#im determined to reply to some of the stuff that has been sitting round in my inbox currently so look out for that!
elysiashelby · 4 years
In Another World - T. Shelby Imagine Ch. 3.3
Paring: (Eventual) Thomas Shelby x Aliena Welsh (OC)
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Word Count: 4, 479
Summary: Aliena Welsh has been living in the universe of the show Peaky Blinders for 7 months now. Tommy and Aliena have worked out a bargain on how he should be dealing with his PTSD. Will it help him? Or will it just make everything awkward? Also, she travels to London with Ada, but ends up making a new acquaintance. 
A/N: This chapter and 3.2 are both considered extras. You can move onto chapter 4 without really reading them. I honestly wrote chapter 4 before 3.2 and 3.3. So, that will explain why Ch. 4 is a little different. THANKS FOR READING!
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“Ali, wake up.”
Instantly, me eyes opened and Tommy was there towering over me with his hand on me shoulder.
“What?” I asked, kind of annoyed.
“Get in the bed. You have about 30 more minutes before you need to get up, all right?”
All I heard was get in the bed. 
Say no more, sir, I will! 
With me feet, I launched meself into his bed and pulled the covers over me body. Me left arm and neck ached like a mother, but I was determined to go back to sleep.
Through squinted eyes, I watched him leave and once he did, I closed me eyes. 
When me eyes opened again, I checked the clock. I only had a minute left to myself. I sighed tiredly. I ruffled the front of me hair, playing with it a little bit then hauled myself up. I made up Tommy’s bed, then left. 
I opened the door to me room, went in, and immediately walked to the mirror. I looked at me bruises. There was literally like no change. I sucked on me teeth before looking away. 
‘What the kinel am I going to do now?’
I didn’t have another turtleneck dress. I huffed while shuffling through me clothes. There was absolutely nothing in me closet that would cover me neck. I picked a dress that had like a “mid-necklike.” It didn’t cover it fully, but it got most of it. 
I got down on me knees, laid flat on the ground, and then pulled out me suitcases from under the bed. I opened them both up. I rummaged to find anything that resembled scarfs, and Lady Luck was on me side today ‘cause I found a couple! 
I smiled in delight and chose the one that went best with me pale pink dress. I put it on, put back all the items I took out, and slid them underneath me bed. I got up only to take off the scarf because I had to do me hair. 
Once I was done, I went downstairs. Polly was there, drinking her morning tea. 
“G’morning, Pol.” I said while aiming for the stove.
“Mornin’, Ali.” Polly replied, “Today, I need you to go to get groceries.”
I nodded, but then it struck me. Lizzie’s been getting the groceries for John. I hummed while looking at Pol. 
I started. “So, Polly about John’s groceries...?”
“Last time I got them, the house was already packed.”
“What?” She asked loudly. I heard her cup clink on the table.
“Yeah. I think John found ‘imself a woman.”
“No shit!” Polly huffed before laughing. “Finally! I mean those kids of his have been needing a mother, Ali. They can’t have just you. Besides, you’re the nanny. Oh, I hope it’s someone who won’t break his heart. Did you see her?”
I couldn’t exactly lie to her outright. I mean this woman can tell when Tommy is lying, you think I’m gonna be the exception? Nah.
I nodded. “She had short black hair and was tall. Not taller than ‘im, but way taller than me. Like way taller.”
I heard her light a match then a puff. She chuckled. “Aliena, sorry to break it to you, but everyone is taller than you. Finn will end up passing you in a year!” 
Oh, did that make her laugh!
I looked at her from the corner of me eye and made a “tch” sound. 
She walked over to me with her arms open, so she could hug me. “Oh, I’m sorry. But you have to admit it. How short are you again?”
“5 feet.” I grumbled.
“What-? What was that?”
“5 feet.” I said clearer this time, but still soft.
Pol stepped away from me and patted my head. 
“Ali, you’re only 5 feet?” Ada yelled while coming into the room. 
I groaned loudly. I whispered to myself, “For fuck’s sake!” 
“Yep, I’m only 5 feet and a quarter of an inch.” I said loudly.
A chair scraped against the floor. “Huh, how about that! I thought that you had to have been, what, 5’2. But, 5 feet, wow!”
“Yeah, shut it.” 
Ada had a smug smile. I put her food down in front of her and then Polly’s. I had to finish making me own scran. Ada and Polly were talking. I was just swaying while cooking. 
“Aliena, how would you like to have the day off?” Polly asked.
I twirled ‘round to face her. “Really?” The excitement practically dripped from me voice. 
“Yeah. You and Ada should go into the city. Have a girls day! I’ll take care of the kids today.”
Me gaze shifted to Ada. Me excitement gone. She avoided me eyes. I sighed. “Okay, then! Thanks so much, Polly!”
I was halfway done with me scran when Polly got up and put her dishes in the sink. She walked over to the both of us and rubbed our shoulders before heading off. 
I waited ‘til I heard the door slammed shut and then kicked Ada under the table. 
“What the hell are you roping me into, Ada?” It’s hard to shout and whisper at the same time! She wouldn’t look at me. “Is this about Freddie?”
Her eyes practically bulged out of her head. I poked the inside of me cheek with me tongue, folded me arms, and leaned back against me chair. 
“Fuck, Ada! What do you need me for?”
“Pol has been watching me lately! She’s not falling for my stories, so I figured I’d start telling her that I want to spend days off with you. And hey, you get paid leave!” She smiled before getting up and putting her dishes in the sink. “C’mon. I’ll be with you ‘till the afternoon.”
I smoothed out me forehead, resting me elbows on the table.
I muttered. “You’re lucky that I needed to go and buy some new clothes.” I stabbed the fork in me omelet.
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Ada and I took a train to London. We looked ‘round a few stores, but we were talking so much that I kept forgetting to buy clothes. True to her word, Freddie came to pick her up after we ate lunch. I was left all alone after that, sitting at a table sipping on hot chocolate. 
Yeah, don't care for coffee or tea. So, I opt for hot chocolate. Luckily, it was always cold here, so I get to feel validated!
After finishing me drink, I went back into some of the stores that Ada and I went into. I bought three new dresses that had a turtleneck. I also bought two regular dresses and a nightgown. I would have bought some undergarments, but they were just too different and difficult for me to like understand. They did have cup sizes and yeah! I'm not going to explain it. I'm gonna need Polly or Ada for that adventure. 
To be frank, walking around with no supervision was terrifying and liberating at the same time. I was deathly afraid of the possibility of a man dragging me into an alleyway and mug me or... yeah. However, it was also one of me rare moments where I'm being independent. 
I was in London on me bill!
I was walking around with me new threads when I was tapped on me shoulder. 
"Excuse me, can you help me?" The girl said with an American accent. She was absolutely beautiful despite the fact she looked absolutely bladdered.
"Ye wha?" I slipped out. 
I shook me head and said. "Sorry, um, I said Pardon. What did you need?"
She chuckled. "Oh, okay! You know I've never heard that accent before. Where's it from?"
As I answered I started taking in her appearance with more detail. 
She had dirty blonde hair. "Liverpool. It's Liverpudlian. I can do an American accent, if you can't understand me!"
She was at least 2 to 3 inches taller than me and her eyes were blue. 
"Really! I mean you don't have to do it, but I'd love to hear it." 
She was quite thin. Her breasts were large, probably bigger than mine. Her body shape might be a pear like mine or maybe an hourglass. 
I started to talk with an American accent. "Um, I don't know what to say. So, I'll just say Hi and how are you?"
Her makeup was smeared. Her eyes resembled a raccoon's and her lipstick dragged from the corner of her lip to the middle of her cheek. She had her heels in one hand, leaving her barefoot. Her hair had previously been kept up, but it was now mostly undone. 
She giggled. "Oh my god! It's so good! Have you ever been to America? Is that why you're so good at it?"
I nodded. My analysis was over. "I lived there practically my whole life. I learned how to do this to like blend in. Kids are pretty vicious."
"Ugh! Adults too! I always get shit just because I don't have an English accent. I mean I wasn't born here, what do you expect? My dad was born here, though. We came here after my mom died and then he became an MP. So, I'm basically stuck here with no real fucking friends!"
She hummed while picking at the dirt under her fingernails. Then, she clapped and snapped her fingers. "Right! Can you help me get to the Ritz Hotel?" 
I laughed and nodded. "Yeah, I can help you. Follow me. You were going the wrong direction, love." 
I heard her mutter, "Fuck." 
We started walking to the Ritz. 
"So, what's your name? I'm Cassiopeia Johnson. But everyone just calls me Cassie."
"Aliena Welsh. So far my nickname has been Ali." 
"Did you have a different nickname?"
"A friend who I considered to be my best friend used to call me Rosie. She said she would know I was coming because I brought the scent of roses with me." I smiled at the thought. It was a true story. The girl who I considered to be my best friend back home gave me that nickname because I would always buy rose fragrant stuff. 
"How come she still isn't your best friend? Did you guys have a fight?"
"No, actually. It was because I moved here. It was a sudden move. I didn't even get the chance to say goodbye to her." I pretended to be saddened as I looked down at me hands. 
Cassie put a hand on me shoulder. "Why don't you send her a letter or something?"
I shook me head before meeting her concerned gaze. "She's off becoming a nurse. I don't want to interrupt her with my drama."
She hummed and removed her hand from me shoulder. 
"So, how far are we exactly from the hotel?" Cassie asked me. 
I hummed as I wondered. "I think about 20 blocks. That's about a mile, I think."
She groaned loudly. "Fuck! God, that lame party was not worth all this." Cassie rubbed her face with one hand. 
I smiled at the sight.  
"How old are you, Ali?"
"I'm 16. I'll be turning 17 in January."
"Oh, really! How nice. I'm 17 too! I'm gonna be 18 in February. When? What day were you born? Maybe we have the same zodiac sign!"
I chuckled at her peppy attitude, I just told her me age and she forgot within a split second. "January 24th."
"This can't be real. Mine's the 10th! We're both Aquariuses. This has to be fate or something!" She clasped her hands together as if she was gonna pray. 
That's when I gave her a face. I haven’t been around this much energy in a while!
She saw and stopped. "Sorry. I had a lot to drink last night."
I shook my head. "No, you're fine. It's just been a while since I've been around someone so cheerful. And someone who is crazy about horoscopes and zodiac signs. I had another friend who was like that. She used to swear up and down that she was an Gemini even though she was actually a Aries. I think her zodiac sign was correct."
Cassie nodded and smiled. "So, do you live here in London?" Her tone was meek and she kept twisting her hands. 
"No. I live in Small Heath, Birmingham." 
There was a slight silence after that. 
"Well," Cassie said, "you know where I'm staying at, so maybe if you want to chat sometime? We could?" Her face was red. 
I laughed. "Yeah, I'd love to hang out. I work almost all week, though, so that'll be hard."
"You have a job?" She asked, quite shocked might I add. 
"Yeah. My parents are dead, so I have to fend for myself. My bosses gave me a room in their house."
"That's just-! Wow! You know I always thought about teaching kids, or working in a flower shop if I ever needed to work. What is it that you do?"
"I'm a nanny-slash-maid. I take care of one of my employer's kids. I make sure they are fed, clothed, bathed. I teach them how to read and write. Then, I make sure that all my employers are fed and that the house all of us live in is clean. I don't do all of the cleaning in the house in its entirety. I get help from my female boss. Her name's Polly. Yeah, she basically splits up the work for me." While talking, I was gesturing with me hands and nodding me head a lot. 
