your turn, bebé muñeca.”
I let out a moan as his tongue flicked against my clit. I felt a finger slide inside of me and in seconds, I came around him. I heard him laugh softly as he kissed his way back up my body, adding several extra kisses around my belly before he pulled me into his arms. Wordlessly, I tucked my head under his chin and closed my eyes. 
There was nowhere in the universe I slept better than in Valentino’s arms.
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bedtimebrain · 3 years
EXO Baekhyun: Cry for Love Part 2
Just here to give a warning on the ending before you get started!! (ref to a/n in part 1!)
Part 1
Let’s go!!!
Characters: Baek x you
Baekhyun finds himself falling for you, but feels he cannot be so selfish to put the burdens of dating an idol upon you. In an attempt to control his feelings, he tries to stay away from you
That night they got to go home early. Reaching home close to 11, Baekhyun decided there was time for some computer games before sleeping.
After taking a shower, he quickly turned on his desktop, setting all his gaming gears ready. Realising his phone wasn’t with him, he went out to the living room to search for it.
‘Ah, found you!’
As he was about to head to his room after picking his phone up from the sofa, he caught sight of your gift that was sitting on the coffee table. 
He can’t help but feel really conflicted, taking a long look at it.
After a good while, he forcefully shook off those feelings and went back in to get started on his game instead.
‘ARGH! what a bad form today’ he took off his headphones and threw it on the table. Ruffling through his hair, he was so frustrated at himself. No matter how he tried, he just couldn’t keep you out of his mind.
Not having the mood to play anymore, he switched off his computer and crashed into bed.
In an attempt to push you out of his mind, he busied himself with work every single day for the next few weeks. Every free time he had, he decided to fill it up with more practice, more work instead.
But he had worked so hard (just to forget you) that his immune system gave up on him. He was eventually excused from work so he doesn’t spread the virus to the members.
And the worst thing of it all? It gave him ample time to think about you.
He thought about the way you smile, the way you listened to him when he shared about anything, the way you looked, so attractively, when you made your coffees. Did you think about him? Did another oppa come by?
Sighing, he got up from bed and decided finally to open the gift you gave him from a month back.
The following day, he woke up feeling much better.  But for the whole morning, he felt this annoying nudging inside of him to go see you. No matter what he did, that feeling just wouldn’t budge.
Did y/n put a spell in the tea she gave me or something. 
He was almost going mad from thinking about you. 
Giving up , he told himself 
Just once, I’m going to drive by and look at how she’s doing. That’s all. Then when I see her being all the same, I’ll finally forget all about this, and convince myself I’m just another customer in her daily life.
The journey to your cafe seemed faster than usual today. His heart was beating so rapidly but he kept telling himself over and over 
just once, doesn’t mean anything
and my heart’s just beating fast because im not completely recovered. Yep, sick people get exhausted easily. 
When he had reached , he park his car where he could get a good view of you. 
He was tempted to get out of his car but his mind was in chaos.
they say coffee helps with headache. Maybe I should get one in case I get a headache at home later right?
Then again, his logical self told him
Ya, Byun Baekhyun stop making up lame reasons. Just stay here.
As he was being wishy washy with himself in the car, a customer had arrived at the cafe. Dashing his hopes of having a private time with you.
Perhaps it was fate that he should admire you from his car today instead.
After getting a satisfactory treatment for his love sick heart, he drove away feeling like a small boy being fed with ice cream.
After that visit, it only got harder and harder to stay away. He returned again and again.
But he wasn’t the only one. 
There too was another man who kept returning to your cafe, and today was the fifth time he had seen the man, which really annoyed him.
But what position was he to do anything?
I’m telling myself that I cannot have her as my girlfriend but on the other hand im getting irritated she might become someone else’s girlfriend?
