#im betting on the cold coffee i drank yesterday
maxellminidisc · 10 months
Pray for me fellow ibs warriors, I'm getting my ass beat today
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alittleranting · 6 years
Barista in Love (11/13)
Chapter 11
   (Hoseok's POV)
You saw [Y/N] storming out and wanted to go after her but as you got up Jae came up to you with tears streaming down his face.
"What am I doing Hoseok? What am I doing!? I'm ruining everything. Why can't I just say what I'm thinking instead of blabbering without thinking at all. I'm gonna lose her, I just know it. Hobi you have to make her happy."
"Wait calm down. What are you talking about?"
"[Y/N]... I .. I'm just not good enough for her and you're better. Uh.. Why's love so fucking complicated!?"
"Lo-Love? You mean you love her?"
"Of course I do! Do you looked at her? Talked to her? She's gorgeous.."
"Yeah I know... but wait. WAIT ONE SECOND. Is that why you act like a stupid motherfucker!? Cuz you were jealous!?" Jae looked at you in shock you never really swear and he never saw you so pissed.
"Kind off..." Jae smiled ashamed at you. You were so close to actually punch him in the face but you wanted to go after [Y/N].
"I'm going to search for [Y/N]. I'm going to pick you guys up later."
"Search? She's on the toilet."
"OK." Toilet... So they talked and she got frustrated with him again. You were so angry and stomped off. The fresh air made you cough, it was so stuffy inside the club that the cold air was too much for your lungs. You looked around but couldn't find her, instead you spotted Sungjin and that other guy who were about to get into a cab.
"Sungjin wait!" You shouted of the top of your lungs because of the loud music from inside but they didn't hear you and drove off.
"Dammit..." You searched your pockets and found your carkey... You hesitated for a second, you weren't sober... but you hadn't drank that much... You ran to your car and got inside. Fuck it, I have to find her. You started the engine and drove the way you came from; slow enough to look for her but not too slow to look suspicious. You just drove around for a few minutes but it drove you insane that you hadn't found her yet. But then.. There she was. You spotted her and she was circled by three man. You parked your car just on the street not caring if it wasn't allowed and sprint over to her.
"Babe here you are. I was worried and searched for you. Who are you guys? Leave my girlfriend alone!" [Y/N] looked confused but thankful at the same time.
"Girlfriend? You mean your slut. She totally looks like a hooker!" The three laughed and you didn't think twice before your fist lands on the nose of the one who spoke. The guy fell on the ground and his friends just widend their eyes. You graped [Y/N] by her hand and drag her to your car but midway she stops you and hugs you tight. You rub her back and cares her cheek while you eye the guys in the background. As she looks up to you she suddenly kisses you.
"Wha- what was that for?"
"Just a honest 'thank you'." You weren't sure if she really wanted to kiss you or if the liquor made her do it. Nontheless you enjoyed it. Once both of you were in your car you drove her home. You brought her into her apartment because you wanted to make sure she's fine and heading to bed. You waited in the kitches while [Y/N] wanted to change her clothes. You looked down on your knuckles which were bleeding. You looked back up as you hear the door creak just to see [Y/N] in a white fluffy robe you smile fondly at her and she smiles back but her smile fades when she sees your hand.
"Damn you really hit that asshole quite hard. Wait I have bandages here somewhere." She ran into the bathroom and came back with a bottle, white medical tape and something that looked like cloth scraps. She dabs some clear alcohol on your knuckles and you wince.
"I'm sorry. I'll try to be more careful." She genuily looked concerned.
"It's fine. I'm a big boy already, you know." She giggled. You couldn't take your eyes of her while she patched up your wound. As she finished she looked up to you and smirked.
"All done." She kissed the improvised bandage.
"So it heals better, big boy." She winked and stuck her tongue out. You couldn't resist but kiss her again. This time she kissed you back and slung her arms around your neck. You picked her up and placed her on the kitchen counter next to the coffee machine. You pause and although [Y/N] was about to glide her hands down your body you stopped her by graping her wrists tightly.
"So you're dominant. I like that." She sounded so sexy and you really wanted to fuck her but you couldn't risk it. You let go of her wrists and step back.
"Do you want some coffee?" You pointed at the machine next to her.
"Ehm.. what exactly is happening right now? Weren't we about to get down?"
"Yes.. but.. you're drunk. I don't want to make use of that. I'll better go. I have to pick up the others. It's almost 3am."
([Y/N]'s POV)
You watch Hoseok leave. He just left... You slip from the counter and look at the coffee machine. Coffee doesn't sound that bad... You start the machine and while the coffee slowly drips into the carafe you decide to take a shower. Exept for the robe you're naked anyways... So much for the plan to fuck Hobi to get back on Jae. Maybe it's better you two didn't step further although he actually turned you on. You finish your shower, slip into PJ's and drink your almost cold coffee. It's 3:22am.. I'm awake and begin to sober up... what should I do? TV! The first thing that came to your mind was to watch some movie in the middle of the night. You lay down on your sofa and zapp through the channels, you stop at a documentary. Nothing really interesting but it will do. You watch the bright screen for some time while your eyelids get heavier and you fall asleep.
