#im going to jeff the kill you is soooo fucking funny
fagsarecool · 1 year
My new thing is saying "Jeff the kill"
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bunnytrolley · 5 years
I seen this from another blog, the pros and cons of dating someone. If you don't mind, can you give us some pros and cons of dating Ben and Jeff?
thanks for your request anon, these is my favorite boys soooo 
Pros and Cons of Dating Ben and Jeff
 W H I P P E D  A S  H E L L. It takes a lot for Ben to fall in love so when he does he is just fuggin sweeeeet and sososososo caring and spoils the heck out of you (s/o duh)
like say it’s your birthday or something and you are 100% guaranteed to wake up to like an mnt everest of gifts and food (if you’re into that I’m not a foodie at all but like I’m sure some of yall are lmao)
he’s the type to randomly send you sweet messages. “hey baby ik this is random but I love youuu have a good day
baby's a liiiiiittle clingy. He’s pretty scared of being abandoned so he’s always around. always. all the fucking time. not even like 24/7 like 30/13. the only time he’s “not around” is when you’re at school/work but he’s still creeping around in your phone, computer, the cameras in whatever building you’re in. baby boy’s a big time stalker.
he can be kind of a doormat when it comes to you. if you guys get in an argument it’s usually just him frantically apologizing and trying not to cry and even if he didn’t do anything he’s so scared of losing you that he’s willing to be walked all over. (that was fucking deep and sad im sorry jeez)
this is very superficial and shallow but he’s a big strong boy. his hugs are fucking top notch. he’s a big fucking snuggler too so it’s always your head resting on his chest with his arm(s) around your waist or resting on your chest (if you have tits you better believe he’s got and hand or two on em) he’s real affection starved so he’s always got a limb of some sort on you. 
he’s a secret romantic no doubt he doesn’t always show it in the best ways cause you know, he’s fucking whack which we’ll touch on later, but he’s will almost always go above and beyond to make you smile or laugh. he also will bring you little (usually stolen but he fucking kills people so thievery isn’t that big of a deal) trinkets and gifts that remind him of you or that he just thinks you’ll like.
he is surprisingly really good at helping you through emotional ruts or just working through others emotions is therapeutic for him to deal with other peoples shit opposed to dealing with his constantly.
this one’s pretty obvious but when it comes to psychotic tendencies he’s fucking loaded. he’s absolutely fucking insane.
when it comes to you and his possession over you he is extremely aggressive he would torture someone for looking at you funny, let alone if someone hit on you the amount of pain both physically and mentally they would go through is unimaginable.
when it comes to arguing he turns every point you make into you making a big deal out of nothing, or that he had to do whatever heinous thing he did for your safety, or for your relationship, or just because he loves you too much to see you upset. “Come on babe you know I had to kill him if I didn’t he would’ve come between us. We don’t need that kind of strain on us we’ve got our own shit. Come here baby, calm down everything will be okay.” 
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