He thought of a crude but relatable phrase he heard from somewhere:
I’m really just wanting to ‘hog the toilet bowl without pooping’
His train of thoughts came to an end as he arrived at the company. After getting his car parked , he went to the meeting room where they were supposed to gather.
When all the members had arrived, the staff who was in charge of the album preparation started running through the day’s agenda.
‘Okay guys, we will be doing an additional MV for one of the side tracks. It would be an autumn special MV.
Since it’s an autumn concept, we will be mainly be doing outdoor shoots. There’s only 1 indoor shoot which will be at a cafe. Anyone has any questions ? If not we will start briefing on the storyboard’
Baekhyun wasn’t able to focus on the meeting. What was he supposed to you when he’s so drawn to you but yet wasn’t sacrificial enough either to be okay with seeing you happy with another guy. In fact, it made him scared to lose you when he never had you in the first place.
Baekhyun ah, let her go. It’s good for you and her. Stop visiting her, it only breaks your heart and at the same time make you desire her more. It’s impossible between the both of you..
By the time he was a little more settled with himself, the meeting had already ended.
‘Okay, that’s all we have today. It’s Thursday today... Alright, We will start shooting on Monday since this is quite a spontaneous idea, we might be a bit back on time. We will start with the cafe shoot on Monday at 10am, only Baekhyun and kyungsoo is involved for this as the cafe is too small. We will update the rest on the schedule later.’ --
4 days passed and now he is standing in front of the cafe for his shoot. Reading the signboard ‘Wendy Cafe’.
For the dramatic effect, he even blinked his eyes again to make sure his eyes weren’t playing tricks on him. What in the world was this sorcery called fate... It felt abit weird for him to be here for work when he was normally here for his romantic pursuit. It got him into a little of a panic and shock when they alighted from the van.  He wasn’t expecting to see you, since they normally made sure the set was cleared completely for set up before the members even arrive. Though his heart felt it would really be nice to see you, he also heaved a sigh of relief that he doesn’t have to think about what to say to you since you wouldn’t be here.
Entering the cafe, kyungsoo and baekhyun greeted everyone politely and got ready for the set with the help of their make up artists. 
‘Annyeonghasayo Baekhyun ssi, Kyungsoo ssi. I am the director for the MV, Lee Taemin’
Quickly getting up, they bowed politely and returned the greetings.
‘Could I just explain the set to the both you right now?
So basically in today’s set one of you would be a barista, and one would just be a customer….’
The director trailed on with the briefing,
But there was something bugging Baekhyun. Baekhyun could swear there was something really familiar about this man; like he had seen him somewhere before. But he just couldn’t recall exactly right now.
‘Ok, We will have kyungsoo ssi as the barista and Baekhyun ssi the latter. A real barista will be coming in later to help you out kyungsoo ssi, don’t worry’
Finishing his brief, the director turned to leave. Then it finally clicked in Baekhyun’s mind.
Oh gawd, he’s the guy that keeps visiting y/n
Thinking it through, it now absolutely make sense.
When he arrived, he was thinking how were they even able to find this cafe for use?
He thought to himself, surely you and Director Taemin must be really close if you were willing to let your shop to him for use. 
ah, but im sure y/n would let me use it too if i had asked.
He can’t help but feel a little salty instinctively. 
Suddenly across the room, the director exclaimed
‘Y/N you’re here!’
At the sound of Director Taemin calling your name, his heart skipped a beat and he immediately turned his head around to find you walking through the door. And was absolutely taken away
You were not in your pony tail or your white button down shirt with a black apron. You were not in the plain make up you normally put on either.
You came through the door wearing a mid length denim skirt and a white v neck with a green khaki coat that ended at the bottom of your skirt. Your long hair sat nicely at the front of your coat.
Though he had seen a fair share of cute, pretty and sexy girls in the entertainment industry, you somehow still took his breath away. 
As you moved across the room with Taemin, his eyes unconsciously followed where you went. Till when Kyungsoo shook him, was he finally able to tear his eyes away from you.
