#im considering working at amazon so i don't have to deal with them
itstimeforstarwars · 1 year
I now understand the working for retail store to working for their vendors pipeline.
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mistergoddess · 1 year
so badly hate that im considering applying at amazon considering my history with them but it's fucking exhausting and shitty and humiliating waiting around and being ghosted by jobs that pay $12/hr and won't give me more than 30h nor health insurance and are retail customer facing hell. at least i know amazon will fr get you working like within the next couple days and pays at the very least $15/hr and gives full time and health insurance and i could just show up and work and not talk to anyone and leave. idk i gotta perish the thought because i should know better than to even fucking think that but man. big moves on the horizon i really don't want to keep sitting on my ass unemployed playing the job hunt game i kinda just need a bullshit job asap for the bills and to have some stability and leverage bc even if things don't Come To Pass that i want i'm still looking at potentially having to move anyway in the next couple months and i don't wanna keep just eating up my savings until then like i need a job ohh da bills. but the job market is so fucking evil right now.
haha wait jk have just realized i worked at amazon before under my deadname and if i applied to work there again id have to sort that shit out. nah absolutely not no thx officially nixing that idea. but man i was getting into a fuck it kinda headspace for a second there. scary shit. i don't respect myself or my time or my body apparently but i'll be fucked if i ever deal with my deadname ever again x
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vernita154 · 2 years
The Complete Guide to Marketing Automation
The process of creating marketing automation might seem never-ending and involve deep consideration and understanding at each stage.
For promoting experts, marketing automation offers an interesting and open door for more prominent effectiveness, cost decrease, and an improved client experience (CX). Leaving an automation venture for your business might appear to be threatening, yet with the right counsel, it's simpler than you naturally suspect. Hit the nail on the head and it will offer extraordinary prizes, as well. Best Digital Marketing Company in Bangalore
Here, we'll make sense of all that a promoting group has to realize about automation in marketing and how you can utilize it to your image-helping advantage.
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What is marketing automation?
Marketing automation programming is an always developing field that assists organizations of every kind imaginable with expanding their deals through automation.
Marketing automation is a device that permits you to make automated email, text, virtual entertainment, Digital Marketing agency in Bangalore, and different types of correspondence with your clients. It's intended to assist you with contacting the perfect individuals with the ideal message at the ideal time.
How does marketing automation work?
Marketing automation programming utilizes artificial intelligence to break down your business' information and recognize pertinent clients. It then makes customized messages in light of what it is familiar with those clients' ways of behaving, different preferences, and so on, and emails them, message or virtual entertainment channels.
What are the benefits of marketing automation?
Marketing automation software enables you to: 
Reach more prospects: Marketing automation programming can assist you with extending your span by making additional customized messages from various records or even by sending one email to numerous records. This will permit you to contact more individuals without burning through cash on advertising campaigns or pay-per-click promotions.
Increase conversions: Your site's transformation rate will increment when you Best SEO Company in Bangalore
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How to choose the best marketing automation software for your small business
At the point when you want to find the best marketing automation software for your private company, there are a couple of things to remember.
 First, it's vital to ensure that the product will work with your organization's ongoing foundation. This implies that you would rather not simply go with the main device that surfaces on Google or Amazon — you are curious as to whether or not it'll chip away at your current stage.
Second, consider what sort of elements the product has. While there are a lot of fundamental instruments out there, a significant number of them offer further developed highlights too, similar to email showcasing and online entertainment the executives. Those can be valuable assuming that you're searching for more mind-boggling usefulness than something just going to send messages one time each week. No.1 Rated Digital Marketing Company
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Third, contemplate how much cash you're willing to spend on advertising robotization programming. This is particularly evident in the event that you're beginning with a private venture where income is tight and you probably won't approach assets for something like this from the outset. Nonetheless, in the event that you conclude that this is something that would merit putting resources into, don't hold back — simply ensure that anything program you pick has great help accessible from its advancement group if essential!
I hope this guide helps you understand marketing automation and the numerous benefits it has to offer your business. Remember that marketing automation is only one piece of the puzzle that is your digital marketing strategy. It's important to have a plan in place, and seek the right advice when you need it — all so that you can effectively use marketing automation to help improve your ROI.Best Digital Marketing Company in India
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dysautonomia · 2 years
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Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
The only pharmacy nearby now nebulises essential oils. They want to increase their nebuliser sellings.
Since I have MCAS, I‘m terribly allergic to that. I can’t enter my pharmacy anymore.
