#im glad i didnt pre order it lmfao
loonylvegd · 4 years
just read those spoilers for tlou2 and i’m......
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x1uizy · 3 years
lmfao i kept putting off my woodz album review for so long for some reason 😭 but anyways here we go
(ive already listened to it a few times but im relistening in order to write this)
1. multiply
did we know that he was gonna do english songs????? anyways this is very chill, i like it! not my fave style from him but i wouldnt turn it off if i was just relaxing. also im glad that the lyrics make sense because that can be...rare 😅
2. thinkin bout you
i really enjoy this song but um. im also aware that its the type of music i imagine shawn mendes to make although idk if thats true. and this realization bothers me a lot 😭😭😭 but its seungyoun and i love the guitar and the vibes so whatever 🤪
3. sour candy
i think its cute!!! not exactly my favorite on the album but i dont think theres really anything wrong with it at all? dont ask me why but i feel like a girl group should cover this song, itd be so cute 🥺
4. kiss of fire
good, love the bgm (because bass and guitars lol). once again not my personal favorite but i can see myself listening to it a lot at the same time. i could hear a bunch of these on us radio including this one
5. chaser
my favorite....by like a lot 😅 hes serving the woodz-weeknd hybrid i always knew he could 😌 my only critique is that i wish this couldve been a tt in like. jan - march and then the rest could be on a repack. i kinda cant believe hes not promoting this one, its too good 😭😭😭
6. waiting
i wanna just say that i really enjoy albums where the title is not the first song. idk, it just feels like the order actually means something then? but ik thats not really true, its just how i feel. as for the song itself: i like it! i dont necessarily understand it as a tt but definitely moreso than others. i think that this album as is, i would put chaser as the tt with waiting as the promoted bside, but thats just me. this whole album was like. (a specific type of) guitars and bass and if a song has those two things i like the song, i just cant help it. so i like this song just like the others even though i dont have anything interesting to say about it. also, do the parts when he says "why u make me crazy?" and the like sound like "boy u make me crazy" to anyone else???? like i hear why when im looking at the lyrics but boy when im not 😭😭😭 i was like oh???? 👀 until i saw what the lyrics were lmfao
anyways u might be able to guess but song rank:
chaser > waiting ≥ thinkin bout you > sour candy ≥ kiss of fire > multiply
album rank:
woops >> equal >>>> only lovers left >>> set
although every single one of those albums made it to my top albums of 2021 playlist so.
...did i even do a review for set??? 😭 if i didnt, long story short: i think its very good but a bit boring. kinda stays on the same register the whole time, not unlike only lovers left
title track ranking (not comprehensive because i never remember which pre produce tracks were titles):
bump bump >>>>> love me harder >>> how have you been ≥ baby ride ≥ different ≥ feel like ≥ waiting
as for the a1 woodz playlist...i have to think about it. chaser definitely makes it, waiting probably does, as does thinkin bout u, but i have to relisten to the others more. i suspect they all might make it though. we'll see
sorry this isnt as interesting a review 😭 but im interested in hearing what other people think so feel free to lmk wherever!
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bugborgs · 5 years
quotes are not exact bc unfortunately i have the memory of a 90 year old granpa AND ALSO my reactions/recollection of events are absolutely NOT in order lol BUT
also again anyone who wants to is free to message me if u wanna talk about the movie or if you want spoilers i guess??? lol ALSO im gonna turn anon on like i said after i post this 
Someone in my theater actually brought a bigass infinity guantlet and wore it to the screening lol
I don't really like Tony much but ngl the opening scene with him and Nebula on the Milano was so good omg
i love that nebula and rhodey seem to be friends omg??? like she called him specifically to make fun of scott im djhkdjhsd
“Rhodey, be careful coming in, there’s an idiot on the landing strip”
hulk giving scotty a taco after his got blown away lmaooo
LOTS of cheers and clapping when cap held mjolnir!!! like SO much you guys
HUGE cheers when everyone was un-dusted
when t’challa, okoye, and shuri showed up, i heard several “Wakanda Forever!”’s from my audience
i think the guy sitting next to me even did the Wakanda Forever arm cross
LOTS of cheers from my audience when pepper showed up in an iron suit
lots of cheers when valkyrie showed up on her pegasus too!!
