#im fine im good Im great aahhhhh
jayaorgana · 7 months
"We're children of Alderaan too because you passed on what you learned there to us"
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yourjughead · 7 years
Sweet Pea x Reader.
A/N: aahhhhh idk what this is but it's a thing so, enjoy.
Sweet Pea POV
“Nah dude forget it, yn is Champagne and Caviar, you're more like tap water and a Mars bar”
“I could be Champagne and...whatever the second thing was Fangs” I pushed his shoulder as he laughed. Damn my best friend for being right. Yn was those things, I was just a peasant, a simpleton...a Serpent, not good enough for her.
“Besides dude Kevin says she's super into guys who are sporty and I don't think she counts motocross as a sport, snob”
“She's not a snob!...I think and thanks for asking anyway, you get a wingman point” he did a little bow and I laughed before returning my attention to cheerleader surrounded by her admirers. Who am I kidding, out of my league.
I sat in the back of AP Physics class, lost in doodles while Ms. Curie droned on about magnets or her husband or something when my interest suddenly peaked. My cheerleader walked in, handed Ms.Curie a note before they both smiled and next thing I knew YN was sitting next to me, physics book in hand. She gave me a little confused look and then a smile, shit, I was clearly staring at her.
“Okay so why don't you discuss with your partner that theory and I'll be back in a few moments I just have to ring my husband” she made her escape and the class began to hum to life with anything and everything except for physics.
“Im Yn...thats a cool drawing” she gestured to the combustion engine I had absentmindedly penned.
“Oh thanks, I'm Sweet Pea...I thought Kevin said you did Chemistry?”
“Excuse me?” She was laughing and it was then I realised I had let slip that I was doing recon. Stupid Sweets Stupid! My eyes darted back to the engine I could easily make sense of.
“Umm well you tell Kevin he needs to update his intel-” okay so she's laughing so she's not annoyed or creeped out...maybe she is and she's just polite.
“-i was doing Chemistry but I finished the course at home over winter and I just thought I'd try AP Physics”
“oh right right, casual for a cheerleader to do, nothing easier left?” I smiled and she didn't.
“Why isn't it? I'd prefer if you didn't lump all Cheerleaders into the same stereotypical category. I know you're a Serpent but i haven't stereotyped you, you're in a gang from an underprivileged school, what are you doing in AP Physics?” The last comment dripped with sarcasm, the rest with annoyance, whoops.
“i didnt-I-eh”
“Yeah, I thought so” she swivelled back to her book and I was almost cursing myself aloud as the bell rang.
“Oh and by the way, I find Physics easy, jerk” she said in passing as she gathered her things and practically stomped out the door.
I told Fangs later what happened and he very nearly almost fell off the bench laughing. He then did actually fall when I pushed him. Toni just shook her head in disapproval and Jughead joined Fangs laughing on the the floor I guided him towards.
“It's really not that funny, she hates me now!”
“It's hilarious Sweet Pea but don't worry about it, really. Yn is really lovely once you get to know her...and don't underestimate her.-” Jones laughed through his sentence but I still believed him slightly. He knew more about this concrete world and it's inhabitants than we did, I'd just have to take him at his word.
“-Anyway, really you're barking up the wrong tree if you wanna get further than friends. Rumor is she only dates athletes and I don't think pool counts”
“Wow everyone just loves attacking my idea of sports….what else could I do here?”
“Boxing?” Toni offered and Fangs laughed.
“Nah SP, you'd win every fight but not by following the rules”
“They're on hiatus for the winter” I sighed aloud as my friends racked their brains, I found myself locking eyes with YN as she passed. She bit her lip and then returned to her conversation. Ugh god what a mess, I buried my face in my hands and that's when it hit me. No I mean, it literally hit me.
“WHO THE FUCK THREW THIS BASKETBALL!?” I stood to my feet after retrieving the ball, Fangs standing too. Archie jogged over and apologised, explaining he was attempting to teach Betty. Unlikely story but I saw YN stare and decided to simply return the ball... for a favor. I just found my new hobby.
Archie was helpful in getting me easily into the tryout, I dragged Fangs along to as he enjoyed basketball but mostly he wanted to impress Kevin.I was warming up with Fangs as Yn, Cheryl and the rest of the cheerleaders sauntered in for practice. Damn I'm going to be distracted. The sight of me seemed to catch her off guard and she raised an eyebrow at me when I caught the ball Fangs threw. Let's do this.
