#im definitly not telling her bc they would definitly do something to me
assad-zaman · 4 years
Can I just be a nothing
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artiowyvern · 6 years
We need to talk about Dean Ambrose
So I used to talk about wrestling on a discord server and just few day ago I decided I could also talk about it on tumblr aaaaaand knowing tumblr a bit I definitly expect it to be a Shield and a Dean Ambrose territory so I don't know what to expect after this post 😂
So I gonna rant a bit. Not gonna rant about Dean himself but about his booking
(also Im use to talk about wrestling in french so I hope english get about the same vocabulary, if not... Well sorry for misuse of words I guess)
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I am both upset, mixed and looking forward about Dean booking.
I first of all, I think his heel turn is a lot of wasted opportunities.
I am actually good with him having a heel turn, Dean had a heel of a year, only able to come back mid august and I though having a heel turn is a good way to get back in a strong position in Raw while The Shield as a team was "unbalanced".
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So yeah, heel turn is was kinda the logical way to go.
But. Apparently Dean heel turn was supposed to happen around TLC.
However as we know unfortunatly Roman announced his leukemia and he would be retiring until he beat cancer once again (get well, we wish you the best)
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Of course it changed plans for Dean and Seth, it's not something bookers can ignore either. I gonna be straight, if wrestlers and their family are ok for wwe using part of their personnal life in a feud (here Roman's leukemia), even if I think it's quite awfull (same goes for Natalya and her father), Im going with it. And why Im saying that is because they could have then managed Dean's booking way better.
So there was for me 2 way to go after Roman announcement : cancel the heel turn plan, making Seth and Dean strong together as brother. Or doing the heel turn immediatly.
Wwe choose to do the heel turn right in the same night when everyone was still in shock.
But it's obvious WWE had no idea what to do with their Dean Ambrose after that 🙃
The worst is it started pretty good. But now we get him tangled in wanting to mess Seth 's business up but Seth is like... Definitly going for a different direction. I mean, right no Seth is the top Face, and Dean definitly isn't the top Heel.
And it upset me to have such wasted heel potential. They would have go with, as I though it would at the beginning of the feud, with emotionaly unstable Dean having a burnout bcs of Roman illness after all he went trought since the beginning of the year. It would have worked. The whole "I own you no explication for what I did" would have worked with that too, as Dean could not know why he is angry. I though we were going this way since when Dean betrayed Seth you could hear Seth not fighting back and telling him "it's okay" on the ring as for trying calm him down.
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Then he get the Intercontional Championship from Seth (good thing) (and expected as Seth is rumored to go for Universal Championship this year) but for only 29 days (not good thing) like respect where ? If you weren't planning to make him keep the title you could have make him give it up the next day he get it, it would have show he just want to attack Seth personnaly u.u
And tbh that germophobia thing is could kinda see where it was comming from but they gave up on that too so 🤷
He is doing is best to save the day, being as convincing as ever during promo but I have no idea where we are going, wwe probably have no idea either.
You get one of your best guy on the mic who could mess the roster pretty badly but... No.
We gonna see where is all of this lead him but Im very disapointed in his booking, they could have made something so good but it was probably too complicated for Raw 🙄 that some character developpement you could only found in NXT (lol)
Wwe made this character give up on everything he had, his brothers, for litteraly nothing. Im salty.
Anyway hope 2019 will be a better year for him.
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bleusidemv · 6 years
85 Question Tag
Thank you @neocultvretechs for tagging me I am always so excited to do stuff like this yeay. Thanks honey!
RULES: answer these 85 statements about yourself and tag 20 people
1.drink- strawberry smoothie
2. Phone call- my mom so she can pick me up from the trainstation
3. Text message- friend about the dress for our prom night in 3 weeks
4. Song you listened to- Nirvana-Sam Smith
5. Time you cried- about 2 weeks ago
6. Dated someone twice- No
7. Kissed someone and regretted it- YES!!!
8. Been cheated on- I dont really know...I suspect one exboyfriend but I dont care about that anymore and another one kinda did something but not really...just kinda
9. Lost someone special- Nope
10. Been depressed- Haha yeah most of my teenage years but luckyly not anymore
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up- No I have a really high tolerance but I dont drink anyways(only like...maybe...5 times a year for special events)
12. Fave colors- (black white gray) pastel pink/babyblue/mint and dark reds and greens
15. Made new friends- yeees
16. Fallen out of love- idk maybe its hard to put feelings in situations into such a general statement but I think so
17. Laughed until you cried- definitly. I cry sooo easyly while laughing bc of my huge cheeks being pushed agains my eyes so yeah...thats like the only reason I cry for most of the time
18. Found out someone was talking about you -I dont remember but I dont think so since I dont care about that anyways and it mostly does not happen(at least not knowingly)
19. Met someone who changed you- yes
20. Found out who your friends are- BIG FAT YES. Funny story: one of my best friends from primary school and I started talking again after years of not seeing each other and she is the one that helped me get into kpop so much and now we see each other every other week and bc of her I also got back in touch with another friend who I just went on a 3 day trip to berlin with. So yeah soemtimes the real ones are the ones you have not talked to in a while but that does not make it awkward instead shows you how time does not change a real friendship!