People were actually audibly crying at the end
there were at least a couple distinct criers i could make out
you will Know When if you've seen it
I wasn't one of the those people but no disrespect to those that did i feel u man
I DID however cry like a fucking bitch at Nebula's scenes
So many of them
Y'all I was near sobbing what the fuck
And Gamora???? Wtf TEARS
not. Happy that she's still Dead but ://///
"I have blasters, or you could use knives if you want"
"Ooh yes please use knives!"
mantis what the fuck
Mantis darling.......you've been hanging out with Nebula too much jahsgshsgs
"As far as I'm concerned that is the ass of america"
"That IS America's ass"
I'm still crying about nebula
My endgame wishlist mostly came true lmao
They almost made me feel a Tiny emotion for Clint and nat so like
Good job marvel
I called nat dying but it was iN JOKE FORM LMFAO I joked about it with my friend for last minute predictions last night
And rhen it DID happen and I'm laughing fuck
I almost had like 10 heart attacks over Nebula this movie
Nebula. ........😭😭😭😭😭
"You can change" "he won't let me" fuck u marvel
"I tried to kill you several times. Then we became friends. And then sisters"
What the FUCK yall
Peter dancing and singing along to come and get your love.......classic
"He's an idiot, isn't he?" "Yeah"
I'm not. suuuuuper happy about the Peter-Gamora scene
I know it's pre guardians Gamora so she like. Has no attachment to him or anything but
Idk it seemed callous to turn it into a joke after Peter's reaction + what happened in IW
i kind of laughed tho ngl but i hated myself for it kjsdfkhjfshkjs
I have mixed feelings about the Nebula - Gamora scene at the Avengers compound like I'm not mad? But it left me feeling SO SAD
I don't know how I feel
im just gonna like
cry about nebula all night
y’all im so sad
Thor killed me this entire fycking movie
I wish we'd had more valkyrie but omg I'm so happy to see her
Idrk how I feel about caps end?? like
ok i guess
i SERIOUSLY thought tho like
when they panned over to him on the bench
that they were gonna turn him around and he was gonna be just
a fuckin SKELETON
that would have been hilarious but also terrible and im glad it didnt happen but i also kind of wanted it to lol
Sam receiving caps shield tho...!!!!
Nebula should have killed thanos lol
Sorry you can't change my mind :)
that being said seeing thor fucking decapitate thanos was fucking amazing god bless
sidenote this movie was a lot?? bloodier than i was expecting esp with other marvel movies that avoiding showing blood/death
like the dora milaje killmonger killed in bp comes to mind considering hawkeye. slits a dude’s throat in this movie
and you see blood
im still crying about nebula
im never gonna not cry about nebula
ANYWAYS I HAD A LOT OF FUN i wanna go rewatch it like. immediately. i still stand by my tag statement that i dont think it’s a perfect movie and i have some issues with it but honestly? most of my main wishes came true so i can like
not forgive it but i can overlook it :^)
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rontra · 7 years
i am SO PUMPED for skin game even tho i have never read any of the source content.... i should probably read it huh (where might i read the source content bc i am an internet noob and haven't been on tumblr recently bc of school)
POSES LANGUIDLY......SLOWLY DABS im glad youre excited 8))))) im v stoked as well!!!!!
