#demise of midoriya izuku
treasuringizu · 2 years
Thinking about how Izuku would subconsciously abandon you for hero work, constantly being late to dates or even canceling. You would understand, of course, being a pro hero yourself. But you would wish that he would make time for you just like you make time for him
I just… need an angst to fluff fanfic about this 😭
- empty heart
izuku midoriya x reader | angst, hurt/comfort.
a/n: it’s not specified that reader is a pro hero so they’re whatever you want them to be🤷🏽‍♀️ kind of ends in fluff…..
wc: 1.3k
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you’ve lost count of the amount of times it has happened. lost count of the amount of times you were left sitting alone in that restaurant, waiting and waiting patiently only for him to never show up. lost count of the amount of times you needed him — needed him to be there for you — to show up, but he never did.
it happened so slowly, that you didn’t even notice it until it smacked you right in the face. or you were in denial, pretending that what was happening right in front of your face wasn’t really there. that maybe if you ignored it, it would eventually go away.
it didn’t.
it started with missed calls, unanswered texts that you didn’t think much of. he was late to a few dates, you shrugged it off and gave him a kiss. he didn’t show up for that one dinner with your parents, apologizing and saying that he totally forgot, but he’ll be there next time — you said it’s okay. and that was it.
you can’t help but think that maybe it was because you always let him off so easily that it ended up like this. maybe the both of you are as much to blame for the demise of your relationship. maybe you should have pushed harder. maybe he should have prioritized better. maybe, maybe, maybe. maybe you could have done all of that and it still would have ended up this way.
maybe it wouldn’t have ended up like this, with you packing up your things in a tiny luggage that will have to do for now. with tears streaming down your face and your heart feeling like it got stomped on and torn into pieces.
you and izuku were so close. but he feels like a stranger now. too many nights of him getting home after not speaking or seeing him the entire day. you ignored it, pretended like you were sleeping as he slipped into the bed beside you, your back turned to him. he doesn’t wrap his arms around you anymore, doesn’t hold you. though you know he always knew that you were awake. maybe he liked to ignore it too. you both always hated confrontation.
there were no more i love you’s, no more i miss you’s. no more love. it was there, but it was empty. you guys don’t talk anymore, don’t laugh anymore. no more nights where you stay up discussing the most random things when you both could be sleeping, no more sad movies and holding izuku in your arms while he cries like a baby because a character died, no more him. no more us, you think.
you were getting drained — getting tired.
and again, you hated confrontation, so that’s why you’re packing your things up now, when you know he won’t be home to see you leaving him. so he can’t see you acting like a coward.
you pack your essentials, throw in some clothes that can last you at least a few days, and pack away your heart with it.
and then you’re heading for the door, furiously wiping at your face to the point it hurts — but the handle is turning and it opens before you can get to it. and in comes the love of your life — the stranger you’re now living with.
your heart squeezes at the sight of him, and you take in what you can. his mess of curly green hair — dark and kind eyes to match, the freckles that are scattered everywhere on his face, the freckles you love to count but never get to the end of, as if they’re endless. you trace the curve of his cheeks with your eyes, imagining his lovable smile that melts your heart, his dimples popping out. his lips, that you loved to steal kisses from, as much as you could get.
izuku breathes out your name as he steps inside, closing the door and doubling back at the sight that greets him. his eyes widen, going to your face — the tears that you’re sure are streaming down, and then trailing below to the bag you’re clutching in your hand.
he stumbles forward, mouth opening and closing like he doesn’t know what to say — what to do. and you stand there, hardening your face to not give away any emotions, though you’re sure your tears gives it all. you’ve always done that, worn your heart on your sleeve but tried to hide it as much as you could.
vulnerability — never an option.
“what…” his throat bobs. “what are you doing?”
you almost want to laugh, if not for the hurt he’s showing. “what does it look like?”
“i- what?” a plethora of emotions flash across his face. he’s shaking his head, dropping his duffel bag on the ground — he’s freshly showered, hair slightly damp on his forehead. he must have showered at his agency.
you rub your thumb back and forth against the rough handle of your bag. “i thought you’re supposed to be on patrol?”
he eyes your hand where it holds onto the luggage. “got off early. kachaan… he’s covering for me.”
“oh…” silence. you stare at each other for what seems like forever, your feet rooted in place.
it’s when you move your hand to wipe at your face that izuku breaks the silence, saying your name. he takes a step forward, faltering when you back away in response. he frowns, “why do you have your bag packed?”
you don’t answer his question. “what are we doing, izuku?”
“what- i… what do you mean?”
you want to scream. you want to break down and cry while he holds you in his scarred arms. “what are we doing!” your voice cracks, but you don’t even feel embarrassed as you feel another wave of fresh tears.
he knows what you mean. his own eyes are glassy, you note. “i don’t know. i don’t know.” his fists clench at his sides.
this time you do laugh. “exactly. you don’t know.” your heart breaks even more. “i think.” you pause, taking in his expression. “i think i have to go.”
“no you don’t.” his hand reaches for you — to hold you, but he must rethink his decision because he stops midair, letting his hand swing back as he gulps. “you don’t…” his voice is a whisper, quiet.
you nod your head, firm. “i do.”
but then he moves forward again, unstopping until he’s right in front of you, and then suddenly you’re engulfed by him, your senses overtaken. he hugs you, hard. squeezes you and that’s when you feel his sharp intake of air, and then his body is shaking as he holds you.
and it’s funny, you think, that this is what it took for him to hug you like this again. hold you like he doesn’t ever want to let go.
“please.” you can feel his heart breaking along with yours as he breathes into the top of your head, as he holds you tighter.
you start sobbing again, gasping for air as you fist his shirt in your hands, burrowing into him.
“we can fix this.” izuku repeats it over and over again, as if he’s trying to convince himself as well. pulling away, he looks you in the eyes — letting you see the emotions swarming around in his. “we can.”
you look at him — really look at him like you haven’t in months. you look at the tears that are now falling down his face too, using the back of your hand to wipe them off and somehow mustering a tiny smile when he closes his eyes and shudders at your touch.
you think about all the times he’s left you hanging, all the times you needed him and he just wasn’t there. but then you think about the times he was there, standing right by you and holding you up when you couldn’t stand anymore.
you think, that if it’s for him, you can try harder. let him have your heart again.
“we can.”
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acerathia · 1 year
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While spending the summer at your grandparent's place, an accident leads to a fateful encounter with Izuku. Yet you reject this first meeting, seeking to craft a proper first impression.
Midoriya Izuku / Reader
Wordcount: 11.3k
Read it on AO3
Love at first sight, slightly idiots in love (if you squint), Aged-up characters, vague description of a panic attack, slight miscommunication (I hate it as much as you do), Reader is gn but there is 'girl' as a term of endearment,
This work is part of the 'Meet Fruit Collab' by willow's house! Go check the other works!!
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The sun caresses your cheeks and makes you close your eyes, allowing the warmth to seep into your bones. There is only a slight breeze, cooling your skin with each whisper. The weather seemingly fits your current tranquility. 
It’s summer. And similar to every summer you had experienced before, you’re visiting your grandparents at their small cottage in the south of the country. The warmth practically radiating from the edges of the village. You love it here, despite the long trip, carrying you over borders and through mountains. But in the end, it’s always worth it, the weather and the comfort of the people forming the valley of your dreams. No wonder you had planned on staying for the duration of the summer, nothing better than to spend your vacation with your family and their well-loved apple trees. 
You had arrived a couple of days ago, the train finally coming to a halt after hours of driving through the darkness of the tunnel, emerging into another world, wildly different from the other side of the mountain range. And as much as you love riding the train for long distances, it had exhausted you quite a bit, you almost had no choice but to rest for a couple of days. These last days had consisted of you catching up with your grandparents, and of course, enjoying the apple pie of your dear grandpa. 
That is until they had kicked you out of the door with some silly task. Well, getting kicked out is a strong word, rather they had sent you on an errand because according to your grandma, you had gotten ‘the zoomies’, whatever that means. 
So there you are, in the middle of a meadow, trying to walk towards the apple trees of your family without stomping on the flowers. And as much as you hate to admit it, you aren’t successful with your current endeavor, and you hope to at least save the apples from their dooming demise. That’s why you had to pick them directly from the trees, these delicious, fresh apples should not, under any circumstance, fall onto the ground and rot away, turning into sad mush. You shall not allow them to suffer such fate! 
But even if you are to pick every single apple from the trees, you wonder where your grandparents store all these apples, before you remember the morning market. The people around here open their stalls in the morning to sell their homemade products and to converse with each other, taking that chance to simply catch up with each other without any reason to do so. And of course, your grandparents go there, they have many friends in the village and how else are they supposed to get their gossip from? And soon you are going to be part of that gossip because while you had missed the market due to your inability to wake up early in the morning, they definitely are going to drag you along with them as soon as possible. 
With a sigh, signifying your surrender to your upcoming fate, you arrive at the base of the first tree. You are only supposed to fill the basket you are carrying, so there is no need for you to visit more than one tree today. You set the basket between the roots of the tree to put your hands on your hips. With a scrutinizing gaze, you inspect the stem and its bark, judging how well you would be able to climb it. And it seems like a challenge for your climbing skills, but it definitely isn’t something you can’t handle. 
Rolling your imaginary sleeves up to gather some strength, you begin feeling the bark with both your palms and fingertips, looking for grooves and furrows to hold onto. Once you discover some proper places to hold onto, you manage to get a good grasp around the trunk, hauling yourself with one push and jump. Your feet push the ground away before they step onto the bark. Holding your grasp for a moment, your hand grabs the next branch to finally pull your whole body upwards, your body sprawling across the branch. With a swing you manage to get your legs up, getting yourself into a sitting position on the thicker branch. And despite its thickness, you remain close to the trunk as a safety measure. 
With your body secure and safe, you start grabbing the apples, picking the ones closest to you to let them fall to the ground. You try your best to soften the fall by stretching your body towards the ground, or by trying to get them into your basket in one shot. That way you clear the surrounding space, before you begin to move upwards, standing on the branch to reach higher. Methodically you move from branch to branch, reaching as far as you possibly could without endangering yourself. 
Reaching higher and higher, you continue to let the apples drop, until you hear a small shout of surprise. You gasp silently and peer down to look for the source of that sound, staying hidden behind the leaves and branches. 
Down below standing at the base of the tree is a boy your age, his hand rubbing against the top of his head with a slight wince. You bite your bottom lip to swallow a curse, lest he sees you between the branches of the tree. Because it seems like you were the cause of his pain, as you accidentally let an apple fall on top of his head. And you probably should get down and apologize, maybe gift him some apples to soothe the pain. But before you decide on your next move, he looks up and you freeze. You can’t do anything but stare at his beautiful face; and you think, you must have fallen and broken your neck because you have never seen such mesmerizing features before. His green eyes make you step into a deep, refreshing forest, full of secrets you can discover if you step closer; yet welcoming and beautiful, soothing your mind with ease. Strands of hair framed those gleaming eyes, soft; and you wondered how it would feel to drive your fingers through them while counting the small galaxy of freckles emphasizing his features. You wonder how many little stars he owns. 
There is no way you can simply jump down and meet him like that, not after that accident with the apple. That would be a bad first impression and you have no idea how you currently look, the leaves probably sitting on top of your head. The peak of bad impressions. ‘Hey, I hit you with an apple, but you’re cute, so forget about it.’ You can’t just do that! For some reason you need that first impression to be good, no, perfect. So you clasp your free hand against your mouth and hold still, trying to make the least amount of noise possible. He should not catch you under any circumstance, especially after you refuse to go down after hitting him. That only would worsen his possible first impression of you. 
‘Please leave, please leave,’ you try to persuade him with your telepathic skills. You hope you have these skills, or else he might not leave soon. But lucky you, your persuasion skills seem to work, as he picks an apple off the ground to roll it between his palms, scarred palms. And you wonder how that rough skin would feel against your own pair of hands before you notice him turning and finally leaving. 
You almost cheer, thanking your merciful luck, hoping it doesn’t deplete with that simple graciousness. Still, you don’t risk anything and wait for some time, making sure nobody is truly left, before you jump down, starting to pick the apples off the ground in a hurry, collecting the fruits in your basket. 
With a last glance in every possible direction, you make your way back to the cottage, arms and doubts heavy. And as much as you want to enjoy the beautiful sun on your skin, your gaze has locked itself onto the grassy ground, watching the blades dance with the silent brise. You just can’t help but think that you might have burst your only chance with that boy, just because of your cowardice. What if you never saw him again? Then what? Are you just going to lament over that non-existent loss, maybe cry every time you spot some green apples, because he reminds you of these green Pound Sweet apples? Probably. But right now all you want to do is to kick yourself back in time, maybe take another way of action. But no, your head had been empty and your thoughts didn’t carry any semblance of common sense. You never make the right decisions in the nick of time, and you always end up regretting it, like right now. You lost him, forever!
Maybe you are acting a tad dramatic, but you think you deserve a little drama, as a treat to distract yourself from your lost chance to meet the embodiment of the perfect person. 
Your grandma immediately notices your little pout upon your entrance, and just doesn’t allow you to enter the cottage. She had taken the basket out of your hands before pulling you into her little vegetable garden in the back. Apparently, she needs help with getting rid of the weed. And even if you know she doesn’t need help and that she holds too much strength in her frame, you oblige to her pushing you into this task. You doubt you would be able to get rid of a single weed, and you spend the rest of the day in a brawl, fighting those scratching plants with all your might and still losing, too many times to count. And maybe that is the plan of your grandma, to distract you from whatever is bothering you and to tire you out like a little child throwing a tantrum. You don’t care though, that is her way of caring for you after all.  
The next morning doesn’t start like you wanted it to. You are deep in your dreams and your pillows, hugging your blanket close to your face when a spray of water hits your face with its startling coldness. A groan escapes you and you try to swat at the source of your bother but without any success. The attacks continue without mercy, soaking even your pillow. Hesitantly you open your eyes, hoping to avoid getting sprayed into them, before seeing a familiar figure standing beside your bed. 
“Wake up, you lazy thing, we’re going to the market!” your grandma proclaims, waving the spray bottle in front of your face as a threat. 
You grunt some curse words under your breath, making an effort in sitting up. “Okay, okay… Man, a warning would be nice…”
The only response to your mumbled complaint is another spray into your face before she leaves you to change into some proper outerwear. And you are almost inclined to leave the house in your pajamas if only to embarrass her a bit. But if you are honest with yourself, you will end up regretting that choice more than her non-existent embarrassment will be worth it. You will wind up being the embarrassed one, she will be nonchalant about the whole thing, shrugging your audacity off like nothing. So you almost have no choice but to change into some proper summer wear, yearning for your hoodies, but you would rather not fry in this weather, as beautiful as it is. 
