darcyolsson · 7 years
hey vic i wanna read that sweet alice oseman (i think thats their name??) content can u explain in what order i shuld read it and where i can find it?? thank you 💕
ah yes, alice oseman, True lomlafthwinmfcathis got really long i’m sorry
so far there’s 2 books: solitaire and radio silence. i’m not gonna write descriptions for them because i’m really terrible at that but i linked the goodreads lmaosolitaire also comes with two novellas, nick and charlie and this winter
i honestly don’t think it matters what order you read the main books in, but some of the events in solitaire are referenced to in radio silence, so i think u might wanna read solitaire first?? and ofc it’s Advised to read solitaire before the novellas bc then u will know what’s Actually Going On but i won’t judge. u do u.
there’s also heartstopper (@heartstoppercomic), which is a webcomic that takes place a few months before solitaire. it’s about nick and charlie, who are in an established relationship in solitaire, and well please just read the blog description lmao i’m Bad at this. it’s really wholesome and it has a dog.it updates 3 times a month (on the 1st, 21st and 31st) but you can get early updates on alice’s patreon!!!
aaaand there’s also a 3rd book coming in 2018 (spring i think?), title to be revealed, which is about a band? and people who are fans of this band? and i have no idea what it’s about but i already love it?
and well that’s it BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE! alice has 3 blogs, which you’ve most definitely seen if u follow me bc apparently 16% of all my reblogs comes from those three (oops)@spacezeros is her art blog which is. a goddamn gold mine i’ve spent more time in these tags than i would like to admit tbh@chronicintrovert is her main which is just like.. a blog. except run by a person who happens to be an author. the best place for non art directed questions about the books etc. @aliceoseman is really focused on her writing stuff, so the #1 place to look for fanart, etc.
and there’s also a twitter which is Great and a youtube channel with writing advice and q&as on the books and a spotify which i dont know how to link with b o o k p l a y l i s t s fuckin NUT
personally what i really like about alice’s books is that they’re really real?? she’s only 23 (which. i know. what. how do u have ur life so TOGETHER man) so the teenagers Actually Act Like Teenagers Wow. a lot of the topics are also handled really normally. like, nick and charlie’s romance, isn‘t the Big Gay Drama most books turn relationships into. instead, it’s really just a steady, healthy relationship? with two boys? what a Concept? WHILE also dealing w the issues gay couples face (mainly talked about in this winter, because a part of it focuses on charlie rather than tori, solitaire’s mc)radio silence is also really diverse (2/5 MCs are white, 4/5 MCs are not straight, with the 5th being confirmed LGBT off-screen AND THE AUTHOR NOT ACTING LIKE IT WAS HER PLAN ALL ALONG WOW) and as far as my White Ass™ can judge like.. genuinely well-written.
and thats all i have 2 say?? there’s books are fuckin GREAT i finished all of them in less than a day and i Cannot Fucking Read. thanks for ur time
cws for the books under the cut
self-harm (really explicit as mental health is one of the main themes)
suicide (idem)
eating disorders (idem)
violent/suicial thoughts 
radio silence
emotional (child) abuse (explicit)
animal death
and i think that’s it? both books have a good ending despite there being dark parts. pls read. and report back to me. because i love talking abt them. xoxo
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whiskeytangofrogman · 7 years
“16. Over and over again, till it’s nothing but a senseless babble,” from this prompt list! Sorry it took so long D:
Have some short andreil!
Andrew’s knuckles have gone numb by the time the nurse comes out into the waiting room. Since he received the news, his body’s been stiff as a board, hands gripped around the steering wheel of his car and then the hospital room chair for so long that they’ve began to match the shape of the plastic arm. 
Neil had been playing an hour away, on a night Andrew’s team had off. He’d made plans to meet up with Neil after for dinner, hadn’t seen him in a week at least, when Neil had taken a particularly brutal check from an opposing dealer, and had been transported in the background.
Andrew can’t describe the feeling in his throat, watching Neil go down like that, Neil who would play through a broken leg if he could, go down and not get back up. He’d been in the car before he even received the call, of where Neil was being transported and what had happened to him.
The nurse smiles, and gestures for him to follow. He does, ignoring the sinking feeling in his gut that has no room, not here, not now. 
Neil, as always, looks small against the stark white sheets of the hospital bed. Every time feels like one time too many to see this picture spread out before him. 
The nurse tells him Neil should be waking soon. Andrew drags a chair over to the bed, and folds down into it. Neil’s eyelashes flutter against his cheeks, but he doesn’t wake up.
Andrew leans closer, and whispers Neil’s name, hand resting close, but not on, Neil’s own. 