as for the original materials....OH NO THIS GOT LONG SORRY
you probably wont have time to read it all in time for ch1 release (lmfao) BUT THEYRE VERY GOOD SO LIKE...DO IT....!!!!strictly speaking, as far as skin game is concerned, you dont ABSOLUTELY NEED the originals (as long as you can live with (1) Mild Spoilers including character spoilers, (2) missing some of the ‘punch’ i guess a familiar reader would have at certain character names/appearances :p (3) missing “assumed knowledge” from character backstory/etc that the fic will summarize but won’t detail too much)  HOWEVER they’re good experiences in their own right and ... my big faves SOOOO READ IT /poses
SO Skin Game is a higurashi/umineko crossover AU. Higurashi and Umineko aren’t actually related as stories (beyond a handful of notable references, shout-outs and potential red herrings :p) but they’re both part of the “when they cry” series and both received very bad anime adaptations, so they’re good friends.
both Higurashi and Umineko are available in original VN format and manga adaptations....both formats have their pros and cons imo :p i’ll try to be pretty impartial but ... i personally didnt actually read the higurashi vn DKSDKSKD i’ll link to a post by my pal Tiger at the end of this reply for higurashi advice!
the VNs are a long read, but the soundtracks add a lot and it’s a pretty, uh, thorough experience. A for-sure pro to these is the overall experience of audio+reading; the atmosphere is pretty killer. Umineko is also available with a fully voice-acted patch, which is amazing tbhDepending on your preference, the length of reading may be a con: going through both full visual novels easily tallies up to 200+ hours imo (ofc depending on your speed)
The manga adaptions are generally considered overall solid. I’ve read umineko in both vn and manga; for the last arc, the manga’s execution surpasses its original, in my opinion xD it’s very fun to see an adaption outdo its foundation like that (of course, the original author was in on it :p)Naturally, reading the manga cuts down a lot of reading time and will spare you some of the lengthier slow sections, which can be a blessing depending on your viewpoint xDOf coure, the sense of characters physically interacting and occupying the same space is far more visceral in manga format than in the static sprites of the vn; whether trading that for the BGM is a worthy deal is up to you, honestly.
I sometimes recommend to pals who aren’t super-into lengthy visual novels (or huge books in general) to start with the manga and consider doing the vn if they end up liking the story :9
To read the visual novels...
you can find complete non-commentated playlists of them on youtube: (Higurashi) (Umineko)
you can track down the original discs and download free translation patches (is this obsolete now that everyone’s doing playlists and torrents and stuff? lol) (Umineko translation patch by witch-hunt)
i’m not giving out links but i’m sure someone out there has a download or torrent for a pre-patched full version :p
MangaGamer is releasing them in english on Steam, though it’s not yet complete (Higurashi: arcs 1-5 available) (Umineko: arc 1-4 available)mangagamer’s reputation and the sprites they chose: YMMV
Now as we know, reading manga online has some wacky translation quality, and higurashi has entire arcs online that are like...incomprehensible. umineko is slightly better (though it still fkcfnf goes off the rails a few times, translation-wise)  BUT if you can’t afford to keep up with the official yenpress release you may as well, right (and if you’re like me, youve read enough bad scanlations to kinda follow along anyway xD)
the main problem is that for some reason some arcs have missing chapters? this goes for both, though higurashi seems to be just kind of more universally janked in some aspects, though you can probably ask @sg2tiger to post the fixes they made for me xD
To read the mangas, I recommend using batoto--you have to sign up to use it, but many other sites are missing vital chapters of umineko for some reason and batoto’s okay for umineko but...batoto has issues with higurashi as well!! it’s cursed!!, but see Tiger’s post below again for more on higurashi xD IM BEST AT UMINEKO SORRY i need tiger’s guidance
Each story is in 8 arcs/”episodes”. Umineko was kind enough to number them, but Higurashi’s are a little less forthcoming, so here’s the reading order if you need it xD
(and then theres some side arcs i didnt read)
Tiger’s more in-depth reply on Higurashi specifically: http://rontra.tumblr.com/post/158933410364
Content warnings
Universal: blood/gore, body horror, child abuse
Higurashi specific: That Squicky Torture ShitUmineko specific: Incest (mentioned), sexual assault (mentioned)
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