Dragging your feet, sleep still hanging onto your ankles, you join your grandparents in the kitchen. They are preparing for the morning market, and they expect your help if the basket squeezed into your hands is any indication. It is filled to the brim with green apples, Beauty of Bath, the ones you had picked from the tree just yesterday. You sneak a hand into the basket to grab one for yourself, but your grandma seems to have a telepathy or a sense of premonition because she’s already slapping your hand away, tutting at your allegedly bad behavior. 
“Aw, c’mon, I didn’t get to eat anything yet…”, you grumble, still eyeing the green, fresh apples hanging off the crook of your arm. 
“Stop makin’ eyes at them apples girl, shoulda woken up earlier,” she reprimands you, and you feel like you're being punished for something. Is she mad about how much of a loser you are in weeding out the garden? Did you step on a tomato while brawling those stubborn plants? Is she getting sick of you being a failure in her favorite hobby? 
And maybe you’re being dramatic again, making a big deal out of her response, when you’re well aware of her ways of communication. 
Still, this knowledge doesn’t stop you from pouting slightly, reacting appropriately. But you can’t help but light up when your grandpa goes up to you and hands you a piece of the pie. With a broad smile and a thank you, you ravish that piece, enjoying the way the apples and cream melt on your tongue, leaving a sour and sweet taste behind. Licking the rest off your fingertips, you both giggle about that secret exchange, while your grandma has her back turned on you. 
Despite her obliviousness, she must have noticed something going on, as she begins to push the both of you out of the door, arms heavy with product, apples, pies and tarts. With your packed load, you begin to walk down the path to the village. Luckily, the cottage is stationed on a hill, so you only have to walk down with all that stuff, rather than dying from the slope. And despite the village sitting at the base of the hill, the distance between the cottage and the center is quite short. There is no need for any of you to use the car at all, even if carrying everything slowly turns out to be exhausting. 
By the time you finally arrive at the closed stall, you’re barely feeling your arms anymore, the basket cutting your blood circulation off. With a grateful sigh, you manage to put everything down safely, before shaking your arms to get them back to work, wincing at the pins and needles appearing in your veins. Once you think you can use them again, you start helping your grandparents with opening up the stall and sorting the products into their respective spaces, checking if everything has survived the travels. 
Everything is at its proper place the moment people start wandering into the market, the noise level immediately rising. The growing crowd carries their conversation with itself, the words traveling from stall to stall with people catching up with each other. The bargaining accompanies the chattering, the people trying to get their grocery shopping as cheap as possible. 
Even you can’t escape the talking. You’re acquainted with some of your grandparents’ friends, so you have no choice but to greet them, which ends in you trying to dodge every question coming your way. Their questions and calculating gazes dig quite deep and if you don’t know any better, they seem like they’re analyzing your body language for any possible reaction. But that’s not possible, right? They’re just retired folk, they surely aren’t putting that much effort into their gossip, right?
You even start busying yourself with stocking the stall up, making sure there is always enough stuff from everything on the table, just to escape the awkwardness of the digging elderly. 
“Oh, these look delicious, what kind of apples are these?” a voice asks you while you’re straightening the rows of green apples. 
Oh, this is a rather easy question, so you grin and look up to answer, only to meet green eyes, soft curls framing them with the slight breeze and a shining smile. Your brain short-circuits and you can’t help but be mesmerized by him, the name you had given him in your head slipping out: “Uh, Pound Sweet?”
Immediately your grandma's elbow digs itself deep between your ribs, the pain pulling you back into reality. “What are ya blabbing? Those are-”
“Beauty of Bath apples, I know… Excuse my mistake…” you apologize to the boy in front of you, bowing to avoid making eye contact with him and falling into that trance again. 
You can see how he hurriedly waves his free hand around. “Uh! No-No need to bow, everything is fine”, he insists and lets his hand rub the back of his neck, still giving you that brilliant smile. 
And even after you straighten up, you actively avoid making eye contact with him. You’re sure you won’t escape those beautiful eyes of his if you get caught in them again. Instead, you let your eyes roam over his galaxy of freckles dusting his soft-looking cheeks, which mold with his bright smile; over his swaying, green curls moving around his ears, brushing the edges of his eyes, getting stuck in his long lashes. 
Even his face sends you into a stupor and you don’t notice your staring until your grandma has rammed into you once again. Embarrassed, you let your hands wander over the apples, rambling about this sort of apples and their acidic sweet taste, while picking the number of apples he desires, You try to put your whole focus on the packaging of the apples and the piece of pie you decide to sneak into his order, catching your wandering gaze before you can even begin to stare again. Still, how are you supposed to prepare for the scars on his hands or the accidental touch of his rough hands as you handed him his package. The slight brush of his fingers against yours as he received his order sends you into another turmoil of thoughts and you hastily pull your hand away. 
“Thankyoubye,” you blurt hurriedly, feeling embarrassed at your reactions to every single thing about him. For some reason everything about him makes you run on a higher sensitivity level leading to you slightly overreacting, probably. 
Still, you feel bad for letting him experience these reactions at such a close range, so you look up and give him a crooked smile, a shy one, mirroring your current feelings. You feel the need to hide under his gaze and you scratch your nose to hide your face a tiny bit. 
In return, you receive a bright smile with a thank you. You physically feel your heart stop, before you start choking on your own spit from the shock, resulting in a coughing fit. A curse tumbles with a cough and you have to turn away, propping yourself on your knees. 
Well, there goes your good first impression, well done, you had ruined it, and this time you can’t just hide or run away. You can’t do anything but cough your lungs out, your throat getting raw; and if the tears in your eyes are due to your disappointment and shame, and not because your body is trying to eject your esophagus, nobody but you has to know. 
After hacking a couple more times, your body finally allows you to catch your breath, as you hold yourself steady with a hand on the edge of the table. Your swipe at the beads of tears in the corners of your eyes, faintly feeling a hand between your shoulder blades. At first, you think it’s your grandpa, but the size of the palm feels too big to be actually his. And while the realization slowly creeps into your mind, the touch sears itself onto your skin, every skin ridge etching itself into your bones. 
You swallow, trying to avoid the repeat of earlier, before finally raising your gaze and seeing Pound Sweet right in front of you. His brows are furrowed in some kind of worry, and you wonder why he would worry about you in the first place. You, nothing more than a stranger, as much as you want to change that. 
Your eyes meet his, green and flashing, holding all these secrets, filled with a whirlwind of emotion you cannot decipher. You don’t register his question until after he repeats himself. 
“Is everything okay?” he asks with a professional tone, and how can someone ask such a question in a professional tone anyway? Is he some sort of EMT and is used to people choking on their own spit, embarrassing themselves in front of him? 
With a blink of your eyes, you realize he’s waiting for any kind of response, so you nod slowly. 
“Uh, yeah, sorry. ‘Twas weird…” you murmur, as if your nod needs some boost in its credibility, lowering your gaze to avoid looking at him as mortification slowly fills your veins, hot and teary, crawling and ripping at your insides. 
Instead of replying he just put a cup filled with juice, the smell of berries emanating from its edges. You recognize the barely touched juice from another stall close by, a couple of people had been holding the same kind of cup in their hands, savoring the taste with each sip. And with a small thanks, you decide to do the same thing, letting the sip on your tongue distract you for even a little moment. 
You can’t help but take a second sip, as the cool liquid soothes your throat. But after that, you hesitantly return the cup to its owner, regret already pooling in your stomach like a heavy stone. Why did you take a sip? Maybe he wanted you to reject his offer, to keep his juice to himself. He probably just feels pity for your tiny miserable figure.
“Uh, thank you for that… Do- Do you mind me paying you back in some way?”, you ask with your raw voice, rasping each syllable. 
You feel your insides knot with rising nervousness. You don’t know what compelled you to be so upfront, especially after your hiding, and your embarrassment, but you do owe him for that drink and his attention to you. And maybe you’re hoping to get to know him a little bit more, and nobody is to judge you for that. 
 “You’re welcome! And uh, it’s totally fine…”, he waves to refuse your offer so easily, while still keeping his brilliant smile, and you don’t quite feel like you just got rejected.
He rejected you and you have no choice but to accept it. That’s what any sane person would do in your situation. But to your misery, you don’t have enough sanity to make such wise decisions (later you would put the blame on the lack of oxygen, or just because his beauty crashed your brain). So for whatever reason you only shake your head at his answer and reach for some crumpled piece of paper. Snatching a pen from under the table, you jot your phone number onto the cracks of paper. Folding the ink and handing it to him you simply said: “Here, my number. Uh, I’m here for the summer, so maybe? I don’t know, text me, if you want to, I guess?”
You bite the insides of your cheek to stop yourself from babbling any nonsense that is crawling up your throat and clogging your brain from thinking straight forward. This day has filled you with enough embarrassment to last you a decade, you probably won’t ever forget this day, the memories haunting you for the rest of your life whenever you want to go to sleep. 
He seems surprised, holding your number delicately between his fingers, and maybe you’re imagining things, but to you, it looks like his neck is slightly redder than it used to be just a moment ago. His mouth opens and closes with no words actually leaving him before he finally pockets the paper with no arguments. He agrees on texting you, before straightening to leave the stall with a small wave. 
You wave back, hesitance creeping into your actions. The whole thing slowly starts to register in your brain and you want to crawl under the table of the stall and let the darkness swallow you. What did you do? What just happened? You don’t even have his name, he doesn’t know yours. That’s crazy of you, he probably thinks you’re some kind of weirdo… How did you ruin a first meeting in multiple ways? 
With a sigh you turn around, only to make eye contact with your grandma, a sly grin adorning her face. And this is how things could in fact get worse. She won’t ever let this up, pestering you about it for probably the rest of your life, no matter how this whole thing turns out. You really don’t want to hear her so-called ‘advice’ or whatever has been cooking up inside her brain. So you immediately turn right back to continue whatever you have been doing before he showed up. Filling the gaps between the products, serving whoever decides to take a peek at your stall, and most importantly, relentlessly ignoring any upcoming conversation about Pound Sweet, no matter how much your grandparents try. No matter how bad you feel for ignoring your grandpa, but regardless of how tame he might look, he is married to his wife. And they both are borderline vicious about this sort of stuff. The elderly still love to gossip, and you’d rather not give them any ammunition about yourself. 
The rest of the morning market finished without any hiccups, just with you averting their trials at interrogation in any possible way. And once you’re packing up and on the way home, their questions stopped, and you start to see the end of the tu-
And you had started hoping way too soon, as they corner you once you finally arrive at home. Trapped in a tight spot in the kitchen you have no way to escape the imposing figure of your grandma, especially with your grandpa guarding the door in case you miraculously manage to run away. 
“So, you an’ the Midoriya-boy?” she asks with a raised eyebrow, almost like she already knows the answer to that question and you don’t. 
You’re aware of the implication. She assumes something is going on with Pound Sweet, but because you don’t know his name, you choose the easiest thing to do and to act ignorant. Name-dropping only works if you know their name after all. 
She grunts with annoyance at your shenanigans, waving a hand like she’s trying to get rid of something bothering her. “Dun’ play tha’ game with me, girl. Ya for sure have some stupid apple name for’im. Now, what was happenin’?”
Ow, bullseye. How does she even know that? You bite the insides of your cheek and avoid eye contact with her, trying to come up with some way out, but apparently, you hadn’t responded fast enough. 
Her face scrunches up at your little wince before her facial expressions change from her usual scowl to unbelief, shock, triumph. You don’t even have the chance to retort anything, she already has her own conclusion made up in her mind. Still, you feel the need to say something, but nothing comes out of your mouth, leaving you to look like a fish on dry land. All wide eyes and open mouth. 
With mirth finally placed on her face, she pushes your chin up to help you close your mouth. 
“Imma leave ya to it. Should tell ya to be responsible, but I dun’ care,”, she shrugs and finally releases you from her entrapment. 
You almost stumble over your own feet as you hurry with your escape, her snickers following you into your bedroom. 
With a groan you let yourself fall onto your bed, burying your shame in your pillows. She won’t ever let you live this down, and every time you go out, she will be teasing you about him, even if you would only be accompanying them. There is no way you will be meeting him in the near future, not after your pushiness earlier. 
You’re wailing in your conundrum when your phone suddenly vibrates. You stop your dramatic antics to furrow your eyebrows. Who could be messaging you? You barely text with your friends, and you’re supposed to be on vacation, so your workplace can’t be bothering you. 
You stretch your arm to reach your phone on the commode, barely getting a hold of it. Once your phone is secure in your hand and not about to slip from your fingertips, you open your messenger to look at the received message. Unknown number. 
And the moment you open the message you almost fling your phone across the room. The message isn’t long, it only consists of a greeting with his name, but that’s already longer than you had anticipated. Which is nothing. 
But now you’re standing in front of the next hurdle. How are you supposed to answer? He doesn’t know your name, but to start with that would be weird, wouldn’t it? Could you use the spelling of your name as an excuse to still tell him what you’re called, or should you leave it to the future? 
You scrunch your nose and stare at your unmoving phone, expecting an answer to jump out of it and tell you what to do. After just glaring at it you pick your phone up again, thumbs hovering over the keyboard, dancing a little over the letters. Writing and deleting. Writing and deleting. Nothing sounds right, no matter what you say. So in the end you just send some basic text, at least you hope it is. After your pushiness earlier, you tell yourself to allow him to choose what to do, that is the main reason you gave him your number after all. 
And this time your poor phone didn’t get thrown away, but rather imprisoned into your commode. That way you aren’t able to see or hear any notifications. At least that’s the plan, but you had forgotten how your nervousness makes you check your phone every five minutes, hoping for any kind of answer, and then of course getting disappointed by the radio silence. And you immediately respond to every text, too excited to hold back and wait for a while. 
Still, this leads to you regularly texting with Izuku, as it turns out you both are on vacation in this little idle village. None of you really disclosed your work, but his seems to be putting some strain on him, especially after he expressed his relief about this time-out. 
So you’re nothing but eager to allow him to experience this village to its fullest potential, leading to your meet-up today. You both are going to visit the summer festival taking place. 
You’re already buzzing with excitement. Even if it isn’t a proper date (as much as you want to go on a date with him), it’s finally your chance to act like a normal human being in his presence. Comfortably texting doesn’t mean he would actually enjoy your company, considering how awkward the first time had been. This thought puts an undercurrent of nervousness beneath your excitement, but you’re confident that everything will go well. You’ve come so far, you won’t easily give this up, not now. 