You wake up as someone rapidly shakes at your door handle and kicks frustrated against the door. You're terrified. Who the fuck's that?
"God dammit are you kidding me? I'm never ever that drunk that I can't open my own door..." Was that Jae? You move closer to the door.
"Jae is that you?"
"[Y/N]? What are you doing in my aparment?" You open the door and look confused at him.
"This's my apartment. Yours is over there." You point at his door but Jae shakes his head.
"Nah home is were you are! Come here." He hugs you really tight.
"Calm down boy and let go of me." But Jae just snuggles into the crook of your neck.
"Ya Jae! Let go!" He actually steps back.
"You're drunk."
"I know."
"Go to sleep."
"OK." He started walking to your bedroom but you hold his arm.
"I mean in your bed."
"But this is my bed, isn't it?"
"No not anymore."
"But I want it to be my bed again!"
"Can I sleep with you?"
"I mean just us two cuddling in our bed?"
"Jae that's not a good idea. I-" You couldn't finish you sentence because Jae ran into the bathroom and vomited. You deeply hoped that he aimed for the toilet and you were lucky because he actually used it. You got in the room next to your bedroom which you liked to call your office although you used it more as a boxroom. You searched for a bucket and found one. You placed it next to the sofa as well as some painkillers and water. You hear the toilet flush and went to grap Jae and place him on your sofa. You strip of his jacket and shoes while he already lays there half asleep. You shake your head but can't suppress the urge to smile over this idiot.
"Thanks [Y/N]. I love ya." You just stood there for the next 10 minutes thinking about his last words. As you hear a gentle snore coming from him you have the courage to answer.
"I love you too." You sigh and go to bed.
As you wake up your room is flooded with the aroma of bacon. Smells like an apology to you. When you walk into the kitchen you see, as expected, Jae standing at the stove again.
"Oh you're awake great. Listen I-"
"Don't say anything."
"But I-"
"Psst." You lay your finger on his lips and grab a slice of bacon. You take a bite and smile happily.
"I accept your apology. Tastes good, as expected." You kiss his cheek and he blushes wildly.
"Th-that's great. BUT would you go out with me today?"
"A date?" You almost choked on your bacon.
"Kind of.. more like an extended apology."
"Oh ok, sure." Dammit. While you ate you check your phone for a message from Hoseok.
Mornin'. I hope you rested well.
Also.. I know Jae is an idiot but don't be too harsh to him.
Love you. ♥
Mh? What does he mean? Damn I don't remember everything from yesterday...
Good morning. Yes everything's fine.
Thanks again for yesterday. ♥
Suddenly another message pops up.
Hi Cutie.
I'm thowing a party at my boutique tonight because tomorrow is going to be the opening. You wanna come?
Sorry no party for me today but if it's ok Im going to visit you earlier.
What a pity but fine. See you later. ♥
[Jennie send you her position]
I hope Jae's ok with dropping by. I really miss them and I'm excited to see the location.
"Jae would it be ok if we visit some friends of mine after we ate?"
"Sure thing."
"Nice. I'll get dressed. You probably want to shower."
"You bet." You both laughed and you had to admit you really missed this.
About ten minutes you were searching now for some shoes you could pair with your black high waisted ripped jeans and your cute wine red crop top as you hear Jae behind you.
"You ready?"
"Almost.. I just can't find those damn shoes..."
"Just wear some black ones."
"Oh wow really?" You put your middlefinger up.
"I'm gonna find those fucking wine red converse and if it's the last thing I'm going to do!"
"If you stick that finger up again it definitly will be the last thing you do!"
"Are you threatening me?"
"Maybe..." Jae's voice sounded bitter sweet and you laughed. Before Jae could open his mouth again you scream.
"VICTORY!!! I found them!"
"Great." Jae gave you two thumbs up and left the room. You put your shoes on, take your belongings and throw them in a backpack. Jae was already waiting at the door.
"Leggo." You two decided to eat nearby the boutique. There was a nice little restaurant that was small but had a very homely vibe to it. It was a family business and the owners were really nice. Jae and you had a great meal and a nice chat but then he asked:
"Say.. What do you remember from last night?" You pause. Is he really going to bring that up though...
"Not everything but most parts. Why?"
"Cuz I don't remember much..."
"Oh ok.. What do you remember. Maybe I can help." You weren't sure if you even wanted to know what he remembers.
"Mh let me think. I remember you dancing throughout the whole night. I remember meeting Sungjin and Wonpil. I also remember that Haru and you fought and that I searched for you. Then you went to the toilet and I began drinking way too much for no particular reason.. I guess."
"Mh yeah." So he doesn't know that it was a lie, does he? You weren't sure. He remembers everything before you left so he has to remember that blonde barbie...
"How did we even came home?" That at least answers one of your questions. He think's we were together the whole night but what is his apology about if not last night? Damn I should have listened to him.
"Hoseok drove all of us home."
"Ah. He's just the best isn't he."
"Yeah he's great." You smiled wide and you thought you saw a glimps of sadness in Jae's eyes.
"So, are we done? Should we go to the boutique?"
"Sure. Let me pay."
