#im close to doing it 100% I'm so scared of the last cave
ellenent · 9 months
Everytime I enter a cave in Pikmin 2 feels like sending my Pikmin to war
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thegeminisage · 1 year
ok, i'm gonna try this stupid sand seal plushie minigame again. now that the game has been out awhile there are video guides! one mad lad used recall which is SUCH a brilliant idea
I DID IT......wow recall really was the hack
wah whenever i catch sight of the light dragon....my heart..............
how tf u supposed to get in this lil monster tower...
YOOO this shrine where you have to melt ice blocks to get in...thats neat dude
also this lil construct guy who waited 10k years to tell me 😭
this well is DARK which is how i found out the mirror of twilight fabric actually glows! that's so cool!!!
shrine IN the well. absolutely sick
oooh, i stumbled on a yiga hideout...my third one!
one left in the gerudo area now
noooo my bike despawned...rip
i finally broke the bike. it fell down mount drena lol i think that's very fair
DINRAAL!!! girl i need your claw...ugh but she's too far away >:(
you know what, fuck it. i got some charges. i'm gonna go for it with the bike
i got my HEAT ARMOR............i got my BIKE
wow. i'm gonna stay up here forever. this is great
like i knew you could ride them unlike in botw. that got spoiled for me. but to actually do it...
heh heh heh i almost fell off taking a selfie. nvm about my totk reservations this is WAY better than botw this rules
SNAGGED myself a claw! HELL yes! (i don't want to go back to the spring of power)
oh sick i think she's going down into the chasms..........girl bye
ugh this reminds me i am sooo behind on pics & vids i need to post...
okay. my fire armor still sucks but i'm gonna try that fucking gleeok fight again. i wanna kill one so so so bad and there was just a blood moon so it'll be awhile before it comes back if i get it...i can explore lake hylia...
so the good news is. i have 200 arrows. the bad news is. even with a full set it's STILL. DAMAGING ME. WITH HEAT!!!
NOOOOOOOO i got it down to a SLIVER of health and i think it's about to do the attack that killed me before!!!!!!!!!!! IM SCARED
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my god you can fly up on the fireballs and i GOT IT WITH ONE FINAL SHOT...........oh my god finally FINALLY 110 hours into the game i have killed the hylia bridge gleeok
cut down a tree i needed to climb for a korok seed. BUT, i used a stake to put the tree back in the ground. i love this game!!!
lol i found blood moon guy again. dude........
i've worked my way around to the original zonai ruins! i remember looking at them from a nearby mountain or maybe sheikah tower in botw and thinking how cool they seemed...i had to fly over a bunch of guardians to make it, lol
i bet this goddess statue will ask after the mother statue too. which is a huge bummer bc i need to trade in my shrines for hearts lol
man look ok this is what i mean about totk. there used to be like a ton of enemies here and now theres Nothing. i cant believe theyre not doing Anything with theeee original zonai ruins. i see chests here i can't get so maybe there's at least a quest later? :/
killed this black hinox so fast the music didnt even have time to start >:) i've only done that with red ones prior to this
SUPER cool "open ceiling" cave between cora lake and lake hylia. looks like something out of ffxi (honorific) lol. i bet it's so pretty at night
338 korok seeds! i found almost 100 seeds today lol. im turning them in and going to bed
AGH I WAS SO CLOSE....two seeds away from what i think was my last upgrade!! or maybe there's one more row of shields.
and of course 562 seeds to go. at least i'm almost halfway...
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libby-is-a-idoit · 2 years
Ok i don’t know if you are taking requests if you aren’t feel free to ignore but if you are I just had an idea so what if the reader was a Madrigal but could do what Karl (from dsmp) could do as a gift they could time travel but can’t control when. Maybe when Mirabel trying to fix the miracle the reader starts forgetting things and she’s freaking out because she doesn’t know what to do.
(Also,for anyone asking,yes I'm alive,I'm dealing with finals rn along with a cold rn,as I'm actually sitting on my ass blowing my nose rn-)
"I'm scared I'm gonna forget you.."
~karl X reader~ (ENCANTO AU <3)
WARNINGS: just angst and memory loss :) ------------------------------------------
"Karl you know what my family thinks!!" You said talking to your best friend as you were doing your chores "ahh I know!! But like it's not like we're daiting!! So what's the problem with me just showing up!!" He said following right behind you as you carried two bricks up to a house that was getting built "karl, showing up at 2am is not acceptable." You said putting down the bricks tgat were already nicely put in a pile thanks to your amazing younger sister Luisa.