After rummaging through your closet you finally discover something fitting for the weather of late summer, while being a tiny bit appealing to the eye. You’re not expecting anything, really, but it can’t hurt to feel good in your own skin when meeting him. Nothing but a meet-up between friends. With a final look in the mirror to make sure everything is in its place, you grab your bag with your necessities and leave the cottage with a simple call-out to your grandparents. 
The weather outside is beautiful, just warm enough to not bother anyone, with a brise cooling your skin with its soft touch. You can’t help yourself looking up to watch the clouds slowly passing by. They look so calm and cozy, and for a moment they made you feel at peace. So you keep walking with your face raised towards the sky to let your gaze roam over the speckles of white and blue, the warmth comfortably laying on your face. 
Your phone vibrates, ripping you out of your current trance of enjoyment. With a sigh, you sift through your bag to grab your device to look at the new message you just got. The moment you open your messages, a picture of your figure with your nose high in the sky greets you. You furrow your eyebrows, wondering how the sender, Izuku, even got this picture in the first place. You start looking around until you make eye contact with him. A grin already sitting on his face, lighting something inside of you on fire before you reciprocate with a grin of your own. With a wave, you speed up until you could stop in front of him. 
You both exchanged a simple greeting, before starting to wander between the stalls and activities. There is quite a collection of stuff to do, ranging from a tombola, to shooting games, and different types of competition. A lot of things seem popular among the locals and the tourists, but nothing really spoke to you, so you aren’t sure what to do. That is until you spot a particular game you’ve always wanted to play: Apple bobbing. 
Without thinking you just nudge Izuku to point towards the stall with the tubs propped in front of it. “Hey, that looks fun? Should we try it?” you ask, even if you’d like to just tug him along to play it with you. 
Luckily he easily complies with your hidden demand, following you to the desk to pay for two people, before kneeling in front of a basin. His gaze already zeroed on the floating apples. You want to join him by getting onto the ground, but for some reason, he looks up to you, and your brain stops working for a second. He just looks so ethereal in the afternoon sun. His eyes focused on you, shining with the rays of the sun and his hair slightly tousled with the fresh breeze. His hands are simply relaxing on his thighs. He just contemplates you before cocking his head, seemingly noticing your hesitance. 
And you almost choke on your own spit, again. But you manage to get your bearings before that happens, shaking your head to get back to your senses. 
Carefully you take your place in front of the metal tub. You keep your arms behind your back to avoid using them in any way or form. Widening your stance a bit to fix your balance, before you shoot a look at Izuku, and you both exchange a giddy grin.
The person responsible for this game starts counting down until they give you the start sign. You immediately plunge your face into the filled tub, trying to grasp an apple with your teeth. You have been targeting a specific fruit, but it always manages to escape you just before you could take a proper hold onto it. And you probably had swallowed more water than it would have been healthy. You begin to grow frustrated at your evasive opponent, but before you could just throw the towel, you finally grasp the flesh of the apple between your teeth. Making sure you have a proper bite you finally straighten up. A grin hides behind the fruit and with your emergence, you feel the water coating your skin, cooling with the oncoming breeze, drying with no trace under the sun. 
With your prize, you turn to see how the game had been for Izuku and you catch him already looking your way. His hair framing his face a shade darker and dripping. His head resting on his palm, arm propped up on the edge of the basin and a shining red apple in his other hand. He grins at you and you remember the apple still stuck in your mouth. In your haste to get rid of it, you almost let it drop onto the ground, but you catch it before anything happens. 
“Uh, I guess you won?” you say with a crooked smile, shifting your weight from one knee to the other, and wondering how long he had been watching you struggle with that single apple. 
At least you hadn’t let anything slip, like him being pretty, or how badly you want to brush the strands away from his face. 
“Mhm! That was fun,” he smiles broadly, running his fingers through his wet hair, slightly slicking it back. 
You blink a couple of times, stunned. Then with a breath, you stand up, taking a bite out of your hard-won apple. The slight acidity runs over your tongue, distracting you from the mesmerizing sight just beside you. You doubt it’s healthy for you to even look at him for such extended time, so you let your gaze sweep over the open field, looking for the next possible activity. 
There isn’t anything really catching your interest, but you do discover a stall selling candied apples. And despite the one already sitting in your hand, you have a craving for one of these. Candied apples use a different type of apples after all. 
“Oh! Do you wanna get some candied apples?” you ask Izuku, who has gotten up and has been letting his gaze wander over the place. 
“Hm, didn’t we just get some apples?” he wonders and puts his hand to his face in a contemplating gesture. 
“That’s true, but these are Red Delicious Apples, which often lack proper taste, and candied apples use these Gala Apples. They have a much sweeter flavor!” you try to explain to him without going on a tangent about the different sorts of apples, again.
He giggles at your so-called restraint, already aware of the struggle. “I don’t mind trying them.”
A grin spreads over your face with satisfaction and you march to that specific stall to buy two candied apples. They immediately hand you two sticks, from which one you pass along to Izuku. Turning to your own apple, you take a crunching bite out of it and savor the sweetness melting over your tongue. A content sigh escapes you. 
Suddenly a hand materializes in front of you, gingerly wiping the corner of your mouth. Your wide eyes you follow the source of that hand, only to make eye contact with a stuttering Izuku. His face seems to get redder by the second, his hands already frantically waving in front of him. 
“Oh, uh, sorry… you just, uh, there was some candy on your face…” he mutters, his free hand already placed on his reddening neck, avoiding your gaze with slightly hunched shoulders.
You’re glad you don’t have a full mouth because it would have been a waste to spit it out. 
You waved a hand, trying to finish this topic before it could escalate in any way; your heart already lives in your throat. “No! Uh, I mean, thank you, I’d rather not walk with candy sticking all over me…”
This stopped the conversation, but now you both are silent, rocking on your feet, or shifting your weight. Doing your best to avoid making any sort of eye contact, as you don’t know what to say, you spot something you hadn’t expected at all. A Ferris wheel. You immediately whip around and point at it, already wordlessly pleading with Izuku to get on it. 
For some reason, he looks like he already had expected it, and easily agrees; glad to get rid of that earlier tension. 
That’s how you both end up last in the current queue, awkwardness already warded off by the quick walk from the stall, from which you almost dragged him behind you. So time goes by faster, you both start talking, picking up topics almost like you have been acquainted for some time (even if you technically have been knowing each other for some time, it’s still different to talk face to face). The conversation flows easily, both of you getting properly engaged in whatever forms the main point of your talking. You’re only focused on him, and that’s how you’re able to notice so many of his tiny quirks. The way he just dives into his explanations and analysis, getting excited about his favorite topics and research. His scarred, calloused hands move in sync with his talking, almost like they’re supporting him in his current endeavor. His stream of thoughts doesn’t mean he’s ignoring your own, but rather the opposite; he’s listening and considering them, leading to an in-depth conversation. You never had the possibility to dive that deep into certain topics, and you appreciate his seemingly vast knowledge in your own interests. 
While enjoying this talk, the guilt begins to resurface, blubbering and hot, steaming its way up your throat. The accident wafts in your head, penetrating your nose like the smell of bad eggs. You couldn’t ignore the pressure, the urge to confess everything to him, as if you have committed a grave sin. And maybe you would, if you allow the both of you to explore this any further, without being in the open about anything. You should tell him before it’s too late and you lose yourself completely. 
So you take a breath, trying to get rid of the steam clogging your lungs. “Uhm, I’m sorry for interrupting you. But, uh, I need to tell you something… I’ve met you before? I mean before that day at the market… Even, uh, even if it wasn't really… meeting, more like… How do I say that… Didn’t an apple fall onto your head, or something?” you stutter, realizing you don’t have a proper plan for this. 
This is going to suck.
He slowly nods, a furrow appearing between his eyebrows and his bottom lip slightly juts out. You err for a moment, getting distracted, but you shake your head to get yourself out of that daze and to continue talking. 
“Yes! Uh, the apple was me. No, I mean, uh, I let the apple fall and didn’t see you. Sorry… And… and I didn’t tell you earlier because I- uh, I wanted you to like me? I mean, I wanted a good first impression, I guess?”
You pull your shoulders up and avoid looking at his face, waiting for the inevitable. He’s going to get mad, just walk away. At least the outfall can happen before you completely are gone for him. 
You wait for any kind of reaction from him, but all you can hear is his phone ringing. He just sighs before turning around to accept the call. And the moment he starts talking, you realize he’s speaking a language you aren’t understanding at all, and you wish you had learned more languages. 
He put the phone away with a furrow between his eyebrows, driving his hand through his hair, letting strands stand slightly and frizzing his curls. 
“I’m sorry, but, uh, there has been an emergency, and… and I have to go…” he simply explains with a smile. But this smile doesn’t shine like his usual ones, regret almost seeping through the gaps of his teeth; and you wonder if it’s your fault. 
“O-Oh! That’s fine, yeah. Maybe, uh, maybe we could finish another time?” You have to ask, this isn’t the last time you’re seeing him, is it? Maybe… Maybe you still can see each other, right?
Wrong. His mouth pulls down and the furrow seems to deepen. “I- I’m sorry. I have to return to my home, to my country…”
That makes sense. It’s an emergency, he has no other choice. And you understand, you really do. That doesn’t make it hurt less though. He could at least respond to whatever you had said earlier, but he seems to be in a rush, giving you a simple goodbye before walking away, leaving you at the other end of the queue. And for some reason, you feel like he’s running away, like everything is your fault. 
You end up getting onto the Ferris wheel. All alone. And despite the sun warming the wagon, it feels cold, empty, soaking. Getting off you only carry a swollen waterline and a burning nose, only to immediately go home without even looking at the rest of the festival. 
It hurts more than you thought it would; it feels like rejection. Even if nothing has been going on in the first place. And you have no choice but to bury these feelings deep in the waters of your insides, drowning them in the cold soaking after the steam had left, and to go on with your life. Spending time with your grandparents, surrounded by apples, despite never picking them yourself anymore. 
And before you know it (that’s a lie, you’re so well aware how much time passed), summer is over and you’re already boarding the train to return to the city, to your tiny, homey space and your distracting work. 
And work is distracting but also exciting. The company you’re working for is planning a collaboration with another one in Japan, and as it’s your job, you will be the one to lead the negotiations. After preparing with enough language and culture classes to get around, a few weeks after returning, you have to leave again, boarding a plane and making yourself comfortable for the upcoming hours. But you don’t mind the lost time, rather enjoying the flight and the food. 
Doesn’t stop you from feeling groggy when you finally arrive in Japan, the sleep you managed to get doesn’t satiate your body. The haze lays heavy on your mind, making navigating through the busy streets more difficult than it’s supposed to be. And despite your language courses, you struggle to read the street signs, regretting not learning the language earlier. The language barrier hadn’t budged even with your basis of talk. You hope to strengthen your skills with your stay. 
But that’s for future you, because the moment you finally step into the apartment you just want to collapse on the bed and sleep for an unreasonable amount of time. As much as you desire sleep, you have to check for any bugs. This complex is supposedly one of the most secure places in Musutafu, specifically made for important people such as politicians and these heroes. 
And you don’t belong in any of these categories of important people, but your company had taken care of the lodging, and you just assume it’s simply because of the documents and knowledge you carry. They can’t afford to lose them on such short notice, but that also means you’re accustomed to some heavy stuff, like the search for espionage in your living places. That doesn’t make you a hero though. 
And you can’t help but wonder why these exist. You’re aware how several countries have laws to allow them, training children and turn them into their heroes (which in your opinion is already an iffy subject). But you’re not a lawyer either, so you don’t think it’s your position to complain about it. As long as they keep everyone safe, they can keep their jumpsuits for all you care. 
After looking under everything and into every lamp, checking the mirror for anything, you finally get ready to go to bed. You have a couple of days to properly adjust to the time, fixing your current jet lag as soon as possible. But you also plan on walking around the neighborhood, at least getting to know where all the important shops lie. 
With that in mind, you fall asleep. And lucky you, you don’t immediately forget about your plans, even though you usually forget things easily. That leads to you leaving the apartment to look for the closest bakery to get yourself a treat for breakfast. 
You walk around with leisure and lightness in your step, gazing around and memorizing every little detail you could possibly ever need later on. That is until you finally stumble across a bakery, which you enter with a wide grin. The smell immediately welcomes you with a hug, leading you deeper inside. With a little giddiness, you step close to the counter to properly look at the different loaves of bread and pastries. It takes you some time to decipher the names of the pieces to order in your broken, basic Japanese. Despite your difficulty communicating the clerk still understands you and even helps you in bits and pieces, especially with your pronunciation of certain vowels, and you thank them for it. 
They’re in the middle of handing you your package full of tasty food when the glass front shatters with a dazing sound. A surprised scream escapes you before the cashier can pull you behind the desk with them. 
Ducking into a corner, panic begins to fill your senses, the smell of spoiling and rotting filling your nose, ants crawling all over your skin, ears rumbling with fallen rocks. You don’t understand what’s going on, but the person in front of you seems accustomed to such situations for some reason and begins helping you to calm down, your hand pressed between hers. 
You both stay kneeling like that until a voice calls into the store. And it seems like it’s not the one responsible for this, as the person immediately stands up to join the green-clad person, who seems to be a hero, according to his jumpsuit, and the familiarity and trust of the clerk with him. By the time you join them, they’re in the middle of a conversation, but you can’t keep up with the fast pace, barely understanding any sentences as a whole. Despite this barrier, you manage to bow and to give him your thanks.
But you don’t leave immediately after, rather you begin helping the cashier with the glass and whatever had been thrown around when the whole place exploded. That hero, ‘Deku’ as the clerk called him earlier, tries to help with the work, handling some of the stuff a tiny bit clumsier than you have expected of a so-called hero. And he doesn’t seem to only be a hero, but a rather popular one, as the clerk had recognized him despite his face being covered with a mouth guard and some sort of hood. 
And for some reason, you have a weird feeling about him, not a bad one. He feels familiar for some reason, but you’ve never been to Japan before and you’ve never taken an interest in these heroes, so why do you keep looking at him, your gaze just drawn to his moving silhouette. You just shake your head, trying to focus on the work ahead of you (and you think it’s maybe the green of his suit, the one so similar to the warmth of last summer; and maybe it’s the little mannerisms, the moving hands and the palm in neck).
He doesn’t stay for long though, being called by the other heroes to help with another part of the street, which seems to have gotten the worst part of the fight. 