"Are they nice?"
"Yeah. Of course, they are. They have to be nice, if they don't want spit in their food." I looked at her and stuck out me tongue. We both laughed. 
Cassie grabbed me arm and linked them together. 
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When I finally managed to deliver her to the hotel, she offered me a ride home. I took her offer. I had to wait for her to get dressed properly, though. 
"So, you live here by yourself?" I shouted since she was in the shower. 
"Yeah! I come here really on the weekends, or when I don't want to be near my dad! But believe me, Angelica's room is so much bigger." Cassie shouted over the running water. 
"Who's Angelica?"
"Angelica Sallow! She's the daughter of Earl William Sallow! She's also been my friend here since I arrived. She's a nice enough girl, to be completely honest, but I don't know. She's so stuck up. She always goes on and on about never getting married. Or, the man needs to realize that he's beneath her for the relationship to work. I swear I pity the poor soul who falls for her. And God, don't even get me started on her shadow!" Cassie walked out with a towel wrapped around her body and another wrapped her hair. 
I was sitting on a lounge chair with me feet up. "Too late, love! You already started. Get on with it!"
Cassie walked to her closet. "The name is Christiana King. She is the granddaughter of a Viscount. Angelica and Christiana have been since childhood, and it's known among high society that wherever Angie goes Tina is not too far." 
I made the word "Wow" with my lips, but didn't say anything. 
"I know right." Cassie said while buttoning up her dress. "Sometimes, I get the feeling that they are more than just friends. If you get what I'm saying." 
I instantly tensed up. The next thing she says will determine if I ghost her or not. "And so what if they were?"
She shrugged. "I think it's Tina that likes Angie. But Angie is straight, she's been with a guy or two in secret. Meanwhile, Tina has never been with one! Even if they wanted to be in a relationship, they probably never could. High Society is too strict about a woman's image for them not to be married off. Or, they’ll have to be married off for political gain."
She passed. 
"That's true. Poor Tina, then."
"Yes, poor Tina. You know, I've talked more to you than anyone else these past few years. I mean it's so easy to open up to you."
I nodded as I had me head tipped back on the chair. "Well, it's easier for people to rant when it's to a stranger." No consqeunces, usually.
Cassie laughed. "Oh, come now! Don't say that! We're not strangers anymore. I've told you loads of things." She paused for a moment. "I know, it's because you haven't shared anything. How about you get something off your chest?"
I brought me head back up and faced her. I had to sit on me knees in the chair to look at her though.
We talked the whole walk too. I felt a real bond with her. I mean if we decide to stay friends, then she'll be me first one here.
 "Alright!" I said. "Let's see… Oh, well I find one of my bosses attractive."
Cassie gasped. "No way!"
"Yep! Oh, Cassie, if you'd only seen him. He is so fit! His eyes are so dreamy and his cheekbones are so defined!"
"Aliena, how old is he?"
"He's 28. We're 12 years apart."
"Huh, not too bad. By my luck, I'll never meet a decent guy and will be married to a guy three times my age."
"Eee!" I exclaimed in disgust. 
She gave me the same face. 
"Well, are you gonna pursue him?" She asked while doing her makeup. 
"I don’t want to make the first move. Plus, I'd doubt he'd even see me in that way. He's not exactly an open book, ya know. So, you have to be slow and patient with him. He's barely let me in like a month ago and we've known each for seven months now. But you know what, that makes sense. I mean the man is 28 and if we did get chummy fast, that would've been weird, to say the least."
"That's true. But can't say it would be illegal. Age of consent is 16 here."
"Maybe so, but it goes against a lot of social constructs and moral values and ethical principles of our modern society."
We both hummed. 
"Would you mind being with a 28 year old?" I asked. 
"Nope. I wouldn't even mind a 38 year old as long as he was good-looking and wealthy." She smiled at me through the mirror. 
Me mouth fell open in shock. The corners of me mouth turned into a smile. "Cassie, you're my fucking soulmate!"
We started having a big 'ol laughing fit. 
When we calmed down, I said. "But I'm still not going to do anything! I admit he's very attractive, but he is my boss. I need this job and helping him find happiness is completely fine with me."
"Aw, aren't you a saint!" Cassie exclaimed, quite sarcastically. 
"Was that sarcasm, Cassie?"
She stuck her tongue out at me. 
I scoffed playfully! “Oh, I don’t play with sarcasm!"
I leaped for her and she screamed. Let's just say the fight ended in a draw. Yeah, a nice tie!
When we finished, we went down and Cassie had her car running to take me home. I felt pity for the driver who was probably waiting for a good two hours. 
'I've done this loads of times. I've relinquished all of me troubles and secrets to a person who claims they want to be me bestest of all best friends, only for us never to contact each other again. It's disappointing, but again- I'm used to it.'
I hopped out of her car and waved her goodbye. 
"Next time, I won't go for the back of your knees!" Cassie yelled. 
"Ta' even though we both know that's a cheap shot." 
She stuck her tongue at me and I did the same. Then, she left and I watched. A weird pit in me stomach formed. 
'It sucks to get used to something so sad. I really just wanted that movie trope kind of best friend, but I never had it before. I wanted Cassie to be it. But only time will tell.'
I sighed heavily, kicking a pebble before turning around and unlocking the door. I heard the sound of shoes against the floor, but I didn't pay attention to it. 
“And where the fuck have you been?” Polly shouted.
Me eyes almost came out of me head. She was yelling at me.
“Do you realize what time it is? Do you?”
“I, uh. Innit about 8?”
“It’s 10 pm, Aliena. 10 pm!”
I pursed me lips while looking down at me shoes. “Oh…” I let out a nervous chuckle.
“Oh. All she says is ‘Oh’.”
Tommy cleared his throat. “Ali, Ada said she lost you while youse were shopping. What ‘appened?”
I looked at Ada. She was biting her nails with her gaze trained away from me. 
The little-!
I sighed, tightly closing me eyes before making up at lie. “Yeah, something caught me eye at a different shop. I just went out of the shop we were in without even realizing it. When I went back, she was already gone. Then, there was this girl who needed help with directions and I helped her out and I made a friend. She gave me a ride home.” I was switching me weight on each leg, bouncing like a divvy.
Thomas sighed. A ciggie in his hands. “There you have it, Pol. She made a friend.”
The crowd dispersed while Polly walked over to me. She put her hands on me arms. “Never run off by yourself like that again. Understand me?” She said.
I nodded. “Never again.”
Polly pulled me into her arms and hugged me. 
“Go on. Go to bed.” She pushed me towards the staircase while a hand flew to her mouth, covering it.
I did as she wanted.
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I was just abar done brushing out the tangles in me hair when there was a knock on me door. 
“Come in.” I said.
The door opened ‘n Tommy walked in. I gave him a tight lipped smile.
He cleared his throat. “Are we doing this therapy thing t’night, or?”
“Yeah. Yep.” I put down me hairbrush and started walking toward him.
Tommy curtly nodded, turned ‘round, and walked into his room. 
I’m not going to lie. It was very awkward. 
Very stiffy, he sat down on his bed while I stood there, kinda just watchin’. Then, he rolled over to his side and laid down. 
Once he did, I found me same spot. I sat down at his bedside, me arms folded and resting on a sliver of space on the bed. 
I barely opened me mouth to start talking when I was rudely interrupted. 
“No. I don’t like this. Get on the bed. I can’t have you falling asleep there like last time.” 
He grabbed me arms and started pulling me into the bed. 
I reflexively snickered. “Wait! Wait.”
“What?” He asked with his beautiful, enchanting eyes staring up at me. 
I was standing on me knees on the bed, his hands still on me arms. 
“Can I be on the other side?” I asked.
He blinked rapidly. “Why?”
“I don’t like sleepin’ so close to the door. If someone comes in, you’ll die first, then me.” I shook me head as if that was the most obvious piece of information that everyone knew.
Tommy laughed. He actually laughed at me. “Yeah, whatever. Fine by me.”
He let go of me arms and started shuffling back to where he originally laid. I, on the other hand, climbed over his lap to get where I wanted. 
Once I was there, I sat criss-cross applesauce style with me hands in me lap. It was just for safety reasons. I didn’t want him to accidentally see me undies. 
A silence enveloped the room.
I huffed before deciding to start talking. “Ok! The friend I made today was a girl around my age. Her name is Cassie ‘n she’s staying at the Ritz Hotel. It’s a real classy joint. Made me feel small, but whatever. She’s really air-headed like I coulda been a thief and nicked some of her stuff, but she let me into her room without a thought. But, you know a lot of people back home always told me that I looked really innocent despite me ‘aving a resting bitch face.” 
Tommy snorted.
“It’s not funny!” I pushed him. “Kids at school wouldn’t talk to me ‘cause I intimidated them. Anyway, she told me that her dad is an MP.” His eyes darted to meet me own.
 I scoffed and pushed him again. “You liked that bit, didn’t cha? Geez. Focus on going to sleep, dummy. Close your eyes. Go on! Close them.”
Tommy scooted his body down and did as I said.
“She was really nice. I don’t know if we’ll actually be friends, though. It would be nice. We got along really well, but could’ve been fake. You never really know when people are fake until after you shared a moment with them, if that makes any sense? Yeah.”
I didn’t know what to say after that, so I started to hum for a little while. 
“Oh, I’ll try singing a song. And before you try resisting, it’s not any song that you would know. So, just shut up and listen.” 
Just then an evil thought ran across me mind.
‘I’m not gonna lie. I’m dying in the inside!’
“Happy or sad, Tommy?” Me nails were digging into me palms. I was trying so hard not to tick. It would either be a bunch of snaps or I’ll clap me hands wildly. However, I didn’t stop the grin on me face.
His eyes never opened. “Sad.” 
I instantly hated meself ‘cause the way this man said that one simple word broke me heart. 
I cleared me throat and racked me mind for a sad song. I couldn’t really decide on one, so I went with my default which was “Bitches Broken Hearts” by Billie Eilish. I went onto sing “Crazy” by Patsy Cline and “Summertime Sadness” by Lana Del Rey. Then, I sang “I’m Not The Only One” by Sam Smith, and let me tell you even though I had fun singing it- it was still embarrassing ‘cause me voice kept cracking at some of the high and low notes. 
I sang “ilomilo” by Billie Eilish. For me unexpected “final” song, I sang “The One That Got Away” by Katy Perry. 
Even though I was sure he was asleep, I still sang until it was more yawns than lyrics. The difference was that I was singing anything I wanted. Since I was already singing Katy Perry, I sang “Teenage Dream.” 
Me final song was “Boyfriend” by Best Coast. I gave up halfway, laid down, and fell asleep.
TAG LIST: @amirahiddleston​ @nemesis729​
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that-one-gay-girl · 4 years
Gone - Ch.2
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word count: 1434
Summary: Y/n is still struggling to adjust to her new life. Sam and Dean want to help but don’t know how. Sometimes it takes the hardest times to turn things around. 
Warnings: medical talk, sad dean, fluff
In the next moment the damn burst and all the emotions and pain you’d been pushing down breaks through. “I love you, and you are going to get through this Y/n.” He tells you stroking your hair holding you as you cry.
“Dean, I'm useless, I’ll never hunt again, I can’t even take a damn shower!” you cry out.
Dean holds back tears of his own as he responds. “I’ve got you, shh…I’ve got you baby”
It had been three weeks since Y/n came home from the hospital, she  barely moved from the bed, refusing food, company, or help. Dean hated seeing you like this, but he also hated himself for not being able to help you. He hated that he couldn’t prevent this from happening. She’s here, She’s alive he thinks to himself as he takes another swig of beer.