Ah yes, y/n Madrigal,the second oldest out of Julietas kids; me? Well imwell.. special in my own way!..my gift you may ask? HA one you will never guess...out of the whole family of magic,there was BOWN to be two screw ups! And that was me! And my youngest sister Mirabel.
What's my gift? Time traveling.
What's wrong with it?
untill I met Karl,Karl is from the past,WAY in the past.
Like I think he said 100 or some years! He's truly magic,and the best part is,is that he doesn't even come from so magic family,he just has a gift! Time traveling to be exact.
He helps me the best he can..sure,he can't always help,non of my family likes him,and when I say no one,I mean no one,not even my mom!!! Which blows my mind,my mom likes everyone...
"y/nnn" Karl said snapping his fingers in front of my face "AH" I said closing my eyes and shaking my head "I'm back im back." I said rubbing my eyes and Turing around to go get more bricks to help (even if Luisa could do it by herself.) "Y/n,wanna go work on your gift???" Karl said moving in front of me as I tried to walk back to the other pile "Karl,I need to do this.." I said trying to move away "buttt it's been like three days since we trieddd" he said talking more with his hands trying to get me to cave in,and it worked.
"fine,but I have to be home sooner this time,Isa is having her future husband come to dinner" I said laughing at the last bit,as did Karl as well.
"ok! So just,think of a place and try again!!!" Karl said after I fell on my butt after trying to get to the time period Karl was from.. Karl always the place he was from was amazing.. sure,there was war, fighting, Nations blowing up.. but he also told me about a place that I really, really wanna go to..it's called kinoko kingdom.. he said that him and his fiance's built it or something like that,but then one left..I think Karl said his name was quackity or something..and then something else happend and it just took a turn for the worst..but I wanna see how it was built,and on how beautiful it was..Karl always says it was truly an amazing place...
I think that's he said at least..
"Karl,it's no use,I'm just not ment to have this gift!!" I said putting you hands down and throwing my back on to the ground and laying on the ground looking at the brown haired boy.
"y/n you just haven't made it alive yet!!!it's there just..dead. that's all!!! It happened to be before to,now look at me! I'm from 100 years in the past!!" He said sitting on the ground facing me as I laughed at his stupid sentence.
"one day Karl I'll head to that kingdom you told me about..the one where sapnap left you guys and started his down place" I said laughing as Karl gave me a strange look.."sapnap? Uhm,y/n, quackity left..sapnap said with George before he left.." Karl said confused on your words.
"I MENT QUACKITY YES"I said even tho I swear it was sapnap..I don't remember a quackity at all being there.. "Karl,I need my right hand man at dinner tonight,wanna join?" I said sitting up and looking at him,I did NOT wanna be in that house alone with my family tonight,so why not bring my right hand man my family hates!
"y/n your family hates me,why would I go" he said with no emotion in his voice like he was disappointed in me, "well I need you,so your gonna go and I don't care,that place is gonna be scary tonight -" I said shivering at the thought of it."well I'm not gonna turn down your mom's cooking,so he'll ya!!" He said standing up as well as I did as well. "Well then we better get a move on,were already probably late anyway-" I said laughing as I grabbed his hand and we started our walked back to Casita.
"y/n Madrigal. Where have you been young lady/man" abuela said as you walked in to see the whole family sitting and getting ready to eat "I was helping Karl,and he's staying for dinner,so I'll go get him a plat." I said smiling as I dragged Karl to the kitchen with me I grabed a plate and set it on the counter..I turned to bring a pot over and immediately forgot what I was doing "why did I grab the pot?" I said confused and looked at Karl "you were gonna dish me some dinner.." he said concern growing in his voice "y/n are you feeling ok?" Karl said moving towards me and putting his hand on my forehead to see if I was heating up "Karl I'm fine,now get your.." I forgot what that word is...shit shit shit shit shit it's on the tip of my tongue.."hand off of my face please so I can get you food" I say as I mentally sigh..I don't forget much..or at least this much..did I hit my head today?