21.kissed someone on your facebooks friends list- I dont have fb so no
22. How many of your fb friends do you know in real life- Still dont have an account
23. Do you have any pets- Yes one Cat
24. Do you want to change your name- No. I am happy my parents gave me 2 names to choose. One "normal/regular" one (Lea(but no one outside the internet calls me that)) and one that is more special(Sharon(also name I wanna be called by everyone since I like being unique))
25. What did you do for your last birthday- Went out to eat chinese with some friends then into a mexican restaurant to get churros
26. What time did you wake up today- 5:00(my sleep schedual is still shit from last week bc if the train we took at 2 in the morning to get to berlin and waking up early bc of excitement on the day the concert was)
27. What were you doing at midnight last night- trying to fall asleep
28. What is something you cant wait for- in general: when I order something online. Right now: going back to berlin for the BTS concert
30. What are you listening to right now- I.L.Y.-The Rose
31. Have you ever talked to a person named tom- yes I have someone in my art class with that name
32. Something that is getting on your nerves- my constant back pain
33. Most visited webside- either h&m since I have to get a prom dress and I dont want to soend much money on it or kpopmart bc like...I am addicted to buying albums and I cant stop myself
34. Hair color- reddish brown
35. Long or short hair- on myself long. On girls I like both but maybe I prefere short a teenytiny bit more and on boys I like a little longer hair
36. Do you have a crush on someone- like famous people yes of course but in real life not that much. I mean I crush on loaaaad of girls but its not something constant like when you slowly fall in love with someone
37. What do you like about yourself- actually a few things. My eyes, my upperbody proportions, most of my personality and my taste in stuff aaaand my tattoos
38. Want any piercings- not right now. Someday maybe a tongue ring or a nose ring but I had my piercings phase already and I dont want to go back to it for now
39. Blood type- I dont know
40. Nicknames- no constant ones that everyonw uses just random ones with some friends that come up from time to time
41. Relationship status- almost single
42. Zodiac- Pisces
43. Pronouns- she/her
44. Fave TV shows- not watching any right now but maybe sense 8,skins,scubs,my name is earl, stranger things, avatar, sailor moon and sherlock
45. Tattoos- a heart on my foot but there are more coming in the next days
46. Right or left handed- right
47. Ever had surgery- No
48. Piercings- Multiple earlobes, 30mm tunnle(not wearing them anymore tho), I used to have a septum but I also dont wear it anymore and a smiley also not wearing it anymore aaaand I tried to make a nostril piercing myself but I only got halfway through so noooo but maybe one day Ill get that one profesionally done
49. Sport- I used to dance but I ruined my legs with it so I cant do it anymore as a sport thing
50. Vacation- I will hopefully go to greece or portugal this year. And if I could go anywhere Id go to thailand,korea,japan or anywhere that is close to the ocean and has nice beaches
52. Eating- not right now
53. Drinking- mostly water
54. Im about to watch- the last parts of the last ikon tv episode and then maybe the new kq fellaz episodes
55. Waiting for- my sisters weeding in a month
56. Want- to go back to the got7 concert and tell them all the things I need them to know. Also more albums and maybe new shoes
57. Get married- one day yes but not in the close future
58. Career- something creative hopefully in the music industry as a manager or producer would be nice but Ill take anything that makes me happy
59. Hugs or kisses- HUGS
60. Lips or eyes- both but...a slight bit more eyes
61. Shorter or taller- I am a short baby so taller...almost everyone is and I kinda feel cute for being short
62. Older or younger- older
63. Nice arms or stomach- weird question I mean what is the definition of nice? But lets say they mean conventional nice so like toned and muscular...then its definitly arms. I like strong arms. But I think that nice can mean a lot and to me a nice belly is a soft belly to cuddle with
64. Hookup or relationship- depends. Right now definirly hookups but if the right one comes my way I wont say no to a relationship
65. Troublemaker or hesitant- lately more hesitant but I used to be more of a trouble maker
66. Kissed a stranger- No
67. Drank hard liquor- Yeeeees
68. Lost glasses- I dont have glasses so I cant lose them
69. Turned someone down- Uhm yes of course