Sam had been researching physical therapists and trying to learn anything and everything to help you when you were ready for it. He felt the best way to help you was to know everything. He would sit in the war room, day and night doing everything he possibly can to help you. He just had to wait for you to ask.
Another 3 weeks went by and you still refused food, barely moving from the bed. Everything you’d ever known had changed. You were a different person, most likely never able to hunt again. Dean won’t want to be with someone broken like me, you think to yourself as tears fall down your face again.
The pain that you felt, radiated through your whole body. You wanted to ask for help, but the words never left your lips. You couldn’t let anyone see how weak you’d truly become. Pushing the covers off your body you're determined to make it to the bathroom by yourself.
As Dean and Sam sit in the war room doing research to help a hunter they hear a loud crash. They look at each other quickly before taking off towards your room. “Y/n!” Dean yells out as they run down the hall passing doors quickly before arriving at your closed one.
As Sam tries to open the door a heavy weight prevents him from doing so.  “There's something blocking the door” Sam says quickly as he tries again just opening it an inch. Through the crack in the door dean can see your foot sticking out.
“Y/n!” Dean shouts worriedly as Sam carefully opens the door just enough to squeeze through. Once in the room he sees you laying on the floor, unconscious with blood running down your head.
“Dean! She's hurt!” Sam carefully maneuvers you into his arms carrying you to the bed, gently placing you down.
“What happened?!” Dean panics seeing the blood on your head.
“She was laying right in front of the door, unconscious.” He says concerned as your eyes start to flutter. A pained groan leaving your mouth. “Y/n, can you hear me?” Sam shakes you gently.
“Ow” you respond as your eyes finally open, seeing a worried Dean and Sam looking down at you
“What happened Y/n, why were you on the floor?” Dean questions you as Sam helps you sit up, leaving to get supplies to stitch your head.
Keeping your eyes cast down you avoid Dean's gaze, “I had to use the restroom, I just wanted to do something without your help. I’m so tired of being weak and useless!” you shout as your emotions take over. “I'm not the same person anymore. I understand if you and Sam want me to leave” you say wiping tears from your eyes.
“Y/n, where did you ever get an idea that we don’t want you here with us, with me? You are one of the best things that's ever come into my life and I would die before I let you go. I would do anything to protect you and I’m so sorry I couldn’t protect you from this. But me and Sammy, we are here for you. All you have to do is say the word and we will help you. You are so strong Y/n, one less leg won’t change that.” He replies as he wipes the remaining tears from your face kissing you softly.
“I need help, Dean” You respond hugging him tightly.
 - 1 week later -
“Sam!” you yell from the library “Come help me reach this book gigantor!” you laugh as you spot Sam rounding the corner. Moving back on your crutches you point to the book you need.
“Doing research?” he asks as you both walk towards the table, Sam setting the book down for you.
“Yeah, Helping garth on a case and I need something to keep me occupied till I start physical therapy and get fitted for my prosthetic.” you respond sitting down and setting your crutches to the side.
“Well, I’m headed on a supply run. Deans in the shooting range if you need anything” he says.
Over the past week you’d been doing better, the boys have been helping you get moving again and you adjusted to using crutches. You refused to use the wheelchair determined to get back your strength. After talking to Dean and figuring everything out you were actually ready to get your life back on track.
The days passed quickly as your prosthetic fitting appointment was in just a few hours. You hoped with this leg it would get you back in the game.
“Alright, let's get this show on the road” Dean claps his hands together as he grabs your bag.
Grabbing your crutches you stand up walking out to the impala. Once Dean starts the engine and pulls out of the garage you're searching through the cassette tapes. “Black Sabbath?” you ask holding up the tape.
With a shake of his head Dean pulls out a cassette tape from his pocket “Something special” he says as he turns the volume up.
You can’t help but smile as the first lines of kansas’ ‘Carry on Wayward Son’ blasts through the speakers. You haven't felt this good in a while and there's no one else you’d rather have by your side.
As Dean pulls into the parking lot you turn down the music, suddenly nervous.
“Ready to kick ass?” Dean asks
Taking a deep breath you look at him, nodding “Let’s do this.”
After waiting for about 15 minutes you're called back into a room with your prosthetist.
“Hi Y/n, I’m Danny and i’ll be working with you over the next several months. Now, this will be a process but I don’t want you to worry or get overwhelmed. We will take this one step at a time and if you ever feel uncomfortable or want a new prosthetist that can be arranged. Do you have any questions before I start?” He asks you
“How long does all this stuff take?” you question
“Well today I’ll just be doing your initial exam making sure you are healing on the right track and once your surgeon has also signed off we can get started on the casting process. You will come in about every two weeks and once we get your prosthetic you’ll start on the physical therapy side. This process can take from 6 months to a year. But every patient is different. I want to go ahead and start your exam, can I touch your leg?” he asks you
Nodding you look away as he pulls up your pant leg examining the stump.
“Your leg looks great, swelling is practically gone, the incision has healed nicely. I’d like to discuss what your life activities looked like before the amputation and some goals you have for the future, so we can figure out what will work best for you.” he rolls the cloth shrinker back onto the stump.
“Very active, went on lots of hikes, running usual stuff. I still want to be able to do all that now” you respond.
Two hours later you walk out to the waiting room with Danny, Dean stands up as Danny holds his hand out “You must be Dean, Im Danny i’ll be Y/n’s Prosthetist”
“Nice to meet you Danny” Dean shakes his hand
“Im sure y’all are ready to get outta here so I’ll see you in two weeks Y/n.”
“See you then” you respond as Dean and you walk back to the impala
As you get into the impala Deans stomach rumbles loudly. “Burgers and pie” he asks you with a smirk.
“Burgers and pie” you smile.
Chapter 3
Dean/Jensen Taglist:
@akshi8278 @hobby27
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captainillogical · 5 years
Devil’s Ballroom ch.3
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A year after the events from the earth’s final attack, Little Homeworld is finally complete, and there’s a new jazz bar where gems and humans mingle and drink. - As you’re typing back a reply, someone pulls the stool out next to you and takes a seat. You see a sliver of pink out of the corner of your eye as you try not to actually Look. Oh god. It’s her. God can’t help us now.
collab with my lovely wife @firstofficertightpants
    She sets her mostly empty drink down on the counter, and turns to look at you when Bismuth walks over again, stealing her gaze right back.
“That was nice, Spinel. I think that was my favorite song of yours yet.” She says to her. “You want another round?”
“Aw jeez, thanks I guess, Bis.” Spinel says sheepishly. “And yeah, I think I’ll need it tonight.”
    You pretend that nothing weird has ever happened to you at all in your life, and down the rest of your drink. You want like, 5 more of these and then you'll be able to deal with this.
Y/N: Yeah. I remember the night. She's also sitting right next to me. Uh.
Alex: for real
Y/N: I might be internally having a panic attack.
    Bismuth pours Spinel her drink, and she sighs. "It's just, today was kind of rough. Blue called and wanted to apologize for things that she doesn't need to be apologizing about, and I kind of wish they'd calm down a little and let me exist in peace."
    Bismuth nods. "Steven has talked a lot about them. They seem really difficult to be around, if I'm going to be honest. They don't quite get.. real people problems."
"You have no idea." She replies, and takes a long drink. “They don’t even understand privacy. I couldn’t do anything without them basically following me everywhere. It was stifling.”
“Seriously, I’m not sure what I expected from the Diamonds, but if you told me that 5000 years ago, I wouldn’t have believed you at all.” Bismuth says, “I’m just glad you have some much needed breathing room.”
“It was long overdue. Several months in their presence was more than enough.”
    Bismuth gives Spinel a tired smile, and turns to you.
“How are you holdin up there, Y/N?” She hands you another drink. “You’ve only been here 25 minutes or so, and you’re on your 3rd already. That kinda night?”
“Err, just in the mood I guess.” You reply and laugh. You weren’t trying to eavesdrop. Bismuth turns away to a couple of other patrons and busies herself making a few mixed drinks for them.
        Alex: dude kick her for almost killing ur dad
    Y/N: What, and get myself killed? Fuck no.
    Alex: ur a pussy
    Harper: did she say anything about you taking a pic?
    Y/N: No! Please don’t curse me.
“You know, if you wanted a pic so bad of myself, you could’ve asked.”  Spinel says, turning to face you directly. You stare at your phone and can feel your face heating up for being called out. You can feel your mouth working way faster than your brain can even comprehend.
“My friends are shitheads and didn’t believe me when I said I saw someone cute on stage.” You say, and immediately shut your mouth. If you could sink into the floor right now and disappear forever, that would be great. God doesn’t grant you this though, and you curse him for it. “I mean.. I’m sorry. That was rude of me to do without your permission.” She grins. 
“Ya know, I didn’t actually see who did it, I just saw the general direction of the flash and walked towards it, and happened to find an empty seat next to someone looking fairly nervous.” She laughs. “Way to out yourself there.”
    You look at her. Fucking goddammit. “I seem to be doing a lot of that today. Ughhhhh.” You drag your hand down your face in dramatic fashion, and take a drink. You’re starting to feel the alcohol slowly take a small bit of effect. “Song was nice by the way.”
“Oh, thanks.” She looks a bit surprised, like she’s not used to compliments. Hm. 
“I’m not so musically talented myself, but uh. I can make some mean enchiladas. AND I can make a calculator spell the word “boobs”.” You say, like it’s somehow impressive.
“What’s an enchilada?” Spinel looks at you suspiciously. Oh right. Gem. 
“It’s.. food. Hold on.” You say and pull up an internet browser to google the definition of enchiladas so you can show her a pic. You see the group chat go off a couple times and keep swiping away your friend’s rapid texts, knowing that they’re asking you too many questions right now and you’re determined to show this alien one of your favorite foods. Tonight sure is a weird night. You find a good pic of enchiladas, and turn your phone towards her. “See? Tortilla, cheese, meat. Great stuff. You can even change some of the ingredients and make them a couple different ways. All pretty good if I do say so myself.” You say as she looks at it, and you can see your phone chime with another message notification. You pull your phone away quickly before she has any chance to see whatever the fuck your friends are talking about.
“Humans are strange.” She replies, a pondering look on her face. She takes another drink and sets the glass down gently, keeping her hand lightly on the glass. You notice her fingernails are short and clean. You wonder if they grow like human nails? You wonder how similar gems are to humans in general. “You guys have to eat to survive? And you all grow so much all the time, and you’re constantly changing. You can’t even grow limbs back, or shapeshift. What’s the point?”
“The point?” You laugh. “I mean, science IS advancing and we can grow organs from plants, in a lab. Can’t grow limbs back.. yet. I can’t exactly change being human. Besides, you gems as a race don’t exactly look like you have any fun at all. Being human is all about having new experiences.” You say.
“Well, maybe I’m having fun now.” She says, tapping the rim of her glass. You kind of look at her for a second. She seems to be tapping her left foot on the side of the stool, maybe kind of nervously? Her hair is up in a ponytail, and she's pushing some of the fringe behind her ear. She’s cute, you think to yourself. 
“Oh?” You say as you smile slyly into your drink. You think you see her blush a bit.
“It’s been a while since I’ve been here. Last time wasn’t so nice. Some guy tried punching me, he was drunk and recognized me from the earth attack last year. Bismuth had to kick him out.” She says stiffly, and takes a drink. “I’m sorry about that, by the way.”