I finished dishing up Karl his food and we're all sitting at the table,and when I tell you everyone was acting strange I mean most people were.. the amount of tension that was there was basically setting me and Karl back a 100 years it was so thick. "So y/n..I heard you didn't finish your chores today.." Camilo said as he shovled food in his mouth "I did finish them!" I said in defense...I did..I know I did,I even told Karl I have to finish before anything happend.
"tia..you have a cloud.." abuela said trying to act as natural as possible as if it didn't just seem like Maribel threw herself on the floor to cover up something.. I look at Karl who's clearly enjoying his food alot,like so much it seems that it takes him a hot second to realize I'm shooting him a glare,he looks at me,then back at the family,then at me then makes some strange eye movements saying let's head to your room like right now.
"well Uhm..I'm gonna,I mean,me and Karl are gonna head upstairs,he's helping me with a project..thank you mama for dinner,and I'll see you all late-" I was very much cut off as cracks stared to show up on the walls,on the floors and basically everywhere "NO" Mirabel said as a tray that had green glowing glass on it that I very much recognized but I couldn't remember at that moment.. it went flying on the table towards abuela as everyone started to freak out and leave the room "Uhm..y/n..?" Karl said looking at me " yes Karl?" I said right back at him "wanna go see if we can time travel again?" He said looking at me again and then back at the house that was now wet from tia Pepe's clouds "yup." I say taking his had as he grabbed mine and we sped walked up the stairs to see all the doors fading as the good glow slowly started to disappear with every new crack of the house showing up.
Not long after I fell asleep due to extreme exhaustion..Karl went home before I fell asleep..or after..I just know he wasn't there when I woke up. Soft knocks rang at your door as you can back to consciousness after your sleep "yeah.." you said sitting yo from your bed "y/n!! You missed it!! Isa and I we just.." Mirabel said looking at me but then looking around my room my room is brightly colored, little flex of what seems like iridescent could always be seen in the early sun rise and sun sets..but this time..this time there was nothing.."Isa..come look at this.." Mirabel said to Isa who must have been just outside the room "y/n..how..we,we fixed the magic!! Wha.. what happened??" Mirabel said walking in the room.. little cubes on grey could be seen flying slowly off the walls and faiding away as soon as it detached it self.
"why are you guys in here.." I say,I don't remember how they got in my room.."this is just like Bruno's vision..he said y/n was gonna have something happen to them.." Mirabel said to Isa as they looked at me again! This time I stood up,somehow not in my sleep clothes,but in the cloths I wore yesterday.. who was Bruno and why did he have a vision of me?
"y/n,I think your losing your memory.." Isa said walked towards me,I don't remember much,all I know is the black dots showed up and then I was out.
Just like how the magic went out..
I woke up,why was Casita demolished? Did I travel? Why was everyone crying? Where was...? Where's Karl..he can fix this! He knows everything!! "Karl!" I stood up quickly and started to run.."I don't..I don't remember how to get to his house.." I said quickly and stop running,Isa comes to my side as grabs my arm,."y/n Karl is-" Isa said right before Karl showed up behind her "I'm right here Isa..thank you.." he said as Isa have him a hug of relief and quickly left to go find _______.
"y/n..do you remember anything?" He said as we grabbed my hands and led me to a patch of grass that had yet been touched by anything "Karl! When did you get here..?" I say,I'm confused,I'm scared..I'm angery but all I wanna know is when did he get here? "Y/n what do you remember?" He said looking at me dead in the eyes,fear rose In him like no one had ever seen.
"I remember you!!"I say smiling at him,he starts shake his head.."y/n..your memory..it's..it's like mine.." he said eyes started to fill up with tears,he was terrified to not only lose what was left of my memory,but of his close friend.. "Karl.." I say looking at him,he trys to keep himself calm for a second.."Karl..I'm scared.." I say,I don't remember where I am at this point..I know who I am,I know who he is,I know who I think my family is..I just..I just don't remember...
"y/n.. please... please say you remember...I can't lose you again...". Karl says cupping my face with his hands before pulling away and pulling me in a hug.."I don't remember Karl..." I say,hands at my side confused as ever..I'm scared,but I don't remember.. "y/n..you have to remember...your to young for this to happen...at least not again.." he says pulling away and wiping his cheeks,he had been crying before..I know what people look like sad..he's sad..