Thank you for taking yet another small part of what‘s left of my autonomy. :(
3 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 20. Dezember 2022
As a disabled person who can’t go to work and stays home all day, money is always tight. I discovered an app that is actually legit for a tiny side hustle. It‘s about filling out surveys and money can be paid out via paypal or even amazon coupons.
I‘m telling you this because it is a real option to people like me who are not allowed to gain money.
So if you are on disability and want to gain a few euros or dollars, this might be an option:
It‘s sad that people like me have to try ways like these. But right now, I‘ll take what I can get and I bet many of you feel the same. It‘s a bit of work, but I had 15 Euros in three days.
Heads up: If you click on that link and use the app with my reference (sgprj) , you get 40 Cents and I get 20 Cents.
I wish we had better options, but until then, try to stay afloat, everyone.
3 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 31. August 2022
The world is unfair.
I often buy myself a treat
While others can't afford to eat.
I live in a house that's made of stone
While others don't even have a home.
My walls are short, my roof is old
But even in winter, I never get cold.
I'm often so sick that I can't go outside
But I've never been threatened or forced to hide.
When at death‘s door, I get medical care
I won't be left hanging alone in the air.
In the country I live I'm considered as poor.
But comparing to others, I have so much more!
The world is unfair
And I do despair.
I wish we could share.
3 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 22. Februar 2022
And tipps for dealing with Raynauds?
I just can’t find gloves or socks that keep the cold away :(
It‘s 13 degrees Celsius (55F) and I have mean numb, white fingers and toes. It‘s scary and it hurts and happened even through gloves.
8 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 21. April 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
Autism and hearing difficulties
Hey everyone,
l have a problem and I think it‘s caused by my neurodiversity. I am very sensitive to all noises and I hear things that are too silent for others to hear. Here comes the „but“: I don’t understand people.
I hear them, but their words don’t really make sense. I hear different syllables and then I try to guess what someone actually said. And more often than not, I can’t guess.
I try to read their lips but that doesn’t always work. Whenever there are other sounds around, I can’t understand anything at all anymore.
This is becoming worse and worse and I feel really handicapped by it. But I guess hearing-aids won’t help? I think the „fault“ lies in my brain?
Does anyone have a tip for me?
44 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 4. Juni 2022
Hol dir deinen Tumblr-Jahresrückblick 2022 →
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lesbiansforboromir · 2 years
Im sorry but can you explain how it’s racist to not support a show made by a company famous from exploiting its workers? Run by a man who doesnt give a shit about anyone other than himself and his money? How is Amazon not a bigger threat to equality, than people not supporting a show that happens to have a couple of actors of color in it? What about the POC working in amazon warehouses? The POC who will not be made rich and famous off this show, but will continue to suffer under this evil fucking rich white man’s power? Jeff Bezos will profit off of this, not people of color. If youre looking for ways to fight racism, go to a protest. Donate to causes that support POC. Punch a nazi or something, idk
I have explained this multiple times but I'll go ahead and do it again; How is your vitriol against a series, no matter how much you think Amazon cares about it's success, helping those same people? Lets go ahead and throw all realism out of the window for a second, imagine the boycott of this show is so detrimental to Amazon that it shuts down Amazon Prime entirely, how do you think that will help all those exploited workers? They're all out of jobs now, whose going to help them? Do you think the current state of the world has enough of a support net to catch those people? Have you actually considered what a boycott is, why they happen and what your actual end goal is in engaging in it?
Here's my prediction for what'll actually happen, Amazon will not get quite as much money as they expected too. They will look at the loudest voices and will see that most of them were from racist fans (who also hated that women were prominent in the show as well) and cut those characters played by non-white actors for the later seasons. They will also try to make back more of their earnings by exploiting those workers even more than before, possibly laying off some people in the process. They will start manipulating more of their fantasy content to appeal to those racist fans and those shows WILL get more viewers and less backlash because it won't be Tolkien and none of this strange religious-like extreme of defensiveness will be driving it's fans to hate on changes to canon. The white supremacist Tolkien fans will pat themselves on the back and consider it a job well done and return to watching and supporting Amazon, because few of them care about exploited workers.
Again, this backlash is not prominent for any other Amazon show, Critical Role is on Amazon but the pushback against that was minimal. In this situation we have a massive fanbase, a lot of whom are very protective of Tolkien for a variety of reasons, being manipulated by the racists within the fandom to hate on the show because they don't like that 'tolkien is woke now'. I'm sure a lot of people believe they dislike the show for good reasons, and indeed maybe Galadriel fighting is a deal breaker for you or something! But does that really deserve the kind of moralistic 'destroying tolkien's vision' rhetoric when PJ's films are entirely equivolent in these canon changes? Aren't we being influenced by other kinds of rhetoric from people who weren't outwardly racist until their favourite middle-earth had black people in it?