“My dad almost died.” You say. She winces.
“I am really sorry. I do regret how I dealt with my entire situation.. I’ve had a lot of time to think about it." She sighs. "I’m just glad no one actually died. And thanks for not cursing me out, for all of this."
"He's hard to kill, anyway." 
"What?" She says, staring at you incredulously. 
"My dad. He's done so many stupid, dangerous things that I remember from my childhood. He must have some kind of divine blessing, because even when he fought that gator off grandpa's porch, he came out without a scratch. And that was one really pissed off gator." You say. Spinel laughs heartily. She's actually really cute when she laughs, and you can't help staring for a second. “There was also that one time this guy attempted to rob us at a gas station, and he took the bastard down with the unopened energy drink from his cup holder. You wanna know what he had to complain about afterwards? That he had to now go buy another energy drink. That’s my fucking dad, I guess.”
“Your life sounds interesting.” She says in reply.  “I can tell that you love him though.”
“Yeah. He’s kind of my entire life. He’s all I have left of my family.” You say, smiling. “He’s a good dad. He tries his best.” You hear your phone chime a couple more times, and roll your eyes. They’re so fucking needy. “My friends are extremely obnoxious, and must know what I’m doing at all times. You have anyone like that in your life? Because I could pawn off Alex on you if you want.” You grab your phone and open up your group chat to see what they’re talking about. There’s quite a few missed messages.
    Harper: she hasn’t said shit in a while and i’m kinda worried.
    Harper: what if she got kidnapped. D:
    Alex: shes probs in the middle of a bar fight tbh
    Alex: im pretty sure that alien started it or something
    Alex: she was probs all like “im gonna kill ur planet now and finish u all off!!”
    Alex: and Y/N was like “not on my watch BITCH” and decks her
    Alex: the whole bar claps
    Harper: shut up it’s been like 10 mins and she hasn’t said anything and i’m nervous.
“I have a few people who I’d call friends here. Bismuth, Lapis, Amethyst.. Steven. I kind of feel like I’m bothering them when I’m around, in general..” She says, swirling the drink around in her glass. She regards it, lifts to her lips, and takes a drink. “Steven sometimes asks how I’m doing.. I know he cares. I have a hard time letting myself be honest with him. Cause.. you know. He’d try to solve all my problems. And I try to deal with them on my own.”
Y/N: I'm not dead. We're talking. She's nice.
Alex: wow are all genocidal maniacs nice i wonder
Y/N: She even apologized about my dad, and the entire shebang, really. 
Y/N: She's nice conversation, anyway.
Harper: whoa she apologised?
Alex: youve got to be kidding me rn
Alex: lemme just go revive gengis khan so we can have a nice chat over tea
Alex: this is absolutely nuts why am i the only sane one here
Alex: im gonna go fucking feral 
"It's such a Steven thing to do, too. You should've seen how he was when he found out about my mother." You laugh, and set your phone down on the counter. "He literally tried to go out and find her. He's such a sweet kid, but I had to break it to him that even if I knew where she was, I didn't want to see her."
    Off to your left side, you feel someone approach you at the bar. You turn your face to see who it is. It's a man who looks a decade older than you are, and you've never seen him before. He nods to regard you. 
"Can I get you a drink, beautiful? You look absolutely lovely." He says, leaning in slightly.
"Thank you, but I'm alright." You put in your best polite, but fuck off smile. 
"You're just going to say no without even considering it?" He smiles, and you hate it. He's giving you terrible vibes and it's making you uneasy.
"I said I'm good." 
"Yeah bu-" He starts, but Spinel cuts him off.
"She says she's good, pal. Leave the dame alone." She crossed her arms over her chest, and glares at him. 
"Damn fine, stuck up bitch. Didn't want to talk to you anyway." He spews, and leaves to the other side of the bar. Thank god, you think to yourself.
"Thank you for that." You say to her, seriously relieved. "Fucker needs to learn how to take no for an answer." 
“Yeah, well. No one harasses a girl on my watch.” She regards you carefully. “Do you mind if I ask you something?”
“No?” You lift an eyebrow in response.
“What happened with your mother?” She says, grabbing for her drink and taking a sip.
“Oh. Um,” You’re a bit surprised that she seems to genuinely care. You’ve known her for all of like.. a half hour. “She left when I was 5. Just had enough of dad and I, I suppose. Dad says it just came out of nowhere, and he has no idea what happened. We were a happy family, and then one day after dinner, she went into their room, packed some things in a single bag, and left.” You pause to take kind of a long drink. “And no one knows where she went. It’s been 17 years. Not a single word. It actually really fucked me up for years. I felt abandoned and absolutely worthless. How could you raise a child for 5 years, and just fucking bounce? Like, did she read a manual on how to fuck up your kid and give them emotional problems for the rest of their life? God, what a fucking bitch. I can’t even IMAGINE doing that to a kid.”
    Spinel is staring at you with wide, shocked eyes.
“Eventually I ended up gaining some friends that helped me get over it, for the most part. They’re stupid and I love them. And if they ever found my mother, they would murder her in a heartbeat.” You say, chuckling. Spinel is still staring at you. “Are you okay? You ask. 
“I’m fine, it’s just.. I don’t think I’ve ever met someone like me.” You watch her fiddle with her fingers. She moves slightly, and you see her shirt open, heart gem glimmering in the low lighting. You don’t want to be caught staring at it, like a crow to a shiny object. (You want to touch it. You want to touch it bad. Is it warm? Is it cold? Is it smooth? You need to know.) “I also had a very important person abandon me. The MOST important person to me, actually. For uh.. 6000 years.” You look up and your eyes make contact with hers.
“What.” You say. “6000 years.”
“Yeah.. It’s kind of embarrassing now, though.” She shrugs. “But it was terrible, and now I’m here. I’ll never get closure the way I want from Pink Diamond, because she’s gone forever. Anyway,” You kind of want to hug her. “I’ve been surviving, and I think I’m doing okay.” She smiles slightly. Bismuth is suddenly in front of the two of you.
“I saw some commotion all the way from the other side. That guy bother you? Want me to deal with him?” She says, all while refilling Spinel’s drink without even asking.
“Nah, he fucked right out of here when Spinel told him off.” You say, and finish the rest of your cider. Blegh. Warm.
“Is that so?” Bismuth say, grinning. She’s pointedly looking at Spinel. Spinel is giving Bismuth a dirty look. Oh my, what is going on there? You feel your bladder cursing up a storm inside you.
“Bismuth, I’d like another beer please.” You slowly get up on sleepy, wobbly legs. “And I’ll be right back, gotta pee.” You turn and look at Spinel, who looks back. “Guard my purse.”
“Cannnn do.” She says while taking another drink.
    You make your way slowly over to the bathroom that was actually just 15ft away from you, and go over to one of the stalls and plop down onto the toilet, pulling out your phone to look at group chat. 
    Harper: so my brother got catfished again
    Alex: LMFAO
    Harper: how many times is this? 4? for fucks sake
    Harper: he’s 29. you’d think he’d have his shit together by now, but noooo.
    Alex: that is honestly the saddest thing ive heard
    Alex: wins most pathetic man of the month
    Y/N: oof.
    Y/N: Yeah that’s just sad.
    Alex: how are yoooouuuu
    Y/N: I’m fine. I’m having a nice time.
    Harper: you still hangin with the not-evil-now alien? :p
    You choose to reply later, and instead finish your business in the stall. You come out and wash your hands, making sure you wash them thoroughly. You never know what kind of germs are in bar bathrooms. You’re drying your hands when you hear the bathroom door open, and someone is walking in. You turn to look, and it’s a familiar figure. A man. 
The man from earlier.
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khaosgaming22 · 5 years
Blackout - A Destiny Story
“Eyes up Guardian!”
Chase flashed and hovered over his guardians bunk, attempting to wake up a half asleep Kenton. Or Ken, as he was called by his friends, a titan exo named CHAO-5 and awoken warlock named Draeko. However like Ken, he gave them nicknames because they felt they worked better in combat. Respectively, Chao and Drake.
“Wake up!”
Ken tossed a pillow at his ghost, but Chase was able to avoid the fluffy projectile. Defeated, Chase sighed and went to get Chao and Drake to have them try.
“Won’t get up eh?”, said Chao oiling his upper section of his arm. Last time he went into the crucible, he fell and hit it, ever since it’s locked up in missions. He found oiling it has helped but has refused to ask for a new arm. Usually these three stay in their ships but they were all tired and decided to crash in the bunks room at the tower. They were out running a strike on Io and it took them a while to get back to earth.
“No, I’ve been trying for 10 minutes, he’s determined.”, Chase blinked.
“Or Hungover”, lamented Chao.
“Sigh... he was drinking again?”
“Yes, I know we got some great loot last night but he needs to lay off.”, Chao replied.”
At this, Drake walked into the breakfast room, he grabbed a bagel and looked puzzled at it. “Curious, it appears to be a donut without a dough or glaze? What’s the point of eating an inferior version?”
“Good point, why would you eat it?”, Chao agreed.
“Because we wanted to eat healthily pre-traveler era.”, said Ken stumbling out.
“Look who’s up, sleeping beauty!”, Chase chided. “You need to stop drinking alcoholic beverages after every mission!”
“Shut up Alexa”
“That’s.. not my name... I don’t understand?”
“Never mind, I’m getting a waffle.”, Ken said trodding off toward the iron.
“So, what are we doing today?”, Drake said sitting down, uncomfortably on the bench attached to the table. Drake, as an awoken had been away from earths people for a while and was still adjusting to things.
“Well, i still have yet to do that quest Ada gave me, Servo, what’s my average LL?”
“You’re sitting around 597, she recommended 610”, Servo answered.
“But, we’re all at 590-600. If we all go we might be able to do it. I got the same task.”, interrupted Ken drowning his waffle in maple syrup.
Drake contemplated this, munching on his discount donut. He had the highest Light Level out of the three and though he still had to do the quest as well, he was worried at how tough it could be. Eventually he got up, stuffed the rest of the bagel in his mouth then started toward the elevator to the armory. Not that Ken or Chao noticed, they were too busy arguing about which exotic of theirs was better, Ace of Spades or Sleeper Simulant.
Drake pressed the button and the elevator door closed and whirred as it ascended. Eventually the elevator stopped and arrived at the armory, Drake stepped out and noticed someone moving crates of weapons around.
“Good morning.”, called the warlock.
“Ah, good morning, you’re here early. Pardon the dust just organizing some boxes of rifles!”
It was Shaxx, overseer of the crucible, awoken can get pretty tall, but even standing several feet apart, Drake seemed tiny compared to the boisterous titan.
“Just checking out my weapons.”, Drake explained.
“Going on another mission?”, Shaxx said putting down a crate.
“Depends, I want to check my gear to make sure I can carry my team if I need to.”, Drake replied. “My Well of Radiance can only do so much, I want to see what my new weapons have in the way of perks. Eve?”
“Yes?”, the ghost said blinking into existence.
“Can you check what the stats on these weapons are?”
“Certainly.”, the ghost replied.
“You have the primary Assault rifle, Breakneck, the Shotgun, Retold Tale and the Sniper Rifle,Whisper of the Worm. All in the 590-605 range.”, Eve counted.
“As for my Gear, I have some good stuff, it seems and the Sunbracers for gloves.”
“Seems like I should get ready and tell them.”, said Drake returning his ghost.