‘Baekhyun ah, I was talking to you , were you listening?’
‘Ye Ye, what did you say?’
They went on discussing about some of the other schedules they were to be having, until a familiar voice caused him to freeze.
‘Hello, I’m y/n, I’m the owner of this shop. I heard Kyungsoo ssi would be the barista actor? I’ll be the one teaching you later’
Kyungsoo looked up and greeted you politely while Baekhyun was still in a daze.
Seeing how he didn’t respond, you greeted him with a bright smile
‘Hello Baekhyun ssi’
Without waiting for Baekhyun to respond, you asked Kyungsoo to follow you to behind the kitchen now as there wasn’t much time to learn.
Watching you and kyungsoo walked away together, he mentally hit himself in the head. 
oh shucks she must think im a real jerk now. Making friends with her, then not coming here for months and the next time we meet i didn’t even greet her. 
Argh kyungsoo, give me my time with Y/N.
Though he was feeling a little lousy about the situation, he knew there was nothing he could do about it. He sat at corner table inside the shop while waiting for his scene set up to be completed.
Looking at you and kyungsoo, he had a monologue with himself 
though i really like her, i should probably let her go. the smile on her face, though i am confident i will be able to give it to her, but what if i bring more sadness than happiness?
The both of you having fun made him so jealous. He started imagining you with another guy, you with Taemin? He hated that feeling so much, but he had to accept this. He told himself, he must.
About 2 hours later , he was done with his shoot and all could break for lunch. Over lunch time, you and kyungsoo stuck together as time was tight. Kyungsoo couldnt practice using the coffee machine earlier when baekhyun was filming. 
Not once did you look over at him or even seem to think about talking with him. It was as if you guys were strangers.
Ah, great, this is how it should be like. She’s better than me at this. While i’m over here suffering about how to forget about her, she seem to be getting along just fine. She’s completely acting like she doesn’t know me.
Not being able to stand being around you anymore, he annoyed his manager hyung to drive him back to the SM building first. Coming up with some crap excuses that were questionable. But his manager hyung still sent him back since there was still time to spare before kyungsoo was done.
On his ride back, he set his resolve to let you go but he told himself 
no matter what, we were once friends that could count on each other. i don’t want to end up hurting her, and making her lose more hope in friendships. 
I’ll go back tonight to find her.
At about 5.30 pm, kyungsoo sent a text message in their group chat that the filming has ended. Receiving that intel, he got ready to head off to your café. The production crew would need at least another half an hour to pack up anyway. He had ample time to get there.
As perfect as he had planned, when he arrived, the café was already cleared of the production team, but the lights were still on. He knew you would still be cleaning up after everyone left.
Out of courtesy, he knocked on the glass door, causing you to jump in surprise instead. Smiling at him, you beckoned him in.
‘Why are you back here?’ You asked while sweeping the floor.
‘It’s been a long time, isn’t it nice to see each other again?’ He asked casually, but he could feel his palms sweating already
You looked up at him and smiled without replying as you continued cleaning up.
‘So how are you? I’m sorry I haven’t been here for really long, EXO’s comeback is coming soon we are really busy ….’
Before he could even complete his sentence, you cut him off
‘Yes I know. It’s all on twitter and I watch your group’s vlive too. I know you guys have a lot to prepare and are really busy. Don’t have to apologise’
Though he knew you truly meant what you say, it broke his heart a little. He wasn’t really sure what to say anymore. But he wanted to ask this since the start
‘Why did you rent your place to be an MV set? Did you know it was for EXO?’
‘It’s just a favour I’m returning to Taemin ssi. He only told me it was for EXO when he asked for my help last week. But anyway, it’s really nice to see you being serious at work. Now I know why you have so many fangirls~’
‘Are you my fangirl now then?’ Baekhyun asked and waited expectantly.
‘Why? Are you going to give me your autograph if I said yes?’ You put aside the cleaning cloth and washed your hands while replying him jokingly.