After helping with the best of your abilities, you grab your once-forgotten package, not minding how the pastries inside probably don’t look as nice as they used to, but you don’t mind. Who are you to expect them to make you new ones to substitute for them. It isn’t the fault of this place, but rather of those ‘villains’. You’re not going to make a big deal out of it, because it simply isn’t. 
You leave the bakery and register how bad the situation has gotten. The rest of the street was torn apart, the mud shining through the chunks of heavy concrete, The other buildings barely stand on their own, their insides already crawling towards the sun, and you have to look back to realize how lucky you have been. If you didn’t enter this almost unscathed place, you might as well be dead. You would be nothing but a colored speck in the cracks of the cement. 
The whole concept of heroes and villains is still bizarre to you, but you start to understand the necessity of these people in their silly jumpsuits (even if it still kind of looks like adults playing like children, only with much higher damage potential). And you’re glad these heroes exist, they did save your life today and they deserve the respect. 
That doesn’t mean you don’t want to avoid such situations at all cost. So you just make your way back, this time without getting distracted, which is partly due to that incident, but also because you’re getting famished and these pastries are waiting for you, their smell already clinging to you. 
And despite your attempts of avoiding villains and the fights they seem to carry with them, it appears that these kinds of situations are a normal occurrence, simply unavoidable, unless you barricade yourself somewhere, and even then there’s a chance of getting in the middle of any attack. 
You curse your company and their horrible choices, after being in another attack once again. But you’re in luck, as that one hero, ‘Deku’, has helped with the situation; and diffused it with the help of another, more brash one. The explosive hero had gotten angry with you, for some reason, but you hadn’t understood him well, but his attitude made you want to punch him. And you would have if you were on vacation. You would have at least left a proper bruise before they led you away, but you can’t tarnish the company’s image solely because he’s annoying. 
On the brighter side, you interacted a bit more with the green hero, just a few pleasantries, but those made you decide to finally dive into the whole hero business and learn more about them (even if just to discover if all heroes fumble around, are a bit clumsy, or just have a mean streak).
So after finally getting home after that particular fight, you start researching the whole topic of heroes. You slowly learn everything about this hero-culture, and you realize how much it resembles the celebrity culture in the early 21st century in the US. Polls, merch, websites and awards. You even stumble across fanfiction of these celebrities (and you have to admit to reading and enjoying them quite a bit).
And then you come across the current number one hero, Deku; having browsed through numerous footage, interviews and gala pictures. With a face to put behind the mask, you finally realize why you had been drawn to him. But you can’t help but wonder why he didn’t tell you anything about it. On the other hand, he did tell you about how stressful his work is, and with this new information, it all makes much more sense. 
For some reason, you don’t want to wait for him to tell you, so you just download a picture of him in his hero costume, and send it to him, accompanied with several question marks. You cringe a little at this action because you both hadn’t talked much lately, both of you busy, but also the whole confession and then runaway thing has been heavy on your mind. That’s why you have been hesitant to text him first. 
To your surprise, he immediately responds. A simple sentence. 
“Can we talk?”
And usually, this phrase would inject the anxiety straight into your bloodstream, but this time you had initiated the conversation, so you kind of are expecting the topic. So you agree to meet him at a local park the very next day. 
Despite the meeting park being local, you struggle quite a bit to find it, almost just going in circles, before you manage to discover the little bridge you both had agreed on meeting on. 
You lean against the railing to look into the softly streaming water, watching the colored fish idly swim with the movements, and you regret not getting them any proper food. Still, you enjoy just watching the calming water, slightly leaning forward to get a better view of the underwater world. 
“Be careful!” a voice behind you chimes and a hand lands on your shoulder to carefully pull you away. “You could easily slip and fall.”
You glance to the side and recognize Izuku, so you fully turn around to face him, this time leaning your back against the railing. 
“Oh, thank you, I didn’t know that…”
After your response you both look at each other, silence stretching between you, one waiting for the other to say something. And because you can’t stand this thickness between you, you clear your throat, trying to prepare to say something. 
“Uhm, listen, I understand why you didn’t tell me. The whole ‘my work is dangerous or needs a big amount of secrecy’ isn’t a new concept to me. I just wonder… Uhm, well, I just wonder if you’re hesitant to tell me because of your work ethic, or, uhm, the whole apple accident, and me practically lying to you?” Well done, for some reason you just start talking about that past, not being able to just forget about it. Your peace of mind kind of relies on his answer right now. And you didn’t lie, you’re not mad at him for not telling you, just confused, because he did encounter you twice. 
His hands already wave these thoughts away. “No! Well, the thing is just, I was on leave when we met, and uh, I didn’t want you to get hurt because you’re seen with me. And… and I wasn’t sure how your perception of me would change. I liked just being a normal person around you… It definitely wasn’t because of that apple… Uhm, it’s because I already knew when you told me. The leaves didn’t hide you very well, and I kind of got curious about you…”
You don’t say anything and just gape at him, unbelief evident in your speechlessness. It only takes a moment for the embarrassment to truly sink its teeth as you realize how both your alleged first meetings have been a full-on defeat. 
With a silent groan, you bury your face in your hands, the realization being uncomfortable and yet gratifying. 
“Honestly? This doesn’t make it better…” you grumble but slightly perk up when you hear his soft giggle ring, and you can’t help yourself but peak at his bright, smiling face. 
After that you both spend the rest of the time until his patrol simply talking; you answering his inquiry why you’re in Japan with a simple ‘work’ and a grin, as you both cannot disclose details of your occupations. 
Once he has to leave for work, he promises to meet you again, or at least to call you; to simply do his best to meet you in the middle this time. And you take his word to heart, but also promising to work with him, meet him in the middle. 
This leads to him calling you daily, until you memorize his patrol schedule to call him at the right time to hold a small conversation, avoiding all topics about work and instead indulging in the many interests you both share. And if he doesn’t call, he still sends you a quick text in his break, to just simply let you know that he’s safe and thinking of you. And despite your meetings never happening due to clashing schedules, you’re content with the moments you still get with him, staying on the phone for hours until one of you falls asleep (or has to leave), playing mini-games, or simply sending pictures of cats and whatever has caught your eye. 
To your regrets, you never manage to see him face-to-face again before the negotiations have been successful and your work in Japan is officially over. You have to return to your country, as much as you learned to love this country, and as much as you desire to stay. Your work is expecting you to just come back, it’s the only constant in your life in the city. If you decide to throw it all away, who would you be? What were you supposed to do with yourself, without backup, without something else to hold onto?
So you book your return flight, giving yourself a couple of days to pack up and to properly say goodbye to this town. Of course, you told Izuku, and he wants to see you before you go, but his work is using up all his time, he barely has any to even send you a goodnight text. You understand the pressure he’s under, and there’s no way you want to put more weight onto his shoulders. 
After spending your last days just enjoying the place, you take a cab to the airport, and for the first time in your stay, you almost wish for a villain attack, if only to see him briefly. But nothing happened. The whole way has been peaceful and nothing happened, not when it finally would have been convenient for you. 
With a last look at the skyline of the city, you enter the airport. Inside you start looking for the check-in but stop in your tracks when you hear someone calling your name. Did you mishear, and it’s just another person with a similar name? Despite this possibility, you look around until you hear the same shout once again. 
And then you spot it, a green head of hair above everyone else. 
Izuku seems to have noticed you at the same time, making eye contact with you before breaking into a big smile, at least his eyes do, as the rest of his face is covered by a medical mask. He begins hurrying towards you, avoiding any collision with the people around you to the best of his abilities. 
After a short moment, he finally stops in front of you, hand already scratching the back of his neck. “I’m glad I still caught you! Uhm, here.”
A colorful speck appears in front of you, a small bouquet of flowers, and you gasp slightly, eyes widening at the sight of them. 
“Izuku, what, what are you doing here? Not that I’m not happy, but your work…” you ask, voice slightly wavering with confusion, but also accepting the handful of flowers with a giddiness. 
The tips of his ears turn red, indicating his flushed face. “Uh, I wanted to ask you out… on, uh, a date, but you know. We barely saw each other and.. and I thought I still had some time. But then you told me, you were leaving and I had to do something! I mean, I’m not asking you to stay, I would love for you to stay, but uh, I know you can’t, but maybe you could visit sometimes? Or- or I could visit? Maybe? I honestly didn’t think this through…” he rambles, trying to explain his thought process with a strained voice and a hand in front of his mouth, muffling his mumbles. 
You’re at a loss for words (which seems to be a recurring theme with Izuku), and your heart feels like it’s sitting in your neck, daring you to do something. And you do, once you process his words, a smile spreads over your face, before you carefully take his scarred hand into yours, letting your thumb softly caress his callouses. 
“Izuku, I would love to go out with you,” you answer in a light voice, in a voice full of the warmth of last summer and the flow of the water; simply watching as his forest green eyes accept your offerings, lighting up, tearing up. 
His fingers press against yours, caressing your knuckles and squeezing his palm against yours. 
And you wish this moment would never end. But you have a flight to catch, and he’s supposed to be at work. Yet this isn’t a goodbye, even if you’re leaving. Reluctant to let go, he presses his forehead against yours in a silent goodbye, none of you wanting to say the words outright, trying to let any kind of illusion live longer. 
But eventually, you have to break those connections to him, the loss making your skin yearn and long for the warmth of him. With small steps, you force yourself to retreat, to only glance at him occasionally until his figure has been concealed by the sheer amount of people. And your insides hurt, trying to convince you to go back, to just stay here with him, but you continue to step further, to catch your flight, to persist through these endless hours up in the sky, and to arrive in your town. In your home. But for some reason, you feel estranged, almost like you’ve never truly belonged to this place. And this thought only pushes you further, your plan slowly clicking into place like Tetris. And you're going to clear it, to win. 
You punch through whatever obstacle lies ahead of you: the jetlag, the needed signatures for the forms, the time it took you to finish different courses and meetings. Whatever must be done, you will do it. 
Throughout the whole ordeal, Izuku and you stay in contact as much as possible, even with the time difference, and your difficult schedules; enjoying the late-night calls while he prepares to go on patrol. And not once had you slipped, allowing him to be unaware of your workings behind the scenes. 
You didn’t want to tell him until you finally arrived in Japan until all your work finally paid off. You have managed to convince your workplace to permanently relocate you to Musutafu with the agreement to travel to whatever place whenever they need you. Considering you often have to comply with these rules anyway, this was a striking deal in your favor. 
So there you are. Stepping into the airport, immediately trying to pull your phone out to call Izuku and to surprise him. But before you even have the chance to dial his number, you once again spot a mop of green hair. You doubt your senses, doubt if it’s even him in the first place until the tell-tale green continues to move closer to you. 
And then he steps out of the crowd, hair slightly tousled, medical mask pulled down to reveal a bright, slightly mischievous grin, and his focussed gaze, looking you up and down, filled with wonder and curiosity. 
For a moment you both just stand there, looking at each other, trying to assess if this situation is real before you just let go of your baggage to jump at him, to wrap his huge frame with your own arms if only to feel his very real warmth and heartbeat. Too immersed in the moment and spurred by his own arms slightly crushing you into him, you put your hands on his face, appreciating every little detail, his freckles, his forest green eyes only looking at you, and his plush lips. And you wonder how they would feel on your own before they just meet yours. You don’t know if you’re the one who moved, or if he seemingly reacted to your thoughts, but it doesn’t matter. Only he matters, only the way his lips caress yours matters. 
After barely a breath you both split, only leaving the least amount of space between you, forehead on forehead, nose touching nose, breath mingling like dancers. And your grins mirroring. 
“So, whatcha say? Wanna let me take you out?” you ask with a slight tease, anticipation filling the little room between you. 
He accepts. His smile warming your ribcage, and the smell of apple pies seems to linger between you. 
And you wonder if the next time you climb on a tree, someone would be waiting on the ground and catching the sweet fruits for you.
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nnnyxie · 7 months
Okay wait wait wait
You know I adore fan!Reader but what if it was Writer!reader??? Like writing fanfiction about Izuku x reader or generally hero x reader and their blog is fairly popular (assuming they use Tumblr bc yes) reader is friends with maybe Denki And Sero through some weird as connections because they‘re just a random ass civilian but keep getting introduced to heros this way
Through that they get a better understanding of the heros personality’s and can write more realistic ffs >:) maybe they‘re Denkis roomie because reader is broke and denki needs someone to care for his pet or something while he’s away- and they‘re writing a Deku x reader fiction right now and then the doorbell rings and they leave their laptop open in the kitchen and get the door- IT‘S DEKU!! They blush and stammer, letting him in saying denki should be home soon
To their demise Deku is met with a life sitze cardboard cutout of Himself (he still towers over it) and reader hurriedly tries to hide it away with the other merch
As they are busy he notices the open laptop, he REALLY didn’t mean to snoop but…holy shit
The things he finds..he blushes and quickly returns to the living space (like living room open kitchen situation yk?) and quietly Sits on the couch, flustered
Something along those lines :)
#𖢥 izuku anon
wait bc this is literally genius and ily
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you’re childhood best friends with denki <3
to save up some money, the two of y’all move in together after high school. he wants to start his own agency with sero and you wanna start your own thing!! (idk you choose??)
getting that out of the way.
denki never really let’s you know when people are coming over. he’s kinda annoying like that. it’s caused a lot of awkward moments and meetings.
like when you first met sero— you were cooking and screaming the lyrics to ‘kiss me through the phone’ by soulja boy when he walked in. it was… embarrassing to say the least.
but hey— you’re good friends now!!
for the first time ever!!! denki let you know that he had a friend coming over!! he didn’t say which one or what time but— at least he warned you???
you didn’t think much of it cause it was probably sero or kirishima, since they come over the most.
you heard a knock on the door— which was odd bc usually one of them would just burst in. they had their own keys— they were supposed to be emergency keys but still!! it was odd!!
ofc you were silly nd didn’t look through the peep hole!! (remember kids, always check before opening the door)
when you opened it you slammed it back shut.
“uhm— does— does denki live here?” the person asked through the door. you opened it again, “sorry… uh— yeah uhm… he does.” you tried to act cool but your stomach was twisting.
“i’m midoriya izuku. i was supposed to come over and help him with paperwork today… is he home?” you silently cursed denki for not telling you, your favorite hero would be coming over. “uhh not yet… he’ll be home in like,” you checked your phone, “uhm probably an hour or so.” you were shaking from anxiety. you weren’t prepared for this— at all.
