#im definately not tagging this because i dont want to deal with bullshit discourse
gotinterest · 6 years
Look, I’m saying this is an ace inclusionist, but like... het ace people are still straight.
Having a conditional access to privilege does not totally negate that privilege. Straight trans people have a conditional access to straight privilege, but that does not mean they aren’t straight.
I feel like the push to not call straight ace people “straight” arose from a misguided attempt to prove that all ace people belong in the Community. Specifically I think it’s a reaction to that argument of “I don’t want straight ace people to be LGBT because I don’t want to be in a community with my oppressors.” (Nevermind that the Community already consists of nonwhite people organizing with white people, women organizing with men, trans people organizing with cis people, etc).
It’s unfortunate that straight ace people felt like they had to prove they weren’t straight as a result, however, it’s become a way for straight ace people to distance themselves from their straight privilege.
The reason why all ace people belong in the Community is because they share common exeriences such as corrective rape, medicalization of their identity, a lack of education and awareness leading to a feeling of being wrong for not experiencing attraction the way society tells them they should, etc with other members of the Community. There is a reason why many non ace gay and bisexual people initially identify as ace.
All ace people benefit from organizing around many of the common goals of the Community: increased acceptance and awareness of all the nuances of sexuality, more inclusive sex education, ending the medicalization of sexualities that don’t conform to societal standards, and ending strict gender roles.
Those are the reasons why ace people belong in the Community, not because they aren’t inherently “not straight”.
*as a side note, I’m talking about straight ace people as a group, not as individuals. If you are straight and ace, but prefer to personally identify as heteroromantic or merely “ace” because you feel that fits you better, that’s totally fine.*
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Wow apparently theres discourse around my politics!
congrats yall, youve managed to guesstimate a persons political leanings from near anonymous posting on tumblr and find their behavior to extreme!
I dont give a rats ass about the orientation of nationalists sexualities, I do not care how well written they are, I do not give a damn whether or not you like them. I don't. I do not like nations, states, borders, or countries. I di not like how the nation of Japan, no matter how oppressed it is by the west, oppresses or marginalizes the Ainu peoples, or how the west frames Japan as monoethnic for that historic reason. I don't like imperialism, and I certainly do not like nationalism. If that seems "neo socialist" to you, or whatever buzzword you know, congrats, you dont know, nor have met me. I dont like the right wing, I dont like the center right, I do not like right wingers.
Does that mean I cant coexist, discuss, interact with, or talk to right wingers? Fuck no. I live in the midwest, I have to on a daily basis. But I also know that if given the reigns of power and systemic organization, if push comes to shove, they will implement policies and ideas that I do not think function. If my opposition to partisan politics, to the capitalist state, to nationalism, and to right wing politics in general makes you think I am extreme, then GOOD. I dont want you on my blog. I dont want to talk to you. I reslect your right to have an opinion, but take it elsewhere, because its not welcome here. It just isnt.
If you think a mans sexual orientation defines his politics, and counters his nationalism, congrats, youve managed to stereotype, and not have nuance. If youre a gay nationalist, GREAT, be gay, fuck your nationalism. Hell I'm pansexual, itd be hypocritical of me to hate gay people, itd be downright illogical for me to hate gay people. It aint inconsistent to despise nationalism, because no matter how many nations you build, the problem that pervades them is the same; and until we actively build a better world FOR ALL people, the issues will continue as they stand.
And for those of you still skeptical:
America shouldnt have nuked Japan, it was a power move that costed millions of lives for the sake of intimidation. Repeated pacific island testing should have also not ever happened, just like the Cold War shouldnt have happened. American occupation of Japan probably wasnt a good idea either, but neither was pretty much giving them the arms and abilities to be imperialist in the first place. The solution to that aint fuckin nationalism though, as mainland Japanese people arent the only ethnic groups in japan. There are indigenous and foreign groups, and catalyzing a nationalost fervor that would idealize a specific persona of Japan, and that would alienate the other groups in it, would REPEAT the prior decades conflicts, that STILL ARE NOT RESOLVED TO THIS DAY.
Pretty poetry to build a nations image, beautiful stories to idealize a national concept, LITERATURE MEANT TO CONSTRUCT A SPECIFIC IDEA, that was influenced by decades of imperial ideology, fascist iconography and propaganda, galvanized by an oppressive foreign power, is not beautiful to me. Its bullshit.
If that upsets you cause you like his work, then Im sorry. I dont care that you like it. You can like it. You can like this feel good story about a most likely "real" r/thathappened moment on 4chan, and use it to reinforce your beliefs as much as you want. I dont want to. If that upsets you, then be upset. Kick, scream, cry, rant, try and argue. Thats your choice. I dont feel obligated to enjoy the theocratic bullshit I had pushed upon me by my upbringing. The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod is bullshit protestant performativist crap that fixes nothing and upholds current colonial powers in Africa by otherizing it, it funds domestic policy that seeks to abolish Abortion and pro-choice as a political ideology, it seeks to demonize pleasure and human feelings, it does nothing to further a relationship with god, and harms or dusillusions most people. Its existence, and its ideological validity and influence, doesnt concurrently imply I should respect the ideology it upholds or practices.
Yukio Mishima is a nationalist. Center-Right or not, I dont tolerate his politics and he probably wouldve hated mine. If that pisses you off because a bunch of now defunct blogs shared and debated my humanity or my intelligence, whilst proudly lauding nazis, antifeminists, or general hegemonic dominance in the west, then maybe ask yourself why it does.
I dont like feel good 4chan stories cause they seem ingenuine. Given that 4chan has always had a white supremacy issue, and/or a nationalism issue, which only accelarated in recent years, I dont like those feel good stories being tinged with nationalist authors, because its meant to aid in normalizing and radicalizing.
No amount of asks, discourse, tagging, aggravated rants, and so on will make me change that opinion. Enjoy your fucking author, clearly you do and thats fine.
I dont have to. Either let it die with the fash blogs that made it a big deal, or die mad about it. I am not your friend. I am not tolerant of nationalism. End of discussion.
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