#im being eaten alive with guilt just by being on my computer or my phone or listening to music and i just want it to stop!
apologeticaugur · 1 year
this is NOT karkalicious, and actually quite sadstuck if you think about it for a moment :,(
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madiisaurusrex · 8 years
Stand By Me
Im back!!! Dean Winchester/Reader Series I've been meaning to post more dean stuff so here's a sneak peek at my new dean series. The Winchesters, they saved your ass a few years back from getting eaten by a werewolf. The damned thing had killed your parents and brother before starting on you. Sam and Dean came crashing through the door just in the nick of time. You'd been with them ever since. You helped Sam with the research, you were the top of your class all through high school so the extra brains came in handy. Dean helped train you to kill monsters, you weren't the best but at least you knew a few tricks to help keep you alive. The first few months were tough, survivals guilt and all but the brothers were on either side rooting you on. On the worst days you often found yourself in Dean's arms, his fingers tracing swirls up and down your back, softly humming a Metallica sound to calm you. Dean's P.O.V From the first time you had laid eyes on (Y/N) you knew. You didn't know what you knew, but you just knew. She was the definition of beauty. Long (H/C) that flowed down her back, (E/C) that shined like a million stars. Her family was killed off leaving her alone. She was scared and depressed, the nightmares were bad, sometimes he'd wake to her screams. Sam would bust in through the door wild eyed and ready to shoot only to find her in your arms sobbing. There were days when she just wanted to be alone, and you'd find her curled up on her bed silently crying. Those were days you just let her be. You stood in the kitchen sipping your coffee and leafing through the paper when Sam walked in with his laptop in his arms, “hey Dean, I think I found something,” he didn't look up as he set the computer on the table and continued to scroll through the article. “Five girls have gone missing in a week, no one knows what happened to them. They went to bed, and poof, they were gone. No sign of a struggle, beds showed no sign of them even sleeping in them.” “that is weird, any thoughts on what it could be?” You asked putting your cup down and looking at your watch. You knew she'd be up soon, you looked to sam who kept on reading, “Chadron Nebraska.” You nodded at his reply and made your way to (Y/N)’s room. You could hear her shuffling around in there, you smiled to yourself and knocked on the door gently. You could hear the pattering of her feet on the ground and the knob of the door turning as she opened the door. You were greeted by her eyes and a sweet smile on her face. “Hey sweetheart, how'd you sleep?” You asked as she opened the door more. “I slept ok I guess, not as many nightmares.”she beamed up at you and you smiled back. “Sam and me got a case in Nebraska, you gunna be ok here for a few days?” She nodded as a replied and smiled. “Of course. I’ll help with research from here, some netflix in bed sounds nice” you walked her to the kitchen and watched as she made herself a cup of coffee and sat across from Sam as his eyes scanned the screen. Reader's P.O.V A few hours later the boys had left. You finished your coffee and made yourself a small breakfast before cleaning up and going to your room to crawl back into bed. The last few nights had been ok, you got a few hours of sleep before the dreams started waking you from your slumber. You had talked yourself out of running to Dean, knowing you had to push yourself to get better. The thought of him being gone for a few days scared you, but you knew it was another step to getting better. You buried yourself under your sheets and comforter, laying your head on the soft fluffy pillows and pulled your laptop closer, pulling up netflix and started a horror movie you had tried to watch with Dean only to turn it off after his many comments on how unrealistic it was. Soon you found yourself dozing off with the sound of the music playing in the background. A few hours later you were woken up by the buzzing of your phone. Dean's name lit up on the screen and a smile formed on your face. “Hey there.”you answered. “Hey darlin, hows it goin over there?”he asked, you could hear the concern in his voice. “Good, i fell asleep during a movie?” “Any dreams? You'd tell me if something was wrong, right?” You chuckled, “Dean I'm fine, if anything happens i'll be sure to call you or Cass. Ok?” You could hear his breath hitch and then him sigh. “Ok, the minute you need me i'll be there. So don't hesitate. Even if it's something small.” You laughed and started to feel a little sad, “i promise Dee.” “Good. Sam and me are getting a room I'll call you before we hit the sack. Take care of yourself sweetheart.” With your goodbyes said you got yourself out of bed and made your way to the kitchen to find something to eat. After not finding edible in the fridge you slipped your boots on and grabbed your leather jacket and keys before heading to your teal 95’ drop top mustang that was hiding under a cover in the garage. You smiled as you ran your fingers over the sleek and shiny paint. You had found her a few months after you had started tagging along with the Winchester’s. Dean kept telling you that it wasn't necessary since he had Baby. You scoffed, which started an argument between Dean and you that Sam had to stop. To Dean's demise you won the argument, which made you excited. Now you drove down the road to the closest store to grab some ingredients and snacks to hold you over for the next few days while the boys were gone. The radio played an old rock song softly as you traveled at a steady pace. You were in and out of the store in a matter of minutes, you got what you needed and left. You popped in a (Band) CD and hummed along as you drove back to the bunker. After you made a quick dinner you showered and put clean clothes on then put all of your dirty clothes in a basket and made your way to the laundry room. You had your headphones in and danced while you cleaned up. Since you had all the time in the world you made the choice of helping out the guys and gathered their clothes and put them in the laundry room next to yours. Whiles the clothes were being cleaned you organized the books in the library and wiped down the surfaces you could reach. Satisfied with your work you went into the kitchen to start cleaning out the fridge only to be startled by Castiel who appeared out of thin air in front of you. You shrieked and dropped the dish you were carrying to the sink. You took your headphones out and stared at Cass with wide eyes and heavy breathing. “I'm sorry (Y/N). Dean sent me to check on you. You haven't answered your phone.” He said tilting his head. “Oh, i've been keeping myself busy with cleaning. My phones on my bed.”you replied. “Oh, I'll let Dean know. He was….worried.” With that he was gone and you stood dumbfounded in the kitchen. Tags: @pretty-fortune @tas898 @smoothdogsgirl @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms @atc74 @gemini75eeyore @padackles2010 @iamnotsaneatall @devilgirlsarah @jensen-gal
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