“would it be alright if i waited?” he asked, very politely. you just gave a quick nod and let him inside.
you felt like running out the door cause like— what if you made a fool of yourself?? what if you make him uncomfortable??? what if he sees your merch of him??
wait— did you close your bedroom door?
you’d been in the living room all day so you had no need for it to be closed—
and your bedroom is very visible from the living room so it’s not like it mattered if it was or not—
your bedroom is very visible from the living room.
your posters. your plush of his mask. your sweatshirt.
the fucking cardboard cutout.
then— you remembered you also left your laptop open. with your current deku one-shot on display.
“oh, do you write?” izuku says, seeing your laptop open, luckily he was far enough away so that the words were fuzzy. “well! uhm!” you shouted, accidentally. you were just nervous, okay??
you clear your throat— “yes uh— yeah. i do.”
“that’s so cool! can i—” suddenly, you dashed towards your bedroom, remembering the big ass posters and cutout that were on complete display. “hah hah! sorry! uhh… had to uhm… close a door! bad omens!” izuku gave you a weird look but nodded in understanding. i mean, some people have different beliefs—
“so uhh you can go ahead and take a seat! i’ll be in the kitchen! let me know if you need something!” you grabbed your laptop, and beelined towards the kitchen. “uh yeah�� thank you,” izuku was a bit upset, honestly. does he make you feel uncomfortable? do you have something against him? why are you acting like this?
it’d been hardly two minutes and izuku already got bored (he has autism & adhd, he told me)
so. he did what anyone would do and began to snoop!!
he quietly looked at the pictures hung throughout the apartment— they were mainly just you and denki, it made him wonder if the two of you were together.
but then he remembered that denki called you his best friend rather than significant other. (he smiled)
after he looked throughout the living room and hallway— he wanted to peak at the bathroom.
the bathroom can tell a lot about someone. like the kind of soap you use can tell the sort of scent you like or how cleanly you are (if that makes sense).
or if you have paper towels rather than a bath towel can tell whether you are cautious when it comes to ‘cross contamination’ (lord knows you wouldn’t want to share a drying rag with denki).
“uhm, excuse me?” izuku peaks through the doorway of the kitchen. you tense, “uh— yes?” “where’s the bathroom?” “it’s uhm down the hallway to the left.”
he smiles and thanks you. then makes his way towards the bathroom.
now. you see— the way the apartment is set up is odd.
your bedroom door is on the left but!! it’s tilted.
(i’m terrible with descriptions so here’s a few examples)
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anyways. yeah. that’s how it is.
so i think you know where i’m going with this.
now YOU’D THINK !!!! he’d know that the left meant the LEFT left and not the TILTED left. but, no.
though, it’s understandable!! the setup is a little confusing.
he creeps on down the hallway, once again looking at the pictures of you and denki.
once he reaches the tilted left door, he opens it. he’s met with a, slightly shorter, cardboard cutout of him. as well as multiple posters and a few strawn out sweatshirts.
so that’s why.
he feels a blush come on. his entire face feels like it’s on fire and his ears burn as well.
izuku quietly closes your bedroom door and goes to sit back on the couch.
while that all happened, your nerves began to settle and you hyped yourself up to go bring him a glass of water— and maybe start a conversation.
“uhm— i thought that maybe, you’d like some water,” you walked in with two cups. he was a little sweaty— and still very red. he stuttered out a ‘thank you’ and basically chugged the water.
“how long have you known denki?” you ask, feeling stupid because, he’s probably known him since UA.
“oh— uhm i’ve known him since we were about… fifteen, i think? what— what about you?” his face was still very red. it started to make you nervous. “we’ve been friends since we were eight… next door neighbors and all that.” he gave a nod and began tapping his foot. his nervousness was rubbing off on you.
“so uh… what’s it like being a hero?” his tapping instantly stopped— and his energy changed. it was like he lit up. “well— it’s different for everyone! for me, it’s amazing. i love being a hero. i love helping people and being able to see their happy faces after rescuing them. i’ve always wanted to make people happy, and save them all with a smile. kind of like all might. now that i’m able to— i feel so full.” izuku smiled, staring at his hands that rested in his lap. “being able to do this all— being able to be a hero— i just feel so happy.” izuku smiled and looked back up, meeting your eyes.
“and, i love getting to meet my amazing fans.” he held a sort of hint in his eyes— almost saying ‘i know’.
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eeee this was pretty fun!!
i’ll be so real, i wrote some of this when i was tipsy
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fairystar111 · 4 months
Dead Man's Wish
By: fairystar111
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Rating: Gen
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia
Life isn't fair to most of us, that's something almost every villain with tell you.   So somebody decided to make it fair, and now it is.   Except not for everybody.
Characters: Tomura Shigaraki, Izuku Midoriya.
CW/Tags: Kidnapping, Platonic Yandere, Yandere Shigaraki Tomura, Big brother Tomura Shigaraki, Kidnapped Izuku Midoriya, Possessive Behavior, Obsessive Behavior, Infantilism, Stockholm Syndrome.
My dearest Tomura, if you are reading this then I have already passed on and for that I am sorry. I won’t be able to help you on your path any longer my dear boy but I trust in your abilities to succeed me and do what I could not. You will change the world like I always knew you could. My dear child I have not been completely honest with you and I am sorry you had to find out this way. But I have another child, his name is Izuku Midoriya. He is your brother in all but blood. I had originally planned for you two to meet in his first year of high school but circumstances changed.
I had a younger brother myself once that I loved very much. I gave him everything the world could offer but that was not enough for my dear Yoichi. My younger brother opposed my work as All for One, he hated what I did and what I stood for and tried to stop me until he perished in an untimely accident. Shortly before he passed I had given him a weak stockpiling quirk to help his sickly body gain back some strength, the quirk had melded with an invisible quirk I did not know he possessed at the time. Yoichi had the ability to pass on quirks which was quite useless on its own but once I gave him a quirk it became a new quirk known as One for All. A stockpiling quirk that is able to be passed onto others through DNA transfer and would become the key to my own demise. The wielders of One for All are all successors to my brother that want to end me and my “reign of terror” whatever that means. I know you're probably wondering but what does this have to do with Izuku Midoriya being my brother? 
Well the year before you were set to meet, through unfortunate circumstances Izuku met All Might ,the eighth successor, and became the ninth wielder of One for All. Your paths would intertwine but you would be on opposite sides of the battlefield. The tale of two brothers will repeat itself once again and I won't be able to help you. Tomura all I ask of you is that you try to help him, my child has horrible self-sacrificing tendencies and will die on his own. I need you to take care of him as I have failed to do and love him as I have loved you because one day all you will have will be each other. I want you to love each other as much as I loved both of you.
With love,
Hisashi Shigaraki 
“Don't worry dad I'll find him and I'll save him even if he doesn't want me to.”
Izuku awoke in an unfamiliar but rather comfortable bed. He rubbed his eyes trying to rid the morning grogginess when he remembered with a jolt that the league had infiltrated their base and captured him along with several of his friends. He jumped out of bed only to crash onto the floor. He groaned in pain and looked up to see a chain connecting to a thick padded cuff around his ankle. 
He studied the room around him and found it odd, he had been expecting to wake up in a concrete prison cell or maybe a laboratory. The room he found himself in was draped in soft pastels reminiscent of a baby's nursery, games and toys lined the shelves, the floor was covered in soft fluffy carpet, there was a mass of plushies on the bed. Wait, were those toddler rails on the bed? Why was he wearing bunny pajamas? He had been captured in his tattered hero outfit. Did someone shower and change him in his sleep?! 
What is going on? Izuku thought, trying not to panic. He yelped when the door opened to reveal a frantic Tomura Shigaraki.
“Izuku are you okay I heard a loud crash? Oh bunny, did you roll off the bed?” Tomura asked, feeling rather frazzled as he picked Izuku up off the floor and placed him back onto the bed. God he hasn’t even been here for a full day and he was already hurting himself even when unconscious. Dad was right, his little brother does need to be protected at all times. Hmm maybe he should install padded flooring or maybe full railing around the bed?
Izuku was too shocked to say anything in response. This monster was checking looking him over for injuries like a concerned mother looking over her young child. This murderer, his enemy, was treating him like he was something fragile and precious.
“Don’t touch me!” Izuku yelled, wrenching his arm out of Tomura’s grip. How dare this villain try to treat him this way! Soft gentle touches by hands who have murdered thousands. What did he do to deserve this?
“Calm down little brother, I know you're scared but you're safe now. Everything is okay because I am here.” Shigaraki said with a small smile petting the boy's soft curly hair. Though he hates having to use All Might's catchphrase, it is a necessary evil. Right now what his little brother associates safety and protection with most is All Might. He needs to switch that over to himself. Izuku needs to feel most safe and protected with Tomura. 
Izuku could feel his blood start to boil. How dare this monster use his mentor’s words against him in such a mocking way. And what did he mean by brother? Izuku didn't waste any time thinking about that before he launched himself at the villain trying his best to attack while still chained to the bed. He tried to reach for his quirk but felt nothing but empty space in its place. Well he didn't need quirk to gouge someone's eyes out. Before he could try Izuku was slammed back into the bed and his arms were pinned above his head.
“Izu bunny, calm down everythings alright.” Tomura cooed, trying his best to be soothing. He’s never had much experience comforting other people but he’ll try his best for his little brother.
“Let me go! Let me go!” The boy shouted as he thrashed in the villains grip.
“Izuku you need to stop–Ow!” Tomura’s scolding was interrupted by a strong kick to his side. 
“Stop!” Midoriya screamed as the villain got onto the bed raising his knee to pin his legs down, effectively immobilizing him.
“Are you ready to calm down little brother?” Tomura was a little irritated but tried to not let it show on his face, judging by the look on his Izuku’s face it wasn’t working. He had to keep his cool. Sensei did say it would be difficult in the beginning; he just had to be patient and everything will turn out okay.
“Shut up! You are not my brother, I hardly even know you. You're nothing but a monster who's been fighting me and my friends since the beginning of the year.” Damn his little brother really knew how to hit him where it hurts. None of what he said was technically wrong, but back then he didn't know they were brothers, Dad hadn't told him yet. They really were enemies before but things are different now, they are family, Izu will learn to accept that eventually.
“I see you are still not ready to be reasonable. I tried to be cordial. I wanted us to get off on the right foot but you made me do this. I will return when you are ready to listen to reason. And little brother the next time I come back you better be on your best behavior or you won’t like what will happen to your little friends.” Tomura replied with an ominous expression, closing the door to his little brother's room.
Despite how much it hurt him to leave his little brother so soon. He just wasn't ready to listen yet. Some time apart will help him adjust. After all, his only family left is Tomura. Izuku will eventually learn to be dependent on him and only him for all his needs and safety. Just like Sensei said he had done for his brother in the past.
Izuku was ready to tear his hair out. It had been weeks since he has had any human interaction and the isolation was starting to get to him. He can’t even take out his frustrations on the room because as soon as he tries to destroy something he is sedated, if he tries to hurt himself he is sedated, if he tries to take off the collar he is sedated, if he goes too long without sleep he is sedated. His meals are delivered while he is asleep and if he tries to ignore them he will receive a note threatening him with a feeding tube.
He can’t take it anymore, he lost everyone, his mom, his dad All Might , his school, his quirk. He can’t even find comfort in the vestiges of One for All because he can’t get the collar off. Izuku could feel his eyes starting to well up with tears as it started to set in that he lost his entire world within the span of six months. All might is gone, heroes are over, he will never be able to become a hero and make All Might proud. He lost . With that last thought Izuku broke into heart wrenching sobs, thick globs of tears clouding his vision and running down his ruddy cheeks. The poor boy was so lost in grief that he didn’t notice the door opening.
Izuku whimpered as he felt himself being pulled into someone's lap, warm arms wrapping tightly around him. Something felt off but couldn't help leaning into them. He was so tired, he just wanted his mom. He wanted to go back to his school with all his friends and teachers. He wanted his family but they don't exist anymore. Izuku’s wails started up again with a fresh set of tears rolling down his face. Shigaraki gently shushed Izuku, rocking him back and forth, gently running his hands up and down his back soothingly, until the boy fell asleep.
Tomura really wasn’t supposed to be down here, he had promised himself that he would be a strict guardian for Izuku. Izu’s punishment for his bad behavior was spending one month in isolation. Two weeks for trying to fight Tomura and the other two to help him reflect on the past few months and come to terms with his new reality. But he couldn’t help himself. He saw his little brother breaking down on the baby monitor and he had to go comfort him. It had been three weeks anyway so close enough right? 
Plus Izu didn't even reject him this time in fact he even leaned into his hug and was comforted by his presence, now that's progress. Tomura just had to wait for Izu to wake up and they can have their heart to heart and he can learn why they are brothers and the story behind their father. Then they can finally be happy together! 
When Izuku began to stir, he realized he was sleeping on something warm and squishy. He sleepily rubbed his face into it and felt it gently move up and down as he heard a scratchy chuckle. He sat up startled to see Shigaraki only to be pulled back down into a hug. Had he been cuddling with Tomura Shigaraki this entire time?! He tried to wiggle out the tight embrace only to be shushed by the man.
“Settle down little brother, you remembered what I said last time don’t you?” Tomara asked. Izuku just nodded into his stomach not trusting his mouth to not say something that would count as ‘bad behavior’. He didn't want any of his friends getting hurt because he couldn't keep his mouth shut.
“Good boy. Now I have a very important story to tell and you will not interrupt me until I am finished or else either you or your friends will be punished. Yes it has to do with how we are brothers and who our father is.” Tomura added knowing that was probably the biggest question running through his baby brother's head.
“Ah ah ah no interrupting or else your friends won't get to eat for a week.” Tomura threatened seeing the augmentative look that appeared on his little brother's face when he mentioned their father. Izuku promptly shut his mouth.
“The story begins at the dawn of quirks with two brothers, Hisashi and Yoichi Shigaraki. The older brother was born with immense power and charm while the younger was born sickly and seemingly quirkless. Their mother had died during childbirth leaving the boys to a childhood of danger and homelessness. Since both boys had white hair and unique eye colors the brothers were often persecuted by anti-metahuman extremists. Because of this the older brother began to delve into a life of villainy to keep the younger brother safe and off the streets. He began to amass loyal followers and influence while his younger brother remained safe and oblivious in their home. Yes I know you have questions but save them until the end.” Shigaraki grinned at his brother's pouty expression.