Damn I forgot how much I loved Basketball, it was nice to have a coach that actually cared about technique for once. I had never been so in the zone and clearly it made me cheesy.
“So YN wouldn't shut up about you after your try out today” my new friend Veronica smiled at me before I ducked inside Physics where yn sat. We both remained in silence for a little while before I broke.
“Yn I'm really sorry I offended you, I didn't mean to and I know that doesn't make it okay but I'm sorry”
“It's alright Sweet Pea, I'm used to it...you were great at tryouts today, hope you make it” she batted her eyelashes and my heart melted. Damn her.
Next day we were called into the gym to see who made the team. Yn and the rest of the cheerleaders were practicing, this didn't help with my nerves. I had spent the night previous texting her and her constant reassurance both settled and put pressure on me all at once.
My name was called and it was like this huge weight shattered from my shoulders, they handed me that blue and gold jacket I hated so much. Yn ran over to me when they finished with the names, wrapping her arms around me.
“Congrats Sweet Pea!” I tried my best not to completely squish her in the hug but I simply wanted to always be this close.
The following time after I became entirely immersed in this world, in her world. Whenever she was on the sidelines I was winning and let's just say I spent a lot of time winning. We became kind of inseparable, the stereotype of star athlete and head cheerleader. I kind of loved it. To add to this developing relationship was a little thing involving basketball. The championship. We were in it! Never in a million years did I think we'd get this far but we were here!!! And wow did training get intense. Too intense.
“Wanna hang out later Pea?”
“Can't, practice” she sighed in annoyance at me while leaning against my locker. If I was honest I had been blowing her off a lot lately but she only dates athletes and that's what I'm doing sooo. Fangs threw himself alongside her with Jug and Toni close behind.
“Come on SP we're going to the quarry”
“We can't Fangs, we have practice”
“Nah I'm not going today, need a break and besides Kevin is going to come to the quarry” this was met with sounds of oohs and ahhs as well little shoves. They were almost as cute as Yn and I.
“Alright alright leave it” he was defensive but was was slowly warming to our teasing.
“Anyway come on SP let's go”
“Nah I'm going to practice”
“Fine, yn?” Her head snapped to his with pure shock. In general they had a turbulent relationship, just kind of existing in my world at once. She was entirely happy to be invited along and after kissing my cheek goodbye she disappeared off with them.
I was still training by myself when the Serpent's ascended on the place, my wonderful weird friends, who were getting in the way of practice.
Toni snatched ball from me and began passing it around me much to my protest, yn watching laughing from the bleachers. I didn't find it funny.
“Guys come on stop! I need to practice”
“No way dude, it's time to take it easy” I fumbled at Fangs managing to take the ball, shooting and making the hoop. The Serpent's cheered and then stole the ball again and were running circles around me.
“Guys seriously fuck off I need to practice!”
“Dude relax! You're taking this too seriously!”
“No I'm not fucking joking Toni!” This only poked the dragon.
Toni passed to Jug and Jug to Fangs. I went to intercept Fangs pass to Ryan, missing and falling in possibly the awkwardest way possible. There was a deafening crunch met with searing pain. Fuck. The pain coursed through me until I actually blacked out.
I took the tendon in my foot almost clean off the bone and after they had almost fixed it, I was left unable to play...or walk...or breath too much. Yn wheeled me out of the hospital with Fangs carrying my things. Their guilt was immense but my worry was worse. This was the end for yn and me. No foot. No game. No jacket. No girlfriend. No hope.
“Right I'll go get the car, you two wait here by the entrance” he was missing the championship to be here with me, did I mention that he felt guilty?
“I'm sure you'll be able for next season Pea, don't worry"
“And if not I suppose you'll be off”
“Excuse me?” I huffed at her confusion, turning my wheelchair from here, the painkillers a godsend.
“It means you'll be off with some other guy by then”
“And why do you think that”
“Because yn, everyone knows you only date athletes and I don't know if I'll ever be one again” she caught the handle of my chair and swung me around. She bent down so she was eye level with me, her hands still gripping the handles. Kind of hot.
“Who said that?”