“All right, ready to go?, said Chao getting in his ship. Drake and Ken replied with a thumbs up from their cockpits and the sound of their engines filled the hangar.
After a while the three of them are on there way to the EDZ and start up a conversation about their favorite weapons. The three may be very different in origin and history but the one thing they have in common is their love of rare weapons and other personal items. Ken asks what Drake’s is “being a warlock”.
“What’s that supposed to mean Cowboy?”, says Drake alluding to the hunters choice of subclass Gunslinger.
“Nothin’ but we both agree that we have very different styles when it comes to fighting.”, the hunter replied with a smirk.
“I probably would go with Prometheus Lens, it goes well with my solar subclass and it’s great for add clearing.”
“Yeah”, interjected Ken, “It used to be even better, but it was such a problem the Vanguard had to tell Banshee to mod them so people couldn’t take advantage of it!”
“Oh yeah, Banshee had a lot of work to do that week!”
“What about you, Chao?, what’s your favorite exotic?”, asked Ken slowly moving his hand toward the throttle.
“That’s a tough one, I think if I had to pick one it would we my...”
“Yeah whatever, RACE YOU TO THE EDZ!!!”, Ken yelled into his com, shut it off then pulled on the throttle sending his ship into a nosedive.
“That little...”
The three ships raced toward the landing zone north of Trostland and the warlock, titan and hunter appeared on the surface transmatting from thin air.
“I totally beat all of you!”
No you didn’t, I clearly won that!”
“Let’s just get to the location on the map.”
“Well, here’s the spot.”
“A cave...at the edge of the EDZ...what’s the point here cause I’m sure missing it?”, Ken said shouldering his rocket launcher.
“What’s that in the center?”
“I think that’s what we’re here for, hey Ada?”
“HOW DID YOU GET ACCESS TO...oh it’s you 3..sorry, reflex. Ahem, that is a forge, your job now that you have that frame, is to forge the Machine Gun.”
“You need to collect charges and put them into the forge before time runs out, otherwise the forge won’t complete.”
“Sounds simple enough, just chuck some balls at the thing in the center and BAM! free loot!”, said an excited Ken racing toward the forge.
“WAIT!”, Ada shouted.
It was too late, the forge turned on and Cabal came charging through the caves for the 3 of them.
“YOU IDIOT!”, shouted the angry Awoken, “She was about to mention the danger!”
“You guys we’re taking too long we’ll be fi-
SMACK!, a gladiator Cabal smashed the frail hunter into an adjacent cave wall.
“Ugh what did he do now?”, lamented Chase reviving his dead guardian.
“He poked a hornets nest, he rushed in without a plan what do you think he did?!”
“-ne, what happened? Did we win?
“NO, you rushed in without a plan and died to a Space Turtle. Stop doing that!”
“You guys worry too much, I’m fine as long as I have Chase!”
“AND WHAT IF IM NOT?!”, yelled Chase at his guardian shotgunning a Cabal.
“What if I’m not able to revive you? What if im not there to? What then?!”
“I’ll be fine.”, Ken replied reloading his Handcannon.
“I always think of a way out of things-
“No...your friends do...I do.”, Chase said sulking away.
“I’ll be fine without him...”
“Good thing you have that Well of Radiance D! This is getting rough!”
“Im also 5 levels above you!”, the warlock responded taking a shot at the centurion.
“Hey, is...where’s Chase going?”, asked Drake.
“Chase! Wait!”
“Leave me alone...”, Chase called turning away.
“What’s wrong?”, Chao pryed shooting a psion.
“What’s wrong is my guardian is an incompetent buffoon who insists on getting himself killed and never thanking the person that revives him over and-“
“Guardian down!”, said Servo announcing his Titan’s death.
“Anyway, he clearly doesn’t need me, so I’m just gonna watch you two.”, Chase declared, if he had arms, they would be crossed.
“Jeez, that hurt, hey, my super’s almost ready!”, said Chao.
“I’ve got a while before mines ready, what about yours Ken?”, Drake asked over comms.
Ken was busy lining up shots with his hand cannon as its bullets made contact with the hard skulls of Cabal. Then he was struck with a blast from a Cabal gun and fell to the ground losing his grip on his revolver.
“Ken!”, said Chao rushing over to help.
Chao slammed the Centurion with a shoulder charge and rushed over to put up his barrier.
“Servo! Can you help him?”
“I just revived you, it’ll be a while before I can.”, replied his ghost.
“and Drake just got revived by Eve...”
The titan looked at the angry ghost in the corner of the cave.
“What?...No, NO! N-O, NO!”
“Come on Chase he’s your guardian!”
“Not until he apologizes, oh wait he can’t..HE’S DEAD!”
“Sigh...we need him for this man! You’re the only one who can do it!”
Chase looked at the cloak being stomped on by Cabal. Then his guardians cloak moved just enough to reveal his handcannon. He could see the engravings of crashing waves making up the texture of the grip on the weapon. He stopped and looked around then finally replied with, “You cover me while I bring him back.”
Soon the hunter was back, he looked at his ghost and started to apologize.
“Listen, I’m sorry for acting like an idiot... Sometimes I just get distracted or pissed off, but...thank you for bringing me back..”
“Alright, I’m sorry too... I know you can’t help it it’s in your nature to rush into things, always has been-
“Always will be, but I’ll try to not get myself killed as much from now on okay?”
“Thank you”
“Now let’s kick some Cabal a**!”
The three were on the final part of the forge and were having trouble killing the Warden, putting as many shells and rounds into it as they could but to no avail.
“I think this is why Ada told us to be at 610!”, Chao said putting up his barrier.
“Hey! Let’s pool our supers together and take this guy down, we got this!”, Ken replied.
“Sounds good to me, any objections?...no...okay!”
The Warlock summoned his Dawnblade engulfed in solar light hot as Sol itself as the Titan rushed over and put up his Ward of Dawn. The blade slammed into the cave floor, creating a spiraling Well of light as the purple tint of the Titans shield encased the two blocking shots from the Centurion. Finally the Hunter slid in front of the bubble and called his Golden Gun. After firing 6 shots from the Revolver encased in light empowered by the Well, the Warden was almost down. The three took out their power weapons and blasted what was left of the armor off the Cabal as it fell to the cavern floor.
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goffilolo · 7 years
Demise of Midoriya Izuku Part 8
God this was a long chapter. I hope you will enjoy it. you can read the full fanfic on ao3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/series/776826
I’m currently on a christmas break, however i have a very long essay to write so im not sure if ill be able to write/draw any more demise!au stuff.
Izuku was tired.
It was nothing new per se, as for the last month the teenager has become very well acquainted with the feeling of exhaustion as a side effect of his medication. “It’s normal” said Shin during their last appointment “Your brain is still going through an adjustment period, and insomnia is a rather common side effect of a lot of antidepressants”. So yeah, it was all good.
Except it wasn’t.
Given that no one was willing to rid the boy of his sleepless turmoil, Izuku decided to take the matters into his own hands. Because fuck Shin. In the hindsight, all of this was a very bad idea.
It all started during one of his usual conversations with Mrs. Todoroki, only this time they were joined by her daughter Fuyumi. The first observation Izuku made upon her entrance, was that this young woman was almost a splitting image of Mrs. Todoroki, save for the hot red streaks in her hair, undoubtedly inherited from her asshole father. After talking to her for a bit, Izuku was quite pleased to learn that she has not in fact inherited her father’s god tier assholism. Izuku has never met the man, he doesn’t need to, at least not yet.
After brief introductions they have resumed to their previous conversation.
“So how did meeting with piece of shit go?” asked Mrs. Todoroki, her question quickly followed by Fuyumi’s scandalised expression at hearing her mother use such foul language.
“Meh, it was your typical melodrama bullshit. Some shouting and insults were thrown around, well mostly by me, and crying” replied Izuku in a rather nonchalant fashion, completely disregarding Fuyumi’s shock and confusion.
The word got round quickly in this ward, meaning that most of the patients and staff were in on Izuku’s personal drama and so they all came to a silent agreement to refer to Bakugou as ‘piece of shit’ and never call him by his actual name. And so over time Bakugou became the psychiatric ward’s very own Voldemort. But Fuyumi doesn’t know that yet, bless her soul.
“You actually cried?”
“Oh no, not me, piece of shit did. Honestly you should’ve been there, Shin was there for emotional support and kept staring daggers at him, it was hilarious” sneered the boy upon remembering the Bakugou shitshow with some sort of twisted fondness. His enthusiasm was however quickly disrupted by a long, loud yawn coming the boy’s mouth.
“Didn’t get a good night’s sleep?” asked Fuyumi.
“More like a good month’s sleep” snapped Izuku, rubbing his temples as much as the bandage around his head allowed him to. “And that bitch Shin won’t prescribe me anything cause it would clash with my antidepressants” scoffed the boy.
“You know that Dr. Iyashi cares about your wellbeing and wouldn’t want to give you anything with nasty side-effects” said Mrs. Todoroki as she stroked Izuku’s shoulders in a gentle, matherly manner.
“Wait a minute” chimed in Fuyumi “Prescription won’t do, but what about over the counter stuff? There must be some sleep relief that you could take”.
“Oh, really?” said Izuku, with a hint of amusement and sarcasm “What are gonna do? Smuggle some Quil into the hospital for me?”
The determined  smile on Fuyumi’s face told Izuku that indeed, she would. ‘Well then’ thought Izuku ‘This is going to be fun’.
The next day Izuku has found two bottles being dropped onto his lap, while the boy was busy filling up his notebook with sketches of Endeavour being eaten alive by crocodiles. If you looked closely enough you’d also notice that some of them contained an already half eaten Bakugou.
He raised his brow at the bottles, then looked up to see Fuyumi looking very smug.
“I got the Quil” she said, very proud of herself.
“I can see that” replied Izuku, looking back and forth between the two bottles “Why two?” he asked, confusion and curiosity seeping into his voice.
“I forgot whether you needed DayQuil or NyQuil so I got you both!”
Looking at very pleased Fuyumi, Izuku didn’t have it in him to grace the statement with a proper reply that wouldn’t point out the stupidity and irresponsibility of casually getting two substances that are meant to do the exact opposite, which then lead to a train thought of ‘what if you mix them?’.
“Thank you Fuyumi-neesan!”
And thus Izuku was left alone in his hospital room, the notebook long forgotten, staring at the content of the two bottles, as the nerdy part of his brain deciding to wake up and cause drama. ‘If you mix DayQuil and NyQuil, you end up with what, ForeverQuil? Or given that the substances are meant to do the opposite would they cancel each other out and have no effect when consumed simultaneously? No, that doesn’t seem right, it’s more likely that they would disturb a sleeping pattern, but given that mine is already fucked, how would I be able to tell...’
“SHIT, I’m mumbling again!”
So many questions that demand to be answered, a hypothesis that needs a confirmation and a curiosity waiting around the corner, ready to kill the metaphorical cat.
“Ugh, fuck it” said Izuku as he gulped down both substances in one go.
That’s when everything went to shit.
At first he didn’t feel any different. He spent a good portion of time looking out of the window, admiring the weather - it’s almost May so the days were getting brighter, warmer - waiting for something, anything to happen.
Things got a bit blurry after a while. Izuku could feel his BRAIN getting blurry, which he didn’t even know was possible. But apparently losing contact with reality does things to you.
As Izuku slowly regained clarity, the first thing he noticed was the sluggish feeling and the pounding in his head, reminding him of the first time he woke up in this god forsaken loony bin.
