#im going to maintag this who cares anymore
st4rstudent · 7 months
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tis the valentoons
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br0-k3n-sch00lb01 · 2 months
Aaaaaah what a time to exist
my brain is so empty when it comes to making posts that people actually care about
i wanna change my maintag to something other than charlie rants.. but i’ve been using it for too long to do that…
i guess its cus most of my posts arent rants they are just nonsense that i am spouting to anyone who particularly pays attention to them (aka nobody,,) what even are these posts anymore
im gonna spout about life instead of other things!! Because… i suppose i should talk about my life more.. since i never do
and thats kinda what blogs are for, hm?
I… went to get froyo with my friend… it was fun but it was like 25 bucks for two people…
he has a crush on me, and i… dont know how i feel about him at all.
im not sure really what my sexuality is anymore… i feel like sometimes i’m massively gay because oh my god men… but then other times i think of ever being in a relationship and it grosses me out… so then i think maybe i’m aro…
i finished watching Madoka Magica Rebellion today!!
it was good… though they skipped over parts in the manga that i really liked… its okay though
it was worth 4 dollars to rent…
it’s almost my birthday…
i wonder if people got me what i asked for.?
hopefully somebody got me the Madoka cosplay i wanted…
i don’t think i’ll be able to afford it myself haha
my grandma has me in therapy right now. I don’t really feel like it’s helping me at all…
but she says i have to do it and she won’t let me go out of it until she thinks i’m ready. i don’t think i’m ever getting out of therapy, if that’s the case.
i don’t really like my family situation. I know compared to others, i have life pretty good. But sometimes i feel like all they care about is keeping me alive so that they dont get accused of bad parenting. Or forcing me to get good grades so that the teachers don’t have to talk to them about how awful i am at everything.
not because they care about my future or anything. because they DON’T care about my future. No matter how much they say they do. You can just sort of tell.
i got my Len Kagamine cosplay a little while ago… my grandma said it was an Amazon pick… but it’s not really as good as the one i picked out…
I’ve been thinking about @n3hmof1sh and @ffelix143 a lot lately!!
i talk about Nehmo and Felix constantly to anybody who listens..
or even if they don’t really listen…
my friends haven’t been responding to my texts. I think they’re ignoring me.
i think maybe i’m being too much of a burden on them… annoying them all the time…
i’m sure some of my friends on here understand what i mean… i don’t really do much outside of tumblr, to be honest
i sort of wish there was no real world, and i could live here in tumblr with the people that actually care… people that i would do anything to spend time with off of a screen..
i’ve gotten so attached to my stupid screens that i really don’t know what else to do without them. I’ve lost any sense of worth in real activities.
i think that’s a bad thing.
but that’s okay.
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