“Until one day while Hisashi was off on a business trip, Yoichi decided to snoop around his older brother's office. Up until that point Hisashi had been very vague when describing his work to his little brother and that had only fueled Yoichi’s curiosity. He was horrified when he discovered what his brother was actually doing to pay for their new home. So when Hisashi came back home he was immediately confronted with an arm full of angry baby brother. Hiashi tried to reason with Yoichi, telling him he could ignore everything he saw and they could live normally again. He could even join him if he really wanted to but Yoichi rejected every offer Hisashi gave him. He had gotten the idea in his head that it was his job to take down Hisashi and his empire of ‘evil’. You see, Yoichi had always loved comic book heroes and heroic morals ever since he was a child. And when the idea for metahumans becoming government sanctioned ‘heroes’ became a reality he wanted to be a part of it though he had no quirk. Dad did always call uncle Yoichi an optimistic naive little idiot, kinda like you.” Tomura chuckled at his brother's offended face.
“Anyways Yoichi gave Hisashi an ultimatum. Either he stopped his villainy all together and turned himself in or Yoichi would have to stop him himself but either way Yoichi was leaving. So Hisashi did the only reasonable thing he could think of to protect his little brother, he locked him away in a vault. Which sounds bad when you say it out loud but Dad was only trying to protect Yoichi from his own stupidity. And you know what they say: If you want your family to stay, lock them away!” Tomura cleared his throat awkwardly at the deadpan look Izuku was giving him.
“No?…Hm maybe that was only a thing Dad would say… Anyways after a while in the vault Yoichi started to refuse his meals as an act of rebellion. His already sickly body was getting weaker and weaker everyday. So dad decided to give him a quirk. It was just supposed to be a weak stockpiling quirk to help give Uncle Yoichi’s body some strength but it unfortunately became One for All. Soon after while Hisashi had been away on a business trip, two vigilantes: who would later become the second and third user of One for All, broke into Dad’s mansion and broke into Yoichi’s room vault , kidnapping him from his only family. Yoichi’s naive little self then decided he wanted to become a vigilante too with the new power his brother had given him. So he was a dumb little vigilante on the run from his caring older brother for a while. During this time he also discovered that he had a quirk: the ability to pass on quirks, which was useless by itself but once melded with the stockpiling quirk became quite powerful. I don’t even want to know how he figured out he could pass it down through dna.” Tomura said with a grimace. But Sensei did always say to watch out for boys with spiky hair because they'll steal your family and your quirk. Hm, maybe the second user had spiky hair? 
“Soon after he passed on the quirk Hisashi had found them, he was going to kill the vigilantes for daring to steal his most prized possession. Hisashi aimed a powerful blast at the Second but Yoichi using his last embers One for All leaped in front of him before the Second could be hit. The Second and Third escaped while Yoichi died in Dad’s arms. After Yoichi’s death Dad soon realized that the Second was wielding Yoichi’s quirk alongside his own and figured out that Yoichi wasn't quirkless after all. He went on a rampage trying to find all the users and killing them one after the other. But by the time he would catch one they would have already passed on the quirk to their chosen successor…You have to understand Izuku. Everything Dad has ever done has been to make a better world for his family, for us.”
“By the time the Seventh successor came around the world was everything Dad never wanted it to be. Her name was Nana Shimura and she was my grandmother. She left my father in an orphanage so she could continue playing the hero. She abandoned her child so she could go off and raise some new successor. Her child grew up to be a child-beating bastard. This is why heroes are bad Izuku. All they care about is themselves. They don't give a damn about the people they hurt because of their actions, no one else matters to them.” Tomura growled out with tears starting to form in his eyes.
“When I was four my quirk: Decay, came in and I killed my entire family. It really was an accident. I never meant to harm anyone. I was just a baby back then. I wandered the streets looking for help but not a single person would answer my plea. Do you know why? Because why would a civilian help a child in need when a hero can come along and do it for them. There is no reason for them to be good people when there are heroes around to do that. Day after day people wouldn't even spare a glance at me even the heroes patrolling wanted nothing to do with a dirty villainous looking child. Not until Sensei, he found me and took care of me as if I were his own child. That day I became his son. He didn't care that I was the Seventh’s grandson; he still loved me and raised me until the day he died.” Tomura said in a thick voice choked with tears. 
Izuku looked away, uncomfortable seeing so much emotion on the villain's face.
“Izuku look at me.” Tomura cried, gently cupping Izuku's face and turning it to face him.
“I know you don't believe me right now and this is all very confusing. But I need you to understand that our Dad loved you. He loved us, more than anything in the world. And if it was possible to stay with us forever he would have. He died to help make the world a better place for us.” Tomura’s voice trembled as tears fell down his face.
“How about we take a little break. Stay here and big brother will be right back in a minute.” Tomura said quietly as he rushed out of the room. He didn’t mean to burst into tears in front of his little brother but Izuku needed to know these things even if they hurt him to tell. 
He took the elevator down to the communal kitchen to grab a snack for Izuku ,since their panty is pretty empty right now, only to run into Dabi and Toga. 
“Hey Tomu, wait… have you been crying?” Dabi asked gruffly, concerned for their other man's well being. 
“Shut up, I'm fine.” Tomara replied, covering his face with his hands.
“Aww it's okay Shiggy, you don’t have to be embarrassed to cry in front of us.” Toga cooed, reaching out to hug the blue haired man.
“It’s just getting Izuku to understand why he is here and why the collapse of hero society is for the best has been really hard. I just want him to understand that all of this is for his own good.” Tomara replied, rubbing the residual tears from his eyes.
“Shiggy, it's going to be okay. We all knew the first months were going to be the hardest. I can't even tell you how many times Ochako has made me and Dad cry.”
“Can’t relate Shouto has been a total sweetheart since day one.” Dabi said smugly.
“No but seriously it's going to be alright. The little one will eventually come around when he realizes that know one is coming for him and he doesn't have the power to stop us. And If he doesn't, well we’ll be here to help you knock some sense into the little guy's head.” Dabi added.
“Yeah! And when they are finally settled in we can bring them out to the garden for a playdate.” Toga said happily.
“Thank you,” Tomura said quietly, rummaging through the drawers for snacks.
“Shut up, we're family, we help each other.” Dabi murmured averting his eyes, the healthy skin on his cheeks flushing pink.
Tomura left the room with his snacks and a small smile on his face, filled with a rush of  determination from the impromptu pep talk. Tomura walked into Izuku’s room to see him sitting right where he left him. Huh he didn't expect him to actually listen to him when he told him to stay put. “Hm, maybe I'm making more progress than I believed,” Tomura thought. He shut the door and sat down on the bed beside Izuku and handed him his snacks.
“Here you must be hungry, eat this for now and we can eat breakfast once we're done with our conversation. Now where did I leave off? Oh right a few years after Sensei found me you were born. We were never told of each other because we were both being raised to lead completely different lives. I was being raised to be our fathers successor, the man to bring hero society onto its knees and you…You were never supposed to be a hero or villain, you were just meant to be Izuku, not Deku, not the next symbol of peace, just Izuku, my little brother. You were never meant to be risking your life for people who would never appreciate you. But we’ll talk about that some other time I'm getting off topic.”
“Dad helped raise you until you were nine when he had to leave on a business trip. It was never supposed to be permanent. He was going to kill All Might, take back One for All and fix Japan himself. But the damn eighth almost killed him in their initial fight, All Might ripped his head off and spattered his brain on the concrete. He almost didn't make it but Garaki managed to save him. With injuries so severe there was no way he could ever come back home to you but I promise he never wanted to leave you. After that he only ever communicated to you through phone calls and sending funds for you and your mother.”
“Originally we were supposed to meet in your first year of high school though you were supposed to go to a normal run of the mill high school not UA. Sensei was so happy that you were finally coming back home to your family, but something changed. You met All Might and became the ninth user of OFA and enrolled in UA. You never came home. After that Dad had to scrap those plans and make new ones. The next time he planned for us to meet as brothers was once the heroes had fallen and he was dead, I am fulfilling dads plan. We can finally become brothers like he wanted us to be. Alright, you can ask your questions now.” Tomura said with a small smile. 
“You’re lying there is no way All for One is my father! My dad’s last name was Midoriya and he was the kindest, most loving father in the world. There is no way that villain could ever be him.” Izuku argued, offended at the very notion that the symbol of evil could ever be his father. 
“I was thinking you were going to say. Look at this picture of me and Sensei. Do you recognize the man in the photo?” 
Izuku felt the blood drain from his face, there in the photo was his shy awkward father smiling with a child shigaraki. 
“No you’re lying, that's fake!” Izuku argues, tears starting to well up in his eyes.
“Izuku, I can show you thousands of pictures and videos of me and dad together. You know this is real.” Tomura barked. He hated to make his little brother cry but he needed to rip off the bandaid. Izuku cannot go any longer denying their bond. Izuku is his little brother, he belongs to Tomura and only Tomura and he needs to get it through his thick skull.
“Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!” Izuku shouted, bursting into tears. His Dad couldn't have been a monster. 
“I know this has been a lot for you to take in, I'll have Kurogiri bring you breakfast and you can spend the rest of the day reflecting on what you learned. Maybe think about how you can be a good little brother as well.” 
And with that said Tomura left leaving Izuku in a catatonic state. His Dad was a two-hundred year old villain? And Tomura Shigaraki is his adopted older brother! What is he supposed to do with that information? Also what was wrong with that story? It felt very biased towards AFO and made Yoichi’s ideals seem like child play. Did Tomura seriously believe that junk? Izuku spent the day wondering what exactly being Shigaraki’s brother would entail until he fell into a restless sleep. 
The next morning Izuku awoke to the door being slammed open to reveal a smiling Shigaraki.
“Good morning little brother! I don’t have any work to attend to today so we’ll be spending the day together. But first we need to go over the rules you’ll need to learn if you're going to live here.” Shigaraki explained happily, excited to finally spend time with his little brother. He sat on the bed and pulled Izuku onto his lap.
“What? Hey stop! What are you doing?” Izuku yelled trying to squirm out Tomura’s hold.
“Settle down little brother.” Shigraki warned as he popped Izuku on the thigh.
“...” Izuku stilled, face flushing; he was so shocked to be reprimanded like a toddler he couldn't even come up with a response.
“Good boy. Don’t worry there won’t be too many complicated rules to remember just pretty basic stuff all little brothers do.” Tomura said, patting Izuku on the head. Izuku just sat there, shocked still.
“Firstly you will always address me as Tomura-nii, Tenko-nii, nii-chan, Tomu-nii, or big brother. You can choose whichever you like most but you always need to say one of them when you address me, understand.” Tomara said sternly this was a sign of respect Izuku needed to do and was not something he was willing to compromise on. 
“Yes.” Izuku grumbled, an annoyed pout forming on his face.
“Yes, what?” Tomura growled.
“Yes, big brother.” Izuku spit out, cheeks flushing light pink.
“Good job bunny.
Rule number two: always obey big brother he knows what is best for you. That one is pretty self explanatory I think. 
Rule number three: no fighting, cursing, or lashing out at your big brother. Little brothers are supposed to be calm, docile, and sweet. You can't be a proper little brother if you're acting out like a heathen.
Rule number four: If something is wrong you come to me immediately and I will help you. If I Am not available you can go to any of the other adults in the house but you cannot ignore your problems. If I find out something is wrong with you and you ignored instead of asking for help, you will be punished.
Rule number five: No escaping or leaving the premises without my permission, breaking this rule will result in a severe punishment.
Rule number six: You cannot shy away from my touch. If I want a hug you cannot refuse. 
Rule number seven: You will never try to use that quirk. It is too powerful for you and you were never supposed to have it anyway.” Tomura said sternly. These rules were here to keep his baby brother safe and protected.
“Okay I think that is all the rules for now, let's move on to punishments. Punishments can range from timeout, toys being taken away, writing lines, spanking, a night in the vault, solitary confinement, withholding food from your friends, erasing your quirk permanently, torturing your friends, killing your friends.” Tomura said, looking up to see his baby brother's face flooding with tears.
“Don't worry those last three are only for big things like if you escaped and did not return within 24 hours or if you tried to use your quirk against us. But you would never do that right Izuku? You’re a good boy aren't you? You would never put your friends' lives in danger like that would you? Tomura asked gently, wiping away Izuku's tears. Izuku whined, shaking his head no.
“Good, now onto the rewards. These will depend on how long you can keep up with the rules, a week would equal an All Might toy or something you like or a few weeks would be a walk around the manor. If you make it through a month without breaking a single rule you can have a playdate with one of your little friends. But only the ones in our care and it depends on their progress as well. From what I hear the baby Todoroki is doing the best out of all of you. You can have a playdate with him if you can behave for a month. You're still settling in so these are pretty basic but once you are done. You can earn a phone, a new quirk, a pet, trips outside wherever you'd like, even supervised trips with your friends.” Tomara explained grimacing when he saw Izuku's eyes glitter when he mentioned going outside. He’s likely thinking of escape but he would snuff out those ideas soon enough.
“That's all for now. That shouldn't be too hard to remember, right Izu?” 
“Yes Tomu-nii,” Izuku chirped. Oh he was so going to bust out of this place. He just needed to be on his best behavior and earn that visit playdate with Shouto. Then they can make a plan to get the others out of here. Though he is kind of worried about what's been happening to Shouto. What kind of progress is Shigaraki talking about? 
“That was so cute,” Tomura grinned, squishing Izuku's cheeks.
“Now do you know how to play video games?”
This is how they spent most of their days. Tomura would wake him up and hang out with him. Punish him if he did anything wrong or give him a reward. He was treated like a weird mix of a pet and a toddler. His plan to earn the visit with Shoto was not doing great, everytime he would get close to the two week mark he would accidentally break a rule like calling Tomu-nii, Shigaraki. And the count would restart, honestly his brother was expecting too much out of him. 
Speaking of Tomura, he was surprisingly affectionate, showering Izuku with hugs, cuddles, kisses, and pets constantly throughout the day. Izuku would hate it if he wasn't so touch starved though he supposed Tomura did isolate him on purpose. He actually wasn't too bad if Izuku ignored the creepy possessiveness, at least he seemed to genuinely love Izuku and wouldn't hurt him. Well unless Izuku was breaking a rule then all bets were off. 
One time while leaving in a sleepy state Tomura had forgotten to lock his door, Izuku did what any reasonable person would do, he ran like hell trying to escape and was immediately sedated. When he woke up Tomura had taken him over his lap and spanked him. He couldn't sit properly for days afterward! Izuku hasn't done anything bad enough to receive the worst punishments but he's trying to break out of here before those can happen.