I wonder why he's sad?
"why are you sad..?" I said looking at him.. The look he gave to me made me sick,he looked scared..
"THEY FOUND HER!!!" People yell in what seems to be joy as they have found ________ I don't remember who ________ is,but they were looking for her..I remember that..I think.
"excuse me for a second y/n.." Karl says standing up and going towards a group of people who must ha e been there before...I never got my answer tho...
Karl had walked over to the Madrigals who were pulling in Mirabel for hugs.. Mirabel pulled away and went to where y/n sat,on a rock, confused.."y/n! Are you ok??" Mirabel said crouching down to look at them,they looked back,."Uhm..who are you..?" They said uncomfortablely backing away as well.
"they can't remember..they don't remember anything.." Karl said bearing the sad news to the family "but the candle when out? How can they not remember??" Camilo asked confused as well as just about all the family as well "I don't,I don't know..I know my memory started to faid but now this quickly AND I still knew what was going on..but I have a feeling..this..this if different..." Karl said walking to the y/n who just sat so confused at everything that was being said..soon the family walked over to them,all talking softly one at a time to y/n,but nothing...every passing second..was just like when Karl and y/n first met,back when they were just traveling and they came across Karl planting flowers at the base of kinoko kingdom..just like how when they met when ballroom dancing during the tales of the SMP which they came up with! Karl knew what was gonna happen...it was gonna be the same as before,they were gonna forget and pass away from a broken heart..just like before..
And all the other times of before..
No one knew why after y/n would pass Karl would disappear to..but I guess when your soul mate dies..you gotta go find them again..and start all over..again..
Just like before...
AHHH IM ALIVE!!! also sorry this may be shitty,like I said before I feel so sick rn,but I already made you wait for so long,once I'm better I promise I'll fix it up,but that will probably be in a few weeks when I'm off on summer break...anyway,thank you for reading and I love you all sm!!
And thank you sm for the request!!! My requests are open!! But it may take me time to write them..
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coffee-bat · 4 years
im fuckin shaking rn so forgive me but i crave to ramble
so like, probably everyone has like a tv-related childhood trauma, something they saw on tv that gave them reoccuring nightmares and wouldn't leave them all the way into adulthood.
(here, lemme put a read more, as the final post came out pretty long:)
for a while i was sure i didn't have one. like, i do remember the walrus pingu episode quite unpleasantly, and i did read one "fairytale" in my "100 fairytales" book that was highly questionable and gave me panic attacks when i got on a page that was too close to it (the name's "bluebeard" btw, by charles perrault), but other than that? nothing special.
UNTIL. today i was talking with mom about a town i'd go with her (or occasionally grandma) for vacation when i was a small kid (last time at 6 y/o). normal reminiscing stuff. and it all went flooding back.
i was with grandma, probably around 5 y/o. i was watching teenage mutant ninja turtles (basically the only time in my life when i watched it). i think grandma was asleep.
i couldn't remember the name of the episode. nor the plot. only very blurry outlines of it, and the images. hellish, alien-like. something like a large cave, its walls bright red (probably red lighting), and in them - eggs, or capsules. egg-shaped holes covered by thick membranes. they were taking trapped people out of them. that was all i could remember.
it didn't just scare me, it made me physically sick. i had nightmares about it every night for days, becoming more and more scared to fall asleep, as i'd always dream only of it. the nightmares would later reoccur, for years, but more rarely. i never dared see another episode of tmnt again after that.
i couldn't get it off my mind after that today. so, now in the evening, i went out on a search. finding the right series (the one from 2003). first trying to search by what i could remember, but nothing would show up. ultimately i just gave up and went through the list of episodes on the wiki, picking the most probable titles and checking the descriptions and galleries for them.
and finally, after 1,5 hour of searching, there it is, in its full fucking glory. season 3, episode 14. "the darkness within".
oh my fucking god. what in the everloving fuck.
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all that inside the eggs or whatever on the wall are corpses, btw.
no fucking wonder i was traumatized. this shit is legitimately disturbing and i have no idea what genious came up with the idea to show it on a kids' network.
anyway, i'm pretty shook and also kind of excited about finally solving a mystery from my early childhood (which i would remember once in a long while, and then forget about). ramble over, this episode is fucked up, i needed to share my trauma, thank you for coming to my tedtalk.
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