#im dumdum i realized it's much better to just add these onto the original posts lmao smh
incensuous · 5 years
Incest tumblrs recs pleeeaaaaaase god blesses
omg hi anon you cutie!! i’ll try my best 
@temporarychange1 –in case you weren’t already following Astrid
@whitemantis - her twin OCs are the best twin OCs ever basically
@incestshippingventblog - awesome for some cathartic vents
@soulbatesheaven: Would LOVE to be on this list!
YES! of course! all my recs from above still stand and to add:
i’ve probs missed more too, so feel free to interact on this post! let us know y’all out there!! i tried to rec obviously somewhat active blogs, and sadly we are dwindling these days with tumblr being pretty empty overall.
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