After nearly three months he finally did it. He made it through a whole month of good behavior. He can finally start his plan to get out of here. Though a small part of him will miss Tomura just a little bit. Somewhere along the way he actually started to like Tomura and his awkward presence, he really was like a big brother to him. But that didn't matter, he was still his enemy, Izuku still needed to get out of here and take him down. There's still a whole society that needs fixing out there and he'll be the one to do it. He’ll make All Might proud.
“Nii-chan I did it. I was a good boy for a whole month. Can I see Shouto now?” Izuku giggled, jumping up and down looking up at Tomura with his best puppy eyes. Damn he was really playing up the little brother thing wasn't he. Whatever he can be embarrassed later when he successfully escapes but for now this is a necessary evil. 
“Yeah yeah I'll ask Dabi how Shouto’s been behaving and if he's been good we can set something up for you guys tomorrow” Tomura said, picking Izuku and spinning him around.
“Yay! Thank you Tomu-nii!” Izuku giggled.
Don't worry guys I’m coming to get you out. I'll save you no matter what.
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ddelline · 2 months
halcyon (and on and on)
work: halcyon (and on and on) fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | my hero academia rating: M relationship(s): bakugō katsuki/midoriya izuku character(s): ensemble cast (tagged on ao3) tags: post-canon | characters are pro heroes | getting together | slow burn | mha manga spoilers | aged-up character(s) | canon-typical violence
summary work:
Life began as a massive explosion, a blinding light. In contrast, Katsuki’s demise begins with a flour streaked counter, wilting green onions, and a bloodied kitchen towel. or: Katsuki falls in love, wages a war, and learns how to unearth a forest from behind trees without resorting to large-scale arson.
summary chapter:
The march towards death had begun with the most inane fucking single step, and here Katsuki is, feeling, like an idiot, and thinking: I knew I was fine dying for this asshole before I knew I was in dumb fucking love with him. Well, go figure.
ch 01 | the fall | here
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candlecoo · 2 years
Do you happen to have an Au list?
I’m only linking the Main au’s (aka the named au’s) these are the ones I’m willing to make full au’s. theres too many as it is.
Wooden Doll au
Villain Deku au
Ghost Story au
Enhancement au
Other Worlder’s au
Inuyasha au
Catzuku au
Ant Antics au
Trapped in Form au
Dreams of Flight au
Tear to Pieces au
Have You Seen this Fox au
Depths of Darkness au
Izuku 1/2 au
Assemble Warriors of Light! au
Up in Smoke au
Unlikely Companion au
Norse Myth Modern Legend au
Change Your Reality au
The Lost Aizawa au
Vetitum au
Hot Air au
Dabi is a Midoriya au
Cyborg Heart au
Negation au
Birds of a Feather au
Persona au
Nomu Deku au
Bakeneko au
Sludge Slime Surprise! au
Digital Destined au
From Avalon au
Big Brother Mikumo au
Nimbus au
Show Me Your Daemons au
Once Upon a Dream au
His Majesty Deku? au
Beyond the Stars We Go au
Teenage Robot IZU-9 au
This Child’s the CEO! au
To Summon a Son au
Mother(?) of Dragons au
Pokemon Powers au
Ghosting You au
Power Up Punch au
Roll of the Die! au
New Day New Quirk! au
Let’s Rewind! au
School Hero! au
Legend of Izuku au
My Precious Golem! au
Blood Ties Blood Dies au
Mage Among Heroes au
Child of Horrors au
Weapon to be Wielded au
Works of Wonders au
Remember me Fondly au
Analog au
Cardcaptor Izuku au
Kaiju Gate au
Reporting from Planet Earth! au
Way of the Sword au
Life After Defeat au
Aspirations of Earth au
Mouse and Stout au
Test my Limits au
Prism au
Gravity of You au
Play Me a Song au
Aquarium au
Heart of Emerald au
Living Light au
One Good Man au
The Long Con au
Contracted Demise au
The Hauntings au
Maternal Pull au
Indian in the Cupboard au
Synthetic Experience au
Second Chances au
Shark Bite au
Harry Potter au
Full Metal Alchemist au
Pocket Family au
Legend of the Lightning Ram! au
Debt to be Paid au
Shepherd of the Soul au
Sighting Statues au
Aura au
Into the Woods au
Destructive Force au
Your Voice Draws me in... au
Sick and Tired au
Heroes One Door Down au
You Cried for Me au
Selkie au
The Cambion Boy au
Something on the Mountains au
The Half Genie Warrior! au
O’Clock Strikes Twice au
Miraculous au
SHP Project au
Whose a Takuni? Not Me! au
Little Godling au
You Are the Foundation au
Bippity Boppity Bam au
Cafe’s Open au
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crowborn666-writes · 2 years
Bug Jail
(So context, I found a brown stink bug in my bathroom today. I failed to flush him the first time and he disappeared. Found him again,(he taunted me by sitting on the toilet seat) and failed to flush him again I watched him come back up with the water. So I then grabbed a small plastic cup, scooped that bitch up, charged him guilty of disrupting my bathroom peace, and stuck him in cup jail. So while I wait for his watery demise I shall write random ass headcanons about various MHA chars finding a bug jail in the bathroom because I can.)
(Some bugs I try to release, others I do not.)
Characters: Izuku Midoriya, Ochako Uraraka, Shouta Aizawa, Dabi, Tomura Shigaraki
Genre: Crack, Headcanons
Summary: You find a bug in your bathroom one day, and your partner finds your response on the counter.
Izuku Midoriya
“But it’s just—”
“A fiend who has committed crimes, Izuku!”
He sighed, smiling in a bit of a “what am I going to do with you” sort of manner as he watched you trap the poor long legs spider under a cup
“It’s just a spider…”
“A fiend!”
He felt bad for the bug, but ultimately let you do your thing, indulging in the intense expression on your face as you tried to find just the right object to hold the cup down with
Ochako Uraraka
Was, in fact, the one who found the bug first
Asked you to get rid of it
Wondered why you hadn’t just squished or released the bug as she watched you expertly trap the bug in a watery jail cup
“The bug disturbed the peace, so it has to pay for its crimes.”
Is now regretting not just getting rid of the bug herself, and ends up releasing the bug from the water once you leave the bathroom and takes it outside
Shouta Aizawa
He actually missed it the first few times he’d gone in the bathroom
It wasn’t until he was taking a fresh load of towels in to set under the sink did he finally spot it
The spider you apparently had caught earlier that day was trapped under a plastic cup, clearly left to wither away
Shouta could only shake his head, chuckling quietly to himself before retrieving a piece of paper and moving the spider outside
If you asked, he’d simply tell you he let the spider outside, no sense in letting it suffer for being itself
Had a good laugh when he saw your trap on the bathroom counter, complete with a note of “DO NOT RELEASE” taped above it
He’d admit, the beetle you’d managed to capture was pretty gnarly looking for such a small bug
Still, he had no qualms about disposing of the bug for you, after all, you took such good care of him on his bad days
He lifted the cup without an ounce of fear or hesitation, picking up the beetle with his free hand
With a mere flick of his quirk, the beetle was nothing but a few pieces of ash
Now where were you? He figured he deserved a cuddle for such hard work
Tomura Shigaraki
What the fuck
No, what the actual fuck is he looking at right now
He’d woken up from a late afternoon nap, needing to use the bathroom only to stop in his tracks at the new contraption on the bathroom counter
At first, he thought it was just a mini cup of water you had used while brushing your teeth that day, but upon closer inspection it was clear you had covered the cup with purpose, if the tube of toothpaste you’d used as a small weight was anything to go by
This was… abnormal. You did some weird things but even this was new…
He bent down, peering into the water filled cup, finding the source of why you’d gone out of your way to set this up
A stink bug was perched on the bottom of the cover, doing its best to cling to the ceiling of its prison to avoid the water below
And like the sick mad man Tomura was, he reached out to dislodge the bug, plunging it into its watery prison sooner than it wished
After all, if you wanted the bug to drown, then drown it shall
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deusvervewrites · 1 year
Pokémon Legends Mustafa x Hero of Legend: Midoriya is also the next incarnation of the legendary hero from Pokemon, meaning he is constantly followed around by Zekrom, Reshiram and Kyurem acting like lost puppies. Izuku is also declared the babysitter of all the legendaries by Arceus after meeting him, much to his annoyance (Atleast this should make Ganon/Demise, AfO, the MLA and any other Villains a walk in the park) ;P
This poor boy cannot catch a break
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come-away-with-me87 · 23 days
All I Need Chapter 13
Chapter 12 here
Warnings: Angst. I choked up writing this chapter as well, ugh.
Not bothering to change out of your clothes you wore that day, you took the envelope, left your dorm, and ran down the hallway to Toshinori's dorm, hoping he was there.  What you did miss as you were running was Shouta sticking his head out of his door, looking behind you as you ran.  You suddenly felt like you were being watched, so you stopped mid-run, and turned around to look and see if anyone was behind you.  But no one was there, and all of the staff dorms' doors were closed.  Weird.  You picked the pace back up, and ran to Toshinori's dorm.  When you arrived, you practically pounded on his door, praying to whoever was out there that he was home.
Luck was on your side; you heard footsteps shuffling their way towards the door, and a bewildered looking Toshinori opened his door just enough to see who was there.  Once he saw it was you, he opened the door all the way, "Y/N!  I wasn't expecting to see you again so soon.  Is everything okay?"  All you did was hold up the envelope for him to look at.  He did look at it, and his face fell; he recognized the handwriting.  "I see," was all he said.  He then motioned for you to come inside, and closed the door behind you.  "Please, sit down, and make yourself at home.  I have training with young Midoriya in a bit.  Let me text him to let him know I'll be running late."  You looked up at Toshinori, "I really appreciate this, Toshinori.  I just...couldn't do this alone."  He looked at you thoughtfully, "I understand, Y/N, I'm here for you, and I'm glad you came to me."
He left the room for a moment, presumably to text Izuku, and returned about a minute later, and sat down on the couch next to you.  You both sat there in silence for a few moments, until he gently asked you, "how would you like to do this, Y/N?"  You thought about it for a moment, and handed him the envelope.  "Can you read it out loud to me?  I don't think I can bear to read it without bawling my eyes out, seeing his handwriting.  It even smells like him."  Toshinori just nodded, and took the envelope out of your shaky hands.  "It's okay, Y/N.  I got you."  You looked up at him and mustered as much of a smile as you could.  "Thank you.  Go ahead."
He gently tore the envelope open, opened its contents, scanned it over with his eyes, "it's a letter written to you."  You already started tearing up, but you tried to stay strong.  "I see.  Please, read it to me."  Toshinori then proceeded to read the letter to you:
My love,
If you are reading this, that means that I have, sadly, met my demise in the mission to save little Eri.  That said, I am hoping this letter never has to touch your beautiful hands.  If it does end up reaching you, I am so sorry.
I am writing this to you to let you know that you are the best part of my life.  Before I met you, I lived a dreary existence, and just saw the world in black and white.  When I first met you, it was like I started seeing the color and light in the world again.
You are the reason I started seeing joy and laughter in the world again, and lived by that motto until the very end.  You, my dear, are the absolute love and light of my life.
Again, if you are reading this, this means I am no longer here with you, and I am so incredibly sorry for that.  Please know I love you and thought of you until the very end.
That said, I want you to make me a promise: promise me you will live your life and not mourn for me.  I want you to continue my legacy of bringing joy and laughter to the world, to make a brighter future for those lives you touch.
I also want you to promise me that you will, when you're ready, move on and meet someone else. I don't want you to be alone.  Please meet someone, fall in love again, and make a beautiful life for yourself.  You deserve the world.
I leave you with this quote: "Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, but love leaves a memory no one can steal."  Even though I am no longer here, nothing could ever take our memories of one another.  
I will see you again one day. Until then, be happy and have a bright future.
Forever yours,
To be continued!
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potionpeddlerpatchy · 10 months
So uh.... for a while I've been creating this world and story for a Royal AU (one that @melodramaticmatter knows quite a bit about) and even wrote a small portion of said AU and world with A Stroll Through the Gardens
I doubt I will ever come to write it, or share much of it because... it's very indulgent and will be very long and there will be plenty of doubts that come from it but I digress. I did figure it would be a good idea to just share the world, backstory, and the simple plot setup I had created for said AU. I did spend plenty of time creating it, and I know I would not be happy with myself if I just let it sit and rot without someone else looking at it.
So, if you wish to indulge me and venture into this please continue reading onward; I know I would appreciate it greatly 💛💛💛
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The Main Kingdoms:
In the North: Kingdom of Dorthonion - home of House Todoroki
A foreboding fortress in the north, but what is to be expected when the land is covered in ice and snow, surrounded by mountains. Only the strong may survive here, those that are meant for the unstable weathers; as many an elf is. Through the unease, plenty of gifts can be found within these lands; from soft pelted furs, to strong oak and steel, to even gifts of magic from the silver hidden in their mountains - stoic and calculating it is best to stay a collaborator or face their frigid fury.
forged in fire and set in ice, our duality makes us unbreakable.
Current Regent - King Enji and Queen Rei Heir - Prince Shoto Head Knight: Iida Tenya Royal Advisor: Midoriya Izuku Archmage: Ochaco Uraraka
To the South: Kingdom of Deira, home of House Bakugou
The shining jewel of the south, where the dragon born live. Strong and fierce this kingdom is known for its brutality and explosive nature, as it protects the smaller sister kingdoms that stand behind them. With this strong loyalty and blazing demeanor, the South overflows with the abundance of jewels from their mines, spices from their fiery hearth, crystals to help heal any wound, and goods from the beasts they are named after - they have proven to be either a wealthy ally or a volatile foe.
fury in the scales and claws, we will never bow or falter. 
Current Regent - King Masaru and Queen Mitsuki Heir - Prince Bakugou Head Knight: Sero Hanta Royal Advisor: Kirishima Ejirou Archmage: Kaminari Denki
To the East: Kingdom of Edhellond, home of House Blumenthal 
A brawny empire along the coasts of the east, where people and merfolk live in harmony. Much like the salted breeze, it can either bring a traveler serenity or fear; only those that wish to bring unity are welcomed in these ports. If one does, you will be given fish to fill your belly, pottery to eat off of, oil to light your lamps, and ivory to adorn on your neck; keeping you safe from those that lurk below the surface - sing a melody among this fishermen or face a watery demise.
like waters, both shallow and deep, serene and deadly we are.