The second thing he noticed was the darkness. At first, he thought that one of the nurses has closed the curtains while he was out of it, but no, the curtains were open, and upon closer inspection Izuku came to realisation that it was in fact, night time. Which was strange...to say the least, since it was still sunny just a few seconds ago. ‘Is this some sort of a quirk? Probably not.’ he thought, which meant there was only one option left.
His shout was followed by a tired groan, which definitely did not belong to him.
“Dr. Iyashi, he’s at it again!” shouted Mrs. Todoroki.
Wait a minute, Mrs. Todoroki? When did she get here?
Izuku whipped his head to the side, where the woman was sitting in a chair by his bedside, with Shin standing in the doorway, looking down at a clipboard.
“What the-shit did you get in here?” asked Izuku, his brain still sluggish and disoriented about the whole situation.
Shin chooses that moment to walk into the room “Do you remember what happened?” he asked.
“No? I was sitting here and it was day and suddenly it’s night, so obviously it was Quil induced time travel” said Izuku, as his lagging brain allowed for all the ridiculous bullshit to spill out of his mouth.
Shin does not look impressed.
“You absolute, fucking idiot!” shouted the doctor “Why in the world would you mix DayQuil and NyQuil together? Are you completely insane? What did you think would happen?!”
“First of all, if I was sane I wouldn’t even be here. Second of all, who told you about my Quil?” asked the boy, his eyes suddenly focused, full of suspicion.
At that moment Fuyumi poked her head through the entrance and waved at Izuku as she made her way through the room and stood by her mother’s side.
“Sorry, I had to tell him since it’s all my fault you went delirious in the first place” she said, her face portraying nothing but guilt.
“It was very irresponsible of you!” said the doctor, his gaze switching between Izuku and Fuyumi “Not only did you take medication against a doctor’s recommendation, you even roped others into smuggling unauthorised substance into the hospital…”
And Shin went into the ‘ranting dad’ mode. It was a perfect time to zone out.
While the doctor was busy lecturing everyone about the dangers of overdosing and mixing medications, Izuku picked up the discarded notebook in hopes of finishing that sketch of Endeavour being devoured by crocodiles. His drawing skills were improving, that’s for sure. Maybe once he’s finished he’d show it to Mrs. Todoroki.
‘I think she would like that’ thought Izuku.
Except when he opened his notebook on the most recent page, instead of Endeavour massacre, Izuku was met with lines upon lines of text, written in what can only be described as very rushed and frenzied handwriting, which undeniably belonged to Izuku. The pages were also adorned with big bold letters at the top stating ‘ENDEAVOUR THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL’.
‘When did I write that?!’ Izuku was rather astonished as he started to skim through his writing and came to a conclusion that what he was reading was in fact a conspiracy theory. A very detailed one at that.
“Izuku, are you listening?” asked the doctor.
“No” he replied absentmindedly.
But the writing in his notebook and the overall situation left Izuku very confused. The moonlight illuminated parts of the room, a reminder of a mysterious time slip, which apparently was not quil induced time travel. Izuku needed the answers, and he needed them NOW.
“Can anyone tell me what happened?”
His question was met with a long, awkward silence, as the other individuals in the room looked at one another, not knowing what to say.
“Alright…” Mrs. Todoroki broke the silence “...where do we start?”
Iyashi Shin was finally having his well deserved lunch break. After starting his shift at 6 am, he felt exhausted and he was barely halfway through. And so Shin planned to have a short nap during his break to recharge. ‘What am I, an old man?’ he thought to himself ‘Probably, at least I’m on a good way to becoming one. Not getting any younger either, I’m turning forty next year.’
‘Ugh, this calls for a mid-life crisis nap’ he thought while lying on the couch in his office, being slowly lulled to sleep by the ticking of the clock.
Suddenly Shin was awakened by an obnoxiously loud laugh coming from the corridor. He was annoyed at having his nap interrupted, but the annoyance was outweighed by sheer curiosity, as one does not get a lot of laughing in this part of the hospital.
The doctor soon  got up and opened the door he was once again met with the obnoxious laugh, only this time louder as it came from a man who was currently walking out of Izuku’s room.
“Haha...it was nice talking to you Midoriya. I’m glad you’re in a good mood” called out the man “I’ll be back tomorrow to check your homework!”
‘Homework? Ah, it must be Izuku’s teacher’ thought Shin with a bit of suspicion as he remembered his patient talking about his homeroom teacher in a … less than friendly manner.
‘So why would the laugh? I thought Izuku hated the guy.’
As the teacher walked away from Izuku’s room he bumped into Shin, who was standing in the middle of the corridor, lost in thought.
“Ah, Dr. Iyashi didn’t see you there!” exclaimed the teacher. He sure was in a good mood, a stark contrast to his usual visits.
“Good afternoon, how was your visit?” asked Shin, trying to squeeze out some details out of the man.
The teacher laughed again trying to get a hold of himself “Oh it was great, I haven’t laughed so much in ages. Whatever meds you put him on, they’re doing god’s work!”
“Really? What did Izuku say?”
“You know Bakugou-kun, right?”
“Of course, the one responsible for the shitstorm that is Izuku’s depression” stated the doctor as a matter of fact.
The teacher stilled his movement, unprepared for the blatant statement. Trying to dissolved the tension, he continued “Yeah, him. Anyways, Midoriya was asking about him and he seemed stuck on on his name so he said…” he stopped for a bit, trying to mimic his student’s voice and speaking manner “ ‘you know the angry, shouty one, what was his name...Fuckugou?’ and I just lost it right there! Buahaha!” sneered the teacher, waiting for Shin to have a similar reaction.
And boy was he not disappointed.
“Fuckugou!” exclaimed Shin “That’s a good one, gotta tell it to the nurses, it will spread like wildfire!”
“Fuckugou?” asked Izuku.
“Fuckugou” confirmed Shin.
“That...is funny as hell, but it doesn’t really sound like me.”
“I know, which is why I was concerned. Mind you I still needed my nap, so I asked Mrs. Todoroki to keep an eye on you in the meanwhile” explained the doctor as both him and Izuku turned their heads in the direction of the white haired woman.
Mrs. Todoroki was having a good day. And by good she meant boring. In all honesty there’s only so much a person can do in this place before being driven further into insanity. She was currently sitting in the common room in the company of her daughter who has dropped in earlier to give Izuku the sleeping medication they talked about yesterday.
Which is why she was more than a little surprised when Dr. Iyashi approached her, asking to keep an eye on Izuku, who right now should be sleeping like a baby from the medication.
Nevertheless she agreed, as the doctor seemed deeply concerned about the boy who has managed to settle himself nice and cosy in a particular place in her heart; reserved exclusively for her children. ‘Well then’ thought the woman as she came to a realisation ‘Looks like I now have five children.’
Just as Mrs. Todoroki considered brushing off Dr. Iyashi’s concerns, her train of thought was disrupted by a maniacal laugh that belonged to no other than Izuku himself.
The teenager in question wheeled himself into the common room at a speed that should not be achievable for a wheelchair, his hair wilder than usual, eyes wide open, pupils dilated. The boy’s face was devoid of any sanity.
“HOLY SHIT MRS. TODOROKI!” he screamed.
“Are you high?” she asked, full of disbelief at the state the boy was in.
“I got the answers” announced Izuku, completely disregarding the woman’s question.
“What answers?”
“All the answers! To everything! I CAN FEEL THE UNIVERSE EXPANDING IN MY BONES!” shouted Izuku, further disturbing and scaring other occupants of the room.
‘Oh, is this why Dr. Iyashi was concerned? What do I do with him?’
“Right…” said Mrs. Todoroki, hoping to distract the boy for a bit “...why don’t you sit with me and Fuyumi and tell us all the answers? Just remember to keep your voice down” she added in her motherly tone.
Although Izuku seemed quite out of contact with reality, he did as he was told. After wheeling himself next to Fuyumi he whipped out one of his notebooks seemingly out of nowhere and began to speak.
“From the evolutionary standpoint my existence is a liability to human advancement. Every year the number of people born quirkless decreases as our gener are to be replaced with the superior ones of those with quirks. I’m going extinct! Both my parents have quirks, yet I was born without one, I’m an anomaly I SHOULD CEASE TO EXIST!” screeched Izuku as he seemed to be having an existential crisis that was accompanied by what he thought were diagrams from his notebook, which to everyone besides him looked like a bunch of gibberish and nonsense.
“WHY DO I EXIST?” screamed the boy in agony as once again he began to wheel himself at an impossible speed out of the room.
The Todoroki women were left stunned, looking at one another and then back at the spot previously occupied by the insane teenager.
“What did you give him?” asked the mother.
“The Quil”
“What Quil?”
“All the Quil.”
“Go and get Dr. Iyashi. I’ll stay here in case Izuku comes back” she said while rubbing her temples out of frustration.
“Oh, fuck, what happened after that?” asked Izuku, no longer in disbelief, but amusement. While he had no recollection of any of this happening he felt like he was listening to a rundown of an episode from ‘it’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia’.
He seemed to be the only one enjoying himself though. The adults in the room on the other hand were very much tired of his shit after having to deal with Quil induced Izuku the whole day.
“You wheeled yourself around the ward while screaming ‘I challenged God to a knife fight’. What actually happened was you stole a scalpel from a surgeon, don’t know how, and started stabbing one of the All Might sketches in your notebook” relayed Mrs. Todoroki in the most flat and no-bullshit tone she could manage.
“Haha, yeah that sounds like me!”
“Now then…” announced Shin as he stood up addressing everyone at once“...it’s been a long day for everyone. Mrs. Todoroki please go back to your room for today. Ms. Fuyumi, thank you for everything. I will see you again. Izuku, you little shit, we’re going to have a talk.”
As the two women got up and left the room, Izuku was left alone with his psychiatrist. While he knew that Shin was only concerned about his well being he didn’t look forward to being nagged by the doctor again.
Instead of talking, Shin just ripped of a piece of paper from his clipboard and handed it to Izuku without any explanation.
“Any what is this?” asked Izuku, eyeing the piece of paper suspiciously.
“ A prescription for Ramelteon” says Shin “It’s most commonly used as antidepressant, but it also works as a sleeping drug. It’s also one of very few that does not lead to a dependence. Take this to the dispensary now, they will sort everything out and you will be getting your dose from tomorrow evening onwards.”
“I know I was very reluctant to give you anything besides antidepressants…” he continues “...but I’d rather do this than have you going batshit crazy with whatever alternatives you’re willing to try. Please be careful in the future Izuku, I mean it” he finishes with a warning tone.
“Can’t promise anything” said Izuku, his voice full of mischief.
“In that case I can’t promise that I won’t smack you on the head next time you pull of shit like this” replied the doctor, as he walked out of his patient’s room, hiding his smile behind the clipboard.
