#im begging you the Private Bookmark box is RIGHT THERE
gilbirda · 11 months
Another fandom PSA - Bookmarks
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Hello everyone, I am back with yet another informative post, since I've observed some behavior that could get out of control real fast.
Again, the point is never about shaming those who have done this, but to inform and warn about how disheartening these things can be; and what can you do to avoid hurting anyone in the future.
Let's talk about bookmarks.
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Looks easy enough to add a bookmark, just type some notes — maybe to remind future you what the fic was about, maybe some random thoughts of the fic, maybe the chapter where you left of — add some tags if you are that organized and slap the bookmark to a Collection if you have that.
But I want to bring attention to this little guy:
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If you are going to leave a hurtful message, at least have the decency to not leave it where the author will see it.
Authors can and will see the bookmarks! I can only speak for myself but I do check the bookmarks because sometimes people get creative and have funny Notes, or their tags are hilarious.
But, sometimes, we wonder if y'all know authors can see the bookmarks, unless you set it as a Private Bookmark.
What do I mean with hurtful bookmarks? Well:
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*gestures vaguely towards these*
Granted, not all are rancid takes, but some truly give weird vibes? As in, it feels like people doesn't know authors can see their Notes and bookmarks?
You can have an opinion about the story, that's completely valid, but the option of setting it to Private Bookmark is right there.
So, as a rule of thumb, if you wouldn't like someone telling your words to your face then have the courtesy of not doing the same for someone else.
Mark it as Private if you'd rather not let the author see your Notes.
For more information about Bookmarks, AO3 provides a FAQ page.
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