‘Anyway, I’m done, shall we go?’
You grabbed your bag as you asked. As you walked right passed him, he reached out to grab your arm without even thinking.
Hesitantly, he started
‘Hey actually, I came today because I have something to tell you’
Staring right into his eyes, you replied
‘I kinda knew it already. Why would you suddenly come back here after not being here for so long. And the fact that you’re here at this hour… You’re definitely not coming here as a customer right?’
Looking at him with a hard expression, Baekhyun was surprised to see something other than ‘manners’ or indifference on your face after all this while.
‘I’m really sorry. I don’t even know how or where to start. I really liked your company, the friendship we had meant a lot to me. But as we got more comfortable, I don’t even know when... but....to be honest..
I started falling for you. I didn’t know what to do, can you understand this?’
He loosened his grip, letting your arm slowly slip out of his hands.
‘Remember the day you gave me the gift? I went home feeling so conflicted. I want us to be together so bad, but I know I can’t even promise you a regular and peaceful life, much less a stable relationship now. The weight of dating an idol, how could I put that upon you? ‘
‘You’re right, I could never carry that weight’ you reply came through like a stab to his heart.
He broke his eyes away from you momentarily. But you continued,
‘All this while, I thought I had done something wrong when I gave you the gift. I wondered why you didn’t come back, I thought we were friends, that’s why I even mustered up courage to get a present for you. But you never came back after that. I thought could it be that Baekhyun ssi started finding me weird like all my bullies last time? Was I over doing it? I asked myself that every now and then, worried that my desire to want to be friends with you may turn you off instead.
Sometimes when you tell funny stories, inside I thought how cute this guy is. When you were serious, I thought even though you’re so cheeky on the outside, you’re a man inside having to carry so many burdens. I wanted to say more, do something for you all this time, but I was worried about so many things.
Eventually when you stopped coming back for a while, I felt heart broken. 
But I used the time to think it all through. What did I want with you? A friendship? Something more? And I decided it’s best to not desire anything at all. I could never handle it if one day I want something more that neither of us could give each other’ 
Though you tried so hard to control, tears rolled down your cheeks. It hurts him to know he was the reason for your tears. 
He reached out to wipe your tears away, and you let him. 
‘Baekhyun ssi, I… I’m sorry too’ 
Overwhelmed with emotions at all the confession and looking at your beautiful face that leaned against his hand, he couldn’t hold back anymore, He closed the gap between both of you and gave you a kiss on the lips. A kiss so light it barely lasted a few seconds.
Heart beating fast, he pulled away slightly, his face still so close to yours. ‘I’m sorry for being selfish right now. But I want you to know this is how I feel.’
Before he knew it, your lips pressed against him once again. Briefly, then pulling away, you pushed him away, putting some distance between the both of you.
‘Me too. But Baekhyun-ssi...
Sometimes love isn’t about possessing, but giving
So I’ve told myself it’s okay for me as long as I can see you and support you in my own way. Be it your albums, shows, or whatever it may be.
My café doors will always be open for you as long as you need a listening ear or even just coffee....
Don’t be sorry. I understand, I just want to be the safe space you can still go to, rather than your burden.. If we were together.’
He could tell you were trying hard to manage a smile just so he could feel better. He moved closer and pulled you into a hug. 
‘I know you said not to be sorry, but I’m sorry ... And thank you’, his voice akin to a whisper
After a long pause, you returned his hug, and at your touch, he was at the brink of tears. You were possibly his once in a lifetime, but here you both were, giving up on each other, for each other.  He tried so hard to hold back his tears, but they streamed down eventually 
He rarely ever cried, but for you… If he couldn’t have you, at least he should be allowed to cry for you. 
He tightened the hug and could only wish for the night to never end. 
Was hella hard to write this, sorry for this really tragic ending.