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wanna-17 · 7 years
kim jaehwan first meeting! AU
warning: just in case if you might be uncomfortable or against religion,  i suggest not reading this as it has mentions 
summary: in which you meet the guy with the sweet voice and a crazy laugh at youth group 
length:  1.7k
a/n: i am back after 2 weeks i am so sorry...as you guys know i had finals for uni, that itself was stressful enough but then after my first exam i got really sick so i couldn’t bring myself to study or write or do anything so i’m really sorry. I FINALLY HAVE A SCENARIO FOR YOU GUYS YAY if you haven’t been to a youth group you can just imagine it as a social gathering where people play games and mingle but if you have i think we can all relate to wanting to meet the cute guy who plays guitar, sings and leads worship. its weird writing this bc im actually a youth leader HAHAHAH well this is something different to my other scenarios but i hope you guys enjoy it :) 
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so you’re a high school student and your church has recently had some issues so your family has been looking for a new church to join
so for the past month, you’ve literally been church hopping checking out different youth groups 
and it was just hard to find one where you felt welcomed and really enjoyed it 
so here you were, another friday comes around
and your parents have recently started going to a church saying that the service is really good so they encouraged you to check out the youth group which was on friday nights 
and so you do 
you’re in front of a surprising really modern looking church building 
you took a deep breath and headed in nervously 
you wandered around as it was pretty big inside and finally found the big hall where the youth group was to take place
when you entered you were greeted with loads of loud noise and energy and fairlylights decorated aestheticaly all over the hall
at the front of the room you could also see really professional looking experiments and you thought that the worship here would be really good
the room was also slightly dim creating a nice atmosphere
you were greeted by 3 youth leaders who had a welcome desk set up 
they had name tags on; seongwoo, minhyun and sejeong 
they all stood up and smiled brightly at you
“hello!!! welcome to our youth group!!!” said the girl named sejeong 
“hi uh this is my first time here” you replied nervously
“thats so great we’re so happy you can join us!!” said seongwoo 
“thanks” you replied as you started to be more comfortable around them as they were super friendly and welcoming 
you made some small talk with the three youth leaders and you were surprised at how easygoing and chill they were as most of the past youth leaders you’d encountered weren’t as laidback and harder to talk to 
they gave you a name tag to stick on your sweater and asked what grade you were in 
you told them and they called over the other girls that were in your grade
they came over and were also really nice 
you learned that their names were yoojung, somi, chungha and doyeon 
yoojung and doyeon were from the same school and were  good friends 
somi also recently started coming to the youth group and chungha was introduced by doyeon
they were super lovely and you chatted with them and got to know them before the night officially began 
the girls also pointed out which guys were in your grade 
“there aren’t really any cute guys but they’re all really nice” said chungha as she pointed at a group of guys on the other side of the room 
you weren’t that interested in boys atm so you were like meh 
“oh jaehwan’s the cutest out of all the guys in our grade but he’s a little crazy” said somi
somi looked over at the group of boys “he’s not here yet he’s always running late” 
you didn’t take much notice of what your new friends were saying about jaehwan as you were more focused on settling in 
so the youth group night officially began with prayer etc. etc. 
“ah jaehwan you’re late again” said minhyun who was the youth leader that was the mc
everyone burst into laughter and you turned around catching sight of a boy dumping his stuff at the back of the hall and you could only see his back view
you shrugged and focused to the front 
“ok we’re going to play a game called the chair game..” said minhyun 
you’d played it before so you were excited (basically its a game where everyone has a chair and its in a circle, the person in the middle doesn't have a chair and they have to say a statement e.g. “move if you have been overseas” and then everyone that has been overseas would have  to move to another chair and the last person remaining would be in the middle and it continues by them saying another statement) idk if that makes sense feel free to message me if u didn’t get it and i’ll explain it more coherently lmao
the game started and it was pretty basic and fun and not too crazy 
someone in the middle was like “move if you are wearing a jacket” 
you were only wearing a sweater so you didn’t have to move but it was hilarious 
bc 10 or so ppl were fighting for seats and when there were only 2 boys left fighting for one chair 
they both rushed to it and one of them started laughing like a psychopath and his laugh echoed throughout the hall as he ran and tried to fight for the chair 
you laughed along as you watched the poor boy with the crazy laugh determined to fight for the last seat 
unfortuately he missed out and fell to the ground as the other boy claimed the seat in victory 
you expected the crazy laughing boy to be pissed off or slightly annoyed but instead he had the brightest smile on his face while still laughing his head off 
“that was a good one sewoon, i admit defeat” said the boy cheekily 
you suddenly had newfound admiration for his sportsmanship and attitude 
“that’s jaehwan,” whispered somi who was next to you 
and when you looked at him, he definitely was a little bit cute 
just as you were eyeing him (well everyone was as he was in the middle) he noticed you and made eye contact with you while smiling cheekily 
“ok hmmmm....move if this is your first time at our youth group” said jaehwan 
you quickly stood up trying to find a chair but you realised you were the only person that was new and jaehwan had sprinted to your chair claiming it as his 
he smiled cheekily at you again and even though you were embarrassed his smile was actually really cute 
so now you were standing in the middle trying to think of a statement 
“WOOOOHOOOOO” cheered jaehwan “WELCOMEEEEEE” he said screamed in a high pitched voice 
everyone else laughed and clapped encouraging you to not be shy and you eventually thought of something and the game went on 
after several more rounds the game ended and it was time for the bible talk 
you were a little distracted as you wondered why jaehwan had singled you out but in reality he just wanted to welcome you and make you more comfortable
plus at youth group he was known for being friends with everyone and taking care of the younger ones too 
the talk was really good and encouraging and you learnt from it 
compared to the other youth groups you’d checked out this was definitely had a great atmosphere and you were able to learn as well 
then it was discussion groups
and then worship 
before issues started arising at your old church you were actually on the worship team and played piano so you curious as to how this church’s worship team was like as the instruments at the front looked quite pricey
minhyun asked the band to come up and you noticed someone familiar go up....jaehwan??
“is that jaehwan?” you whispered to yoojung who was sitting next to you
she nodded, “yeah, he also has a really nice voice” 
you nodded in curiousity as you eyed him go to the centre and take his guitar while standing in front of the microphone
the girl on the piano started and then jaehwan started to sing
and you were blown away 
mostly because was this crazy loud guy with a psychopathic laugh really the same guy that had a voice like an angels?????????
his voice was so pure and beautiful and natural and you happily sang along 
his voice was passionate and you could tell every word he sang he meant it with his heart 
you were so mesmerised by his voice that you didn’t even realise the song ended already 
you didn’t get to talk to jaehwan until youth group ended
it was when your parents came to pick you up and they were talking with another couple
you approached them and the couple started talking to you and asking you how you found it 
they were mr and mrs kim
“oh btw have you met our son?” asked mrs kim 
just as you were about to reply mr kim waved his hands 
you were shook bc the ppl your parents were talking to were jaehwan’s parents 
you looked over and jaehwan was pouncing over with a backpack put on at the front and his guitar case swung over his shoulder on his bag y’all pause and take a moment to picture this HOW cUTE WOULD HE BE O M G
he looked like an adorable muffin and you couldn’t help but lowkey fawn over how squishy and cute he looked
“jaehwan have you met y/n? this is her first time here” said mrs kim 
“not exactly” replied jaehwan and he turned to you smiling “hey i’m jaehwan nice to meet you” 
he offered his hand to shake and it was funny bc he had his bag stuck to his chest lmao this boy 
you gladly shook his hand and told him your name
the parents continued talking so you guys continued to talk
“by the way sorry if i made you feel a little uncomfortable during the game” said jaehwan
“nah its fine i enjoyed it” you replied which was true 
“thats good to hear! i just wanted to make you feel welcome we haven’t had a new person in a while so it’s really refreshing and encouraging that you came” said jaehwan
you were honestly touched at his words
“thanks that did help! by the way you were really great at singing and playing the guitar” you complimented him
and you guys started talking about both your fave ccm songs and he learnt that you could play piano too 
he made you promise to show him you playing the piano next time 
you guys talked for a while and it was super comfortable 
sooner than you hoped the parents said it was time to go home 
“oh y/n the kims actually only live two blocks away from us so from now on we’ll be taking turns sending you two to youth group” said your mum 
you and jaehwan smiled in response
you were happy bc that meant more time to get to know jaehwan 
“bye y/n see you next week!!!!” said jaehwan
“see you jaehwan!!!!” 
you knew you definitely wanted to stay at this youth group ^^ 
hope you guys enjoyed this !!  3 more to go get keen 
other members: daehwi (x), sungwon (x), woojin (x), guanlin (x), jisung (x), jinyoung (x), daniel (x) 
masterlist: (x)
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survivesalem · 4 years
Episode 2 - “AHAHAHAHAHA 😂 -screams -” -Jessie
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My plan worked, mostly. Czern left and I felt bad but it’s survivor. Raffy (I believe it was Raffy at least) voted with Czern which I don’t like tbh. Raffy has a lil target on my back and I’m sitting pretty with me being the least likely to go home at this point on my tribe. 4D chess, I don’t play chess but it’s hot. I hope my tribe and Liam’s tribe don’t lose any more challenges so we can dominate. I miss Liam 🥺🥰.
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Originally I'm from tengaged so the way a social game is played and how you communicate with people is really different. Unfortunately I'm bored with a lot of people on my tribe. Austin is someone I like... I want him to view me as someone new and someone who'll make a good sheep. I can kinda sense he's gonna be trouble in a way, he doesn't seem super trustworthy. Jessie is a big question mark for me. IDK where I stand with her but I think we can get along but I also think she feels comfortable. At first I didn't like Dylan all that much but now they're really rubbing off on me. Dylan stans Avatar, I stan Avatar so in my eyes Dylan is a good person. Paolo is super friendly, he's also new to the ORG community so I feel him & I could make a good duo. Zach is probably my favourite person on the tribe idk why I just feel a good energy from him and I like it so I feel like if Paolo, Zach & I could link up and form a tight 3 and just knock off someone like Jessie that would make me feel good. I really wanna prove myself with the scavenger hunt challenge I feel like I've done a lot with the challenge but I feel like I can do more so I'm ready and willing to fight to keep my tribe safe.
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Omg okay so I never made one of these but I will right now! So basically I like my tribe. I know a few people on here and the other ones seem nice. I would LOVE to avoid tribal, as I think I am not in the *best* standing, but I think if I attend tribal I mayyyy be able to survive. I LOVE THAT THERE IS NO TWIST THANK FUCKING GOD. Here are my thoughts on my tribe: Brien - I have hosted Brien and he is super talkative 24/7. He is a great guy and I really want him to trust me, but I have heard he created an alliance without me. I think if I just have some more activity we might be in the clear w him. Eve- I LOVE EVE. I played with Eve in BBPokemon and they were an incredible force. I know they tend to be villainous and make a splash every season, but hopefully I can them on my side and I won't be at the receiving end of their chaos. Cameron - Don't know them and will hopefully make them the first boot. Gizmo- Awesome! They are super nice to talk to and I can tell they are a good ass player. I want to align with them on this tribe, but I am not that passionate about it. Keegan- I. LOVE. KEEGAN. Keegan is super a sweetheart and such a good guy. He is SO good at orgs and I want to go far with him. Def my #1 fav on this tribe!
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UM HELLO TRIBE WHERE ARE YOU ? Legit only me and Liam are submitting for the scavanger hunt and the clock is tick tick ticking . Like guys we aren’t winning if only two people submit . Do they not realize two tribes go to tribal ? It’s literally as quiet as the movie the quiet place . On the bright side maybe me doing stuff for the tribe means they’ll keep me because wow I’m active !
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Here's the problem: my tribe is half inactive. Ben and Alex truly do not give a fuck whether we win or lose. This means they will be very easy vote offs during this phase of the game, but I don't want to risk having to repeatedly go to tribal over and over again. I am starting to get frustrated. They are literally not responding to any of my messages at all. I've tried reaching out to Ben twice now, and he hasn't replied back to either of those messages. I am so sick of it. For Alex, I don't know what his problem is either. This tribe truly is cursed in part due to them all being men. I need a swap to happen soon so that I can actually be put on a competent tribe. I am terrified that we are going to lose the challenge because it doesn't even seem like Ben or Alex know that it's even going on. Ugh. I'm so over this.