Heir - (an OC) Head Knight: Inasa Yoarashi Royal Advisor: Yaoyorozu Momo Archmage: Asui Tsuyu  Prince Monoma is heir to a smaller sister kingdom
And in the West: Kingdom of Amon Lac, home of House Van Amstel 
The welcoming realm of the west, how joyous they are to have you here. Kind and gentle the avians will be as they guide you through the vast land; handing to you flowers to wear upon your crown, fruits and vegetables to stave off your hunger, wheat and grain to fill your bags, sugar to sweeten your view, and if lucky, a potion or two brewed by witches that dwell within the dense woods; but only if your hands do not stray - give as much as you receive or face the starvation greed brings.
plentiful are our harvests, and trees of fruit, that is what tethers our roots.
Royal - <reader insert for their viewpoint and storyline> *called Dove by the main character and friend, they are the youngest and therefore not heir* Head Knight: Takami Keigo  Royal Advisor: Shigaraki Tomura Magic Wielder: Ibara Shiozaki
Towards the North West: Kingdom of Cashmerask - home of House Aguillard
A quaint domain that separates the northern elves from the western fairies. A place of reprieve of creatures both fantastical and frightening, only humble humans reside here.
And though humble, they still are craftsmen that have mastered their skills who will be eager to teach and sell you their wares. From the cloth on your back, to cotton in your bed, to wool in your socks, you will find them all made with care here; with golden thread to mark your ware as authentic -  be willing to pay for luxury or shiver in the cold.
like the thread that binds, though small, it is mighty. 
Royal - <main reader insert> *nicknamed Patchwork Princess by other nobility as a cruel joke: and yes, what started as a sweet joke between Gracie and I turned into all this* Head Knight: <unsure, another reader insert possibly?> Royal Advisor: Tamaki Amajiki Archmage: Shinsou Hitoshi
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Kingdom of Cashmerask History:
As stated, there are four main kingdoms, to the North, South, East, and West. These kingdoms not only are ruled by strong and lasting bloodlines but are important to the overall balance of the land as a whole; they are the largest and most powerful in each section. Casherask was a sister kingdom, one of the smaller ones within the land of the west that was to support and be protected by Amon Lanc - much like the many other sister kingdoms within the land. Smaller royalty with less power and money.
A few generations ago, the Aguillard family realized that they were the only ones able to maintain and produce a very large amount of textiles and decided to use that to gain more power, wealth, and respect. That if no one was willing to pay the price for their items, they would shiver in the cold without them; or go to other merchants who could create similar items but of less quality - with many finding these merchants were unable to make things as beautifully, sturdy, or able to last many seasons. 
So with that foothold, Cashmerask’s kingdom and wealth grew to that of the main four. And though they are somewhat respected for obtaining such an impossible goal, many monarchs and royal families still look down on them - they see them more as simple folk unworthy of their position of power. Despite having a seat at the table, they were never regarded or truly able to speak.
House Aguillard Backstory:
So with this burden of being looked down upon, the family had always tried to be strategic in how they operate and whom they marry; to ensure they cannot be overthrown so easily. The King and Queen had four children, all of whom had an important role to play to ensure their stability.
Eldest Son - The Tapestry: though third born, a son and first in line to the throne. Prepared accordingly with his schooling and training to take the place and wear the crown once the time is ready. He is the shining star, the grand tapestry, of Cashmerask and will continue on a strong bloodline.
Eldest Daughter - The Golden Thread: firstborn and second in line for the throne. Their duty, to which they have been prepared through extensive schooling, is to marry off to a royal in another land. To ensure a bloodline and connections that reach further out than their own. For extra security and aid, the golden thread will bind more power to the crown.
Middle Daughter - The Silver Needle: secondborn and third in line for the throne. Their duty is similar in nature to that of the first daughter, with the same extensive schooling to match theirs. They are meant to marry into a royal family of the already existing kingdoms, with the main four being the best possible outcome. They are the needle to help create beautiful works with the golden thread already laid in place.
Youngest Daughter - The Bronze Thimble: last born and last in line for the throne. Their duty and position are not seen as high or important to that of the crown to gain more power. Instead, they are the people’s princess, to bring forth a sense of community and inner strength amongst them. To give them a sense of ease and security from the sharpness the world may bring them.
Reader's Backstory and Story Beats:
Again, youngest and a girl not much was expected of her. Her schooling was not as involved or extensive of that of her siblings, as a more simple life was destined to her. With all that free time, she was encouraged to learn the craft of her people. And so she did, fulfilling her duty of being the people’s princess and becoming herself quite the artist with a needle.
At a young age, was introduced to Amon Lac’s youngest princess, and through their shared situations, a strong friendship formed that lasted throughout the years. Another formed through similar circumstances with the son of a royal advisor (Tamaki). And once more another formed, through her father’s ire, when she became close with a child of a merchant who wanted to become a knight.
When time came for her debut on her 18th birthday, things started to go awry. A war, in a nearby land, broke out and much of the kingdom's time was spent in aid and suppression of it; with her own brother going off to fight. Once the dust had settled a couple of years, and all was clear once again, the foundation that was set up and enforced had been destroyed - if not by the war than by her sibling's strong sense of manifest destiny.
Her brother went to marry a princess in the land he fought for, leaving his throne empty and a tapestry to hang on another wall. The eldest daughter married a man below her station, upsetting the other kingdoms as a man not fit for the crown would wear one instead of the few set in place to be chosen, her golden thread no longer reaching out to bind. And the middle daughter, with a needle meant to create, instead broke the skin to bleed and was labeled unsuited for any throne,
And now, that little bonze thimble was being asked to be a tapestry, and golden thread, and a needle; with no understanding how, and no one ever wanting her, to be one. She is now urged by her parents, after her 24th birthday, to be engaged to a crown prince of any of the major kingdoms before she is to reach 25. To undo and try to fix the wrongs her siblings had created. Unprepared and struggling with identity, she at least has her party she is close to guide her and her best friend to go along with her - as she is in need of a suitor herself.
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thanks for taking the time to read, perhaps I shall make something out of this
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ao3feed-izch · 6 months
The Life That's Granted
by Apothic_Poppy
In this post UA graduation series, a cluster of vicious murders play out across the district and pull several of our now pro heroes in to help solve the ever expanding case load.
But for Uraraka, the identity of latest victim throws her into the thick of it as the investigation hits a little too close to home. Despite the elevated threat for the women working the case of this unknown serial killer, our young pro hero ends up biting off more than she can chew. Can she manage to solve the case before another victim meets their gruesome demise or will she risk being ensnared by the same tactics the other women have succumbed to in the process?
Let the chase begin.
Words: 2390, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Uraraka Ochako, Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina, Yaoyorozu Momo, Todoroki Shouto, Kaminari Denki, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Toyomitsu Taishirou | Fat Gum, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Tsukauchi Naomasa, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Shinsou Hitoshi
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Todoroki Shouto/Yaoyorozu Momo
Additional Tags: Murder Mystery, Rape/Non-con Elements, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Kidnapping, Murder, Blood and Gore, Blood and Violence, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Fluff and Angst, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Serial Killers
source: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52807240
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The Devil's Hero
The Devil's Hero by Dreamweaver312
Izuku Midoriya was shown the darker side of life the day he was declared quirkless. The bullying started, the friends he had betrayed him, the new friends he made kept vanishing and turning up dead later on and worst off his idol crushed his dreams of being a hero. Standing on a rooftop left to his own demise, he jumped. In his last moments of life a demon made him an offer. It would give him the power he needed to fulfill his dreams in exchange for the life he was about to throw away.
Can Izuku turn a villainous power into his hero dream or will he face the consequences of his own corruption. Can he really become The Devil's Hero?
Words: 794, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Toga Himiko, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, League of Villains, Class 1-A, Shinsou Hitoshi, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Kaminari Denki, Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Inko, Todoroki Shouto, Kirishima Eijirou, Akaguro Chizome | Stain, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Sensei | All For One
Additional Tags: Heroes to Villains, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk, Quirkless Discrimination, Protective League of Villains, Suspected Traitor Midoriya Izuku, U.A. Has a Traitor, Suicide Attempt, Demon Deals, Demon Midoriya Izuku, Mentor Akaguro Chizome | Stain, Toga Himiko is a Good Friend, Toga Himiko is Not a Villain, Protective Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Dabi | Todoroki Touya is Not a Villain, Protective Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Midoriya Izuku Hates Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku Hates Heroes, Angry Bakugou Katsuki, Bullied Midoriya Izuku, Vengeful Midoriya Izuku
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47189149
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sharnihendry · 2 years
The Sacrifice - Bakugou x Fem! Reader
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TW: D**th and Bl00d!
When Bakugou fails to save her life after last battle against Shigaraki, Her soul travels into Bakugou’s body to fuel it up
Y/N holds her last breath before her demise; “Bakugou, take…take care of my mother…for…me.” His hands covered her blood from her stomach that stabbed her from Shigaraki’s spear.
“Baby, please don’t leave me!!! You’re going to be alright!!!” shouted Bakugou as he embraced her for a final time, stroking her long hair and kissing her forehead.
“Kacchan, it’s okay. I will become a spirit that travels through your body and it helps you to stop this madness villain.” says Y/N as she holds his hand before she felt numb.
Bakugou’s screams has heard for spirits who aided Y/N on her journey to protect the planet. Her soul moved from her body and entered his body that it lighten like a bright sun.
Y/N’s funeral was held on her homeworld after her death. Y/N —who died after saving Bakugou from Shigaraki — was mourned by thousands of her family and her friends during her funeral in UA. Her body was made to still look covered blood in order to keep Bakugou and Midoriya safe from All For One.
Among the attendees were Bakugou Katsuki; Her lover and partner, Y/N’s adopted mother and biological mother of 6 children, Izuku Midoriya; Her childhood friend, ; MT Lady; Her mentor and friend, Her adopted siblings, All Might; retired pro hero and mentor, Kirishima Eijiro; Her friend and many more.
Y/N’s funeral contained an open casket procession drawn through UA, in which her hands clutched her necklace—one meant to bring her good fortune—that Bakugou had made for her shortly after they first met. She was laid to rest in a tomb.
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 11 months
A Sparrow in Her Starry Sky
a sparrow in her starry sky by babybirb
Sometimes, death is the only ending for a character. Fated to a demise that propels the world around them into action. Himiko Toga was that character, and when Ochako had reached her hand out to her, she had unknowingly entangled herself in her fate. But what the universe did not know is that there did not exist a world in which Himiko and Ochako did not both live and love each other. Simply because they were made for one another.
Or, fuck Horikoshi's bullshit! My babies live happily ever after because I said so. The world is fixed, Himiko is happy, and the angst ends with happiness. Not whatever Horikoshi was tryna pull.
Words: 13267, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, Gen
Characters: Toga Himiko, Uraraka Ochako
Relationships: Toga Himiko/Uraraka Ochako, Class 1-A & Class 1-A
Additional Tags: Fix-It, Character Death Fix, Angst with a Happy Ending, Happy Ending, Fluff, Attempt at Humor, Class 1-A Shenanigans, Class 1-A Friendship, Romance, Lesbian Character, No Lesbians Die, Married Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Hospitals, Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Manga Spoilers, chapter 395 does not happen, i saw the leaks and sprung into action, it's been nearly three days of me writing this, The Author Regrets Nothing, Author Is Sleep Deprived, no doomed yuri here, im delusional and depressed, Hero Toga Himiko, My Hero Academia Chapter 394: Ochako Uraraka vs. Himiko Toga Spoilers, Cats, Roommates, Love Confessions, Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Kiss Kiss Fall in Love, Established Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo, Crack Treated Seriously, this is the real chapter 395, horikoshi said so guys im in his walls i would know these things, Kaminari Denki is a Dork, Uraraka Ochako-centric, Toga Himiko Redemption, its kinda dual perspective, Characters Are Pro Heroes, Future Fic, Not Beta Read, Slow Burn
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48748438
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ddelline · 1 month
halcyon (and on and on) 2/3
work: halcyon (and on and on) fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | my hero academia rating: M relationship(s): bakugō katsuki/midoriya izuku character(s): ensemble cast (tagged on ao3) tags: post-canon | characters are pro heroes | getting together | slow burn | mha manga spoilers | aged-up character(s) | canon-typical violence
summary work:
Life began as a massive explosion, a blinding light. In contrast, Katsuki’s demise begins with a flour streaked counter, wilting green onions, and a bloodied kitchen towel. or: Katsuki falls in love, wages a war, and learns how to unearth a forest from behind trees without resorting to large-scale arson.
summary chapter:
Izuku looks like he’s also about to throw up—palms sweaty, knees weak, arms heavy. At least they’re leveling with each other. Yeah, Katsuki thinks, aced the reverse-jackpot. That’s the thing though, funnily enough: he may prefer being one-shotted in the chest by a supervillain to this pour your heart out in your hands and offer it up to the one person who’s sitting on the ability to completely fucking destroy it-routine—that doesn’t mean he’s a fucking coward.
ch 02 | the war | here
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ao3feed-bnha-rarepair · 11 months
A Sparrow in Her Starry Sky
a sparrow in her starry sky by babybirb
Sometimes, death is the only ending for a character. Fated to a demise that propels the world around them into action. Himiko Toga was that character, and when Ochako had reached her hand out to her, she had unknowingly entangled herself in her fate. But what the universe did not know is that there did not exist a world in which Himiko and Ochako did not both live and love each other. Simply because they were made for one another.
Or, fuck Horikoshi's bullshit! My babies live happily ever after because I said so. The world is fixed, Himiko is happy, and the angst ends with happiness. Not whatever Horikoshi was tryna pull.
Words: 13267, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, Gen
Characters: Toga Himiko, Uraraka Ochako
Relationships: Toga Himiko/Uraraka Ochako, Class 1-A & Class 1-A
Additional Tags: Fix-It, Character Death Fix, Angst with a Happy Ending, Happy Ending, Fluff, Attempt at Humor, Class 1-A Shenanigans, Class 1-A Friendship, Romance, Lesbian Character, No Lesbians Die, Married Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Hospitals, Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Manga Spoilers, chapter 395 does not happen, i saw the leaks and sprung into action, it's been nearly three days of me writing this, The Author Regrets Nothing, Author Is Sleep Deprived, no doomed yuri here, im delusional and depressed, Hero Toga Himiko, My Hero Academia Chapter 394: Ochako Uraraka vs. Himiko Toga Spoilers, Cats, Roommates, Love Confessions, Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Kiss Kiss Fall in Love, Established Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo, Crack Treated Seriously, this is the real chapter 395, horikoshi said so guys im in his walls i would know these things, Kaminari Denki is a Dork, Uraraka Ochako-centric, Toga Himiko Redemption, its kinda dual perspective, Characters Are Pro Heroes, Future Fic, Not Beta Read, Slow Burn
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48748438
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