But partly writing it this way because I guess as fangirls one of the best things we can give our favs is a safe space to be real with us. Love isn’t about possession. So let’s love them right ok☺️
On a side note, was shook at his fan sign convos. Especially the one he said though he said it’s ok if we leave him for a while because it’s difficult to wait, he didn’t actually mean it.
What a sweetheart!! All the more makes me feel like he might really respond this way if he is faced with this kind of situation (as in this fanfic)?!
Anw hope you guys enjoyed this !
Tag(s): @wooya1224
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theolddarkmachine · 7 years
Kingdom- Chapter Seven
Gajeel has had the dream about dying for the blue haired girl for as long as he can remember. Which is weird, since he’s never met anyone with blue hair in his life.
Levy has always loved myths and legends. So much so, in fact, that she was currently getting her master’s in mythological studies.
What neither of them realized was that they were living a legend all their own.
AKA the one with a knight, a princess, and a curse that keeps bringing them together just to pull them apart.
Previous Chapters
Hey y’all! This is one of those chapters that has to exist to get us from point A to point B, which are my least fave to write tbh lol mainly because those kinds of chapters are the hardest for me to write -.- Anyway, I’m gonna be taking a week off from writing because 1) I wrote 60k words in September and ya girl needs a break lol and 2) Voltron S4 happens Friday so I wanna use my free time to binge XD im an adult i swear. ANYWAY, that being said, I’ll be sharing other writers’ fics for the week instead of working on anything myself! Kingdom will most likely be back around 10/20-10/23 time.
Almost as soon as the door to Gajeel’s complex slammed behind her, a searing pain shot through Levy’s skull, blinding her momentarily as it nearly knocked her down with its force. The brick of the entryway bit into the skin of her back as she stumbled back into it, the air whooshing out of her lungs in one loud gasp. Her hands found the stone pressed into her back, feeling the coolness from the Fall chilled air beneath her fingers as the pain settled into a thrumming ache.
A beat passed.
And then another.
Curious eyes watched as people walked by, interested enough to twist their necks as they went but not enough to become involved. It was the kind of faux concern that made the passerby feel like a good Samaritan for showing the most basic level of human compassion without actually doing anything. The feeling of it made her skin crawl.
“I’m never drinking again,” she moaned to no one in particular as she breathed in through her nose and slowly out through her mouth. Levy had never been one to get the textbook hangover, always sidestepping the nausea and headaches that almost always made Lucy turn into a recluse for at least a day. Of course, she’d also never really been one for drinking until she lost an entire chunk of her memory either. She groaned again as she fought back the shame of waking up in Gajeel’s room without any recollection of how she’d gotten there.
Unfortunately, there was always a first time for everything.
Several moments came and went as she regained her bearings, her breath finally settling out as the pain dulled but never fully subsided. Only after the city stopped spinning around her did Levy finally push out of the doorway, counting each step in an attempt to ground herself. It took several counted sets of 100 steps before she finally reached her own complex, the cool AC of the bright hallway freezing the sweat on the back of her neck that had accumulated from the walk. Her front door was a welcome sight as she stumbled towards it, swiftly sheathing the key in the lock as she pushed it open.
Before her lay a mess of cups, knocked over books, and discarded clothing. A nagging sense of alarm bubbled in her gut as she looked over the chaos that told the story of her night. The casual disarray didn’t align with the vague memories she held of her and Lucy as they’d spoke and drank, never once touching her bookcase. Even the clothes that she’d tried on had been laid out on her bed, waiting for her to return home and replace them on their hangers.
The pain that had rooted itself in the line between her temple and the base of her skull flared as she took it in, trying to match the scene before her with that of the scenes in her mind. It felt like a crime scene as opposed to a living room after a fun night of partying and the sense of foreboding didn’t escape her as her eyes swept the area. Pushing down the bitter bile that was raising in her throat, Levy shut the door behind her and dropped her keys on the small dish that sat on the shelf by her door.