70. Sex on first date- No...I mean practically I had sex at a first meeting but it was not a date so yeah
71. Broken someone heart- Yup
72. Been arrested- Nope
73. Had your heart broken- No not really
74. Cried when someone died- No
75. Fallen for a friend- Nope
76. Yourself- Sometimes
77. Miracles- Yes...I guess...not sure
78. Love at first sight- I want to but also not sure since Ive not experienced it myself
79. Santa- Nooooooohooooooohooooo
80. Kiss on a first date- thats something to believe in? I just do whatever I feel like
81. Angels- like the church ones no but I do believe that humans can be like angels and thats what I am trying to be
82. Best friends name- I have multiple ones
83. Eye color- Green? Blue? Grey? Who knows
84. Fave movie- too many
85. Fave actor- also too many but the first one that came to my mind was Tom Hardy but there are other in this list too
Tagging : (new mutuals I wanna know better and my good ol frens)
@1kenzo @4xiumn @bobahancafe @felixspotato @woojinshairwasblue @orgel-mp3 @leeknowyaknow @straygayz @jiwonidaeyo @hercosmoscomplex @queen-ki @changbinknows @princess-nakamoto @122c @curledlife @daehdream @irrelevantkblog @neoculture-tech @yummyyugyeommie @joshhaogyu @kinodarling @apricotlipgloss
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EPISODE 2: Hurricane Jordan Pines is coming - Jordan Pines
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girl what the actual fuck was that like.... Eve was ROBBED ok. Absolutely positively robbed! *Sighs* ok here we go Episode 2: Not All Fear Is The Same https://voca.ro/13U2UMQI90Qm
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So we lost the puzzle challenge, and I’m so fucking conflicted because we kinda lost due to Coulee’s mistake which gave us penalty points. So I’m caught in this mindset of not wanting Coulee to be punished for that because it was an honest mistake but I also don’t feel good about someone else going home when it was that mistake that made us lose in the first place if that makes sense it just wouldn’t be fair, also I’m working with Coulee because we wanted to avenge Eve and kick ass and this genuinely is just such a bummer. Also y’all I don’t think you understand how like complicated this is because of the trio twist. Because every decision you make and everything you say can reflect on your trio in some aspect. You say something that rubs someone the wrong way it could go back to your trio and fuck one of them over the next time anyone of them isn’t safe. 
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ok here’s plan: I will say I got a medallion if asked about the bay and THATS IT. I’m taking all advantages with me and I ain’t telling a soul, not even my trio. Cause these girls talk too much. Then Imma get the tea from Andrew and see what’s happening on green. And then I’m gonna size up the other two groups to see who’s ready for war on Ozarks. Streets say Jabari is still in the sunken place and is still being loyal to Henry but that’s ok. That just means there’s an opening and I’m looking for recruits- any takers 😏
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So we of course didnt try our best but it didnt matter thanks to my advantage. On the offside that could mean that eve or another ally could be in dnager, I have made friends with jinx and henry right away and am trying to win my tribe over despite the whole amount of issues roxy brings. I love her to death but she made enemies way too early in the game especially in the way this game is formatted. only the the social survive 👑
Coulee is in danger for really messing up the challenge and even though normally that would be a plausible way to go I can't afford this like literally I worked to hard ve doing this all by myself and alone. Currently I'm doing everything in my power to make sure coulee stays and we get another day.
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going back to my my montenegro roots and submitting one sentence confessionals as a bare minimum. anyways eve baby you will be avenged white women are wild
  also if coulee goes home today truly y'all are gonna see a bitch on a war path.
if i decide to wake up.
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I feel like I’m gonna get first boot on my tribe after the stunt that Sarah pulled cause she voted out Eve whom is jabaris friend, whom is my tight tight ally on this tribe. But we won the challenge so it’s fine. I got a vote expose advantage last cycle I forgot to mention! Roxy has told me that Sarah and bodhi are her nemises and those are like my two closest allies and she knows that like wtf.