"OK thanks." You got up to wait outside. When Jae came you began to walk to the store. It was bigger than you expected and you were amazed. There was a pink neon sign saying 'Blackpink' and the big door was made out of almost black wood. You enter and the inside was stunning; the walls were pink and the furniture black. The name of the store was definitly fitting.
"Hello? Jennie? Someone here?"
"[Y/N]!!! You're here!"
"Oh hi Lisa." Lisa came to you and hugged you tight.
"I missed you honey."
"I missed you too. Where's Jennie?"
"She's upstairs. And who are you?"
"Hello. I'm Jae." Lisa raised an eyebrow and looked at you questioning who exactly he is.
"That's the friend I told you about. He's the new tenant of your old apartment."
"Ah nice to meet you."
"[Y/N], I tought you wouldn't make it." Jennie popped into your sight.
"Of course. I told you I would come over."
"Come girl we HAVE to talk." Jennie guided you upstairs and showed you their new home. Jae stayed downstairs. Suddenly you felt sorry that you dragged him with you here.
(Jae's POV)
And there she goes... What should I do now?
"So boy, let me tell you, this is going to take some time maybe you just wanna go somewhere and [Y/N] calls you when she's done or you just go home." That Lisa girl infront of you sounded really annoyed with you and you didn't even know why.
"No it's fine. I'll take care of him." An undesirable familiar voice was heared and as you turn around there was that blonde girl from last night.
"Oh ehm hi... what are you doing here?"
"I work here." You thought this was a joke. Out of all boutiques and out of all friends [Y/N] has, that girl really had to work HERE!?
"The better question is what are you doing here?"
"Ehm..." You didn't know an answer. You weren't sure if you wanted to tell her, that you're with the girl who called her a stupid hoe. You wanted to turn back to Lisa for moral support but she was gone.
"What ever doesn't matter. Say do you wanna exchange phone numbers? I would like to meet you again."
"Su-sure why not." You handed her your phone not knowing what exactly was going on right now but you swore to yourself that you wanted to learn how to say 'no' more often.
"OK all done. I'll call you after I'm done here. Gotta go back to work."
"Sure. See ya." You checked your phone for her name. Miso? There doesn't ring a bell. Did she even tell you her name? You quickly text her a 'Hi. It's Jae." so she also has your phone number. You step outside and take a deep breath. Someone lays a hand on your shoulder.
"Everything alright?"
"Yeah don't worry. Let's go home ok?"
"Sure. I'll just say goodbye." [Y/N] frowned but luckily she didn't ask any further. You took the bus and rode home. You were tense but [Y/N] didn't seem to notice it. As you both walked in the apartment you through your jacket and shoes in a corner.
"You gonna stay here?"
"If it's ok... I still didn't talk to Mrs. Yoon... I probably should do that soon. Summer's about to end and without warm water and stuff it's going to be rough."
"Oh ok yes. No problem. You know my home is your home."
You two spend the evening on the sofa. It felt so uncomplicated and save. Just like home.. again. You were happy. This. Hugging her and just laying in her embrance. You suppressed the urge to kiss her but you swore that one day you're going to do it. Lost in your thoughts you didn't notice that your phone was ringing.
"Jae? Don't you wanna pick up."
"Your phone?"
"Oh yeah.." You actually picked up.
"Hello? - Oh yeah sure..-When? - Now? - Mh.. I'll text you."
"Is something wrong?"
"No everythings fine. Mi-Haru just asked if I could come over and help her. After all she's still my best friend and I think I'll go to her for a while."
"Sure I can understand that. Say Hobi hello from me."
"Will do." You got up, put your shoes on and take your jacket.
"See you later."
"Ah Jae wait!"
"Here take my sparekey. Now you can always come inside."
"Thanks." You smiled wide. Wow she really trust me.. and I.. just lied to her. Good job. You rolled with your eyes and lend against the wall. Nontheless you start walking until you reach your destination. And again I'm here. You look up to the neon sign and sigh. What the hell am I doing.. I should go... You actually wanted to turn around as the door swung open.
"There you are."
"Yeah.. I was just about to come in..." Miso took your arm and walked you inside. It was pretty full and loud. You just hoped that you wouldn't meet Jennie or Lisa.
"I'll have to help and serve the guests but all in all I'll going to have time for you."
"Sure. Don't stress yourself."
"Here drink that."
"Ehm thanks..." You chuck down the liqour and feel it burn inside your throat. Everytime your glass was empty you took anotherone. You needed it to relax and push away the guilt but on the other side you knew you would regret this evening.
About two hours pass and you talked to some people you didn't nor really wanted to know. Miso came up to you.
"I'm finished. Let's go."
"Where are we going?"
"To my place." You gulped.
"OK." She dragged you along and lead you to her flat which was nearby.
"Welcome to my place. Make yourself comfortable."
"Sure. Say where is the bathroom?" She showed you the small room and pointed at another door.
"I'll wait in there for you." She winked and the only thing you could do was gulp again. You peed, washed your hands and just stared into the mirror for a while. You opened the bathroom door and stood infront of what you assumed was her bedroom door. You hesitated but walked inside.
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