I just don’t remember, that’s all, she thought to herself as she walked further into the room, eyes scanning the chaos as if she could pull answers from the scattered mess. The longer she looked, the easier it was for Levy to convince herself that the disorganization was just another piece of missing memory wiped away by alcohol. It was the only explanation that dulled the edge of the sharp unease cutting down her spine. With a resigned sigh, she walked through the living area and by her desk, gaze taking stock of the state of it, only to feel her pulse leap.
Levy stopped in her tracks, the dull ache in her temples roaring to life as she stared at the opened book of stories. Spread wide with its painted pages staring upwards, it sat otherwise undisturbed on her desk amongst her notebooks and writing utensils. Her limbs seized as her eyes traced over the wide span of the tome as she worked her way through the muddled thoughts of the night before once again.
She’d closed the book.
Levy could still hear the heavy thud of its leather cover closing over its ancient pages as if the sound was still echoing against the cream walls of her room. Even if she was missing a piece of what had happened that night before, Levy knew Lucy would never have allowed her to return to the book, the night partially born from the belief she was overworked.
Drawing closer to her desk and swallowing her heart as it beat its hummingbird rhythm in her throat. With each step forward, the pain at her temple ebbed away, chased from her by the stifling weight of exhaustion as if the very air around her was sucking the energy from her bones. It was a visceral thing, starting at her very core and working its way through her limbs until she ached with the numbing chill of it. Faltering, the chair at her desk met her as her legs gave out and plopped her onto the soft cushioning.
The portrait lay before her now, as vivid as the painting of the queen from the day before and filling her with the same sense of ominous dread. Thin black lines and swirling colors swirled across the alabaster page, moving together to create an intricate scene filled with such beauty and despair, it almost hurt to look at it. Laying on the ground of what looked like a castle room, was a black haired knight in onyx armor. The ruby of his eyes was bright, only challenged by the vivid scarlet of the blood that had spilled out beneath him from a gash that stood out on his armor just over where his heart had beat beneath the darkened steel. His head was cradled in the lap of a blue haired woman whose face was partially obscured by the azure strands that fell over it as she looked down at him. Garnet stained the sun colored dress she wore with macabre streaks.
Just beside the woman, right at her knee, was a blood stained dagger.
As she stared at it, the strange debilitating sensation racking against her insides fought with her will as she tried to keep her eyes trained on the image. It all looked so familiar. Prickling over her skin with the same demanding tingle of deja vu, Levy fought to reach out towards the memory that commanded to be remembered.
The world crackled and shifted around Levy as she pulled herself closer to the page. Her heart thumped in the base of her throat, angrily combating the tiredness that was threatening to sink her as she stared at the woman’s sorrow filled face. The thick, cloying taste of familiarity threatened to choke her as she tried to swallow it down and keep it locked behind her teeth. Her gaze slid from the woman to the knight’s blazing red eyes as she struggled to bring her hand up towards the painting. Levy’s eyelids grew heavier as she traced the outline of the couple with a shaking finger. The resemblance was striking, and she felt her lungs fighting against the cage of her ribs as she fought off the torpor that was sliding like thick concrete through her limbs. There was no doubt that the blue haired woman was the same as the one from her dream.
The same as her.
She stared at the painting’s downturned eyes, rivulets of tears cascading down her cheeks as her thin hand was frozen in a caress over the man’s face. Her own fingers trembled with the illustrated touch that she could almost feel against her own skin. A sadness crawled slowly into her chest, curling around her heart before evolving into a breath stealing, earth moving despair. Sobs for a heartache she didn’t even know rolled off her lips as tears blurred her vision, melting the blacks, blues and reds of the image together into a molten bruise.
He died. The stray thought flitted through her mind as the heavy cloud of fatigue weighed her down, guiding her head down onto the desk beside the book. He died in my arms.