“Everyone, everyone says it”
“Well everyone's wrong. I date whoever I want and yes they do tend to be athletes but that's only because I'm around them 6 days a week! The first time you spoke me you stereotyped me and now you're doing it again!” she pushed slightly from the handles but not enough to move me. She tucked her arms into her chest very clearly annoyed.
“So now you're going to break up with me?” I said smally.
“No! Of course not! We're just having an argument and that's okay! Ugh it's like you've never had a girlfriend or something!” The air between us suddenly changed. Oh shit.
“Wait...you've never had a girlfriend have you” I could only shake my head slowly, eyes locked on her feet. Her arms dropped to her sides and she sighed.
“It's okay Pea, but you just need to know I'm not going to dump you for something stupid like this conversation” she crouched down by my side and leaned in to kiss me. I gladly accepted, loving every moment I was this close. We were interrupted by Fangs as he attempted to break the horn of my car.
“oh I see you're using a different kind drug SP” He called from the driver's seat.
“Yeah same one you and Kevin are using” I could only smile at my girlfriend at her comeback while she wheeled me to the front seat of the car. We ultimately lost the championship, but I couldn't care less.
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still-toking-with · 7 years
Chapter Six
In the dead of night Duke was awoken by the moans and clawing sounds at the door. “Fuck you!  Suck my fucking balls you pieces of distorted shit.” “Jesus Christ Duke! What the hell is wrong with you?” Piper blurted. “I don’t know, I think I’m still high as a kite”, he chuckled, “and those dick wads are driving me bat shit crazy.” “Well I think you’re both toast.” laughs Tobi. “This cold ass concrete floor Is gonna give my butt hole hemorrhoids so I’m heading for my couch.” He musters to his feet. “Later fuckers!” as he starts to head off for the office. “Ya, I’m coming too.” Piper says, sitting up and leaning against the wall. “Not in the way he wants you to.” Laughs Duke. Tobi spins around giving Duke the finger, “Ya Duke, your number one in my book.” as he walks away laughing. “Well you never know” Piper says grinning “you never know.” Instant silence as Tobi and Duke exchange glances after that comment. Piper climbs to her feet.. “Ooouch !! She grimaces, grabbing her shoulder. “What’s wrong?” Tobi asks, always trying to be the compassionate one. “I don’t know, I think I cut my shoulder somehow.” “Let me take a look at it.”Tobi offers. “Na, I’m ok, but thank you.” Duke makes a sound like an airplane just crashed. “EEERRRRRRRRR crashhhh” Tobi rewards Duke with a double barrel two finger this time. They made their way back to the sleeping area to try and retire for the night. Tobi wakes a short time later, his bladder ready to explode. “Man I gotta piss like a race horse, I shouldn’t have drunk all that lemonade.” he mutters heading to the bathroom. AAhhhh, much better he thinks, chuckling as he drains the lizard. Returning from the bathroom he hears Piper whisper… “Tobi, is that you?” “Ya, sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.” “You didn’t wake me; I’m having a hard time sleeping. I was wondering if you would do me a favor.” “Uuumm, ok. What’s up?” Tobi would do anything for Piper. “Would you come lay with me? I’m not feeling very well and with everything that’s happened lately my mind won’t stop racing.” Tobis’ eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. “I can do that.” He says, finding the request quite odd. “Let me grab my pillow and blanket.” He adds, trying not to seem too eager. He tosses his pillow next to her and plops down beside her. “Is that better?” “Yes, thank you.” “Are you ok? You’re shivering.” “I’m a little chilled that’s all. Can’t seem to warm up.” Without hesitation, Tobi tosses his blanket over Piper. “Is that better?” “Much, thank you. Can I ask you a question?” she mumbles. “Sure, ask away.” “If I turn into one of those nasty ass drooling freaks would you kill me?” “Don’t talk like that, we’re gonna be just fine, I promise.” “That’s not what I asked you. Would you kill me so I wasn’t one of them?” “If that day ever came, yes, I would do that for you. I would do anything for you. Piper, rolling over to face Tobi “If all guys were like you I may have stayed straight” she says smiling. “Well Piper…” before he could finish she leans in and begins to kiss him. Tobi, in awe, like a child opening his first gift on Christmas morning reciprocated her gesture. “Piper, do you think we