It is not racist to dislike the show or to dislike amazon. It's not racist to be loud about how much you hate what you've seen of the show! I actually never said it was. What I did say, was that if you do that I cannot distinguish you from those who are sending Ismael Cruz Cordova or Sophia Nomvete death threats and dogpiling on every single non-white person who says they're excited about seeing black elves. The arguments are the same, the tone is the same and often whole sentences are the same, it's just when they say 'they're ruining tolkien's vision, he's turning in his grave, this is just a corporate shill to appeal to the masses' they mean because black people are in it and a woman is fighting onscreen. And I am simply asking, are you all comfortable in tacitly supporting those people and are you sure your aggression towards the show is justified? Are you sure it is helping, if that is your intent? And are you sure the reasons for this aggression aren't infact misinformation spread by these aforementioned racist fans, when they are so incredibly prominent within the public fanbase?
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magdasabs · 2 years
Hello. Im a bit late to the phone talk but i've got a couple of options you could consider. The one i'd say is amazing is the s21 FE. Its like a lesser version of the s22 for a better price. Both of my sisters were set to get iphones but settled for the s21 FE cos they got good student discount. The battery lasts ages and the camera is really really good. In comparison, i bought an iphone12pm and the camera is ass unless its super bright and sunny outside - and it never is in london 🙃
Other phones include the galaxy a52, a53 and a33. All of them work as good as the top tier samsung phones, they just dont have the super specs. I tried to convince my dad to get one of those since he wanted a separate work phone. In the end he chose the s20 FE since my sisters' student discounts brought the price right down to £250.
I would also say check out a website called backmarket which sells refurb phones. Its a legit website. Their prices are super good but does change everyday. Im considering using it to buy myself a work phone.
I dont have much advice on any other brands of phones.
If you do decide on a samsung phone, then maybe put a message out on your blog and i can see if i can help with getting you student discount (if you dont get student discount yourself).
Good luck buying!
Hi! Thanks a lot for this 😊 currently I'm kind of between A53, A52S (slightly older but seems like a better processor) and Google pixel 6 (cause I've been reading a bunch of different reviews saying it's the best camera there is and best android etc). I'm still undecided cause there are things I like better in each one that the other lacks (like memory card slot and wireless charging) and also not sure if the Pixel is worth the nearly double price
I'd love tips on where to get a student discount though! I found the unidays one for samsung but I'm assuming you had a better deal cause that one is 15% off and it's good but that price is still more than it's on amazon. I think even if I don't get a samsung my mum wants me to buy her one so I'll make use of it 😅
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mycelier · 4 years
My name is Simone and I would like to tell you a tale!
I will not have access to my laptop for some days more and because writing on my phone is kind of painful (physically, because I am working on hand mobility now), this may end up in drafts and taking a while to post. I am going to share what has been happening the last 2 months because I feel like everything went from 0 to 100 in the span of a few weeks and its been really, really wild.
So!!! LETTUCE begin!
For roughly 5 years I've been struggling to get a diagnosis on an extremely painful area of my arm. There was literally nothing visible; no lump, discoloration or any other physical abnormality to indicate anything was wrong. I spent thousands on pretty much every kind of imaging you can do, and was told time and time again that there was nothing wrong and, perhaps, it was psychosomatic and I needed therapy or, more often than not, I was given a shrug and a vague "i dunno" response.
This year, something changed. I deal with chronic pain (my spine is congenitally fused in my neck and lower spine and I have baby bone spurs all over), and in the process of trying to work on that I brought up my arm again to a dr I no longer see. He'd told me my arm was SEVERAL things over the years I had been seeing him but this time said it was a fibromyalgia knot, something I had been told by a team of doctors some time before that. I said okay cool and was sent to a physical therapy rehab center where the dr worked with myofascial release and stretches to help with injuries. This amazing man fixed my plantar fasciitis and helped get my chronic headaches under control but NOTHING we did helped my arm pain. Within a month he was worried bc we had started to notice that there was a hardness to the spot that never changed with any exercise or massage.
