#im gonna b looking back on them in 20 years and reread and cry
darcyolsson · 7 years
hey vic i wanna read that sweet alice oseman (i think thats their name??) content can u explain in what order i shuld read it and where i can find it?? thank you 💕
ah yes, alice oseman, True lomlafthwinmfcathis got really long i’m sorry
so far there’s 2 books: solitaire and radio silence. i’m not gonna write descriptions for them because i’m really terrible at that but i linked the goodreads lmaosolitaire also comes with two novellas, nick and charlie and this winter
i honestly don’t think it matters what order you read the main books in, but some of the events in solitaire are referenced to in radio silence, so i think u might wanna read solitaire first?? and ofc it’s Advised to read solitaire before the novellas bc then u will know what’s Actually Going On but i won’t judge. u do u.
there’s also heartstopper (@heartstoppercomic), which is a webcomic that takes place a few months before solitaire. it’s about nick and charlie, who are in an established relationship in solitaire, and well please just read the blog description lmao i’m Bad at this. it’s really wholesome and it has a dog.it updates 3 times a month (on the 1st, 21st and 31st) but you can get early updates on alice’s patreon!!!
aaaand there’s also a 3rd book coming in 2018 (spring i think?), title to be revealed, which is about a band? and people who are fans of this band? and i have no idea what it’s about but i already love it?
and well that’s it BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE! alice has 3 blogs, which you’ve most definitely seen if u follow me bc apparently 16% of all my reblogs comes from those three (oops)@spacezeros is her art blog which is. a goddamn gold mine i’ve spent more time in these tags than i would like to admit tbh@chronicintrovert is her main which is just like.. a blog. except run by a person who happens to be an author. the best place for non art directed questions about the books etc. @aliceoseman is really focused on her writing stuff, so the #1 place to look for fanart, etc.
and there’s also a twitter which is Great and a youtube channel with writing advice and q&as on the books and a spotify which i dont know how to link with b o o k p l a y l i s t s fuckin NUT
personally what i really like about alice’s books is that they’re really real?? she’s only 23 (which. i know. what. how do u have ur life so TOGETHER man) so the teenagers Actually Act Like Teenagers Wow. a lot of the topics are also handled really normally. like, nick and charlie’s romance, isn‘t the Big Gay Drama most books turn relationships into. instead, it’s really just a steady, healthy relationship? with two boys? what a Concept? WHILE also dealing w the issues gay couples face (mainly talked about in this winter, because a part of it focuses on charlie rather than tori, solitaire’s mc)radio silence is also really diverse (2/5 MCs are white, 4/5 MCs are not straight, with the 5th being confirmed LGBT off-screen AND THE AUTHOR NOT ACTING LIKE IT WAS HER PLAN ALL ALONG WOW) and as far as my White Ass™ can judge like.. genuinely well-written.
and thats all i have 2 say?? there’s books are fuckin GREAT i finished all of them in less than a day and i Cannot Fucking Read. thanks for ur time
cws for the books under the cut
self-harm (really explicit as mental health is one of the main themes)
suicide (idem)
eating disorders (idem)
violent/suicial thoughts 
radio silence
emotional (child) abuse (explicit)
animal death
and i think that’s it? both books have a good ending despite there being dark parts. pls read. and report back to me. because i love talking abt them. xoxo
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jam-is-my-food · 4 years
writing asks. all of them. ( for 50 uhh just write a paragraph about how hot emmy raver-lampman is in a suit please and thank you </3 )
this is gonna be long asf click keep reading at risk of death or boredom
1.     Do you listen to music when you write?
not usually, it's distracting
 2.     Are you a pantser or plotter?
naturally pantser but if i wanna actually finish smth i gotta plot it hh
 3.     Computer or pen and paper?
computer i'm not a boOmer /j i so am
 4.     Have you ever been published, or do you want to be published?
bitch i wiSh
actually technically i was published in this anthology thing once? and i think i have a piece in a magazine somewhere on the internet i forget those are cool
but yeah bye getting a novel published is my d r e a m (gotta write a novel first tho lawl)
 5.     How much writing do you get done on an average day?
n o t  m u c h
unless i get one of my bUrsts aka finishing a 2.3K almoons chapter before 8am the other week after procrastinating it for like two months 
but yeah jdsghliuedskj it um depends often none
 6.     Single or multiple POV?
i answered that for kiri so i'll just copy paste it over loll
mmm it depends. usually i do single? but i do do multiple occasionally. i almost never do alternating chapters, though, it’s usually more like part one is narrated by person a, part two person b etc.
 7.     Standalone or series?
baha like i could ever write a series (please, please be jinxing yourself rn refster) aside from that one trilogy when i was 7 but uh yeah atm just standalones but a series would be so cool in future 
 8.     Oldest WIP
the aforementioned trilogy. chronicles of clara. it is incREDIBLE. 10/10. so good. so, so good.