should…” “SShhhhh” placing a finger over his lips as she starts to slowly undress, stopping only to kiss him some more. “Why are you still in your clothes?” she asks seductively. All of Tobi’s dreams seem to be coming to fruition as he began to slowly undress, not wanting to seem as eager as he was feeling. They held each other in a tight embrace throughout the night. As the sun began to rise the next morning, Duke started to stir letting out a loud yawn and big stretch. He sat up in bed noticing the two bodies in Piper’s bunk. “What the fuck is going on over there?!!” “What? What?” exclaimed Tobi, jumping up startled, wiping the sleep from his eyes. “I see by the clothes strewn about that you two idiots are over there bumping uglies.” “I prefer to call it getting boned.” Piper quickly chimes in. “Seriously, in the midst of everything that’s going on, now I gotta deal with this shit?” Duke blurts out. Tobi and Piper lock eyes and start to laugh. Duke, shaking his head, climbs from his bed and heads towards the bathroom. “Unfuckin real.” he mumbles. “OOuch” “What’s wrong Piper? Tobi asked. “It’s that damn cut on my shoulder, its really starting to bother me.” “Let me take a look at it.” “Ok, I guess” as she reluctantly rolls over so Tobi could examine it. “Ummm, that’s not a cut Piper, it looks more like a bite.” “What do you mean a bite? Quit fucking with me, that shit ain’t cool.” She spins around to see the sheer look of horror on Tobi’s face telling her that he wasn’t bullshitting her. “Those are teeth marks Piper.” “That means,” She pauses for a minute, “I got bit yesterday by that zombie.” “DUKE!! DUKE!!” Tobi yells, “you need to get in here right now.” “Chill the fuck out, I’ll be there in a minute.” He’s out there getting his jollies off and I can’t even take a shit in piece. He says to himself. Exiting the bathroom, he sees Tobi pacing the floor, obviously distressed. “What’s the fuckin problem?” Duke asks, angry for being interrupted. Tobi, now mumbling as he paces, “She been bit, I’m totally screwed. I’m gonna turn into one of those flesh eating, terd stinking, mutated fucks.” “TOBI!! Relax; you’re not making any sense. What’s the problem?” Tobi is pacing around incoherent. “Hello? Fucktard, can you hear me?” Tobi stops in his tracks. “It’s Piper, SHE’S BEEN BIT!!!” he cries, pointing towards Piper who was sitting up in the bed, barely covered. “Wait, what, when, how?” Duke stutters. “When did you get bit?” “It must have happened yesterday in all that confusion, but I don’t feel any different, it’s just sore.” Tobi, still pacing around and mumbling, “I finally get a good piece of ass and it’s gonna kill me, this is just fucking great!” “Tobi! Sit down and chill out, we don’t know shit.” Duke demands. Tobi plops down on the couch, begins shaking his head, grabs ole red and starts taking rips, “Well if I’m gonna die then im gonna die high.” he mumbles. “If anything was going to come of this wouldn’t it have already happened?” Piper interjects. “I think she’s right, you need to relax and calm down.” “How can I relax? Have you two not seen what’s happening out there? Those things are ripping people apart.” Piper, trying to lighten the mood, “well Tobi, you can eat me if you want.” “Didn’t you get enough of that last night?” spouts Duke. “No way, I can never get enough of that.” And they both burst out laughing. “I’m over dying and you two assholes are cracking jokes, real fucking nice.” “Ok Tobi, sorry but when you’re done dying can you pass ole red this way please.” Tobi passes him red while letting out a billowing cloud. “AAHHHHH much better.”They spent the next few hours trying to concoct a plan of action for another escape attempt. “Well, the way I see it, there’s only one way out of here now and that’s through the fields to the lake.” says Duke. “I would say back to the parking lot and grab my car, but I think I left my keys on the counter in the store.” “Well that’s a good place for them.” Piper says laughing. “Ok, so I guess we go on foot.” Tobi says. “We should gather as much as we can carry, get a good night’s rest, and set off first thing in the morning.” adds Duke. “Agreed” They spent the rest of the day making preparations for the following days adventure, and as evening grew close, they sat around the sleeping area toking from red and indulging on brownies. “Time to get some rest and fuel up for tomorrow, so good night all.” says Duke. “Sounds like a plan.” “Til the morning.” added Tobi and the three quietly prepared for the next day as they drifted off. Stay Tuned,More to come…
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