He’s barely aware of himself, muttering Neil’s name and thinking the worst possible thoughts, things like What if something worse had happened and What if I wasn’t fast enough, what if he was farther away.
Neil wakes up, bleary, and winces. He settles a hand against his side. “W’happ’nd?” 
“You fell.” Andrew leans closer, expression blank. Neil’s eyes are clearing by the second, body adjusting to pain and medication in a way that only someone for whom this is nearly routine can. “I keep telling you not to do that.”
Neil laughs, and the dark thoughts, the twisting feeling in Andrew’s gut, the unfamiliarity of all, disappears. He’s okay, his mind whispers, and Andrew presses his forehead to Neil’s. Neil smiles, eyes fluttering shut. “Neil,” Andrew whispers. 
Neil was “I love you.” Neil was “I’m glad you’re safe,” was “I was scared when I saw you go down and the feeling in my chest is something I only get on rooftops and driving fast down highways, and with you.”
Neil is an “I love you” when the words get caught in his throat. He repeats Neil’s name over and over, until it’s nothing but a senseless babble, his name lost in the way only words said repeatedly can be. 
Neil smiles, through the pain meds and the broken ribs and the black eye, and brushes their fingers together. “Andrew,” he says, and Andrew know it means I love you too.
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spiderinej · 7 years
sunshine, rain, lace 💕
aaa thank u so much !! i am still in disbelief that u still follow me, let alone talk to me lol shut up marisa
sunshine: 3 things you do to relax
hmmm i haven’t been relaxed since 2008 but reading, netflix, and drinking tea while chatting with my roomies are my go-tos!
rain: put your music on shuffle and give a 5 song playlist
alright……listen……….. no where is this question does it say I have to put up the first five. I think it’s best for my self esteem if I skip a song or two because quite frankly I have a lot of songs that even I’m like wtf. anyway here’s some of the better songs I have:
let her know // july talklove stuck // mother motherhow to save a life // the frayjungle youth // young the giantmess around // cage the elephant
lace: what’s your favorite piece of clothing?
hmmm in general my favourite things to wear are sweaters but if this question is meant to be specific, I couldn’t live without my leggings lmao
ask me questions!✿
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aaronsminyard · 7 years
✨ (+normal please!) we just found a stray kitten today so ive been hanging w him which has been nice
aw!!! thats so nice, i love cats so much. hmu w cat pictures and uve got my love
url: i dont understand / i dont like it / i like it / i love it / tempted to stealicon: not my style / nice / beautiful / brilliant / tempted to stealtheme: not my style / messy / nice / beautiful / amazing / tempted to stealmobile theme: not my style / alright / nice / amazing / tempted to stealposts: not my style / nice / great / amazing following: no / i am now / yes / ur blog is a favecomment: i saw an icos in my url in my activity and i immediately got excited dkjfhgdjf ur blog is so nice?? 
want one?
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incorrecticos · 7 years
Vivienne: Boyd expresses himself just fine. Isn’t that right, Boyd?
Boyd: What? Yeah. Thanks. Fine, I guess. Whatever, I don’t care, just stop!
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transgenderboobs · 7 years
jean tbh
thank u for the validation ilu
tell me what character u associate me with
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nightlyxo · 7 years
49 50 also give me attention im emo
Thanks u gay emo
49. Zodiac signI’m a libra 
50. Would a persons zodiac sign be a deal breaker for dating them?It wouldn’t be a deal breaker, but I would comment all the time on how compatible various horoscope apps say our signs are
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hsinliuvega · 7 years
louiskrauszer ->  greenspiers !!
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vampirehowl · 7 years
200 follower art requests!
!!!! yay i finally hit 200 followers !!!!
to those who reblogged my promo post you can give me an art request for anything you want (not nsfw im a baby) by november 25!
@itsthegoldenlover @haniltin @kevindaysbutt @louiskrauszer @bluethisisforyou @piperandkatoptris @jooniehowell @pan-icky @gaybeaulieu @sheepnasleep
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darcyolsson · 7 years
HAPPY B DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ilu 😭😭💓💕💓💕💗💗💕💓
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spiderinej · 7 years
i just noticed i love ur mobile theme !
oh my goodness i’m so !! blessed by this message thank u so much for noticing and thank u so much for telling me u made my night ♡✧・゚: *✧・゚
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nightlyxo · 7 years
can i get a fuckin uhhhhhhhhhhhhh x reader fic?
a boneless reader
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hsinliuvega · 7 years
gaybeaulieu -> louiskrauszer
reblog to spread the word ?
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hsinliuvega · 7 years
  gaybeaulieu -> louiskrauszer
what are you looking at me for
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