Darkness was eating away at the edges of her vision as she ran the pad of her index finger over the grim expression on the knight’s face.
On Gajeel’s face.
As the shadows spilled over her sight, the distant sound of voices hummed in her ears. The paralyzing blanket of sleep settled over her as her eyes finally closed, the chatter increasing as she sunk into its inky depths. Before her senses faded completely, a single, heartbroken howl ripped through the darkness.
“She’s pretty,” Lily said as he fixed Gajeel with his onyx stare. A strange light glittered in the depths of his eyes as he looked at him as if he could pull a response straight from him. Something about Lily’s interest felt wrong, a hidden agenda lurking underneath every word as he’d questioned him about the blue haired woman from the bar. Though they were best friends, Lily had never shown an interest in Gajeel’s personal affairs. He could count the number of times his brother had asked him specifically about his love life-- or rather, lack thereof-- on one hand.
One finger, in fact.
And it was when Lily had pushed his way into Gajeel’s apartment without so much as a hello. It had raised his hackles, as well as his guard, though he had let the man in all the same only to find himself on the receiving end of an inquisition. After dropping his heavy black jacket down onto the back of the couch, and settling himself into the soft leather, he’d made himself at home as Gajeel’s own personal interrogator. If he knew that this was what Lily had had in mind when he’d called him that morning, he wouldn’t have even answered the phone. He’d barely listened as his brother spoke, lost momentarily in the inky coloring that had stained the skin beneath Lily’s eyes as if he hadn’t slept at all.
He looks older, he’d thought to himself as he continued to speak, asking more and more questions about Levy.
A throbbing pressure blossomed between his ears as the visit went on, making him more irritable than usual as Lily continued to poke and prod him for answers. He told himself that was the reason he was giving Lily monosyllabic answers that were bitter on the tip of his tongue, and not because for the first time in his life, he distrusted Lily. If his brother had noticed the barely hidden suspicion that darkened his tone, he didn’t let on as he persisted with his insistent questioning.
You saved her from getting hit by a truck?
Who was driving it?
Did you stop it?
And you guys went on a date?
The last question was what broke him of his stoic stance, the words erupting from him before he could stop himself.
“You seem awfully interested, Lil,” Gajeel nearly spat as he fixed his brother with a scowl. His face stayed carefully blank at the angry remark, which only filled him with caustic apprehension. The feeling razed his insides and burned against his ribcage until there was nothing left but stinging nerves.
You have to make sure she gets home safe. Lily’s voice from the night before was clear over the muddled pain that had settled itself deep in his head. The thick sweetness of suspicion coated his tongue as he remembered the way his brother had suggested he take her home. At the time it had felt as if Lily was just concerned for a girl who was too drunk to be alone. Gajeel would have helped her anyway, without the suggestion that had been thrust upon him until he’d finally conceded. Now, he couldn’t shake the bitter realization that maybe Lily had an ulterior motive behind his good guy act.
“You aren’t telling me something.” Gajeel ignored the betrayal that made his words quiver against his lips. Silence stretched between them as they held each others gazes, a battle of crimson and obsidian waging against each other in a show of dominance. Hours forced themselves into the span of just a handful of seconds before Lily dropped his gaze.
“Are you still having that dream?” His voice seemed distant as Lily finally spoke. It carried the heavy weight of insinuation over its bluntness, not even bothering to mask the innuendo in the words. Almost as soon as the words had left his mouth, the headache rammed angrily against his skull, blocking out all other thoughts as it hammered away at his brain. A grimace twisted his face as the sharp pain stole his breath.
The room pitched on its axis and his stomach rolled with the sudden lurch. Everything shuddered and shook around him as Gajeel clutched at his consciousness, Lily’s face blurring in his vision as he frowned. Darkness descended over him as his lips parted in silent protest. The last thing he heard was Lily’s soft voice as it cracked and twisted over his words.
“I’m sorry, Gajeel.”
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