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I 1000% tell Andrew too much and it's 100% because I'm just used to talking to him in my host chat This was way less of an issue with Asya and Isaac when I played with them because they only hosted me once and weren't super interactive If Andrew doesn't fuck me over then they've 100% joined the list of people that I will always work with in an org Sarah has already made that list because I am a dumby Pretty blonde girl said "Call me daddy spice" and I said "Yes pls" Wait if Andrew joins that list then literally half of that list is in this game That would be insane there's no way Andrew is gonna join the list then I'd be stuck with another atomic situation where bodhi and Ali didn't get along and I asked to be voted out partially so I didn't have to pick sides WHAT IF I HAVE TO CHOOSE BETWEEN SARAH AND BODHI I WILL SIMPLY DIE
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I have 5 min to submit this hehe so here’s some random shit Literally eve was SO PUSHED sarah RESPOND to me pls omg you just got 5 votes last tribal and I wanna change that and be allies but you gotta respond PLS Andrew is an angel hello? Love him so much and they’re so sweet to talk to and we’re so far always on the same page? LOVE Autumn is literally a bestie but we already knew that didn’t we! Cindi also a bestie omg literally I hope we don’t go to tribal because I could see it being either Cindi or sarah that goes and Cindi going would NOT be it for me
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Hello, this is a mandatory confessional. I am feeling decently on my tribe as I have been playing my social connections to try to start relationships. I have my eyes set on kai a bit at the moment as someone who I want out sooner rather than later, nothing against kai, like he seems like a very cool person who I definitly get along with, but his trio scares me in this game as a big agent of the unknown and I would rather not have to deal with their gameplay in the later parts of this. I feel pretty shitty tbh cause coulee is someone I like a lot and could definitly see a game relationship being strong but she fucked up hard in the challenge and no one is willing to budge on the issue. Let it be stated here first, i tried to get it to be kai but people said jordan pines no thank you. So im gonna hold my trigger finger on kai a little longer and buddy up to him some more so hes not sus of my actions. but mark it down if the joyita boat goes to council again I will drown his ass because hurricane jordan pines is coming and people best be putting on some life jackets or they are going down.
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joyita wins immunity all six of us are final three ☺️😔☺️😔
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Safe again!! I have been in limbo because I’ve been at school and training…hopefully it stays this way though?? I’m worried about Carson tonight and Sarah’s idol play really put 101 in the spotlight. But if Carson votes out Kai- they may just keep losing 
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Fuck working full time I’m at work rn LOL but uhm we won immunity i wanna kiss jinx on the mouth I will die for jinx and roxy said she wants to work w me bc I gave roxy permissions to spam me more to come at *checks watch* idk when I get off work ig 
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The game is progressing 
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phoutube · 6 years
idk about being famous bc like i could make a difference but also i would get so much hate?? i'm not exactly the best person, and i definitly couldn't deal with millions of ppl dissecting every aspect of me and hating me for things i can't change abt myself, or having never known me. oof too much pressure, but i'd make a difference on a smaller scale. maybe write a really popular fic lmao. 1/2
yh in like, 2015 a few years before i got into dnp literally every girl in my old school was into them, i had no idea and only found out on instagram a few months ago. they probs think they’re queerbaiting emos now so lol. i’m writing a femslash dnp fic rn and like, i’m bi/attracted to men but i relate lesbians. P.S. rn my sister is visiting my family for the first time in a year, and im writing this to u instead. i’m pretty sure i can hear my mum complaining abt me to her - ii hoodie anon 2/2
I definitely think I could handle being famous!! god I sound so obnoxious typing that but possibly??? like I have a really good singing voice and I’ve always wanted to do something in that… area of life. I feel like if I did become some famous singer then I’d also do stupid vlogs and stuff on the side (something youtube-y) so if people didn’t like my music they wouldn’t bitch about me just for that…. they could bitch about me being annoying in real life too! also if there’s constantly new media with your face being put out on the internet, then pretty much every picture taken by paparazzi is worthless!! do you ever wonder why we’ve virtually never seen pap. pics taken of youtubers?
anyway as for you being not the best person, I totally get that. nobody’s perfect and some people are less perfect than others!! and that’s okay. also, millions of people basically watching your every move and dissecting every action you take?? ugh. that’s one part of being famous I’d never enjoy. 
and as for fic-writing, any difference is still a difference! no matter how small!! like writing a super popular fic is a dream that a lot of people have (me included) and literally every single writer has that ability! like, since you’re writing fem!dnp, you could literally awaken someone’s sexuality and make them realize that hey, maybe they’re attracted to women! sorry if this is putting a lot of pressure on you, I’m in a weirdly positive mood tonight. 
p.s. normally I would tell you to go say hi to your sister! but also I’m guilty of doing literally the same exact thing too. also same, my mom complains about me to everyone?? and I don’t know these people??? and all they know about me is that I won’t clean my room and I’m bad at taking out the trash???? thanks, mom
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