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This scavenger hunt has been fun. I was thankful to already own most of the items between my apartment and my parents house. What I didn't have I had to drive around to find. What gave me the most trouble was the Magic 8 Ball. I ended up finding a mini 8 ball that was fully functioning. Given that 2 tribes are going to tribal counsel, and the current state of our sheet, I'm pretty sure Good is going to tribal council. I hope I'm wrong! But hope for the best, prepare for the worst. I think I'm safe this vote. I seem to be in the majority so long as I can trust them. I just hope we are all loyal until at least tribe swap or merge, whatever happens first. If we go to tribal, I'm pretty sure Eve will be getting the vote, but who's to say.
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I do not believe we are winning this challenge. But I don't think I'd be the one voted out in any case. Alex and Ben both seems like they're not even going to submit for the challenge, so I will just ride this tribe out until we get rid of the both of them. I predict that there is a swap after this round because then it will be 15 which is the perfect time to swap into 3 tribes of 5. If not, I believe that we'll go till 14 to swap into two tribes of 7. Then, we'll merge at 11. I predict that Mac, Jay, and I will be able to survive till swap, but I'm not sure how I could begin to survive a merge. Maybe if I'm put on a tribe with either Dylan, Paolo, or Austin. I can make a pull on pre-existing relationships, but I will definitely have to give up control to them.
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My tribe is filled with people who never learned how to read rules properly. Alex really said "I didn't know I had to put them in a doc." Like,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I am exhausted. Why can't people rise to my level? Is that too hard to ask? And! Alex said something in the tribe chat which means he's actively ignoring my messages and for why? This doesn't make any sense to me at all. Are they purposefully throwing their social games down the toilet? This is what I get for being on a tribe with all men.
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There’s an hour left in the challenge. I feel like we have a chance but also think we will lose. I’m worried but I know if we go back to tribal I’m the least likely to go home. That’s king shit. ✌️😙
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I am sad because I know Czern wouldn't have disappointed me like this. Jay told me that Mac or Alex allegedly said that Ben was good at challenges. Where is that? Such bullshit.
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Also Alex really didn't even attempt the videos nor the high point items, huh? Ugh
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Yay we flopped again x IM GETTING TRIGGERED FROM MY LAST SURVIVOR ORG!! Anyways. I am the swing vote without people realising which is hot. I’ve decided Ben needs to leave since he costed us the challenge by not submitting. I have to break it gently to Alex since he’s good mates with Ben. This also means people won’t see me as playing both sides. Woohoo. I’m not going home.
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Ben is leaving because he didnt do the challenge and he doesn't talk to anyone and if Raffy wasn't on this tribe I honestly have no idea what I'd do. Pls swap soon thanks
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WE WON AGAIN. wow I’m so proud of this tribe. I truly did not expect us to not go to tribal just because it’s a double tribal. Wow I’m just so proud of us. I feel like we are a very cohesive tribe too. We really vibe.
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WE WON IMMUNITY *Happy dances* I feel really good about my tribe now! I really like Jessie now which I didn't think would happen but we've clicked finally. We made an agreement not to vote each other out for now. Zach is such a sweetheart and I love him. Paolo is a lil inactive because he's busy but I love his determination to contribute. Dylan is a literal fucking genius They are super intelligent and I'm so impressed. Austin is like a big ? for me if we lose I'll probably vote for him... I'm praying for a swap right now, I would like to meet new people and make more bonds before merge and then I can make some moves!
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AHAHAHAHAHA 😂 -screams - so after me complaining a lil last confessional about my tribe being missing in action they came out of no where and we snagged the win. I’m currently vibing with Liam who seems to be as big of a book nerd as me . I love just finding people I get good vibes from . Still searching everyday for advantage items I’ll never stop looking for those because I never know when people will decide I’m no longer an asset. I will keep trying my hardest in each challenge 💕 we got this Tituba tribe . I’m lowkey proud of us all for snatching the win . Also my hair smells like milk I need to shower .
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So we have to go to tribal I’m a little nervous bc there is always a chance you can go when you’re at tribal but it gives you the rush you crave. I have my 4 person alliance with Gizmo,Cameron and Keegan leaving Eve and Lukas in minority and I would love to stay loyal to it if they are loyal to it as well. I trust Gizmo he seems like a stand up guy Keegan seems sketchy but I trust him more then Cameron tbh. I know Gizmo has a good relationship with Lukas so I’m hoping he can keep Lukas from saying my name. I was wanting to Target Eve this tribal however I’m sure things are bound to get messy and with me and eves history she might just be petty and try to get the votes on me but I told her that if the vote is based on the challenge it should be Keegan and hopefully Keegan is the Decoy vote and gets 1 or 2 votes but ideally right now the 4 person alliance sticks together and votes Eve and Lukas can vote with us too so we can look unified and everyone can feel unified going into a potential swap. I’m gonna keep my options open come swap time bc the only person I trust 100 percent on this tribe is Gizmo idk if that’s his social game being so good but I don’t think he is playing me. So right now it’s looking like Eve will go but I’m sure if eve even has an inkling that she is getting votes then she will stir up trouble and I’m ready for trouble
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Well everything has been super slow since we keep winning lol. I mean k love winning but it sometimes doesnt show where you stand really on your tribe. Jessie I trust 100% and I wanna work with liam and dylan too. I know zach paolo and dylan all know each other tho so I wanna break that up if I can before swap guess we will just have to see what happens after tribal
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My alliance is voting out Ben. It is the easiest and least complex vote. I do not believe anyone would want to do anything else. It's really just that simple. I doubt this boy is even going to vote lmao
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Tonight is first tribal. I hope everyone *sticks to the plan.* Eve is supposed to go home as far as I know. I had to lie to their face today....I don't like it. But! Its how the game is played. Its not personal, its drag.
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dontshootmespence · 8 years
Spencer’s First Camping Trip
A/N: An anon request where Spencer and the reader go camping. I decided the reader would be the camper, and Spencer has been dragged along. @coveofmemories
It had taken weeks of convincing before Spencer finally agreed to go camping for a night or two; you hadn’t been in forever. As a child, you formed your best memories with your family at Shenandoah National Park. When you first mentioned it to Spencer, he grimaced; he’d never been before and he was not the outdoorsy type - he was more the sit-at-home-on-a-Saturday-night-and-watch-reruns-of-Doctor-Who type. But he knew how much you loved it as a child, so he finally agreed, his smile wide when you started to jump and down like an ecstatic kid.
“Yay!” you screamed, running around the apartment like an idiot. “I can’t wait to take you all the places I used to go as a kid! We’ll go to waterfall, we’ll make s’mores, we’ll tell campfire stories and then we can fall asleep under the stars!” With a contended sigh, you crawled into his lap.
“Well, falling asleep under the stars sounds nice. And I couldn’t imagine camping with anyone else,” he said, brushing his lips up against yours. “This weekend?”
Enthusiastically, you nodded your head and hopped off of his lap, ready to plan your entire weekend. “Get ready!” you laughed. “I’m going to wear you out this weekend.”
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Friday came, and Hotch allowed Spencer to take off early so the two of you could drive the nearly 100 miles to Shenandoah. On the ride there, you allowed him to sleep. You did have a lot planned and he wasn’t used to insane amounts of physical activity, so he was going to be tired.
Nearly three hours later, you finally arrived, poking him excitedly as you ran out of the car. “Here we are!” you said, pulling him, still half asleep, stumbling out of the vehicle. It was just as you remembered.
“It really is beautiful,” he yawned, wiping the sleep from his eyes. The lush green leaves made a canopy above you - only the tips of the leaves were starting to change color. It would be autumn soon. “What number is our campground?”
“147,” you replied, pointing toward the area that was equipped with a fire ring and a picnic table. After assembling the tent, which took about an hour because Spencer kept accidentally kicking one of the legs out, you unpacked the sandwiches Spencer had made and the ingredients for s’mores that you’d brought. “I think,” you said, taking a messy bite of the turkey sandwich, “I might just take a few bites of this and then load up on chocolate, graham crackers and marshmallows.” 
While Spencer quickly ate the rest of his sandwich, also much more interested in s’mores than actual food, you put together the makings of a fire - wood, newspaper, some tinder, and a bit of the char cloth you’d brought. Sure it was easier to just light the tinder with a match or a lighter, but it made you feel like a kid again to use flint and steel like your father used to use. “You sure you just don’t want a lighter,” Spencer laughed, his mouth still stuffed with sandwich.
“No,” you replied, determined to light this damn fire like your father showed you. Attempt after attempt cam with failure, until finally a spark landed on the char cloth. With a little of your nurturing, the small spark turned into an enormous flame - perfect for marshmallow roasting. “Marshmallows,” you said, placing the bag between you, “sticks, chocolate, graham crackers. And go!” 
Over the next hour, you put your head in Spencer’s lap as you both roasted marshmallow after marshmallow, making countless s’mores. At the end of the hour, both of your fingers and lips were covered in chocolate. “Chocolate kisses,” he said, leaning down to pepper your face with sweet affection. “You wanna tell scary stories now?”
You were having such a nice time and were such a chicken shit with scary stuff that you asked him to wait until tomorrow night. He was getting tired anyway, so you laid out underneath the stars until you were ready to pass out. Crawling into the tent required way too much energy after such a long day, so once inside, you both fell asleep immediately, his arm wrapped around your waist.
The sound of other campers in the area woke you up around 9 o’clock the next morning. “Hey beautiful,” he said sleepily, laughing as you lifted your head and let it fall back into the pillow. Your hair was a mess - he was a flatterer, your boyfriend. “What are we doing today?”
“I wanna take you up by Overall Run Falls,” you said, turning around to take his lips in a sleepy morning kiss. “Bring a book with you. I’m pretty sure once we’re up there, you’re going to want to stay for a while.” 
After dressing with your eyes closed, still half asleep and tripping over each other, you tumbled out of the tent and started the hike toward the falls. “How much farther is it?” Spencer asked, huffing and puffing behind you. This was the part of the trip you knew you’d have to push him through - he was not one for walking. You’d gone about two miles...and had another two to go. 
“Only two more miles,” you said, trying your best to downplay the length of the trail. 
Spencer stopped in his tracks behind you and started laughing. “You mean to tell me that we’ve gone two miles, still have another two miles to go, and then have to make the trek all the way back? So this is an 8 mile round trip?”
“Yes,” you said with a toothy grin. “I promise you’ll love it once we’re up there and we can stay there for a few hours before we come back.”
“It’s a good thing I love you,” he said, catching his breath and taking your hand to trek the other two miles. Finally, you were there. Took about an hour and a half to walk the 4.2 miles, but it was worth it. “Okay, this was worth it.” He looked toward the falls in awe. “People don’t realize that they don’t have to leave the country to see something beautiful.”
Tired after the long walk, you walked toward a tree with Spencer behind you and sat down against it, pulling out your book. “You do wanna stay for a while right?” you asked.
“Definitely,” he breathed as he sat down next to you. “I’m gonna save the book for later though. This is too nice not to take in.”
Agreed. You’d been the same way when your parents first brought you here as a child. “So, is it safe to say you had a successful first camping trip?”
Spencer laughed as he brought your head into his shoulder. “As long as I make it the other four miles back to the campground, I’d say yes.”
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