 9.     Current WIP
i haven't actually mentioned it on tumblr yet but hehehe it's called the wordweaver's apprentice it's fantasy and i'm v excited about it :DD that was ooc but :DD
 10.  Do you set yourself deadlines?
(also answered for kiri, copy-pasting over)
i? try?
it does not go well?
but then i never finish my projects?
send help pls im dying
11.  Books and/or authors who influenced you the most
lmao the list is too long
 12.  Describe your perfect writing space
somewhere w/o distractions
 13.  Describe your writing process from idea to polished
hm. idea. that's cool. that's cool. write it down. hype myself up. forget about it within a week.
el em mayo
but like
f r LMAO
okay but fr fr idk i don't usually finish stuff but it'd be idea, brainstorm, plot (sort of), write, agonize, write, finish, throw in the other direction and never touch again bc revision whos she
 14.  How do you deal with self-doubts?
cry and spam my friends
 15.  How do you deal with writer’s block?
i don’t - mm. i don’t tend to get writer’s block? or like - idk what to classify as writer’s block? bc sometimes i get blocked for a certain story, but then i get really into like poetry or sum for a week so it’s fine idk
 16.  How many drafts do you need until you’re satisfied with a project?
o n e as i said i don't - revision is a no
 17.  What writing habits or rituals do you have?
uHhHhhhhh idk???
 18.  If you could collaborate with anyone, who would it be, and what would you write about?
*laughs in gfc*
 19.  How do you keep yourself motivated?
i don't. if you have any ideas please hmu i need it.
 20.  How many WIPs and story ideas do you have?
m a n y.
21.  Who is/are your favourite character(s) to write?
mmmmmmmmm i love cass i haven't written her in too long but i think she's probably my most well-done character to date and i'm so proud of her badkghewiludkjs
 22.  Who is/are your favourite pairing(s) to write?
c y i l l
though possible imeini (ship name needs revision) in future we shall see (from twa) (the aforementioned newish wip)
 23.  Favourite author
there are Many
 24.  Favourite genre to write and read
fantasy maybe? ooh dystopia is fun
 25.  Favourite part of writing
everything about it when i'm motivated hh, my problem is getting more motivation
 26.  Favourite writing program
oh idk huh?
27.  Favourite line/scene
 28.  Favourite side character
j o o s t
 29.  Favourite villain
i def have one but i forget
 30.  Favourite idea you haven’t started on yet
too many
31.  Least favourite part of writing
motivating myself :/
 32.  Most difficult character to write
mmmm i'm not really in the throes of a wip atm so idk
 33.  Have you ever killed a main character?
 34.  What was the hardest scene you ever had to write?
drunk will was surprisingly difficult in a fun way. def not the hardest but yeah
 35.  What scene/story are you least looking forward to writing?
god idk
36.  Last sentence you wrote
And then Mei was gone, and in the space that she'd filled, Imani whispered, "I wish I was like you."
 37.  First sentence or your current WIP
It is said that when we came to this stretch of Tatys land, it was empty.
38.  Weirdest story idea you’ve ever had
mm there was one about anthropomorphic chickens battling sentient fruits, the fruits in question also being six-year olds
 39.  Weirdest character concept you’ve ever had
s e e  a b o v e
 40.  Share some backstory for one of your characters
cass's mom used to have a drug problem & she would leave her alone for long stretches of time, she went to rehab and is now sober but it's where cass gets her abandonment issues from
41.  Any advice for new/beginning/young writers?
just write! no one taught me how to do anything, and there's no rules per se, aside from basic grammatical stuff. do what you wanna do, don't worry about others' reactions. this is cliche asf but true.
 42.  How do you feel about love triangles?
mostly gross, but they can be good.
 43.  What do you do if/when characters don’t follow the outline?
adapt. i  g o  w i t h  t h e  f l o w.
 44.  How much research do you do?
not much usually, depends on the genre of story. i do as much as i feel i need to. and ofc i have the random writer search history.
 45.  How much world building do you do?
in the past, not much. twa (once again my new wip) is fantasy, though, so i' m attempting to remedy that.
 46.  Do you reread your own stories?
i do! it's fun to look back at them after a few years and see how much i've improved.
 47.  Best way to procrastinate
random character headcanons/doodle writey spurt thingies
 48.  What’s the most self-insert character/scene you’ve ever written?
bAHA this one scene in the cHrOniCLeS of cLaRa book two when this girl lisa who was 100% self-insert got annoyed at her little sister daisy (sister-insert) for chewing too loudly and then proceeded to use her wAtEr pOwErs to like flood the house. that part was less self-insert.
 49.  Which character would you most want to be friends with, if they were real?
bye that's so hard. c a d m u s & l a u r e n t tho cinnamon rolls are liFE.
 50.  Write a paragraph about how hot emmy raver-lampman is in a suit please and thank you
i don't gotta write my own bitch i have everything i need to plagiarize from right here
"Raver-Lampman’s enthusiasm is contagious. So is her laugh. It comes from deep inside, just like her voice, and it rings out — ricocheting off furniture and walls. Her head is shaved, all except for a distinctive swath of tight curls on the top and left side of her head. She has the tiniest septum ring in her nose, and a tattoo of what looks like a musical note behind her right ear."
- the clearly gay jessica belt
thank you for the ASKS darLING and thank you if you read this idk why or whether you're okay but yup
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