Worried that there was a nerve being trapped or crushed (another diagnosis I'd gotten over the years), this amazing man sent me to a neurosurgeon who immediately frowned and said he didn't think my neck pain and my arm pain were connected. He ordered an MRI of my arm and despite it not being visible on an MRI 2 years before, he found something PHYSICALLY THERE where I said I had pain. He considered doing the surgery to remove it (despite being a neurosurgeon he was fascinated with this weird horribly painful spot) but eventually sent me a surgeon for an oncology center, assuring me it was because this new surgeon was one of the best in Texas for removing soft tissue tumors, not because there was any thought of cancer.
I met with the surgeon who gave me one more diagnosis of an AVM (arteriovenous malformation), snd said they were benign and not necessary to remove as well as the possibility that if removed it would likely return. Truly, at this point after 5 years of constant nauseating horric pain when someone brushed against me or if I gently brushed against ANYRHING, a pain so bad that it had basically made me stop using my right arm as much as possible (of course I'm right handed lol), I said GET THAT FUCKER OUT OF THERE MAN and my first surgery was scheduled.
Surgery one occurred Nov 5th and was an out patient event. I went home and passed out. At some point my mom said that while I'd been in recovery the dr said the thing in my arm hadn't looked like what he expected so he had sent it to pathology. I went back to work and was hanging out until the Tuesday before Thanksgiving when I went in for a super immediate meeting with a different doctor who told me that what had been in my arm was a synovial sarcoma, aka, cancer! He, this incredibly kind man I did not know, gently discussed chemo and told me I needed to have a CT scan immediately. Based on the CT, i was either in stage one or stage four if it has spread to lungs. The day before Thanksgiving I received the news that it was stage one, it had not spread, and i was so fucking happy.
Then it was time talk about next steps. My surgeon marked out a circle on my arm to indicate how much he was gonna remove in order to guarantee clear margins..but it was not enough of a meeting for me to grasp the surgery I was about to receive.
The day of my second surgery, dec 8th, came quickly and i met with the plastic surgeon, the kindest, most patient man. He moved my arm around and explained how he was going to hijack a vein from my forearm in order to keep the blood flow health to the flap he was gonna take from the donor site: My inner thigh.
It has been 11 days and I am living in an inpatient rehab facility, working on dealing with the nerve damage/pain, the EXTREME pain of my donor site, and the lost mobility that I am working on getting back, both in my leg and my hand. The majorities of my arm is numb...except where the nerve pain burns my wrist and forearm and makes it painful to wear my arm sling (I can't fully extend my arm, nor can I lift, push, pull or use my arm in any way that would stress out my new arm flap). Also may have a brand new urinary tract infection but as I write this I'm chugging water for a urine sample to hopefully get that treated. Below are some pictures I have taken/had taken of my arm! Im not ready to look at my leg outside of the bandages (which, since having the wound vac removed today, hell yeah, will need daily dressing changes).
EDIT: I tried posting pictures of my arm last night and my post disappeared immediately so I will try to make a new post with these photos in case the whole post was erased because of them. I will tag them as post surgery photos. I do not consider them gory or excessive but hey that's just me.
I intend to post more things as I keep healing and as I gain more mobility. I was given "independence" in my room yesterday which means I can officially get up without any assistance needed (using my badass new cane to help me lift my foot in and out of bed)!!!! Which also means I can get up whenever I want without the bed alarm going off. I have a badass cane that has been the best tool in helping me get around (and has inspired my mom and others to suggest and look into getting me a cane sword which makes me laugh REAL hard). See below me using the cane to move my foot in and out of bed!
Part of why I'm posting this is because I really needed to talk about it and while later posts may not be this long or expository but I wanted to have a base post to explain other ones related to this one!!!
I will update with some newer pics tomorrow night when my mom comes by to help me take newer pics. The arm flap looks super healthy (according to the drs), and when they changed my leg dressing they said its looking really good and healthy!
I......also really wanted to post my Amazon wishlist. Due to this stupid wild bad lottery ticket, I've been struggling to pay my bills and rent but!!! I have good insurance, thankfully (since I live in the US and my hospital stay and this rehab stay would have more than bankrupted me), and im hoping my disability checks will get here in time for rent!!! I'm putting up my wishlist bc I can't afford some of the "essentials" on there and, also, because I havent been able to have any kind of comfort during any of this. I never ask for anything for holidays because usually i...dont want to burden people with spending money on me since I know how hard money is, especially right now. And if I don't have enough for rent later I might have to create a go fund me...but right now everything looks good for rent and bills just...not for anything fun.
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Thank you so much for your time!!! And happy holidays you wild bastards!!!
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